A message from Huw The Three Cs It used to be said that the heart of education was the Three Rs: Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. Hmmm – maybe Spelling should have been included there somewhere. However our new Bishop of Oxford, Stephen Croft, has suggested that all our churches should demonstrate the Three Cs by being Contemplative, Compassionate and Courageous. Contemplative. One of our primary duties as Christians is to be listening to God; not simply pursuing our own good ideas but taking the time to find out what he wants us to be doing. In broad terms Jesus showed us the way, when he repeated that the entire Law can be boiled down to love God with everything you’ve got, and love your neighbour as you love yourself. So caring for others is doing the will of God, as is being patient with folk when they irritate us, or going out of our way to lend a helping hand. Yet, if we listen, we may hear God calling us in other ways too. How much time do we spend listening? Is the Two Minutes’ Silence at Remembrance the only time in the year when we do not fill our lives with noise? Compassionate. As well as looking up to God, we are called to look out to the world around. Even in this country there are great inequalities – what are we doing to help those in need? As we look further afield those needs grow even deeper – are we so overwhelmed by “compassion fatigue” that we tune out those bits of the news? And what about the person next to us, who may be struggling with a hidden burden? Of course, none of us can meet the needs of the entire world, and we would burn out uselessly if we tried. Yet, if we have tender hearts, we will be aware of those hurts and want to do something about them. Courageous. Finally, we are called to take action, and this will demand strength and courage. Maybe we feel God is calling us to make a sacrificial gift to a charity; that certainly does not come easily. Maybe there is a system, or political structure, that needs challenging if healing change is ever to come. Are we prepared to give up our time and comfort for the sake of others? Are we ready to face the embarrassment of standing up for an unfashionable cause, whether that be our Christian faith or something else? There is a simple prayer that I have often used in praying for myself, and use now in praying for our churches:

- 1 - Dear Lord, Open our ears to hear you speaking, Open our hearts to care for those in need, And open our hands that we may be swift to act. May God bless us all as we seek to do his will. Huw A note from the Editors These are personal matters, but ones that have been elaborated for public consideration by many Christian writers, from St Paul and the evangelists onwards. One of the most insightful commentary is surely that of St Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582), who wrote: Christ has no body now on earth but ours, No hands but ours, no feet but ours; Ours are the eyes through which to look out Christ’s compassion to the world Ours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, And ours are the hands with which he is to bless men and women now. From the Parish Registers Weddings & blessings Congratulations to the following couples, married recently: 3 June 2017 at St Mary’s David Richards & Kathryn Wootton 10 June 2017 at St Peter’s Luke Bateman & Nicola Birchmore And to this couple whose marriage was blessed: 15 July 2017 at St Peter’s Julie & Luis Gonzalez Baptisms – Welcome to the following children, baptised into God’s church recently: 11 June Emily Woods Marianne Liska 18 June Grace Everitt Harry Das 25 June 9 July Tomas Palacios-Gallimore Daisy McMahon Archie Young Violet McMahon 2 July 23 July George Wood Sebastian Koning Harris

- 2 - Funerals etc. A funeral service for the late Mrs Joan Ena Hollister was held at Easthampstead Park Crematorium on Tuesday 6 June 2017. A funeral service for the late Mr Michael J Baldock was held at All Saints Church on Wednesday 14 June 2017. A funeral service for Baby Edward David Graham Woolls was held at Easthampstead Park Crematorium on Wednesday 28 June 2017. An Interment of Ashes for the late Mrs Kathleen Smart Woolls was held at St Peter’s on Tuesday 25 July 2017. In memoriam Peter Smith, aged 71 years, late of Chavey Down Road The funeral of Peter Smith took place at Ascot Priory on 15th May. The very special service was conducted by Father Paul. Peter had been in St David's Nursing home for several months, having returned to after retiring to Eastbourne for a short while. The funeral was attended by many relatives and friends. Peter was an epileptic and also suffered a rare blood cancer. However, undaunted, he tended many gardens in Winkfield and Warfield and worked for many local people. At one time he worked at the Carnation Nursery (now the Inchmery Estate, Inchmery, being the Tudor name for ‘carnation’). His hobby and passion was WW2. He travelled widely in England and Europe, visiting Cemeteries and battle sites. He was particularly interested in the Slapton Sands disaster where so many American soldiers were killed. He researched and gave a talk on The Dam Busters and, as a tribute, the Recessional Music at his funeral was 'The Dam Busters March' by Eric Coates. Peter attended Cranbourne School at one time. Many people may have wondered why his house was called Clumber. Clumber Park was the ancestral home of the Dukes of Devonshire. Peter's parents were employed at Clumber, where they presumably met. When the Duchess of Newcastle moved to Forest Farm, Cranbourne, the Smiths also moved. On retirement they had their bungalow built and named it 'Clumber'.

