PRIME Tourist Destination City Action Plan 2018 Key Points ~ Tokyo Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2018 ~ 1 Ambitious numerical targets The objective of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s (TMG) 2018 plan is to respond in a timely fashion to the rapid changes The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has set ambitious numerical occurring in the tourism industry, not least the rapid increase in targets that can only be achieved through the aggressive implementation of the policies in this plan. The 2018 TMG plan the number of visitors to the city, and to promote the tourism includes new numerical targets by inbound tourist market. industry in a strategic and comprehensive way in the run-up to

the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond. 2 Six key strategies

The action plan sets six key strategies for the promotion of : World-beating “PRIME Tourist Destination City” the city as well as defining the specific policies required for implementation. The city’s objective is to make Tokyo the top tourist destination city for travelers from around 3 Annual action plans the world. The action plan will be updated annually in order to respond By implementing the policies outlined in proactively to changes in the tourism sector. this plan, Tokyo aims to provide an unrivalled tourist experience both in terms of hospitality Yuriko Koike, CONTENTS of Tokyo and of the quality of the city’s tourist attractions, ・Recent Trends in Tourism in ・・・・・・P3 thus attracting a greater number of domestic and international ・Numerical Targets・・・・・・P5 travelers to the city, and thereby increasing revenues for the ・Tourism Industry Promotion Policies ・・・・・・P6 industry. ・Tourism Statistics ・・・・・・P19

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1 PRIME Tourist Destination City Tokyo Action Plan 2018 Key Points ~ Tokyo Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2018 ~ 1 Ambitious numerical targets The objective of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s (TMG) 2018 plan is to respond in a timely fashion to the rapid changes The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has set ambitious numerical occurring in the tourism industry, not least the rapid increase in targets that can only be achieved through the aggressive implementation of the policies in this plan. The 2018 TMG plan the number of visitors to the city, and to promote the tourism includes new numerical targets by inbound tourist market. industry in a strategic and comprehensive way in the run-up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond. 2 Six key strategies

The action plan sets six key strategies for the promotion of tourism in Tokyo: World-beating “PRIME Tourist Destination City” the city as well as defining the specific policies required for implementation. The city’s objective is to make Tokyo the top tourist destination city for travelers from around 3 Annual action plans the world. The action plan will be updated annually in order to respond By implementing the policies outlined in proactively to changes in the tourism sector. this plan, Tokyo aims to provide an unrivalled tourist experience both in terms of hospitality Yuriko Koike, CONTENTS Governor of Tokyo and of the quality of the city’s tourist attractions, ・Recent Trends in Tourism in Japan・・・・・・P3 thus attracting a greater number of domestic and international ・Numerical Targets・・・・・・P5 travelers to the city, and thereby increasing revenues for the ・Tourism Industry Promotion Policies ・・・・・・P6 industry. ・Tourism Statistics ・・・・・・P19

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2 3 Inbound tourist spending Recent Trends in Tourism in Japan  Inbound tourists spent a record ¥4.4 trillion in Japan in 2017. 1 Number of inbound tourists to Japan  Inbound tourist spending in Tokyo decreased slightly to ¥1.1 trillion in 2016.  Inbound tourists to Japan have increased 3.4 times in the last decade. (trillion yen) Tops ¥4 trillion  A record 28.7 million people visited Japan in 2017. 5 4.4 (million) Inbound tourist spending in Japan 4 3.7 35 Tops 20 million Inbound tourist spending in Tokyo 3.5 28.7 30 Tops 10 million 24.0 3 25 19.7 2.0 Tops ¥1 trillion 20 2011 Great East 2 1.4 (Jan-Sep) 15 Japan Earthquake 13.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 10.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 8.3 8.6 8.4 1 0.6 10 6.2 0.3 0.4 5 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Japan Tourism Agency, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Source: Japan National Tourism Organization(JNTO) 2 Number of tourists visiting Tokyo 4 Domestic tourist spending  Inbound tourists to Tokyo have increased 2.7 times in the last decade.  Domestic tourists spent ¥21.1 trillion in Japan in 2017.  Domestic tourists visits topped 500 million.  Domestic tourist spending in Tokyo decreased slightly to ¥4.6 trillion in 2016. (million) (million) Domestic tourist spending in Japan 20 516.7 600 (trillion yen) 18 505.8 506.2 514.3 Domestic tourist spending in Tokyo 500 24 21.1 16 20.4 21.0 21 19.7 19.4 20.2 14 469.3 18.4 436.1 457.2 420.1 400 18 12 424.5 13.1 10 2011 Great East 11.9 300 15 Japan Earthquake 8 8.9 12 200 6 6.8 9 4 5.9 5.6 (Jan-Sep) 4.8 5.3 100 6 4.2 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.6 2 4.1 3.7 3.6 0 0 3 2006 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Inbound tourists to Tokyo (left axis) Domestic tourists to Tokyo (right axis) Note: Figures for 2017 are preliminary. Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government 3 Source: Japan Tourism Agency, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 4

