Biophysicist in Profile explains, “where the professors let you know that anything is possible, that you 9650 Rockville Pike can do anything.” Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3998 Tel: 301-530-7114; Fax: 301-530-7133 In her sophomore year cell biology E-mail:
[email protected] class, while listening to her professor, Officers Kay Eschenberg, Gierasch recalls think- President ing to herself, “I want to do this!” She Wilma K. Olson enjoyed exploring questions about bio- President-Elect Yale Goldman logical systems with a chemical perspec- Past-President tive, and her senior thesis was on the Mary Dicky Barkley refolding of collagen single chains into Secretary Jill Trewhella triple helical molecules. She recalls her Treasurer lab time in college fondly, thrilled to Antonio Scarpa spend time “playing in her sand box.” Council Dorothy Beckett During the summer following her Diana J. Bigelow Lila Gierasch junior year while working at Harvard in Mordecai P. Blaustein the lab of Alwyn Pappenheimer, she saw Robert Clegg Franco Conti Lila Gierasch credits being in the right a poster for the International Union of Timothy A. Cross place at the right time with much of her Biophysics Congress at MIT and attend- Cristobal G. Dos Remedios success. It also helps that she has bound- ed it. “There, I listened to the founding Edward H. Egelman Julio Fernandez less energy and determina- fathers of bio- Jeff Gelles tion and knows what she She recalls her lab time in physics speak,” Susan L. Hamilton wants. Born in Needham, James M. Hogle college fondly, as time spent she remembers, Linda Kenney Massachusetts, Gierasch “playing in her sand box.” “and getting the James C.