® ® REEL Uniting our nation through film WHO WE ARE REEL CANADA is a charitable organization whose mission is to introduce students to the power and diversity of Canadian film and engage them in a conversation about what it means to be Canadian. Our travelling film festival has held nearly 1,100 screenings and reached more than 400,000 students over the past 10 years, and it just keeps growing. WHAT WE DO WHY WE DO IT Now entering our 11th season, we offer three core We believe — and our audiences confirm — that programs: really do enjoy watching Canadian films, even though they are often difficult to find in Our Films in Our Schools: We help teachers the commercial marketplace. We bring Canadian and students across Canada organize festivals films directly to students of all ages. of Canadian film in their schools and integrate Canadian film into the classroom. “I think the film unites people as Canadian. We had same feeling while we were watching Welcome to Canada: We introduce new Canadians the movie though we all come from different to Canadian film and culture through festival countries.” events designed specifically for English-language – Adult English-language learner from Korea, learners of all ages. living in National Canadian Film Day: We organize an We agree. Canadian stories truly do have the power annual, nationwide initiative for all Canadians to unite us as a nation. Watching Canadian movies to celebrate Canada through film. Join us in the is a great way to celebrate our country. celebration and watch a great Canadian movie on April 20, 2016. HOW WE DO IT From a single class to an entire school, we can help you put on a festival of Canadian film of any size or scope. The catalogue you hold in your hands is your key to the wealth of Canadian films we offer. Check it out, then email us at [email protected]

We also offer lesson plans, games, quizzes and other resources to help teachers bring this important part of our culture to their students. Lesson plans for grades 9 to 12 in a variety of subject areas, as well as for ESL/ELL students, are available. Just visit www.reelcanada.ca/teachers or contact us for more information. Canadian Films are dah bomb! “ — Grade 11 student, Centennial RHS, " A celebration of Canadian film is such I am a part of REEL CANADA an important part of who we are as because I believe it has the Canadians. power to change the future. — , filmmaker — , actor

Canadian youth should know of Canadian film and J'ai adoré la journée! Bonne expérience. Bravo! culture, and be inspired by how awesome it is! — Élève de 10e année, Collège catholique Franco-Ouest, — Grade 10 student, Abbotsford Senior SS, Abbotsford, BC

Wow! Just wow. Experiencing REEL CANADA made me wish Kids are exposed to This is all I can say. that Canadian films were played in theatres. Canadian films and Canada. AWESOME! *clap clap clap* — Grade 10 student, Bernice McNaughton HS, — Grade 9 student, Garden City — Grade 11 ESL student, Moncton, NB Greenwood SS, Collegiate,

They are excited in seeing films that relate to Being able to talk to Jennifer Podemski them, so it’s really important that we get out was an amazing experience that I will here and do this. The level of excitement is always remember. extraordinary. — Grade 12 student, W.F. Herman Secondary — , filmmaker School, Windsor, ON

REEL CANADA showed me that Canada REEL CANADA is one of the most actually makes really, really amazing movies, promising initiatives I've ever and that they tell great Canadian stories. witnessed. — Grade 9 student, Evan Hardy CI, Saskatoon — , actor

REEL CANADA is a lot like guerilla warfare, taking back our culture one village at a time — except the villages are actually high schools. It’s almost too good to be true. — , filmmaker INTRODUCTION TO REEL CANADA Welcome to our 11th season.

We've just celebrated our 10th anniversary — a huge milestone — and having now brought great Canadian movies to almost 250,000 students of all ages across the country, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re headed. From a modest project in six high schools in Toronto in 2005 to about 100 different events in nine provinces last season, the program has grown enormously over the past 10 years. Very often, Canadian films are not available in the local mall or multiplex. They are available through REEL CANADA, and given the chance to see them, Canadians really do love Canadian movies. We bring our travelling festival to high schools, where students meet and talk with Canadian filmmakers Jack Blum, Executive Director whose work they have just seen. Whether or not it is their first exposure to a Canadian movie (often it is), they Sharon Corder, Artistic Director see themselves and their lives reflected on screen in a way that Hollywood just doesn’t provide. We screen Canadian movies for audiences of new Canadians who are working hard to learn our language and our culture. The movies show them what this incredible country looks like, how Canadian life is different from what they know and how at its heart it is exactly the same. Finally, on National Canadian Film Day, we invite all Canadians to celebrate Canada by watching a great Canadian movie. Once again, our core belief that our films have the power to unite us as a nation has been borne out: Enthusiasm for the day has been infectious. Thousands of people, in every province and territory, have participated in our annual film party and had a lot of fun doing so. REEL CANADA just continues to grow, thanks to the wonderful support of our sponsors, public and private, to the enthusiasm of the actors and filmmakers whose participation makes the events exciting and meaningful, and to you, our audiences who keep telling us in so many ways that you really enjoy the ourselves and the rest of the world. Thank you for taking part. We hope you have a wonderful REEL CANADA experience. Best wishes,

Jack Blum, Executive Director Sharon Corder, Artistic Director

Executive Director: Jack Blum Communications Director: Office: Brie Koniczek Cara McCutcheon Artistic Director: Sharon Corder Office: Terri Cherniack Communications Co-director and Festivals Manager: Jenna Hijazi Office: National Canadian Film Valerie McLeod Administrative Director: Deanna Wong Day Manager: Kasia Gladki Wendy Singer Office & Programming Manager: National Canadian Film Day Associate: Programming Consultants: Alison Zemell Elizabeth Mudenyo Marc Glassman, programmer emeritus Development Consultant: Graphics Associate: Chantal Speirs Andrew Butko, associate Dianne Schwalm Educational Resources Coordinator: Publishing Consultant: BlueAppleWorks Technical Director: Mark Meeks Joshua Bertram Creative, Graphic Design & Website: Creative Consultant: Katarina Gligorijevic Educational Resources Coordinator Agency 71 Inc. Emeritus: Richard Park Video Editor: Jack Feore Production Coordinators: Lauren Bell Cultural Consultant: Duke Redbird National Honourary Patron: Right Melissa O’Neil Atlantic Office: Honourable Adrienne Clarkson Anthony Swan Janet MacDougall-Turner Founding Patron: David Miller, 63rd Mayor Stephanie Turenko Jonathan McKay of Toronto

REGISTERED CHARITABLE # 8508 92 36 5 RR0001 www.reelcanada.ca • 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 504, Toronto, M5S 2R4 • 416-642-5796 • 1-855-733-5709 • Fax: 647-557-2111 4 MESSAGE FROM THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, ADRIENNE CLARKSON, P.C., C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D. Greetings and best wishes to the students, teachers and f ilmmakers who will be participating in the 11th season of REEL CANADA this year. REEL CANADA’s program of presenting Canadian f ilms to high school students in an exciting f ilm festival format is an innovative way to expose Canadian youth to the history, diversity and wealth of Canadian culture and creative talent. I am delighted to know that REEL CANADA is now active in 10 provinces and territories across Canada and I look forward to the day when the program is accessible to students in all regions of our great country. We are a nation of immigrants. With the exception of the people of the , all of us came from somewhere else at one time or another. This means that we all must meet the challenge of belonging, of discovering what it is to make this country our own. In today’s globally connected, media-f illed world, this is Adrienne Clarkson as true for those of us whose great-great-grandparents f irst arrived and settled here as it is for the newcomers National Patron who stream into our country every year. In 2005, I founded the Institute for Canadian Citizenship to foster discussion about the signif icance of citizenship and to create awareness among all Canadians of the need to participate actively in the integration of new citizens into our society. The Institute also strives to enable new Canadians to be more informed about Canada — its history, culture and way of life — and thus more engaged and connected to Canada and the communities in which they live. Thus I am particularly pleased to know that REEL CANADA now screens its films to adult newcomers enrolled in ESL training programs. This aspect of REEL CANADA’s work represents to me nation-building at its most creative, innovative, visionary and effective. I also applaud REEL CANADA’s initiative in establishing National Canadian Film Day, an opportunity for all Canadians to experience and celebrate our outstanding and unique Canadian cinema. The enthusiastic response of students, teachers, adult newcomers, and indeed all Canadians who experience REEL CANADA indicates clearly that it is an entertaining and stimulating way to be introduced to the great work of Canadian f ilmmakers. But I believe it is also a great way to start talking about what it means to be Canadian. This conversation is urgently needed, especially among young people and newcomers to Canada. It is an important endeavour and one that I am pleased and proud to support as National Patron. I wish you all a fantastic and inspiring festival experience.

Adrienne Clarkson


Curtis Barlow, Denise Bolduc Reg Bronskill Atom Egoyan Colm Feore Liz Shorten Veronica Tennant Chair THE REEL CANADA ADVISORY COMMITTEE INCLUDES: Hussain Amarshi Andrew Currie Norman Jewison Gordon Pinsent Tara Spencer-Nairn David Daniels Robert Lantos Jacob Tierney Carl Bessai Bruce McDonald Michel Poulette Kevin Tierney Gary Burns Niv Fichman Don McKellar Peter Raymont Jean-Marc Vallée Érik Canuel Émile Gaudreault Deepa Mehta Denise Robert Clement Virgo Jerry Ciccoritti Bryan Gliserman Charlotte Mickie Patricia Rozema Paul Gross Geoff Pevere Mina Shum 5 MESSAGE FROM THE HONOURABLE SHELLY GLOVER Our Government is proud to help organizations that help our youth explore our country’s arts and culture at the same time as its history and heritage. This is precisely what REEL CANADA accomplishes through its Our Films in Our Schools program. This initiative will let 50,000 young people in high school create a true festival of films to spark a dialogue about national identity. This is a wonderful way to both discover the world of cinema and better understand the nation of Canada.

Shelly Glover On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Government of Canada, I commend all those who joined Minister of Canadian efforts to make it possible for our youth to enjoy unforgettable moments. I would like to thank REEL CANADA for Heritage and Official its commitment to raising interest in Canadian films among secondary school students. Languages Ministre du Patrimoine canadien Notre gouvernement est fier d’appuyer des organismes qui permettent à nos jeunes d’explorer la scène culturelle et des Langues et artistique du pays, de même que son histoire et son patrimoine. C’est exactement ce qu’accomplit REEL CANADA officielles par le programme Nos films dans nos écoles. Grâce à cette initiative, quelque 50 000 jeunes du secondaire prépareront un véritable festival de films afin d’entamer un dialogue au sujet de l’identité nationale. Voilà une belle façon de s’initier au monde du cinéma et de mieux connaître la nation canadienne. Au nom du premier ministre Stephen Harper et du gouvernement du Canada, je salue tous ceux et celles qui ont conjugué leurs efforts pour que nos jeunes puissent vivre des moments inoubliables. Merci à REEL CANADA qui a à cœur de susciter l’intérêt des jeunes du secondaire pour le cinéma canadien.

The Honourable / L’honorable Shelly Glover

MESSAGE FROM THE HONOURABLE LIZ SANDALS On behalf of the Ontario Government, I am pleased to once again have the opportunity to extend my best wishes to REEL CANADA for giving Ontario students another exciting year of Canadian cinema. Your programming offers young people the chance to learn about and nurture their sense of Canadian identity through the medium of film. Building a sense of enthusiasm in students for home-grown entertainment that is unique to the Canadian experience is an admirable goal, and one which REEL CANADA continues to achieve, year after year. Liz Sandals Minister of Education In recognition of the valuable role the arts play in our students’ overall education, I am happy to extend my support La Ministre de and appreciation to REEL CANADA for helping to bring Canadian films to students across Ontario. l’Éducation Once again, please accept my best wishes for another successful year.

J’ai de nouveau le plaisir de présenter, au nom du gouvernement de l’Ontario, mes meilleurs vœux de réussite à REEL CANADA, que je remercie de faire vivre aux élèves de l’Ontario une autre année passionnante de cinéma canadien. Votre programmation donne aux jeunes la chance d’en apprendre plus sur leur identité canadienne et de la cultiver au moyen du cinéma. Susciter l’enthousiasme des élèves à l’égard d’œuvres de nos cinéastes qui révèlent le caractère unique de l’expérience canadienne est un but admirable que REEL CANADA continue de réaliser, année après année. Reconnaissant le rôle essentiel que jouent les arts dans l’éducation de nos élèves dans son ensemble, je suis heureuse de témoigner mon soutien et mon appréciation à REEL CANADA. Merci de contribuer à faire connaître le cinéma canadien aux élèves de toutes les régions de l’Ontario. Je vous souhaite une autre année fructueuse.

Liz Sandals, Minister of Education / La ministre de l’Éducation, Liz Sandals

6 MESSAGE FROM MICHEL ROY, CHAIR OF THE BOARD, TELEFILM CANADA Telefilm Canada is pleased to partner with REEL CANADA, a grassroots program that strives to unite the nation through cinema. By encouraging Canadians to celebrate and to discuss homegrown stories, REEL CANADA plays an important role in building audiences for our films. Original, relevant, entertaining and moving, the stories told by our filmmakers find success both at home and abroad. Canadian productions are screened in official competition at international festivals and at galas across the country, winning prestigious awards as well as capturing the hearts of audiences. Michel Roy Chair of the Board Working with REEL CANADA, Telefilm and the industry attract the interest of young moviegoers and newcomers in Telefilm Canada Canadian films; these audiences are very important to the success of our cinema. Président du conseil Téléfilm Canada On behalf of Telefilm, I would like to thank REEL CANADA for providing these audiences with the opportunity to better get to know our national cinema. And to my fellow movie-goers, I invite you to discover all that Canadian talent has to offer.

Téléfilm Canada est heureuse de s’associer à REEL CANADA, un projet rassembleur qui permet à la nation de se réunir autour de notre cinéma. En encourageant les Canadiens à célébrer et à partager nos histoires, REEL CANADA joue un rôle primordial pour rejoindre les auditoires de longs métrages canadiens. Originales, émouvantes, pertinentes et amusantes, les histoires de nos cinéastes connaissent le succès, autant au pays qu’à l’étranger. Elles sont présentées lors de festivals internationaux et de galas à travers tout le pays, remportant de prestigieuses récompenses, tout en gagnant le cœur des spectateurs. En travaillant de pair avec REEL CANADA, Téléfilm et l’industrie suscitent l’intérêt des jeunes cinéphiles et des nouveaux arrivants pour les films canadiens, des publics très importants pour le succès de notre cinéma. Au nom de Téléfilm, je tiens à remercier REEL CANADA et ses organisateurs de donner la possibilité à divers groupes de Canadiens d’entrer dans l’univers de notre cinéma national.

Amoureux du septième art, je vous invite à découvrir ce que le talent canadien a à offrir!

Michel Roy REEL CANADA GUESTS Below is a list of guests who have shared their time with students to help make our festivals such a success: Jim Allodi Dan Diamond Nancy Lang Jared Raab Andrés Aquino Neil Diamond Christian Larouche Raghav Patricia Aquino Joe Dinicol Ron Lea Joel Ralph Debra Arbec Michael Dowse Miyoung Lee Anand Ramayya Tré Armstrong Ken Dryden Mehernaz Lentin Josh Raskin Harvey Atkin Bob Duff David Lewis Lisa Ray DEEPA MEHTA Robin Aubert Kevin Duhaney Robert Lieberman Peter Raymont Joel Bakan Blair Dykes Nadia Litz Patrick Reid Liane Balaban Atom Egoyan Fred Liu Kyle Rideout Cordell Barker Thom Ernst Keith Lock Velcrow Ripper Deborah Beard Pete Ewins Peter Lynch Hugh Beard Erin Faith-Young Michael Mabbott Chloé Robichaud Zachary Beckwith Philippe Falardeau Allie MacDonald Brent Robinson Daniel Beirne Avi Federgreen Luke Macfarlane Ronica Sajnani Camilla Belle Colm Feore Rishma Malik Devyani Saltzman Clé Bennett Niv Fichman Jean-Patrice Martel Paul Saltzman Sonja Bennett Jay Field Mike Maryniuk Elizabeth Bigelow Gerry Flahive Raymond Massey Patrick Sharangabo ÉRIK CANUEL John Bolton Amanda Forbis Elan Mastai Emil Sher Devon Bostick Jill Frappier Kari Matchett Mina Shum Jean-Carl Boucher Jonathan Gagnon Steven McCarthy Alexander Silberberg George Brady Steve Gallucio Bruce McDonald Kathleen Smith Lara Brady Émile Gaudreault Michael McGowan Sonja Smits Manon Briand Colin Geddes Stephen McHattie Mandeep Sodhi Pierre-Luc Brillant James Genn Don McKellar Tara Spencer-Nairn Adam Brodie Barbara Gordon Tom McSorley Cecile St. Amant James Brylowski Danis Goulet Deepa Mehta Peter Stebbings Rob Gray Kate Melville Rob Stewart Gary Burns Greg Middleton Nicholas Campbell Paul Gross David Miller Amanda Strong Érik Canuel Emily Hampshire Jay Molloy Anne Tait MANON BRIAND Arlene Chan David Hardy Annmarie Morais Veronica Tennant Andrew Chiang Dennis Heaton Evan Morgan Éric Tessier Jeff Chiba Stearns Saul Henteleff Nathan Morlando Kristen Thompson Suzanne Chisholm Matt Hopkins Daniel Keith Morrison Jacob Tierney Robert Chomiak Lisa Houle Kevin Tierney Deborah Chow Doug Hum Dwain Murphy Wendy Tilby Caroline Christie Emily Hunter Kim Nelson Jean-Marc Vallée Jerry Ciccoritti David Hyde Jonathan Ng Spencer Van Wyck Lindsey Clark Marvin Ishmael Peter O’Brian Ajay Virmani Kevin Courrier Melanie Jackson Charles Officer Vinay Virmani Derby Crewe Renuka Jeyapalan David Ostry Alana Wagner Wendy Crewson Jennifer Jonas Alex Ozerov JACOB TIERNEY Gene Waltz Richard Crouse Leo Kabalisa John Paizs Albertine Watson Howard Curle Isabelle Kaif Michael Parfit Larry Weinstein Andrew Currie Serge Kaptegaine Megan Park Jesse Wente Michael D’Ascenzo Sonali Karnick Cheldon Paterson Robert Wertheimer Hubert Davis Hadley Kay Michael Perlmutter Mel Davis Peter Keleghan Eric Peterson Claire Wihogora Noah Decter-Jackson Dev Khanna Geoff Pevere Andrew Williamson Robert Deleskie Joe Pingue George Willis Norma Dell'Agnese Luke Kirby Gordon Pinsent Jaime Woo Linda Del Rosario Greg Klymkiw Jennifer Podemski Janelle Wookey Lee Demarbre Jody Kramer Sarah Polley Robert Wright Dave Derewlany Peter Kuplowsky Michel Poulette Hon. Kathleen Wynne TARA SPENCER-NAIRN Caroline Dhavernas Tristan D. Lalla Katie Yu

LIANE8 BALABAN PETER RAYMONT AJAY VIRMANI CHLOÉ ROBICHAUD FACILITATORS & HOSTS Renée Aubin Angie Gei David C. Jones Michael Redhead John Bolton Deborah Grover Marvin Karon Champagne Katrin Bowen Mehdi Hamdad Dušan Magdolen Patrick Smith Terri Cherniack Andrew Harrison Jonathan McKay Ravi Srinivasan Norma Dell’Agnese Andrew Hicks Cliff Prang


EVENT MANAGER Jerry Brown Mike LeClair Danielle Roach EMERITUS Andrew Butko Jess Lincoln Pat Scandale Maria Popoff Olivia Cataford Leeav Lipton Jay Smith Alex Chiu Donna Lytle Whitney Smith SUPPORT STAFF Tuled Giovanazzi Patrick MacNeil Beth Spratt Fatima Ahmed Arielle Goldschläger John Major Philippe Spurrell Justin Arjune Andrew Hicks Farah Malik Adelle Taylor Jason Bagnell Eric Houstoun Kate Mangan Anderson Mike Tjioe David Baker Steven Hunnie Sasha Maslow Toronto Film School Katie Bell Jonas Jacobs Alanna McConnell student volunteers CHARLES OFFICER Tom Bell Hélène Joly Jonathan McKay Zenon Turczyn John Bluethner Cheri Kelly Philip Mercier Adrian Villagomez Allie Blumas Brie Koniczek Natasha Naveau Yang Zeng Effie Bountris Annelise Larson Kurt Ogilvie Shaun Brodie Jeremy Latawiec Kevin O’Neil

EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS Jennifer Acevedo Zoe Flatman Everton Lewis David Reid Stephanie Alexander Toula Germanakos Sandra Lockyer Dan Retson COLM FEORE Neil Andersen Diane Hardy Yolanda Mak Cheryl Richmond Gino Bondi Peter Hendrickson Kirk Mark Kevin Robinson Andrew Boon Sonia Jeannotte Lisa McGuire Babe Santucci Aspasia Dassios Penny Karanis Mary Jane McNamara Nina Silver Tina De Castro Dustin Keller Niki Mitsopoulos Cathy Simo Denise Deziel Jason Kunin Sandra Mustacato Peter Tipold Tahira Ebrahim Alex Leblanc Sarah Patten Karen Varga Joel Dietrich Jenny Lee Donna Profit David Zinck

th Thank you to the teachers and students of the following schools for test-screening films for the 11 edition of our DON McKELLAR catalogue: Danforth LINC, Collège catholique Franco-Ouest, Dartmouth HS, Evan Hardy Collegiate, Jean Vanier CHS, Louise Arbour SS, Oakwood CI, Riverdale CI.

EDUCATIONAL PARTNERS Bow Valley College Riverside School Board Canada's History Teach for Canada Greater Essex County District School Board Vancouver Community College Peel District School Board Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board PAUL GROSS

GORDON PINSENT JENNIFER PODEMSKI MICHEL POULETTE VINAY VIRMANI 9 REEL CANADA would not exist without the dedication and support of a large number of individuals and organizations. Our sincere appreciation goes out to the following:

DONORS Blais-Green Charitable Foundation The McLean Foundation Davies-Takacs Foundation The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation

Anonymous x 2 Shawn Kerwin Robin Aubert Hadley Kay Eric Peterson Jill Arthur Dan Lyon Tony Burgess Peter Keleghan Tara Spencer-Nairn Curtis Barlow Karin Martin Deborah Chow Luke Kirby Peter Stebbings Guy Beaudin John McKellar Dan Diamond Christian Larouche Rob Stewart Jack Blum Ian Perowne Michael Dowse Robert Lieberman Ajay Virmani Sharon Corder Aubrey Reeves Atom Egoyan Elan Mastai Vinay Virmani Rita Davies Sugith Varughese Jonathan Gagnon Kari Matchett Ronald Factor Joyce Zemans Emily Hampshire Don McKellar Jane Gutteridge Dennis Heaton Michael Parfit

SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS Francesca Accinelli David Hamilton & Co-Chairs: John Galway and Karen Thorne-Stone Moira Bell Deepa Mehta David Collenette Michael Hennessy Diane Boehme David Hamilton Stephanie Morgenstern David Daniels Ellis Jacob Norm Bolen David Hardy Bill Skolnik Kirk Comrie Peter Keleghan Andreas Souvaliotis Rupert Duchesne Peter Keleghan Suzette Couture David Kines Jay Switzer Atom Egoyan Michael Kennedy Mark Ellis Robert Lantos Andra Takacs Colm Feore Robert Lantos David Ferry Chad Maker Ajay Virmani Jane Gutteridge Valerie McLeod Bryan Gliserman David Miller Karen Walton Irfhan Rawji

SUPPORTERS Tom Alexander Peter Coady Maria Hale John McGrath Janet Slasor Michele Alosinac David Collenette Piers Handling Ross McGregor Mark Slone Shelly Ambrose Aram Collier Martin Harbury David McNaughton Robin Smith George Anthony Ginny Collins Greg Harper Frank Mendicino Alejandra Sosa Michelle Arbus Alan Convery Melanie Hartley Cameron Miller Bruno Soucy Christine Armstrong Heather Conway Jean-Marie Heimrath Marie Moliner Helga Stephenson Ron Atkey Noah Cowan Scott Henderson Silvia Murday Elizabeth Stewart Suzan Ayscough Valerie Creighton Brett Hendrie Gary Murphy Ron Suter Ali Badruddin Lauren Dalton Claire Hopkinson Kristine Murphy Peter Tabuns, MPP Cameron Bailey Rhys Davies Mert Inal Joanna Myles Craig Takeuchi Ellen Baine Rita Davies Christine Innes Sarah Necoloff Mona Taylor Michael Barry Karen Davis Christine Jackson Daniel Northway-Frank Karen Temple Guy Beaudin Joanna Dawson Mike Jancik Jean-François D. Patrice Theroux Sue Biely Denise Deziel Melissa Kajpust O'Bomsawin Darren Throop John Bitov Pauline Dhillon Lila Karim Grainnie O’Donnell Pat Tobin Chris Bonnell John Dippong Arsinée Khanjian Kevin Parent Theresa Tova Mark Boscariol John Doig Peter Kingstone Maureen Parker Anita Townsend Carolle Brabant Ferne Downey Slawko Klymkiw Laurel Parry Anne Trueman Wanda Bradley Angie Driscoll Pamela Kowarsky Diane Patenaude Robert Underwood Kaitlin D’Silva Erika Kumar Marguerite Pigott Joanne Vannicola Bonnie Brownlee Pierre Even Sylvie Lalut Eddy Polack Sheila de la Varende Richard Brownsey Erika Fabian Chris Lane Marie-Claude Poulin Sugith Varughese Lisa Bugden David Ferns Anne Laplante Robin Reelis Risa Veffer Julia Ain Burns Peter Finestone Gallant Law Shannon Robertson James Villeneuve Sarabeth Burns Diane Flanagan Jennifer Lawless Annemarie Roe James Weyman Margaret Burnside Dave Forget James Little Paul Roth Justine Whyte Helen Burstyn Marie-Hélène Fox Joy Loewen Patricia Rozema Barbara Williams Neil Campbell Andrew Frank Rose Low Jackie Rubin Norm Wilner Don Carmody Felize Frappier Dan Lyon Samantha Rupert John Wimbs Cllr. Shelley Carroll Colin Geddes Jeff Lyons Jason Ryle Carrie Wolfe Wayne Carter Toula Germanakos Sheena MacDonald Noora Sagarwala Robert Wong Raphaelle Catteau Marcy Gerstein Camilla MacEachren Marc Séguin Jason Wright Chris Chin Rebecca Gold Jean-Claude Mahé Zaib Shaikh Clinton Young Michelle Chow-How Alan Goluboff Michèle Maheux Andra Sheffer Donna Zuchlinski Trent Churchill Steve Gravestock Pat Marshall Marni Shulman Ted Clark Micah Haince Cynthia Mason Magali Simard Founding Sponsor Premier Corporate Sponsor

An agency of the Government of Ontario. Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario.

This project is funded in part by the Ce projet est financé en partie par le Government of Canada. gouvernement du Canada. Proud to support REEL CANADA.

® The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. M05234 (0314) FESTIVAL PARTNERS

Proud to support REEL CANADA.

Available Light Film Festival DOXA Documentary Film Festival Shivers Film Festival Alucine Film Festival Manifesto Film Festival The Sunrise Film Festival Barrie Film Festival Mirror Mountain Film Festival Toronto After Dark Film Festival Chilliwack Arts Council Film Festival Scarborough Worldwide Film Festival

® The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. M05234 (0314) SHOWCASING CANADA’S TALENT.





TITLE ShowcasingCanada’stalent THE FILMS From pages 16 to 51 you will find the films — features, documentaries, shorts and animations — that you can select from for your REEL CANADA festival or for in-class use.

On page 82 you will also find an index of all our feature films, organized by theme. If you’re looking for a film on a particular subject, consult this list, or write to us at [email protected] for advice. LEGEND

ESL Denotes films that are appropriate SHOWCASING for English-language learners. GRADES 11–12 Denotes films that contain mature CANADA’S subject matter. TALENT. Denotes films that were produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

NOTES ON FILM RATINGS Our catalogue lists the Ontario Film Review Board’s ratings for each film. To check the rating of a particular film in other provinces and territories, please consult the film’s page on our website, www.reelcanada.ca/films. The rating “NR” denotes a film that has never received theatrical distribution and was therefore never rated by any provincial government film ratings agencies.





TITLE ShowcasingCanada’stalent 45 RPM (2008) Director/Screenwriter: David Schultz. Starring: Jordan Gavaris, Michael Madsen, Kim Coates, Justine Banszky, MacKenzie Porter. 91 minutes. PG Small-town life is driving Parry Tender ('s Gavaris) crazy. It’s the fall of 1960, and Parry spends his time being pursued for truancy by the town constable (Coates) and hanging out with his best friend, Luke (Banszky), a tomboy with some dark secrets in her past. When an American military man (Madsen) brings his family to town, his daughter Debbie (Porter) steals Parry’s heart, much to Luke’s jealous frustration. This heartfelt and often funny coming-of-age drama takes a turn when a strange weather 45 RPM is condition suddenly allows Parry to receive a radio interesting, funny, DAVID SCHULTZ broadcast from , and he starts to amusing and it Schultz has more than 20 years of filmmaking believe that a contest the station is running might experience. He wrote and directed the just be his ticket out of town. relates to me. feature films Jet Boy and Rufus and his writing — Grade 10 student, credits include adaptations of Joy Fielding’s Emery CI, Toronto best-selling novels Don’t Cry Now and The Other Woman, and Daniel Kalla’s Pandemic.

THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ ESL (1974) Director: Ted Kotcheff. Screenwriters: Lionel Chetwynd and , based on his novel. Starring: Richard Dreyfuss, Micheline Lanctôt, Jack Warden, Randy Quaid. 120 minutes. PG Duddy Kravitz (Dreyfuss) is a brash, working-class Jewish kid from Montreal determined to make a name for himself — no matter what it takes. Taking to heart his grandfather’s advice that “a man without land is nothing,” Duddy gets involved in a series of get-rich- quick schemes in order to purchase a lakeshore property in the Laurentian mountains. As his business ventures backf ire in different ways, Duddy must come to terms with the fact that he’s attaining his goals at the expense of something more important — friendship and love. Both funny and touching, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a TED KOTCHEFF true Canadian classic. Toronto-born Kotcheff has produced and directed films in the UK, the US and Canada, The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay and won including Fun with Dick and Jane, Joshua Then Film of the Year at the . and Now and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, which won the Golden at the Berlin International Film Festival.

ATANARJUAT: THE FAST RUNNER (2001) Director: . Screenwriter: Paul Apak Angilirq. Starring: , Sylvia Ivalu, Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq, Lucy Tulugarjuk. 161 minutes. AA (Inuktitut with English subtitles) Based on an ancient legend, Atanarjuat is an epic tale of love, betrayal and revenge. The beautiful Atuat (Ivalu) has been promised to the short-fused Oki (Arnatsiaq), the son of the tribe’s leader. However, she loves the good-natured Atanarjuat (Ungalaaq), a fast runner and excellent hunter. When Atanarjuat is forced to battle the jealous Oki for Atuat’s hand, the events that follow determine not only his fate, but that of his people. Atanarjuat won 20 awards, including eight Genies and the Caméra d’Or at the 2001 Cannes international film festival. ZACHARIAS KUNUK An Officer of the Order of Canada, Kunuk is “I am not surprised that The Fast Runner has been a box office hit in its opening a Canadian Inuit director, producer, and co- engagements. It is unlike anything most audiences will ever have seen, and yet it founder of the distribution company Isuma tells a universal story.” TV. He directed the critically acclaimed feature The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, the short film — , Chicago Sun-Times Qaggiq (p.49), and recently co-directed Inuit NOTE: Due to the unusually long running time of this film, if you would like to screen Cree Reconciliation with Neil Diamond. Atanarjuat please contact us to discuss the logistics.

16 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS ESL (2006) Director/Screenwriter: Sarah Polley. Starring: , Gordon Pinsent, Wendy Crewson, Olympia Dukakis, . 110 minutes. PG Based on ’s short story “The Bear Came over the Mountain,” this moving f ilm tells the story of Fiona (Christie) and Grant (Pinsent), a couple who have been married for over 40 years. As Fiona’s “forgetfulness” grows worse, the couple are forced to come to terms with the fact that it is actually Alzheimer’s, and they begin a journey that will test the bond they’ve shared for decades. An enduring love story with a powerful message We were very about friendship, generosity and devotion, Away From Her was nominated for two Oscars and touched. The film was very moving. SARAH POLLEY won over 39 other awards. It won seven Genies, Now an Officer of the Order of Canada, Polley including Best Picture, Best Director and Best — ESL student from China, began her career as a child actor for film and Screenplay, among others. Jones Avenue School, Toronto TV. She became a respected director and Oscar- nominated screenwriter for her directorial debut, Away From Her, and has also directed Take This Waltz and Stories We Tell, which won Best Feature Documentary at the 2013 . BARNEY’S VERSION GRADES 11–12 (2010) Director: Richard J. Lewis. Screenwriters: Michael Konyves, Mordecai Richler, based on his novel. Starring: , Rosamund Pike, Scott Speedman, . 134 minutes. 14A Barney’s Version tells the story of Barney Panofsky, played by Paul Giamatti in a Golden Globe–winning performance. As he progresses from young adulthood to old age, Barney ricochets from one romantic entanglement to another, trying to keep his outrageous father (Hoffman) under control while being pursued by a cop who suspects him of murdering his best friend, Boogie (Speedman). Based on Mordecai Richler’s –winning bestseller of the same name, this rich and hilarious film won seven and was nominated for an Oscar. RICHARD J. LEWIS “The impeccably cast confessional, with a pitch-perfect Paul Giamatti leading the way, Lewis’s television credits include episodes of nimbly traverses the four decades in its lead character’s eventful life with considerable Due South, Power Play, Beggars and Choosers, exuberance, visual flair and, ultimately, grace.” — Michael Rechtshaffen, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Person of Interest and many others. His critically Hollywood Reporter acclaimed debut feature, , won four Genie Awards. Barney’s Version is his second feature film.

