Winter 2014 Nelly Childress

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Winter 2014 Nelly Childress The Newsletter Committee Wishes Hopkinson House Owners and Residents Peace, Love, Joy and Good Health for 2014 The Newsletter of What’s Inside Hopkinson House • Winter 2014 Nelly Childress resident of Council In “Diet and Exercise: A House resident Tino Karakousis November Municipal Election PPaul Coyne and Manager Tragic Story” David Roberts and his sister Maria Karakousis in Philadelphia and how Judi Forte report on the tells us about James F. Fixx, starred as… in Pennsylvania we residents performed. many accomplished, almost an extraordinary individual Ballet’s e Nutcracker this e Holiday Celebrations completed, and forthcoming who wrote e Complete Book season. (You’ll find out by included Hanukkah in projects such as the elevator of Running, and his fate. reading the notice.) the lobby, a Christmas Tree cabs, the restoration of the We are proud to report that For those interested, we lighting in the lobby and a Stonorov/Vivarelli sculpture, seven-year-old Hopkinson include the results of the last party in the Solarium. n the lobby’s renovation plan and other necessary infrastructure work. Judi Forte also reminds residents to complete the forms that have been recently distributed. She also stresses the importance of strictly following the regulations regarding, among others, apartment renovations. Read the account by Nelly Childress of the Francis Hopkinson Mural at Christ Church. It was finished and installed in record time — three days! Another historical site in the neighborhood that underwent a major renova- tion is interestingly described by Lynn Miller in his report entitled “All-New Franklin Court Museum.” A report by Louis DelSol do on Otto Reichert-Facilides’ talk on Oscar Stonorov — the person — that was sponsored by Washington Square Citizens’ League is a must-read for those interested in the building. Find out about “Pop-Up Movie Nights in the Solarium” from Susan Tomita’s column. See the article about the Francis Hopkinson Mural at Christ Church on page 5. 2 · WINTER 2014 · ON THE HOUSE Message from Council Paul Coyne As Christmas approached, so ceiling opening for access to Editorial Committee did the elevator project which the emergency hatch did not Nelly Childress Enny Cramer was started a few years back provide the 400 square inches Louis DelSoldo with an anticipated completion required by the building code. Lynn Miller date of Labor Day 2013 when is meant that the roof David Roberts the weather was warm and panels had to be reconfigured Dan Rothermel summer was coming to an end. for all fou r elevators. e Susan Tomita contractors were able to make Installation began with the Council Liaison the necessary changes and get electric system, the controls, Paul Coyne us back on schedule in very and some stainless-steel work. Graphic Design short order. e Design en the floor was installed Committee (James Scott, Gail es, you probably do not and the sidewalls and roof Advertising Winkler and Sunny Feldman) Y notice it, but the days are were raised into place. When Louis DelSoldo, 267-249-7843 has been asked to suggest getting longer! the floor was laid with individ- [email protected] long-life foul-weather mats ual tiles and grout, the colors Photography e 2014 Budget presented for the renovated elevators. at first did not look right. David Roberts by Phil Harvey from Camco Placing the contract-specified Congratulations to all who Issue Contributors was approved at the 2014 tile on the floor, however, participated in and enabled Nelly Childress Annual Budget Meeting. showed that the colors matched. the completion of this project. Paul Coyne Phil gave an overview of our e addition of the grout was Louis DelSoldo needs for 2014 and broad Restoration Engineers, Inc. evidently responsible for the Byron Fink base projections out to 2017. has proposed plans to increase apparent difference. Judi Forte He stressed the importance the attractive ness and func- Lynn Miller of building a Capital Reserve During the inspection tionality of the front desk area David Roberts Anthony Kelly, our building and the back office space, and Susan Tomita fund capable of addressing future needs. engineer, observed that the to improve the mailroom. ON THE HOUSE · WINTER 2014 · 3 e proposed plans should e ADA ramp at the front meeting. Work should begin agreement of the Pennsylvania also provide a brighter and entrance, the removal of the in early spring. Real Estate Commission for more inviting entrance to the brick pavement and its a branch office. main lobby as well as to the replacement with broom A staff member is researching Council at the November entrance to the building from finished concrete, along with the feasibility of offering