- 3 - The estate of Clumber Park is now owned by the National Trust. The Duchess bred dogs mainly Borzoi and Terriers. One such Terrier was given by her to Edward VII and was his constant companion. Ruth Timbrell Bits and Pieces Office opening hours THESE HAVE RECENTLY CHANGED!! Now Monday-Friday 9:30am – 12noon Contact info Church Office: c/o St Martin’s Church, Church Road, Chavey Down, SL5 8RR Phone: 01344 882933 Website: www.winkfieldandcranbourne.org.uk email: [email protected] If you are arranging an event, please contact Alison Burt in the Church Office, so that it can be noted in the Church diary and mentioned on the website. Alison will endeavour to keep track of activities and timings etc. You may view event details on the website given above. Prayers are held every week at 9:15am on:  Monday at St Peter's  Wednesday at St Mary's  Tuesday at St Martin's  Thursday at St Martin's For further details please contact the church office. All are welcome to attend. Friends of St Mary’s Winkfield contact info The Friends of St Mary’s Winkfield website is www.fosmw.com – see this for Friends activities. Or contact the Friends at [email protected] Events, Notices and Dates for your Diaries The editorial part of the Winkfield Parish News for present and past years (back to 2014) can be accessed at www.fosmw.com/parishmag The deadline for articles etc. for the October Parish Mag is 10 September. Collation day is 29 September. The 3rd page of our magazine is the parish Who’s Who. Please report any changes or corrections needed, as soon as possible, to [email protected]

- 4 - Chavey Down Women’s Institute Our September meeting will take place at 7:45pm on Monday 18 Sept in St Martins church hall. Our speaker will be Stephanie Stevenson on ‘Well being through practical self care’. The Bailwick group meeting will take place at 2pm on Thursday 5 October in Warfield Park Community Hall. New members and visitors are always most welcome so do come along and join us. Janey Bethune-Williams 883854 Heritage Weekend – Thursday 7 to Sunday 10 September. This is the weekend that many local buildings are available and open to the general public. St Mary’s has accepted the invitation to be part of this but only for one day, and that is: Saturday 9 September 10am – 4pm. There will be:  Guided tours around the church throughout the day  Trips up the Bell Tower  Organ Pipe Sponsorship assistance. Refreshments will be available during opening hours. Do please visit us on Saturday 9 September! Lesley Philpot, Church Warden – St Mary’s St Mary’s Harvest Supper – 30 September 2017 The Harvest Supper will, as last year, follow Evensong at St Mary’s church on Saturday 30 September in Popels Hall. The Evensong is at 6pm. and the supper will follow at approximately 7:30pm. Tickets are still at the very reasonable price of £8 per ticket. There will be a hot first course followed by the usual apple pies/crumbles. Entertainment follows the supper. Tickets are available in church or ask any Guild member. Lesley Philpot