BOLLYWOOD/HOLLYWOOD ESL (2002) Director/Screenwriter: Deepa Mehta. Starring: Rahul Khanna, Lisa Ray, Rishma Malik, Moushumi Chatterjee. 105 minutes. PG Set in Toronto and its wealthier suburbs, Bollywood/Hollywood joyfully subverts the romantic conventions of both cultures. Rahul (Khanna), a rich South Asian Canadian dot-com entrepreneur, is pressured by his mother (Chatterjee) and grandmother to f ind a nice Hindu girl to accompany him to the elaborate wedding ceremony of his sister (Malik). As a joking way of accommodating them, he hires Sue (Ray), a beautiful escort girl, to pretend to be his f iancée. Naturally, the two fall in love, and just as naturally, complications ensue. Incorporating the wild stylistic excesses of Bollywood — the melodrama, the choreography and Deepa is an amazing DEEPA MEHTA the music — Mehta allows Indian culture and societal An Officer of the Order of Canada, director and director and I’ll screenwriter Mehta is known for her trilogy of attitudes to play out in Toronto. watch her other films: Fire, Earth and the Oscar-nominated Water “Much hilarity, joyful song and dance numbers and movies. (p.41). Mehta’s adaptation of Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children (p.30) was nominated a surprisingly touching love story.” — Kevin Laforest, — Grade 11 student, The for eight Canadian Screen Awards. Her next Montreal Film Journal Woodlands School, feature film is Beeba Boys. , ON REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 17 BON COP, BAD COP (2006) Director: Érik Canuel. Screenwriters: Leila Basen, Alex Epstein, Patrick Huard, Kevin Tierney. Starring: Colm Feore, Patrick Huard. 116 minutes. 14A (Bilingual: French and English) A box-office smash, Bon Cop, Bad Cop is an action-packed comedy about two policemen who are thrown together to solve a crime committed on the border between Quebec and Ontario. Ward (Feore) and Boucher (Huard) couldn’t be more different: one is an English-speaker from Toronto, the other is a French- speaker from Montreal; one never deviates from established procedure, the other is a rebel who It had me on the refuses to play by the rules. The detectives soon edge of my seat. ÉRIK CANUEL learn that if they are to solve this lurid crime, which — Grade 12 student, Canuel made music videos and TV is linked to the world of hockey, they need to stop commercials before turning to film. His Riverside SS, Windsor, ON features include Nez Rouge, Le Dernier Tunnel bickering and work together. With uproarious and Bon Cop, Bad Cop, which won a Genie performances from both leads, Bon Cop, Bad Cop for Best Motion Picture and the Golden Reel is a genuinely clever take on the buddy-cop genre Award. Canuel recently directed Barrymore that will keep you captivated throughout. and Lac Mystère. LES BOYS (The “Boys”) (1998) Director: Louis Saïa. Screenwriters: Christian Fournier, Louis Saïa. Starring: Rémy Girard, Marc Messier, Pierre Lebeau. 110 minutes. AA (French with English subtitles) This hockey comedy is a true phenomenon. Les Boys has captured the hearts of Canadian audiences with its rowdy humour, down-to-earth characterizations and appealing plots. Stan (Girard), the very likeable tavern owner and hockey coach, allows himself to run up a huge gambling debt to Meo (Lebeau), the local Mob boss. Meo offers Stan a deal: If his pub's team, Les Boys, can defeat Meo’s band of thugs at a game of hockey, the tavern remains his. If not, the Mob will take over Chez Stan. Naturally, LOUIS SAÏA Les Boys, an out-of-shape group of hockey enthusiasts, are highly motivated to win the Montreal director/actor/writer Saïa is known game. How they go about doing so is the basis of this popular comedy hit. for his trilogy Les Boys I, II and III, each of which won the Golden Reel Award for biggest box “Surprisingly effective French Canadian amateur hockey farce…” office in Canada. Saïa’s TV directing credits — Christopher Null, FilmCritic.com include the French-language Vice Caché, Max Inc. and the Les Boys television adaptation.

BREAKAWAY ESL (2011) Director: Robert Lieberman. Screenwriters: Noel S. Baker, Jeffrey Alan Schechter, Matt Simmons, Vinay Virmani. Starring: Vinay Virmani, , Rob Lowe, Camilla Belle. 101 minutes. PG Rajveer Singh (Virmani) is struggling to balance the wishes of his traditional Sikh family and his own true passion for hockey. Raj and his friends play only for fun, held back by the prejudice and mockery of other teams as their turban-clad crew steps onto the ice. Enter Coach Dan Winters (Lowe) and soon the Speedy Singhs are competing in a real tournament, while Raj is falling in love with the coach’s beautiful sister, I got to meet Vinay Melissa (Belle). Virmani, and it made me so happy. I will never ROBERT LIEBERMAN A cross-cultural story of self-discovery, Breakaway For almost four decades, Lieberman has been forget it. I was just the one of the busiest directors in the film and TV is a heartwarming, action-filled comedy, bringing a happiest person ever. industry. Apart from Breakaway, he is perhaps dash of Bollywood to Canada’s favourite sport. With best known for directing the feature film D3: a hilarious supporting cast including comedian I LOVE REEL CANADA! The Mighty Ducks. Lately he has enjoyed a Russell Peters, Breakaway will have you cheering — Grade 9 student, John Oliver SS, prolific career directing TV shows such as Lost Vancouver Girl, The Listener, Republic of Doyle and Haven. for its unlikely heroes.

18 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS CITIZEN DUANE (2006) Director: Michael Mabbott. Screenwriter: Jonathan Sobol. Starring: Douglas Smith, Devon Bostic, Vivica A. Fox, Donal Logue. 90 minutes. 14A A quirky comedy with a lot of heart, Citizen Duane tells the tale of Duane Balfour (Smith), a teenager with big dreams born into a family of spectacular failures. What starts out as a simple schoolyard rivalry snowballs out of control when Duane decides to run for mayor of his tiny town of Ridgeway. To succeed, he must not only overcome powerful political opponents, but also his own insecurities. Duane’s favourite teacher (Fox), his girlfriend and I think every high even his mom try to dissuade him from his goal, school in Canada but Duane’s irrepressible desire to challenge the should have an event powers that be is too strong. With the help of MICHAEL MABBOTT like this each year. Writer/director Mabbott made his debut with his misfit uncle (Logue), he just might stand a I LOVED CITIZEN DUANE!!! 2005’s The Life and Hard Times of Guy Terrifico, chance of becoming a credible candidate! winning Best Canadian First Feature Film at the — Grade 10 student, Toronto International Film Festival. He followed “Napoleon Dynamite — Canuck style!” R.H. King Academy, Toronto with Citizen Duane and television shows like — Jim Slotek, Sun Media The Yard. Most recently, he premiered his short documentary Music Lessons at Hot Docs. CLUB NATIVE (2008) Director/Writer: Tracey Deer. 78 minutes. NR On the Mohawk reserve of Kahnawake, outside of Montreal, there are two unspoken rules: Don’t marry a white person, and don’t have a child with one. The consequences of ignoring these rules can be dire — loss of membership on the reserve for yourself and your child. And for those who incur them, the results can be devastating. In this honest and affecting doc, filmmaker Tracey Deer follows the stories of four Kahnawake women whose lives have been affected by these rules, shedding light on contemporary Aboriginal identity and asking questions about how we all understand who You could hear a we are. pin drop in the TRACEY DEER With her own family as a poignant case study, auditorium! Deer has made an illustrious career Deer’s film will strike a chord with anyone documenting Native issues. In 2008, she — Teacher, Maniwaki Woodland became the first Mohawk woman to win a who’s ever thought about ethnicity, culture or School, Maniwaki, QC Gemini Award, in Best Documentary Writing their place in the world. for Club Native. Her debut doc was the award- winning Mohawk Girls (p.50), which has been adapted into a dramatic TV series, with Deer serving as writer, director and producer. CORNER GAS: THE MOVIE ESL (2014) Director: David Storey. Screenwriters: Andrew Carr, Andrew Wreggitt. Starring: Brent Butt, Gabrielle Miller, Fred Ewanuick, Eric Peterson, , Lorne Cardinal, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Nancy Robertson. 95 minutes. PG Times get tough in Dog River, Saskatchewan, when Mayor Fitzy blows the town’s budget on a risky investment. With no electricity, no water, and local businesses dropping like flies, the town’s residents have no choice but to pull together to keep their beloved hometown from going under. Suddenly, the normally-apathetic Brent (Butt) is spurred into action, buying the shuttered town pub and entering Dog River into the “Quaintest Town in Canada” competition. With a chance to win $75,000, the townsfolk make one last rally to best their arch-rival town DAVID STOREY of Wullerton, head off big corporate investors and “quaintify” the town. Will their efforts Storey began his career as a musician, then be enough? moved into directing music videos and eventually television. He served as an executive Based on the Canadian Comedy Award-winning TV series — with all of your favourite producer, director, and writer on the Corner characters returning for this big screen reunion — the latest tale of Dog River is sure to Gas television series, which garnered him four and two Canadian Comedy charm, amuse and delight. Awards.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 19 THE CORPORATION (2003) Directors: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott. Screenwriter: Joel Bakan. With Maude Barlow, Noam Chomsky, Milton Friedman, Naomi Klein. 120 minutes. PG For more than a hundred years, US corporations — including giants like Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Nike — have been treated as “persons" under the law. But if a corporation is a person, what kind of person is it? In answering this question, this provocative film takes a mischievous approach. Because the pursuit of profit is behind every corporate decision, corporations fit a classic psychiatric profile: They are psychopaths. This unexpected conclusion prompts many moral, political and social questions. Full MARK ACHBAR & JENNIFER ABBOTT of interviews with corporate insiders and critics, this often humorous documentary is Achbar produced Waterlife and packed with fascinating insights. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media, which he also directed. Winner of 26 international awards, including 10 Audience Choice Awards at f ilm His latest project is Fractured Land. festivals around the world. Abbott also executive-produced and We are proud to present a special 120-minute version of The Corporation created edited the documentary I Am. specifically for REEL CANADA audiences.

C.R.A.Z.Y. GRADES 11–12 (2005) Director: Jean-Marc Vallée. Screenwriters: François Boulay, Jean-Marc Vallée. Starring: Michel Côté, Marc-André Grondin, , Pierre-Luc Brillant. 127 minutes. 18A (French with English subtitles) A box-off ice blockbuster and the winner of a whopping 11 Genies, C.R.A.Z.Y. is an infectious, entertaining coming-of-age drama. When Zac Beaulieu (Grondin) is born on December 25, 1960, it becomes clear that he is different from his four brothers. He vies desperately for attention and acceptance from both of his parents, but in particular, from his loving and old-fashioned father, Gervais (Côté). The f ilm follows Zac over the next 30 years, C.R.A.Z.Y. I am proud as life takes him on an epic journey to come I loved JEAN-MARC VALLÉE that my country is filled with Vallée’s first feature film was Liste Noire, which to grips with his sexual identity. Buoyed garnered nine Genie nominations. Also a box-office by a vibrant soundtrack, C.R.A.Z.Y. boasts such brilliance in both acting success, C.R.A.Z.Y. was honoured at film festivals countless moments of true movie magic. It is and directing. around the world. His recent credits include Café de at once a crowd-pleaser and a poignant and — Grade 12 student, Seycove SS, Vancouver Flore, The Young Victoria and the Oscar-nominated films Dallas Buyers Club and Wild. Vallée’s next personal auteur f ilm. project is Demolition, starring Jake Gyllenhaal. CRIME WAVE (1985) Director/Screenwriter: John Paizs. Starring: John Paizs, Eva Kovacs. 80 minutes. NR One of the quirkiest and funniest films ever made in Canada, Crime Wave follows neophyte screenwriter Steven Penny (Paizs), a strangely silent young man who aspires to make the best “colour crime films” imaginable. But Steven has one major problem: He’s only good at writing the beginnings and endings of movies. With the help of a young neighbour (Kovacs) and the mysterious “Dr. Jolly,” Steven struggles to beat his writer’s block. Set in a 1950s fantasy world, this wryly humorous combination of post-modernism, surrealism and genuine affection for old Hollywood films is irresistible for anyone who likes unusual films with an inventive and unique take on storytelling. JOHN PAIZS Since filming the widely praised Crime Wave “Paizs’s midnight-movie-going, crowd-pleasing aesthetic comes with a personal vision.” in his native Winnipeg, Paizs has directed Top — Mark Peranson, Take One of the Food Chain and Marker, and worked on such TV series as Kids in the Hall, The Adventures of Shirley Holmes and John Woo’s Once a Thief. He is currently the director in residence at the .

20 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS DE PÈRE EN FLIC (Fathers and Guns) (2009) Director: Émile Gaudreault. Screenwriters: Émile Gaudreault, Ian Lauzon. Starring: Michel Côté, Louis-José Houde, Rémy Girard. 107 minutes. 14A (French with English subtitles) Jacques (Côté) and Marc (Houde) are father-and-son cops who don’t exactly get along, but when a fellow officer is kidnapped by a biker gang, they’re forced to partner up in order to save his life. The pair infiltrates an outdoor camp for fathers and sons to snag Charles Bérubé (Girard), the biker gang’s lawyer. As Jacques and Marc try to locate their missing colleague, they find the camp’s bonding activities are having an emotional and hilarious impact on their own relationship. De père en flic is the highest-grossing French-language ÉMILE GAUDREAULT film in Canadian history. Funny and Gaudreault co-wrote Louis 19, le roi des ondes entertaining. (p.28), which Ron Howard later adapted into “A can’t-miss buddy comedy about a pair of dysfunctional — Grade 12 student, EDtv. Gaudreault also directed Le vrai du faux, father-son cops who are forced to go undercover at a Monarch Park CI, Toronto box-office hit Le sens de l’humour (p.36) and touchy-feely bonding retreat…a genuinely amusing Mambo Italiano (p.29), which was nominated hybrid.” — Michael Rechtshaffen, Hollywood Reporter for six Canadian Comedy Awards.

DEFENDOR GRADES 11–12 (2009) Director/Screenwriter: Peter Stebbings. Starring: Woody Harrelson, Kat Dennings, , . 95 minutes. 14A By day, Arthur Poppington (Harrelson) works at a construction site; by night, he is Defendor, a costumed vigilante who keeps Hamilton safe from his arch nemesis, Captain Industry. Outfitted in a homemade costume, Defendor has no special powers, but he’s dedicated to protecting the streets nonetheless. He battles a corrupt cop (Koteas), befriends the tough and streetwise Kat (Dennings) and schemes to bring down a local mob boss, all while a court-appointed psychiatrist (Oh) tries to get to the bottom of his conviction that he is a superhero. I have seen firsthand PETER STEBBINGS Defendor turns the superhero genre on its head and how the students get A longtime film and television actor, Stebbings the result is a bittersweet and emotionally affecting turned on and inspired made his directing debut with Defendor. Some of by REEL CANADA. his notable acting credits include Citizen Duane take on our comic book–obsessed culture. (p.19), K-19: The Widowmaker and the TV series The — Peter Stebbings, filmmaker Listener, The Borgias and Bates Motel. Empire of Dirt (p.22), his second feature, was nominated for five Canadian Screen Awards.

DOUBLE HAPPINESS ESL (1995) Director/Screenwriter: Mina Shum. Starring: Sandra Oh, . 87 minutes. PG Jade Li (Oh), a vivacious Chinese Canadian, wants to become an actress without upsetting her extremely traditional parents. It’s a balancing act that Jade is f inding diff icult to achieve. Talking in English, wearing western clothes and going out with non-Asian guys, Jade leads a secret life when she leaves her stuffy but warm domestic scene each day. Things come to a head when Mark (Rennie), a white Canadian graduate student, insists on turning their casual fling into something more meaningful. It’s a relationship that Jade’s parents would hate. What should she do? Sandra Oh won the Best Actress Genie for her performance. The f ilm also won prizes in MINA SHUM Vancouver, Berlin and Turin, Italy. Vancouver-based Shum's feature film credits include Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity and Drive, She Said. Double Happiness was nominated for five Genies and won two. Her short films include Hip Hop Mom (p.46) and Me, Mom and Mona (p.49). Her latest film is the documentary Ninth Floor.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 21 DR. CABBIE ESL (2014) Director: Jean-François Pouliot. Screenwriters: Vinay Virmani, Ron Kennell, Manu Chopra. Starring: Vinay Virmani, Adrianne Palicki, Kunal Nayyar. 101 minutes. PG When Deepak (Virmani), a young Indian doctor, immigrates to Canada in hopes of starting a better life, he is deeply disheartened to learn that his training does not qualify him to practise in Canada. With his new friend Tony (Nayyar), he starts work as a taxi driver, but fate intervenes in the form of a very pregnant passenger (Palicki) who urgently needs medical attention. Before long, Deepak has turned his cab into a doctor’s office. As his “practice” gets busier and romance with his first patient begins to blossom, it becomes clear that he is on a collision course with the medical establishment, the police and an ambitious politician who also happens to be the father of the baby he delivered. JEAN-FRANÇOIS POULIOT Montreal director Pouliot co-wrote and "…with a host of appealing characters, snappy dialogue and an issue at its heart that will co-directed five short animated films for resonate with audiences, Dr. Cabbie provides a pleasingly comical cinematic ride.” the National Film Board of Canada. After — Bruce DeMara, The more than 500 commercials, his first feature film was the Genie-nominated La grande séduction (p.24), followed by Guide de la petite vengeance.

EDWIN BOYD: CITIZEN GANGSTER GRADES 11–12 (2011) Director/Screenwriter: Nathan Morlando. Starring: Scott Speedman, Kelly Reilly, Kevin Durand. 105 minutes. 14A This real-life adventure story is based on an actual Canadian WWII veteran and family man turned bank robber. Disillusioned by his post-war life, Eddie Boyd (Speedman, in a charismatic performance) is torn between his desire to provide for his wife (Reilly) and his dream to go to Hollywood and become a star. Eddie is charming, ambitious and hungry for success, and ultimately turns to crime in order to attain it. Eddie gets his start by recruiting a gang of small-time crooks and slowly turns them into a crack team of professional thieves. He launches a series of spectacular bank robberies, gaining notoriety and NATHAN MORLANDO quickly becoming both a beloved national celebrity Edwin Boyd kept Morlando has a master’s degree in philosophy. Edwin Boyd: Citizen Gangster and public enemy number one. me on the edge won Best Canadian First Feature Film at Part action-packed crime caper, part romance, this and wanting more. the Toronto International Film Festival. He — Grade 12 student, also directed the short Countdown, and is vibrant film brings an incredible true story to life. currently writing and directing the feature Earl Haig SS, Toronto film The Lion’s Share.

EMPIRE OF DIRT GRADES 11–12 (2013) Director: Peter Stebbings. Screenwriter: Shannon Masters. Starring: Cara Gee, Shay Eyre, Jennifer Podemski. 99 minutes. 14A When single mom Lena (Gee) realizes that her daughter may be in danger of succumbing to the same addiction issues she herself faced, she decides to leave the city and return home to her estranged mother (Podemski) in the rural Aboriginal community of her youth. The homecoming forces Lena to deal with her past and raises issues that test all three generations of this family of spirited women. Powerful and inspiring, Empire of Dirt was nominated for five Canadian Screen Awards, including Best Picture. PETER STEBBINGS “Empire of Dirt tells a traditional mothers-and- Empire of Dirt A longtime film and TV actor, Stebbings made daughters story in a new way by making their a brilliant film. is his directing debut with Defendor (p.21), which Cree heritage and the role it has in their lives and — Grade 12 student, was nominated for four Genie Awards. Some of his notable acting credits include Citizen Duane relationships the true heart of the drama.” W.F. Herman SS, Windsor, ON (p.19), K-19: The Widowmaker and the TV series — Linda Barnard, The Toronto Star The Listener, The Borgias and Bates Motel. Empire of Dirt is his second feature.

22 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS FIDO (2006) Director: Andrew Currie. Screenwriters: Robert Chomiak, Andrew Currie, Dennis Heaton. Starring: Carrie-Anne Moss, Billy Connolly, Dylan Baker. 91 minutes. 14A Welcome to Willard, an idyllic town lost in a strange and humourous 1950s parallel universe, where the sun shines every day, everybody knows their neighbour and zombies carry the mail. Visually captivating, sly and clever, Fido follows the Robinson family, who have been hesitant to get a zombie of their own even though everyone on the block has one. All that changes when Mom (Moss) buys Fido and the loveable brute becomes young Timmy’s best friend. Fido is a zombie comedy like no other — funny, satirical and refreshing movie with an all-star cast and a standout performance by Billy Connolly ANDREW CURRIE as Fido. Currie attended Simon Fraser University and “Currie’s zombie comedy is in a class by itself.” — Lori Fireman, Now Magazine the CFC. His feature films include Mile Zero which, along with Fido, garnered international acclaim and awards. He is currently working on the features Scatterbrain and The Invisibles, and developing Fido into a TV series with Lionsgate. His most recent film is The Steps.

THE F WORD GRADES 11–12 (2013) Director: Michael Dowse. Screenwriter: Elan Mastai. Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, Adam Driver, Rafe Spall. 102 minutes. 14A Wallace (Radcliffe) is a medical school dropout who's been burned by bad relationships. Just when all his friends, and even his goofy roommate Allan (Driver), seem to be finding love, Wallace decides to put romance on hold. Of course, that’s when he meets Chantry (Kazan), an animator who lives with her longtime boyfriend, Ben (Spall). The dreaded “F word” in this contemporary and hilarious romantic- comedy is “friendship.” Wallace and Chantry form an instant connection, but are both committed to It was a truly keeping things platonic, which might prove to be amazing movie… more difficult than either one of them imagined. MICHAEL DOWSE actually one of my Calgary-born Dowse’s credits include the “The F Word has charm to spare, and Radcliffe and favourite movies. Canadian cult classics Fubar, Fubar II and It’s All Kazan are irresistible." Gone Pete Tong. Goon, starring Seann William — Grade 10 student, David Scott, Jay Baruchel and Marc-André Grondin, was — Peter Travers, Rolling Stone and Mary Thomson, Toronto met with huge critical and box office success. The F Word won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.

GABRIELLE GRADES 11–12 (2013) Director/Screenwriter: Louise Archambault. Starring: Gabrielle Marion-Rivard, Alexandre Landry, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin. 104 minutes. G (French with English subtitles) Canada’s foreign-language Oscar nominee for 2014, Gabrielle is a big-hearted drama about a young woman with Williams syndrome who has a genuine and infectious zest for life. Like most young adults, Gabrielle longs for independence, but when she falls in love with a young man in her choir, both the families and social workers worry that the two won’t be able to handle an adult relationship. As the choir prepares for an important performance, Gabrielle must confront other people’s prejudices with courage and overcome her own limitations. LOUISE ARCHAMBAULT “On the surface, it's a simple love story: girl meets boy, girl likes boy, girl kisses boy. But Montreal-based Archambault achieved Louise Archambault's Gabrielle is much more… a deeply affecting tale of difference, success with her short film Atomic Saké. Her first feature, Familia, won her the Claude dignity and the healing power of song.” — T’cha Dunlevy, Montreal Gazette Jutra Award for Best Debut Feature. Gabrielle was nominated for six Canadian Screen Awards and was Canada's official submission to the 2014 Academy Awards.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 23 THE GRAND SEDUCTION ESL (2013) Director: Don McKellar. Screenwriters: Michael Dowse, Ken Scott. Starring: Taylor Kitsch, Brendan Gleeson, Gordon Pinsent, Liane Balaban. 113 minutes. PG A funny and fresh English-language adaptation of the 2003 Quebecois comedy La grande séduction (p.24), this film tells the tale of a small fishing village on Canada’s East Coast that must secure a new doctor in order to keep the community alive. When city doctor Paul Lewis (Kitsch) arrives for a court-ordered trial residence, the townsfolk rally to charm and hoodwink him into staying. Under the guidance of an unemployed A funny movie... It fisherman (Gleeson), they go to hilarious lengths to touched my heart and DON MCKELLAR fabricate all the amenities of the big city and make it seem as though their sleepy town has everything Dr. I cried at the end. It McKellar’s writing credits include Highway is a fantastic memory 61 (p.25), (p.34) and Thirty- Lewis could possibly want. Will the good doc fall for Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (p.40). their tricks, or will he see through them to the truth in my life. He wrote, directed and starred in Last about small town life? — Adult English-language Night (p.27), which won three Genies. His learner, Overland Learning TV series Sensitive Skin is currently playing The Grand Seduction was nominated for four Centre, Toronto on HBO Canada. Canadian Screen Awards, including Best Picture. LA GRANDE SÉDUCTION (Seducing Doctor Lewis) (2003) Director: Jean-François Pouliot. Screenwriter: Ken Scott. Starring: Raymond Bouchard, David Boutin, Dominic Michon-Dagenais. 109 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) In this amiable comedy, the villagers of Ste. Marie-la-Mauderne in northern Quebec set out to seduce a Montreal doctor into becoming a local. Their once-prosperous f ishing industry has run dry, and only the promise of a new plastics factory coming to town can keep the quaint and lively community intact. Since the new factory requires a resident doctor to be on hand, the boisterous and resourceful mayor (Bouchard) sets out to keep Dr. Christopher Lewis (Boutin) in the village. Dr. Lewis, whose stay in the village was caused JEAN-FRANÇOIS POULIOT by a speeding ticket, is a man of eccentric tastes — he loves cricket, beef Stroganoff and Montreal director Pouliot co-wrote and women in open-toed sandals. The villagers set out to create a community that caters to directed f ive short animated f ilms for the the habits and interests of the good doctor. Will they succeed? National Film Board of Canada. After more than 500 commercials, his first feature was Winner of the Audience Award, Sundance Film Festival, 2004. La grande séduction. He also directed Facing Champlain: A Work in 3 Dimensions and the 2015 box-office success Dr. Cabbie (p.22). ESL (1982) Director: . Screenwriter: John Hunter. Starring: Richard Farnsworth, , Gary Reineke, Wayne Robson. 90 minutes. PG Bill Miner (Farnsworth) is at loose ends after serving 33 years in jail for stagecoach robbery. Known for his charming, polite demeanour as the Gentleman Bandit, Miner is adrift at the dawn of the 20th century, until he sees The Great Train Robbery (1903), the first great silent-era Western film. Inspired, Miner goes back to what he does best: robbery. Instead of stagecoaches, he switches to trains. Beautifully re-created period detail and cinematography of the Pacif ic Northwest by Frank J. Tidy make The Grey Fox a wonderful f ilm to look at. Making it exceptional is the charming and charismatic performance of Farnsworth, who makes you care about the fate of this aging train robber. PHILLIP BORSOS A protégé of Francis Ford Coppola, Borsos Winner of seven Genies, including Best Picture, Actor and Director. won seven Genies and was nominated for “A warm, amusing masterpiece of quiet affection.” — Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times two Golden Globes for his debut feature film, The Grey Fox. Borsos also directed The Mean Season and One Magic Christmas. Tragically, Borsos lost his battle with leukemia in 1995.

24 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS THE HIGH COST OF LIVING GRADES 11–12 (2010) Director/Screenwriter: Deborah Chow. Starring: Zach Braff, Isabelle Blais, Patrick Labbé. 92 minutes. 14A When Henry (Braff) makes a wrong turn and runs his car into Nathalie (Blais), he’s horrified by what he’s done. A drug dealer who’s terrified of being found by the police, Henry takes off, leaving Nathalie — eight months pregnant and unconscious — lying in the street. In the days to come, Henry is overcome by guilt and sets out to find the woman he hit. Her life nearly destroyed by the accident, Nathalie needs a friend, and ends up finding one in the compassionate and charming Henry. Slowly, Nathalie comes out of her shell and starts to rebuild her life. As their unlikely relationship develops, Henry must work hard to conceal his real identity DEBORAH CHOW and keep the truth from ruining their new friendship. Toronto-born Chow's short films Daypass and The Hill played numerous festivals and were A heartwarming, funny and unexpected story of how hope and friendship can grow broadcast worldwide. The High Cost of Living from the most unusual circumstances. won Best Canadian First Feature at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival. Her latest film is an adaptation of the popular novel Flowers in the Attic. HIGHWAY 61 (1992) Director: Bruce McDonald. Screenwriters: Allan Magee, Bruce McDonald, Don McKellar. Starring: Don McKellar, Valerie Buhagiar, Earl Pastko. 103 minutes. 14A Inspired by Bob Dylan’s classic song and the fact that Highway 61 actually starts in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Bruce McDonald and Don McKellar joined forces to create this acclaimed rock ’n’ roll road movie. When naïve barber Pokey Jones (McKellar) meets Jackie Bangs (Buhagiar), a flamboyant roadie on the run, it doesn’t take her long to persuade him to leave Thunder Bay for New Orleans. Jones f inds himself driving not only Jackie, but also a frozen corpse she claims is her brother. Meanwhile, in hot pursuit REEL CANADA is crucial. People of the fleeing couple is Mr. Skin (Pastko), a have to be aware that there’s bizarre and deluded character who thinks a Canadian language for BRUCE MCDONALD of himself as the Devil. As the three travel film that they can speak and McDonald directed the cult hits Roadkill, south, sparks fly and romance blooms Hard Core Logo and The Tracey Fragments, engage in. It’s exciting and it starring Ellen Page. He has also directed between Pokey and Jackie. reflects their culture. music videos and the award-winning TV series Twitch City. His recent films include “The triumphant return of two talents — Don McKellar, filmmaker Pontypool (p.33), Trigger, The Husband and f iring on all cylinders.” — Festival of Festivals his latest film Hellions. HOW SHE MOVE (2007) Director: Ian Iqbal Rashid. Screenwriter: Annmarie Morais. Starring: Rutina Wesley, Dwain Murphy, Tré Armstrong. 94 minutes. PG Featuring wild choreography, booming rhythms and incredible moves by a talented cast, How She Move is an inspirational story with a solid dance core. After the tragic death of her older sister, Raya (True Blood's Wesley) must leave her private school and go back home to help her parents deal with their financial difficulties. Raya dreams of becoming a doctor, but soon finds herself drawn back into the world of dance she thought she’d left behind forever. With her scholarship dreams on hold, Raya sets her The dance sights on the $50,000 prize in the Stomp Monster competitions IAN IQBAL RASHID competition. A gifted dancer but out of step with were amazing. Rashid’s first feature, Touch of Pink, won life in the old ’hood, Raya soon makes enemies several awards at festivals worldwide. His I loved it! second feature, How She Move, premiered to with Michelle (Armstrong), the sexy leader of a rival — Grade 11 student, great acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival. stomp crew. Juggling school, stomp, friends and Garden City Collegiate, He is currently writing and directing American family, Raya struggles to stay on top of her game. Winnipeg English. Rashid has also written three award- winning books of poetry.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 25 INDIE GAME: THE MOVIE (2012) Directors: Lisanne Pajot, James Swirsky. With Jonathan Blow, Phil Fish, Edmund McMillen, Tommy Refenes. 94 minutes. NR This fun, fresh, tension-filled documentary shines the spotlight on the underdogs of the video game industry — the indie game designers who sacrifice money, health and sanity to realize lifelong dreams of sharing their unique visions with the world. One pair of game developers awaits the release of their first major game, Super Meat Boy, on Xbox, while another developer unveils his game FEZ at a major expo. Following designers as they work to release the games they’ve spent years developing, Indie Game delves into the creative process of artists and entrepreneurs in the digital era. LISANNE PAJOT & JAMES SWIRSKY “Indie Game: The Movie lays bare the passion behind the pixels, revealing the sweat, Pajot has produced documentaries and tears and sleep deprivation that go into trying to make the latest gaming sensation.” lifestyle TV with the CBC. Swirsky has been — Nicolas Rapold, The New York Times a video game fan since childhood and founded the film production company BlinkWorks with Pajot five years ago. Indie Game is the first feature for these two Winnipeg filmmakers. INSIDE HANA’S SUITCASE (2009) Director: Larry Weinstein. Screenwriter: Thomas Wallner. 88 minutes. PG Based on the internationally acclaimed book Hana’s Suitcase, this poignant documentary tells the tale of George and Hana Brady, two young children who grew up in pre-WWII Czechoslovakia, and the terrible hardships they endured because they were Jewish. When Fumiko Ishioka, a teacher in Japan, requests artifacts from a Holocaust museum to illustrate the history of WWII to her students, one item she receives is a suitcase labelled “Hana Brady." As she and her students unravel Hana’s story, the film seamlessly transports audiences through 70 years of history, back and forth across three continents. “Larry Weinstein’s deft, unique balance of LARRY WEINSTEIN documentary and narrative techniques helps… The only educational Rhombus Media co-founder Weinstein has convey the combination of deep personal trauma film that I actually received three Gemini awards for his work, and epic atrocity at the heart of Inside Hana’s enjoyed watching. including Best Direction in a Performing Suitcase…a lovely, accessible and moving work.” Arts Program or Series for Beethoven’s Hair. — Grade 10 student, Francis Weinstein also directed Mulroney: The Opera, — Kieran Grant, EYE Weekly Libermann CHS, Toronto the TV documentary The 13th Man and co- directed Our Man in Tehran (p.32). INVISIBLE CITY (2009) Director: Hubert Davis. 75 minutes. 14A A powerful documentary set in the housing project of Toronto’s Regent Park neighbourhood, Invisible City follows two childhood friends, Kendell and Mikey, who face many challenges while growing up in single-parent homes in the inner city. Academy Award–nominated director Hubert Davis follows the two young men over three years, setting this intimate portrait against the backdrop of a community in transition: The Regent Park housing projects are about to be torn down and it is unclear whether the redevelopment will result in a brighter future for the residents. Social pressures tempt the young men to make poor HUBERT DAVIS choices, while their families root for them to succeed. Hubert Davis has Davis’s first film, Hardwood (p.49), was Davis doesn’t provide easy answers to the problems made one excellent nominated for an Academy Award for Best at hand. Instead, he shows the real uncertainty and Canadian film. Short Documentary. He received the Don unpredictability in the young men’s lives. Haig award at the Hot Docs festival for Invisible — Grade 12 student, Riverdale City. Davis also directed the short film Aruba CI, Toronto (p.48), the feature Darkness and Hope and contributed to The .