Meeting approved the the garage. is proposal some structural repairs at the Wi-Fi for the Pool area. Washington Square was accepted at the December edge of the east and west It is looking very promising. Chiropractic Center’s lease Council meeting. Previous planters, are scheduled As you know from experience, for the next five years. Council attempts to deal with these for 2014. cell phones respond to our also appointed Sidney Siegel challenges proved too costly massive concrete with some e Council approved a chairperson of the Dispute (almost one million dollars.) temerity. Hopefully, we will contract with Rockwell Resolution Committee Adjusting our priorities and be able to offer sunshine Associates LLC for land - to succeed Enny Cramer, staying close to our budget and Wi-Fi before long. scaping the two planters who resigned after some ten guidelines allowed us to on the front of the building. e bank space has been successful years leading this project a smaller addition Council will ask the Landscape leased. Keller Williams Realty Committee. Our thanks to to our 2014 budget. Committee to review the has given a deposit for a lease Enny and congratulations New pipes servicing the pool proposal and make recommen- on the former PNC Bank to Sidney. n will be installed after the first dations. e final proposal space contingent on receiving of the year. will be presented at a public franchise approval and the Message From Management Judi Forte e interiors of the elevator during these repairs but it will with staff members, so as not cabs were finished in time entail the use of a jackhammer to spread any illness. We also for the holiday season and which will cause noise and request that residents do not are a wonderful upgrade to vibrations through parts of use the staff phones. Besides a wonderful building. Our the building. ese repairs are the possibility of spreading sincere thanks go out to Gail expected to take several weeks illnesses, this practice prevents Winkler, Sunny Feldman and to complete. It’s going to be the desk staff from performing James Scott, who were instru- a busy year with guaranteed their job properly. We sincerely mental in choosing the design. inconveniences which we will thank you for these courtesies. make every effort to keep to We are anticipating the It is the responsibility of a minimum. e end results start of the renovations of every resident to complete an will be well worth it. he Hopkinson House the upper and lower lobbies entry permit for your guests, TAnnual Meeting and in 2014. Engineering sstudie Winter is the time for colds, contractors and anyone you Election is scheduled for are being done to utilize the flu and other types of illnesses wish to have access to your ursday, April 17, 2014 front desk and package area which sometimes means a unit. Faxing and emailing in the Solarium at 7:00 p.m. more efficiently. e Design staffing shortage. Please bear permission may prevent that If you would like to be a part Com mit tee will be called with us if our service is a little person’s entry to your apart- of the future planning of in to bring their ideas for slow during times when we are ment. e fax machine is on Hopkinson House, complete upgrading these areas. We short handed. We encourage from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., a nomination form which are also planning exterior the staff to stay at home when Monday through Friday. will be mailed out to you renovations in the front of they are not feeling well to Faxes will not be received in March and put your name the building including the protect the residents and the after hours or on weekends. on the ballot. Council terms sidewalks and the entrance other staff members. We also Emails are not a reliable method are for two years and Council to the building to allow easier ask that the residents follow of sending an entry permit. members must be available access for those who are the same procedure. Our staff e person you send the email to attend one meeting per physically impaired. Repairs is very friendly and they enjoy to may be on vacation or out month. All nominees must are also planned for a support shaking hands with the resi- sick and this may prevent your be in good standing with beam in the garage in the spring. dents. If you are ill, please visitor from gaining access to the Association. e garage will remain open refrain from shaking hands your apartment. continued on page 5 4 · WINTER 2014 · ON THE HOUSE ON THE HOUSE · WINTER 2014 · 5 Message from Management continued from page 3 We have distributed perma- If you are planning any Noises in a building like bathrooms are exempt from nent entry permit forms and renovations to your unit, Hopkinson House can travel this rule.
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