- 5 - Ranelagh School applications for September 2018 intake Four Ranelagh School Verification Surgeries for September 2018 intake are to be held at the Church Office, by appointment only, from 10am to 12noon on the following dates: 1. Wednesday 27 September 2017, 10am – 12noon 2. Wednesday 4 October 2017, 10am – 12noon 3. Saturday 7 October 2017, 10am – 12noon 4. Wednesday 11 October 2017, 10am – 12noon Please email the Church Office, after 4 September 2017 (telephone bookings will not be accepted) to book an appointment. If you have any queries or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Church Office. Email: [email protected] Friends of St Martin’s Our next Committee meeting is scheduled for 2:15pm 4 September at 27 North Road. Chavey Down. New members are always welcome to join us. Ruth Timbrell Chat and Craft, Scrabble and Bridge – and now Chess Thursday afternoon activities at St Peter's Church are expanding again. If you are interested in playing chess please contact Robert and Adelaide Bunker via email: [email protected] Bridge will be available on 7 September, and we do hope you can join us. More dates will be announced soon The Chatters, Crafters and Scrabble players will be there. Doors open at 2pm until 4pm. Entry Fee £1 TheCranbourne and Winkfield Community Orchestra On Tuesday evenings the Cranbourne and Winkfield Community Orchestra (CWCO) rehearse at St Peters at 7:30 - 9pm. This is a great opportunity for anyone who can play an instrument to meet and play with others. Whether you are just starting out on a new musical adventure and want somewhere to play, a lapsed player who would like to rekindle past talents, or a proficient musician who just loves to play, the CWCO could be the chance you’ve been looking for.

- 6 - School age, working, retired, all are welcome. Currently there 9 regular players of various standards and ages, playing a variety of music including Trepak from the Nutcracker - The Maldou - Redetzsky March - The New World Symphony last movement, to name just a few. There is a one off registration fee of £5 and each rehearsal cost £3 per person. If you are interested phone or email me. Carl Lister - 0793 263 2114 - [email protected] For your diaries MUSIC AND MERRIMENT CONCERT ST MARY'S CHURCH 7:30pm SATURDAY 2 DECEMBER 2017 A wonderful way to start the Christmas season!! News from around the Parish Bell Ringers Report August 2017 June and July have seen the bell ringers, as usual, busy practising for a variety of events. At the end of June some of the hand bell ringers attended a ‘hymnfest’ rally where we joined many other bell groups to ring several hymns, and were treated to a selection of excellent solo pieces. We also enjoyed playing ‘Rejoice’ (more about this later!) which was very well received. Two of our members had never been to a rally before, so this showed them just how much fun massed ringing can be! If anyone would like to join our team we would welcome you – give me a call to discuss. The tower bell ringers attempted a quarter peal in memory of our dear friend Reg who died earlier this year – this involves just over half an hour of continuous ringing that has to be ‘called’ or ‘conducted’ and is very difficult to achieve. Remember we can do this for anyone that would like it to commemorate any special event. Call Tony to discuss! The second round of the Lorna Newton striking competition is coming up soon; I will report after the event, but fingers crossed!! The tower bells were rung at the start of the service of commemoration to mark the publication of Martin Luther’s Ninety Five Theses and the start of

- 7 - the Reformation in 1917. (See also article on page 14.) The hand bells rang ‘Rejoice’; a piece arranged especially for us for the event: we really enjoyed ringing it, and we hope that the congregation enjoyed it too! This was a truly wonderful service with amazing organ pieces and interesting readings and for those who did not manage to attend – well, you missed a treat!! Jill Glennerster 01344 884071

Harvest Festival

- 8 - SERVICES ACROSS THE BENEFICE St Mary’s – September services Sept Day Time Service 9:30am Family Praise 3 12th Sunday after Trinity 11am Holy Communion (BCP) 12:45pm Holy Baptisms 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10 13th Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Messy Church 11am Family Matins 9:30am Family Communion 17 14th Sunday after Trinity 11am Holy Communion (BCP) 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 24 15th Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Family Praise 11am Morning Prayer 30 Saturday 6pm Evensong - Harvest St Martin’s, Chavey Down – September services Sept Day Time Service 3 12th Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Family/All Age 10 13th Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Holy Communion 17 14th Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Morning Prayer 24 15th Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Holy Communion St Peter’s, Cranbourne – September services Sept Day Time Service 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 3 12th Sunday after Trinity 11am SPATS – Family All Together 11am Holy Communion 10 13th Sunday after Trinity 12:45pm Holy Baptisms 15 Friday 1pm Holy Matrimony 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 17 14th Sunday after Trinity 11am Morning Prayer 24 15th Sunday after Trinity 11am Holy Communion - 9 - Winkfield Row Methodist Church – September How to find the Winkfield Row Methodist Church: We are located in Winkfield Row opposite School: Winkfield Row, RG42 6NE. Telephone: 01344 411417 Morning worship 10:30am (unless stated). All are welcome! September 2017 Sunday services Sunday 3rd 10:30am. Revd. Jackie Case. Holy communion. Sunday 17th 10:30am. Mrs Maggie Garton.