3 3 Inbound tourist spending Recent Trends in Tourism in Japan  Inbound tourists spent a record ¥4.4 trillion in Japan in 2017. 1 Number of inbound tourists to Japan  Inbound tourist spending in Tokyo decreased slightly to ¥1.1 trillion in 2016.  Inbound tourists to Japan have increased 3.4 times in the last decade. (trillion yen) Tops ¥4 trillion  A record 28.7 million people visited Japan in 2017. 5 4.4 (million) Inbound tourist spending in Japan 4 3.7 35 Tops 20 million Inbound tourist spending in Tokyo 3.5 28.7 30 Tops 10 million 24.0 3 25 19.7 2.0 Tops ¥1 trillion 20 2011 Great East 2 1.4 (Jan-Sep) 15 Japan Earthquake 13.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 10.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 8.3 8.6 8.4 1 0.6 10 6.2 0.3 0.4 5 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Japan Tourism Agency, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Source: Japan National Tourism Organization(JNTO) 2 Number of tourists visiting Tokyo 4 Domestic tourist spending  Inbound tourists to Tokyo have increased 2.7 times in the last decade.  Domestic tourists spent ¥21.1 trillion in Japan in 2017.  Domestic tourists visits topped 500 million.  Domestic tourist spending in Tokyo decreased slightly to ¥4.6 trillion in 2016. (million) (million) Domestic tourist spending in Japan 20 516.7 600 (trillion yen) 18 505.8 506.2 514.3 Domestic tourist spending in Tokyo 500 24 21.1 16 20.4 21.0 21 19.7 19.4 20.2 14 469.3 18.4 436.1 457.2 420.1 400 18 12 424.5 13.1 10 2011 Great East 11.9 300 15 Japan Earthquake 8 8.9 12 200 6 6.8 9 4 5.9 5.6 (Jan-Sep) 4.8 5.3 100 6 4.2 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.6 2 4.1 3.7 3.6 0 0 3 2006 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Inbound tourists to Tokyo (left axis) Domestic tourists to Tokyo (right axis) Source: Japan Tourism Agency, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 3 Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government 4

4 Numerical Targets Tourism Industry Promotion Policies

The plan sets targets for the number of tourists visiting Tokyo, both The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will implement six strategies domestic and international, and includes targets for the number of to achieve the PRIME Tourist Destination City targets. inbound tourists by market, revenues and the number of repeat visits. Tourism management focused on 1 Inbound tourists Double the number of inbound tourists by 2020 increasing revenues to Tokyo  Support inbound tourism businesses 2015:11.9 million 2016:13.1 million 2020:25 million  Support businesses to utilize foreign human resources Targets by market Improve the quality and attractiveness 2 of tourism assets EU, NA, AUS 2.2 million 2.6 million EU, NA, AUS 5.0 million  Leverage waterfronts, nighttime illuminations and nightlife tourism East Asia 7.6 million 8.2 million East Asia 15.5 million  Promote tourism in the Tama area and the outlying islands Southeast 1.6 million 1.7 million Southeast 3.7 million Asia, India Asia, India Note: NA, AUS stands for North America, Australia respectively. The breakdowns by market are 3 New focus for tourism promotion TMG.estimates.  Showcase Tokyo through the logo and the marketing slogan Repeat inbound Target a 60% repeat visit rates by 2020 tourists to Tokyo  Broaden the scope of promotion to include higher spend tourists 2020:15 million 4 MICE tourism Inbound tourist 2020 target is 2.4 times the 2015 actual, spending in Tokyo based on the growth rate of the last 5 years  Support for infrastructure development of MICE facilities 2015:¥1.1 trillion 2016:¥1.1 trillion 2020:¥2.7 trillion  Establish one-stop service center specialized in unique venues

5 Improvement of inbound tourism infrastructure Domestic tourist visits to Tokyo Targets a new record in 2020  Provide tourist information by organizing Tokyo tourism volunteers 2015:516.7 million 2016:514.3 million 2020:600 million  Promote accessible tourism

Domestic tourist 6 Co-ordination with other destinations in Japan spending in Tokyo Targets a ¥1 trillion increase versus 2015  Increase the number of tie-ups with other regions in Japan 2015:¥4.8 trillion 2016:¥4.6 trillion 2020:¥6 trillion  Promotion in partnership with the Rugby World Cup 2019TM host cities 5 6