26 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS IRON ROAD ESL (2009) Director: David Wu. Screenwriters: Barry Pearson, Raymond Storey. Starring: Sun Li, Luke Macfarlane, Sam Neill, Peter O’Toole. 99 minutes. PG A tale of forbidden love set against the building of the Canadian railway in the 1880s, Iron Road tells the story of a Chinese woman (Li) who disguises herself as a man and persuades the son of a railroad tycoon (Macfarlane) to hire her onto the explosives crew. Soon, though, she finds herself falling in love with him, and as the physical terrain becomes more dangerous, so does the landscape of the heart. Beautifully shot and featuring screen legend Peter O’Toole, Iron Road revisits an important This was one of the and controversial time in Canadian history. best movies I have DAVID WU Originally broadcast as a CBC miniseries, REEL seen. I hope I can Wu is a master editor who has worked with CANADA brings you the feature version of this watch another one. many legendary Hong Kong directors. His epic tale that spans two continents. directorial credits include The Snow Queen — Grade 9 student, Evan Hardy with Bridget Fonda, Plague City: SARS in CI, Saskatoon Toronto, for which he earned the DGC Best Director nomination, John Woo’s Once a Thief, Power Play and many other TV series. LAST NIGHT GRADES 11–12 (1998) Director/Screenwriter: Don McKellar. Starring: Don McKellar, Sandra Oh, David Cronenberg, Callum Keith Rennie. 95 minutes. AA As the year 2000 drew near, paranoia around “Y2K” was rampant. Don McKellar responded to the anxiety around potential computer meltdowns by coming up with this witty f ilm. As the f ilm begins, the last day of 1999 has truly become the “last night.” The apocalypse is here: Humanity will die at midnight. As rioting and looting begin to take place in Toronto, disparate groups of people prepare to meet their fate. A young architect (McKellar) plans to go out solo, while his best friend (Rennie) attempts to have as many sexual conquests as possible. When the architect meets a stranded young woman (Oh) who can’t f ind her husband (Cronenberg), a strange and intense relationship quickly develops. DON MCKELLAR Last Night received 13 Genie nominations, winning Best Actress (Oh), Best Supporting McKellar’s writing credits include Highway Actor (Rennie) and the Award for the best feature film by a first-time director 61 (p.25), The Red Violin (p.34) and Thirty- (McKellar). The f ilm also won the Prix de la jeunesse at the Cannes film festival. Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (p.40). He is also a Genie-winning actor and recently directed the award-winning The Grand Seduction (p.24). His TV series Sensitive Skin is currently playing on HBO Canada. LIVERPOOL GRADES 11–12 (2012) Director/Screenwriter: Manon Briand. Starring: Stéphanie Lapointe, Charles-Alexandre Dubé. 113 minutes. 14A (French with English subtitles) Émilie (Lapointe) is a shy coat-check girl at a club called Liverpool. When a patron overdoses in the club and Émilie attempts to return her jacket, this simple good deed lands her in the middle of a dark conspiracy. Helping her on her journey through Montreal’s shady underworld is computer-whiz Thomas (Dubé), who has had his eye on her for some time. As the intrepid duo embark on a dangerous journey filled with secrets and intrigue, Thomas, an aspiring journalist, uses social media and technology to help them reveal the truth. Equal parts thriller, comedy and romance, Liverpool is a MANON BRIAND charming and quirky film about an unlikely pair of would- C’est très bon! Writer/director Briand’s other features include be detectives who try to solve a mystery, and might just Bonne intrigue. 2 secondes and the TV movie Heart: The Marilyn Bell Story. For her feature Chaos and Desire, end up falling in love in the process. e — Élève de 12 année, Briand earned a Jutra Award and many other Collège catholique nominations. She also won Best Canadian Short Franco-Ouest, Ottawa Film at the Toronto International Film Festival for Les sauf-conduits.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 27 LOUIS 19, LE ROI DES ONDES (Louis the 19th, King of the Airwaves) (1994) Director: Michel Poulette. Screenwriters: Sylvie Bouchard, Émile Gaudreault, Michel Michaud, Michel Poulette. Starring: Martin Drainville, Agathe de la Fontaine, Dominique Michel. 95 minutes. AA (French with English subtitles) Years before the reality-TV boom, Quebec filmmaker Michel Poulette made Louis 19, a film that anticipated such programming. In this engaging comedy, Louis Jobin (Drainville), a TV addict, wins a contest to become the subject of a “reality” television series. As the winner, Louis will be followed everywhere by a camera crew, non-stop for three months. A lonely and goofy guy, Louis is initially thrilled and expects his life MICHEL POULETTE to change for the better. But when a huge audience responds to the show and media Montreal writer/director Poulette won frenzy starts building around him, Louis discovers that it’s not easy being a celebrity. numerous awards for Louis 19, le roi des ondes This film was remade by Ron Howard as EDtv. including the Claude Jutra Award for best director of a first feature film and the Golden “Particularly astonishing…its commentary was both funny and telling.” Reel Award. Poulette has also directed several — Matthew Hays, Montage TV movies and series. Maïna (p.28), his latest feature, was nominated for six Canadian Screen Awards and three Jutras. LOUIS CYR : L'HOMME LE PLUS FORT DU MONDE (Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World) (2013) Director: . Screenwriter: Sylvain Guy. Starring: Antoine Bertrand, Guillaume Cyr, Rose-Maïté Erkoreka. 123 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) In the late 19th century, after years of delighting crowds with astounding feats of strength, Louis Cyr was considered the strongest man in the world. Based on his true story, this charming biopic recounts the many successes, heartbreaks and obstacles — both inside and out of the athletic arena — that Louis faced on his climb from obscurity to international fame. Louis' best friend recounts the story to the strongman's Ça nous donne DANIEL ROBY estranged daughter — from Louis' poverty-stricken la fierté d’être Roby's feature film debut, La peau blanche, childhood through the ups and downs of his circus career — Canadien et premiered at the 2004 Toronto International and shares with us the fascinating life of this Quebec hero. Film Festival and went on to win the Claude francophone. e année, Jutra Award best director of a first feature The top-grossing film of the year in Quebec, Louis Cyr — Élève de la 10 film. He followed that with Funkytown and won two Canadian Screen Awards and nine Jutra Awards, Collège catholique Franco- Louis Cyr, which swept the awards season. He including Best Film. Ouest, Ottawa is currently writing and directing Gut Instinct. MAÏNA (2013) Director: Michel Poulette. Screenwriter: Pierre Billon. Starring: Reneltta Arluk, Tantoo Cardinal, Graham Greene. 102 minutes. PG (Inuktitut with English subtitles) An adventure story that is both epic and intimate, Maïna is set in the far north, in the time before the arrival of the Europeans. During a bloody battle between the Innu and Inuit tribes, an 11-year-old boy, Nipki, is captured by the Inuit. Maïna, the daughter of the Innu Grand Chief (Greene), promises her dying friend, Matsii, that she will rescue the boy, embarking on a dangerous mission that will forever change the course of her life. Venturing north into enemy territory, Maïna is herself captured by Natak, the Inuit clan’s leader, and must navigate the perilous journey with him, to the “Land of Ice.” MICHEL POULETTE Based on the novel by award-winning author Dominique Demers, this gripping and Montreal writer/director Poulette won visually stunning film was nominated for three Jutras and six Canadian Screen Awards, numerous awards for Louis 19, le roi des including Best Picture. ondes (p.28), including the Claude Jutra Award for best director of a first feature film and the Golden Reel Award. Poulette has also directed the TV movies Bonnano: A Godfather’s Story and Agent of Influence, starring Oscar winner .

28 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS MAMAN EST CHEZ LE COIFFEUR (Mommy is at the Hairdresser’s) (2008) Director: Léa Pool. Screenwriter: Isabelle Hébert. Starring: Marianne Fortier, Élie Dupuis, Hugo St-Onge-Paquin. 97 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) It’s summer, 1966. The sun is shining, and the world is full of possibilities. But for 15-year- old Élise (Fortier), there’s trouble brewing under the surface of her happy home life. When a shocking discovery causes her mother to leave the family, everyone is stunned. Amidst the chaos, Élise decides that it’s up to her to step up and fix things. While her dad and two brothers retreat into their own inner worlds, Élise remains undeterred. As she tries to keep her family’s troubles a secret, Élise discovers that nobody around her has a life as perfect as it seems at first glance. LÉA POOL A tender and touching story of coming of age under difficult circumstances, Maman Pool has earned three nominations for the Genie Award for best direction. Her films est chez le coiffeur is full of rich, vivid colours that evoke the feeling of a hot summer include Emporte-moi, Mouvements du désir, vacation. It’s not exactly what Élise bargained for, but it’ll be a summer unlike any other. Lost and Delirious and the documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc., which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Her most recent work is La passion d'Augustine. MAMBO ITALIANO (2003) Director: Émile Gaudreault. Screenwriters: Steve Galluccio, Émile Gaudreault. Starring: Luke Kirby, Ginette Reno, Paul Sorvino, . 92 minutes. 14A A rollicking comedy that takes place in a colourful version of Montreal’s Petite Italie, Mambo Italiano is the tale of Angelo Barbarini (Kirby), the son of Italian-Canadian immigrants, who has been teased all his life for being “different.” At nearly 30 years of age, Angelo shocks his parents — and the entire community — by brazenly defying tradition: He moves out to live his own life despite not being married. Free at last, he falls in love with his long-lost childhood chum, Nino, and the two move in together. They try to keep their sexuality a secret, while their families worry, suspect and scheme to set them up with nice Italian girls. It’s not easy being Italian and gay, and when the pressures of his double life begin to overwhelm Angelo, his reactions set ÉMILE GAUDREAULT Gaudreault co-wrote Louis 19, le roi des ondes off an explosively funny chain of surprise revelations, comic reversals and unexpected (p.28), which Ron Howard later adapted into outcomes. EDtv. More recently, Gaudreault directed Le vrai du faux, Le sens de l’humour (p.36) and Mambo Italiano was nominated for six Canadian Comedy Awards. De père en flic (p.21), the highest-grossing French-language film in Canadian history.

MEATBALLS ESL (1979) Director: Ivan Reitman. Screenwriters: Len Blum, Dan Goldberg, Janis Allen, Harold Ramis. Starring: Bill Murray, Harvey Atkin, , Jack Blum, Chris Makepeace. 93 minutes. PG This ode to summer camp is a true Canadian classic and features Bill Murray in his f irst starring role. He plays Tripper, a prankster and a flirt who can’t help teasing his boss and the counsellors at the nearby rich kids’ camp. Everyone, including Tripper, is sick and tired of perennially losing the Camp Olympics. It’s only by encouraging all campers to try their hardest — including young Rudy (Makepeace), who has self-esteem issues — that Tripper and I was ecstatic to see . his troops can hope to emerge triumphant. Meatballs IVAN REITMAN “Spaz” from Director/producer Reitman’s hits include Full of wacky pranks, lively hijinks and a lot It was truly an amazing Ghostbusters, Animal House and Kindergarten of touching moments, Meatballs is sure to experience. Cop. Meatballs won the Golden Reel Award entertain audiences of all ages. for highest-grossing box office in 1980. His — Grade 10 student, The Woodlands producing credits include Trailer Park Boys: The School, Mississauga, ON Movie and I Love You, Man. He recently directed No Strings Attached and Draft Day.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 29 MEN WITH BROOMS GRADES 11–12 (2002) Director: Paul Gross. Screenwriters: Paul Gross, John Krizanc, Paul Quarrington. Starring: Paul Gross, Leslie Nielsen, , Michelle Nolden, The Tragically Hip. 103 minutes. AA After the success of the TV series Due South, Paul Gross went on to create this mainstream Canadian comedy hit, with romance, music (The Tragically Hip appear as a rival team) and, of course, curling. When Chris Cutter (Gross) returns to his small hometown to bury his former curling coach, he is inspired to reunite the old team and try to win the Golden Broom. Nothing has been the same in town since Chris’s departure 10 years earlier — Chris’s old teammates and his own father (Nielsen) are disappointed in life, and the coach’s PAUL GROSS daughters Amy (Parker) and Julie (Nolden) An Officer of the Order of Canada, actor/ writer/director Gross is known for his starring have become, respectively, a drunk and an The level of excitement roles in the TV series Due South, Slings and astronaut. Despite the odds, the rag-tag Arrows, and Eastwick. He also wrote and group of misfits unites to compete in the [at REEL CANADA] is directed Passchendaele (p.33) which won the championship, with heartwarming and extraordinary. Genie Award for Best Motion Picture, and 2015’s Hyena Road. hilarious results. — Paul Gross, filmmaker MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN (2012) Director: Deepa Mehta. Screenwriters: Deepa Mehta, Salman Rushdie, based on his novel. Starring: Satya Bhabha, Shahana Goswami, Rajat Kapoor. 146 minutes. PG This collaboration between one of Canada’s most fearless directors and Salman Rushdie, one of the world’s most imaginative and controversial novelists, is a film bursting with colour, wit and magic. Two children are born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947, the very moment that India claimed its independence from Great Britain — a coincidence that has profound consequences on their lives. Switched at birth in the hospital, the boys — one from a wealthy family, the other belonging to a poor single father — must live out each other’s intended fates, their lives strangely intertwined and linked to their country’s journey DEEPA MEHTA through the tumultuous 20th century. An Officer of the Order of Canada, director and screenwriter Mehta is known for her trilogy “Boiling over with passion every step of the way.” of films: Fire, Earth and the Oscar-nominated — Peter Debruge, Variety Water (p.41). Other credits include Bollywood/ Hollywood (p.17) and the upcoming Beeba Boys. Midnight’s Children was nominated for eight NOTE: Due to the unusually long running time of this film, if you would like to screen Canadian Screen Awards. Midnight's Children please contact us to discuss the logistics. MIGHTY JEROME (2010) Director: Charles Officer. 84 minutes. NR In 1959, at just 19 years of age, African-Canadian Harry Jerome was Canada’s most promising track and field star, on his way to the Olympics. By 1962, after a terrible leg injury, everyone feared his career was over. But Jerome was determined not to quit, starting what his coach called “the greatest comeback in track and field history.” A truly inspiring Canadian hero, Jerome kept running through years of personal, racial and political challenges, with a strength of character as impressive as his athletic ability. A deeply insightful documentary that tells the runner’s I loved this movie. It story from his early days, through to his sudden, makes me a proud CHARLES OFFICER tragic death. Actor, writer and filmmaker Officer’s Canadian! first feature, Nurse.Fighter.Boy (p.32), was Mighty Jerome will electrify all those who — Grade 10 student, Dartmouth nominated for 10 Genies, winning one. appreciate stories of courage and passion. High School, Dartmouth, NS Officer also directs for the stage, and has created two television documentaries about Canadian sports. He is currently working on the NFB documentary Unarmed Verses.

30 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS (My Uncle Antoine) (1971) Director: Claude Jutra. Screenwriters: Claude Jutra, Clément Perron. Starring: Jacques Gagnon, , Lionel Villeneuve, Claude Jutra. 110 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) A small asbestos-mining town in Quebec in the 1940s is the setting for this legendary, bittersweet slice-of-life comedy. Orphaned 14-year-old Benoît (Gagnon) arrives to live with a foster family and becomes a part of the exploits of village life, both comic and tragic. In the f ilm’s set piece, Benoît goes with his uncle Antoine (Duceppe), the town undertaker, to collect the remains of a young lad, who must be buried despite an unrelenting snowstorm. Gagnon gives a hauntingly realistic portrayal of a young boy CLAUDE JUTRA discovering life’s funny and tragic turns. Internationally renowned, Jutra was a giant Often chosen as the f inest Canadian f ilm of all time, Mon Oncle Antoine won eight of Canadian film. He directed more than 30 productions, including Kamouraska, Surfacing Canadian Film Awards, including Best Film, Director and Actor. and By Design. Quebec’s film awards — the “In the loneliness and grandeur of the midnight journey of Benoit and Antoine, there is a Jutras — are named in his honour, as is the — Canadian Screen Awards' (Genies’) award for haunting beauty.” Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times director of a best first feature. (2011) Director/Screenwriter: Philippe Falardeau. Starring: Mohamed , Sophie Nélisse, Émilien Néron, Marie-Ève Beauregard. 94 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) Bachir Lazhar (Fellag) is an Algerian immigrant who is hired at a Montreal elementary school to replace a teacher who has died unexpectedly and tragically. Coming from a completely different culture, Monsieur Lazhar must go through a steep learning curve as he comes up against a stubborn class of quirky 11- and 12-year-olds and the school’s rigid administrative standards. And while the school goes through the long process of grieving and healing, it is gradually suspected that Monsieur Lazhar is not entirely who he has claimed to be. This is a touching story of loss, and an emotionally powerful exploration of how adults help children cope Monsieur Lazhar is with intractable issues of life and death for which none of PHILIPPE FALARDEAU a triumph because Quebecois director/screenwriter Falardeau’s us is truly equipped. it is rooted in the other award-winning feature films include La Monsieur Lazhar was nominated for Best Foreign Language moitié gauche du frigo, C’est pas moi, je le jure!, heart of humanity. Congorama and The Good Lie. His latest film, Film at the Academy Awards and won 6 Genies, including — Grade 12, student, Earl My Internship in Canada, premiered at the Best Picture. Haig SS, Toronto Toronto International Film Festival in 2015.

NEW WATERFORD GIRL ESL (2000) Director: Allan Moyle. Screenwriter: Tricia Fish. Starring: Liane Balaban, Andrew McCarthy, Nicholas Campbell, Tara Spencer-Nairn. 97 minutes. AA Moonie Potts (Balaban) is a 15-year-old misf it who will do anything to get out of dreary New Waterford, Nova Scotia. Lou Benzoa (Spencer-Nairn) is a tough girl from the Bronx who couldn’t be happier to be moving to the seaside hamlet. Lou is as extroverted and impulsive as Moonie is shy and withdrawn, and soon their unlikely friendship starts turning the town upside down. Lou wins over the local girls by punishing their two- [REEL CANADA is] absolutely timing boyfriends, while Moonie genius...I think it’s so important plans a new life in New York to get young Canadians excited ALLAN MOYLE City. Hilarious and exuberant, about their national cinema and Director/screenwriter/actor Moyle wrote the New Waterford Girl paints a seminal Canadian films Montreal Main and this is the best way to do it. The Rubber Gun, and directed the latter. His touching picture of coming of film credits also include Times Square, Pump — Liane Balaban, actress age in a small town. The film was Up the Volume, Man in the Mirror: The Michael nominated for seven Genies. Jackson Story and Weirdsville. He is currently working on the documentary How Sweet It Is.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 31 NURSE.FIGHTER.BOY ESL (2008) Director: Charles Officer. Screenwriters: Charles Officer, . Starring: Clark Johnson, Karen LeBlanc, Daniel J. Gordon. 93 minutes. 14A Jude (LeBlanc) is a nurse and single mom struggling with health issues while trying to raise her son, Ciel (Gordon). Ciel is a dreamy 12-year-old boy who loves music, magic and, of course, his mother. Silence (Johnson) is a middle-aged boxer who lands in Jude’s hospital after an illegal f ight. Down on his luck but trying to turn his life around, Silence is lost until he meets Jude. As Jude’s illness becomes more serious, Ciel learns to trust Silence, a new source of strength in their small, This movie has tight-knit family. everything. Action, CHARLES OFFICER drama and a good Actor, writer and filmmaker Officer’s first Beautifully acted, shot in vibrant colour and featuring feature, Nurse.Fighter.Boy, was nominated for storyline. an unforgettable soundtrack, Nurse.Fighter.Boy is sure 10 Genies, winning one. Mighty Jerome (p.30) to cast its spell on you. — Grade 12 student, was Officer's first documentary, and he has Emery CI, Toronto since created two television documentaries “Nurse.Fighter.Boy is a…gem of a movie.” about Canadian sports. He is now working on the NFB doc Unarmed Verses. — Liz Braun, Sun Media

ONE WEEK ESL (2008) Director/Screenwriter: Michael McGowan. Starring: , Liane Balaban, Campbell Scott. 94 minutes. 14A Ben Tyler (Jackson) is a young guy with a comfortable life, a good job as an English teacher and a sensible f iancée, Samantha (Balaban). When his doctor unexpectedly tells him he has cancer and “maybe two years, maybe one week” to live, Ben’s only chance is to start treatment immediately. Instead, he decides to buy a motorcycle and head out West. A classic road trip movie featuring lots of Canadian icons (like Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip), One Week follows Ben’s journey from Toronto to Tof ino. Along the way, Ben makes new friends and re-evaluates his life, his job and his upcoming marriage. I thought One Week was MICHAEL MCGOWAN As his f iancée and family back home struggle one of the best movies Toronto native McGowan made his film to understand his decision, Ben rediscovers I’ve ever seen. debut as a writer, director and producer with himself, reawakens his old passion for writing My Dog Vincent, and has gone on to create — Grade 11 student, Colonel Gray HS, Saint Ralph, Score: A Hockey Musical and Still and ultimately learns to appreciate life. Charlottetown Mine (p.38), which was named by TIFF as one of Canada’s Top 10 films in 2012. His latest project is the TV series Between. OUR MAN IN TEHRAN (2013) Directors: Larry Weinstein, Drew Taylor. With Bob Anders, Joe Clark, Tony Mendez, William Daugherty, Ken Taylor. 85 minutes. 14A In 1979, when the US embassy in Iran was seized by militant Islamist revolutionaries, six American diplomats managed to escape. They found shelter in the home of Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor and eventually escaped the strife-torn country, thanks to his efforts. These events were fictionalized in the Hollywood film Argo, but this fascinating doc sets the record straight through archival footage and the words of those who experienced it, all culminating in the fantastical plan devised to smuggle the fugitives out. Excellent. A truly DREW TAYLOR & LARRY WEINSTEIN Weinstein is the co-founder of Rhombus “Sometimes, the truth can be more entertaining than Canadian story. Media, with producing credits that include fiction. If Argo was a high-stakes political thriller…it Captivating and Inside Hana's Suitcase (p.26), Last Night (p.27), bold. Blindness and The Saddest Music in the World. was also a simplistic and escapist escape movie about the power of Hollywood to defeat evil. So now…we — Grade 11 student, Our Man in Tehran is Taylor's first film, after careers in baseball and bioengineering. Canadians respond with a documentary to reclaim our Earl Haig SS, Toronto true story.” — Simon Houpt,

32 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS PASSCHENDAELE ESL (2008) Director/Screenwriter: Paul Gross. Starring: Paul Gross, Caroline Dhavernas, Gil Bellows, Joe Dinicol. 114 minutes. 14A Set during the height of the First World War, Passchendaele tells the story of an important event in Canadian history through the eyes of Sergeant Michael Dunne (Gross), a soldier who is wounded in France and returns to home Calgary emotionally and physically scarred. While recovering, Dunne meets Sarah (Dhavernas) and becomes determined to win her heart. When Sarah’s asthmatic younger brother David (Dinicol) enlists to f ight in the war, Michael returns to the battlef ield in order to protect him. The two men are sent to f ight against impossible odds PAUL GROSS in the battle of Passchendaele. PASSCHENDAELE WAS DOPE! An Officer of the Order of Canada, actor/ The f ilm won six Genies, including Best writer/director Gross is known for starring — Grade 9 student, Riverdale CI, Toronto in the TV series Due South, Slings and Arrows, Picture and Best Actor, for Paul Gross. and Eastwick. He also wrote and directed Men with Brooms (p.30) which won the Canadian Comedy Award for Best Direction. His latest film is Hyena Road. LES PEE-WEE : L'HIVER QUI A CHANGÉ MA VIE (The Pee-Wee: The Winter that Changed My Life) (2012) Director: Éric Tessier. Screenwriters: Martin Bouchard, Emmanuel Joly, Jean-Sébastien Poirier. Starring: Antoine-Olivier Pilon, Alice Morel-Michaud, Rémi Goulet. 122 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) In this uplifting story, 12-year-old Janeau (Pilon) and his father have moved to a new town after the tragic death of his mother. As they struggle to adjust, Janeau is befriended by Julie (Morel-Michaud), a goalie for the local pee-wee hockey team, The Lynx, who are preparing for a province-wide championship. Julie immediately sniffs out Janeau’s hockey talent, and eventually convinces her coach to let Janeau join the team, much to the dismay of the team’s current star, Joey (Goulet), and his overbearing father. ÉRIC TESSIER J’ADORE ce film! Tessier’s first film was the award-winning short Viens dehors! His feature films include This stirring hockey comedy will have audiences cheering e — Élève de 9 année — Sur le seuil, Vendus and 5150 rue des Ormes. He for The Lynx as they race to settle their differences both Collège catholique has also directed extensively for television, on and off the ice — before the championship. Franco-Ouest, Ottawa including the series Sophie and Rumours and two documentaries about Cirque du Soleil.

PONTYPOOL (2008) Director: Bruce McDonald. Writer: Tony Burgess, based on his novel. Starring: Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, Georgina Reilly, Hrant Alianak. 96 minutes. 14A Grant Mazzy (McHattie) is a big-city shock radio DJ who has lost his job and moves to the small Ontario town of Pontypool, where he frustrates his new station manager, Sydney (Houle). Nothing ever happens in Pontypool, so when Mazzy arrives at the station to start his show one wintry morning, he and his team are surprised by strange reports from town. The station’s tiny crew f ind themselves holed up in their church basement studio, trying to piece together what’s happening outside as disturbing details pour in. Callers are making very little sense, and it seems like the English language itself is infected with BRUCE MCDONALD a strange virus. Scary and suspenseful, Pontypool plays with words and meanings and McDonald directed the cult hits Highway 61 will keep you guessing until the very end. (p.25), Roadkill, Hard Core Logo and The Tracey Fragments, starring Ellen Page. He has also “McDonald knows it’s the things you don’t see, but only imagine, that best chill the directed music videos and the award-winning TV blood.” — Peter Howell, Toronto Star series Twitch City. His recent films include Trigger, The Husband and his latest film, Hellions.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 33 PROJECT GRIZZLY (1996) Director: Peter Lynch. With Troy Hurtubise. 72 minutes. AA When Troy Hurtubise was attacked by a grizzly bear in 1984, he decided that he would never be a victim again and set about constructing an armoured suit that could withstand a grizzly attack. Built out of titanium, rubber and chain mail, and supported by interior air bags, the 145-pound (66-kilogram) suit (with Hurtubise often in it) is clobbered by baseball bats, thrown off cliffs and It was really inspiring to be able to hit by a pickup truck. Seen around the world and even interact with the students directly spoofed on The Simpsons, in such a meaningful exchange. They PETER LYNCH Project Grizzly has become a expressed an insatiable appetite for Lynch earned international success with his cult favourite. films that are not manufactured by wildly popular and critically acclaimed Project Hollywood. Grizzly. His features include The Herd, Cyberman, “It’s fantastic.” — Quentin A Whale of a Tale and Dem Bones. Lynch won a Tarantino — Peter Lynch, filmmaker Genie for his short film Arrowhead (p.48) and is currently directing the feature film Birdland.

THE RED VIOLIN (1998) Director: François Girard. Screenwriters: Don McKellar, François Girard. Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Flemyng, Don McKellar, Sandra Oh, Colm Feore. 131 minutes. 14A The Red Violin tells the tale of a very special instrument — a perfectly crafted 17th-century violin f inished with a mysterious red glaze. The f inal masterpiece of a virtuoso craftsman, the violin sits in a Montreal auction house waiting to be sold. As the auction proceeds, the violin’s history is revealed through four interconnected tales spanning 300 years. As it passes through the hands of musicians in Italy, Vienna, London and Shanghai, the violin f ills its owners’ lives with romance, adventure, intrigue and tragedy. At the centre of the story is the instrument’s dark secret, which is revealed only at the f ilm’s suspenseful f inale. FRANÇOIS GIRARD Girard won a Grammy for his film of “In a time of timid projects and easy formulas, The Red Violin has the kind of sweep and Secret World Live, a Peter Gabriel concert. vision that we identify with elegant features from decades ago.” — Roger Ebert, Chicago Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould Sun-Times (p.40) won four Genie Awards. The Red Violin won eight Genies and an Oscar for Best Original Score. His most recent credits include Silk and Boychoir. REEL INJUN (2009) Director: Neil Diamond. 86 minutes. PG Reel Injun is an enlightening documentary about the way Aboriginal people have been depicted in film from the silent era to the present day. Chock full of clips from hundreds of films and packed with interviews with famous Native and non-Native actors, directors and writers, Reel Injun is an entertaining and insightful look at how the powerful medium of film both reflects and influences culture. Director Neil Diamond takes the audience on a trip through time to explore the history of the “Hollywood Indian” and offers a refreshing, candid and personal analysis, tracing how these cinematic images have shaped and influenced the understanding of Native I am proud how the NEIL DIAMOND culture and history. Diamond is responsible for several award- Aboriginals fought for winning documentaries that focus on “Impeccably well researched and crafted, their culture and freedom. Aboriginal life and issues. His debut film, Cree Reel Injun neatly walks the line in balancing I am proud to be Canadian. Spoken Here, garnered the Telefilm/APTN award for Best Aboriginal Documentary. entertainment and education.” — Todd Brown, — Grade 10 student, Colonel Gray HS, His latest film is Inuit Cree Reconciliation with Twitch Film Charlottetown filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk.

34 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS RiP! A REMIX MANIFESTO (2009) Director/Writer: Brett Gaylor. 80 minutes. 14A In this challenging and thought-provoking documentary, f ilmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age and the crumbling barriers between users and producers. The f ilm centres on Girl Talk, a mash-up musician who tops the charts with his sample- based creations, provoking debate about ownership, copyright, piracy and what it means to be an artist in the 21st century. Musicians, authors and pop culture critics all weigh in on the issues in this wildly innovative and experimental doc. A great mix of compelling analysis and An eye-opening and BRETT GAYLOR Gaylor is a documentary/new media director diff icult questions, RiP! addresses issues of revolutionary take on and the creator of OpenSourceCinema.org, sampling, sharing, intellectual property and the culture scene. a video remix community that supported creative freedom frankly, honestly and with a — Grade 11 student, the production of RiP! A Remix Manifesto. He is also the producer of HomelessNation.org, lot of flair and style. Monarch Park CI, Toronto a project dedicated to allowing everyone to participate in online culture and, most recently, the webseries Do Not Track. THE ROCKET (2005) Director: Charles Binamé. Screenwriter: Ken Scott. Starring: , , Rémy Girard. 124 minutes. PG (French with English subtitles) The Rocket traces the meteoric rise of hockey legend Maurice Richard (Dupuis), from his humble beginnings as a Montreal machinist during the Depression to star of the Canadiens and the greatest scorer in hockey. But this is much more than a sports movie. Director Charles Binamé frames the story in a cultural context: It isn’t until Richard, a man of few words, begins to speak his mind about the inequalities and prejudice directed toward French Canadians that he finds his voice. Many feel that the riots caused by Richard’s suspension in 1955 were the spark that fuelled the Quiet Revolution in Quebec. This hockey The most interesting blockbuster is chock-full of heart and history. thing about The Rocket CHARLES BINAMÉ was everything. It was Binamé’s Eldorado screened at the prestigious The Rocket was nominated for 13 Genie Directors' Fortnight at Cannes in 1995. He also Awards and won nine. such a good movie! directs for hit TV shows such as Reign, Flashpoint, — Grade 9 student, Denis Morris CHS, and Republic of Doyle. His latest film St. Catharines, ON is Elephant Song, starring , which premiered at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. RUSH: BEYOND THE LIGHTED STAGE (2010) Directors: Sam Dunn, Scot McFadyen. Starring: Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart. 107 minutes. 14A This film provides an in-depth look at the legendary Canadian band Rush, one of rock’s most influential groups. Rush ranks third for most consecutive gold or platinum albums after The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, yet despite this success and their legions of devoted fans, they had been continually overlooked by critics and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (until 2013). Featuring never-before-seen archival footage and interviews with some of rock’s greatest artists, this documentary explores the long career of these Canadian musical heroes. SAM DUNN & SCOT MCFADYEN “Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage is a doc that anyone can enjoy. Fans will gorge on Dunn is a former anthropologist who co- this deft, year-by-year portrait of the ultimate enduring cult band. And even a skeptic directed Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey and its sequel, Global Metal, with fellow metal fan may come away with an affection for the intricate labor of Rush’s skewed-time- and music supervisor McFadyen. They also signature epics.” — Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly released Iron Maiden: Flight 666 and . They are currently working on a documentary about Satan.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 35 SAINTS-MARTYRS-DES-DAMNÉS (2005) Director/Screenwriter: Robin Aubert. Starring: François Chénier, Isabelle Blais, Patrice Robitaille. 115 minutes. NR (French with English subtitles) At once creepy and thought-provoking, Saints-Martyrs-des-Damnés is an eerie and playful thriller. Tabloid reporter Flavien (Chénier) and his photographer buddy Armand (Robitaille) are dispatched to a rural Quebec village to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances. But things quickly begin to go awry when Armand vanishes on their very first night in town. The town’s inhabitants are a strange group — a mayor who rules with an iron fist, creepy twins who run the motel, a mechanic who's constantly wearing a mask, a woman who plays ROBIN AUBERT guitar for the cows, and many others. But Flavien can’t get anyone to help him, as they're After Saints-Martyrs-des-Damnés, which all suspicious and even downright aggressive toward him. premiered at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival, Aubert directed the feature With an arresting visual style and quirky sense of humour, Je suis impressioné! films À quelle heure le train pour nulle part and the film pushes the boundaries of the conventional — Élève de 11e année, Collège À l’origine d’un cri. Also an accomplished actor, thriller, tackling questions about identity, responsibility catholique Franco-Ouest, he recently starred in De père en flic (p.21), Les and mortality in a refreshing way. Ottawa maîtres du suspense and Autrui.

LE SENS DE L’HUMOUR GRADES 11–12 (A Sense of Humour) (2011) Director: Émile Gaudreault. Screenwriters: Émile Gaudreault, Benoît Pelletier. Starring: Michel Côté, Louis-José Houde, Benoît Brière. 110 minutes. 14A (French with English subtitles) Luc (Houde) and Marco (Brière) are two comedians who tour second-rate theatres around Quebec. Every night, they choose some poor sap in the audience to ridicule, to the delight of the other spectators. One night in a small town, the sap is Roger (Côté), a mild-mannered fry cook. Unfortunately, Roger (Côté) turns out to be the wrong guy to pick on, and the unlucky duo wake up in a cage, with madman Roger plotting his revenge. ÉMILE GAUDREAULT Gaudreault co-wrote Louis 19, le roi des ondes With little to trade for their freedom other than Le sens de l’humour (p.28), which Ron Howard later adapted drôle! into EDtv. He wrote and directed Mambo their comedy skills, the duo offer to teach Roger the était vraiment Italiano (p.29), which was nominated for six art of comedy and make him a local star. Thinking — Élève de 10e année, Collège Canadian Comedy Awards and De père en flic it might help him win the girl of his dreams, Roger catholique Franco-Ouest, (p.21), which is the highest-grossing French- Ottawa language film in Canadian history. His most accepts, and the hilarity and hijinks begin. recent film is Le vrai du faux. SHAKE HANDS WITH THE DEVIL: THE JOURNEY OF ROMÉO DALLAIRE (2004) Director: Peter Raymont. With Roméo Dallaire. 90 minutes. 14A Canadian Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire was in command of the United Nations’ peacekeeping mission to Rwanda in 1994, when a bloody genocide erupted. Over the course of 100 days, more than 800,000 Tutsis were killed by Hutus, the rival tribe in their country. Dallaire attempted to stop the killing by alerting the world through the United Nations and the international media. Though his attempts were unsuccessful, Dallaire emerged as a hero. Ten years later, Dallaire returns to Rwanda to personally commemorate the anniversary of that holocaust. PETER RAYMONT Winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival in 2005. Raymont has produced and directed more than 100 documentaries, including The World “Dallaire is not only the protagonist of Shake Hands with the Devil, he is a compelling Is Watching, While the World Stopped Watching reason to see it.” — Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times and A Promise to the Dead: The Exile Journey of Ariel Dorfman. Other credits include West Wind: The Vision of Tom Thomson and producing Fight Like Soldiers Die Like Children.

36 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS SHARKWATER It was really eye- opening. I wish to (2006) Director/Writer: Rob Stewart. With Patrick Moore, Erich Ritter, Paul Watson. see more films 89 minutes. PG in this kind. Driven by a life-long fascination with sharks, filmmaker Rob Stewart sets out to dispel — Grade 12 student, Miles the myth that they’re bloodthirsty, merciless monsters who prowl the seas in search of Macdonell Collegiate, Winnipeg tasty swimmers. Filmed in gorgeous high-definition video, Sharkwater takes you into shark-filled oceans, exposing the true nature of sharks, as well as the way human interference has turned this noble predator into prey. Stewart teams up with a rogue environmentalist group on a breathtaking adventure to battle shark poachers around the globe. His incredible journey will make you see sharks in a whole new light. Sharkwater was the ROB STEWART A Toronto native, Stewart is an award- Winner of many Audience and Critics Choice best movie I've ever winning journalist who spent four years awards at film festivals around the world. seen. travelling through 15 countries to shoot — Grade 12 student, Bernice his debut doc, Sharkwater, which has won MacNaughton HS, Moncton, NB awards at festivals worldwide. His latest doc, Revolution, premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival. SHORT FILM PROGRAMME There is a wealth of short films in Canada — fiction and documentary, live action and animated — that we are excited to share with you. When you’re making the programming selections for your school, consider adding a short film programme. It counts as a single selection, just like a feature-length film would. We offer a slate of short films to choose from on a wide variety of themes and topics. The complete list of short films can be found on pages 44 to 51 of this catalogue. If you’d like to screen a short film programme at your school, we want to help you select a perfect combination. Get in touch with us for advice and tips.

