S0936 (Sa2723, Sa2775, Sa2802, Sa2889, Sa2893, Sa3025
PRELIMINARY INVENTORY S0936 (SA2723, SA2775, SA2802, SA2889, SA2893, SA3025. SA3185, SA3232, SA3355, SA3923, SA4282, SA4484) MISSOURI HUMANITIES COUNCIL RECORDS This collection is available at The State Historical Society of Missouri Research Center- St. Louis. If you would like more information, please contact us at stlouis@shsmo.org. Introduction Approximately 115 cubic feet, 45.5 GB The Missouri Humanities Council Records contains grant proposals, evaluations, development meeting minutes, program guidelines, reports, and newsletters pertaining to the group’s mission to assist libraries, museums, and other organizations in promoting educational programs focusing on history, law, ethics, philosophy, and anthropology. The majority of the collection contains grant proposals submitted to the Missouri Humanities Council by various organizations in Missouri; the grant proposal files include the proposals, correspondence, and program evaluations. The Missouri Humanities Council was founded in 1971 and is affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities. It has offices in Kansas City and St. Louis. The materials in this collection date from 1971 to 2020. Donor Information The records were donated to the University of Missouri by Robert Walrond on November 18, 1985 (Accession No. SA2723). Additions were made on December 30, 1986 by Elaine Lawless (Accession No. SA2775); July 2, 1987 by Jackie Hauck (Accession No. SA2802); October 25, 1988 by Barbara Gill (Accession No. SA2889); November 18, 1988 by Barbara Gill (Accession No. SA2893); October 4, 1991 by the Missouri Humanities Council on October 4, 1991 (Accession No. SA3025); April 3, 1995 by Barbara Gill (Accession No. SA3185); August 7, 1996 by Barbara Gill (Accession No. SA3232); October 27, 1999 by the Missouri Humanities Council (Accession No.
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