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Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Permafrost studies in northern Québec Les études sur le pergélisol dans le nord québécois Dauerfrostforschung im no"rdlichen Québec Alan Taylor et Alan Judge

Le pergélisol au Québec — Résumé de l'article Volume 33, numéro 3-4, 1979 Depuis plusieurs années, le Service d'études géothermiques, en collaboration avec des compagnies minières, fait la cueillette de mesures de température URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1000361ar dans plusieurs sites de la région des collines de Povungnituk, entre le cap DOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/1000361ar Smith et la baie de Maricourt. On introduit, dans des trous de forage, des câbles contenant jusqu’à vingt thermistors, puis on les abandonne au froid. À la Aller au sommaire du numéro colline de l’Amiante, trois profils thermiques présentent des gradients géothermiques peu élevés; la conductivité thermique des carottes étant de moyenne à basse, il en résulte un faible flux de chaleur terrestre. En extrapolant les profils thermiques à de plus grandes profondeurs, on est Éditeur(s) parvenu à évaluer l’épaisseur du pergélisol à au moins 540 m. Les taux non Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal corrigés des flux de chaleur terrestre provenant des trous de forage peu profonds représentent les deux tiers de ceux des parties inférieures des trous plus profonds. Ces différences de calcul entre les flux de chaleur sert à ISSN l’élaboration d'un modèle simple de reconstitution des variations de 0705-7199 (imprimé) températures de surface depuis 85 000 ans dans la région. Les données 1492-143X (numérique) géotechniques permettent le calcul de certains paramètres tels que l’épaisseur maximale de la couche active et l’ampleur du dégel dans les murs de mines à Découvrir la revue ciel ouvert ou de galeries souterraines.

Citer cet article Taylor, A. & Judge, A. (1979). Permafrost studies in northern Québec. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 33(3-4), 245–251. https://doi.org/10.7202/1000361ar

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Alan TAYLOR and Alan JUDGE, Division of Seismology and Geothermal Studies, Earth Physics Branch, Depart­ ment of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y3.

ABSTRACT In cooperation with mining RÉSUMÉ Les études sur le pergélisol ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dauerfrostfors- companies, temperature data are being dans le nord québécois. Depuis plusieurs chung im no"rdlichen Québec. In Zu- acquired at several sites in the Cape années, le Service d'études géothermi­ sammenarbeit mit Bergwerksgesellschaf- Smith — Wakeham Bay Belt of Northern ques, en collaboration avec des compa­ ten werden Temperatur Daten von vers- Québec. Cables, containing up to twenty gnies minières, fait la cueillette de me­ chiedenen Orten in dem Cape Smith- thermistors, are lowered into exploratory sures de température dans plusieurs Wakeham Bay Gùrtel in Nord-Québec ge- diamond-drill holes upon completion, sites de la région des collines de Po- sammelt. Kabel, die bis zu zwanzig and allowed to freeze in place. Three vungnituk, entre le cap Smith et la baie thermistoren enthalten, werden in Probe- temperature profiles at Asbestos Hill de Maricourt. On introduit, dans des Bohrlôcher versenkt und dort festfrieren yield low geothermal gradients; thermal trous de forage, des câbles contenant gelassen. Drei Temperaturprofile aus den conductivities of core are moderate to jusqu'à vingt thermistors, puis on les Asbestos Hills ergeben schwache geo- low and hence low values of the ter­ abandonne au froid. À la colline de thermale Kurven, die thermalen Leitun- restrial heat flow are observed. Extra­ l'Amiante, trois profils thermiques pré­ gen der Kerne sind modérât bis schwach polating temperature profiles to greater sentent des gradients géothermiques peu und daher sind schwache Werte des Erd- depths gives a permafrost thickness of at élevés; la conductivité thermique des ca­ Wàrme-Flusses beobachtet worden. least 540 m. The uncorrected terrestrial rottes étant de moyenne à basse, il en Extrapolation der Temperaturprofile auf heat fluxes calculated for the shallow résulte un faible flux de chaleur terrestre. grôssere Tiefen ergibt eine Dicke des holes are about 2/3 that of the lower En extrapolant les profils thermiques à Dauerfrostes von mindestens 540 m. section of the deeper hole. Such contrast de plus grandes profondeurs, on est par­ Die unkorrigierten Erd-Wàrme-Bewe- in heat flow is used to develop a simple venu à évaluer l'épaisseur du pergélisol à gungen, fur dieflache n Lôcher errechnet, model of surface temperature history for au moins 540 m. Les taux non corrigés betragen ungefàhr zwei Drittel der Sek- the area for the past 85 000 years. Using des flux de chaleur terrestre provenant tion der tieferen Lôcher. Solche Kontraste this geothermal data, engineering esti­ des trous de forage peu profonds re­ im Wàrmefluss werden zur Entwicklung mates may be made of such parameters présentent les deux tiers de ceux des von einfachen Modellen der Oberflàchen- as maximum active layer thickness and parties inférieures des trous plus pro­ temperatur Geschichte der Gegend fur thaw penetration of both open pit walls fonds. Ces différences de calcul entre les die vergangenen 85,000 Jahre benutzt. and underground drifts. flux de chaleur sert à l'élaboration d'un Der Gebrauch dieser Daten, erlaubt modèle simple de reconstitution des Ingenieuren das Vorhersagen auf sol- variations de températures de surface chen Gebieten wie Hôchstdicke der Tau- depuis 8500 0 ans dans la région. Les zone und Tautiefe in offenen Gruben und données géotechniques permettent le unterirdischen Graben. calcul de certains paramètres tels que l'épaisseur maximale de la couche active et l'ampleur du dégel dans les murs de mines à ciel ouvert ou de galeries sou­ terraines.

