
1. Published by Tourist Information Center of National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2013 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanation appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. 7. The Subway Lines and Station Numbers are indicated in parentheses ( ).

The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at . Calendar Events to be enjoyed in July 2013


Date Jun. 30 & Jul. 1 ◇ Torigoe Chinowa-kuguri, Torigoe Shrine, Taito-ku. A traditional ceremony to pray for good health and longevity is held at the Shrine from 8 pm to 8:30 pm on June 30th. Suijosai-Katashiro-nagashi, a purification ceremony of Torigoe Shrine is held on July 1st. A Gozabune boat carrying Katashiro , paper cut in the shape of dolls, guarded by dozens of boats, departs from Yanagibashi Bridge at around 10 am and goes down the as far as Bay, where the ritual is held. Access (1) The Toei Asakusa or Oedo Subway Line to Kuramae Sta. (A 17, E 11), and then walk 5 min. to Torigoe Shrine. (2) The JR Sobu Line or the Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusabashi Sta. (A 16), and then walk 1 min. to Yanagibashi Bridge. 所在地 台東区鳥越 鳥越神社 茅の輪くぐり / 水上祭形代流し 最寄駅 (1) 鳥越神社へは、地下鉄都営浅草線又は都営大江戸線蔵前駅より徒歩5分 (2) 柳橋へは、JR総武線又は都営浅草線浅草橋駅より徒歩1分

Date Jul. 6 ~ Jul. 8 ◇ Kishimojin-no-Natsu-ichi, Summer Fair of Zoshigaya Kishimojin Temple, Toshima-ku, features about 40 stalls selling potted morning glories, wind-bells, gold fishes and others, from around noon to 10 pm daily during the fair period. Access (1) The JR to Mejiro Sta., and then walk 10 min. (2) The Toden (street car) Arakawa Line to Kishibojin-mae Sta. 所在地 豊島区 雑司が谷 鬼子母神 鬼子母神の夏市 最寄駅 (1) JR山手線目白駅より徒歩10分 (2) 都電荒川線鬼子母神前駅

Date Jul. 9 & Jul. 10 ◇ Hozuki Ichi, Ground Cherry Fair at Sensoji Temple, Taito-ku. Around 100 stalls selling ground cherries and wind-bells are set up in the precincts usually from 9 am to 8 pm (or until the time when all are sold out on the 10th). http://www.senso-ji.jp/annual_event/shimanrokusennich.html Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. (G 19, A 18) 所在地 台東区 浅草寺境内 ほおずき市 最寄駅 地下鉄銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅

Date Jul. 13 ◇ Noryo-no-Yube or Chidorigafuchi Toro-nagashi (floating lighted lanterns) on the water in the Palace Moat at Chidorigafuchi Park, Chiyoda-ku, is held from 6:45 pm to around 7:45 pm. When it heavily rains, this event will be canceled.

Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05) 所在地 千代田区 千鳥ヶ淵ボート場横 納涼の夕べ (千鳥ヶ淵灯籠流し) 最寄駅 地下鉄東西線、半蔵門線、都営新宿線九段下駅

1 Date Jul. 13 ~ Jul. 15 Tsukuda Bon Odori, folk dancing, which is open to all, is held at a square near Tsukudakobashi Bridge, Tsukuda, Chuo-ku, from 8 pm to 9:30 pm daily during the period. When it rains, it will be canceled. Access The Yurakucho or Toei Oedo Subway Line to Tsukishima Sta. (Y 21, E 16)(No. 6 Exit), and then walk 10 min. 所在地 中央区佃 佃盆踊り 最寄駅 地下鉄有楽町線又は都営大江戸線月島駅(6番出口)より徒歩10分

Date Jul. 13 ~ Jul. 16 ◇◎ Matsuri, Soul Festival associated with "Buddhist Bon Festival" is held at Yasukuni Shrine, Chiyoda-ku. Over 30,000 lanterns are lit up along the approach to the Shrine from 6 pm to 9:30 pm daily. Various events and performances, such as traditional dances and (portable shrines) carrying, are scheduled in the precincts of the Shrine daily during the festival period. http://www.yasukuni.or.jp/schedule/mitama.html Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05) 所在地 千代田区 靖国神社 みたままつり 最寄駅 地下鉄東西線、半蔵門線又は都営新宿線九段下駅

Date Jul. 13 ~ Aug. 11 Ueno Natsu Matsuri or Ueno Summer Festival, on the banks of Shinobazu Pond and in the compound of the Pagoda in Ueno Park. On the 20th, a parade of local performing arts and folk dancing is held on Chuo-dori Ave. Various events, such as Toro-nagashi (floating lighted lanterns), Ueki Ichi (potted plant fair), Kotto Ichi (antique fair), and exhibition of ice sculptures will be scheduled during the festival period. Access The JR Yamanote Line, the Ginza or Hibiya Subway Line to Ueno Sta. (G16, H17) 所在地 台東区 上野公園周辺 うえの夏まつり(江戸趣味納涼大会) 最寄駅 JR又は地下鉄銀座線、日比谷線上野駅

Date Jul. 14 ◇ Mizudome-no-mai, the dance of three Shishi lions and two dragons to pray for rain to stop, is presented in the precincts of Gonshoji Temple, Ota-ku, from around 1 pm to 3 pm. As people in this area suffered a catastrophic flood in the old times, this event came into being. Access The Keihin Kyuko Line to Keihin Omorimachi Sta., and then walk 7-10 min. 所在地 大田区 大森東 厳正寺 水止舞 最寄駅 京浜急行大森町駅より徒歩7~10分

Date Jul. 19 ~ Jul. 21 Heiwajima Antique Fair is held at Heiwajima Tokyo Ryutsu Center, Ota-ku, from 10 am to 5 pm (to 4 pm on the 21st) daily during the period. A similar fair is scheduled for Sep. (20-22) and Dec. (13-15) this year. Access The Tokyo Monorail Line to Ryutsu Center Sta. 所在地 大田区平和島 東京流通センター 平和島骨董まつり 最寄駅 東京モノレール流通センター駅