Great movies, wonderful people, spectacular atmosphere. Overall an unforgettable experience. — Grade 11 student, Riverdale CI, Toronto

SITTING IN LIMBO (1986) Director: John N. Smith. Screenwriters: John N. Smith, David Wilson. Starring: Pat Dillon, Fabian Gibbs, Sylvie Clarke. 95 minutes. PG In Montreal’s West Indian community, Pat (Dillon) shares an apartment with two unmarried mothers on welfare and is naturally jaded on the subject of men. But she soon f inds herself involved with the hopeless Fabian (Gibbs). A high-school dropout, Fabian doesn’t stand much of a chance in the job market. His work at a local warehouse lasts just long enough to launch Fabian and Pat on the road to economic disaster. Boasting an infectious reggae score by Jimmy Cliff, the f ilm was developed as part of the National Film Board’s Alternative Drama program, which placed non-professional actors in realistic situations. Issues including racism, poverty and teenage pregnancy are highlighted in what is also a very warm and pleasing f ilm. JOHN N. SMITH Known for his award-winning TV Sitting in Limbo achieved Honourable Mention for “its freshness and vitality” at the docudramas The Boys of St. Vincent and Toronto International Film Festival. Dieppe, Smith’s Sitting in Limbo won the Best Canadian Feature Film – Special Citation at the 1986 Toronto International Film Festival. He also directed the feature films Dangerous Minds and Love & Savagery.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 37 THE SNOW WALKER ESL (2004) Director/Screenwriter: Charles Martin Smith. Starring: Barry Pepper, Annabella Piugattuk. 110 minutes. PG When Arctic bush pilot Charlie Halliday (Pepper) is given two rare walrus tusks by a group of Inuit, he agrees to fly a mission of mercy, transporting a sick girl (Piugattuk) to a hospital. It’s the early 1950s, and the brash pilot has flown through the Arctic for years without seriously thinking about the people who live there or how they survive. Everything changes when Charlie’s plane goes down in the wilderness, leaving him alone with the young girl. Forced to rely on each other, the two form a bond of friendship as the summer months quickly end and winter’s harsh conditions begin to take hold. Based on CHARLES MARTIN SMITH a story by acclaimed Canadian author Farley Mowat, this is a beautifully rendered tale, set Actor/director Smith is known for roles in in the gorgeous but desolate Arctic. Director Smith played a key role in an earlier Mowat the 1973 classic American Graffiti and The adaptation, Never Cry Wolf. Untouchables. He has directed episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Da Vinci’s “The Snow Walker is a powerful, poignant and transcendent film.” — Bruce Kirkland, Inquest, and his recent films include Stone Jam! Movies of Destiny and Dolphin Tale, along with its sequel. The Snow Walker was nominated for nine Genie Awards. STILL MINE ESL (2012) Director/Screenwriter: Michael McGowan. Starring: , Geneviève Bujold, Campbell Scott. 102 minutes. PG Craig (Cromwell) and his beloved wife Irene (Bujold) share an idyllic life in rural New Brunswick. But when Irene’s health begins to fail, Craig is forced into conflict with a pesky government inspector who refuses to let him build a new home that will be more suitable for Irene. Stubborn and used to doing things for himself, Craig decides to put his carpentry skills to use in spite of the inspector’s efforts to shut him down. As a showdown becomes imminent, Craig also struggles to cope with the unmistakable deterioration of his beloved wife’s memory, and her diminishing ability to manage on her own. Based on true events, Still Mine is an affecting love story and a funny tale about the battle MICHAEL MCGOWAN between old and new ways of doing things. Toronto native McGowan made his film debut as a writer, director and producer Still Mine was nominated for seven Canadian Screen It inspired me a lot. with My Dog Vincent, and has gone on to Awards, winning for Best Actor, and was named by — Adult English-language learner, create Saint Ralph, which earned five Genie TIFF as one of Canada’s top ten films of the year. Bathurst Heights ALC, Toronto nominations, Score: A Hockey Musical and One Week (p.32). His latest project is the TV “A small marvel of a film.” — Peter Howell, Toronto series Between. Star

STRANGE BREW ESL (1983) Directors: Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas. Screenwriters: Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Steve De Jarnatt. Starring: Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Max von Sydow, Lynne Griffin. 90 minutes. PG A Canadian comedy classic, Strange Brew follows lovable hosers Bob and Doug Mackenzie (Moranis and Thomas, respectively) on an epic adventure f illed with beer, doughnuts and hockey (not necessarily in that order). When her father dies suddenly, Pam (Griff in) is orphaned, and control of her family’s brewery threatens to fall into the hands of the conniving Brewmeister Smith (von Sydow). In stumble Bob and Doug, who land jobs as beer inspectors when their scheme involving RICK MORANIS & DAVE THOMAS a mouse in a bottle impresses the brewery brass. Hilarity ensues as the boys attempt to Moranis and Thomas’s work on the foil the Brewmeister’s sinister plot to take over the world. Though the f ilm appears at Emmy Award–winning SCTV television f irst glance to be a bonehead comedy, it is a deceptively clever farce based on William series earned them a place among the Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Long before Wayne and Garth or Beavis and Butthead, there was greatest comedians this country has ever produced. They also appeared in Bob and Doug. Canada is proud to call them our own. such comedy classics as Ghostbusters and The Coneheads.

38 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS SUCH A LONG JOURNEY (1998) Director: Sturla Gunnarsson. Screenwriter: Sooni Taraporevala. Starring: , Soni Razdan, Ranjit Chowdhry. 113 minutes. AA Based on the award-winning novel by Canadian author , Such a Long Journey is the story of Gustad Noble (Seth), whose life is thrown into turmoil when he is asked by an old friend to deposit a large sum of money at the bank where he works. Set in Bombay on the eve of the war between India and Pakistan, Gustad’s troubles become an allegory for the chaos and upheaval occurring around him. His son would rather become an artist than attend engineering school, his daughter has malaria and his wife (Razdan) spends an increasing amount of time with a neighbour that he fears is a witch. On top of all this, the local government threatens to tear down the wall surrounding his housing complex. Ingeniously, Gustad asks an artist (Chowdhry) STURLA GUNNARSSON Gunnarsson was born in Iceland and raised in to paint a multi-faith mural on the wall so believers of all religions will be compelled to Vancouver. He earned an Oscar nomination save it. A rich and thoughtful portrayal of the power of spirituality and how to overcome for his debut feature doc, After the Axe. His even the most daunting of circumstances. recent films include Beowulf and Grendel, Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie, Monsoon. He has also directed for hit TV shows such as Motive and : The Next Generation.

THE SWEET HEREAFTER GRADES 11–12 (1997) Director/Screenwriter: Atom Egoyan. Starring: , Sarah Polley, Bruce Greenwood. 111 minutes. AA A lawyer (Holm), pursued by concerns of losing a daughter to drugs, comes to a Canadian town where 20 children have died in a school bus accident. He wants the parents to sue to make those at fault pay. Told partly in flashbacks, dramatizing the days leading up to the accident, this insightful story also follows the lawyer from family to family as he coaxes them to join the lawsuit. Only one teen (Polley) has survived, but she is paralysed. Her important testimony is motivated by a troubled relationship with her father. A complex and haunting tale of loss and forgiveness that is sure to touch viewers I think [REEL CANADA’s] hugely and make them think. important. It’s an incredible ATOM EGOYAN This film won eight Genie Awards and way for us to introduce a new Already an Officer of the Order of Canada, in 2015 Egoyan received the Governor General’s was nominated for two Oscars. generation to the amazing award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement, “Cuts to the bone and stays there long tradition of filmmaking in this this country’s highest honour in the arts. As a director, writer and producer, his award- after its end credits have finished rolling.” country. — Atom Egoyan, filmmaker winning films include Exotica, Ararat, Chloe and — Michael Dequina, TheMovieReport.com The Captive, starring Ryan Reynolds. His next film is Remember. TAQWACORE: THE BIRTH OF PUNK IN ISLAM (2009) Director: . 80 minutes. 14A The word “taqwacore” is taken from a novel by Michael Muhammad Knight, The Taqwacores, combining “taqwa,” an Arabic word for God-consciousness, with “hardcore.” His book, about a group of young Islamic punk rockers, inspired the creation of an actual Muslim punk scene. The first half of Omar Majeed’s documentary deals with this burgeoning scene as a group of bands travel together touring the American countryside. Young, disaffected and secular, these musicians are caught between two worlds — the Islamic culture from which they come, and the Western culture in which they are coming of age. OMAR MAJEED In the second half, the setting moves to Pakistan, where the bands have travelled to Majeed is a Pakistani-Canadian film director, editor and producer. He has received perform. Author Knight is along for the ride to observe and comment on the reality a Gemini award for his editing work in his writing has created. television. Taqwacore is his first feature-length documentary, and he recently co-directed the “Taqwacore is undeniably exciting.” — Al Kratine, The Montreal Gazette feature-doc , which premiered at the Hot Docs film festival.

REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 39 THIRTY-TWO SHORT FILMS ABOUT GLENN GOULD (1993) Director: François Girard. Screenwriters: François Girard, Don McKellar. Starring: Colm Feore, Derek Keuvorst, Katya Lada, Don McKellar. 93 minutes. PG Mirroring the structure of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations, the recording that made eccentric Canadian pianist Glenn Gould famous, this dramatic narrative is broken up into 32 short pieces. Each short film provides an insight into an aspect of Gould’s life and career. Some are filmed as dramatic re-creations, while others are more abstract: There is even an animated piece accompanied by a recording of a Gould performance. Colm Feore is brilliant as Gould, humanizing the difficult genius whose studio recordings, imaginative radio documentaries and insightful writings are still influential in REEL CANADA is an idea FRANÇOIS GIRARD contemporary classical circles. so brilliantly simple it Girard won a Grammy for his video for Peter Gabriel's Secret World Live. Thirty-Two Short “Instead of a laborious bio-pic, we gained the instant support Films About Glenn Gould won four Genie get a sly, quick-witted meditation on of the community of film Awards. The Red Violin (p.34) won eight Genies a character always likely to elude our professionals. and an Oscar for Best Original Score. His most recent credits include Silk and Boychoir. grasp.” — Anthony Lane, The New Yorker — Colm Feore, actor

TRICK OR TREATY? (2014) Director/Writer: . 85 minutes. NR One of the masters of Canadian documentary cinema, Alanis Obomsawin has spent decades chronicling the injustices visited on First Nations communities, creating a remarkable body of work. In her latest film, she digs into the difficult history of Treaty 9, the infamous 1905 agreement in which First Nations communities allegedly relinquished their sovereignty over their traditional lands. Setting the film against the context of a resurgence of First Nations activism (Chief Theresa Spence's hunger strike and the Idle No More movement), Obomsawin interviews legal, historical and cultural experts — as well as people ALANIS OBOMSAWIN whose ancestors were present when the treaty was signed — to explore some An Officer of the Order of Canada, Obomsawin fundamental questions about Canada’s relationship with our First Nations: In has made over 40 documentaries on issues signing Treaty 9, what did Native chiefs think they were agreeing to? What were affecting Aboriginal people in Canada. Some they told they were agreeing to? And was the treaty deliberately misrepresented? notable films include the seminal Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance, which earned TIFF’s Best “Obomsawin’s documentaries inform, inspire, and shock us. Trick or Treaty? is no Canadian Feature prize in 1993, Is the Crown at different.” — Nadya Domingo, Toronto Film Scene War with Us? and Hi-Ho Mistahey!

THE TROTSKY GRADES 11–12 (2009) Director/Screenwriter: Jacob Tierney. Starring: Jay Baruchel, Emily Hampshire, , Colm Feore. 120 minutes. 14A Leon Bronstein (Baruchel) isn’t an average Montreal high school student. For one thing, he’s convinced that he is the reincarnation of early-20th- century Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky. When Leon starts a hunger strike in a clothing factory owned by his father (Rubinek), he is sent to public school as punishment. Leon sets out to change the world, immediately butting heads with his new principal (Feore). Getting his apathetic peers to stand up to the school’s repressive administration proves more This movie was JACOB TIERNEY difficult than Leon first imagines, leading him to amazing. My resort to some extreme and often hilarious tactics. As an actor, Tierney has appeared in experience was 10 over 40 feature films and TV shows. He “The most genuine, authentic, legitimately directed his first feature, Twist, in 2003. out of 10! funny teen movie since Heathers or John Hughes’ The Trotsky won three Genies and several — Grade 12 student, other awards. Tierney recently directed movies.” — Jane Stevenson, Sun Media Seycove SS, Vancouver Good Neighbours and Preggoland, as well as episodes of the CBC hit show Mr. D.

40 REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS WATER (2005) Director/Screenwriter: Deepa Mehta. Starring: Sarala Kariyawasam, Lisa Ray, John Abraham, . 114 minutes. 14A (Hindi with English subtitles) Deepa Mehta’s Water is the conclusion to her intensely emotional and beautiful Elements trilogy. Set in India during the rise of Mahatma Gandhi, Water recounts the story of Chuyia (Kariyawasam), a child bride. When her husband dies suddenly, Chuyia is forced to live in an ashram for Hindu widows, essentially cut off from society. Fortunately, she f inds friends in the beautiful Kilyani (Ray) and in the forward-thinking Narayan (Abraham). With their help, Chuyia attempts to escape the conf ines of her existence. Boasting lush visuals, Water could easily be a bleak story of deprivation and loss, but in Mehta’s gentle hands, it becomes one charged with hope and optimism. DEEPA MEHTA I finally understand how An Officer of the Order of Canada, director and Water was nominated for an Academy important Canadian films are. screenwriter Mehta is known for her trilogy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. of films: Fire, Earth and the Oscar-nominated — Grade 9 student, West Hill CI, Scarborough, ON Water. Her other credits include Bollywood/ Hollywood (p.17) and Midnight’s Children (p.30), which was nominated for eight Canadian Screen Awards. Her latest feature is Beeba Boys.

WAYDOWNTOWN GRADES 11–12 (2000) Director: Gary Burns. Screenwriters: Gary Burns, James Martin. Starring: Fab Filippo, Don McKellar, Marya Delver, Michelle Beaudoin. 87 minutes. 14A Four young office worker pals bet a month's salary to see who can last the longest without going outside, in this wry and funny satire on modern-day office life and the very Canadian desire to stay inside where it’s warm. Living in the maze-like downtown core of Calgary, the office workers' world is full of interconnected skywalks between offices, apartment buildings, food courts and malls — making the bet possible, or perhaps even easy. But by lunchtime on the 24th day of the wager, as they prepare for their boss’s retirement party, the foursome has pretty much reached their breaking point. As the bet unravels, the desire for a breath of fresh air GARY BURNS brings loyalties, values and relationships under highly comic scrutiny. Calgary-born writer and director Burns’s won Best Canadian Film at the 2000 Toronto International Film Festival film credits include Kitchen Party, featuring Scott Speedman in his first starring role, The and was nominated for four Canadian Comedy Awards. Suburbanators and , which won “A smart, sardonic satire.” — Stephen Holden, The New York Times the Genie Award for Best Documentary. Most recently, Burns co-directed The Future is Now!

THE WHALE ESL (2010) Directors: Suzanne Chisholm, Michael Parfit. With Ryan Reynolds. 85 minutes. G This touching documentary tells the story of a young killer whale named Luna, who gets separated from his family on the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. As rambunctious and surprising as a visitor from another planet, Luna endears himself to the community with his determination to make contact, leading to many unexpected consequences. The Whale charts the community’s struggle to deal with Luna, since whales The audience cheered, sighed, who are separated from their pods laughed and cried for Luna. rarely survive in the wild. Raising more The hearts of all viewers were SUZANNE CHISHOLM & MICHAEL PARFIT questions than it can answer, the film captivated. Chisholm and Parfit co-founded the BC- is a truly compelling exploration of our — Grade 12 student, Adam Scott CVI, based Mountainside Films, which was named relationship with animals. Peterborough, ON among the 100 most influential production companies in the world by Realscreen magazine. Their work has aired extensively on the National Geographic Channel and on CBC, CNN, PBS and BBC. REEL CANADA FEATURE FILMS 41 CANADA ON TV CANADA: A PEOPLE’S HISTORY / LE CANADA: UNE HISTOIRE POPULAIRE (2002) Creator/Executive Producer: Mark Starowicz. Director of Research: Gene Allen. Senior Writers: Mark Starowicz, Gene Allen, Gordon Henderson, Hubert Gendron. 33 hours. PG (both English and French available) Dramatic and gripping, this popular series illustrates pivotal moments in Canada’s history, using eyewitness accounts to bring a compelling intimacy to grand historic developments. From the stories passed down through Native oral tradition to the first encounters between Indigenous peoples and Europeans, through the battles that engulfed the continent for centuries and the formation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867, to the modern era of feminism, multiculturalism and globalization, this captivating series brings to life many of the moments that have shaped our nation, telling Canada’s story through the eyes of the people who lived it. Canada: A People’s History won the Gemini Award for Best Documentary Series. The show is a collaborative production between the CBC and Radio-Canada, and as such, it is a fully bilingual series, available in both English and French. Students can explore Canadian history even further by delving into the series' award-winning website (www.cbc.ca/history), which features behind-the-scenes footage, games, puzzles, lesson plans and links to other historical resources. Episodes of this series are 105 minutes in length and comprise individual topic segments of 10 to 15 minutes. Episodes and segments can be shown independently of one another. For a more detailed breakdown of the topics covered in each episode, please see www.cbc.ca/history. SERIES 1: 15,000 B.C. to 1800 A.D. For centuries the territory now known as Canada is home to over 50 Indigenous nations, each with unique traditions and culture. In the 16th century, European explorers arrive, creating Canada’s first colonies along the Saint Lawrence River, and forever changing the landscape and the lives of the First Peoples. SERIES 2: 1670 to 1873 By the 1800s, British exploration opens the West to settlement, laying the foundation of a new nation, but also displacing and devastating Native inhabitants. Confederation soon follows, with the creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. SERIES 3: 1873 to 1940 Canada’s early years are fraught with economic depression, rebellions and tension between English- and French-speaking Canadians. A period of immigration, rapid growth and socio-political change follows, ending abruptly at the start of WWII. The war is a pivotal moment in Canada’s quest for autonomy that comes at the enormous cost of 60,000 young lives. SERIES 4: 1940 to 1990 The end of the Great Depression and the flames and ravages of WWII give way to a new modern era of peace, progress and prosperity, as well as socio-political changes like free trade, globalization, the rise of feminism, Aboriginal land claims, multiculturalism, Quebec nationalism and the explosion of computer technology. MARK STAROWICZ, CREATOR An Officer of the Order of Canada, Starowicz worked at the CBC for more than 40 years. He is the creator of some of the CBC’s most successful programs, including CBC Radio's As It Happens and Sunday Morning and CBC Television's The Journal.

GENE ALLEN, DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Allen has a Ph.D in Canadian history and over 20 years’ experience as a journalist, including senior positions at The Globe and Mail and with the award-winning CBC series Dawn of the Eye.

42 CANADA ON TV continued THE BOOK OF NEGROES (2015) Director: Clement Virgo. Screenwriters: Clement Virgo, Lawrence Hill, based on his book. Starring: Aunjanue Ellis, Lyriq Bent, Ben Chaplin, Allan Hawco, Cuba Gooding, Jr. 265 minutes in six 44-minute episodes. NR This CBC mini-series is based on the internationally celebrated novel by Canadian author Lawrence Hill. A compelling tale of loss, courage, love and the triumph of the human spirit, it follows the extraordinary journey of Aminata Diallo (Ellis), an indomitable African woman. In 1750, 11-year-old Aminata is kidnapped from her village in West Africa and begins a rich journey that takes her through the harrowing ordeal of slavery, to the turmoil of the American Revolution and ultimately to freedom in the British colony of Nova Scotia. Brilliant and determined, Aminata is a remarkable heroine whose unshakeable connection to her own African heritage guides her over unimaginable obstacles in her quest for freedom and ultimately allows her to assume the mantle of leadership for which she is destined. Deeply moving and inspiring, The Book of Negroes explores painful historical realities through the unblinking eyes of a strong female protagonist whose story will stay with you long after the telling.

CLEMENT VIRGO Virgo rose to prominence with his first feature film Rude, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and subsequently garnered two Genie nominations. Other notable titles include Poor Boy’s Game and Lie with Me, along with episodes of hit TV shows The Wire, Regenesis and The Listener.

LAWRENCE HILL A member of the Order of Canada, Hill is the author of 10 books. The Book of Negroes earned the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize, the Commonwealth Writer’s Prize, and CBC's 2009 Canada Reads competition. His latest novel, The Illegal, was released in the fall of 2015.

Discover our SPECIAL INTEREST films online Our Special Interest films are well-suited for in-class viewing by teachers and students who are engaged in the specific subject matter involved. They feature in-depth discussions of topics such as the environment, art, social justice, residential schools, gender inequality, LGBTQ identity, discrimination and more. For the full list, look in the REEL CANADA Films menu on our website, or go to: www.reelcanada.ca/specialinterest

43 SHORT FILM PROGRAMME A wealth of incredible short f ilms are produced in Canada every year. If you’d like to see some of them, please check out our description of the Short Film Programme on page 37 and contact us for advice and assistance. Aboriginal/Indigenous themes and/or created by Aboriginal/Indigenous filmmakers Produced by the National Film Board of Canada NFB CLASSIC ANIMATIONS BEGONE DULL CARE LA FAIM / HUNGER THE STREET Norman McLaren, Evelyn Lambart Peter Foldès 1973 11 min. Caroline Leaf 1976 10 min. 1949 8 min. Rapidly dissolving images form a An award-winning adaptation of a A groundbreaking experimental satire of self-indulgence in a world story by Canadian author Mordecai film consisting of abstract shapes plagued by hunger and poverty in Richler about how families deal with COSMIC ZOOM and colours shifting in sync with this Oscar-nominated film, among older relatives, and the emotions jazz music performed by the Oscar the first to use computer animation surrounding a grandmother’s death. Peterson Trio. technology. THE SWEATER THE BIG SNIT THE LOG DRIVER’S WALTZ Sheldon Cohen 1980 10 min. Richard Condie 1985 10 min. John Weldon 1979 3 min. Bestselling author Roch Carrier A wonderfully wacky look at two Kate and Anna McGarrigle sing along narrates a mortifying boyhood conflicts — global nuclear war and to the tale of a young girl who loves experience in this animated a domestic quarrel — and how each to dance and chooses to marry a adaptation of his beloved story is resolved. dancing log driver over his more well- “The Hockey Sweater.” THE LOG DRIVER’S WALTZ to-do competitors. THE CAT CAME BACK VILLAGE OF IDIOTS Cordell Barker 1988 7 min. NEIGHBOURS Eugene Fedorenko, Rose Newlove A humorous song tells the silly tale Norman McLaren 1952 8 min. 1999 13 min. of a man who just can’t get rid of an A groundbreaking Oscar-winner Based on a Jewish folk tale, this unwanted cat. that uses live actors as stop- extremely funny film provides a COSMIC ZOOM motion subjects to tell the tale of a fresh and irreverent take on our destructive feud over a flower. tendency to romanticize what Eva Szasz 1968 8 min. we don’t have. Cosmic Zoom explores the infinite THE SAND CASTLE THE SWEATER magnitude of space and the Co Hoedeman 1977 13 min. WALKING ultimate minuteness of matter. This A man made out of sand makes Ryan Larkin 1968 5 min. visually stunning journey takes us to other creatures out of sand in this An artist’s interpretation of the way the farthest conceivable point of the inventive, Oscar-winning stop- people walk, using a variety universe and then into the tiniest motion animation. of animation techniques. particle of existence.

CONTEMPORARY ANIMATION ÂME NOIR / BLACK SOUL ABORIGINALITY ABORIGINALITY BIRCHBARK Dominique Keller, Tom Jackson Martine Chartrand 2000 10 min. John Hupfield 2008 4 min. 2007 5 min. An exhilarating voyage through the Symbols of traditional knowledge A young boy is transported def ining moments of black history. come alive and find themselves through his television set to the inside the pages of a book. scene of a traditional Aboriginal AT THE QUINTE HOTEL hoop dance, encountering his Bruce Alcock 2005 4 min. DANCERS OF THE GRASS family’s cultural heritage in a new An animated version of Al Purdy’s Melanie Jackson 2009 2 min. way. poem about a man having a drink in Spectacular stop-motion animation a basement pub. breathes life into a traditional dance. AMAQQUT NUNAAT AMAQQUT NUNAAT / THE BASKETBALL GAME THE DANISH POET THE COUNTRY OF WOLVES Hart Snider 2011 5 min. Torill Kove 2006 14 min. Neil Christopher 2011 12 min. When 9-year-old Hart attends In this Oscar-winning short, a young In this traditional Inuit story, two Jewish summer camp for the first woman tells the story of how the Danish poet Kasper Jørgensen brothers are set adrift on broken sea time, his group must compete in found inspiration and ultimately ice while for seal. They soon an epic basketball game against find themselves in the country of caused her parents to find one the students of a notorious local another. wolves, where all is not as it appears. Holocaust denier. What awaits Hart on the basketball court? ÂME NOIR / BLACK SOUL

44 REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS CONTEMPORARY ANIMATION continued DIMANCHE / SUNDAY I HAVE SEEN THE FUTURE RUNAWAY Patrick Doyon 2011 10 min. Cam Christiansen 2007 6 min. Cordell Barker 2009 9 min. A young boy is bored during a visit to An animated music video about a Gleeful train passengers cavort to his grandparents’ house in small-town father-son tennis game set on a hot a jaunty jazz score, but when their Quebec after church one Sunday, so he summer day in the suburbs. driver disappears, the careless ride goes outside in search of adventure. turns darkly funny. I MET THE WALRUS DIMANCHE / SUNDAY EMPTY Josh Raskin 2007 5 min. RYAN Jackie Traverse 2009 5 min In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatles fan Chris Landreth 2004 14 min. Set to a song by Little Hawk, this sneaks into John Lennon’s Toronto A touching Oscar-winning tribute to animated story is a daughter’s starkly hotel room and convinces him to do Canadian animation pioneer Ryan honest tribute to her estranged an interview for his school paper. Larkin. mother. MADAME TUTLI-PUTLI SECOND HAND THE END OF PINKY Chris Lavis, Maciek Szczerbowski Isaac King 2010 8 min. Claire Blanchet 2013 8 min. 2007 17 min. Two neighbours have very different FIGHTING CHANCE Johnny is out to kill his best friend Madame Tutli-Putli boards a ideas about wasting time and saving stuff in this humourous meditation Pinky in this film noir adaptation of night train for a mysterious and on what’s precious and what’s a short story by acclaimed Canadian suspenseful journey. disposable. author Heather O’Neill. MCLAREN’S NEGATIVES SKETCHI FIGHTING CHANCE Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre 2006 10 min. Lily Sun 2010 3 min. Alexandra Lazarowich 2011 9 min. An animated documentary shares the secrets of legendary Canadian A young girl struggles to revive her An Aboriginal youth with a family beloved dead dog, Sketchi. history of residential schooling, animator Norman McLaren. MADAME TUTLI-PUTLI 13-year-old Joey is arrested and put ME AND MY MOULTON THE STONE OF FOLLY into a group home where he is given Jesse Rosensweet 2002 8 min. Torill Kove 2014 14 min. a chance to turn his life around. Strange doctors cure bizarre In this Oscar-nominated short, a ailments in curious ways in this seven-year-old girl asks for a bicycle, FLUX darkly humorous stop-motion piece. Christopher Hinton 2002 7 min. knowing full well that her loving yet A whimsical piece that plays with unconventional parents likely have STRANGE INVADERS the mundane and significant events something else in mind. Cordell Barker 2001 9 min. in the lives of two generations of a THE ORPHAN AND THE Roger and Doris are a childless couple family. who get more than they bargained for POLAR BEAR when a strange child appears at their ME AND MY MOULTON THE GIFT Neil Christopher 2014 9 min. door one day. Terril Calder 2011 2 min. In this adaptation of an Inuit legend, This stop-motion tale explores a neglected orphan is adopted by a SUBCONSCIOUS PASSWORD the historical question of whether polar bear elder and, under the bear's Chris Landreth 2013 11 min. smallpox-infected blankets were guidance, learns the skills he will need The inability to remember a former given by European settlers to to provide for himself and survive. acquaintance’s name sends Charles Aboriginal populations unwittingly, on a journey into his brain to crack or as a deadly “gift.” PARADISE the code in this cerebral rendition of Jesse Rosensweet 2007 7 min. the popular game show Password. LE GOUFFRE / THE GULF John Small’s actions are controlled by RUNAWAY Carl Beauchemin, Thomas Chrétien, fate. He looks to a better tomorrow, TRADITIONAL HEALING David Forest 2015 10 min. but fails to find fulfillment in the Raymond Caplin 2013 3 min. When two travellers undertake the present. In this beautifully animated film, construction of a gigantic bridge a woman’s sacred healing dance in order to cross a gulf blocking PINCH causes a miracle to occur in an their way, their courage and Jody Kramer 2006 5 min. otherwise bleak and devastated determination inspire a nearby rural The story of a young woman and the environment. community. pet monster who lives on her arm. HOW TO BE ALONE REQUIEM POUR UNE ROMANCE / All the short films SUBCONSCIOUS PASSWORD Andrea Dorfman 2010 6 min. REQUIEM FOR ROMANCE were creative and Beautifully hand-illustrated by Jonathan Ng 2012 6 min. very artistic! director Dorfman, Tanya Davis’ A couple’s breakup phone call takes eloquently narrated poem is full of on epic proportions, in the artist’s — Grade 10 student, Bluefield truths we so often need to remind imagination, as the lovers become HS, Hampshire, PEI ourselves of. The film is an online warriors in feudal China. sensation and has received over 7.3 million hits on YouTube. TRADITIONAL HEALING

REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS 45 CONTEMPORARY ANIMATION continued THE TRAGIC STORY OF NLING WALK-IN-THE-FOREST WILD LIFE Jeffrey St. Jules 2006 14 min. Diane Obomsawin 2009 3 min. Amanda Forbis, Wendy Tilby A drunken man and his best friend, A medicine man walks in the woods 2011 14 min. Donkey, attempt to flee Nling — a and discovers an intriguing secret An Englishman moves to the walled community composed of world. Canadian frontier in 1909, but is very THE VISIT the ancient city of Capillia’s garbage. badly suited to it. His letters home WHEN THE DAY BREAKS are much sunnier than his reality. THE VISIT Amanda Forbis, Wendy Tilby Nominated for an Oscar. Lisa Jackson 2009 3 min. 1999 10 min. The charming “true" story of an The charming, bittersweet story YELLOW STICKY NOTES Jeff Chiba Stearns 2007 6 min. encounter between extraterrestrials of Ruby, a pig whose life takes an and a Cree family. unexpected turn after she witnesses An animator finds a unique way to the accidental death of a stranger. deal with the fact that yellow sticky VIVE LA ROSE notes are taking over his life. Bruce Alcock 2009 6 min. Nominated for an Oscar. WILD LIFE (French with English subtitles) An animated depiction of a tragic Newfoundland love song.

COMEDY THE BIG CHARADE COMING SOON EVELYN: THE CUTEST EVIL Jesse McKeown 2004 5 min. Adam Brodie, Dave Derewlany DEAD GIRL BIG CITY HEAT A mock trailer about a boy and his 2012 2 min. Brad Peyton 2002 8 min. father, who teaches him all he knows A spoof of a Hollywood trailer A darkly twisted comedy about a about the game of charades. about the making of the world’s lonely dead girl who tries to bring BIG CITY HEAT greatest trailer…which is also called herself back to life in order to make Adam Brodie, Dave Derewlany “Coming Soon.” new friends. 2013 3 min. A jazz band’s rehearsal goes CROSS-COUNTRY SNOWBOARDING GREEN DOOR comically awry when pianist Donny Adam Brodie, Dave Derewlany Semi Chellas 2008 13 min. “Sniffs” Mitchum begins to act up. 2007 3 min. A case of mistaken identity drives this comedic tale of rental- Joel and Tate are the world’s BIRTHDAYS AND OTHER TRAUMAS apartment living and unrequited CHEF DE MEUTE / HERD LEADER most dedicated cross-country Katie Yu 2006 13 min. love on a cold winter morning snowboarders, striving for On his 12th birthday, Oscar imagines in Toronto. his mom’s homemade piñata is her evil excellence and trying to avoid the twin, and he must defend the family dangers of “scooch leg." THE GREEN FILM honour against it. Andrew Williamson 2008 5 min. DEADSPIEL It’s not easy being green — CHEF DE MEUTE / HERD LEADER Jay Molloy 2008 8 min. especially when you’re trying to Chloé Robichaud 2012 13 min. Things go terribly awry in a game make the most environmentally (French with English subtitles) between a human curling team and friendly movie of all time. CHILI & CHEESE After the death of her aunt, Clara a team of zombies, forcing players to becomes the reluctant new owner choose between sportsmanship and HIP HOP MOM of a disobedient pug. carnage. Mina Shum 2011 4 min. A comedic take on how moms can CHILI & CHEESE DESASTRE stay true to themselves while raising Joe Pingue 2008 13 min. Jay Field 2004 23 min. a family. Convenience store clerk Desmond (French with English subtitles) and his laid-back side-kick The parents of a young American HOP THE TWIG Mohamed are confounded by a boy who is born French try to Kyle Rideout 2011 10 min. night-owl customer’s bizarre eating CROSS-COUNTRY SNOWBOARDING deprogram him after he begins When a house plant withers away, habits. eating baguettes and debating the little Audrey is plunged into her merits of Jerry Lewis f ilms. deepest fear: that one day she’ll THE CLOSER YOU GET TO CANADA similarly lose her mother. John Bolton 2010 11 min. THE DOG WALKER Based on the short story by acclaimed James Genn 2003 13 min. INDIAN Canadian author , His job defines him. His heart Darryl Nepinak 2008 2 min. this darkly comic short follows the betrays him. (But dogs really like In this amusing and powerful short, adventures of two old friends trapped him.) the etymology of the word “Indian” in a futuristic American seniors’ is deconstructed at the Canadian EVELYN: THE CUTEST EVIL DEAD GIRL residence as they try to escape to National Spelling Bee. Canada. 46 REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS COMEDY continued KING CHICKEN OÙ EST MAURICE? SAD BEAR Nicolas Bolduc 2010 7 min. Alek Rzeszowski, Matthew Rankin Liz Van Allen Cairns, Joe LoBianco King Chicken walks into a 2006 5 min. 2010 10 min. language lab to learn English, A woman searches for her lost dog A sincere and funny story that and is suddenly love-struck by a and instead finds a Parisian man eager tackles the universal need to quirky and cute student. Will he to take its place. simultaneously hold on and let go. A MILE IN THESE HOOVES be able to approach her? PARACHUTE SHOES OFF Martin Thibaudeau 2012 5 min. LÉGER PROBLÈME Mark Sawers 1998 13 min. Hélène Florent 2009 9 min. (French with English subtitles) After losing his nerve to speak to (French with English subtitles) A vacationing couple discovers an an attractive woman he shares an unconventional skydiving club. While it’s usually good to be light elevator ride with, Stuart decides to Should they take the plunge? on one’s feet, it’s best not to get crash a housewarming party. too light! In this visually inventive short, a man struggles to obey the THE PARIS QUINTET SORRY, RABBI laws of gravity. Benjamin Schuetze 2010 11 min. POOL POOL Sharply dressed and beautifully Mark Slutsky 2011 10 min. MAN V. MINIVAN choreographed, five men go about Josh is a young secular Jewish Spencer Maybee 2009 17 min. their daily routines in a cramped professional in Montreal who ends On the brink of getting married, Paris apartment. up the subject of an impromptu Shane receives a minivan from his Hasidic tribunal, due to a future in-laws, which leads to a PEDESTRIAN JAR misunderstanding. comedic case of cold feet. Evan Morgan 2011 4 min. A group of co-workers come up A MILE IN THESE HOOVES LE TECHNICIEN / with their own unique solution THE TECHNICIAN James Brylowski 2014 15 min. to pedestrian-related driving Simon Olivier Fecteau 2009 7 min. accidents in their city in this RIBOFLAVIN! Tom and Mark set out on a mission (French with English subtitles) to break the world record for hilarious mock-doc. After a customer complains that his Longest Distance Travelled in a television is broken because it only Two-Person Costume: Toronto, POOL POOL shows bad news, a cable repairman Ontario, to Venice Beach, California. Adam Brodie, Dave Derewlany As the heat from their donkey 2007 3 min. sets out to solve the problem. costume rises, so do the tensions Two oddball brothers are dedicated between them. to playing billiards in a swimming THE TRUTH ABOUT HEAD pool. Dale Heslip 2004 12 min. NEXT FLOOR RIBOFLAVIN! A bizarre comedy about Ed, a 2008 12 min. head whose desperate desire to Blair Dykes 2009 9 min. ROLAND In this absurd black comedy, be attached to a body has him an unexpected series of events When two men set out to see travelling around the countryside undermines the endless symphony what happens when they ingest with a freak show in order to raise of abundance. too much riboflavin, they end up money for the operation. causing an unexpected rift in time. NOT ANOTHER DAMN MUSICAL ROLAND WILLIAM SHATNER Chris Goldade 2009 9 min. Trevor Cornish 2013 11 min. SINGS O CANADA A TV reporter who dreams of being Roland, a keen art supply store clerk, Jacob Medjuck 2011 5 min. a detective can’t help singing his is rattled after a crazed man accosts way through life — unfortunately, The always-charming William Shatner SORRY, RABBI him to use the store’s washroom, takes helm of our heritage and treats his wife, his boss and seemingly which is against store policy. everyone else has had enough of it. us to a memorable rendition of THE RUNNER Canada's national anthem. Funny, OLIVER BUMP’S BIRTHDAY Robert DeLeskie 2006 4 min. quirky and heartwarming, this short pokes fun at our beloved home and Jordan Canning 2011 16 min. Set in a sea of cubicles, the futility of native land. A 12-year-old boy who believes he the daily rat race is illustrated in this is fated to die on his 13th birthday ingeniously choreographed dance must find a way to cheat death comedy. before the clock runs out. LE TECHNICIEN / THE TECHNICIAN

Did you know: Animated short films and live-action Can you spot all the short filmmakers who have also drama short films must be under 60 minutes to be directed feature films in the REEL CANADA catalogue? eligible for those categories at the Canadian Screen Awards. The limit for documentary shorts is 45 minutes.

REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS 47 DRAMA BOXED IN HEART REEL CANADA is Shane Belcourt 2009 4 min. Ann Marie Fleming 2002 7 min. very important and A young woman of mixed A singer prepares for a performance unique. Thumbs up! ancestry struggles with an Equal while f ighting back tears; a Opportunity form that requires beautifully rendered response to the 4 AM — Grade 11 student, John her to respond to the dilemma events of September 11, 2001. Oliver SS, Vancouver “Ethnicity — Choose One.” HEART OF THE WORLD CAMERA 2000 5 min. 4 AM David Cronenberg 2000 5 min. Janine Fung 2011 4 min. The story of state scientist Anna A seasoned actor discusses the and the two brothers who vie for Trinidadian spoken-word poet current state of f ilm while a group Muhammad Muwakil conjures up a her love while she tries to save the of young children sneak in with world. powerful picture of life in a suburb production equipment to f ilm him. of Port of Spain, Trinidad. A HINDU’S INDICTMENT 35 MPH 35 MPH COVERED OF HEAVEN Jean-Marc E. Roy, Philippe David Gagné, Jonathon M.B. Hunter 20147 min. Dev Khanna 2009 11 min. Dominic Leclerc 2011 10 min. Actors reinterpret a 1960s television A charming, tongue-in-cheek drama (French with English subtitles) interview with folk music legend — about a woman who waits with Two buddies share a passion for and legendary Indigenous-rights Saint Peter outside the gates of dirt bikes, but their friendship is also activist — Buffy Sainte-Marie. heaven for her soulmate. based on a deeper understanding that only they share. CURSING HANLEY HOME AWAY Kelly Harms 2007 17 min. Hannah Yohannes 2013 10 min. ARUBA ANIRNIQ / BREATH After his ex-f iancée places a R.J. Sauer 2011 5 min. With nowhere left to turn, pregnant curse upon him, a doltishly Sabrina checks herself into a group A beautiful exploration of the Inuit charming man seeks to reverse his home for teen girls and discovers belief that when someone dies, their steadily mounting and comedic the family she desperately needs. spirit goes into the living creatures misfortunes. around them. I SHOUT LOVE ELEVATED Sarah Polley 2001 38 min. ARROWHEAD Vincenzo Natali 1996 20 min. Peter Lynch 1994 30 min. Bobby is about to abandon A routine elevator ride becomes An ingeniously wry look at the way Tessa, but in a panic she persuades a living hell for its three trapped people struggle to f ind meaning him to stay one last night and re- BAREFOOT passengers. within sterile urban environments. enact the good ol' days in front of a video camera for posterity. ARUBA ENTANGLED Hubert Davis 2005 11 min. Tony Elliott 2014 15 min. KAJUTAIJUQ: THE SPIRIT A young boy employs ingenuity Forced to care for her catatonic lover THAT COMES and his imagination to escape his after a secret quantum experiment Scott Brachmayer 2014 15 min. diff icult life circumstances. goes awry, Erin is determined to Part Inuit legend, part thriller; an uncover the cause of his condition Arctic hunter tries to live by the AVILIAQ / ENTWINED — even at the risk of her own life. Alethea Arnaquq-Baril 2014 15 min. traditional skills his grandfather BIG GIRL (Inuktitut with English subtitles) FROST taught him — but they are difficult for a modern man to apply, and the In the 1950s, two Inuit women Jeremy Ball 2012 14 min. attempt to protect their relationship price of failure is high. In a scarce season, young Arctic when pressure from their hunter Naya embarks on a perilous community forces them to marry LEO search for food outside her ancestral men. David Hyde 2005 16 min. hunting grounds. There, Naya Lovable loser Leo does his best to BAREFOOT discovers an incomprehensible new self-actualize, put out f ires and fall world and a dangerous predator. Danis Goulet 2012 11 min. in love — all on his flower delivery In a tight-knit Cree community in route. ENTANGLED northern Saskatchewan, 16-year- THE GAME old Alyssa enjoys the attention that Andrew Chiang 2012 11 min. MILO 55160 comes with pregnancy — until her After a professional basketball David Ostry 2004 20 min. player is cut from his team, he secret plan unravels. Heaven’s loneliest and busiest reflects on the talent and passion bureaucrat spends his days BIG GIRL that brought him to this point processing disoriented and angry Renuka Jeyapalan 2005 15 min. by playing a game against three newly-deads upon their arrival. A poignant tale of a little girl who younger versions of himself. embarks on a battle of wills with her mother’s new boyfriend. FROST

48 REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS DRAMA continued MY FATHER’S HANDS TAXI LIBRE THE UNDERGROUND David Sutherland 1999 27 min. Kaveh Nabatian 2010 13 min. Michelle Latimer 2014 14 min. A powerful and moving short about (French and Spanish with English In this gritty and poetic short, an a father and a son, each representing subtitles) Iranian man struggles to fit into a different culture and time. Jose Garcia was a doctor in his North American life by imagining home country. Now, as a taxi driver himself as a cockroach. Based on the TAXI LIBRE PUDGE in Canada, he must cope with a novel Cockroach by Rawi Hage. Annie Bradley 2008 17 min. playfully taunting prospective Twelve-year-old Violet just wants a employer who takes a seat in his cab. WAPAWEKKA winter coat that fits, but what she Danis Goulet 2010 16 min. gets is an unusual friendship that fits THROAT SONG Josh and his father visit their family her best of all. Miranda de Pencier 2011 16 min. cabin in Saskatchewan for the last A young Inuit woman with a time, confronting the generational QAGGIQ / GATHERING PLACE troubled past begins to connect with Zacharias Kunuk 1989 58 min. differences between their Cree other victims of violence from her heritage and Josh’s urban lifestyle. (Inuktitut with English subtitles) community and reclaims her voice QAGGIQ Conflicts arise when families in an along the way in this touching short. Inuit camp build a communal igloo to celebrate the coming of spring UNDER This was an amazing with games, singing and drum Mark Raso 2011 23 min. experience. Every dancing. Tom tries to help Sydney overcome Canadian should SPIRIT OF THE BLUEBIRD her addictions in an isolated take part. Jesse Gouchey, Xstine Cook northern setting, but when an 2011 6 min. avalanche traps the couple, their trip — Grade 11 student, West Hill Collegiate Institute, A personal and poetic tribute by becomes a battle for survival. Scarborough, ON Cree artist Gouchey to Gloria Black WAPAWEKKA Plume, a woman who was murdered in Calgary over a decade ago. DOCUMENTARY ACTIVISM 2.0 HARDWOOD THE LITTLE DEPUTY Emily Hunter 2015 15 min. Hubert Davis 2004 27 min. Trevor Anderson 2015 9 min. Filmmaker and eco-warrior Emily Mel Davis, a member of the Years after dressing up as a deputy Hunter explores the unconventional legendary Harlem Globetrotters, had sheriff for a western-style photo HONEY FOR SALE tactics of the Black Fish, members two families — one in Chicago and with his father, Trevor explores of a new generation of high-tech one in Vancouver. His Canadian son issues of gender identity when environmental activists. Hubert takes a personal look at his he tries to recreate the photo as it father’s life. Nominated for an Oscar. always should have been. AGAINST THE GRAIN Curtis Mandeville 2009 24 min. HONEY FOR SALE MA BOÎTE NOIRE / MY BLACK BOX Survivors of the Indian Residential Amanda Strong 2009 7 min. Nicolas-Alexandre Tremblay 2012 School System attempt to cope with The director focuses her camera 12 min. (French with English subtitles) its impact on their personal lives on the tenuous life of a honeybee A man uses rap to overcome both and communities. A good primer in this poetic and thoughtful his speech impediment and his THE LIFE YOU WANT for discussions of the Truth and meditation on the fragility of human troubled past, and then teaches Reconciliation Commission report. existence. other young people to do the same. THE CREATOR’S GAME THE LIFE YOU WANT ME, MOM AND MONA Candace Maracle 2011 41 min. Mina Shum 1993 20 min. After being denied entry Michelle Derosier 2011 34 min. In this evocative documentary, the into Europe because of their The isolated northern town of women of the Shum family share in Haudenosaunee passports, the Fort Hope, Ontario, has a serious a discussion that reveals the impact Iroquois Nationals lacrosse team problem with prescription drugs. of conflicting values on their lives. are forced to forfeit their shot at Many residents are addicted, with THE LITTLE DEPUTY the World Championship. A year crime and poverty rising as a result. MÉMÉRE MÉTISSE later, we follow the team as they This film follows the journey of one Janelle Wookey 2008 30 min. fight to bring the title and national brave resident who admits her A young filmmaker explores her sovereignty to their people. problem and applies for treatment. family’s past as she schemes to convince her grandmother to Mémére Métisse hit very close to home and accept her Métis heritage. Wookey’s was quite funny. mischievous persistence uncovers a legacy of shame and the profound — Grade 11 student, Glenlawn Collegiate, Winnipeg courage needed to overcome it. MÉMÉRE MÉTISSE

REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS 49 DOCUMENTARY continued MOHAWK GIRLS PETRA’S POEM VOLTA Tracey Deer 2005 55 min. Shira Avni 2012 4 min. Ryan Mullins 2009 13 min. Three teenage girls from the Against a backdrop of colourful In this gorgeously shot Kahnawake Native reserve wrestle animation and live action, artist documentary, Mullins is guided not only with decisions about their Petra Tolley recites her poem about by a former projectionist on a tour MY ENEMY, MY BROTHER futures, like any teen, but also with life with Down syndrome. of a derelict movie theatre in rural the challenges of maintaining and Ghana, that is now serving as a embracing their Mohawk identity. SEA SHEPHERD make-shift school. MY ENEMY, MY BROTHER Emily Hunter 2009 5 min. WAYS OF YESTERDAY Ann Shin 2015 18 min. This short by eco-warrior Emily Elliott Simon 2014 6 min. During the Iran-Iraq war, an Iranian Hunter documents the organization Through break dance and rap, child soldier risks his life to save an Sea Shepherd’s 2007 anti-whaling Elliott, a rapper, and Curtis, a b-boy, injured Iraqi enemy. Years later, in campaign, as a dedicated group of share their life experiences and try Canada, the men meet by sheer direct-action marine conservation to motivate and inspire Indigenous coincidence and help each other activists try to stop illegal whale kids to follow their dreams. OVERBURDEN heal the wounds of the past. An slaughter on the high seas. inspiring true story. YESTERDAY IN RWANDA SHARKWATER REVOLUTION Davina Pardo 2005 14 min. NAILS SAIPAN A documentary examining the Philip Borsos 1979 13 min. Rob Stewart 2011 5 min. resonant horrors of the Rwandan This documentary explores the After watching the feature film genocide — through the eyes of manufacturing of nails and the Sharkwater, a Grade 6 class in Claire Wihogora, a survivor now gulf between the skilled labour Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, living in Ottawa. of traditional tradespeople and pressures their government to ban modern mechanization. shark fins – and succeeds. PETRA’S POEM Watching Canadian OVERBURDEN SLUICE BOX AND A ROCKER movies makes Neil McArthur, Warren Cariou Deco Dawson 2009 8 min. 2009 15 min. me proud to be Ghostly images of Dawson City’s Aboriginal communities in Alberta a Canadian…I’ll Gold Rush heyday in the Yukon — defend the environment, their along with audio testimony and always be a fan of health and their way of life in the music by Arvo Pärt — make up this Canadian movies. face of a destructive oil recovery haunting non-fiction short. — enterprise. A timely look at the Grade 12 student, Evan Hardy CI, Saskatoon issues surrounding the oil sands. YESTERDAY IN RWANDA

50 REEL CANADA SHORT FILMS DANCE AND EXPERIMENTAL BABA IN THE GROOVE TERMINUS Jonathan Lawley 2006 3 min. Clarence Ford 2006 2 min. Trevor Cawood 2007 8 min. Different people, cultures and This combination of hockey, dance, One man manages, at a gruesome styles of dance come together in f igure skating and rock/funk takes cost, to escape from the shadows one expression of love and life. place on ice and features champion of the dancing concrete figure that Choreographed by Tré Armstrong. f igure skater Kurt Browning. dogs him. BABA BUS NO. 9 PRETTY BIG DIG TROPICAL RUMOURS Michael Downing 1999 3 min. Anne Troake 2006 3 min. Veronica Tennant 2004 4 min. A chance encounter at a bus stop Three excavation vehicles move A rich fabric of movement and becomes an excuse for a sultry together with impressive grace to a imagery, inspired by Michael tango pas de deux. contemporary classical score, gently Ondaatje’s memoir, Running in inviting us to re-examine the way we the Family. THE CINNAMON PEELER view dance and technology. VERY NICE, VERY NICE Veronica Tennant 2004 3 min. PORTRAIT AS A RANDOM ACT Arthur Lipsett 1961 7 min. reads his poem A look behind the business-as-usual PORTRAIT AS A RANDOM The Cinnamon Peeler accompanied OF VIOLENCE Randall Lloyd Okita 2013 5 min. face we put on in life. The film shows ACT OF VIOLENCE by the movements of two dancers anxieties we'd rather forget using choreographed by the director. This engrossing short combines performance with stunning kinetic dozens of familiar pictures and FOUND sculptures, evoking themes of protest, fragments of speech. Paramita Nath 2009 6 min. destruction and resurrection. WAVE A RED FLAG An impressionistic journey told A SHORT FILM ABOUT FALLING Adam Garnet Jones 2009 3 min. through old photos, text, animation A whimsical, wordless exploration Peter Lynch, Max Dean 2007 15 min. and home movies as Toronto poet Using a robotic chair as the of Aboriginal identity, community Souvankham Thammavongsa axis of entwined stories tied to the and culture. TROPICAL RUMOURS discovers her father’s scrapbook theme of suspension, Lynch documenting the family’s escape from and Dean explore autobiography in Laos in the 1970s. this challenging and complex work. Canadian films are amazing!!! GLORIA VICTORIA SOMETHING’S COMING Theodore Ushev 2012 9 min. Veronica Tennant 2012 3 min. — Grade 9 student, Emery Recycling elements of surrealism A creative split-screen film featuring Collegiate Institute, Toronto and cubism, this Genie-nominated ballet and singing performances of animation explores relationships “Something’s Coming!" from West between art and war. Side Story. WAVE A RED FLAG

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ACROSS 35 2. pg.49 Filmmaker and ___-______Emily Hunter…. 36 37 4. pg.25 By what method; that woman; relocate 6. pg.44 Oscar-winning short about a destructive feud

over a flower 38 7. pg.18 Cold seasons, and the Speedy Singhs' coach 10. pg.40 Early-20th-century Russian revolutionary, 39 40 and Leon Bronstein’s inspiration 11. pg.22 Aspiring actor-turned-bankrobber, Eddie _____ 14. pg.31 The province where Moonie and Lou live 16. pg.27 Director of Liverpool, Manon ____ 41 19. pg.36 Luc and Marco’s profession 21. pg.30 “…the greatest ______in track-and-field history.” 24. pg.45 Contemporary Animation How to be _____ 25. pg.16 Indigenous language featured in Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner 29. pg.26 Regent Park is a neighbourhood in this city 17. pg.36 The country of Roméo Dallaire’s peacekeeping mission 31. pg.21 Arthur Poppington’s role by night 18. pg.19 Doe’s partner, and the first Mohawk woman to win a 33. pg.47 The type of store where Roland works Gemini Award 34. pg.28 Louis 19, le roi des ondes was adapted into this 19. pg.22 The Aboriginal heritage of Lena and her family American film 20. pg.28 This film is based on a book by Dominique Demers 35. pg.33 Michael Dunne’s hometown 22. pg.48 Part Inuit legend, part thriller 36. pg.32 French for sky, and a character in Nurse.Fighter.Boy 23. pg.18 Eponymous "bad cop", played by Patrick ______39. pg.20 Zac Beaulieu’s birthday 24. pg.43 An indomitable African woman, and the protagonist of 41. pg.40 Famous Canadian pianist played by Colm Feore The Book of Negroes 26. pg.32 Town in British Columbia, and where Ben ends his DOWN motorcycle trip 1. pg.34 A shiny piece of carbon, and director Neil ______27. pg.23 The F word that complicates Wallace and Chantry’s 3. pg.29 REEL CANADA’s Executive Director stars in this film relationship 5. pg.42 Fully bilingual television series, Canada: A ______History 28. pg.24 Bill Miner, The ______Bandit 8. pg.47 Comedy short about playing billiards in a swimming pool 30. pg.51 The Cinnamon Peeler’s poet, and celebrated Canadian 9. pg.33 Town in Ontario where the English language becomes author Michael ______infected with a deadly virus 32. pg.21 Number of films in this catalogue written and/or directed 12. pg.23 A group of singers, and where Gabrielle meets by Émile Gaudreault her boyfriend 37. pg.27 This film won the Prix de la jeunesse at the Cannes 13. pg.39 Small particle, and first name of Oscar-nominated Film Festival filmmaker Egoyan 38. pg.41 Luna e.g., and a film with Ryan Reynolds,The _____ 15. pg.38 Setting of The Snow Walker 40. pg.17 Barney’s best friend

National CANADIAN FILM DAY NCFD 2015 By the numbers: 10,000,000: Twitter reach for National Canadian Film Day and its associated hashtags (#NCFD15 & #canfilmday) on April 29, 2015

162,500: Number of grams of popcorn sent by REEL CANADA across Canada to NCFD participants

5,009: Number of people who have taken REEL CANADA's Canadian film quizzes to date

170: Number of NCFD screening events (see map)

143: Percentage increase in number of events from 2014 to 2015

122: Total number of feature films screened at live events

105: Number of Canadian films screened by broadcasters

84: Number of Canadian films offered for free online streaming by various distributors and broadcasters

48: Number of libraries across Canada that hosted screenings

26: Number of filmmakers, actors and other film industry guests who participated in post-screening Q&As

9: Number of screenings that took place in First Nations communities REEL CANADA presents: Recipes inspired by great Canadian films 8: Number of delicious Canadian film-themed recipes available on the NCFD website 4: Number of films screened on NCFD that were selected through an BON CHOP elimination tournament (in Fort McMurray, Halifax, Montreal, and Toronto) BAD CHOP Salad From the kitchen of Sylviane Galland Number of screenings in Jasper, AB that took place in venues other than www.stuffmygirlfriendmakes.com 3: * inspired by BON COP, BAD COP (2006) a cinema (the venues were a museum, a library and a café)

2: Number of screenings accompanied by live music (in Toronto and London) 2: Number of screenings that served either free cupcakes from a local bakery or a traditional Inuit snack of tea and bannock (Toronto, Iqaluit)

1: Number of screenings organized in the form of a movie scavenger hunt (Edmunston, NB)

0: Number of Canadian provinces/territories that did not host any NCFD screenings Thanks to our sponsors! On April 29, 2015 we came together to celebrate Canada by CANADIAN FILM DAY watCHING A GREAT CANADIAN FILM.

Check out all 170 screenings on the next page! UNITING OUR NATION Through Film 2015 SCREENINGS: NUNAVUT • Iqaluit — Iqaluit Centennial Library / Unikkaarvik Visitor Centre • NORTHWEST TERRITORIES • Yellowknife — ImagineNATIVE / Western Arctic Moving Pictures • Yellowknife — Yellowknife Public Library • YUKON • Carmacks — Carmacks Community Library • Dawson City — Klondike Institute of Art and Culture • Dawson City — Robert Service School • Faro — Faro Community Library • Old Crow — Old Crow Community Library • Whitehorse — Yukon Film Society / Available Light Film Festival • BRITISH COLUMBIA • Campbell River — Canadian Indie Film Series (C.I.F.S.) Chilliwack — Chilliwack Arts Council Film Festival / TIFF Film Circuit • Cranbrook — C.I.F.S. • Kamloops — C.I.F.S. • Kelowna — C.I.F.S. • Kelowna — Kelowna Film Society / TIFF Film Circuit • Merritt — City of Merritt Office of Parks and Recreation • Nanaimo — C.I.F.S. • Nelson — Civic Theatre • New Westminster — C.I.F.S. • North Vancouver — Parkgate Library • Penticton — C.I.F.S. • Vancouver — Documentary Organization of Canada — BC / Cineworks • Vancouver — Shivers Film Festival • Vancouver — University of British Columbia Theatre and Film Department • Vancouver — Vancouver Community College • Vancouver — Vancouver International Film Festival Victoria — Cinecenta at the University of Victoria • Whistler — Whistler Film Festival • ALBERTA • Calgary — Calgary Underground Film Festival / Calgary International Film Festival • Calgary — C.I.F.S. • Calgary — C.I.F.S. • — C.I.F.S. • Edmonton — Global Visions Film Festival / Metro Cinema • Fort McMurray — Fort McMurray Film Association • Indian Head — Indian Head Grand Theatre • Jasper — Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts (3 screenings) • Turner Valley — High Country Video / Sheep River Library • SASKATCHEWAN • Regina — Regina Public Library Theatre / University of Regina / Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative • Saskatoon — Saskatoon Library / PAVED ARTS/ Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association • Yorkton — Yorkton Film Festival / Sacred Heart High School • MANITOBA • Flin Flon — Flin Flon Arts Society • Winnipeg — Absolutely Canadian – Manitoba (online) • Winnipeg — C.I.F.S. • Winnipeg — Maples Collegiate • Winnipeg — Prince Charles Education Resource Centre• Winnipeg — Winnipeg Film Group / Winnipeg Cinematheque • Winnipeg — Freeze Frame International Film Festival • ONTARIO • Barrie — Barrie Film Festival • Elora — The Gorge Cinema / Pacific Northwest Pictures • Guelph — Guelph Wellington Local Immigration Partnership • Hamilton — C.I.F.S. • Hanmer — Valley East Sudbury Library • Hearst — Hearst Theatre • Kanata — C.I.F.S. • Keswick — Georgina Public Libraries, Keswick Branch • Kingston — C.I.F.S. • Lively — Lively Sudbury Library • London — C.I.F.S. • London — Cherryhill Library • London — Crouch Library • London — East London Library • London — Hyland Cinema • London — LondonFuse • London — Stoney Creek Library • London — Westmount Library • Midland — Midland Secondary School • Oakville — Oakville Mews Cinema • Ottawa — Canadian Media Production Association Ottawa — Hintonburg Public House • Ottawa — Ridgemont High School • Peterborough — Adam Scott Collegiate Vocational Institute • Red Lake — Red Lake Regional Heritage Museum Centre • Sarnia — South Western International Film Festival • St. Catharines — Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School • St. Thomas — St. Thomas Elgin County Local Immigration Partnership (5 screenings) • Sudbury — Main Sudbury Library • Sudbury — Sudbury Downtown Indie Cinema Co-op • Sutton — Georgina Public Libraries, Peter Gzowski Branch • Toronto — Andra Movie World • Toronto — Bloor-Gladstone Library • Toronto — CBC • Toronto — Downsview Library • Toronto — Dufferin- St.Clair Library • Toronto — East End Arts • Toronto — Fox Cinemas • Toronto — Hot Docs International Film Festival (13 screenings) • Toronto — Kingsway Theatre • Toronto — North York Central Library • Toronto — Queerstory • Toronto — Rainbow Cinema Market Square • Toronto — Regent Park Film Festival • Toronto — Riverdale Collegiate Institute • Toronto — Sellers & Newel Second Hand Books • Toronto — Sonic Boom Records • Toronto — The Royal Cinema • Toronto — – Robarts Library Media Commons • Toronto — Vaughan Road Academy • Toronto — VCR Meltdown / 831 Dundas • Toronto — Cinema and Media Studies Masters Program • Toronto — York Woods Library • Trenton — Centre Theatre• — Wasaga Beach Short Film Festival / Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce / Waterside Retirement Lodge / Mountain Goat Film Company • Waterloo — C.I.F.S. • Waterloo — Princess Cinema • Whitby — C.I.F.S. • ...and please join us for NATIONAL CANADIAN FILM DAY next year: April 20, 2016! QUEBEC • Montreal — Annexe / Telefilm / Cineplex • Montreal — eXcentris Cinema • Montreal — Heritage Regional High School • Montreal — ILSC Education Group • NEW BRUNSWICK • Campbellton — Campbellton Centennial Library • Edmunston — Bibliothèque publique Mgr-W.-J.-Conway • Florenceville-Bristol — Andrew and Laura McCain Public Library • Fredericton — Fredericton Public Library • Moncton — Moncton Public Library / Frye Festival • Saint John — Saint John Free Public Library • Saint John — Saint John Theatre Company / TIFF Film Circuit • Salisbury — Salisbury Public Library • St. Andrews — St. Andrews Film Society • Tracadie-Sheila — Bibliothèque publique de Tracadie-Sheila /Tracadie-Sheila Public Library • NOVA SCOTIA • Annapolis Royal — King’s Theatre Film Society / TIFF Film Circuit • Antigonish — Antigonish Town and County Library • Bridgewater — Lunenburg NUNAVUT • Iqaluit — Iqaluit Centennial Library / Unikkaarvik Visitor Centre • 2015 SCREENINGS: Doc Fest • Brookfield — South Colchester Academy • Cape Breton — Baddeck Public Library • NORTHWEST TERRITORIES • Yellowknife — ImagineNATIVE / Western Arctic Moving Pictures • Yellowknife — Cookville — Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud • Glace Bay — Glace Bay Public Library • Halifax — Atlantic Yellowknife Public Library • YUKON • Carmacks — Carmacks Community Library • Dawson City — Klondike Institute of Art and Culture • Dawson Film Festival / Halifax Public Library • Halifax — Carbon Arc • Halifax — Pathways to Education-Spryfield • City — Robert Service School • Faro — Faro Community Library • Old Crow — Old Crow Community Library • Whitehorse — Yukon Film Society / Halifax — Scotiabank SCENE • Middleton — Rosa M. Harvey Library • New Glasgow Available Light Film Festival • BRITISH COLUMBIA • Campbell River — Canadian Indie Film Series (C.I.F.S.) Chilliwack — — New Glasgow Library / The Plaid Marquee • New Waterford — New Waterford Public Library • Chilliwack Arts Council Film Festival / TIFF Film Circuit • Cranbrook — C.I.F.S. • Kamloops — C.I.F.S. • Kelowna — C.I.F.S. • Kelowna — Kelowna Parrsboro — Films “For All” at The Hall • River John — River John Library / The Sunrise Film Film Society / TIFF Film Circuit • Merritt — City of Merritt Office of Parks and Recreation • Nanaimo — C.I.F.S. • Nelson — Festival / The River John Community Action Society • Sydney — James McConnell Civic Theatre • New Westminster — C.I.F.S. • North Vancouver — Parkgate Library • Penticton — C.I.F.S. • Vancouver Memorial Library • Windsor — Windsor Public Library • — Documentary Organization of Canada — BC / Cineworks • Vancouver — Shivers Film Festival • Vancouver — Wolfville — Fundy Film Society/ TIFF Film Circuit • Wolfville University of British Columbia Theatre and Film Department • Vancouver — Vancouver Community College • — Wolfville Memorial Public Library • Yarmouth — Friends Vancouver — Vancouver International Film Festival Victoria — Cinecenta at of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia — Yarmouth • PRINCE the University of Victoria • Whistler — Whistler Film Festival • ALBERTA • Calgary — Calgary Underground EDWARD ISLAND • Charlottetown — City Cinema / Film Festival / Calgary International Film Festival • Calgary — C.I.F.S. • Calgary — C.I.F.S. • Edmonton — TIFF Film Circuit • Charlottetown — Confederation C.I.F.S. • Edmonton — Global Visions Film Festival / Metro Cinema • Fort McMurray — Fort McMurray Centre Public Library • Charlottetown — Island Film Association • Indian Head — Indian Head Grand Theatre • Jasper Media Arts Cooperative • Lennox Island — Island Media — Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts (3 screenings) • Turner Valley — High Country Video / Arts Cooperative/Lennox Island Community • Montague — Sheep River Library • SASKATCHEWAN • Regina — Regina Public Library Theatre / University Montague Rotary Library • Stratford — Stratford Public Library • of Regina / Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative • Saskatoon — Saskatoon Library / PAVED ARTS/ NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Fogo Island Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association • Yorkton — Yorkton Film Festival / Sacred — Fogo Island Inn • Grand Falls-Windsor Heart High School • MANITOBA • Flin Flon — Flin Flon Arts Society • Winnipeg — Absolutely — Arts & Culture Centre Grand Falls-Windsor • St. Canadian – Manitoba (online) • Winnipeg — C.I.F.S. • Winnipeg — Maples Collegiate • Winnipeg John’s — NFB / St.John’s International Women’s — Prince Charles Education Resource Centre• Winnipeg — Winnipeg Film Group / Film Festival • Twillingate — Twillingate City• Winnipeg Cinematheque • Winnipeg — Freeze Frame International Film Festival • INTERNATIONAL • Newport Beach, ONTARIO • Barrie — Barrie Film Festival • Elora — The Gorge Cinema / Pacific Northwest Pictures • CA, USA — Dirty Singles Guelph — Guelph Wellington Local Immigration Partnership • Hamilton — C.I.F.S. • Hanmer — Valley Production Team / East Sudbury Library • Hearst — Hearst Theatre • Kanata — C.I.F.S. • Keswick — Georgina Public Newport Beach Film Libraries, Keswick Branch • Kingston — C.I.F.S. • Lively — Lively Sudbury Library • London — C.I.F.S. • Festival London — Cherryhill Library • London — Crouch Library • London — East London Library • London — Hyland Cinema • London — LondonFuse • London — Stoney Creek Library • London — Westmount Library • Midland — Midland Secondary School • Oakville — Oakville Mews Cinema • Ottawa — Canadian Media Production Association Ottawa — Hintonburg Public House • Ottawa — Ridgemont High School • Peterborough — Adam Scott Collegiate Vocational Institute • Red Lake — Red Lake Regional Heritage Museum Centre • Sarnia — South Western International Film Festival • St. Catharines — Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School • St. Thomas — St. Thomas Elgin County Local Immigration Partnership (5 screenings) • Sudbury — Main Sudbury Library • Sudbury — Sudbury Downtown Indie Cinema Co-op • Sutton — Georgina Public Libraries, Peter Gzowski Branch • Toronto — Andra Movie World • Toronto — Bloor-Gladstone Library • Toronto — CBC • Toronto — Downsview Library • Toronto — Dufferin- St.Clair Library • Toronto — East End Arts • Toronto — Fox Cinemas • Toronto — Hot Docs International Film Festival (13 screenings) • Toronto — Kingsway Theatre • Toronto — North York Central Library • Toronto — Queerstory • Toronto — Rainbow Cinema Market Square • Toronto — Regent Park Film Festival • Toronto — Riverdale Collegiate Institute • Toronto — Sellers & Newel Second Hand Books • Toronto — Sonic Boom Records • Toronto — The Royal Cinema • Toronto — University of Toronto – Robarts Library Media Commons • Toronto — Vaughan Road Academy • Toronto — VCR Meltdown / 831 Dundas • Toronto — York University Cinema and Media Studies Masters Program • Toronto — York Woods Library • Trenton — Centre Theatre• Wasaga Beach — Wasaga Beach Short Film Festival / Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce / Waterside Retirement Lodge / Mountain Goat Film Company • Waterloo — C.I.F.S. • Waterloo — Princess Cinema • Whitby — C.I.F.S. • canadianfilmday.ca ...and please join us for NATIONAL CANADIAN FILM DAY next year: April 20, 2016! [email protected] SUPPORTED BY



academy.ca The Welcome to CanadaProgram

One of our three core programs, Teachers Welcome to Canada offers the Year after year, students tell us how profoundly they have been affected by the REEL CANADA film festival movies they have seen. — Toula Germanakos, TDSB LINC Coordinator, Toronto experience to new Canadians, taking advantage of the power We have seen the incredible impact of REEL CANADA…The exposure to of cinema both to illuminate a Canadian films engenders both a sense of belonging for participants, as well as culture and to enhance English- a sense of connection to their new home. — Tahira Ebrahim, Bow Valley College Intercultural Centre Liaison Officer, Calgary language skills. Guest speakers such as Deepa Mehta send positive reinforcement that like her, We screen films specifically our students can leave their own mark in Canada. Her films teach them that chosen for English-language Canada embraces their past, but also offers them a new beginning. learners, and offer lesson plans, — Martha Staigys, Danforth LINC Instructor, Toronto vocabulary, pre- and post- viewing activities and other resources for ELL students of all Learners levels. This was a marvelous experience in my life. — Adult English-language learner, Overland Learning Centre, Toronto In addition to being a great way Because we come from all over the world, we have different culture, value, custom to help students practise the and thinking… through the discussions, we can know each other better. language of their new home, our — Adult English-language learner, 519 Church Street Community Centre, Toronto Welcome to Canada program REEL CANADA gives us opportunity to watch movie free of fear. We’ve a lot of fun has proven to be a powerful and we enjoy together. I really love it. way to welcome new Canadians — Adult English-language learner, Bow Valley College, Calgary to this great country, and help I love love it. I want to seeing another Canadian movie every month. them understand and connect to — Adult English-language learner, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver Canadian culture in a way that is REEL CANADA is best program in Canada. meaningful and immediate. — Adult English-language learner, Kenton LINC, Toronto






OMDC is proud to support REEL CanaDa’s program to bring films by Ontario’s talented filmmakers to schools across Canada. Be part of it. OMDC.on.ca