• Contribution of the Earth Physics Branch number 828. On peut obtenir un exemplaire de la version française de ce travail en s'adressant aux auteurs. 246 A. TAYLOR and A. JUDGE

INTRODUCTION Cyprus Anvil Mines, in the Yukon, and with several com­ panies in northern British Columbia and in the Ungava. The Geothermal Service of the Earth Physics Branch, EMR, is accumulating subsurface temperature and rock Inexpensive, lightweight cables containing temper­ thermal conductivity data throughout . Of par­ ature sensors (thermistors) at predetermined intervals ticular interest are the data used to determine perma­ are normally lowered in diamond drillholes and are left frost thickness at nearly 100 sites in the north (JUDGE as the hole freezes. Periodic logging using a Wheat- et al., 1979) (Fig. 1). While most northern measurements stone bridge produces a series of temperature profiles are taken in oil exploration wells, a growing number of with depth; routine laboratory measurements on se­ determinations have been made in diamond drillholes in lected core samples give such physical properties as mining areas. This paper outlines observations under­ rock thermal conductivity, density and porosity. An taken in one such mining area, describing in detail the estimate of permafrost thickness may readily be made data obtained in the Ungava region of Québec and the but further analysis is undertaken to determine its resulting information of interest to both the scientist characteristics and dynamic behaviour. Of interest to and mining engineer. the earth scientist are estimates of the terrestrial heat flux and some information derived on the quaternary palaeoclimatology of the area. THE PROGRAM Drilling deep boreholes for strictly scientific or en­ DATAFRO MNORTHER N QUÉBEC gineering purposes in the north is generally prohib­ itively expensive. The Geothermal Service has entered The most northern part of Québec, the Ungava pe­ into cooperative programs with a number of companies ninsula, is an arctic environment of considerable geo­ to instrument or otherwise use holes drilled during the physical interest (Fig. 2). The boundary of the Churchill course of mineral exploration. Valuable geothermal data and Superior geologic provinces is manifest in the in permafrost and near-permafrost areas have been Proterozoic sedimentary, volcanic and instrusive rocks gathered with Cominco in the Yellowknife, Bathurst comprising the Cape Smith foldbelt crossing the area Inlet and Little Cornwallis areas of the Northwest Ter­ (GÉLINAS, 1961; TAYLOR, 1974) and is the locus of ritories, with Whitehorse Copper, Cassiar Asbestos and