2 Date Jul. 20 ◇ Sumomo Matsuri, Plum Festival of Okunitama Shrine, Fuchu, on the outskirts of Tokyo, a 40-min. train ride from Shinjuku Sta. Stalls selling plums are set up in the precincts of the Shrine from around 10 am. (Shinto dance with music) is performed three times between 2 pm and 7 pm. Crow-pattern Uchiwa -fans (It is said that a crow drived evil away in the past.) are sold (500 yen) in front of (hall of worship) from 6 am until the time when all are run out. http://www.ookunitamajinja.or.jp/matsuri/sumomo.html Access (1) The Keio Line to Fuchu Sta., and then walk 5 min. (2) The JR or to Fuchu Honmachi Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 府中市 大国魂神社 李祭(すももまつり) 最寄駅 (1) 京王線府中駅より徒歩5分 (2) JR南武線又は武蔵野線 府中本町駅より徒歩5分

Date Jul. 23 Katsushika Noryo Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) over Shibamata Yakyu-jo (baseball ground) on the riverside of the River, Katsushika-ku, is held from 7:20 pm to 8:20 pm (about 12,000 fireworks). In case of rain or strong wind, it will be postponed to the 24th. Access (1) The Keisei Kanamachi Line to Shibamata Sta., and then walk 10 min. (2) The Hokuso-Kaihatsu Railway to Shin-Shibamata Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 葛飾区 柴又野球場(江戸川河川敷) 葛飾納涼花火大会 最寄駅 (1) 京成金町線柴又駅より徒歩10分 (2) 北総開発鉄道新柴又駅より 徒歩15分

Date Jul. 24 ~ Jul. 27 Kagurazaka Matsuri Festival in the Kagurazaka area, Shinjuku-ku. Hozuki Ichi or Ground Cherry Pod Fair is held in the compound of Bishamonten Zenkokuji Temple from 5:30 pm to 10 pm on the 24th and 25th. Awa Odori folk dancing is presented by townspeople in Yukata (cotton Kimono ) along Kagurazaka-dori Street from 7 pm to around 9 pm on the 26th and 27th. http://www.kagurazaka.in/matsuri/index.html Access (1) The JR Sobu Local Line, the Yurakucho, Tozai, Namboku or Toei Oedo Subway Line to Iidabashi Sta. (Y 13, T 06, N 10, E 06) (2) The Tozai Subway Line to Kagurazaka Sta. (T 05) 所在地 新宿区 毘沙門天善国寺 神楽坂通り 神楽坂まつり(ほうずき市/阿波踊り) 最寄駅 (1) JR総武線又は地下鉄有楽町線、東西線、南北線、都営大江戸線で飯田橋駅 (2) 地下鉄東西線神楽坂駅

Date Jul. 27 ◎ Sumidagawa Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) over the Sumida River, Taito-ku, is held from 7:05 pm to 8:30 pm (about 22,500 fireworks). In case of rain or strong wind, it will be postponed to the 28th. http://sumidagawa-hanabi.com/index_eg.html Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. (G 18, A 18) (There are some other stations close to the sites to see the fireworks, such as Honjo-Azumabashi Sta. (A 19) on the Toei Asakusa Subway Line, Ryogoku & Asakusabashi Sta. on the JR Sobu Line or Tokyo Skytree Sta. on the Tobu Isesaki Line.) 所在地 台東区 隅田川(桜橋~言問橋、駒形橋~厩橋) 隅田川花火大会 最寄駅 地下鉄銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅 (他に地下鉄都営浅草線本所吾妻橋駅、JR総武線両国駅、浅草橋駅又は東武伊勢崎線とうきょうスカイツリー 駅下車可)

Date Jul. 28 ~ Aug. 3 ◇ Asagao-ten, an exhibition of potted morning glories is held near the tennis courts in Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku, from 7 am daily. Flowers of morning glories are in bloom usually in the morning.

Access The Hibiya, Chiyoda or Toei Mita Subway Line to Hibiya Sta. (H 07, C 09, I 08) 所在地 千代田区 日比谷公園 朝顔展 最寄駅 地下鉄日比谷線、千代田線又は都営三田線日比谷駅

3 Date Jul. 28 ~ Aug. 3 Hono Asagao-ten, an exhibition of potted morning glories at Yasukuni Shrine, Chiyoda-ku, is held from 8 am daily during the period. Flowers of morning glories usually can be seen until around 10 am. A class of making pressed Asagao flowers for children is held from around 8 am every day during the period (except Aug. 3). Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05) 所在地 千代田区 靖国神社 奉納あさがお展 最寄駅 地下鉄東西線、半蔵門線又は都営新宿線九段下駅


Date Jul. 5 ~ Jul. 7 ◇◎ Narita Gion Matsuri Festival of Shinshoji Temple, Narita, Chiba Pref. This festival has a history of 1,000 years, and features Mikoshi (a portable shrine) and ten colorful floats parading along the city's main streets daily during the festival period. On the 7th, the highlight of the festival, Sobiki (carrying Mikoshi and drawing the floats) is held on an approach to the temple from 1 pm, and then Soodori (dancing by townspeople) is performed from 3:40 pm. http://www.nrtk.jp/lang/en/events/05_gion.html Access The JR Sobu to Narita Sta. or the Keisei Line to Keisei Narita Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 千葉県 成田市 新勝寺 薬師堂 成田祇園祭 最寄駅 JR総武成田線で成田駅、又は京成線で京成成田駅より徒歩10分

Date Jul. 5 ~ Jul. 7 ◎ Shonan Hiratsuka Tanabata Matsuri, Star Festival at Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Pref., a 70-min. train ride from Tokyo Sta. Main streets of the city are decorated with Tanabata ornaments and strips of rainbow-colored paper. Various events are scheduled during the festival period. Access The JR Tokaido Line to Hiratsuka Sta. (North Exit) 所在地 神奈川県 平塚市 湘南ひらつか七夕まつり 最寄駅 JR東海道線平塚駅 (北口)

Date Jul. 12 ~ Jul. 14 ◇ Gion Matsuri Festival of , Katori, Chiba Pref. The highlight of the festival is a parade of ten beautiful floats topped by large-size dolls modeled after historical figures, birds & beasts and so on, on the main streets in the city, from 10 am to 10 pm daily during the festival period. http://www.katorishi.com/matsuri.html Access The JR Sobu Line to Sawara Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 千葉県 香取市佐原 八坂神社 八坂神社祇園祭 最寄駅 JR総武線佐原駅より徒歩15分