Flowers & Cleaning Rotas St Mary’s – September 2017 Dates Flowers 1 and 8 Sept Esther Bond and Doreen Potter 15 and 22 Sept Doreen Potter 29 Sept Harvest Festival All church flower arrangers St Martin’s – September 2017 Dates Flowers Cleaning 3 Sept Mrs Timbrell/Mrs Phillips Mrs Crane 10 Sept Mrs Timbrell/Mrs Phillips Mrs Crane 17 Sept Mrs Bunker/Mrs Smith Mrs Paramor 24 Sept Mrs Bunker/Mrs Smith Mrs Paramor More flower arrangers needed for St Martin’s St. Martin’s church still requires two more flower arrangers. Please help if you can. Training and assistance will be given if needed. It would be such a help when arrangers have illness to cope with to have two more on the rota. Please contact Ruth Timbrell on 882068.

- 10 - What’s on in September 2017 Special Events (also see Regular events on page11) Day Sept Event Time/place Friends of St Martin’s 2:15pm, at 27 North Road. Committee meeting Chavey Down. Mon 4 Appointments open for See details on page 6 Ranelagh 2018 intake surgeries Tues 5 Winkfield Standing 8pm at the Church office Committee Meeting Wed 6 Cranbourne Standing 8pm at Anne Crewe’s Committee Meeting Sat 9 Heritage Day – St Mary’s St Mary’s church church is open Sun 10 Deadline for Parish Mag 10-am to 4pm St Mary’s articles Church Mon 18 Chavey Down Women’s 7:45pm in St Martin’s Church Institute Hall Wed 20 Winkfield & Cranbourne 8pm at St Martin’s PCC Meeting 1st Ranelagh School 10am to 12noon. Please see Wed 27 Verification Surgery. page 6 for details and By appointment only instructions Fri 29 Parish Mag collation ~7:30pm in Popel.s Hall after Sat 30 St Mary’s Harvest Supper 6pm Evensong at St Mary’s church. p5. NB. All content in these lists may be subject to change without notice. Regular events Day Event Mondays not Ascot Bridge Club – Chavey Down, Ascot. For more including Bank information please call David Calcutt on 886412, or Holidays visit the web site www.ascotbridge.org.uk

- 11 - Day Event Pilates with Amanda Mann at St Martin’s Church from 9:30-10:30am & 10:45-11:45am. Visit the website: www.amandamann.uk.com or email [email protected] or call Amanda on 07767 816499 Mondays not Ballet With Victoria Lyons at St Peters Hall. For more including Bank information call 638538. Holidays (cont) Ascot Yoga 7:45-9pm at Carnation hall. Visit www.AscotFitness.co.uk for more info or contact Flo Young on 07711077038 email [email protected] Fun Adult Jive Classes at King Edwards Hall, SL5 8PD. Contact Debra on 07748 391776 or email [email protected] 2nd Monday of Whist Drive at 7:30pm in the White Hart, Church Road, the month SL4 4SE Short Mat Bowls at Carnation Hall at 7pm. For more Tuesdays information please ring 882137 and 301158 1st Tuesday of St Mary’s Women’s Guild meeting at 2:30pm, now the month always at St Mary’s church. EXTEND – fun, fitness & movement classes for the over-60s. 10:30-11:30am at St Martin’s Church Hall, SL5 8RR. Please contact Elizabeth Wright AISTID tel: 883078 or email: [email protected] Zumba gold class at St Peter’s church hall 7-8pm Chavey Down Association Bingo Club at St Martin’s Hall (fortnightly) at 8pm contact Monica or David on Wednesdays 884348.

