Limiting similarity and niche theory for structured populations Andr´as Szil´agyi, G´ezaMesz´ena Department of Biological Physics, E¨otv¨os University P´azm´any P´eter s´et´any 1A, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary phone: 36-1-372-2795 email:
[email protected] J. Theor. Biol. in press Abstract We develop the theory of limiting similarity and niche for struc- tured populations with finite number of individual states (i-state). In line with a previously published theory for unstructured populations, the niche of a species is specified by the impact and sensitivity niche vectors. They describe the pop- ulation’s impact on and sensitivity towards the variables involved in the popula- tion regulation. Robust coexistence requires sufficient segregation of the impact, as well as of the sensitivity niche vectors. Connection between the population- level impact and sensitivity and the impact/sensitivity of the specific i-states is developed. Each i-state contributes to the impact of the population pro- portional to its frequency in the population. Sensitivity of the population is composed of the sensitivity of the rates of demographic transitions, weighted by the frequency and by the reproductive value of the initial and final i-states of the transition, respectively. Coexistence in a multi-patch environment is studied. This analysis is interpreted as spatial niche segregation. Keywords: regulation, limiting similarity, habitat segregation 1 Limiting similarity and niche theory for structured populations 1 Introduction Niche theory (Hutchinson, 1978) plays a central role in community ecology (Lei- bold, 1995). The underlying “Gause’s principle” (Gause, 1934) has an axiomatic status (cf.