Date Jul. 14 Tenno-sai Festival of Yasaka Shrine (Enoshima Shrine), Enoshima, Fujisawa, Kanagawa Pref. Mikoshi (a portable shrine) is carried into the sea of Enoshima from 11 am. The scene of the youths jostling one another in the sea is always a vigorous and magnificent sight to behold. Mikoshi parades on to Koyurugi Shrine, and returns to Yasaka Shrine at around 6 pm. Access (1) The Odakyu Line to Katase-Enoshima Sta., and then walk 15 min. (2) The Enoshima Dentetsu (Enoden) Railways to Koshigoe Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 神奈川県 藤沢市 八坂神社 (江ノ島神社内) 小動神社 天王祭 最寄駅 (1) 小田急線片瀬江ノ島駅より徒歩15分 (2) 江ノ島電鉄腰越駅より徒歩5分

4 Date Jul. 19 & Jul. 20 ◇◎ Chichibu Kawase Matsuri Festival of Chichibu Shrine, Chichibu, Saitama Pref. On the 19th, eight colorful floats gather at the Shrine around 7 pm, and a fireworks display is held over Michi-no-eki Chichibu from 8 pm to 9 pm. On the 20th, Mikoshi (a portable shrine) and the floats leave the Shrine at 1 pm for the , and then the festival reaches its climax when Mikoshi is carried into the river at around 2:30 pm. http://navi.city.chichibu.lg.jp/festival/kawase/index.html Access (1) 1 hr. 10 min. by the JR from Ueno Sta. to Kumagaya Sta. From there, 50 min. by Chichibu Railway's Express to Chichibu Sta. (2) 1 hr. 30 min by Seibu Railway's Limited Express "Red Arrow" from Ikebukuro Sta. to Seibu-Chichibu Sta. From there, walk about 8 min. to the Shrine, and walk about 20 min. to Michi-no-eki Chichibu. 所在地 埼玉県 秩父市 秩父神社 秩父川瀬祭 最寄駅 (1) 上野駅よりJR高崎線で1時間10分熊谷駅まで行き、秩父鉄道に乗り換えて50分秩父駅下車 (2) 池袋駅から西武鉄道特急レッドアロー号で1時間30分、西武秩父駅下車、秩父神社へは徒歩約8分、 道の駅ちちぶへは徒歩約20分

Date Jul. 20 ~ Jul. 22 ◇ Uchiwa Matsuri, Fan-offering Festival of Yasaka Shrine, Kumagaya, Saitama Pref., features a parade of beautifully decorated twelve floats to the tune of festival music daily during the period. On the 22nd, the festival reaches its climax when all the floats gather at the "Omatsuri Hiroba" square, where young men compete in drumming on the floats from around 8 pm to 9 pm. During the festival period, Uchiwa fans are distributed on the streets in the city. Access The JR Takasaki Line to Kumagaya Sta. 所在地 埼玉県 熊谷市 八坂神社 うちわ祭 最寄駅 JR高崎線熊谷駅

Date Jul. 23 Kamakura Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) at Zaimokuza and Yuigahama Beach, Kamakura, Kanagawa Pref., is scheduled from 7:20 pm to 8:10 pm (about 2,500 fireworks). When it rains, it will be postponed to the 24th. Access The JR to Kamakura Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 神奈川県 鎌倉市 材木座海岸 由比が浜海岸 鎌倉花火大会 最寄駅 JR横須賀線鎌倉駅より徒歩15分

Date Jul. 30 ◇ Saitama-shi Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) at Owada Koen Park, Saitama, Saitama Pref., is held from 7:30 pm (5,000 fireworks). In case of rain or strong wind, the fireworks display will be postponed to the 31st. http://www.stib.jp/event/data/oowadahanabi.html Access Owada Koen : The Tobu Noda Line to Omiya Koen Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 埼玉県さいたま市 大和田公園 さいたま市花火大会 最寄駅 大和田公園会場:東武野田線大宮公園駅より徒歩15分

Date Jul. 31 ◇◎ Ashinoko Kosui Matsuri, Lake Festival on Lake Ashi, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa Pref. Following the Shinto rites conducted by the Hakone Shrine's priests on the boats at the center of the lake, Toro-nagashi or floating lighted lanterns on the water starts from 7:30 pm. And then, a fireworks display is scheduled from 8 pm. Access 1 hr. by bus from Odawara Sta., and then get off at Moto-Hakone Bus Stop 所在地 神奈川県 箱根町 芦ノ湖 芦ノ湖湖水まつり 最寄駅 小田原駅よりバスで1時間元箱根下車

5 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2013 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanation appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event.

The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at .

Calendar Events to be enjoyed in July 2013


Date Jul. 19 ~ Aug. 20 ◎ Sapporo Summer Festival, mainly at O-dori Koen Park in Sapporo, . Open-air beer halls are set up in O-dori Koen from 12 noon to 9 pm daily from July 19th to Aug. 15th. A fireworks display is held over the from 7:40 pm to 8:40 pm on July 26th, and Bon Odori , Japanese folk dancing in the O-dori Nishi-2-chome area from 6 pm to 9 pm daily from Aug. 14th to 20th. Access (1) For seeing the fireworks display, take the Namboku Subway Line from JR Sapporo Sta. to Nakajima Koen Sta., and then walk 5 min. to the Toyohiragawa Minami-Ohashi Joryu area. (2) For Bon Odori site, take the Tozai, Toho or Namboku Subway Line to O-dori Sta. 所在地 北海道 札幌市 豊平川南大橋上流、 大通公園及び西2丁目付近 第60回さっぽろ夏まつり 最寄駅 (1) 花火大会会場へはJR札幌駅から地下鉄南北線で中島公園駅下車、豊平川南大橋上流へ徒歩5分 (2) 盆踊り会場へは地下鉄東西線、東豊線又は南北線大通駅下車