The NOMADS Table Tennis Club at Carnation Hall, For more information contact Mike on 773939. Pilates classes at Carnation Hall: Contact Rebecca on 0774 860 3145, email: [email protected] or visit www.pilatesascot.co.uk.

- 12 - Day Event Soft Furnishing/Dressmaking Courses on Wednesdays Wednesdays. Day and evening courses. Places (cont) available. Please contact Sally Beer on 882528 for further details of the venue schedule and timings. Ascot Horticultural Society meets at 7:45pm in King Edward’s Hall, North Ascot (unless otherwise stated). 2nd Wednesday All welcome. Admission: members £1.00 and visitors of the month £2.50. Details on www.ascothorticulturalsociety.org.uk or call Peter Cleare on 01344 622086. Chat & Craft – and now including Scrabble, Bridge and Chess. Between 2 and 4pm at St Peters Church. Entry £1. See page 6 for more details. Open to all. Finish that project, enjoy a good game, or just come for a cuppa and chat. For more information please contact Jane Lister on 0798 408 7820 The Carnation Badminton Club plays on Thursdays at Thursdays Carnation Hall, 8-10pm. New members welcome. CLUBBERCISE Dance Fitness class at Carnation Hall 7- 8pm, For more info, please see www.Ascot Fitness.co.uk or contact Flo Young on 07711077038 or [email protected] Yoga at St Peter’s Church from 9:30-10:45am. Contact Lucy on 07769 252250, or email [email protected] More news from around the parish St Mary's Choirs (adult and junior) The Confirmation service on 9 July began with an Introit, ‘God of Mercy’, sung beautifully by the Junior choir. The choristers then joined the adult choristers, those to be confirmed and the clergy, to begin the procession into the church. The adult choir led the singing during the service and sang two anthems while the congregation took Communion: ‘Ave verum corpus’ by Edward Elgar, and the hymn ‘O thou who at thy Eucharist didst pray’. The Adult choir members took part in the wonderful Reformation Anniversary service on 30 July, described in the next article. - 13 - The holidays are almost over and rehearsals start again on Thursday 7 September at 6:45pm for the Juniors and 7:30 pm for the adult choristers. If you would like to join either the Junior or Adult choir please contact me. Lesley Philpot [email protected] 01344 427561 Commemoration of the start of the Reformation In 1517, Martin Luther, Professor of moral philosophy of the University Wittenberg (Germany), pinned a large number of argument points (theses) to the door or All Saints Church (and other churches), to instigate academic discussion on ‘Indulgencies’ and other questionable practices of the dominant Roman Catholic Church. An ‘Indulgence’ was a way to obtain forgiveness for your sins, or those of your loved ones, in exchange for cash, and Luther saw this as not only being quite different to true repentance and amendment of ways but also a diversion of funds from charitable giving (e.g. to the poor) to the wealthy Catholic Church itself. The highly emotional discussions that followed spread eventually across all of Europe, and caused many people to break away from the Roman Catholic Church to follow Luther’s ideas (he himself was excommunicated by the Pope)1. There is surprisingly little in any of his theses that would create much comment today in our own theological thinking, so understated seem Luther’s theses, but in the 1500s their logical force was explosive in the Catholic Church. On 30 July, the 11am service at St Mary’s was a special celebration of the dramatic start of the Reformation, imaginatively devised by John Kimbell. It was divided into eight parts (‘cycles’), that mostly incorporated Luther’s own words to build up an idea of his religious thinking. Each cycle comprised an organ choral prelude (Jonathan Holl was the organist), a textual reading, or a catechism , prayer (provided by Mary Knight, Revd Huw Mordecai, or both in dialogue), and a hymn, each with a well-known tune dating back to the early Reformation. The eight cycles focused on:  Introduction  The Creed  The Lord’s Supper  Confession  The Lord’s  Conclusion  The10 Commandments  BaptismPrayer The beautiful service was heralded by an extended ringing of bells in St Mary’s bell tower. The singing of hymns was led by the adult choir, and the