5 Numerical Targets Tourism Industry Promotion Policies

The plan sets targets for the number of tourists visiting Tokyo, both The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will implement six strategies domestic and international, and includes targets for the number of to achieve the PRIME Tourist Destination City targets. inbound tourists by market, revenues and the number of repeat visits. Tourism management focused on 1 Inbound tourists Double the number of inbound tourists by 2020 increasing revenues to Tokyo  Support inbound tourism businesses 2015:11.9 million 2016:13.1 million 2020:25 million  Support businesses to utilize foreign human resources Targets by market Improve the quality and attractiveness 2 of tourism assets EU, NA, AUS 2.2 million 2.6 million EU, NA, AUS 5.0 million  Leverage waterfronts, nighttime illuminations and nightlife tourism East Asia 7.6 million 8.2 million East Asia 15.5 million  Promote tourism in the Tama area and the outlying islands Southeast 1.6 million 1.7 million Southeast 3.7 million Asia, India Asia, India Note: NA, AUS stands for North America, Australia respectively. The breakdowns by market are 3 New focus for tourism promotion TMG.estimates.  Promote Tokyo through the logo and the marketing slogan Repeat inbound Target a 60% repeat visit rates by 2020 tourists to Tokyo  Broaden the scope of promotion to include higher spend tourists 2020:15 million 4 MICE tourism Inbound tourist 2020 target is 2.4 times the 2015 actual, spending in Tokyo based on the growth rate of the last 5 years  Support for infrastructure development of MICE facilities 2015:¥1.1 trillion 2016:¥1.1 trillion 2020:¥2.7 trillion  Establish one-stop service center specialized in unique venues

5 Improvement of inbound tourism infrastructure Domestic tourist visits to Tokyo Targets a new record in 2020  Provide tourist information by organizing Tokyo tourism volunteers 2015:516.7 million 2016:514.3 million 2020:600 million  Promote accessible tourism

Domestic tourist 6 Co-ordination with other destinations in Japan spending in Tokyo Targets a ¥1 trillion increase versus 2015  Increase the number of tie-ups with other regions in Japan 2015:¥4.8 trillion 2016:¥4.6 trillion 2020:¥6 trillion  Promotion in partnership with the Rugby World Cup 2019TM host cities 5 6

6 Tourism management focused on  Provide support for inbound tourism businesses including the introduction of 1 increasing revenues a duty-free system and credit card payment devices

Key points 〇 Provide support for inbound businesses to improve their management skills and ability to respond to greater inbound tourist numbers 〇 Provide support for the leverage of overseas national employees to increase sustainable inbound tourism revenues 〇 Provide support for and more effective advertising of ryokan and other accommodation providers

 Provide support for businesses taking an internationalized approach to  Provide support for inbound tourism businesses including the introduction of tourism development to help them leverage overseas nationals including ICT to improve productivity, multi-lingual translation, Wi-Fi and Western-style exchange students toilets

 Develop the RYOKAN brand to promote the unique charms of Japanese-style ICT implementation in a restaurant kitchen inns to overseas visitors

7 8

7 Tourism management focused on  Provide support for inbound tourism businesses including the introduction of 1 increasing revenues a duty-free system and credit card payment devices

Key points 〇 Provide support for inbound businesses to improve their management skills and ability to respond to greater inbound tourist numbers 〇 Provide support for the leverage of overseas national employees to increase sustainable inbound tourism revenues 〇 Provide support for and more effective advertising of ryokan and other accommodation providers

 Provide support for businesses taking an internationalized approach to  Provide support for inbound tourism businesses including the introduction of tourism development to help them leverage overseas nationals including ICT to improve productivity, multi-lingual translation, Wi-Fi and Western-style exchange students toilets

 Develop the RYOKAN brand to promote the unique charms of Japanese-style ICT implementation in a restaurant kitchen inns to overseas visitors

7 8

8  Improve the quality and attractiveness Provide support at the local level for the development of tourism based around 2 of tourism assets globally popular anime and manga, and promote Tokyo as a filming location, as well as supporting the Tokyo Anime Award Festival Key points 〇 Enhance the appeal of Tokyo as a destination city by proactively adopting new approaches to the development of tourism assets

〇 Support efforts at the local level to leverage tourism assets popular with overseas visitors

〇 Strengthen the promotion of tourism to the Tama area and the outlying islands  Support businesses adopting new  Provide support to increase tourism in the bay area, including the approaches to the development of lighting up of buildings and landscapes, and projection mapping, and tourism assets, such as “glamping”, to develop nightlife tourism in the Tama area and the outlying islands

 Promote tourism in the outlying islands by supporting sightseeing tours including spouse hunting events and by increasing visitor spending through the digital currency “Shimapo” *

< Digital currency “Shimapo”>

*What is the digital currency “Shimapo”? Travel coupon that tourists staying at the 11 outlying islands can use at affiliated stores 9 10

9  Improve the quality and attractiveness Provide support at the local level for the development of tourism based around 2 of tourism assets globally popular anime and manga, and promote Tokyo as a filming location, as well as supporting the Tokyo Anime Award Festival Key points 〇 Enhance the appeal of Tokyo as a destination city by proactively adopting new approaches to the development of tourism assets

〇 Support efforts at the local level to leverage tourism assets popular with overseas visitors

〇 Strengthen the promotion of tourism to the Tama area and the outlying islands  Support businesses adopting new  Provide support to increase tourism in the bay area, including the approaches to the development of lighting up of buildings and landscapes, and projection mapping, and tourism assets, such as “glamping”, to develop nightlife tourism in the Tama area and the outlying islands