Date Jul. 15 ◇◎ Minato Matsuri, Port Festival of Shiogama, Miyagi Pref., features a parade of two giant Mikoshi (portable shrines of Shiogama Shrine and Shiwahiko Shrine) on each boat escorted by a fleet of boats, leaving Marine Gate Shiogama Pier around 12 noon for sailing in Bay. And then Mikoshi are carried through the city to each Shrine, arriving there around 6:30 pm. http://kankoubussan.shiogama.miyagi.jp/modules/tinyd0/?id=5 Access (1) The JR Senseki Line to Hon-Shiogama Sta., then walk 5 min. to Shiogama Port. (2) The JR Senseki Line to Hon-Shiogama Sta., then walk 7 min. to Shiogama Shrine. 所在地 宮城県 塩釜市 塩釜神社 志波彦神社 塩竃みなと祭 最寄駅 (1) 塩竃港へは、JR仙石線本塩釜駅より徒歩5分 (2) 塩竃神社へは、JR仙石線本塩釜駅より徒歩7分

Date Jul. 22 ~ Jul. 24 ◇ Aizu-Tajima Gion Matsuri, Festival of Tadeuga Shrine and Kumano Shrine, Minami-Aizu-machi, Fukushima Pref., is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. On the 22nd, Kodomo-Kabuk i (traditional Japanese plays by boys) are performed on the floats set in the center of the city from 12 noon to 1 pm. Four O-yatai (big floats) on which Kodomo -Kabuki are played, parade on the town's main streets from 4 pm to 10 pm, both on the 22nd and the 23rd. On the 23rd, Nanahokai-Gyoretsu , a procession of women in traditional attire is held from 7 am to 8 am, and then Mikoshi parades from 10:30 am to 3 pm. http://www.minamiaizu.org/gion/index.html Access 3 hrs. 15 min. by Tobu Railways Express "Minami Aizu" from Asakusa Sta. to Aizu Tajima Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 福島県 南会津町田島 田出宇賀神社 熊野神社 祇園祭 / 会津田島祇園祭 最寄駅 浅草より東武鉄道急行"南会津"で3時間15分の会津田島駅より徒歩10分

1 Date Jul. 27 ~ Jul. 29 ◇ Soma Noma-oi or wild horses chasing, Minami-Soma, Fukushima Pref. This festival has over a 1000-year history, and is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. The main events held in the Haramachi-ku area are as follows: (1) On the 27th, Yoinori- keiba or horse racing by local people with traditional attire at Hibarigahara Moor from 2 pm to 4 pm, (2) On the 28th, Ogyoretsu or a procession of warriors on horses marching through the city to Hibarigahara Moor from 9:30 am to 11 am, and there, (3)Kacchu-Keiba or a horse racing show by armored warriors from 12 noon, then (4) Shinki-Sodatsusen , scramble for three Shinki flags of the Shrine by hundreds horsemen in ancient armor and helmets from 1 pm. On the 29th, Nomakake , in which young men in white costumes try to capture the wild horses bare-handed for the dedication to the Shrine, takes place in the precincts of Soma Odaka Shrine in the Odaka-ku area, from 9 am to 12 noon. http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~nomaoi/ Access The JR Joban Line to Haranomachi Sta. 所在地 福島県 相馬市 相馬野馬追 最寄駅 JR常磐線原ノ町駅下車

Date Jul. 30 ~ Aug. 5 ◇ Kuroishi Neputa Matsuri Festival, Kuroishi, Aomori Pref. Neputa features a papier-mache or a fan-shaped lantern with effigies of legendary heroes painted on it. The highlight of this festival is a parade of about 80 carriages of lighted Neputa pulled on the main street accompanied with the sound of drums and flutes from 6:30 pm to 10 pm on July 30th and on Aug. 2nd.

http://kuroishi.or.jp/event/summer/kuroishineputa Access The JR Tohoku Shinkansen Line to Aomori Sta. From there, take a bus to Kuroishi Bus Stop, or the JR Ou Honsen Line to Hirosaki Sta., and then take the Konan Tetsudo Line to Kuroishi Sta. 所在地 青森県 黒石市 黒石ねぷた祭り 最寄駅 JR東北新幹線新青森駅よりバスで黒石駅前へ、JR奥羽本線弘前駅より弘南鉄道黒石駅下車

Date Jul. 31 ~ Aug. 4 ◇ Hachinohe Sansha Taisai Festival, Hachinohe, Aomori Pref. This is the gorgeous festival with a 290-year history, and is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. The main event of the festival is a parade of Mikoshi (three portable shrines) of each Shrine and 27 colorful floats proceeding between the City Hall and the Kaji-cho area from 3 pm to 5:30 pm on Aug. 1st and 3rd. Kiba-dakyu or Japanese polo is held in the precincts of Shinra Shrine from 2 pm to around 4 pm on Aug. 2nd. http://www.city.hachinohe.aomori.jp/kanko/festival/sansya/ Access The JR Tohoku Shinkansen Line to Hachinohe Sta. From there, 20 min. by bus to Jusan-nichi-machi Bus Stop. Note Sansha means three shrines: Ogami Shrine, Shinra Shrine and Shinmei Shrine. 所在地 青森県 八戸市 おがみ神社 新羅神社 神明宮 八戸三社大祭 最寄駅 JR東北新幹線八戸駅よりバスで20分、十三日町下車


Date Jul. 6 & Jul. 7 ◇ Murakami Taisai Festival of Haguro Shrine, Murakami, Niigata Pref., features a parade of three Mikoshi (portable shrines) and 19 Oshagiri (beautifully lacquered floats) following children in traditional attire and so on, along the city's main streets from the Shrine to JR Murakami Sta. from 8 am to 3 pm on the 7th. http://www.city.murakami.lg.jp/kanko/murakami/murakamitaisai/murakami_taisai.jsp Access The JR Uetsu Honsen Line to Murakami Sta., and then walk 30 min. 所在地 新潟県 村上市 羽黒神社 市役所付近 村上大祭 最寄駅 JR羽越本線村上駅 徒歩30分