We’ve got it going

60 REFERENCE GUIDE This list is for your reference only. We cannot provide

DVDs of these films, as they are not part of our official ADORATION AWAY FROM HER bARNEY’S VERSiON THE bOOK OF NEgROES program. However, we hope you’ll explore these pages and check them out on your own. DRAMA AMAL ACT OF THE HEART CALENDAR 1970 / Director-Writer: / 103 min / English / PG 1993 / Director-Writer: Atom Egoyan / 75 min / English and A deeply religious woman’s piety is tested when a Armenian / NR CORNER gAS: THE MOViE DR. CAbbiE EDWiN bOYD: CiTizEN gANgSTER charismatic Augustinian monk becomes the guest Original and haunting, the film depicts an Armenian- conductor in her church choir. With Geneviève Bujold. Canadian photographer (Atom Egoyan) and his wife (Arsinée Khanjian) who tour their homeland taking pictures ADORATION for a calendar as their relationship gradually deteriorates. 2008 / Director-Writer: Atom Egoyan / 100 min / English / 14A BLACKBIRD For his French assignment, a high school student weaves CAST NO SHADOW his family history into a news story involving terrorism and 2014 / Director: Christian Sparkes / Writer: / invites an Internet audience in on the resulting controversy. 85 min / English / PG With Scott Speedman, Arsinée Khanjian and Rachel In rural Newfoundland, 13-year-old Jude Traynor (Percy Blanchard. Hynes White) relies on his vivid imagination to navigate the challenges of a delinquent childhood, a tumultuous family AMAL life and an evil cave-dwelling troll across the harbour. 2007 / Director: Richie Mehta / Writers: Richie Mehta, Shaun Mehta / HOW SHE MOVE iNSiDE HANA’S SUiTCASE MiDNigHT’S CHilDREN 101 min / English and Hindi / 18A LE CONFESSIONNAL / A wealthy but disillusioned man leaves his fortune to Amal 1995 / Director-Writer: / 100 min / French / 14A (Rupinder Nagra), a kind autorickshaw driver he met only Inspired by Hitchcock, Lepage’s feature debut tells the once. However, Amal must be found before time runs out story of an adopted man on a search for his true identity, as and the billionaire’s scheming children get their hands on the recounted by his mother to a priest in a confessional. inheritance. CORBO L'AMOUR AU TEMPS DE LA GUERRE CIVILE / 2014 / Director-Writer: Mathieu Denis / 119 min / English / PG LOVE IN THE TIME OF CIVIL WAR In this gripping feature debut based on a true story, an 2014 / Director: Rodrigue Jean / Writer: Ron Ladd / 120 min / idealistic teenager (Anthony Therrien) in 1966 is attracted CALENDAR French / 16+ to the separatist politics of the Quebec Liberation Front A frank look into the bleak world of a young drug addict and is drawn in as their tactics become increasingly violent ONE WEEK RUSH: bEYOND THE ligHTED STAgE THE WORlD bEFORE HER in Montreal whose everyday life revolves around doing and dangerous. whatever it takes to secure his next fix. Starring Alexandre Landry. COSMOS 1996 / Directors: various / Writers: Marie-Julie Dallaire, Sebastien AVOIR 16 ANS / TO BE SIXTEEN Joannette, Denis Villeneuve / 99 min / French / AA Through Cosmos, an immigrant cab driver, worlds collide 1979 / Director: Jean Pierre Lefebvre / Writers: Claude Paquette, CAST NO SHADOW SHOWCASiNg ONTARiO FilMS TO THE NExT gENERATiON Jean Pierre Lefebvre / 125 min / French / NR with six seemingly disparate yet interconnected characters and stories. An austere and moving study of youthful dissent and OMDC is proud to support REEL CanaDa’s program to bring films by Ontario’s talented filmmakers to institutional repression told from the point of view of a LE DÉMANTÈLEMENT / THE DISMANTLING schools across Canada. Be part of it. OMDC.on.ca rebellious 16-year-old, Louis (Yves Benoît). 2013 / Director-Writer: Sébastien Pilote / 111 min / French / G When his daughter asks him for financial help to avoid losing BLACKBIRD her home, dedicated father Gaby () decides to 2012 / Director-Writer: Jason Buxton / 103 min / English / 14A dismantle the family farm. An elegiac film about the decline of Sean (Connor Jessup), a socially isolated and bullied teenage rural Quebec, and a moving study of human dignity. Arcand goth, is falsely accused of plotting a school shooting and won the Canadian Screen Award for his role as Gaby. CORBO struggles against a criminal justice system that is stacked against him. DOWN THE ROAD AGAIN 2011 / Director-Writer: Don Shebib / 84 min / English / PG We’ve got it going CAIRO TIME Goin’ Down the Road (p.69) is a Canadian classic about Cape 2009 / Director-Writer: Ruba Nadda / 90 min / English / PG Bretoners Pete and Joey who head to Toronto to find a better While in Cairo waiting for her husband, Juliette (Patricia life. Picking up the action 40 years later, Pete learns of Joey’s Clarkson) finds herself caught in a whirlwind romance with his death and embarks on a cross-country road trip to return his friend Tareq (Alexander Siddig). ashes to Cape Breton. LE DÉMANTÈLEMENT REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 61 DRAMA continued EARTH HENRI HENRI 1998 / Director: Deepa Mehta / Writers: Bapsi Sidhwa (novel), 2014 / Director-Writer: Martin Talbot / 100 min / French / 14A Deepa Mehta / 102 min / Hindi, English, Parsi, Punjabi and Urdu The whimsical, heartwarming story of Henri (Victor Andres / AA ENEMY Turgeon-Trelles), an innocent thrust into the outside world The emotionally charged tale of India and Pakistan’s when he is forced to leave the Montreal orphanage he’s road to independence told through the eyes of a diverse always called home. Also featuring Sophie Desmarais. group of friends in Lahore. I DECLARE WAR 2012 / Directors: Jason Lapeyre, Robert Wilson / Writer: Jason Lapeyre / EMPORTE-MOI / SET ME FREE 94 min / English / 14A 1999 / Director: Léa Pool / Writers: Nancy Huston, Léa Pool, Summer war games among neighbourhood kids get out Isabelle Raynault / 95 min / French / AA of hand when jealousy and betrayal enter the mix. Moving A tomboyish 13-year-old girl () finds EVE AND THE FIREHORSE between reality and fantasy, with echoes of Lord of the escape at the movies and navigates the tricky terrain of Flies, the escalating struggle tests the combatants’ values adolescence. to their core. ENEMY IN HER PLACE 2013 / Director-Writer: Denis Villeneuve / 90 min / English / 14A 2014 / Director: / Writers: Pearl Ball-Harding, Albert Shin / A mild-mannered history professor seeks out his exact look- 115 min / Korean / 14A alike after spotting him in a movie. A tense, uncommonly Haunting and masterful, this film revolves around the visit of adventurous thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal in a dual a wealthy woman to a desolate farm in South Korea where FÉLIX & MEIRA performance. she stays with an impoverished woman and her teenaged daughter. Tensions between them, and conflicts with the EVE AND THE FIREHORSE teenager's boyfriend, build inorexably as the purpose of the 2005 / Director-Writer: Julia Kwan / 92 min / English / PG woman's visit gradually comes to light. A precocious 9-year-old with a wild imagination grows up amid her traditional Chinese immigrant family in Vancouver. INCH’ALLAH 2012 / Director-Writer: Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette / 101 min / French / 14A 1987 / Director-Writer: Atom Egoyan / 86 min / English / AA Torn between the two sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict HENRI HENRI Van (Aidan Tierney) plots to get his grandmother out of a through two close friendships, a Canadian doctor finds nursing home, while his estranged father destroys the record her sympathies sorely tested while working in the conflict- of his childhood by using the old home movie videotapes ravaged territories. Starring Évelyne Brochu. to re-record scenes of perversion with his new wife. Starring Arsinée Khanjian. I’VE HEARD THE MERMAIDS SINGING 1987 / Director-Writer: Patricia Rozema / 81 min / English / PG FÉLIX & MEIRA The quirky relationships among three women — a gallery 2014 / Director: Maxime Giroux / Writers: Maxime Giroux, Alexandre curator, a secretary and a painter — are revealed with Laferrière / 105 min / French / R humour and charm. Starring Sheila McCarthy and Paule IN HER PLACE A chance encounter turns into an unexpected romance Baillargeon. when a young married woman from Montreal’s Orthodox Jewish community and a man mourning the death of his JÉSUS DE MONTRÉAL / estranged father find in each other the escape they seek 1989 / Director-Writer: Denys Arcand / 118 min / French / AA from the strictures of their lives. A group of actors puts on an unorthodox Passion play that incites the opposition of the Church while the actors’ lives LA FEMME QUI BOIT / THE WOMAN WHO DRINKS begin to mirror the Passion itself. With . 2001 / Director-Writer: Bernard Émond / 91 min / French / 13+ Paulette (Élise Guilbault) reflects on three key scenes in the KHALED INCH'ALLAH evolution of her alcoholism. This character study also 2001 / Director-Writer: Asghar Massombagi / 82 min / English / G features and Michel Forget. When 10-year-old Khaled’s ex-junkie mom suddenly dies, Khaled tries to continue living alone without telling anyone — THE FIVE SENSES until everything starts to unravel. Starring Michael D’Ascenzo 1999 / Director-Writer: / 105 min / English / AA and Michèle Duquet. The stories of a massage therapist, an eye doctor who’s losing his hearing, a professional house cleaner with a keen sense of smell and a high-strung baker are intertwined in the 2001 / Director-Writer: Bruce Sweeney / 100 min / English / R search for a lost child. Starring Mary-Louise Parker. Three couples tie the knot, but their relationships quickly KHALED begin to break down. FLOWER AND GARNET 2002 / Director-Writer: Keith Behrman / 103 min / English / 14A 2012 / Director-Writer: Xavier Dolan / 167 min / French / 14A A gritty portrait of love, loss and dysfunctional family relations This touching drama charts a decade in a couple’s in a small Canadian town. Starring Callum Keith Rennie, Jane tumultuous relationship as transgender Laurence makes the McGregor and Colin Roberts. transition from the life of a man to that of a woman. Starring Melvil Poupaud and Suzanne Clément.

LAURENCE ANYWAYS 62 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE DRAMA continued THE LESSER BLESSED MOMMY 2012 / Director: Anita Doron / Writers: Anita Doron, Richard Van 2014 / Director-Writer: Xavier Dolan / 139 min / French / 14A Camp (novel) / 86 min / English / 14A A widowed single mother, raising her unstable and volatile A First Nations teenager (Joel Evans) living in a small son, finds new hope when a mysterious neighbour inserts THE LESSER BLESSED community struggles to find his place in the modern world. herself into their household. Winner of the Jury Prize at Also starring Benjamin Bratt. Cannes and starring Anne , Suzanne Clément and Antoine-Olivier Pilon. LIFE CLASSES 1987 / Director-Writer: William D. MacGillivray / 117 min / English / PG LA NEUVAINE / THE NOVENA A young Cape Breton woman moves to Halifax with her child 2005 / Director-Writer: Bernard Émond / 97 min / French / G and tries to become an artist. The stories of two strangers brought together by chance are woven into a meditation on retaining faith when faced with LOLA senseless violence. Starring Élise Guilbault and Patrick Drolet. MARION BRIDGE 2001 / Director-Writer: Carl Bessai / 97 min / English / AA Frantic Lola leaves her controlling boyfriend and skips town, LES NOCES DE PAPIER / PAPER WEDDING assuming the identity of a prostitute who she spends the 1990 / Director: / Writers: Alberto Kurapel, Hélène Lebeau, evening with. Starring Sabrina Grdevich and Colm Feore. Jefferson Lewis, Andrée Pelletier / 95 min / French, Spanish, Italian, English and Polish / PG MAELSTRÖM A teacher (Geneviève Bujold) with a married lover agrees to a 2000 / Director-Writer: Denis Villeneuve / 87 min / French / 18A marriage of convenience to help a Latin American refugee. After perpetrating a hit-and-run, a troubled woman (Marie- Josée Croze) encounters her victim’s son, who helps her come PARSLEY DAYS MÉMOIRES AFFECTIVES to terms with her life. 2000 / Director-Writer: Andrea Dorfman / 79 min / English / AA Kate, a bicycle maintenance instructor, and Ollie, a birth MARGARET’S MUSEUM control educator, seem like a perfect couple. But after five 1995 / Director: Mort Ransen / Writers: Sheldon Currie, Mort Ransen, years, she worries she’s no longer in love…and worse yet, Gerald Wexler / 114 min / English / AA she’s pregnant. In a Cape Breton mining town, Margaret MacNeil () does everything she can to avoid falling in love LA PETITE REINE / DOWNFALL OF A CHAMPION with a miner (Clive Russell), until a charming dishwasher and the 2014 / Director: Alexis Durand-Brault / Writers: Sophie Lorain, Catherine twists of fate intervene. Léger / 108 min / French / 14A MODRA Years of training, dedication — and drug-doping — come to MARIAGES / MARRIAGES a head as Julie (Laurence Leboeuf), a world-champion cyclist 2001 / Director-Writer: Catherine Martin / 95 min / French / AA from Quebec, closes in on winning the World Cup. When Yvonne’s young romance is thwarted by her sister, she heads to the woods in search of a supernatural solution. PICTURE DAY 2012 / Director-Writer: Kate Melville / 93 min / English / 14A MARION BRIDGE When rebellious Claire (Orphan Black star ) is 2002 / Director: Wiebke von Carolsfeld / Writer: Daniel MacIvor / forced to repeat her last year of high school, she finds herself MOMMY 90 min / English / 14A torn between an older musician and a precocious freshman. Molly Parker and Ellen Page star in this f ilm about three sisters who reunite in their Nova Scotia hometown to POOR BOY’S GAME take care of their ailing mother, causing family secrets and 2007 / Director: Clement Virgo / Writers: Chaz Thorne, Clement Virgo / conflicts to erupt. 104 min / English / 14A Racial tensions are reignited in working-class Halifax when a MÉMOIRES AFFECTIVES / LOOKING FOR ALEXANDER young white man (Rossif Sutherland) is released from prison 2004 / Director: / Writers: Marcel Beaulieu, Francis and forced to face the family and community of his victim: a Leclerc / 100 min / French / PG young black man beaten so brutally he is left handicapped LA PETITE REINE Disturbing and violent memories haunt a man after he emerges for life. Also starring Danny Glover. from a lengthy coma. Starring Roy Dupuis. POUVOIR INTIME / INTIMATE POWER MODRA 1986 / Director: / Writers: , Yves Simoneau 2010 / Director-Writer: Ingrid Veninger / 80 min / English / 14A / 87 min / French / AA In this authentic portrait of teenaged self-discovery, recently- A security guard at a government ministry tries to plan a dumped 17-year-old Lina and free spirit Leco travel to visit heist with the help of some ex-cons, but it may all be blown Lina’s extended family in the quirky town of Modra, Slovakia. apart by another security guard who takes his job very seriously. PICTURE DAY MOLLY MAXWELL PROLOGUE 2013 / Director-Writer: Sara St. Onge / 90 min / English / 14A 1970 / Director: / Writer: Sherwood Forrest (based on a In this tender coming-of-age drama, a shy teenage girl story by Robin Spry) / 88 min / English / 14A at an alternative school begins to flourish under the A Montreal political activist and his girlfriend experience mentorship of her handsome young English teacher passion and disillusionment during the turbulent events of — but when their bond grows more intimate, she risks the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. alienating everyone she loves. POOR BOY'S GAME REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 63 DRAMA continued REBELLE / THE SILENT PARTNER 2012 / Director-Writer: / 90 min / 1978 / Director: Daryl Duke / Writers: Curtis Hanson, Anders Bodelsen French and Lingala / 14A (novel) / 105 min / English / R The painful story of a child soldier in sub-Saharan Africa who A mild-mannered bank clerk stows away some cash during REBELLE can predict when the enemy is approaching. Rebelle was a holdup by a man dressed as Santa Claus, but the thief nominated for an Academy Award and won 10 Canadian discovers the deception and comes after him. Featuring Screen Awards. and Elliott Gould. REPEATERS SISTERS & BROTHERS 2010 / Director: Carl Bessai / Writer: Arne Olsen / 89 min / 2011 / Director-Writer: Carl Bessai / 90 min / English / PG English / 14A The unique bond between siblings — sometimes loving, A gritty, mind-bending thriller about three 20-somethings sometimes hating and always intense — is explored with who find themselves in an impossible time labyrinth, where four different sets of sisters and brothers in interconnected REPEATERS each morning they awaken to the same terrifying day as the stories. Featuring Glee’s Cory Monteith, Amanda Crew and preceding one. Starring Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew and Gabrielle Miller. Richard de Klerk. SKIP TRACER ROLLERCOASTER 1977 / Director-Writer: Zale R. Dalen / 94 min / English / AA 1999 / Director-Writer: Scott Smith / 90 min / English / AA A zealous repo man (David Petersen) gets embroiled in a Five teenagers break into a defunct amusement park in search of dangerous game of cutthroat professional competition with fantasy but f ind personal demons instead. With colleagues as ambitious as he is. and . ROMÉO ONZE SMALL TOWN MURDER SONGS ROMÉO ONZE / ROMEO ELEVEN 2010 / Director-Writer: Ed Gass-Donnelly / 75 min / English / 14A 2011 / Director-Writer: Ivan Grbovic / 91 min / French, Arabic / NR A modern gothic tale of crime and redemption about an Rami (Ali Ammar) is a shy, physically disabled young aging police officer (Peter Stormare) from a small Ontario man — but on the Internet, he poses as a successful Mennonite town who hides a violent past until a local businessman. That is, until the girl he’s been messaging murder upsets the calm of his newly reformed life. Also wants to meet him… starring Jill Hennessy. SABAH SONATINE SABAH 2005 / Director-Writer: Ruba Nadda / 86 min / English / AA 1984 / Director-Writer: Micheline Lanctôt / 91 min / French / AA One day, when Sabah least expects it, she falls in love with Two teenage girls on the brink of womanhood refuse to give the wrong man and embarks on a whirlwind affair in which up the secrets, conf idences and adventures of childhood. culture and love collide. Starring Arsinée Khanjian and Shawn Doyle. SPIDER 2002 / Director: David Cronenberg / Writer: Patrick McGrath / 98 min / THE SADDEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD English / AA 2004 / Director: Guy Maddin / Writers: Kazuo Ishiguro (original A mentally-disturbed man (Ralph Fiennes) takes up screenplay), Guy Maddin, George Toles / 99 min / English / AA SAINT RALPH residence in a halfway house, where his mind’s tenuous grip A beer baroness (Isabella Rossellini) in Depression-era on reality begins to slip away. Winnipeg organizes a contest to f ind the saddest music in the world. SUNSHINE 1999 / Director: István Szabó / Writers: István Szabó, Israel Horovitz / SAINT RALPH 180 min / English and French / R 2004 / Director-Writer: Michael McGowan / 98 min / English / PG Three generations of a Hungarian-Jewish family are followed The unlikely story of Ralph Walker, a ninth grader who through the 20th century’s most tumultuous decades. Starring outruns everyone’s expectations except his own in a bold Ralph Fiennes. quest to win the 1954 Boston Marathon. With Gordon SIDDHARTH Pinsent. TOUT CE QUE TU POSSÈDES / SARAH PRÉFÈRE LA COURSE / SARAH PREFERS TO RUN ALL THAT YOU POSSESS 2013 / Director: Chloé Robichaud / 97 min / French / 14A 2012 / Director-Writer: Bernard Émond / 91 min / French / PG In this meditative coming-of-age tale, Sarah (Sophie Pierre Leduc (Patrick Drolet) has unwittingly isolated himself Desmarais) intensely pursues one singular goal: to be the from most of the people in his life. Through his latest work, best runner she can be. Against her parents’ wishes, she translating the work of obscure Polish poet Edward Stachura, joins the university team, but soon discovers that all paths Pierre begins to come to terms with the actions of his past. aren’t quite so linear. SISTERS & BROTHERS TOWER SIDDHARTH 2012 / Director-Writer: Kazik Radwanski / 78 min / English / NR 2013 / Director-Writer: Richie Mehta / 96 min / Hindi / NR An off-kilter and slyly funny character study of Derek (Derek A desperate man frantically searches across India for his lost Bogart), a 34-year-old, single, unemployed loner who still son, who he believes has been taken by child-traffickers. lives with his parents.

SPIDER 64 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE DRAMA continued TRAIN OF DREAMS LE VENDEUR / THE SALESMAN 1987 / Director: John N. Smith / Writers: Sally Bochner, Sam Grana, 2011 / Director-Writer: Sébastien Pilote / 107 min / French / G John N. Smith / 88 min / English / AA In a small Quebec town that’s in decline, a fast-talking car When a troubled high school dropout lands in “juvie,” salesman (Gilbert Sicotte) who’s past retirement age continues he quickly realizes that he is neither as tough nor as to show up for work every day. LES TRIPLETTES DE BELLEVILLE disadvantaged as he thought — and must deal with the fact that his younger brother is following in his footsteps. Starring WET BUM Jason St. Amour. 2014 / Director-Writer: Lindsay Mackay / 98 min / English / PG Awkward, self-conscious and coping with harassment and humiliation at the hands of her peers, 14-year-old Sam (Julia LES TRIPLETTES DE BELLEVILLE / Sarah Stone) gets a job in a retirement home and finds THE TRIPLETS OF BELLEVILLE refuge in the company of two seniors living there. 2003 / Director-Writer: Sylvain Chomet / 80 min / French / G When her cyclist grandson is kidnapped during the Tour de WHEN NIGHT IS FALLING TU DORS NICOLE France, Madame Souza and her dog join up with an aged trio 1995 / Director-Writer: Patricia Rozema / 94 min / English / R of singing and dancing sisters to rescue him. This animated An uptight, conservative woman aiming for tenure at a large film was nominated for two Academy Awards. urban university finds herself strangely attracted to a free- spirited, unconventional woman from a travelling carnival. TU DORS NICOLE / YOU'RE SLEEPING, NICOLE 2014 / Director-Writer: Stéphane Lafleur / 93 min / French / 14A WHITE ROOM Directionless and bored, recent grad Nicole’s (Julianne Côté) 1990 / Director-Writer: Patricia Rozema / 90 min / English / R A confused young man is drawn into the events surrounding half-baked plans for a peaceful summer at the family home LE VENDEUR are ruined when her brother (Marc-André Grondin) and his the mysterious death of rock star Madelaine X. With Kate band show up unannounced to record an album. Nelligan. WINTER KEPT US WARM UVANGA 1965 / Director-Writer: David Secter / 81 min / English / NR 2014 / Directors: Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Madeline Ivalu / 86 min / Doug, a well-liked student with a girlfriend, develops a quasi- English / 14A romantic friendship with shy Peter. The first English-language A Montreal woman and her 14-year-old son travel to the Canadian film ever screened at Cannes. Arctic community of Igloolik to experience his late father's Inuit family and culture. The joy of homecoming is mixed A WINTER TALE WET BUM with painful memories. 2007 / Director: Frances-Anne Solomon / Writers: Cameron Bailey, Patrick Barrington / 100 min / NR Shots ring out one winter night, and a bullet meant for a street dealer kills a child. In the aftermath, a 40-something COMEDY social worker starts a local black men’s support group.

THE ART OF THE STEAL EVERYTHING’S GONE GREEN A WINTER TALE 2013 / Director-Writer: Jonathan Sobol / 90 min / English / NR 2006 / Director: Paul Fox / Writer: Douglas Coupland / After being released from jail, a semi-reformed art thief gets 95 min / English / 14A his old gang back together to pull off their greatest heist. A good-natured slacker is tempted into a money- Starring Kurt Russell and Jay Baruchel. laundering scheme while working at a lottery magazine. Starring Paulo Costanzo. BREAKFAST WITH SCOT 2007 / Director: Laurie Lynd / Writers: Sean Reycraft, Michael GUNLESS Downing (novel) / 90 min / English / PG 2010 / Director-Writer: William Phillips / 89 min / English / PG A former sportscaster (Tom Cavanagh) and his gay partner When a notorious American gunslinger (Paul Gross) staggers BREAKFAST WITH SCOT have to come to terms with their identities when an into Barclay's Brush, he immediately starts a fight, but is effeminate nephew is left in their care and teaches them the unable to resolve it with a duel — there are no guns in true meaning of family. Canada! Soon, the beautiful Jane (Sienna Guillory) gives him a reason to extend his stay. UN CRABE DANS LA TÊTE / SOFT SHELL MAN 2001 / Director-Writer: André Turpin / 102 min / French / AA HAM & CHEESE An underwater photographer returns home after a diving 2004 / Director: Warren P. Sonoda / Writers: Mike Beaver, Jason Jones mishap and must face the complex and intricate web of his / 88 min / English / 14A relationships. Starring and Isabelle Blais. Two talentless actors attempt to make it in the cruel world of EVERYTHING'S GONE GREEN showbiz. Starring Jason Jones and Samantha Bee. THE DELICATE ART OF PARKING 2003 / Director: Trent Carlson / Writers: Trent Carlson, Blake Corbet, HEARTACHES Bridget Hill, Ross Ferguson / 86 min / English / 14A 1981 / Director: Don Shebib / Writer: Terence Heffernan / An absurd comedy about a parking enforcement off icer 105 min / English / AA who — despite constant abuse from the public — f inds When neglected housewife Bonnie (Annie Potts) discovers a truth, honour and serenity in the act of ticketing. With one-night stand has left her pregnant, she decides her only Andrew McNee. option is to hit the road. Also starring . GUNLESS REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 65 COMEDY continued

HOLLYWOOD NORTH  OUTRAGEOUS! 2003 / Director: Peter O’Brian / Writers: Barry Healey, John Hunter, 1977 / Director: Richard Benner / Writers: Richard Benner, Margaret Tony Johnston / 89 min / English / 14A Gibson Gilboord / 100 min / English / AA KITCHEN PARTY In this sharp satire, a documentary f ilmmaker captures a An unlikely but strong bond grows between a female producer’s attempts to adapt a Canadian novel to the screen. impersonator and a pregnant schizophrenic. Starring Craig Russell. KIDS IN THE HALL : BRAIN CANDY 1996 / Director: Kelly Makin / Writers: Norm Hiscock, Bruce PERFECTLY NORMAL McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney, Scott Thompson / 1991 / Director: Yves Simoneau / Writers: Eugene Lipinski, Paul 89 min / English / AA Quarrington / 107 min / English / AA Scientists develop an amazing antidepressant that makes A shady entrepreneur (Robbie Coltrane) convinces a shy MANBORG people remember their happiest moments… with brewery worker (Michael Riley) to open an opera-themed unfortunate side effects. restaurant in their sleepy town.

KITCHEN PARTY PHIL THE ALIEN 1997 / Director-Writer: Gary Burns / 92 min / English / 14A 2004 / Director-Writer: Rob Stefaniuk / 85 min / English / 14A With his parents out for the evening, Scott (Scott Speedman) A young alien (Stefaniuk) crashes in a small Ontario town hosts a get-together with friends in defiance of his mother’s and gets embroiled in hilarious adventures while black-ops strict prohibitions. He’s sure he can get away with it as long agents try to track him down. as no one puts even a toe outside the kitchen. But can the MONKEY WARFARE teens keep things under control? THE RIGHT KIND OF WRONG 2013 / Director: Jeremiah Chechik / Writers: Megan Martin, Tim MANBORG Sandlin (novel) / 97 min / English / 14A 2011 / Director: Steven Kostanski / Writers: Jeremy Gillespie, Steven Newly divorced Leo meets the girl of his dreams on her Kostanski / 70 min / English / 14A wedding day and tries to convince the newlywed that he is her In a dystopian future, a soldier is brought back to life as a true soul mate. Starring Sara Canning and True Blood’s Ryan cyborg to fight alongside a band of adventurers to defeat Kwanten. Count Draculon and his demon hordes. SECRET NATION 1992 / Director: Michael Jones / Writer: Edward Riche / MASALA 110 min / English and French / PG 1991 / Director-Writer: Srinivas Krishna / 105 min / English / R A graduate student returns home to Newfoundland, A young man named Krishna returns to his aunt's home five searching for proof of a conspiracy surrounding the years after his family dies in a plane crash and is forced to referendum that saw Newfoundland join Canada. Starring deal with his Indian-Canadian identity. Cathy Jones and Mary Walsh. LA MOITIÉ GAUCHE DU FRIGO / STARBUCK PERFECTLY NORMAL THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FRIDGE 2011 / Director: Ken Scott / Writers: Ken Scott, Martin Petit / 103 min / 2000 / Director-Writer: Philippe Falardeau / 90 min / French / PG French / 14A Christophe agrees to be f ilmed by his roommate while he David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers is searching for a more meaningful career. Unfortunately, that as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. the camera crew proves to be a hindrance in his job hunt. Starring Patrick Huard, Julie LeBreton, Antoine Bertrand Featuring Paul Ahmarani and Stéphane Demers. and Igor Ovadis. TRAILER PARK BOYS: THE MOVIE MONKEY WARFARE 2006 / Director: Mike Clattenburg / Writers: Mike Clattenburg, Robb PHIL THE ALIEN 2006 / Director-Writer: Reginald Harkema / 75 min / English / 14A Wells / 95 min / English / 14A A sly and funny look at countercultural politics, this Ricky, Julian and Bubbles get arrested for robbing an ATM f ilm follows two bohemians in a ramshackle Toronto and land in jail. Upon their release, they come up with a neighbourhood as they try to score drugs after their dealer is scheme to steal a huge sum of untraceable coins. busted. Starring Don McKellar, Tracy Wright and Nadia Litz. WEIRDSVILLE MY AMERICAN COUSIN 2007 / Director: Allan Moyle / Writer: Willem Wennekers / 1985 / Director-Writer: / 90 min / English / PG 90 min / English / 14A A pair of slackers get in way over their heads when they STARBUCK Twelve-year-old Sandy yearns for adventure when her older cousin suddenly comes to town. try to dump a body in the basement of a drive-in movie theatre where a satanic cult performs ritual sacrif ices. Starring Scott Speedman.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary WEIRDSVILLE 66 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE MUSIC

DÉDÉ, À TRAVERS LES BRUMES /  LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,  THROUGH THE MIST MR. LEONARD COHEN 2009 / Director-Writer: Jean-Philippe Duval / 139 min / French / NR 1965 / Directors: , / 45 min / The year it took Dédé Fortin to write and record Dehors English and French / NR A DRUMMER'S DREAM Novembre is revisited in this biographical drama. Swinging This critically acclaimed black-and-white portrait of iconic between crippling despair and fervent creativity, the past that Canadian songwriter, poet and novelist Leonard Cohen shows haunted Fortin until his death lingers throughout and serves as him at age 30 on a visit to his hometown of Montreal, where a poignant grace note for the creation of the band’s last album. he reads his poetry to an enthusiastic crowd, strolls the streets Starring Sébastien Ricard. of the city and relaxes in his three-dollar-a-night hotel room.