1 See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-five_Theses - 14 - handbell ringers performed: ‘How brightly shines the morning star’ in a new arrangement. Jonathan Holl, our organ recitalist, not only played the organ preludes during the service, but brought the service to a conclusion with Karg-Elert’s rousing modern choral prelude on the great medieval hymn ‘Now thank we all our God’, and everybody agreed that it was a splendid service. Friends of St Mary's Winkfield (www.fosmw.com) There is still more than enough time to “Sponsor a pipe”. The Web-based sponsorship campaign has been very successful – as of the time of writing, we have reached more than 66% of the financial campaign target (£7,500), and we have new sponsors applying week by week. If you sponsor one pipe or more (some pipes cost only £3 to sponsor), your donation is recognised on a well-advertised web-page on the Friends’ website www.fosmw.com: you can remain anonymous, or specify dedicatee to be recognised. It is going well, BUT … please keep telling your friends about it, or contribute yourself and get your name, or a loved ones’ name on the web(if you wish). You can sponsor on-line at no cost to yourself, and many of our sponsors donate and ask us to sort out the pipes, which makes it easy as pie. Go to www.fosmw.com and click on the red button labelled ‘Organ pipe sponsorship – see how we are doing!!’ to left of the main part of the page. You will also find simple instructions there for joining the band-wagon! The organ restoration is due to start in the New Year. The process required to obtain the necessary faculty from the Church authorities has begun. If you haven’t already joined the Friends of St Mary’s, please think about it. The Friends Association has been formed to ensure St Mary’s Church is able to remain open for, not only regular Sunday worship, but also for baptisms and weddings and community events. Application forms are always in the Church, and your subscription and enthusiasm helps us help St Mary’s, the Benefice, and our whole community Lesley Philpot, Chairman St Mary’s Women’s Guild At the start of the July meeting members were reminded of the Confirmation Service at St Mary’s on 9 July. Doreen Potter talked to members about the floral arrangements for the service. Members discussed future events.

- 15 - Speaker John Kimbell John talked to members about the ‘The Service of Commemoration to mark the publication of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the start of the Reformation in 1517’. This service would take place at 11am on Sunday 30 July. The service would have 8 parts, (‘Cycles’): an introductory cycle, six cycles regarding a liturgical aspect, and a final concluding cycle. John discussed all cycles at the meeting and played excerpts from the organ chorales (all tunes within the Common Praise hymnal that we use). He very kindly took questions at the end of the meeting. Please see page 13 for an account of the service. St Mary’s Women’s Guild -Meeting 1 August Judy Warren very kindly agreed to host this meeting at her house. Members thanked Doreen Potter for her delightful floral arrangements at the Confirmation service and also commented on how much they had enjoyed the Reformation Service. Discussions then took place regarding arrangements for the Family Fun Day on 30 August and the Heritage Day on September 9. Members very kindly agreed to help at both these events. Early arrangements for the Harvest Supper on Saturday 30 September following Evensong were also discussed. It was a very enjoyable afternoon with delicious food and grateful thanks were passed to Judy. Huw Mordecai closed the meeting with a prayer. Lesley Philpot, President Ascot Horticultural Society At the time of writing, yet another successful Summer Show is behind us and we are looking forward to the Autumn Show on Saturday 2 September in Carnation Hall, Winkfield at 2:30pm. Our shows have long been renowned for the extent and quality of the Floral Art on display. Sadly however, in recent times, we have seen a marked decline in the number of exhibitors and of exhibits in this section. Is this really a dying art – and if so, why? Lack of ability, confidence, time and the availability and cost of materials have all been cited as reasons. To address this issue ‘head on’ Floral Art’ will be the subject of our meeting on Wednesday 11 October when we are privileged to welcome back Pat Dibben. Winner of numerous national and international awards, Pat is also a - 16 - show judge and an eminent and very approachable teacher. This time she has agreed to demonstrate and to lead a workshop session featuring floral arrangements appropriately using materials commonly available during Autumn / Winter. Do come and see what you can do given a little expert guidance. Flowers form a recurrent theme of our programme for this Autumn. On Sunday 10 September, a group visit is planned to the spectacular RHS Garden at Wisley, Surrey. There’s always much to see there in the garden and glasshouses and as the Wisley Flower Show will simultaneously be taking place we can expect a particularly full and interesting day. Dahlias and Chrysanthemums , colourful features of the late summer garden and indeed of the Autumn Show, have experienced fluctuating popularity over recent years. Who better then to rekindle interest than Graham Talbot, an enthusiastic and experienced horticulturalist, lecturer and long-time friend of the society who will be the guest speaker on Wednesday 13 September. No doubt he will impart copious good advice for cultivation and presentation. To conclude what will undoubtedly be a very busy season for the society members and friends will be taking to the water on Sunday 29th October for a Thames river cruise upstream from Maidenhead. Hopefully, by then, Autumn will be reaching its glorious climax and the tree-lined banks along Cliveden Reach should be at their most colourful. Regular society meetings take place each month on the second Wednesday in King Edward’s Hall, North Ascot (unless stated) starting at 8 pm. Admission - members £1.00 and visitors £2.50 Full details can be found on the web-site www.ascothorticulturalsociety.org.uk Alternatively call Peter Cleare on 01344 622086. Peter Cleare, Spotlights ‘Fantastic’ donation to youth music The Spotlights Musical Theatre Group (SMTG) was able to give £587 to the Alice Gross Youth Music Memorial Fund as a result of generous donations from its audiences for their latest show ‘My Fair Lady’ which they recently performed at . The show attracted capacity audiences who were able to enjoy a ‘free bar’ and many of them used the opportunity to donate to the charity.