2 Date Jun. 30 & Jul. 1 ◇ Fujisan Yama-biraki, the ceremony to open the official climbing season of Mt. Fuji On June 30th, an annual Festival of Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, Fuji-Yoshida, Yamanashi Pref. Chinowa Shinji (Shinto rites) take place at the Shrine from 3 pm, and then Omichi-Biraki (the ceremony of going through Gate by the priests praying for the safety of the climbers) is held from 3:30 pm. On July 1st, Mt. Fuji Yama-biraki (the ceremony to mark the opening Mt. Fuji's climbing season) is held at Komitake Shrine on the 5th Stage (Yoshida-guchi trail) in Yamanashi Pref., from 5 am, and also the Yama-biraki ceremony is conducted at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha, Fujinomiya in Shizuoka Pref., from 9:10 am, and Nyuzan-shiki , a ceremony praying for the safety of the climbers and laying flowers on a monument of Sir Rutherford Alcock are held from 11 am at Murayama Sengen Jinjya in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref. http://www.city.fujiyoshida.yamanashi.jp/forms/info/info.aspx?info_id=451 http://www.fuji-hongu.or.jp/sengen/festivals/07_09.html#jul05 http://www.fair-fujinomiya.com/mt.fuji/generalinfo-en.htm Access (1) Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine: The Fuji Kyuko Line to Fujisan-eki Sta., and then walk 20 min. (2) Komitake Shrine: 55 min. by bus from Fujisan-eki Sta. or Kawaguchiko Sta. on the Fuji Kyuko Line to Fuji-san Go- go-me (5th Stage) Bus Stop (3) Fujisan Hongu Sengen Shrine: JR Minobu Line to Fujinomiya Sta., and then walk 10 min. (4) Murakami Sengen Shrine: JR Minobu Line to Fujinomiya Sta., and then 20min. by taxi. Note Mt. Fuji: 3,776 meters high above sea level. 所在地 山梨県:北口本宮富士浅間神社 及び 小御岳神社(富士五合目) 静岡県:富士山本宮浅間大社 富士山山開き 最寄駅 (1) 北口本宮富士浅間神社: 富士急行富士山駅より徒歩20分 (2) 小御岳神社: 富士急行富士山駅、又は河口湖駅よりバスで55分、富士山5合目下車 (3) 富士山本宮浅間大社: JR身延線富士宮駅より徒歩10分 (4) 村上浅間神社: JR身延線富士宮駅よりタクシーで20分

Date Jul. 13 ~ Sep. 7 ◇◎ Gujo Odori, or a folk dance meet, open to all, Gujo, Gifu Pref. This is one of the most popular folk dancing events joined by thousands of people in Yukata (cotton Kimono ), to the accompaniment of festival music at several sites in the town. It is held on the following days: July 13 (from 7:30 pm to 11 pm), 16, 20, 21, 26-28, 30, Aug. 1-5, 7-20, 24, 25, 31, Sep. 1 and 7 (from 8 pm to 10:30 pm on weekdays and Sundays, from 8 pm to 11 pm on Saturdays, and from 8 pm through 4-5 am on Aug. 13-16). http://www.gujohachiman.com/kanko/index_e.htm Access The Nagaragawa Tetsudo Line from Mino-Ota Sta. to Gujo- Sta. From there, 5-10 min. by taxi to the site. 所在地 岐阜県郡上市八幡町 郡上踊り 最寄駅 美濃太田駅より長良川鉄道郡上八幡駅へ、そこより会場までタクシーで5-10分

Date Jul. 23 ~ Jul. 29 ◇◎ Joetsu Matsuri Festival, Joetsu, Niigata Pref., features a parade of Mikoshi (portable shrine), floats and folk dancers held daily in the Takada district from the 23rd to the 26th, and then in the Naoetsu district from the 26th to the 29th. A dancing parade is held from 7 pm to 8:45 pm, both in the Takade district on the 25th and in the Naoetsu district on the 28th. On the 26th, the main event of the festival, Mikoshi-no-Kawakudari in which the Mikoshi is crossed over the River with a boat from the Takada district to the Naoetsu district is held from 6:25 pm to 8:40 pm, while a fireworks display is held at the mouth of the River from 8 pm to 9:10 pm. Many more events are scheduled during the festival period. http://www.niigata-kankou.or.jp/joetsu/kanko/event/joetsu/cA4371.html Access (1) To Takada District, the JR Shinetsu Honsen Line to Takada Sta. (2) To Naoetsu District, the JR Shinetsu Honsen Line to Naoetsu Sta. 所在地 新潟県上越市 高田地区 及び 直江津地区 関川 上越まつり 最寄駅 (1) 高田地区へはJR信越本線高田駅 (2) 直江津地区へはJR信越本線直江津駅

3 Date Jul. 24 ~ Jul. 26 ◎ Yahiko Toro Matsuri or Lantern Festival at Yahiko Shrine, Yahiko, Niigata Pref., with a 1,000-year history, is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. On the 25th, a fireworks display is scheduled at Yahiko Koen (park) from 8 pm to 10 pm. The highlight of this festival is a procession of Mikoshi (two portable shrines), about 20 floats decorated with lots of lanterns, and hundreds people holding lanterns each, going through the town from 9 pm to 11 pm. http://www.niigata-kankou.or.jp/yahiko/kyoukai/event/6061.html Access The JR Yahiko Line to Yahiko Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 新潟県 西蒲原郡弥彦村 彌彦神社 彌彦公園 弥彦燈籠まつり 最寄駅 JR弥彦線弥彦駅から徒歩10分

Date Jul. 26 & Jul. 27 ◎ Enshu Arai Tezutsu Hanabi, Fireworks Display at Arai-cho, Shizuoka Pref., is characterized by the pillars of fire, rising fire exceeding 20 meters up in the air, gushing out of cylinders held in the arms of young men, from 7 pm to 9 pm in the playground of Arai Elementary School on the 26th and Arai Junior High School on the 27th (2,000 fireworks in total). http://www4.tokai.or.jp/horagai/ Access The JR Tokaido Honsen Line to Araimachi Sta., and then walk 15 min to Arai Elementary School, and walk 20 min. to Arai Junior High School. 所在地 静岡県 新居町 諏訪神社 手筒花火 最寄駅 新居小学校へはJR東海道本線新居町駅より徒歩15分、新居中学校へは徒歩20分