 Promote tourism in the outlying islands by supporting sightseeing tours including spouse hunting events and by increasing visitor spending through the digital currency “Shimapo” *

< Digital currency “Shimapo”>

*What is the digital currency “Shimapo”? Travel coupon that tourists staying at the 11 outlying islands can use at affiliated stores 9 10

10  Promote Tokyo to the UAE market, that has great potential as an inbound 3 New focus for tourism promotion market to Tokyo

Key points

〇 Promote Tokyo as an attractive city effectively 〇 Promote Tokyo to the new target countries and areas and conduct marketing campaigns in partnership with cities overseas “Travel Revolution 2017” at Singapore 〇 Promote Tokyo to markets which can be expected to spend more per tourist during their stay  Attract more wealthy overseas visitors through targeted marketing, including at the International Luxury Travel Market Cannes (ILTM*)

*What is ILTM?  Market the attractiveness of Tokyo as a tourist destination using the logo and marketing slogan ILTM is globally famous for its luxury travel advisor events. ILTM Cannes is the flagship event with 3,000 attendees from all over the world.

 Partner with top international tourist destination cities such as and New York in order to increase inbound visitors

Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New

“EXCITING” version “UNIQUE” version

Tokyo poster at a bus stop The Empire State Building illumination (C) NYC & Company/Julienne Schaer

11 12

11  Promote Tokyo to the UAE market, that has great potential as an inbound 3 New focus for tourism promotion market to Tokyo

Key points

〇 Promote Tokyo as an attractive city effectively 〇 Promote Tokyo to the new target countries and areas and conduct marketing campaigns in partnership with cities overseas “Travel Revolution 2017” at Singapore 〇 Promote Tokyo to markets which can be expected to spend more per tourist during their stay  Attract more wealthy overseas visitors through targeted marketing, including at the International Luxury Travel Market Cannes (ILTM*)

*What is ILTM?  Market the attractiveness of Tokyo as a tourist destination using the new logo and marketing slogan ILTM is globally famous for its luxury travel advisor events. ILTM Cannes is the flagship event with 3,000 attendees from all over the world.

 Partner with top international tourist destination cities such as Paris and New York in order to increase inbound visitors

Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New

“EXCITING” version “UNIQUE” version

Tokyo poster at a bus stop The Empire State Building illumination (C) NYC & Company/Julienne Schaer

11 12

12  In the Tama area, designate and provide assistance to areas that have the 4 MICE tourism required peripheral facilities for MICE, and, by improving the infrastructure, increase the number of MICE events in these areas

Key points Restaurants & bars Accommodations 〇 Improve MICE infrastructure through supporting functional improvements to venue facilities

Government 〇 Provide support for MICE events in the Tama area, outside of facilities Convention center Commercial the city center facilities Recreation 〇 Promote programs to use art museums, gardens and other facilities facilities in Tokyo as unique venues for meeting receptions and  Establish a new unique venue service center to meet the events requirements of MICE organizers

 Support the introduction of wireless LAN, high-definition projection, simultaneous interpretation systems and other necessary equipment in MICE* venues, such as convention centers, hotels and universities

*What are unique venues? Unique venues here refer to venues, such as historic buildings and art museums, that provide a special atmosphere or environment in which to conduct meetings, events and receptions.

 Promote Tokyo's unique venues to domestic and international MICE organizers through a website and other marketing materials

*What is MICE?

MICE stands for Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions/Events

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13  In the Tama area, designate and provide assistance to areas that have the 4 MICE tourism required peripheral facilities for MICE, and, by improving the infrastructure, increase the number of MICE events in these areas

Key points Restaurants & bars Accommodations 〇 Improve MICE infrastructure through supporting functional improvements to venue facilities

Government 〇 Provide support for MICE events in the Tama area, outside of facilities Convention center Commercial the city center facilities Recreation 〇 Promote programs to use art museums, gardens and other facilities  facilities in Tokyo as unique venues for meeting receptions and P7(ワンストップイメージ)Establish a new unique venue service center to meet the events requirements of MICE organizers

The Unique Venue  Support the introduction of wireless LAN, high-definition projection, MICE service center Unique venues simultaneous interpretation systems and other necessary equipment organizers (Tokyo Convention & in Tokyo consult Visitors Bureau) consult in MICE* venues, such as convention centers, hotels and universities introduce venues/ offer ideas offer ideas

*What are unique venues? Unique venues here refer to venues, such as historic buildings and art museums, that provide a special atmosphere or environment in which to conduct meetings, events and receptions.

 Promote Tokyo's unique venues to domestic and international MICE organizers through a website and other marketing materials

*What is MICE?

