Berlin Parley Plan Drafted
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Weather Distribution^ Today Fair tUmy, tonight and tomor- BED BANK row. Httb today and tomorrow, i 7,225 75-80. Low tonight SS4t. SM weathef page 1. I(6NDAY THKOocuruDHY-nrr. an SH r-0010 35c PER WEEK IB • toiued d»lly, Uoodw-tnioajh FtW»y. Second Claw Postal* N 18 7c PER COPY VULi 84, pM al Ra4 B,,,), am at Addiuonal Milllni OBIM«, 10, BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Keyport to E. Keansburg Plan to Widen Berlin Parley Upper End Of Plan Drafted Rt. 36 in Spring TRENTON — Rt. 36 in Monmouth County will be Politics and BerlinAllies To yvidened to a four-lane highway from Keyport to East U.S. Hopes W. German Election Keansburg, with construction slated to start next spring, the. state Highway Department informed The Won't Complicate Issue Propose Register yesterday. WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. tics. They were disturbed In At the same time, work will be started on a grade official^ fervently hope West this respect by moves made by German politicians can get Brandt and Adenauer this separation and overpass at the Six" Corners, Rt. 35, in week. Talks Keyport, to provide aC ~~ through the final month of theif. national election campaign There is reason to believe BERLIN <AP) — A pro- that, where possible, American through artery for the high- Ask without' further complicating authorities in Washington and posal to the Russians for GUARD AGAINST INCIDENTS — British soldiers erect a barbed wire barrier around the dangerous East-West crisis way at that point and to in Bonn and Berlin urge the thi Soviet war memorial near the Brandenburg Gate in western sector of Berlin. It over Berlin. high-level talks on the fu- eliminate the Six Corners view that all discussions'of Ber- ture of Germany and Ber- traffic light. Cuban was a precautionary move to avoid retaliatory incidents by irate West Berliners an- The votes will be cast Sept. lin problems be dealt with in gered by the Communist blockage of refugees and workers.. (AP Wirephoto) 17, determining the choice be- the most sober, diplomatic and lin today appeared to be A department spokesman tween Chancelloi Konrad Aden-C non-political manner — in a told The Register that the the Western Allies' next auer, Christian Democrat; and spirit of bipartisan approach. likely move in the Berlin Rt. 36 project will cost an esti- Ship Here Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt, So- The official U.S. position, mated $1,500,000 and that this cial Democrat. Until-that date, however,. is strictly, han^s-off crisis. amount has been budgeted for there will be constant risk rif so-far us the German election Reliable sources in London the 1961-62 fiscal year. Beach Litter Fight the Berlin situation becoming contest is concerned. And the said th'e'United States, Britain more deeply and explosively in- Six Corners Estimate InMystery only line which authorities here and France are drafting new volved in campaign debate. The grade separation project at will take in discussing the mat- messages to Moscow that could ter privately is that U.S. rep- Broadway and Maple PI. (the Six NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - A Harbor Chief Offers Aid; Cite Long Branch Effort American authorities, preoc- lead to meetings of East-West resentatives seize every oppor- Corners), Rt. 35, will cost an es- Cuban merchant vessel reported cupied with the task of de- foreign ministers or chiefs of tunity, in talks with German timated $1,000,000. to have called recently at Russian TRENTON (AP) - H. Mat offer to help fight litter on New Adams said yesterday Col. veloping a firm but non-pro- state. leaders, to stress the impor- Another $1,000,000 will be spent ports lay off this harbor today Adams, commissioner of conser- Jersey beaches from Army Col. Duke wrote that "An Investiga- vocative opposition to Russia's The notes probably will go to tance of Western strength and for the~dualization of one mile of as government agents checked vation and economic develop- C. M. Duke, supervisor of New tion is being made to determine Berlin demands, would like to the Kremlin next weak, tfie unity in the confrontation with Rt. 9 from the new Rt. 18 at the indications at least part of her ment, says he has received an York harbor. the possible source of debris see the whole issue soft-pedaled sources said. They will riply to Russia over Berlin. Marlboro-Madison Township line crew sought political asylum in along the Jersey coast. Our pa- in West German domestic poli- Russian notes of Aug. .) express- south to the junction of County the United States. trol boats have been instructed ing willingness for negotiations Rt. 520 in Marlboro. to follow ships out to sea for