A DRUMMER’S DREAM  THE LIFE AND HARD TIMES OF GUY TERRIFICO  2010 / Director-Writer: John Walker / 84 min / English / NR 2005 / Director-Writer: Michael Mabbott / 86 min / FESTIVAL EXPRESS This documentary film features a rare and unique assembly of English / 14A some of the greatest drummers in the world. Explosive talent, A faux documentary about the rise and fall of f ictional passion, humour and irresistible personality come together country singer Guy Terrif ico, featuring some legendary real- in a magical setting when seven diverse drummers create a life performers. profound and unforgettable experience. LONELY BOY  ENFANTS DE CHOEUR! / THE CHOIR BOYS  1962 / Directors: , / 27 min / English / PG 1999 / Director-Writer: Magnus Isacsson / 76 minutes / French This film chronicles the career of teen singing sensation and English / NR Paul Anka. A classic documentary about one of Canada’s FUBAR II A documentary focusing on the relationships between a music icons. choir of homeless men in Montreal and their founder and choirmaster, Pierre. Director Isacsson followed the motley METAL: A HEADBANGER’S JOURNEY  crew for 18 months to capture this fascinating story. 2005 / Directors: Sam Dunn, Scot McFadyen, Jessica Joy Wise / 96 min / English / 18A A lifelong heavy metal fan, Canadian anthropologist Dunn FESTIVAL EXPRESS  travels around the world to explore the origins of the genre 2003 / Directors: Bob Smeaton, Frank Cvitanovic / 90 min / as well as the controversy that sometimes accompanies the English / PG culture of the music and its fans. HARD CORE LOGO In the summer of 1970, a chartered train crossed Canada carrying some of the world’s greatest rock bands — this is ROCK & RULE ✍ their journey. Featuring Janis Joplin, the Band, the Grateful 1983 / Director: Clive A. Smith / Writers: John Halfpenny, Patrick Dead and others. Loubert, Peter Sauder / 77 min / English / PG A malevolent rock star kidnaps a singer to force her to FUBAR J  participate in the summoning of a demon, and her band must 2002 / Director: Michael Dowse / Writers: Michael Dowse, David help her to stop his evil plan. Canada’s first English-language Lawrence, Paul Spence / 76 min / English / AA animated feature, with songs by Iggy Pop and Lou Reed. THE LIFE AND HARD TIMES Headbangers Terry and Dean explore the depths of OF GUY TERRIFICO friendship and the art and science of drinking beer like SUPER DUPER ALICE COOPER  a man. Starring Paul Spence and David Lawrence as the 2014 / Directors: Sam Dunn, Scot McFadyen, Reginald Harkema / iconic duo. 98 min / English / 14A In this found-footage Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tale, the former FUBAR II J  is revealed as Vincent Furnier, a preacher’s son from Detroit, Michigan, who transforms into Alice Cooper, a veritable rock-and- 2010 / Director: Michael Dowse / Writers: Michael Dowse, David roll legend. Lawrence, Paul Spence / 85 min / English / 18A METAL: A HEADBANGER'S In this hilarious sequel to the 2002 cult classic, Terry and Dean TRIGGER  JOURNEY head north to make sweet cash in the oil patch. 2010 / Director: Bruce McDonald / Writer: Daniel MacIvor / 78 min / 14A HARD CORE LOGO  Kat (Molly Parker) and Vic (Tracy Wright) are a highly 1996 / Director: Bruce McDonald / Writers: Noel S. Baker, Michael dysfunctional yet endearing rock duo who reunite a decade Turner (novel) / 92 min / English / AA after their band called it quits. With Don McKellar, Sarah Polley This pseudo-rockumentary follows punk band Hard Core and Callum Keith Rennie. Logo on a harrowing last-gasp reunion tour. Starring Hugh Dillon and Callum Keith Rennie. SUPER DUPER ALICE COOPER


AFFLICTED MY BLOODY VALENTINE 2013 / Director-Writers: Derek Lee, Clif Prowse / 85 min / English / 18A 1981 / Director: George Mihalka / Writers: Stephen A. Miller, John In this found-footage thriller, two best friends see their trip Beaird / 91 min / English / R AFFLICTED of a lifetime take a dark turn when one of them is struck by a After a deadly Valentine’s Day accident, a mining town vows mysterious affliction. never to celebrate the holiday again. Twenty years later, some teens throw a Valentine’s party — with deadly results. ANTIVIRAL 2012 / Director-Writer: Brandon Cronenberg / 108 min / English / 14A LA PEAU BLANCHE / WHITE SKIN In a futuristic world, Syd (Caleb Landry Jones) smuggles the 2004 / Director: Daniel Roby / Writers: Joël Champetier (novel and diseases of celebrities onto the black market, where they screenplay), Daniel Roby / 92 min / French / 14A are sold to adoring fans. But when Syd gets infected with a A pair of friends discover that the girls they’ve been dating strange disease himself, he must unravel the mystery as he may be vampires. With Marc Paquet and Marianne Farley. ANTIVIRAL struggles to survive. PIN BLACK CHRISTMAS 1988 / Director: Sandor Stern / 103 min / English / R 1974 / Director: / Writer: Roy Moore / 98 min / English / 14A Pin is Dr. Linden’s harmless anatomically correct ventriloquist Just before Christmas break, a psycho killer terrorizes a dummy. But in the hands of his disturbed son, Leon, he sorority house…from within. becomes something frighteningly different. Starring Terry O’Quinn and David Hewlett. BLOOD AND DONUTS 1995 / Director: Holly Dale / Writer: Andrew Rai Berzins / PROM NIGHT THE CHANGELING 89 min / English / 14A 1980 / Director: Paul Lynch / Writers: William Gray, Robert Guza Jr. / A vampire from 1969 awakens to discover that there’s a place 89 min / English / R between the living and the dead… and it’s open 24 hours. An unknown killer seeks revenge on four teens for the accidental death of a classmate six years earlier. Prom night THE CHANGELING just may be their last night. Starring Leslie Nielsen and Jamie 1980 / Director: Peter Medak / Writers: Russell Hunter, William Gray, Lee Curtis. Diana Maddox / 115 min / English / AA A grieving widower experiences supernatural phenomena in SCANNERS his new secluded mansion. Starring George C. Scott. 1981 / Director-Writer: David Cronenberg / 103 min / English / R THE EDITOR A scientist sends a man with extraordinary psychic powers CUBE to hunt others like him. Starring Jennifer O'Neill and 1997 / Director: Vincenzo Natali / Writers: André Bijelic, Vincenzo Stephen Lack. Natali, / 90 min / English / 18A Six strangers awaken to f ind themselves trapped in a SPLICE mysterious cubical maze full of deadly booby traps. 2010 / Director: Vincenzo Natali / Writers: Vincenzo Natali, Antoinette Terry Bryant, Doug Taylor / 104 min / THE EDITOR English / 18A 2014 / Directors: Adam Brooks, Matthew Kennedy / Writers: Adam Elsa (Sarah Polley) and Clive (Adrien Brody) are married Brooks, Matthew Kennedy, Conor Sweeney / 95 min / English / NR scientists who defy legal and ethical boundaries by splicing eXistenZ In this giallo-style horror-comedy, a fallen master film editor together human and animal DNA to create a new organism. struggles to prove his innocence when he becomes the prime suspect in a string of murders. TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN 1999 / Director: John Paizs / Writers: Phil Bedard, Larry Lalonde / eXistenZ 99 min / English / PG 1999 / Director-Writer: David Cronenberg / 97 min / English / R The residents of a secluded Canadian town are being A game designer creates a virtual reality game that truly mysteriously and gruesomely devoured. Starring taps into players’ minds. Starring Jude Law and Jennifer Campbell Scott. Jason Leigh. GINGER SNAPS VIDEODROME GINGER SNAPS 1983 / Director-Writer: David Cronenberg / 87 min / English / R 2000 / Director: / Writers: Karen Walton, John Fawcett / A kinky satellite signal traps a TV producer in a nightmare 108 min / English / 18A of hallucination, mind control and identity fragmentation. Puberty is a curse in more ways than one for a girl (Katharine Starring James Woods. Isabelle) bitten by a werewolf on the night of her f irst period. THE WILD HUNT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME 2009 / Director: Alexandre Franchi / Writers: Alexandre Franchi, Mark 1981 / Director: J. Lee Thompson / Writers: John C. W. Saxton, Peter Antony Krupa / 96 min / English / 14A SCANNERS Jobin, Timothy Bond / 110 min / English / R A medieval reenactment game turns into a Shakespearean On the eve of her 18th birthday, a popular girl’s friends tragedy when a non-player crashes the event in order to win start falling prey to a gruesome killer. Starring Melissa back his girlfriend. Sue Anderson.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary SPLICE 68 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE CLASSICS À TOUT PRENDRE / TAKE IT ALL  FIGHTING BACK  1964 / Director-Writer: Claude Jutra / 99 min / French / NR 1980 / Director-Writer: John Kastner / 85 min / English / NR A young man (Claude Jutra) in 1960s Montreal has a bright A story of the resilience and determination of a group of future, but begins to question the choices he’s made and the children at the War Memorial Children’s Hospital in London, À TOUT PRENDRE possibilities in his life. Ontario, battling leukemia at a time when no child had survived the disease. AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE  1983 / Director: André Forcier / Writers: Bernard Lalonde, Guy GOIN’ DOWN THE ROAD  L’Écuyer, Jacques Marcotte, André Forcier, Michel Pratt, Michel Côté / 1970 / Director: Don Shebib / Writers: William Fruet, Don Shebib / 90 min / French / AA 90 min / English / AA An average guy whose only passion is bowling forms an unlikely Two friends travel from Nova Scotia to Toronto in search of a friendship with a gay albino named François. Starring Michel Côté better life. Starring Doug McGrath and Paul Bradley. and Guy L’Écuyer. J.A. MARTIN, PHOTOGRAPHE / BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY BACK TO GOD’S COUNTRY  J.A. MARTIN, PHOTOGRAPHER  1919 / Director: David M. Hartford / Writers: James Oliver Curwood, 1976 / Director: / Writers: , Nell Shipman / 73 min / Silent / NR Jean Beaudin / 101 min / French / PG After her father is killed by an outlaw disguised as a Mountie, A 19th-century Quebecois photographer and his wife travel Dolores marries Peter and they set to the sea. But soon enough, the countryside photographing weddings and gatherings, Dolores comes face-to-face with her father’s killer — the captain and revive their 15-year marriage in the process. Starring of their ship. Marcel Sabourin and . THE BITTER ASH BETWEEN FRIENDS  THE MASK N 1973 / Director: Don Shebib / Writer: Claude Harz / 90 min / 1961 / Director: Julian Roffman / Writers: Franklin Delessert, English / AA Sandy Haver, Frank Taubes, Slavko Vorkapich / 83 min / English / PG A group of friends plan a heist that goes terribly wrong, A young archaeologist believes he is cursed by a mask testing friendships and loyalties against a desolate northern that causes him to have weird nightmares and to possibly Ontario backdrop. With Michael Parks, Bonnie Bedelia and commit murder. Originally in 3-D. Chuck Shamata. NOBODY WAVED GOODBYE  THE BITTER ASH  1964 / Director-Writer: Don Owen / 80 min / English / PG LES BONS DÉBARRAS 1963 / Director-Writer: Larry Kent / 80 min / English / 14A A stark portrayal of the realities of teenage love in This edgy exploration of love and class tensions follows a straightlaced, mid-'60s Toronto. With Peter Kastner. self-involved young man as he considers throwing away his marriage for a fling. NOTES FOR A FILM ABOUT DONNA AND GAIL  LES BONS DÉBARRAS / GOOD RIDDANCE  1966 / Director: Don Owen / Writers: Don Owen, Gerlad Taaffe / 49 1980 / Director: / Writer: Réjean Ducharme / min / English / NR 120 min / French / R Two young women move to the city, work in a dress factory A mother who has to take care of her diff icult brother is in and share a room, eventually having to cope with the fact GOIN' DOWN THE ROAD trouble with her rebellious daughter. that sharing everything is driving them apart. Starring Jackie LE CHAT DANS LE SAC / Burroughs and Michèle Chicoine. THE CAT IN THE BAG   1964 / Director-Writer: Gilles Groulx / 74 min / French / NR 1962 / Directors: Michel Brault, Marcel Carrière, Claude (Claude Godbout) is coming to terms with his Pierre Perrault / Writers: Michel Brault, Pierre Perrault / 105 min / place in Quebecois society and cannot decide whether to French / G compromise or try to change the world. For centuries, the inhabitants of a small island in the Saint Lawrence River trapped beluga whales by sinking saplings J.A. MARTIN, PHOTOGRAPHE CHRISTOPHER’S MOVIE MATINEE  into the offshore mud at low tide. In 1962, a team of NFB 1968 / Director: Mort Ransen / 88 min / English / G f ilmmakers document the resumption of the practice When cameras were put in the hands of a few young people, decades after it had been abandoned. they f ilmed themselves at sit-ins, love-ins, discussions and encounters with adults. RÉJEANNE PADOVANI  ENTRE LA MER ET L’EAU DOUCE /  1973 / Director: Denys Arcand / Writers: Jacques W. Benoît, DRIFTING UPSTREAM Denys Arcand / 94 min / French / PG A biting social satire about a highway developer who throws a THE MASK 1967 / Director: Michel Brault / Writers: Denys Arcand, Michel fancy dinner party to celebrate the opening of a new highway, Brault, Marcel Dubé, Gérald Godin, Claude Jutra / 85 min / with many important politicians, judges and movers-and- French / PG shakers in attendance. After moving to Montreal, Claude Tremblay falls in love and begins a successful career as a singer. However, when he tries to return home, he f inds that things have changed forever. Starring Claude Gauthier and Geneviève Bujold.

NOBODY WAVED GOODBYE REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 69 CLASSICS continued ROADKILL LA VRAIE NATURE DE BERNADETTE / 1989 / Director: Bruce McDonald / Writers: Don McKellar,  THE TRUE NATURE OF BERNADETTE  Bruce McDonald / 85 min / English / 14A 1972 / Director-Writer: Gilles Carles / 115 min / French / PG Ramona is sent to recover an errant band who are in danger A middle-class woman (Micheline Lanctôt) moves to the ROADKILL of missing the final date on their tour, and has her own countryside with her two-year-old son to discover her “true nature” adventure in the wilds of Canada. With Don McKellar and and becomes involved in the politics of rural life. Valerie Buhagiar.  THE ROWDYMAN  1972 / Director-Writer: William Fruet / 103 min / English / PG 1972 / Director: Peter Carter / Writer: Gordon Pinsent / Set in a small prairie town during WWII, this f ilm follows 95 min / English / 14A a girl (Carol Kane) who is raped by a visiting soldier friend Will (Gordon Pinsent) is in his thirties, lives in small-town of her brother’s. Newfoundland and refuses to take life seriously — until his TALES FROM THE antics bring pain to those around him. WELCOME TO CANADA  GIMLI HOSPITAL 1989 / Director: John N. Smith / Writer: Sam Grana / 86 min / THE RUBBER GUN  English / NR 1977 / Director: Allan Moyle / Writers: Stephen Lack, Allan Moyle, In this feature drama based on an actual incident, John Laing / 86 min / English / R Newfoundlanders share their food, culture and homes with a A funky street community in Montreal is threatened group of Tamil refugees found off the coast. Starring Brendan both from within and without — by drugs, cops and Foley and Noreen Power. the disillusioned group’s eventual disintegration. With Stephen Lack. WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND  1977 / Director: Allan King / Writers: W.O. Mitchell (novel), Patricia WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND TALES FROM THE GIMLI HOSPITAL  Watson / 100 min / English / PG 1988 / Director-Writer: Guy Maddin / 72 min / English / AA A young boy comes of age in rural Saskatchewan during A deadly pestilence rages in the fantastical and nonsensical the Great Depression. Starring Brian Painchaud and pre-Confederation-era town of Gimli, Manitoba. Gordon Pinsent. LE VIEUX PAYS OÙ RIMBAUD EST MORT / WHY SHOOT THE TEACHER?  THE OLD COUNTRY WHERE RIMBAUD DIED  1977 / Director: Silvio Narizzano / Writers: Max Braithwaite (novel), 1977 / Director: Jean Pierre Lefebvre / Writers: Mireille Amiel, Jean James Defelice / 100 min / English / PG Pierre Lefebvre / 113 min / French / NR A young man from the east coast struggles with life as a 10 ½ Abel travels to France to see the land of his ancestors but teacher in a one-room prairie schoolhouse in the 1930s. discovers that the France he believes in no longer exists. Starring Bud Cort. AGE OF MAJORITY 10½ CRACKIE  2010 / Director: / Writer: Claude Lalonde /  2009 / Director-Writer: / 94 min / English / NR 108 min / French / 18A Teenaged Mitsy (Meghan Greeley) comes of age in THE BOYS OF ST. VINCENT A rebellious 10-year-old who communicates only through Newfoundland, where she struggles with being abandoned violence is judged beyond help by most of his childcare by her mother and raised by her grandmother (Mary Walsh). educators. Only Gilles, his newly appointed teacher, sees a glimmer of hope. Starring Robert Naylor and Claude Legault. CURLING  2010 / Director-Writer: Denis Côté / 92 min / French / 14A À L’ORIGINE D’UN CRI / CRYING OUT  Set in the remote Quebec countryside, Curling takes a keen 2010 / Director-Writer: Robin Aubert / 115 min / French / 18A look at the unusual private life of a father and daughter as A disturbed young man pairs up with his grumpy grandfather the fragile balance of their relationship is jeopardized. for a road trip in search of his grief-stricken father, who has CAFÉ DE FLORE taken the corpse of his recently deceased wife on the road. DEAD RINGERS  1989 / Director: David Cronenberg / Writers: Norman Snider, David THE BOYS OF ST. VINCENT  Cronenberg / 113 min / English / R 1992 / Director: John N. Smith / Writers: John N. Smith, Sam Grana / Twin gynecologists Elliot and Beverly ( in a dual 186 min / English / NR role) share everything until a beautiful actress (Geneviève The true story of boys who were sexually abused in Bujold) disrupts their disturbing and fragile equilibrium. an orphanage run by a devout Catholic community in Newfoundland. Starring Henry Czerny. LE DÉCLIN DE L’EMPIRE AMÉRICAIN / J THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE CRACKIE CAFÉ DE FLORE  1986 / Director-Writer: Denys Arcand / 101 min / French / 14A 2011 / Director-Writer: Jean-Marc Vallée / 120 min / French / 14A A comedy of manners constructed around conversations Love — the mysterious force that connects a couple in present-day about sex, love and life among eight academics who are Montreal, and a mother to her child in 1969 Paris — is explored in friends, lovers or both. Nominated for an Academy Award this story that spans across time and space. With . and winner of nine Genie Awards.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary

CURLING 70 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE AGE OF MAJORITY continued EXOTICA  J’AI TUÉ MA MÈRE / I KILLED MY MOTHER  1994 / Director-Writer: Atom Egoyan / 103 min / English / 18A 2009 / Director-Writer: Xavier Dolan / 96 min / French / 14A Lives intertwine when near-strangers must cope with the A semi-autobiographical story starring Dolan as a young gay disappearance and murder of a child they all knew. Winner of man at odds with his mother. Featuring Suzanne Clément. eight Genie Awards. Starring Mia Kirshner, Arsinée Khanjian FALLING ANGELS and Bruce Greenwood. LÉOLO  1991 / Director-Writer: Jean-Claude Lauzon / 97 min / French / R FALLING ANGELS  Young Léo is torn between two worlds — the Montreal 2003 / Director: Scott Smith / Writers: Barbara Gowdy (novel), Esta tenement where he lives with his dysfunctional family and Spalding / 109 min / English / 14A the world he imagines in his writing. Featuring Maxime Three sisters come of age in a wildly dysfunctional family set Collin and Gilbert Sicotte. against the turbulent backdrop of the 1960s. Starring Miranda Richardson and Callum Keith Rennie. LILIES  FIRE 1996 / Director: / Writer: Michel Marc Bouchard / 95 min FIRE  / English and French / AA 1996 / Director-Writer: Deepa Mehta / 104 min / A bishop visits a Quebecois prison to hear the confession English and Hindi / 14A of a boyhood friend who was jailed for murder 40 years Two women in New Delhi f ind disappointment in marriage earlier and is forced to watch a play depicting the true but physical and emotional comfort with each other. Part of events of the murder. the Elements trilogy. GOON J LOVE, SEX AND EATING THE BONES  2011 / Director: Michael Dowse / Writers: Jay Baruchel, Evan Goldberg 2003 / Director-Writer: Sudz Sutherland / 100 min / English / 18A GOON / 92 min / English / 18A A young, urban man (Hill Harper) discovers that love can be A bouncer overcomes long odds to lead a team of under- stronger than fantasy when he falls for the girl of his dreams performing misfits to semi-pro hockey glory, fists flying (Marlyne Afflack). every step of the way. Starring Sean William Scott, Jay Baruchel and Alison Pill. POLYTECHNIQUE  2009 / Director: Denis Villeneuve / Writers: Jacques Davidts, Eric Leca, THE HANGING GARDEN  Denis Villeneuve / 77 min / French / 14A 1997 / Director-Writer: Thom Fitzgerald / 91 min / English / R A dramatization of the 1989 Montreal Massacre, in which 14 A once-obese and troubled teen returns home after 10 years, now as a well-adjusted gay man — but his family is still female engineering students were murdered by an unstable haunted by their difficult past. misogynist. With , Sébastien Huberdeau and Karine Vanasse. HORLOGE BIOLOGIQUE / DODGING THE CLOCK J 2005 / Director: Ricardo Trogi / Writers: Ricardo Trogi, Patrice Robitaille, RHYMES FOR YOUNG GHOULS  Jean-Philippe Pearson / 100 min / French / 14A 2013 / Director-Writer: Jeff Barnaby / 88 min / English / 14A Three men’s tales give a funny and touching glimpse at the Fifteen-year-old Aila takes over the family business — drug deep ambivalence men often feel toward parenthood. dealing — while her dad is in prison, and tries to stay out of the clutches of the evil residential school official, Popper. LES INVASIONS BARBARES I LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM  With moments of tenderness, magic realism and wry hu- 1993 / Director-Writer: David Wellington / 97 min / English / R mour, this brutal portrait of life on a 1970s reserve is both An actor (Tom McCamus) f inds his new purpose in life entertaining and moving. when he’s cast as a cop on a TV show, but he takes his new role too far. RUDE  INCENDIES  1995 / Director-Writer: Clement Virgo / 89 min / English / AA 2010 / Director-Writer: Denis Villeneuve / 130 min / French / 14A From her illicit broadcast booth, pirate radio DJ Rude guides After their mother’s death, twins embark on a journey to us through three stories of hope and transformation. LÉOLO the Middle East that shines a disturbing light on their past. Incendies won eight Genie Awards and was nominated for TAKE THIS WALTZ  the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. From the play by 2011 / Director-Writer: Sarah Polley / 116 min / English / R Wajdi Mouawad. Margot struggles with her feelings for her husband of five J years while exploring a new relationship with the artist across LES INVASIONS BARBARES / the street. Set in Toronto, the film stars Michelle Williams, Seth Rogen and Luke Kirby. 2003 / Director-Writer: Denys Arcand / 122 min / French / 14A A man dying of cancer (Rémy Girard) tries to f ind peace with  TAKE THIS WALTZ friends and family in his last moments, in this sequel to Le WARRENDALE 1967 / Director-Writer: Allan King / 100 min / English / R déclin de l'empire américain (p.70). Won the Oscar for Best An explosive chronicle of the lives of 12 emotionally Foreign Language Film. disturbed children and the therapists who force them to IT’S ALL GONE PETE TONG  J confront their pain. 2004 / Director-Writer: Michael Dowse / 90 min / English / 14A A comic look at the rise and fall of legendary DJ Frankie Wilde, who loses his hearing completely. WARRENDALE REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 71 HISTORY

ARARAT  CONTINUOUS JOURNEY  2003 / Director-Writer: Atom Egoyan / 74 min / English, Armenian, 2004 / Director: Ali Kazimi / 87 min / English / PG French and German / 14A This inventive docudrama explores the exclusionary politics ARARAT A film within a film focused on the making of an historical behind Canada's historic Continuous Journey regulation, epic about the Armenian genocide between 1915 and which kept the 376 Indian passengers of the Komagata Maru 1918. With Arsinée Khanjian and Christopher Plummer. sequestered at sea for over two months in this infamous standoff of 1914.  1984 / Director-Writer: Daniel Petrie / 107 min / English / 14A LA GUERRE DU FEU / QUEST FOR FIRE  A Catholic teen (Kiefer Sutherland) in 1930s Nova Scotia 1982 / Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud / Writers: Gérard Brach, J. H. faces the growing pains of adolescence, as well as more Rosny Sr. (novel) / 100 min / No language / AA THE BAY BOY serious problems. A trio of prehistoric warriors travel the earth in search of f ire, encountering sabre-toothed tigers, mammoths and BETHUNE : THE MAKING OF A HERO  cannibals along the way. 1990 / Director: Phillip Borsos / Writer: Ted Allan / 168 min / English / PG A fighter, a lover, a healer, a hero: the true story of Canadian JOHN AND THE MISSUS  doctor Norman Bethune, who served as a doctor in 1987 / Director-Writer: Gordon Pinsent / 100 min / English / PG Revolutionary China. Starring . A small Canadian town is devastated when a local mine — the town’s only source of income — is closed. One BLACK ROBE BLACK ROBE  miner (Gordon Pinsent) refuses to leave in search of work, 1991 / Director: / Writer: / as everyone else has done, so he and his wife (Jackie 101 min / English, Algonquin and Latin / AA Burroughs) set out to save the town. In 1634, an Aboriginal group agrees to escort a young white man on a journey none of them fully understands. Starring THE JOURNALS OF KNUD RASMUSSEN  Lothaire Bluteau. 2006 / Director: Zacharias Kunuk / Writers: Eugene Ipkarnak, Madeline Ivalu, Herve Paniaq, Pauloosie Qulitalik, Lucy Tulugarjuk, THE BURNING TIMES  Louis Uttak / 112 min / English, Inuktitut, Danish / 14A CONTINUOUS JOURNEY 1990 / Director: Donna Read / 57 min / English / NR A portrait of the lives of the last great Inuit shaman, Avva, A feminist account of the witchcraft trials and persecutions and his beautiful and headstrong daughter, Apak. that swept through Europe during the Middle Ages, when those accused of being heretics or witches, often with no LUCK  evidence, were tortured and executed. 2004 / Director-Writer: Peter Wellington / 91 min / English / 14A During the 1972 Canada-Russia hockey series, Shane BYE BYE BLUES  Bradley’s failure to win the girl of his dreams leads to a 1989 / Director-Writer: Anne Wheeler / 117 min / English / PG f ixation with luck and gambling. Starring Sarah Polley and A WWII wife and mother () joins a local Luke Kirby. LA GUERRE DU FEU dance band to provide for her family while her husband is at war. / ORDERS  1974 / Director-Writer: Michel Brault / 109 min / French / PG CANADA’S SWEETHEART: In 1970, under the pretext of waging war against the Quebec THE SAGA OF HAL C. BANKS  Liberation Front (FLQ), the Canadian Parliament votes in the 1985 / Director: Donald Brittain / Writers: Richard Neilsen, Donald War Measures Act. Brittain / 115 min / English / NR The violent and corrupt state of labour-management relations LA SARRASINE  in Canada from the late 1940s to early 1960s is explored through 1992 / Director: Paul Tana / Writers: , Bruno Ramirez, THE JOURNALS OF KNUD RASMUSSEN the true story of an American thug imported to Canada to crush Paul Tana / 109 min / French / AA the Seafarers’ International Union. Starring . A beautifully rendered story of an Italian-Canadian couple in 1904 Montreal, caught in the tension between the city’s CE QU’IL FAUT POUR VIVRE /  Italian- and French-Canadian communities. Tony Nardi won a Genie for his performance. 2008 / Director: Benoît Pilon / Writer: Bernard Émond / 108 min / French / PG STATUS QUO? THE UNFINISHED  In 1952, an Inuit hunter (Natar Ungalaaq) leaves his BUSINESS OF FEMINISM IN CANADA northern community to be treated for tuberculosis in LUCK 2012 / Director-Writer: Karen Cho / 87 min / English / NR , where he is alone and despondent, until This striking in-depth documentary pays homage to a young orphan arrives at the sanatorium. The hunter Canada's feminist forerunners and raises important shares his culture with the boy and rediscovers his pride questions about where and how we should move on and energy along the way. from here.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary STATUS QUO? 72 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE BASED ON A BOOK OR PLAY

BARRYMORE  HOUSE  2011 / Director-Writer: Érik Canuel / 83 min / English / PG 1996 / Director: Laurie Lynd / Writers: Laurie Lynd, Daniel MacIvor / Christopher Plummer reprises his celebrated stage 85 min / English / PG incarnation of Hollywood legend John Barrymore reviewing Based on MacIvor’s play, House tells the story of Victor (Daniel BEING JULIA his life while rehearsing for a performance of Shakespeare’s MacIvor), a thirtyish man fresh out of group therapy who Richard III. Based on the play by William Luce. lands in a sleepy little town, f inds an abandoned church and decides to put on a one-man show. BEING JULIA  2004 / Director: István Szabó / Writer: Ronald Harwood / I, CLAUDIA  105 min / English / 14A 2004 / Director: Chris Abraham / Writer: Kristen Thomson / 75 min / Set in 1930s London, an aging stage actress turns to a English / 18A younger man for romance while struggling to maintain her Claudia is “twelve and three quarters” — a precocious and BILLY BISHOP GOES TO WAR star status. Based on Somerset Maugham’s novel Theatre, disarmingly honest pre-teen who’s juggling the demands and starring Annette Bening and Jeremy Irons. of puberty with the impact of her parents’ divorce. Based on Kristen Thomson’s play. BILLY BISHOP GOES TO WAR  2011 / Director-Writer: Barbara Willis Sweete / 86 min / English / PG JOSHUA THEN AND NOW  Inspired by the life of the legendary WWI flying ace, the film 1985 / Director: Ted Kotcheff / Writer: Mordecai Richler / traces the aged Bishop's journey from farm boy in Owen 117 min / English / AA Sound to top flying ace of the British Empire. Based on the Based on the autobiographical novel of the same name C'EST PAS MOI, JE LE JURE musical by John Grey and Eric Peterson. by Mordecai Richler, a Jewish writer in Montreal grows up, marries the non-Jewish woman of his dreams and leads an increasingly complicated life. Starring James Woods. C’EST PAS MOI, JE LE JURE! / J IT’S NOT ME, I SWEAR! 2008 / Director-Writer: Philippe Falardeau / 105 min / French / 14A LE JOUR AVANT LE LENDEMAIN /  Ten-year-old Léon has a dysfunctional family, an BEFORE TOMORROW overly fertile imagination and a penchant for lying and 2008 / Directors: Madeline Ivalu, Marie-Hélène Cousineau / Writers: destroying the neighbours’ property. Based on Bruno Susan Avingaq, Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Madeline Ivalu / 93 min / Inuktitut / PG LA FACE CACHÉE DE LA LUNE Hébert’s novel of the same name and featuring Antoine Based on the book Før Morgendagen by famed Danish L’Écuyer and Suzanne Clément. author Jørn Riel, this touching story distills the grand narrative of f irst contact into an intimate tale of two women DANCING IN THE DARK  in a 19th-century Inuit village. FUGITIVE PIECES 1986 / Director-Writer: Leon Marr / 93 min / English / AA When Edna () discovers her husband’s KAMOURASKA affair after 20 years of marriage, the sense of betrayal is  1973 / Director: Claude Jutra / Writers: Anne Hébert, Claude Jutra / devastating and literally drives her mad. From the novel by 124 min / French / R FUGITIVE PIECES Joan Barfoot. Based on Anne Hébert’s novel, this story of a woman’s dramatic life in mid-1800s Quebec is told in a series of LA FACE CACHÉE DE LA LUNE /  flashbacks at her second husband’s deathbed. Starring FAR SIDE OF THE MOON Geneviève Bujold. 2003 / Director-Writer: Robert Lepage / 105 min / French / PG After the death of his mother, a lonely 40-something  (Lepage) tries to rekindle a relationship with his brother 1975 / Director: Ján Kadár / Writer: Ted Allan / 103 min / English / PG while undertaking an extraterrestrial outreach project. Ted Allan adapted his own story about a young Jewish boy I, CLAUDIA Adapted from Lepage's own play. who comes of age in 1920s Montreal, with modern parents and a whimsical old-world grandfather. FUGITIVE PIECES  2007 / Director-Writer: Jeremy Podeswa / 104 min / English / 14A LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT  In this adaptation of Anne Michaels’ novel, a Greek 1996 / Director: David Wellington / Writer: Eugene O'Neill / archaeologist smuggles a young boy out of Nazi-occupied 173 min / English / AA Poland and takes him to Canada, where he comes of age and An aspiring writer’s account of his life with a drug-addled becomes consumed by his family’s tragedy and the search mother, an aging actor-father and an unstable, drunk JOSHUA THEN AND NOW for his beloved sister, Bella. brother. Based on Eugene O’Neill’s play, and starring , Martha Henry and .

LIES MY FATHER TOLD ME REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 73 BASED ON A BOOK OR PLAY continued THE LUCK OF GINGER COFFEY  LES PLOUFFE / THE PLOUFFE FAMILY  1964 / Director: Irvin Kershner / Writer: Brian Moore / 1981 / Director: / Writers: Gilles Carle, 100 min / English / PG Roger Lemelin / 227 min / French / PG THE OUTSIDE CHANCE Ginger Coffey (Robert Shaw) and his wife (Mary Ure) move A saga about the Plouffe family in working-class, OF MAXIMILIAN GLICK from Dublin to Montreal and struggle to find acceptance and WWII-era Quebec, based on Roger Lemelin’s novel. build a new life for themselves and their daughter. Based on Starring Gabriel Arcand. Brian Moore’s novel. THE STONE ANGEL THE OUTSIDE CHANCE OF  J 2007 / Director-Writer: Kari Skogland / 115 min / English / 14A MAXIMILIAN GLICK Based on the classic Canadian novel by , The 1988 / Director: Allan A. Goldstein / Writer: Phil Savath / Stone Angel brings the story of Hagar Shipley () to 97 min / English / G life as she sets out on a journey of self-discovery and memory. THE STONE ANGEL As Max approaches his bar mitzvah in the small town of Also featuring Christine Horne, Ellen Page and Dylan Baker. Sault Ste. Marie, his community is thrown into turmoil by the arrival of an “unorthodox” rabbi and Max’s musical partnership with a non-Jewish girl. Based on the novel by Morley Torgov. FAMILY BABINE BABINE J ONE MAGIC CHRISTMAS J 2008 / Director: Luc Picard / Writer: Fred Pellerin / 112 min / 1985 / Director: Phillip Borsos / Writers: Phillip Borsos, Barry Healey, French / PG Thomas Meehan / 88 min / English / G Babine (Vincent-Guillaume Otis) is a child who is shunned and An angel is sent by Santa to help a cynical woman (Mary mistrusted because his mother was a witch. When the village Steenburgen) and her family believe in Christmas again. priest is found dead, Babine seems the likely scapegoat, but his mentor, Toussaint Brodeur, is determined to save the boy. LE PAPILLON BLEU /  A BEAR NAMED WINNIE A BEAR NAMED WINNIE THE BLUE BUTTERFLY  2004 / Director: Léa Pool / Writer: Pete McCormack / 2004 / Director: John Kent Harrison / Writers: Simon Vaughan, 97 min / English and Spanish / PG John Goldsmith, John Kent Harrison / 90 min / English / PG The true story of a terminally ill 10-year-old boy whose The tale of the real-life bear who inspired A. A. Milne’s classic dream is to capture the most beautiful butterfly on earth. stories about Winnie-the-Pooh. With Michael Fassbender Starring William Hurt. and Gil Bellows. A CHRISTMAS STORY J THE PEANUT BUTTER SOLUTION J LA GUERRE DES TUQUES 1983 / Director: Bob Clark / Writers: Jean Shepherd, Bob Clark, 1985 / Director: Michael Rubbo / Writers: Vojtech Jasný, Andrée Leigh Brown / 84 min / English / PG Pelletier, Louise Pelletier, Michael Rubbo / 94 min / English / PG All Ralphie Parker wants for Christmas is a BB gun and Peanut butter is the secret ingredient in a magic potion that he’ll go to any lengths to get it, in spite of his parents’ makes 11-year-old Michael grow a whole lot of hair. admonitions that he’ll “shoot his eye out.” Starring Peter Billingsley and Melinda Dillon. SCORE: A HOCKEY MUSICAL J 2010 / Director-Writer: Michael McGowan / 92 min / English / PG LA GRENOUILLE ET LA BALEINE / When sheltered teen Farley Gordon (Noah Reid) is discovered THE TADPOLE AND THE WHALE  ONE MAGIC CHRISTMAS by a major hockey league, he must learn to juggle hockey 1987 / Director: Jean-Claude Lord / Writers: Jean-Claude Lord, with his non-violent principles, pressure from parents and Lise Thouin, Jacques Bobet, André Mélançon / 91 min / French / G teammates, and a changing relationship with the girl next door A young girl has a special friendship with a whale and a dolphin, (Allie MacDonald). Featuring Olivia Newton-John. but her world could change dramatically if her grandfather sells his hotel by the ocean. THE YEAR DOLLY PARTON WAS MY MOM J LA GUERRE DES TUQUES / 2010 / Director-Writer: Tara Johns / 95 min / English / PG THE DOG WHO STOPPED THE WAR J Elizabeth Alison Gray is an average 11-year-old girl in the suburbs waiting for adolescence to arrive when she finds out LE PAPILLON BLEU 1984 / Director: André Mélançon / Writers: Roger Cantin, Danyèle Patenaude / 92 min / French / G that her whole life has been a lie and runs away to find the truth. Starring Julia Sarah Stone and Gil Bellows. During the Christmas holidays, the children of a village split into two gangs for a snowball war.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary SCORE: A HOCKEY MUSICAL 74 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE DOCUMENTARY

 65_REDROSES 2009 / Directors: Philip Lyall, Nimisha Mukerji / 70 min / English / NR 1991 / Director: Simcha Jacobovici / 115 min / English / AA This personal and touching journey takes an unflinching This fast-paced documentary probes the murky world of look into the life of 23-year-old Eva Markvoort as she Arab-Israeli politics, focusing on the lives of refugees and 65_REDROSES battles the fatal genetic disease cystic fibrosis and awaits a settlers and interspersing street footage from Gaza and the double lung transplant. West Bank with interviews with journalists, soldiers, artists, academics and victims of violence. ARMY OF ONE 2003 / Director-Writer: Sarah Goodman / 69 min / English / 14A EMPZ 4 LIFE Filmmaker Goodman follows the very different paths of 2006 / Director: Allan King / 113 min / English / 14A three recruits who joined the US Army during a spike in Renowned documentarian King focuses his lens on the enlistment after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. prejudice, hope and despair swirling around four men ARMY OF ONE BEAUTY DAY coming of age in Toronto’s Malvern area. 2011 / Director-Writer: Jay Cheel / 92 min / English / 14A What motivates someone to snort eggs through their EXPERIMENTAL ESKIMOS nostrils, ski off a rooftop or attempt to remove a swimming 2009 / Director: Barry Greenwald / 70 min / English, Inuktitut / NR pool cover through the most reckless method imaginable? In the early 1960s, the Canadian government separated Welcome to the mind of Ralph Zavadil, better known by his three Inuit boys from their families and sent them to Ottawa fans as public-access cable hero Cap’n Video. to be educated in “white" schools. THE BOXING GIRLS OF KABUL THE FALLS BEAUTY DAY 2012 / Director-Writer: Ariel J. Nasr / 52 min / Dari / 14A 1991 / Director-Writer: Kevin McMahon / 89 min / English / NR A remarkable group of young Afghan women dream of representing their country as boxers at the 2012 Olympics, An evocative film that traces the history of our embarking on a journey of both personal and political fascination with Niagara Falls. Slyly subversive, this doc transformation. explores the facts and the myths surrounding this natural wonder while conveying its awesome beauty. CE QU’IL RESTE DE NOUS / WHAT REMAINS OF US 2004 / Director-Writers: Hugo Latulippe, François Prévost / 77 min / 1991 / Director-Writer: Katherine Gilday / 90 min / English / PG THE BOXING GIRLS OF KABUL English, French and Tibetan / G An examination of the contemporary obsession with an A Tibetan-Canadian smuggles a message from the Dalai unrealistic body size and shape among North American Lama into her homeland and documents the suffering of her women and the eating disorders it engenders. people. FIGHT LIKE SOLDIERS, DIE LIKE CHILDREN 2012 / Director-Writer: / 94 min / Sichuanese and 2012 / Director: Patrick Reed / 83 min / English, French, Kinyarwanda, Mandarin / G Lingala, Swahili, Zande / PG In south-western China, poor rural teenagers are recruited to After witnessing the destruction caused by the Rwandan CHINA HEAVYWEIGHT become boxing champions. Upon graduation, top students genocide, Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire embarks on a face a difficult choice: Should they fight for the collective mission to end the use of child soldiers. This doc follows his good or for themselves? journey across the world to find solutions and to speak one- on-one with former child soldiers. THE CLINTON SPECIAL: A FILM ABOUT THE FARM SHOW 1974 / Director: Michael Ondaatje / 70 min / English / AA 1985 / Directors: Robert Collison, Sturla Gunnarsson / Writer: Robert In 1972, a group of actors go into an Ontario farming Collison / 79 min / English / AA community and then build a play about what they saw DANNY and learned. A fly-on-the-wall account of the dramatic 1984 negotiations between the Canadian section of the United Auto Workers CYBERMAN and General Motors. 2001 / Director-Writer: Peter Lynch / 87 min / English / NR A portrait of Steve Mann, University of Toronto engineering FIX: THE STORY OF AN ADDICTED CITY professor and self-proclaimed cyborg. 2002 / Director-Writer: Nettie Wild / 92 min / English / 14A Former IBM salesman and outspoken drug addict Dean Wilson heads the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users DANNY EMPZ 4 LIFE 2014 / Director-Writers: Justin Simms, William D. MacGillivray / 84 and has the help of an unlikely ally — the conservative min / English / NR mayor of Vancouver. As controversial as he is charismatic, then Newfoundland premier Danny Williams fearlessly butts heads with Big Oil and prime ministers to turn things around for his formerly “have-not”province.