MICE stands for Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions/Events

13 14

14  Establish on a trial basis a multi-lingual call center for inbound tourists, and 5 Improvement of inbound tourism infrastructure provide support for taxi businesses to introduce tablets

Key points

Q&A 〇 Improve tourist guidance services so that inbound tourists can

more easily navigate the city Please tell me the way to ○○ 〇 Improve provision of foreign languages to improve the tourist experience in Tokyo  Hold seminars and dispatch experts to travel businesses so they can 〇 Raise the awareness of travel businesses to improve the provision accommodate diverse cultures and customs, such as halal of services tailored to the diverse cultural needs and customs of inbound tourists 〇 Create projects and improve social awareness so that seniors and people with disabilities can travel in Tokyo more easily

 Provide tourist information on the street * and tour guide services for inbound tourists by organizing Tokyo tourism volunteers  Improve the accessibility of public transportation and raise awareness by the public and businesses in order to promote accessible tourism*, meeting the needs of everyone including senior citizens and people with disabilities Eliminating steps and installing handrails

*What is accessible tourism?

*Areas where tourist information on the street is currently provided Providing travel services that meet the needs of all people regardless of age, physical impediments or disabilities , Ueno, Ginza, Asakusa, and Odaiba (to be expanded)  Distribute a handbook to Tokyo citizens to improve understanding of the needs of overseas tourists and people with disabilities 15 16

15  Establish on a trial basis a multi-lingual call center for inbound tourists, and 5 Improvement of inbound tourism infrastructure provide support for taxi businesses to introduce tablets

Key points

Q&A 〇 Improve tourist guidance services so that inbound tourists can

more easily navigate the city Please tell me the way to ○○ 〇 Improve provision of foreign languages to improve the tourist experience in Tokyo  Hold seminars and dispatch experts to travel businesses so they can 〇 Raise the awareness of travel businesses to improve the provision accommodate diverse cultures and customs, such as halal of services tailored to the diverse cultural needs and customs of inbound tourists 〇 Create projects and improve social awareness so that seniors and people with disabilities can travel in Tokyo more easily

Travelers’ Guide 2018- 2019 Travelers’ Guide 2018- 2019

Pray・Eat・Stay・Shop Pray・Eat・Stay・Shop  2018/3 Percentage of waste Provide tourist information on the street * and tour guide services for paper pulp 70% inbound tourists by organizing Tokyo tourism volunteers  Improve the accessibility of public transportation and raise awareness by the public and businesses in order to promote accessible tourism*, meeting the needs of everyone including senior citizens and people with disabilities Eliminating steps and installing handrails

*What is accessible tourism?

*Areas where tourist information on the street is currently provided Providing travel services that meet the needs of all people regardless of age, physical impediments or disabilities Shinjuku, Ueno, Ginza, Asakusa, Shibuya and Odaiba (to be expanded)  Distribute a handbook to Tokyo citizens to improve understanding of the needs of overseas tourists and people with disabilities 15 16

16  Support municipalities within Tokyo that tie-up with other cities in 6 Co-ordination with other destinations in Japan Japan to develop their tourist industry Key points

〇 Partner with other regions in Japan on initiatives to attract more inbound tourists

〇 Work with other cities to assist them in holding MICE events, (Musashino City) spreading the benefits of MICE events to other regions Selling special products of friendship cities 〇 Provide information on the attractions of other regions outside of  Strengthen a partnership with Sapporo City, , Tokyo, and encourage tourists to take trips to other areas in Japan City, Kyoto City, Fukuoka City and to increase incentive tour groups by overseas businesses

 Expand partnerships to attract more inbound tourists to add Hokuriku to existing arrangements with Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu region

 Promote marketing campaigns in partnership with the Rugby World Cup 2019TM Japan host cities to encourage inbound tourists to visit Tokyo and Shrine prayer ritual experience Snow activities (Ishikawa Prefecture) (Sapporo City) other regions areas in Japan  Promote tourist destinations throughout Japan, by holding product fairs, joint large-scale events with private companies, and through Japanese in collaboration with Chugoku and Shikoku region>

17 18

17  Support municipalities within Tokyo that tie-up with other cities in 6 Co-ordination with other destinations in Japan Japan to develop their tourist industry Key points

〇 Partner with other regions in Japan on initiatives to attract more inbound tourists

〇 Work with other cities to assist them in holding MICE events, (Musashino City) spreading the benefits of MICE events to other regions Selling special products of friendship cities 〇 Provide information on the attractions of other regions outside of  Strengthen a partnership with Sapporo City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Nagoya Tokyo, and encourage tourists to take trips to other areas in Japan City, Kyoto City, Fukuoka City and Okinawa Prefecture to increase incentive tour groups by overseas businesses

 Expand partnerships to attract more inbound tourists to add Hokuriku to existing arrangements with Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu region

 Promote marketing campaigns in partnership with the Rugby World Cup 2019TM Japan host cities to encourage inbound tourists to visit Tokyo and Shrine prayer ritual experience Snow activities (Ishikawa Prefecture) (Sapporo City) other regions areas in Japan  Promote tourist destinations throughout Japan, by holding product fairs, joint large-scale events with private companies, and through Japanese in collaboration with Chugoku and Shikoku region>

17 18

18 Tourist arrivals in Japan by country/region (2017) Tourism Statistics  Tourists from Asia accounted for 85% of all inbound tourists to Japan in 2017, with China, Korea and Taiwan topping the list. International tourist arrivals (including forecasts)

 The number of tourist arrivals worldwide exceeded 1.3 billion in 2017, and is expected to rise to 1.8 billion in 2030.  Tourists visiting Asia & Pacific rose to for 22% in 2010, which is expected to rise to 30% in 2030.