aimed at concluding a German The ship, the Bahia de Nipe, some distance and we will again State Highway Commissioner was diverted into this area yes. Olinsky Starts Fight peace treaty. send letters to all shippers rela Dwight R. G. Palmer announced The Western powers were re- terday and then anchored over- tive to dumping garbage or! Keansburg Starts in June that the funds are in- ported as determined as wer to night in Chesapeake Bay. She debris close to shore. j cluded in the $107,012,454 state- With Zoning Board reject Soviet Premier Khrush- federal road construction pro- por^ "today "to"discharge "those Col. Duke added, "The airj chev's demands that West Bpr- patrols of tihe U.S. Coast Guard: gram approved by Gov. Robert|members of ner crew appa«ent|y RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Com-1 when Fred Turner, Middle Rd., lin be made a disarmed, neutral, B. Meyner - but at that time High School Study city and peace treaties he signed ;seekjng t0 escape tne regjme of details of the program were not i mitteeman Marvin Olmsky last;a spectator, inquired why thel^'^f 2te?v^ll at' I with West and East Germany Cuban Prjme Minister Fide night set the stage for a polen-iboard was not taking any action violation of anti-Dollu-' KEANSBURG — The Board of; pinna! study between the two' revealed, Castro. t ct a separate states. tial full scale feud with the Zon- on the LoSapio matter. y U0latl0n ot antl P°lm Education announced last night'groups. 5 Cost Breakdown Coast Guard officers—along tion laws." ing Board of Adjustment. that studies have been .started on; In other business, tile board Time Is Ripe The federal share is set at $84,- with immigration, customs and Chairman Gilbert W. Bennett Adams said Army Col. T. H. Mr. Olinsky, a member of the i the of While the East German Com- $52,727. with the state share fig- health officials—boarded the ves- answered that the "can't Seiffff"also"had'offered'7he ServJ P°«">H«y the construe,instructed its secretary to re-! Planning Board, rapped the Zon- tlon af aa 0 highiquest a written resignation from munists boasted of a victory in ured at $22,359,727. sel in rough seas last night. At act without official notification." ices of the U.S. Corps of Engi-J^,I ^ JumorsemoI™ ™"™r highiquest awntlen resignation from ing Board for "failure'to conform Frank Peters, truant officer. Mr. Hie first round''of the new Ber- In announcing the termination least three Coast Guard boats to the provisions of the law" by Industrial Park l S approached the ship, and one put 7^R^m^R in^lmls' ^""les Gee, ohairma.i of theiPelers offered a verbal resigna- lin crisis, talk in the West of (See RT. 36, Page 2) not referring to the Planning aboard a party, Mr. Bennett also said the board waters school planning commiisee, saidUion at the close of the school tough reprisals tapered off. In- Board the question of the Loi that e recr q wiIwill1 meemeett jinn execulivexecutivee ,sessioessjonn The commissioner Indicated * eati°n f»»'d >* be-!year in ,!une. Applications for^stead. officials in Washington Coast Guard officials declined nB to talk about Ihe case and re- Sapio brothers' two-bay garage|..verysnorUy,.tOc|iscuS8(he that private boat operators ap-<' considered as a possible site. I truant officer will be accepted hyiand London contended lhat the Zoning Code board secretary up to Reds put themselves .>n the He- ferred inquiries to the State De- erected for business use across |posed RanUn.Holm*! industrial parently were observing his br-jT Trie- board hasJjeert. consider^ the l0 llne ( eir adj0lmnf! -1R, [tensive by c]psing_ the border partrn nt . " . "j D Park to be bordered bbyy Union der banning litter on beaches. |ing converting the existing ele- ,?, ' , ., „ . ~ !propertie p s on Middle Rd. A bid received for iraflsporfJTOrouglTBerTm and that"ihe time Clarifications In Washington, the State De-; ppr°Plert le* °" Middl *? . r Ave.Ave... LLaurel Ave., Middle Rd. He said only a few complaints,mentary school into a high; In Washington...., the State . De1 -1 Th' e ,Zonin .„g Board„„„/„., afte„ r near- Qan_d J pRt* ln special;is ripe for negotiations. partment declined comment be- . * ,.*,,,.,',,„,„„,.„. i d R - 5 have been registered since cur-jichoolcur-|ichool,. but due to the COM ofof| ^R tour children to a p|g ing the case at its last two meet-1 r 1 took steps'rent rigid regulations nave been [conversion and lack of land for.class ,n the borough and one to In • new demonstratiodenonstraH n of tht yond acknowledging receipt of a ;„„, »w s, ,, ,,M «r»r th.l Last week, Holmdel Under Study ings, announced it woulm d refer the imately 300 enforced. Adams said they wereiMansion, it believes the high;" special class at Beers Street, Western reluctance to force a ship's arrival.