Date Jul. 27&Jul. 28 ◎ Owari Tsushima Tenno Matsuri Festival of Tsushima Shrine, Tsushima, Aichi Pref., designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. The festival is highlighted by two parades of boats on the pond in Tenno-gawa Koen; (1) five Makiwara-bune boats decorated with hundreds of lighted lanterns under the fireworks display from around 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on the 27th, and (2) six Danjiri-bune boats with a doll of Noh play's character placed atop from 9 am to 11:30 am on the 28th. http://www.city.tsushima.lg.jp/index.php?dtype=1000&oid=868&pid=143 Access The Meitetsu Tsushima Line to Tsushima Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 愛知県 津島市 津島神社 天王川公園 尾張津島天王まつり 最寄駅 名鉄津島線津島駅から徒歩15分

Date Jul. 31 & Aug. 1 Nafune Taisai, Festival of Hakusan Shrine, Wajima, Ishikawa Pref. On July 31st, Mikoshi (a portable shrine) on the boat proceeds on the sea, while Gojinjo-daiko (Japanese folkloristic drumming) is presented by men wearing grotesque masks from 10 pm to 11 pm, and then Mikoshi and Kiriko (tall rectangular lanterns) are carried in the town until midnight. On Aug. 1st, Mikoshi is set afloat again from 3 pm and is returned to the Shrine at 3:50 pm, while Gojinjo-daiko is demonstrated from 3 pm. http://wajimanavi.lg.jp/www/event/detail.jsp?id=94 Access The JR Nanao Line to Wajima Sta. From there, 20 min. by bus to Nafune-machi Bus Stop. 所在地 石川県 輪島市 名舟町 白山神社 名舟大祭(御陣乗太鼓) 最寄駅 JR七尾線輪島駅よりバスで20分、名舟町下車

4 E. KINKI 近畿

Date Jul. 7 ◇ Sei Daimyojin Reisai or Annual Festival of Shiramine Jingu Shrine, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, is highlighted by a game of Kemari , played by the Shrine priests, who loft a small ball with their insteps from around 3 pm. A Japanese dance is presented by girls in colorful attire in the precincts of the Shrine from 4:30 pm. http://www10.ocn.ne.jp/~siramine/page042.html Access The Karasuma Subway Line to Imadegawa Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 京都市 上京区 白峯神宮 精大明神例祭 最寄駅 地下鉄烏丸線今出川駅より徒歩5分

Date Jul. 7 ◇ Kaeru-tobi, or the religious lesson of story-telling at Kimpusenji Temple on Mt. Yoshino, Nara Pref. The ritual of Renge-e in which parishioners on the boats pick up lotus flowers and offer them to the temple, starts at around 10 am. A man wearing a frog costume on a float is carried to the Zao-do temple from 12:30 pm, and pantomimes the story of the impious local man who was transformed into a frog and then transformed back to a human being thanks to the Buddhist Sutra cited by a pious priest, from around 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Access The Kintetsu Yoshino Line to Yoshino Sta. From there, 3 min. by ropeway to Sanjo Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 奈良県 吉野山 金峰山寺蔵王堂 蓮華会・蛙跳び行事 最寄駅 近鉄吉野駅よりロープウェーで3分 山上駅下車、徒歩15分

Date Jul. 14 ◇◎ Nachi-no-Hi-Matsuri, Fire Festival of Kumano Nachi Shrine, Nachi Katsuura-cho, Wakayama Pref., is counted as one of the three grandest fire festivals in Japan. Shinto dances are performed in the precincts of the Kumano Nachi Shrine from 11 am to 12 noon. Ohgi-Mikoshi (12 portable shrines), each decorated with 32 red fans and 8 mirrors, leave the Shrine at 1 pm for Hiro Shrine (near Nachi Waterfall), where 12 white-robed men, each holding a big flaming torch, meet the Mikoshi at around 2 pm and run around the Mikoshi for purification. Eventually, Mikoshi return to the main Kumano Nachi Shrine around 3:30 pm. http://www.town.nachikatsuura.wakayama.jp/forms/info/info.aspx?info_id=9443 Access The JR Kisei Honsen Line to Kii-Katsuura Sta. From there, 25 min. by bus bound for Nachisan, and then get off at Taki-mae Bus Stop. 所在地 和歌山県 東牟婁郡 那智勝浦町 熊野那智大社 (別宮飛瀧神社) 那智の火祭(扇祭) 最寄駅 JR紀勢本線紀伊勝浦駅より那智山行のバスで25分、滝前下車

Date Jul. 14 ~ Jul. 24 ◇◎ Gion Matsuri Festival of Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto. The festival, originating in 869, is counted as one of the three grandest festivals in Japan. The festival actually lasts for one month in July. On the 17th, the highlight of this festival is Yama-hoko-Junko or a procession of 32 gorgeous floats (9 Hoko , huge floats mounted on wheels and 23 Yama , smaller floats), parading to the tune of flutes, drums, gongs and other musical instruments through the city from 9 am to 1 pm. On the 24th, Hanagasa-Junko or a long colorful pagent, consisting of many dancing groups, children and Geisha , all in traditional costumes, starts from Yasaka Shrine at 10 am, down to the main streets and returns to the Shrine at around 1 pm. Many other events are scheduled during the period. http://www.kyokanko.or.jp/3dai/gion.html http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/org/yasaka/schedule/02.html Access The Karasuma Subway Line to Shijo Sta. to go to Yasaka Shrine and Shijo-Karasuma quarter. 所在地 京都市 八坂神社 京都市内 祇園祭(宵山、山鉾巡行、花傘道中) 最寄駅 八坂神社及び四条烏丸へは、地下鉄烏丸線四条駅下車

5 Date Jul. 24 & Jul. 25 ◇◎ Matsuri Festival of Tenmangu Shrine, Kita-ku, Osaka. The festival, with over a 1,000-year history, is counted as one of the three grandest festivals in Japan. On the 25th, a procession of Horen (a portable shrine) leave Tenmangu Shrine at 3:30 pm for Tenjinbashi Bridge, where Horen is moved onto the sacred boat and goes upstream on the river, followed by a fleet of a hundred of boats decorated with lighted lanterns from 6 pm to 9 pm. A fireworks display is scheduled over the Okawa River from around 7 pm to 9 pm on the 25th (5,000 fireworks). http://www.tenjinsan.com/tjm.html Access The Tanimachi Subway Line to Minami-Morimachi Sta., and then walk 5 min. to the Shrine. 所在地 大阪市 北区 大阪天満宮 大川 天神祭 最寄駅 地下鉄谷町線南森町駅下車、徒歩5分