FIGURE 1. Permafrost thicknesses in northern Canada.Som e symbols represent several determinations, and not shown are 40 sites in the Mackenzie Delta. Data from the Ungava region of Québec is represented by the symbol in the lower right FIGURE 2. Locations (x) of geothermal measurements in corner. northern Québec. Figures in brackets are approximate mean Estimations de l'épaisseur du pergélisol en divers points du annual air temperatures. nord du Canada. Certaines mesures sont le résultat de plu­ Les sites du Nouveau-Québec où ont été obtenues les me­ sieurs évaluations. Les quarante sites du delta du Mackenzie sures géothermiques. Les chiffres entre parenthèses repré­ n'apparaissent pasici . sentent des températures moyennesannuelles . PERMAFROST STUDIES IN NORTHERN QUÉBEC 247

much of the mineralization being explored or exploited. Mwrrr K') The climate is severe; mean annual temperatures are 3 well below 0°C at coastal stations (Environment Canada, 1975) and probably considerably lower inland, where * Measured highland plateau elevations rise to over 500 m. Most of » data the peninsula is lightly covered with vegetation, being north of the tree-line, which lies somewhat north of \\v D, Fort Chimo. It has been generally assumed that the ô,aK\y. Q MODEL C \aVM

calculated above for different depth intervals may be at­ tributed largely to climates in the past impressing a somewhat different temperature on the ground surface. iiiiiiiiiiiiii|||||||||||||||||iiimiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiir -GREENLAND By mathematical analysis, these recent transitory effects due to climatic change can be stripped from the temper­ IMIIMiFiiiti i i nmi l nm 1 1u mni r -AXEL HEIBERG ature profiles, leaving a thermal regime reflecting solely the earth's heat flux from the deeper regions of the COLVILLE LAKE earth. The procedure is non-unique but can lead to an -PELLY LAKE understanding of the interaction of climate and the sub­ surface and hence to an understanding of the dynamic -ENNADAI behaviour of permafrost. I w SAGLOUC Evidence of palaeoclimates in the Arctic is available from other disciplines, and some models are depicted diagramatically in Figure 4. Palynologie studies at AT *^MODEL A Saglouc (100 km NW of Asbestos Hill, Fig. 2) have sug­ (K) gested several periods of cooler and warmer conditions —I=L—j, since déglaciation about 6700 years ago (BARTLEY ef •c^ al., 1969). These trends are substantiated more generally at other areas (NICHOLS, 1972; DANSGAARD ef al., I I III I I I III I I I 1 I III 1970). While studies such as palynology distinguish 0.1 1 I 100 warmer or cooler, wetter or drier conditions and radio­ TIME (KYRSB.R) carbon analysis date these climatic intervals, geo­ FIGURE 4. (Upper) Palaeoclimates from the literature thermal data are most sensitive to the magnitudes of (NICHOLS, 1972; DANSGAARD ef al., 1970). Stripes indicate the ground temperature changes involved. In this study, surface temperatures cooler than today; coarse screening, a various model palaeoclimates have been hypothesized climate warmer than at present. (Lower) The general ten­ for the Asbestos Hill region, adopting the approximate dencies are used to postulate past surface temperatures for time intervals indicated for Saglouc. A range of temper­ Asbestos Hill consistent with the geothermal results. ModelsA atures is then considered for each interval, and a provi­ to Ddiffe r only in the temperatures postulated for the glacial sional heat flux is calculated for the temperature range period, prior to 6700 years ago. Model A postulates temper­ for each site. The more unlikely models are discarded atures4 K warmer than present surface temperatures; model B, 1K warmer; model C, 1K cooler than present; and model D, on the premise that the different heat flux values meas­ 4K cooler. The present surface temperature is about -6.6°C. ured in the three separate boreholes should be roughly equal when climatic influences are eliminated. Using Haut: paléoclimats selon diverses sources (NICHOLS, 1972; essentially a trial-and-error method, a simplified climatic DANSGAARD et al., 1970). Les rayures correspondent à des températures desurfac e plus basses que celles que nous con­ model since 6700 years ago was eventually found that naissons actuellement ; l e grisé,de s températures plus douces. caused the provisional heat flux values from the three Bas: l'observation de ces tendances générales sert à re­ boreholes to converge to approximately the same 2 constituer un paléoclimat qui concorde avec les données value: 36 ± 3 mWm ~ . This model is shown in Figure 4. géothermiques de la région. Les modèles A, B, Ce t D ne di­ Eliminating climatic effects more distant in time, such vergent que pour la période glaciaire avant 6700 ans BP. Le as the Pleistocene glaciation, changes the individual modèle Aprésent e des températures plus chaudes de 4K que measured heat fluxes but produces little tendency for celles d'aujourd'hui; le modèle B, plus chaudes de 1K; le convergence. The present data, therefore, cannot be modèle C, plus froides de 1K; le modèle D, plus froides de used to distinguish the most likely Pleistocene surface 4K.Actuellemen t la température de la surface est d'à peu près temperature model ; temperature measurements to more 6,6°C. than 1000 m would be required. ice sheet with the base at its pressure melting point. However, the geothermal regime has important im­ Models B and C assume surface temperatures over this plications for the nature of Pleistocene ice sheets. Ex­ period slightly warmer or cooler, respectively, than at tending the recent climatic history established above to present, namely -5.6°C and -7.6°C. These are similar further than 6700 years ago allows the impact of a range to temperatures predicted by SUGDEN (1977) beneath of Pleistocene surface temperatures on the geothermal the ice sheet at its maximum. A cold-based ice sheet is regime to be considered. Models A to D are repre­ simulated by model D, with a temperature 4K cooler sentative (Fig. 4). In model A, a temperature 4K warmer than at present, or about -10.6°C from 6700 to 85,000 than the present surface temperature (about -6.6°C) is years BP. postulated for the period from 6700 years to 85,000 With the effects of these climatic models eliminated, years before present. This represents the case of a thick this analysis yields terrestrial heat flux values, averaged PERMAFROST STUDIES IN NORTHERN QUÉBEC 249