- 17 - Alice's memorial fund is devoted to helping children in deprived circumstances get a music education and Robert Carter, Spotlight's charity contact, was bowled over by people's kindness and generosity. "That’s a fantastic total", he said. "Thank you so much for contributing so generously to Alice’s Memorial Fund for Youth Music – it is hugely appreciated. And thank you as well for inviting me – you put on a marvellous show which I enjoyed immensely. I was humming the songs for the rest of the weekend!" Spotlights main purpose is to raise money for charities by performing good musical theatre and so far this year the group have donated £837 in total to the fund. It will continue to do so from their forthcoming Autumn and Christmas concerts. The group's next show is "Let's Face The Music", a concert of songs from musicals of the 30s, 40s and 50s to be performed at the Carnation Hall on October 13, and 14th at 730pm and also on the 14th at 230pm. Tickets cost £10 and can be bought from the box office by calling 01344 874177. Thoughts of all sorts Out of Balance? While in Bracknell town centre recently I glimpsed a street name and read its two words as though they were one. That brought to mind the line of a hymn ‘…hosanna in the highest’. As there is now a massive expansion of retail capacity in Bracknell it made me think that perhaps there is rather too much ‘hosanna in the high st’. Adrian Hoare Round and round we go – or do we? Every day, we must wait to enter a roundabout, keeping an eye on the supposed intentions of people approaching us from the right. All too often, people turn off to the left on an earlier exit, while their right direction indicators are clearly flashing to advise that they intend to continue round the roundabout. Pedestrians on that earlier exit, beware! Is this inconsiderate idleness or empty-headedness, or plain unimaginative stupidity? It is clearly potentially dangerous to indicate one thing and do another, and if people do cause an accident by this practice, it should be taken into account. The Highway Code says that if we are leaving a roundabout to the left, we should use our left indicator, and never our right one. - 18 - DONATIONS FOR THE PARISH MAGAZINE Ten issues of the Parish Magazine will be delivered, without charge, during the next twelve months to every house in the parish where it is welcome. 1,700 copies per issue are written, printed, stapled and delivered, all voluntarily. If you would like to make a donation to the material costs of production, please use one of the following methods: By cheque or cash in the envelope delivered with this magazine, EITHER by post to: Parish Magazine, Parish Office, St Martin’s Church, Church Road, Chavey Down, Ascot SL5 8RR OR by hand to St Martin’s or St Mary’s churches OR to a magazine distributor Please make cheques payable to Winkfield PCC – BUT PLEASE HAND-DELIVER IF USING CASH! By texting the message STMY11 x to 70070 (x is the donation in £s) By BACS (online) to: Account: PCC of Winkfield Bank: Lloyds TSB Sort Code: 30-91-11 Account No: 00227186 Reference: Parish Magazine If you are an eligible taxpayer and are donating by cheque or cash, please cut off and complete the slip below to enclose with your donation. The tax-man will then add 25% to it in Gift Aid! Thank you.