(million) 2,000 Middle East 1,809 1,800 Africa Actual results: 1,600 Source: Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) 2016:1,239 Asia & Pacific : 1,360 1,400 2017 1,322 Tourism spending per person by country/region (2017) Americas 30% 1,200  Europe 952 Tourists from Europe, North America and Australia spend more than 1,000 26% 809 those from Asia. 800 674 22% 600 527 435 400 277 200

0 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2020 2030

Source: UNWTO

19 Source: Japan Tourism Agency 20

19 Tourist arrivals in Japan by country/region (2017) Tourism Statistics  Tourists from Asia accounted for 85% of all inbound tourists to Japan in 2017, with China, Korea and Taiwan topping the list. International tourist arrivals (including forecasts)

Others  The number of tourist arrivals worldwide exceeded 1.3 billion in 2017, Europe, North America and is expected to rise to 1.8 billion in 2030. and Australia 3.3mil China (11%)  Tourists visiting Asia & Pacific rose to for 22% in 2010, which is 7.4mil Southeast (26%) Asia, India expected to rise to 30% in 2030. 3.1mil (11%) 28.7 mil total 24.3mil from Asia Hong Kong 2.2mil 85% of total (million) (8%) Taiwan Korea 2,000 7.1mil Middle East 1,809 4.6mil (25%) 1,800 (16%) Africa Actual results: 1,600 Asia Source: Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) 2016:1,239 Asia & Pacific : 1,360 1,400 2017 1,322 Tourism spending per person by country/region (2017) Americas 30% 1,200  Europe 952 Tourists from Europe, North America and Australia spend more than 1,000 26% 809 those from Asia. 800 674 22% (Thousand yen/person) 600 527 250 230 226 435 215 212 213 213 400 277 199 200 183 191 182 182 180 Others 164 200 154 153 157 Shopping 150 136 126 127 129 0 114 Entertainment 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2020 2030 100 72 Transportation Source: UNWTO 50 Food and beverage

Accommodation 0 Others Total Singapore Vietnam Australia Korea India U.S.A. Hong Kong Hong Germany Canada Fr Indonesia Taiwan China Thailand Italy Spain United Kingdom United Philippines Malaysia ance

19 Source: Japan Tourism Agency 20

20 Top destinations in Tokyo for inbound tourists (FY2016) Number of tourist arrivals in the Nishitama area

 The center of the city is most popular, led by Shinjuku/Okubo,  The number of tourists visiting the Nishitama area in western Tokyo has Asakusa, Ginza, Shibuya and Akihabara. increased in recent years.  Efforts to encourage tourism to the Tama area and the outlying islands have yet to make progress. (million) 12 10.3 10.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (%) 10 8.2 8.2 7.7 Shinjuku/Okubo 56.9 7.3 8 Asakusa 48.2 n=12,959 Ginza 48.1 Multiple 6 answers Shibuya 43.9 4 Akihabara 41.2 Tokyo Station Area/Marunouchi/Nihonbashi 37.4 2 Ueno 36.8 0 Harajuku/Omotesando/Aoyama 34.1 1991 1996 2001 2006 2012 2017 Odaiba/Tokyo Bay 28.0 Source: Nishitama administrative council Ikebukuro 22.8 Roppongi/Akasaka 19.5 Tsukiji 18.3 Number of tourists to Izu and Ogasawara islands 11.4  Tourist arrivals in the outlying islands have remained at around 0.4 Shimbashi/Shiodome 10.2 million in recent years. Ebisu/Daikanyama 5.9 Sumida/Ryogoku 5.6 (million) Kichijoji/Mitaka 5.1 1.6 1.37 Hachioji/Mt.Takao 2.5 1.4 Kamata 1.5 1.13 1.2 1.08 Izu/Ogasawara islands 0.8 1 1.14 Okutama 0.6 0.8 Ome/Mt.Mitake 0.4 0.88 Others 4.0 0.6 No response 0.2 0.4 0.45 0.46 0.43 0.45 0.46 0.50 0.2 Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government 0 1970 1973 1975 1980 1985 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government 21 22