over the three sites, of (in mWm 2) :2 8 (model A), 34 (B), within the region (JUDGE, 1973). Surface temperatures 38 (C), and 44 (D). The values are low, ranging from one measured by the National Research Council (G. Johns­ half to three quarters the world average continental heat ton, pers. comm.) within 10 km of the coast are 2 to 3K flux (JESSOP ef al., 1976) but within the range expected warmer than at the Asbestos Hill minesite. Adopting the typically of a shield area. The glacial conditions implied terrestrial heat flux values calculated for Asbestos Hill by model A, however, seem unlikely. as being regionally typical and a reasonable value of the thermal conductivity for the granitic gneiss of the area Had the Ungava peninsula been ice-free for a much suggests permafrost may not exceed 300 m near the longer period or covered by a thin, cold ice sheet as coast. A more refined calculation would take into ac­ discussed previously, corrected terrestrial heat flux count the uplift following déglaciation and the con­ values increase even further. Assuming a surface siderable effect of a regressing shoreline on perma­ temperature 10K to 20K colder than at present from frost thickness (LACHENBRUCH, 1957). Isolated cases 6700 to 30,000 years BP yields corrected heat flux 2 of frozen sands were detected under Deception Bay values from 50 to 70 mWrn . Such high undisturbed (Fig. 2), about 150 m offshore in 10 m of water (SAM­ terrestrial heat fluxes are unlikely from what is known of SON ef a/., 1969). other shield areas (RAO and JESSOP, 1975). Further data are being obtained in northern Québec, Spacing of the thermistors on the cables used in this and refinements to the surface temperature history study and the frequency of measurements did not should result. At present, this limited analysis justifies a permit direct temperature measurements within the probable terrestrial heat flux (corrected for climatic active layer. However, themal conductivity and density effects) of 38 ± 5 mWm 2. The difficulty of utilizing measurements were made on several major rock types within the mine area, permitting a reasonable average temperatures from very shallow holes to determine 6 2 1 either the geothermal flux or the local thickness of per­ value of thermal diffusivity of 1.4 x 10 m s to be mafrost is apparent. BECK (1977) underlines the im­ calculated. The meteorological records kept by the As­ portance of correcting measured heat flux values for bestos Corp. show an annual periodic variation in local climatic influences; in view of this, caution should monthly mean air temperatures of approximately 16K be exercised in using uncorrected data, as reported for amplitude (R. Scalzo, pers. commun.). With these para­ Purtuniq (Asbestos Hill) by SEGUIN (1978). meters we can estimate (e.g. GOLD and LACHENBRUCH, 1973) a maximum thickness of about 3 m for the active The profiles labelled A to D in Figure 3 result from layer in low porosity exposed bedrock at Asbestos Hill; the mathematical removal of the climatic and glacial thaw would attain this maximum thickness about 1.5 variations of these models from the measured profile months after the summer air temperature peak. Active at Asbestos Hill, giving temperature curves that would layer thickness of 1.0 to 1.4 m in the sand and silty exist had the climate been always the same as that gravel overburden at Asbestos Hill was measured in late today. They demonstrate that permafrost thicknesses August and early September, 1962 (SAMSON ef al., considerably different from what is measured today are 1969). Estimates of the active layer in bedrock at Pio required by the various models to achieve thermal equil­ Lake (400 km SE of Asbestos Hill, Fig. 2) range from 2.2 ibrium with present surface conditions. Hence, per­ to 5.0 m in mid-August (GRAY and PILON, 1976). In mafrost may be currently increasing slowly in thickness moist sand, vegetation covered or swampy sites the (if climatic models A or B were adopted) or decreasing active layer will be considerably thinner and variable in thickness (models C and D). due to latent heat effects associated with soil moisture, retarding the penetration of surface temperature changes. ROBITAILLE (1967) reports a considerable PERMAFROST DISTRIBUTION variation in the active layer thickness near Fort Chimo, and relates it to soil types and vegetation cover. The value of 540 m for the permafrost thickness at Asbestos Hill was derived from data (Fig. 3) at a site in the upper reaches of a broad drainage valley. The hills in the surrounding area create a relief of at most 180 m ENGINEERING CONCERNS above this site. The permafrost base would be expected Thaw of the rock may be important to several aspects to follow the topography with a relief somewhat at­ of both open-pit and underground mine design. The de­ tenuated, so permafrost thickness measured from the velopment during the summer months of an active layer crowns of nearby hills may exceed 600 m. in the walls of an open-pit is also a concern in slope Combining the probable, corrected heat flux for the stability design. Operation of an underground mine region, and estimates of the local surface temperature generally involves the use of heat-producing equipment and of the thermal conductivity of the formation permits and rock thermal properties are needed to calculate prediction of permafrost thickness at other localities the ventilation required underground. Data collected 250 A. TAYLOR and A. JUDGE