- 19 - Children’s Corner HARVEST PUZZLE Can you find you way through these 2 fruit mazes?

September 29 Michael, Gabriel and Raphael In the Bible, angels are messengers from God. The word ‘angel’ comes from the Greek word for a messenger and it appears hundreds of times in the Bible. But the only angels whose names we know are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who are archangels, captains among the angels. Each of these three has a different task: Michael protects; Gabriel announces; Raphael guides. In the New Testament, in the book of Revelation, Michael leads God's armies to final victory over the forces of evil and in the Old Testament he is in the book of Daniel, defending Israel against its enemies. Gabriel is best known for his appearing to a young Jewish girl named Mary to tell her that she will give birth to Jesus. What kind of nuts sneeze the most? Raphael is in the Old Testament story Cashews. of Tobit where he guides Tobit's son What’s a vampire’s favourite fruit? Tobiah. Nectarine. - 20 - CONTENTS Bell Ringers Report August 2017 ...... 7 Harvest supper services 2017 .... Error! Bookmark not A message from Huw ...... 1 defined. The Three Cs ...... 1 SERVICES ACROSS THE BENEFICE ...... 9 Contemplative...... 1 St Mary’s – September services ...... 9 A note from the Editors ...... 2 St Martin’s, Chavey Down – September services ...... 9 From the Parish Registers ...... 2 St Peter’s, Cranbourne – September services ...... 9 Weddings & blessings ...... 2 Winkfield Row Methodist Church – September ...... 10 Baptisms – ...... 2 September 2017 Sunday services ...... 10 Funerals etc. –...... 3 Flowers & Cleaning Rotas ...... 10 In memoriam ...... 3 St Mary’s – September 2017...... 10 Peter Smith, aged 71 years, late of Chavey Down Road3 St Martin’s – July and August 2017 ...... 10 Bits and Pieces ...... 4 More flower arrangers needed for St Martin’s ...... 10 Office opening hours ...... 4 What’s on in September 2017 ...... 11 Contact info ...... 4 Special Events (also see Regular events on page 10) 11 Friends of St Mary’s Winkfield contact info ...... 4 More news from around the parish ...... 11 Events, Notices and Dates for your Diaries ...... 4 St Mary's Choirs (adult and junior) ...... 13 Who’s Who pages in the Winkfield Parish News Error! Commemoration of the start of the Reformation ...... 14 Bookmark not defined. Friends of St Mary's Winkfield (www.fosmw.com) .... 15 Chavey Down Women’s Institute ...... 5 St Mary’s Women’s Guild ...... 15 Heritage Weekend – Thursday 7 to Sunday 10 Speaker John Kimbell ...... 16 September...... 5 St Mary’s Harvest Supper – 30 September 2017 ...... 5 St Mary’s Women’s Guild -Meeting 1 August ...... 16 Ranelagh School applications for September 2018 Ascot Horticultural Society ...... 16 intake ...... 6 Thoughts of all sorts ...... 18 Friends of St Martin’s ...... 6 Out of Balance? ...... 18 Chat and Craft, Scrabble and Bridge – and now Chess6 Round and round we go – or do we? ...... 18 For your diaries ...... 7 On the Money ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. News from around the Parish ...... 7

Prayer for a new student ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Children’s Corner ...... 20 September 29 Michael, Gabriel and Raphael ...... 20 HARVEST PUZZLE ...... 20 CONTENTS ...... 21