21 Top destinations in Tokyo for inbound tourists (FY2016) Number of tourist arrivals in the Nishitama area

 The center of the city is most popular, led by Shinjuku/Okubo,  The number of tourists visiting the Nishitama area in western Tokyo has Asakusa, Ginza, Shibuya and Akihabara. increased in recent years.  Efforts to encourage tourism to the Tama area and the outlying islands have yet to make progress. (million) 12 10.3 10.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (%) 10 8.2 8.2 7.7 Shinjuku/Okubo 56.9 7.3 8 Asakusa 48.2 n=12,959 Ginza 48.1 Multiple 6 answers Shibuya 43.9 4 Akihabara 41.2 Tokyo Station Area/Marunouchi/Nihonbashi 37.4 2 Ueno 36.8 0 Harajuku/Omotesando/Aoyama 34.1 1991 1996 2001 2006 2012 2017 Odaiba/Tokyo Bay 28.0 Source: Nishitama administrative council Ikebukuro 22.8 Roppongi/Akasaka 19.5 Tsukiji 18.3 Number of tourists to Izu and Ogasawara islands Shinagawa 11.4  Tourist arrivals in the outlying islands have remained at around 0.4 Shimbashi/Shiodome 10.2 million in recent years. Ebisu/Daikanyama 5.9 Sumida/Ryogoku 5.6 (million) Kichijoji/Mitaka 5.1 1.6 1.37 Hachioji/Mt.Takao 2.5 1.4 Kamata 1.5 1.13 1.2 1.08 Izu/Ogasawara islands 0.8 1 1.14 Okutama 0.6 0.8 Ome/Mt.Mitake 0.4 0.88 Others 4.0 0.6 No response 0.2 0.4 0.45 0.46 0.43 0.45 0.46 0.50 0.2 Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government 0 1970 1973 1975 1980 1985 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government 21 22

22 Occupancy rates by accommodation type in Tokyo Global market for international conferences

Occupancy Hotel occupancy rates byrates accommodation have increased to 80% type, b utin Japanese Tokyo -style inn GlobalOwing market to its economic for international growth, Asia’s shareconferences of the global market for occupancy rates are still only 60%. international conferences has increased 1.6 times in the last decade.  Hotel occupancy rates have increased to 80%, but Japanese-style inn  Owing to its economic growth, Asia’s share of the global market for (%)(%)occupancy rates are still only 60%. international conferences has increased 1.6 times in the last decade. 9090 85 85 85 8484 85 83 85 BBusinessusiness hohotelstels (%) 80 84 83 80 8383 8383 84 81 CCityity hohotelstels 908080 80 85 83 80 81 79 85 79 TTokyoBusinessokyo aveaverage hotelsrage 76 84 83 85 71 8076 74 76 7383 7070 70 83 8373 84 74 81 RCityResorteso hotelsrt hohotelstels 80 70 80 73 83 80 6868 70 698169 79 63 79 Tokyo average 71 76 60 74 7660 7361 706060 70 73 NNationalResortationalhotelsaveaveragerage 59 60 5568 70 69 63 57 JaJapanesepanese-sstyletyle 55 57 5560 605050 55 60 5161 Nationaliinnsnns average 52 60 55 42 59 57 HHostelsostels 39 57 55 Japanese-style 504040 55 3555 52 51 inns 30 42 39 Hostels 403030 35 20112011 20122012 20132013 20142014 20152015 20162016 20120177 30 30 Source: JNTO Note:Note: FiguresFigures forfor 2017 areare estimates.estimates. SSource:ource: JJapanapan TTourismourism AAgencygency 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Number of international conferences by city Source: JNTO Difficulties experiencedNote: Figures travelling for 2017 are in estimates. Japan Source: Japan Tourism Agency  The most frequent reported problem for inbound tourists in FY2017 was  The number of international conferences in Tokyo has increased 1.8 Difficulties experienced travelling in Japan Number of international conferences by city “Unable to communicate with staff at hotels, restaurants etc” while that in times in the last decade, though Tokyo still lags behind competitors  The most frequent reported problem for inbound tourists in FY2017 was  The number of international conferences in Tokyo has increased 1.8 FY2014 was “Free public Wi-Fi”. such as Singapore and . “Unable to communicate with staff at hotels, restaurants etc” while that in times in the last decade, though Tokyo still lags behind competitors <FY2014> (%) <FY2017> (conferences)(%) FY2014 was “Free(%) public Wi-Fi”. (%) such as Singapore and Seoul. 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 1,000 2007 1.8 times 2016 <FY2014> Unable to communicate<UnableFY2017 to communicate> (conferences)Tokyo 126 225 Brussels 906 46.6 46.6 26.1 900 Free public Wi-Fi Free public Wi-Fi with staff at hotels, 26.1 (9th) (6th) 30.2 with staff at hotels, 23.5 1,000 2007 1.8 times 2016 Singapore 888 30.2 restaurants etc 23.5 800 restaurants etc Tokyo 126 225 Brussels 906 Unable to communicateUnable to communicate 900 ( ) 35.7 35.7 Lack of multilingualLack of multilingual 21.8 700 9th (6th) Singapore 888 with staff at hotels,with staff at hotels, 21.8 21.1 21.1 information information13.2 13.2 800 restaurants etc restaurants etc 600 700 Lack of multilingualLack of multilingual 20.2 21.2 500 Seoul 526 20.2 Free public Wi-Fi Free public Wi-Fi21.2 signage 4.7signage 4.7 13.7 13.7 600 400 SeoulParis 342526 Lack of multilingual 18.8 18.9 500 Lack of multilingual 18.8 Using public transportationUsing public transportation18.9 300 Vienna 304 maps, brochures 3.1 12.7 12.7 maps, brochures 3.1 400 TokyoParis 342225 Difficulties Difficulties Difficulties200 Difficulties 14.7 (multiple300 Vienna 304 Lack of informationLack about of information about 14.9 (multiple Currency exchange14.7 (multiple 100 14.9 (multiple Currency exchange 2.4 answers) discount transport ticketsdiscount transport2.1 tickets 2.1 answers) 2.4 answers) 200 Tokyo 225 answers) 0 Most difficult Most difficult Most difficult14.2 Using publicMost difficult14.8 Using credit/debit14.2 cards 100 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Using public 14.8 (single Using credit/debit cards 5.8 (single transportation(single 4.9 Note: Top 6 difficulties are listed, excluding ”I didn’t have5.8 any problems.”(single transportation23 4.9 answer)0 Source: JNTO 24 answer)Source: Ministryanswer) of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan Tourism Agencyanswer) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Note: Top 6 difficulties are listed, excluding ”I didn’t have any problems.” Source: JNTO 23 Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan Tourism Agency 24