during this study permit estimates of the rate of de­ can be of use to both the earth scientists in invest­ velopment of thaw surrounding an underground drift, igating the earth's heat flux and climatic history and to a situation that could have serious consequences when the mine engineer in ensuring a safer, more effectively drifting through highly fractured, initially frozen rock. operated mine. Figure 5 shows the growth of a thaw bulb around a Permafrost is 540 m thick in a valley at Asbestos drift in which 5°C air is circulated for periods of time Hill, and is probably thicker under the crowns of nearby between 6 months and 10 years. Of particular interest is hills. Such thickness, although typical of locations much the increased size of the thaw zone at greater depths further north, results from a severe climate, a low ter­ where excess heat from mining operations would be restrial heat flow typical of shield areas and only moder­ most difficult to control. The increased size of the thaw ate thermal conductivities in the rock. The geothermal bulb is, of course, a result of the increase in natural rock data examined in this study generally support palaeo­ temperatures with depth. climates proposed by other disciplines for the past The depth to the base of the permafrost may be very several thousand years. The probable heat flux for this important in mine design. Whereas fractures and pores area, corrected for a reasonable climatic history, is may be effectively sealed by ice within the permafrost, 38 ± 5 mWm-2. considerable water-related problems may be encoun­ tered at depths below permafrost. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

CONCLUSION The authors would like to offer their thanks to Falcon- bridge Mines, to Mr. Ralph Stewart and staff of the This brief paper has attempted to show how a simply Asbestos Corp., and to Cominco, who made these acquired parameter such as underground temperatures measurements possible. We thank Suzanne Cumyn for 100 r- drafting the figures and Jo-Anne Breton for typing the manuscript.

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