Date Jun. 30 ~ Jul. 2 ◇ Aizen Matsuri Festival at Aizen-do Shoman'in Temple, Tennoji-ku, Osaka, features a parade of Hoe-kago palanquins with women inside carried by people, and other women in Yukata (cotton Kimono ) going in the neighborhood of the temple from around 1:30 pm to 3:40 pm on June 30th.

http://www.aizendo.com/festival.htm Access The Tanimachi Subway Line to Shitennoji-mae Yuhigaoka Sta., and then walk 2 min. 所在地 大阪市 天王寺区 愛染堂勝鬘院 愛染まつり 最寄駅 地下鉄谷町線 四天王寺前夕陽丘駅より徒歩2分

CHUGOKU & 中国・四国

Date Jul. 20 & Jul. 27 ◇ Tsuwano Gion Matsuri Festival of Yasaka Shrine at Tsuwano-cho, Shimane Pref. Sagi-mai-Shinji or Heron Dance is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. Two men dressed like herons perform the dance to the tune of leisurely music of drums, pipes and bells. They start dancing in front of the City Hall, Yasaka Shrine and many other places in the city from 3 pm to around 5 pm on the 20th & 27th. Access The JR Yamaguchi Line to Tsuwano Sta. 所在地 島根県 津和野町 弥栄神社 祇園祭(津和野の鷺舞神事) 最寄駅 JR山口線津和野駅

Date Jul. 20 ~ Jul. 27 ◇ Yamaguchi Gion Matsuri Festival of Yasaka Shrine, Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi Pref. On the 20th, Sagi-no-mai , Heron Dance is performed in the precincts of the Shrine from 6:30 pm, and then three Mikoshi (portable shrines) are carried through the main streets of the city from 7 pm to 9:30 pm. On the 24th, "So-odori Yamaguchi Minakoi Nonta ", a folk dancing parade of about 1,500 people in tune with the merry music proceeds through the city from 7:30 pm to 9 pm.

Access (1) The JR Yamaguchi Line originating at Shin-Yamaguchi Sta. to Yamaguchi Sta., and then walk 20 min. to the Shrine. (2) The JR Yamaguchi Line to Yamaguchi Sta., and then walk 10 min. to the shopping street. 所在地 山口県 山口市 八坂神社 山口祇園祭 最寄駅 (1) JR新山口駅からJR山口線で山口駅下車徒歩20分で八坂神社 (2) 商店街へは、JR山口駅より徒歩10分

6 Date Jul. 22 ~ Jul. 24 ◇◎ Uwajima Ushi-Oni Matsuri Festival at Warei Shrine, Uwajima, Ehime Pref. The major events of the festival are held on the 24th. (1) Togyu (bull fighting) is held at Togyu-jo (bull fighting ground) from 12 noon to 2:30 pm. (2) Oyaushioni or three imagenary bull-head monsters parade in the city to the Suka River, from 1:20 pm to around 4:30 pm. (3) A parade of Mikoshi (three portable shrines) and floats starts from Warei Shrine at 5:30 pm, going through the city heading for the Uwajima bay. There, (4) the festival comes its climax from 8 pm when the three Mikoshi on the boat are carried on the sea and upstream of the Suka River to in front of the Warei Shrine. And then, Hashirikomi or men scramble for sacred white strips of paper hanging from a tall bamboo pole standing at the center of the river, is held from 9 pm. http://ushioni.gaina.ne.jp/ http://www.uwajima.org/event/index5.html Access The JR Yosan Line to Uwajima Sta. 所在地 愛媛県 宇和島市 和霊神社 うわじま牛鬼まつり / 和霊大祭 最寄駅 JR予讃線宇和島駅

Date Jul. 24 Kangen-sai, or Court Music Festival of Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Pref. Mikoshi (a portable shrine) on Goza-bune (brightly illuminated sacred boat) is towed by three boats to the large red-painted Torii Gate standing in the sea at around 5 pm, and then towed away across the channel to Jigozen Shrine on the mainland at around 7 pm, while court music is played on the boat. And then, the Mikoshi sails for two other shrines in Miyajima, and eventually returns to Itsukushima Shrine through the Torii Gate at around 11 pm. http://www.miyajima.or.jp/event/event_kangen.html Access (1) The JR Sanyo Honsen Line to Miyajima-guchi Sta., and then walk a few min. to Miyajima-guchi Pier. From there, 10 min. by ferryboat to Miyajima Pier, and then walk 10 min. to the Shrine. (2) 30 min. by streetcar or bus from Hiroshima Sta. to Hiroshima Ujina Port. From there, 30 min, by jetfoil to Miyajima. 所在地 広島県 廿日市市(はつかいちし) 宮島町 厳島神社 地御前神社 管絃祭 最寄駅 (1) JR山陽本線宮島口駅より徒歩数分の宮島口桟橋からフェリーで10分、宮島下船 徒歩10分 (2) 広島駅より市電又はバスで広島宇品港下車、高速船で30分宮島下船


Date Jul. 1 ~ Jul. 15 ◇◎ Hakata Gion Yamagasa Festival of Kushida Shrine, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Pref. The highlight of this festival comes on the 15th, when Yamagasa , gorgeously decorated floats topped by elaborate decorations including miniature castles, flowers and historical heros' dolls are drawn one after another by young men starting from the Shrine every 5 min from 4:59 am to around 5:30 am through the crowds of spectators. The floats are on display at 14 different places in the city during the festival period. http://www.hakatayamakasa.com/schedule.php The JR Sanyo Shinkansen Line to Hakata Sta., and then walk 15 min. to Kushida Shrine. 所在地 福岡市 櫛田神社 博多祇園山笠 最寄駅 JR博多駅より徒歩15分で櫛田神社