23 Occupancy rates by accommodation type in Tokyo Global market for international conferences

 Hotel occupancy rates have increased to 80%, but Japanese-style inn  Owing to its economic growth, Asia’s share of the global market for occupancy rates are still only 60%. international conferences has increased 1.6 times in the last decade.

(%) (conferences) 11,780 11,864 90 85 12,000 11,503 11,519 84 85 83 85 Business hotels 11,085 80 83 10,258 10,696 10,526 83 84 81 City hotels 10,318 10,000 80 80 83 83 81 79 80 Tokyo average 10,000 79 20% 71 76 74 76 73 33 70 70 73 Resort hotels 8,000 % 68 70 69 63 60 60 60 61 National average 6,000 Asia 55 59 60 57 57 55 Japanese-style Americas 50 55 55 52 51 inns 4,000 73% Europe 42 61% 39 Hostels Oceania 40 35 2,000 Africa 30 30 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: JNTO Note: Figures for 2017 are estimates. Source: Japan Tourism Agency Difficulties experienced travelling in Japan Number of international conferences by city  The most frequent reported problem for inbound tourists in FY2017 was  The number of international conferences in Tokyo has increased 1.8 “Unable to communicate with staff at hotels, restaurants etc” while that in times in the last decade, though Tokyo still lags behind competitors FY2014 was “Free public Wi-Fi”. such as Singapore and Seoul.

<FY2014> <FY2017> (conferences)

1,000 2007 1.8 times 2016 Tokyo 126 Brussels 906 900 225 (9th) (6th) Singapore 888 800 700 600 500 Seoul 526

400 Paris 342 300 Vienna 304 200 Tokyo 225 100 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Note: Top 6 difficulties are listed, excluding ”I didn’t have any problems.” Source: JNTO 23 Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan Tourism Agency 24

24 Condé Nast Traveler The Best Cities in the World 2017

 Condé Nast Traveler, an American luxury travel magazine, has ranked Tokyo 1st for two consecutive years in its rankings of the most attractive destination cities ↓To learn more, follow the link below Top 10 Best Cities in the World, chosen by readers

1st Tokyo (Japan) ※1st PRIME Tourist Destination City Tokyo 2nd Vienna (Austria) ※10th ~ Tokyo Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2018 ~ 3rd Kyoto (Japan) ※2nd 4th Barcelona (Spain) ※9th 5th Paris (France) ※11th 差し替え予定 6th Sydney (Australia) ※12th 7th Madrid (Spain) ※27th ※ 8th Vancouver (Canada) 6th ■Unauthorized reproduction and use of all copyrighted content herein is prohibited, except where

9th Rome (Italy) ※15th the copyright holder’s permission is not required by Japanese copyright laws. 10th Munich (Germany) ※38th ■Certain illustrations in this booklet were provided by the organizations and individuals noted below ・Irasutoya Note: Excludes U.S. cities *2016 rank after country name Source: TMG press release

(奥 付)


25 ↓ To learn more, follow the link below

PRIME Tourist Destination City Tokyo ~ Tokyo Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2018 ~

■ Unauthorized reproduction and use of all copyrighted content herein is prohibited, except where the copyright holder's permission is not required by Japanese copyright laws. ■ Certain illustrations in this booklet were provided by the organizations and individuals noted below ・Irasutoya

PRIME Tourist Destination City Tokyo 登録番号(30)19 〜 Tokyo Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2018 〜

Published in May 2018

Edited and published by Planning Section Tourism Division Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2-8-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-8001 Tel: +81-3-5320-4721 Printed by Daiwacreate Co., Ltd.