Part I Highlights of This Issue
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TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1975 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 40 ■ Number 78 Pages 17743-17827 PART I HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published In this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. AVIATION SAFETY— DOT/FAA announces program on unrestricted informational reporting concerning flight system deficiencies and discrepancies.......................... 17775 AIR POLLUTION— EPA requests comments on opacity provisions ................................................. .......................... 17778 OIL AND GREASE PRETREATMENT STANDARDS— EPA April 22, 1975— Pages 17743-17827 requests comments by 5 -2 2 -7 5 .......... ............................. 17762 MEDICARE— HEW/SSA proposes qualifications and ex ception criteria for facilities treating renal disease; effective 4-22-75............. ,.............. .................................. 17746 NURSING H O M ES^H U D facilitates loan applications for fire safety equipment; effective 4-22-75................... 17750 OIL, GAS AND SULFUR OPERATIONS— Interior/GS pro poses requirements on geological and geophysical explorations of Outer Continental Shelf; comments by 6 -6 -7 5 ............... .................... ........................ ......... ......... 17758 MEETINGS— CRC: State Advisory Committees: Colorado, 5 -9 -7 5 ............................................. ............ 17777 Connecticut, 5 -2 0 -7 5 ................................................ 17777 Maine, 6-4—75..................... ............... ............... 1..... 17778 New York, 5-15-75............. ............................. ........ 17778 DOD: Defense Science Board Task Force on Technology Base Strategy, 5-15 and 5 -1 6-7 5........ .7....'..... 17763 (Continued inside) PART II: BRUCELLOSIS— USDA/APHIS revises regulations on movement of cattle and bison; effective 4-2 2-7 5 ................................................................... 17815 PART III: RUNAWAY YOUTH— HEW/Human Development Office proposes provisions on contracts and grants for development of program services; comments by 5 -2 2-7 5 ........ ................................... 17823 reminders (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to F ederal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today Note: There were no items published after October 1,1972, that are eligible for inclusion in the list of Rules Going I nto Effect T oday. Daily List of Public Laws NOTE: No acts approved by the Presi dent were received by the Office of the Federal Register for inclusion in today's LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS. ATTENTION: Questions, corrections, or requests for information regarding the contents of this issue only may be made by dialing 202-523-5284. For information on obtaining extra copies, please call.202-523-5240. To obtain advance information from recorded highlights of selected documents to appear in the next issue, dial 202-523-5022. Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal * holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, undlr the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., J Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I ) . Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. * L isted’* The Federal R egister provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices Issued by Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $45 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D O . 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 40, NO . 78— TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1975 HIGHLIGHTS— JContinued DOT/CG: National Boating Safety Advisory Council, USDA/FS: Ottawa National Forest Multiple Use Advisory 5—29 and 5—30—75-...................... —....... 1...... - 17762 Committee, 5—15 and 5-16-75— .................. 17766 HEW: National Commission for Protection of Human NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON THE EDUCATION Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research OF DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN, 5-10-75......... 17788 5-9 and 5-10-75 ...... ........ ........ ....... .............. 17774 NSF: Advisory Committee for Science Education, 5-9 Interior: Emergency Advisory Committee for Natural and 5-10-75 ................................ ----- 17789 Gas, 5-8-75 ........ ............. ................. -- 17771 State: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Advisory Committee, Treasury: Advisory Committee on Reform of. Interna- . 5-15-75 .............. ............... ..... -----................ 17763 tional Monetary System, 5-6-75.......................... 17763 contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Notices Notices Rules Organization and functions: Air pollution, stationary sources; opacity provisions; request for Expenses and rates of assessment: Appeals Board—_—--- [—- —— 17771 Potato research and promotion Assistant Secretary for Eco comments _________________ 17778 nomic Development-l— ----- 17772 plan _______________________ 17743 FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Congressional Affairs Office----- 17772 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Telecommunications Office—__ 17772 Rules See Agricultural Marketing Serv Miscellaneous amendments to ice; Animal and Plant Health CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY chapter_____________________ — 17744 COMMISSION Inspection Service ; Forest FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Service; Soil Conservation Serv Rules ice. Toys, games and other articles Notices intended for use by children; Aviation Safety Reporting Pro ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION test methods; correction------- 17746 gram; establishment__________ 17775 SERVICE Notices Rules FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Swimming pool slides; safety COMMISSION Quarantine areas: standard development terms; Brucellosis ______________ .___ 17815 Rules correction _______ .____________ 17748 Amateur radio service; authoriza CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD CUSTOMS SERVICE tion of commemorative stations. 17755 Notices Notices Notices Hearings, etc.: Countervailing duty determina Hearings, etc.: - Allegheny Airlines, Inc., et al.; tions: American Telephone & Tele- correction ____---------------- ^ 17777 Leather products from Ar- graph Co.; correction______ 17781 Joint freight rates, increased; gentina_____________ ¿_______ 17763 Camellia City Telecasters, Inc_ 17781 correction (3 documents)— 17777 Empire Broadcasting Corp. et Kimberlin Air Freight Corp__ 17777 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT a l __________________ 17781 Houston Mobilfone, Inc. and CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION Notices Meetings: Electrodyne, Inc_______ 17782 Notices Science Board____________ - — 17763 Meetings, State advisory commit- FEDERAL ENERGY ADMINISTRATION DISEASE CONTROL CENTER Notices Colorado __________ ST.— 17777 Notices Canadian imports of petroleum, Connecticut_______ 17777 allocation; hearing and inquiry. 17783 M a in e ________________________ 17778 Bendix Corp., coal mine dust per- - New York__________ 17778 sonal sampler units; revocation FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION of approval certificates________ 17773 Rules COAST GUARD National flood insurance pro Rules DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION gram: Drawbridge operations: Notices Areas eligible for sale of insur Florida <2 documents)_____*___ 17753 ance (3 documents)__ 17750, 17752 Security zones: Scientific articles; duty free entry: V irg in ia __________ .___________ 17754 Evanston Hospital et al________ 17768 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Tank vessel electrical installa National Institutes of Health et Notices tion ___.,_____________ 17754 al __________ __________'_____ 17768 University of California et al___ 17769 Hearings, etc. : Proposed Rules Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co____ 17783 Canoes and kayaks, white water; EDUCATION OFFICE Boston Edison Co_____________ 17784 revocation of exception for non- Notices Colorado Interstate Gas Co (2 approved lifesaving devices; ex docu m ents)______________ 17785 tension of time________ _______ 17762 Applications closing dates: Commonwealth Edison Co_____ 17785 Notices Follow Through Program______ 17773 Distrigas Corp________________ 17785 Meetings: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION El Paso Natural Gas Co_______ _ 17786 National Boating Safety Ad ADMINISTRATION Gas Producing Enterprises, visory Council______ ________ 17774 In c ___________________________17X86 Proposed Rules Pacific Gas & Electric Co______ 17786 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Water pollution, effluent guidelines Phillips Petroleum Co_____ ____ 17787 See also Domestic and Interna for certain point source cate Southern Natural Gas Co__ :___ 17787 tional Business Administration; gories: Texas Crude Oil Co___________ 17784 National Oceanic and Atmos Oil