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MID-TERM EVALUATION (Final Report) Projet FEM-PIMS 4615-4692 « REMECC-GKM-Resilience to climate changes » – Ev-Mi-Parcours Novembre 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REPUBLIQUE DE GUINÉE Travail-Justice-Solidarité Sur Strengthening farmer’s communities livelihoods resilience against climate changes in the Guinean Prefectures of Gaoual, Koundara and Mali (REMECC-GKM (PIMS:4615; ID: 00085594; GEF-ID :4692) ____________________________ MID-TERM EVALUATION (Final Report) Submitted to UNDP-Guinea Maison Commune, Commune de Matam, Coléah Corniche Sud, Rue MA 002 Conakry, Guinée By Dr Syaka SADIO, International Consultant, Team Leader Dr Mamadou M. Diallo, National Consultant December 2016 i Projet FEM-PIMS 4615-4692 « REMECC-GKM-Resilience to climate changes » – Ev-Mi-Parcours Novembre 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is with a great honor we seize this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the UNDP-Guinea Office and the Ministry of Environment and Water and Forests for having considered us to conducted this Mid-Term evaluation of the GEF project - "Strengthening the resilience of agricultural communities' livelihoods to climate change in the Guinean prefectures of Gaoual, Koundara and Mali (REMECC-GKM- PIMS: 4615; 00085594). We would also like to thank the Governors of Boke and Labe regions and their colleagues, the Authorities of the Prefectures of Gaoual, Koundara and Mali and their respective Rural Communes supporting the project implementation, for their warm welcome and having chaired the meetings we had with the stakeholders and also for their fruitful advice. We are particularly grateful to Eloi Kouadio IV, Country Deputy Director in charge of the Programme and Mr. Mamadaou Ciré Camara, Head of Energy and Environment Unit of UNDP-Guinea and his colleagues, as well as the National Directorate for Environment and Water and Forests and Professor Selly Camara, Director of the Environmental and Sustainable Development Program, The project evaluation and the consultant work and field mission were fully supported by REMECC-GKM team, particularly the PCU Coordonnor, Professor Mamadou Lamara Diallo and Mr. Marouane Diallo, national Expert in charge of Monitoring and Evaluation of the project activities. We are delighted to express our sincere thanks to them for having made necessary arrangements to organize the several meetings held with the stakeholders and monitored the mission from the beginning to the end of the evaluation, at both levels in Conakry and in the field. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to the Field Officers (STP and the ACD) of the prefectures of Gaoual, Koundara and Mali for their availability and indispensable support in the selection of the refrence sites and guiding the field visits. Discussions with all stakeholders, including officials from ministerial departments, regional and deconcentrated technical services, the Bareng research center, NGOs and private operators were key inputs to the evaluation performance and findings. All theses meetings and discussions with the stakeholders were great opportunities for us to collect valuable information and data that allowed us to better understand the complexity and relevance of the project, as well as its implementation context. Thanks to All? . i Projet FEM-PIMS 4615-4692 « REMECC-GKM-Resilience to climate changes » – Ev-Mi-Parcours Novembre 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acronyms AGIR Support to integrated resource management ACD Communal Development Officer CCNUCC United Nations Climate Change Convention CR Rural communes (formerly CRD) DNEEF Directorate for Environment and Water and Forests DNM National Directorate of Meteorology DNP National Project Director DNPEDD National Directorate of Environment and Sustainable Development Program FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FEM Global Environnent fund FIDA International Funds for Agriculture Development FIP/PIF Project identification form FPFD Federation of Fouta Djallon farmers FPMA/LCDF Least developed country Fund GIEC Intergovernmental group on Climate Change GKM Gaoual, Koundara et Mali GLAM Operational Local Group for Agrometeorology assistance GdG Government of Guinea GTP Pluridisciplinary working Group IRAG Agricultural research Institute of Guinea MEEF Ministry of Environnment and Water and forests NIM (NEX) National Execution PANA National Adaptation to Climate Change Action Program PACV Community Village Support Program PAIs/MIPs Annual and Multi-Year Investment Plans DNPDL Local National Planning Department of Local Development PDL Local Development Plan PDLG Local Development Plan of Guinea PDSD Sustainable Social Development Project PNAAFA Support Program for Agricultural Sector Actors PNDA National Agricultural Development Policy, Vision 2015 PPG Project Preparation Fund PPIUs Prefectural units for the implementation of the project PRODOC Project Document (Project Document) PU-APA1 Emergency Agricultural Productivity Support Project REMECC Resilience of resources to climate change RP Project Leader M&E Monitoring & Evaluation TOR Terms of Reference PMU Project management Unit RCU Regional Coordinating Unit of UNDP UNDP United Nations Development Program ii Projet FEM-PIMS 4615-4692 « REMECC-GKM-Resilience to climate changes » – Ev-Mi-Parcours Novembre 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table des matières Sur .................................................................................................................................................................. i Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................................... ii 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Project rationale ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Project intervention areas .................................................................................................................. 1 1.3. Project beneficiaries .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.4. Objectives and expected résults ........................................................................................................ 2 2. EVALUATION OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 3 2.1. Objectives ................................................................................................ Erreur ! Signet non défini. 2.2. Evaluation Scope and deliveries ....................................................................................................... 3 2.3. Evaluation methodology ................................................................................................................... 3 2.3.1. Evaluation planing ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.3.2. Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.3.3. Evaluation Approach ..................................................................................................................... 4 3. MISSION FINDINGS .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. Project design .................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1.1. Problem to be solved ..................................................................................................................... 5 3.1.2. Development and specific objectives ............................................................................................ 5 3.1.3. Assessment of the result matrix (Logical framework/strategy and indicators) ............................. 6 3.1.4. Additional and incrimental cost and benefits .............................................................................. 10 3.1.5. Project Financing ........................................................................................................................ 10 3.1.6. Compliance with the GEF Program and Strategic Priority ......................................................... 11 3.1.7. Eligibility of the country to LDCF .............................................................................................. 11 3.1.8. Comparative advantage of UNDP ............................................................................................... 12 3.2. Project implementation ................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.1. Institutional arrangements ........................................................................................................... 13 3.2.2. Implementation approach ...........................................................................................................
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