Date Jul. 19 ~ Jul. 21 ◎ Kokura Gion Daiko or a drumming festival at Kokura, Kita-Kyushu, Fukuoka Pref. Each town in the city has its own drums, which are beaten by the townspeople going through the neighborhoods during the period. A demonstration of drumming is held at Otemon-mae Hiroba (square) from 3:30 pm to 7 pm on the 20th and 12 noon to 4 pm on the 21st, and at Taiko Hiroba Square from 6 pm to 9 pm on the 21st. http://www.kokuragiondaiko.jp/ The JR Sanyo Shinkansen Line to Kokura Sta., and then walk 15 min. to Kokura Castle. 所在地 福岡県 北九州市 小倉 小倉城 小倉祇園太鼓 最寄駅 JR山陽新幹線小倉駅下車、徒歩15分で小倉城

7 Date Jul. 26 ~ Jul. 28 ◎ Tobata Gion Oyamagasa Festival at Tobata, Kita-Kyushu, Fukuoka Pref., is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. It features a parade of Yamagasa , eight floats decorated with lighted lanterns drawn by hundreds of townspeople daily during the period. The highlight of the festival comes when eight Yamagasa gather in front of Tobata Ward Office from 6 pm to 9 pm on the 27th. http://tobatagion.jp/ The JR Kagoshima Honsen Line originating at Kokura Sta. to Tobata Sta. 所在地 福岡県 北九州市 戸畑 戸畑祇園大山笠 最寄駅 JR鹿児島本線小倉駅より戸畑駅下車

Date Jul. 27 & Jul. 28 Nagasaki Peiron Senshuken Taikai or a boat race of over 70 ancient-Chinese-style boats, at Matsugae Kokusai Kanko Futo Pier of Nagasaki Port, Nagasaki Pref., is held from 9 am to 4 pm on Jul. 27th, and from 9 am to 3 pm on 28th. http://www.at-nagasaki.jp/nitca/peron/ Access JR Nagasaki Sta. on Nagasaki Line, from there Nagasaki Dentetsu Line to Oura Kaigan Sta., or 5 min. by taxi to the pier. 所在地 長崎市 長崎港 松ヶ枝埠頭 長崎ペーロン選手権大会 最寄駅 松ヶ枝国際観光埠頭へは、長崎電鉄大浦海岸通り駅下車、徒歩2分、又はJR長崎駅よりタクシーで5分

- Ukai, Cormorant Fishing -

Ukai , Cormorant fishing is an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout-like fish), handling trained cormorants. This takes place at night under the blazing torches fastened to the prows of fishing boats. It will be held every day during the period except on the night of the full moon (Sep. 19th this year) or when the water is excessively muddy.

Date May. 11 ~ Oct. 15 ◇ Nagaragawa Ukai, , Gifu Pref. Period of time: May 11th - Oct. 15th (except Jul. 27th, Aug. 3rd and Sep. 19th) Departure time: 7:15 pm (returns around 8:30 pm) Charge: \3,000 (without meal) for weekdays, \3,300 (without meal) for Sat., Sun. and national holidays Reservation: Please call 058-262-0104 (Gifu City Ukai Kanransen Jimusho), or reserve through major travel agencies, like JTB. http://www.gifucvb.or.jp/sightseeing/ukai.php http://www.ukai-gifucity.jp/ukai/ Access The JR Tokaido Honsen Line to Gifu Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus to Nagaragawa-bashi Bus Stop. 所在地 岐阜県 岐阜市 長良川 長良川鵜飼 最寄駅 JR東海道本線岐阜駅よりバスで15分、長良川橋下車

Date Jun. 1 ~ Oct. 15 Kisogawa Ukai, , Aichi Pref. Period of time: Jun. 1st - Oct. 15th (except Aug. 10th), Departure time: 7 pm (Jun. 1st - Aug. 31st ), 6:30 pm (Sep. 1st - Oct. 15th) Charge: \2,500 (Jun. 1st - Jun. 30th & Sep. 1st - Oct. 15th), or \2,800 (Jul. 1st - Aug. 31st), in either case for a boat ride (without meal) Reservation: Please call 0568-61-2727 (Kisogawa Kanko) or reserve through major travel agencies. http://inuyama.gr.jp/culturalassets-themepark/541 http://www.kisogawa-kankou.com/ Access The Meitetsu Inuyama Line to Inuyama-Yuen Sta., and then walk 2 min. 所在地 愛知県犬山市 木曽川 木曽川鵜飼 最寄駅 名鉄犬山線犬山遊園駅より徒歩2分

8 Date Jun. 15 ~ Sep. 23 Ujigawa Ukai, Uji River, Kyoto Pref. Period of time: Jun. 15th - Sep. 23rd Departure time: 7 pm (Jun. 15th - Aug. 31st), 6:30 pm (Sep. 1st - Sep. 23rd) Charge: \1,800 (child: \900) without meal Tickets are put on sale an hour before the departure time on the day. No reservation is necessary unless you charter a boat for a group. Access (1) The Keihan Uji Line to Keihan Uji Sta., and then walk 5 min. (2) The JR Nara Line to Uji Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 京都府 宇治川 宇治川鵜飼 最寄駅 (1) 京阪宇治線京阪宇治駅より徒歩5分 (2) JR奈良線宇治駅より徒歩10分

Date Jul. 1 ~ Sep. 16 ◇ Arashiyama Ukai, Oi River, Arashiyama, Kyoto. Period of time: July 1st - Sep. 16th (except Aug. 16th) Departure time: 7 pm and 8 pm (July 1st - Aug. 31st), 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm (Sep. 1st - 16th), both twice a day. Charge: \1,700 (without meal each) Tickets are put on sale on the day from 30 min. before the departure time. No reservation is necessary unless you charter a boat for a group. http://www16.plala.or.jp/kyoto-yakatabune/05.html Access The Keifuku Arashiyama Line to Arashiyama Sta. or the Hankyu Arashiyama Line to Hankyu Arashiyama Sta., and then walk about 15 min. 所在地 京都府 大堰川 (嵐山 渡月橋付近 ) 嵐山鵜飼 最寄駅 京福嵐山線嵐山駅又は阪急嵐山線阪急嵐山駅より、徒歩15分