EXPERIMENTAL ESKIMOS REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 75 DOCUMENTARY continued FORCE OF NATURE: JUST EAT IT THE DAVID SUZUKI MOVIE 2014 / Director: Grant Baldwin / Writers: Grant Baldwin, Jenny 2010 / Director: Sturla Gunnarsson / 93 min / English / PG Rustemeyer / 75 min / English / NR THE FROG PRINCES In this captivating portrait, the passionate environmentalist After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good David Suzuki’s legacy lecture is entwined with candid food that is tossed away each year in North America, interviews in which he reflects on his life and shares deeply filmmakers Jen and Grant pledge to quit grocery shopping personal stories, revealing a side previously unseen. and survive only on discarded food. What they find is truly shocking. THE FROG PRINCES 2011 / Directors: Omar Majeed, Ryan Mullins / 69 min / English / PG JUST WATCH ME: Follow the heartwarming drama backstage as a theatre TRUDEAU AND THE 70s GENERATION troupe of physically and mentally challenged young adults 1999 / Director: Catherine Annau / 75 min / English / PG prepare to stage an adaptation of The Frog and the Princess. THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE Journey into the hearts of the Trudeau Generation by FROM C TO C: CHINESE CANADIAN exploring the impact of this prime minister’s bilingual and STORIES OF MIGRATION bicultural vision of Canada. 2011 / Director: Jordan Paterson / Writers: Jordan Paterson, Paul KANEHSATAKE: 270 YEARS OF RESISTANCE Yeung, Denise Fong / 46 min / English / NR 1993 / Director-Writer: Alanis Obomsawin / This fascinating doc celebrates the diverse nature of 119 min / English and French / PG contemporary Chinese Canadian identities by exploring A comprehensive and compelling review of the Oka Crisis various immigrant experiences – some positive, some — a standoff between the Mohawks of Kanehsatake and the HITMAN HART: negative – at different points in Canada’s history. WRESTLING WITH SHADOWS Quebec provincial police and Canadian army in the summer GENIUS WITHIN: THE INNER LIFE OF GLENN GOULD of 1990. 2009 / Directors: Michèle Hozer, Peter Raymont / 109 min / LAST TRAIN HOME English / NR 2010 / Director: / 85 min / Mandarin / PG Using never-before-seen footage, Raymont and Hozer Every spring, China’s cities are plunged into chaos as millions reconstruct Glenn Gould’s thoughts on music, art, society, of migrant factory workers attempt to return home by train love and life. Photographs, excerpts from home recordings to their rural villages for Chinese New Year. This arresting and personal interviews with his most intimate friends and JUST EAT IT documentary draws us into the fractured lives of a single lovers, some of whom have never before spoken about him family caught up in this desperate annual migration. publicly, yield new revelations about the life of this legendary Canadian pianist. THE LAST WHITE KNIGHT 2012 / Director-Writer: Paul Saltzman / 78 min / English / PG THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE In 1965, 21-year-old Saltzman was assaulted at a civil rights 2013 / Director: Liz Marshall / 92 min / English / PG protest by a member of the Ku Klux Klan. In 2007, Saltzman In a film that explores the rights of non-human animals tracks him down to see if individual reconciliation is possible. through the compassionate lens of international This doc relates the five-year dialogue that ensues. LAST TRAIN HOME photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, we meet individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our LAST WOMAN STANDING modern world. 2013 / Director-Writers: Juliet Lammers, Lorraine Price / 88 min / English / PG World champion boxers and best friends Ariane Fortin and 2009 / Director: Alan Zweig / 100 min / English / NR Mary Spencer must compete against one another for the first A heart-wrenching look at the lives of ex-convicts who reveal time ever as they fight for an Olympic dream that can only their struggles with trying to adapt to life on the outside. come true for one of them. LAST WOMAN STANDING HITMAN HART: LEAVE THEM LAUGHING WRESTLING WITH SHADOWS 2010 / Director: John Zaritsky / 89 min / English / NR 1998 / Director-Writer: Paul Jay / 93 min / English / AA Once a nationally known performer of ballads, skits and self- parody, now fated by Lou Gehrig’s disease to perish within a The highs and lows in the career of champion pro- year, the remarkable Carla Zilbersmith quips about death and wrestler Bret “The Hitman” Hart and his controversial exit vows to exit laughing. from the WWE. IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET LEGEND OF A WARRIOR LEAVE THEM LAUGHING 1982 / Director: Terre Nash / 26 min / English / PG 2012 / Director-Writer: Corey Lee / 78 min / English / NR Devastating and simple, this documentary cuts between Filmmaker Lee reconnects with his estranged 70-year-old horrifying images of the bombings of Hiroshima and father — a charismatic martial artist with street-fighter Nagasaki, and Dr. Helen Caldicott’s lecture about the true instincts — by training with him at his Edmonton gym. human costs of a nuclear war.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary LEGEND OF A WARRIOR 76 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE DOCUMENTARY continued

THE MAGICAL LIFE OF LONG TACK SAM THE NATIONAL PARKS PROJECT 2003 / Director: Ann Marie Fleming / 90 min / English / PG 2011 / Directors: Hubert Davis, Sturla Gunnarsson, Zacharias Kunuk, Filmmaker Fleming spent years creating this loving and Peter Lynch and others / Writer: Joel McConvey / 127 min / English / PG entertaining portrait of her great-grandfather, a brilliant Chinese MARTHA OF THE NORTH magician and acrobat named Long Tack Sam. To celebrate Parks Canada’s centennial, 13 filmmakers were commissioned to pay tribute to the country’s THE MAN WHO SKIED DOWN EVEREST national parks — amazing and inspirational parts of the 1974 / Directors: Bruce Nyznik, Lawrence Schiller / 84 min / English / G country that many Canadians never visit. This omnibus documentary sets out to explore the ways in which the The unbelievable journey of a Japanese skier who follows his wilderness shapes our cultural imagination. lifelong dream to climb Mount Everest in order to ski down it. OCCUPY LOVE 2013 / Director-Writer: Velcrow Ripper / 86 min / English / NR 2006 / Director: Jennifer Baichwal / 90 min / English / G MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES This action-oriented doc explores love — the love of A remarkable meditation on humanity’s impact on the humanity, the love of the planet — by interweaving environment, this doc follows internationally acclaimed discussions with renowned alternative thinkers and scenes photographer Edward Burtynsky to China where he captures from the Egyptian Revolution in 2011, Occupy Wall Street in images of nature transformed by industry. New York, protests at the Alberta tar sands, etc. MANUFACTURING CONSENT: NOAM CHOMSKY AND THE MEDIA OUT OF MIND, OUT OF SIGHT 2014 / Director-Writer: John Kastner / 88 min / English / NR 1992 / Director: Mark Achbar, Peter Wintonick / 167 min / English / PG MY PRAIRIE HOME Noam Chomsky’s primer on intellectual self-defence With unprecedented access, this doc profiles four residents and a warning about corporate media’s role in modern of a mental health centre for the criminally insane, as they propaganda. struggle to gain control over their lives and return to a society that fears and demonizes them. A MARRIED COUPLE 1969 / Director-Writer: Allan King / 96 min / English / R PAYBACK An astonishing fly-on-the-wall look at the disintegration of 2011 / Director: Jennifer Baichwal / Writers: , the marriage of a suburban couple. Jennifer Baichwal / 82 min / English / NR Based on Atwood’s bestselling book Payback: Debt and MYSTIC BALL MARTHA OF THE NORTH the Shadow Side of Wealth, this doc by award-winning 2008 / Director: Marquise Lepage / Writers: Marquise Lepage, Martha director Baichwal is a sweeping examination of the Flaherty / 83 min / English / NR notion of indebtedness. In the mid-1950s, lured by false promises of a better life, Inuit families were displaced by the Canadian government and PINK RIBBONS, INC. left to their own devices in the Far North. Martha Flaherty, 2011 / Director-Writer: Léa Pool / Writers: Nancy Guerin, Patricia granddaughter of filmmaking pioneer Robert J. Flaherty, Kearns / 97 min / English / G shares her story of displacement. Millions of dollars are raised every year to find a cure for breast cancer, but where does the money go? This THE NATIONAL PARKS LA MÉMOIRE DES ANGES / documentary shines a light on the dark side of corporate PROJECT THE MEMORIES OF ANGELS fundraising for what marketing experts have dubbed a 2008 / Director: Luc Bourdon / 80 min / English and French / NR “dream cause.” A chronicle of the evolution of the city of Montreal, from its industrial heyday to its time as a stage for the Quiet Revolution and Expo 67. 1998 / Director: Nettie Wild / Writers: Manfred Becker, Nettie Wild / 89 min / English / NR MY PRAIRIE HOME The mid-’90s conflict between the Zapatista National 2013 / Director-Writer: Chelsea McMullan / 76 min / English / NR Liberation Army and the Mexican government sheds light OCCUPY LOVE Set against the backdrop of the Canadian Prairies, on the plight of Mexico’s Indigenous people. Alberta-born singer/songwriter Rae Spoon takes us on the musical journey of a trans person’s coming of age in PRISONER OF PARADISE an evangelical household. 2002 / Directors: Malcolm Clarke, Stuart Sender / Writer: Stuart Sender / 96 min / English / PG MY WINNIPEG The Oscar-winning true story of the remarkable life and 2007 / Director-Writer: Guy Maddin / 80 min / English / 14A career of Kurt Gerron, a well-known and beloved German- Jewish actor, director and cabaret star in Berlin in the 1920s A touching and often bizarre and hilarious docu-comedy PAYBACK about f ilmmaker Maddin’s hometown, Winnipeg. and ’30s. MYSTIC BALL PROM NIGHT IN MISSISSIPPI 2006 / Director: Greg Hamilton / 83 min / English and Burmese / NR 2009 / Director-Writer: Paul Saltzman / 90 min / English / PG Hamilton shares his passion for the dance, meditation In 2008, actor Morgan Freeman returned to his hometown of and culture of chinlone, Myanmar’s traditional sport. Charleston, Mississippi, and offered to fund the high school’s Hamilton, a Canadian, has become a national champion first-ever integrated senior prom. This doc follows the prom of chinlone in Myanmar. preparations as black and white students cope with deeply- rooted racism. PINK RIBBONS, INC. REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 77 DOCUMENTARY continued RADIANT CITY SURVIVING PROGRESS 2006 / Director-Writers: Gary Burns, Jim Brown / 86 min / English / PG 2011 / Director-Writers: Mathieu Roy, Harold Crooks / An examination of the sprawling suburban residential 75 min / English / G developments that have dominated North America since the Inspired by Ronald Wright’s bestseller A Short History of REVOLUTION end of World War II. Progress, this doc connects the collapse of the global economy and growing inequality with new technologies REVOLUTION and belief systems, showing how short-term thinking could 2012 / Director: Rob Stewart / 85 min / English / PG jeopardize our future. Stunning natural landscapes highlight the spectre of environmental degradation and climate change, as Stewart finds hope in the efforts of young activists around the world THE TAKE who are striving to protect our planet and our future. 2004 / Director: Avi Lewis / Writer: Naomi Klein / 87 min / English and Spanish / PG SOL ROMEO AND JULIET IN SARAJEVO In suburban Buenos Aires, 30 unemployed auto-parts 1994 / Director: John Zaritsky / 90 min / English / NR workers walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and refuse to leave. In war-torn Sarajevo, a Muslim woman and a Serbian man attempt to escape, but are gunned down and die in each other’s arms, the tragic moment actually captured by a TALK 16 photojournalist’s lens. This doc focuses on the circumstances 1991 / Director-Writers: Janis Lundman, Adrienne Mitchell / that led to the killing, and on the emotional aftermath. 114 min / English / PG A revealing look at f ive 16-year-old girls’ views on sex, SPEED SISTERS SCAREDSACRED education, parents, their own futures and more. 2004 / Director-Writer: Velcrow Ripper / 105 min / English / 18A A f ive-year search around the world for ways in which people take the experience of being scared and turn it into TIGER SPIRIT something sacred. Sites of catastrophe are scoured for signs 2008 / Director-Writer: Min Sook Lee / 78 min / of hope. English and Korean / NR SKI BUMS The infamous Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North and 2002 / Director: John Zaritsky / 76 mins / English / NR South Korea is where filmmaker Lee begins her exploration of the divided country she left as a child. STORIES WE TELL Ten self-proclaimed ski bums are candidly interviewed in this adrenaline-rush doc full of truly smashing ski footage, giving insight into the sometimes sublime, sometimes TOTEM: THE RETURN OF THE gritty existence of these free spirits living on the edge in G’PSGOLOX POLE Whistler, B.C. 2003 / Director-Writer: Gil Cardinal / 70 min / English / 14A In 1929, the Haisla people of British Columbia returned from SOL a f ishing trip to f ind their tribe’s nine-metre mortuary pole 2014 / Directors: Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Susan Avingaq / Writers: missing, severed at the base. The pole’s fate was a mystery Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Dana Schoel / 76 min / English / NR for over 60 years, until it surfaced in a Stockholm museum, SURVIVING PROGRESS Stirring and heart-wrenching, Sol explores the mysterious where members of the Haisla Nation journeyed to in order to death of a charismatic young Inuit artist, and sheds tragic get it back in 1991. light on why Canada’s North has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world.

UP THE YANGTZE SPEED SISTERS 2007 / Director: Yung Chang / 91 min / English and Mandarin / 14A 2015 / Director-Writer: Amber Fares / 80 min / English / NR At the edge of the Yangtze River, young men and women Grabbing headlines and boldly shattering stereotypes, the take up employment on a cruise ship, where they confront Speed Sisters are the first Middle Eastern all-women car rising waters and a radically changing China. TIGER SPIRIT racing team in a male-dominated sport and society. STORIES WE TELL VINYL 2012 / Director-Writer: Sarah Polley / 109 min / English / PG 2000 / Director-Writer: Alan Zweig / 110 min / English / NR Oscar-nominated director Polley playfully seeks the elusive With brutal honesty and self-deprecating humour, Zweig truth in her relatives’ contradictory stories about her own reveals what, beyond a love of music, drives his own history, painting a profound portrait of a complicated and obsession to collect vinyl records. loving family. WAITING FOR FIDEL STRAND, UNDER THE DARK CLOTH 1974 / Director: Michael Rubbo / 58 min / English and Spanish / NR 1989 / Director: John Walker / Writer: Seaton Findlay / Director Rubbo constructs an eye-opening look at Cuba 81 min / English / PG while waiting for an interview with Fidel Castro that never A poetic and deeply personal documentary about the life takes place. and career of Paul Strand, a pioneering but little-known photographer.

✍ Animation |  Drama | J Comedy |  Documentary | N Horror |  Mockumentary WAITING FOR FIDEL 78 REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE DOCUMENTARY continued WATERMARK WIEBO’S WAR 2013 / Directors: Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky / 2011 / Director: David York / 94 min / English / 14A 92 min / English / G The story of a Christian community at war with the oil and gas industry. Wiebo Ludwig is a suspect in a series of pipeline This visually stunning doc brings together diverse stories WATERMARK from around the globe about humans’ relationship with bombings because these incidents echo a campaign of water: how we use it and the consequences of that use. sabotage he waged 10 years earlier — barricading roads and blowing up wells — which culminated in the unsolved death of a teenaged girl. WE WERE CHILDREN 2012 / Director: Tim Wolochatiuk / Writer: Jason Sherman / 88 min / THE WORLD BEFORE HER English / NR 2012 / Director-Writer: Nisha Pahuja / 90 min / English and Hindi / PG Harrowing stories of survivors of the Canadian Indian The stories of two young women reveal a rapidly Residential school system are woven together in this modernizing nation caught between two worlds. For one profoundly moving film about the resilience of the human woman, becoming Miss India is the key to emancipation WE WERE CHILDREN spirit in the face of institutionalised racism, abuse and from traditional Hindu patriarchy; for the other, militant injustice on a national scale. Hindu nationalism protects tradition from the corruption of western influences. WEST WIND: THE VISION OF TOM THOMSON 2012 / Directors: Peter Raymont, Michèle Hozer / 95 min / English / G 1988 / Directors: Peter Raymont, Jim Munro / Writers: Harold Crooks, A visually stunning and thought-provoking exploration Peter Raymont / 60 min / English / G of one of Canada’s most famous and beloved artists, This acclaimed and revealing documentary follows the this doc delves into Tom Thomson’s art and life – and his press in Nicaragua during the political tumult of 1987. WEST WIND mysterious death. With unprecedented access to the TV crews, this film reveals the pressures and decisions that shape the news being presented. 2013 / Director-Writer: Alan Zweig / 90 min / English / PG Insightful and hilarious, this doc surveys the history of YOU DON’T LIKE THE TRUTH: Jewish comedy, ultimately exploring not just ethnicity in the 4 DAYS INSIDE GUANTANAMO entertainment industry, but also the entire unruly question of 2010 / Directors: Luc Côté, Patricio Henriquez / 100 min / English / 14A what it means to be Jewish. Recordings of the interrogation of Omar Khadr, the WIEBO'S WAR underage Canadian prisoner in Guantanamo Bay, by Canadian intelligence personnel are presented along with EXPERIMENTAL observations by his attorneys and former cellmates. GAMBLING, GODS AND LSD REASON OVER PASSION 2002 / Director: Peter Mettler / 180 min / English / AA 1969 / Director: Joyce Wieland / Writer: Pierre Trudeau / An experimental documentary about the human 80 min / English / NR quest for meaning, the f ilm takes a journey around the An examination of notions of Canada, joining the country’s THE WORLD BEFORE HER globe, observing ways in which different people seek physical landscape with the familiar symbols — the flag, the transcendence. anthem, bilingualism, the national railway — that stand in for Canadian identity. THE HART OF LONDON 1970 / Director: Jack Chambers / 80 min / English / NR THE ROAD ENDED AT THE BEACH A sprawling, ambitious f ilm that combines newsreel footage 1983 / Director-Writer: Philip Hoffman / 33 min / English / NR of disasters, imagery of nature and urbanization and footage Film clips, stills and sound collected for over six years coalesce evoking the cycles of life and death. in this journey with f ilmmaker Hoffman and famous American IMITATIONS OF LIFE photographer Robert Frank. IMITATIONS OF LIFE 2003 / Director: / 75 min / English / NR An abstract work that is beautiful and absorbing as a purely WAVELENGTH aesthetic experience. The video is separated into 10 chapters 1967 / Director: Michael Snow / 45 min / English / NR This meditation on cinematic practice takes the form of a and explores themes of childhood memory through a zoom that moves from the end of an 80-foot urban loft to a variety of cinematic methods. photograph of waves on the wall at the opposite end of the LIKE A DREAM THAT VANISHES room, accompanied by a sine wave as it gradually progresses 2000 / Director: Barbara Sternberg / 40 min / English / NR from its lowest to its highest note. The ephemerality of life is echoed in the temporal nature WAVELENGTH of f ilm — imageless emulsion is intercut with brief shots of YOU ARE HERE natural elements and the stages of human life. 2010 / Director-Writer: Daniel Cockburn / 78 min / English / 14A A smartly-crafted commentary on our modern-day PASSING THROUGH / TORN FORMATIONS existence. Comprising interconnected mini-narratives, the 1988 Director-Writer: Philip Hoffman / 43 min / English / NR film’s characters find themselves trapped in bizarre social A kaleidoscopic and labyrinthine study of a family’s experiments of their own making. Featuring Tracy Wright migration from Czechoslovakia to Canada, exploring and Nadia Litz. tragedy, loss and the potential of the image to transform reality. YOU ARE HERE REEL CANADA REFERENCE GUIDE 79 TOP CANADIAN FILM AWARD WINNERS

13 WINS: Mommy (2014) 9 WINS: Polytechnique (2009) Jésus de Montréal (1990) Le déclin de l’empire Un zoo la nuit (1988) américain (1987) The Changeling (1980) 11 WINS: C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Dead Ringers (1989) 8 WINS: Incendies (2010) The Sweet Hereafter (1997) Rebelle (2012) 10 WINS: Exotica (1994) Les bons débarras (1981)

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© MIKE AMBACH / WWF-CANADA Index – Search the Films by Theme Aboriginal / Indigenous Themes Double Happiness...... p.21 ESL C.R.A.Z.Y...... p.20 Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner...... p.16 Dr. Cabbie...... p.22 The Apprenticeship of De père en flic...... p.21 Canada: A People's History...... p.42 Fido...... p.23 Duddy Kravitz...... p.16 Gabrielle...... p.23 Club Native...... p.19 The F Word...... p.23 Away From Her...... p.17 La grande séduction...... p.24 Empire of Dirt...... p.22 The Grand Seduction...... p.24 Bollywood/Hollywood...... p.17 Liverpool...... p.27 Maïna...... p.28 La grande séduction...... p.24 Breakaway...... p.18 Louis 19, le roi des ondes...... p.28 Reel Injun...... p.34 Highway 61...... p.25 Corner Gas: The Movie...... p.19 Louis Cyr : l’homme le The Snow Walker...... p.38 Last Night...... p.27 Double Happiness...... p.21 plus fort du monde...... p.28 Trick or Treaty?...... p.40 Louis 19, le roi des ondes...... p.28 Dr. Cabbie...... p.22 Maman est chez le coiffeur...... p.29 The Whale...... p.41 Mambo Italiano...... p.29 The Grand Seduction...... p.24 Mon oncle Antoine...... p.31 Meatballs...... p.29 Monsieur Lazhar...... p.31 Biography The Grey Fox...... p.24 Men with Brooms...... p.30 Iron Road...... p.27 Les pee-wee : l’hiver qui a Edwin Boyd: Citizen Gangster...... p.22 New Waterford Girl...... p.31 Meatballs...... p.29 changé ma vie...... p.33 The Grey Fox...... p.24 Les pee-wee : l’hiver qui New Waterford Girl...... p.31 The Rocket (bilingual)...... p.35 Inside Hana’s Suitcase...... p.26 a changé ma vie...... p.33 Nurse.Fighter.Boy...... p.32 Saints-martyrs-des-damnés...... p.36 Louis Cyr : l’homme le plus Le sens de l’humour...... p.36 One Week...... p.32 Le sens de l’humour...... p.36 fort du monde...... p.28 Strange Brew...... p.38 Passchendaele...... p.33 Mighty Jerome...... p.30 History The Trotsky...... p.40 The Snow Walker...... p.38 Our Man in Tehran...... p.32 The Book of Negroes...... p.43 Waydowntown...... p.41 Still Mine...... p.38 Project Grizzly...... p.34 Canada: A People's History...... p.42 The Whale...... p.41 The Rocket...... p.35 Discrimination Club Native...... p.19 Rush: Beyond the Lighted The Book of Negroes...... p.43 Family & Family Relationships Edwin Boyd: Stage...... p.35 Club Native...... p.19 45 RPM...... p.16 Citizen Gangster...... p.22 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 Dr. Cabbie...... p.22 The Apprenticeship of The Grey Fox...... p.24 Thirty-Two Short Films Fido...... p.23 Duddy Kravitz...... p.16 Inside Hana’s Suitcase...... p.26 about Glenn Gould...... p.40 Gabrielle...... p.23 Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner...... p.16 Iron Road...... p.27 Inside Hana’s Suitcase...... p.26 Louis Cyr : l’homme le Bullying Away From Her...... p.17 Invisible City...... p.26 Barney’s Version...... p.17 plus fort du monde...... p.28 Breakaway...... p.18 Iron Road...... p.27 Bollywood/Hollywood...... p.17 Maïna...... p.28 Citizen Duane...... p.19 Mambo Italiano...... p.29 Bon Cop, Bad Cop...... p.18 Midnight’s Children...... p.30 C.R.A.Z.Y...... p.20 Mighty Jerome...... p.30 The Book of Negroes...... p.43 Mighty Jerome...... p.30 De père en flic...... p.21 Our Man in Tehran...... p.32 Breakaway...... p.18 Our Man in Tehran...... p.32 Fido...... p.23 Passchendaele...... p.33 Citizen Duane...... p.19 Passchendaele...... p.33 Maman est chez le coiffeur...... p.29 Reel Injun...... p.34 Club Native...... p.19 The Red Violin...... p.34 Meatballs...... p.29 The Rocket...... p.35 Corner Gas: The Movie...... p.19 Reel Injun...... p.34 Monsieur Lazhar...... p.31 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 C.R.A.Z.Y...... p.20 The Rocket...... p.35 New Waterford Girl...... p.31 Trick or Treaty?...... p.40 De père en flic...... p.21 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 Le sens de l'humour...... p.36 Water...... p.41 Double Happiness...... p.21 Such a Long Journey...... p.39 Classics Documentary Empire of Dirt...... p.22 Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould...... p.40 The Apprenticeship of Club Native...... p.19 Fido...... p.23 Duddy Kravitz...... p.16 The Corporation...... p.20 Gabrielle...... p.23 LGBT Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner...... p.16 Indie Game: The Movie...... p.26 The High Cost of Living...... p.25 C.R.A.Z.Y...... p.20 Les Boys...... p.18 Inside Hana’s Suitcase...... p.26 Invisible City...... p.26 Maman est chez le coiffeur...... p.29 The Grey Fox...... p.24 Invisible City...... p.26 Iron Road...... p.27 Mambo Italiano...... p.29 Highway 61...... p.25 Louis Cyr : l’homme le Mighty Jerome...... p.30 Literature Meatballs...... p.29 Our Man in Tehran...... p.32 plus fort du monde...... p.28 The Apprenticeship of Mon Oncle Antoine...... p.31 Project Grizzly...... p.34 Maman est chez le coiffeur...... p.29 Duddy Kravitz...... p.16 Sitting in Limbo...... p.37 Reel Injun...... p.34 Mambo Italiano...... p.29 Away From Her...... p.17 Strange Brew...... p.38 RiP! A Remix Manifesto...... p.35 Midnight's Children...... p.30 Barney’s Version...... p.17 Thirty-Two Short Films Rush: Beyond the Lighted Mon Oncle Antoine...... p.31 The Book of Negroes...... p.43 about Glenn Gould...... p.40 Stage...... p.35 New Waterford Girl...... p.31 Inside Hana’s Suitcase...... p.26 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 Nurse.Fighter.Boy...... p.32 Comedy Maïna...... p.28 Sharkwater...... p.37 One Week...... p.32 Barney's Version...... p.17 Midnight’s Children...... p.30 Taqwacore: The Birth of Les pee-wee : l’hiver qui a Bollywood/Hollywood...... p.17 Our Man in Tehran...... p.32 Punk in Islam...... p.39 changé ma vie...... p.33 Bon Cop, Bad Cop...... p.18 Pontypool...... p.33 Trick or Treaty?...... p.40 Still Mine...... p.38 Les Boys...... p.18 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 The Whale...... p.41 The Sweet Hereafter...... p.39 Breakaway...... p.18 The Snow Walker...... p.38 Citizen Duane...... p.19 Environmental French Language Such a Long Journey...... p.39 Corner Gas: The Movie...... p.19 Liverpool...... p.27 Bon Cop, Bad Cop (bilingual)...... p.18 The Sweet Hereafter...... p.39 Crime Wave...... p.20 Sharkwater...... p.37 Les Boys...... p.18 De père en flic...... p.21 The Whale...... p.41 Le Canada: une histoire populaire. p.42

82 REEL CANADA INDEX Music, Arts & Media Citizen Duane...... p.19 Sitting in Limbo...... p.37 How She Move...... p.25 Bollywood/Hollywood...... p.17 Club Native...... p.19 Such a Long Journey...... p.39 Iron Road...... p.27 Crime Wave...... p.20 Corner Gas: The Movie...... p.19 Trick or Treaty?...... p.40 Last Night...... p.27 Double Happiness...... p.21 The Corporation...... p.20 The Trotsky...... p.40 Liverpool...... p.27 Gabrielle...... p.23 Dr. Cabbie...... p.22 Water...... p.41 Louis Cyr : l’homme le How She Move...... p.25 Midnight’s Children...... p.30 The Whale...... p.41 plus fort du monde...... p.28 Indie Game: The Movie...... p.26 Our Man in Tehran...... p.32 Sports Maïna...... p.28 RiP! A Remix Manifesto...... p.35 Maman est chez le coiffeur...... p.29 Liverpool...... p.27 Les Boys...... p.18 The Rocket...... p.35 New Waterford Girl...... p.31 Louis 19, le roi des ondes...... p.28 Breakaway...... p.18 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 Nurse.Fighter.Boy...... p.32 Pontypool...... p.33 Louis Cyr : l’homme le Sharkwater...... p.37 Les pee-wee : l’hiver qui The Red Violin...... p.34 plus fort du monde...... p.28 Such a Long Journey...... p.39 a changé ma vie...... p.33 RiP! A Remix Manifesto...... p.35 Men with Brooms...... p.30 Trick or Treaty?...... p.40 Sitting in Limbo...... p.37 Rush: Beyond the Lighted Mighty Jerome...... p.30 The Trotsky...... p.40 The Snow Walker...... p.38 Stage...... p.35 New Waterford Girl...... p.31 Water...... p.41 Still Mine...... p.38 Taqwacore: The Birth of Nurse.Fighter.Boy...... p.32 The Whale...... p.41 The Sweet Hereafter...... p.39 Punk in Islam...... p.39 Les pee-wee: l’hiver qui The Trotsky...... p.40 Thirty-Two Short Films Social Justice a changé ma vie...... p.33 Water...... p.41 about Glenn Gould...... p.40 The Book of Negroes...... p.43 The Rocket...... p.35 Offbeat Cinema Club Native...... p.19 Strong Female Leads The Corporation...... p.20 There are many short films Crime Wave...... p.20 45 RPM...... p.16 Defendor...... p.21 that also fit into these themes. Defendor...... p.21 Away From Her...... p.17 Dr. Cabbie...... p.22 If you're interested, please Highway 61...... p.25 Bollywood/Hollywood...... p.17 Invisible City...... p.26 take a look at pages 44 Pontypool...... p.33 The Book of Negroes...... p.43 Liverpool...... p.27 through 51 and ask our team Project Grizzly...... p.34 Club Native...... p.19 Mighty Jerome...... p.30 for recommendations. Saints-martyrs-des-damnés...... p.36 Double Happiness...... p.21 Reel Injun...... p.34 Waydowntown...... p.41 Empire of Dirt...... p.22 RiP! A Remix Manifesto...... p.35 Gabrielle...... p.23 Politics The Rocket...... p.35 The High Cost of Living...... p.25 The Book of Negroes...... p.43 Shake Hands with the Devil...... p.36 Highway 61...... p.25 Canada: A People's History...... p.42 Sharkwater...... p.37

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Bring REEL CANADA into your school or use our lesson plans absolutely

PLAN YOUR OWN FILM FESTIVAL FREE OF CHARGE. Put on an event of any size or scope Honestly, the J.O.–REEL CANADA fest has › For high school grades 9 to 12 been one of my greatest sources of pride — that of exposing Canadian culture to my › In English or French students (and staff!) — over my 16 years as › For English-language learners from Grade 9 to adult “ a teacher. — Dustin Keller, John Oliver SS, Vancouver LESSON PLANS Bring Canadian film into your classroom as a teaching tool.

1950s Overview Suburbia – For the first time ever, families moved into › Film-specific lesson plans for all REEL CANADA films (those neighbourhoods outside of the city. emerge north and east of Toronto (e.g., York, North York & BRAINSTORMScarborough). SHEET The first suburbs began to on pages 16 to 43) The Baby Boom many husbands and wives decided it was finally the right time to – When the war ended and men returned home, have children and start their families.

Education – Because of the baby boom and a strong economy, lots of money was spent on the construction and expansion of › Lesson plans about Canadian film and storytelling for schools. Social/Gender Roles – leave their jobs in the public sphere, and return to their former jobs in the private sphere. ThisAfter was WWII,because women the single-income were expected family to grades 9 to 12 English and media courses was the thought to be the most socially acceptable family type, and the male was seen as the “breadwinner”. of pressure to maintain your “appearances” in public.

TV – The TV was a new household product, and There TV shows was also(such a lot as Leave it To Beaver and › ESL/ELL/EAL lesson plans for students of all levels (look for of the “nuclear family”. Father Knows Best) reinforced the idea

Music – The music of the early 1950s was very conservative, but the music of the mid 1950s was very unconventional because of the ESL icon for ESL-appropriate titles) the birth of Rock and Roll and controversial figures like Elvis Presley. ______Why do you think it is important for Canada to have its own film industry? ______Source: Adapted from: (n.p.).1950s and 1960s: Changes for Canada. ______www.scheuernet.com/mod/resource/view.php?id=145&redirect=1 ______› A Literacy Package that uses this catalogue to prepare ______http:// . ______students for literacy testing ______

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C'est une excellente activité culturelle. Présentation et déroulement de première qualité. — Stephane Denis, Collège catholique Franco-Ouest, Ottawa “Email [email protected] to start planning a festival or to access our resources. Get Inspired by the Arts.

The Arts makes us better. It pushes us to develop new perspectives. To see the world in a different light. It inspires us to pursue our own passions. We get so much more back from the Arts than we could ever imagine – that’s why we support the Arts in Canadian communities as part of our Bright Future program.

Get inspired at www.scotiabank.com/arts

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