WithWith thethe supportsupport ofof thethe EUROPEANEUROPEAN COMMISSION COMMISSION Directorate-GeneralDirectorate-General forfor EnergyEnergy andand TransportTransport LEGALLEGAL NOTICE NOTICE NeitherNeither thethe EuropeanEuropean Commission,Commission, nor nor anyany personperson actingacting onon behalfbehalf ofof thethe Commission,Commission, is is responsibleresponsible forfor thethe useuse whichwhich mightmight bebe mademade ofof thethe informationinformation containedcontained inin thisthis publication.publication. ©© EuropeanEuropean CommunitiesCommunities 20002000 ReproductionReproduction isis authorisedauthorised providedprovided thethe sourcesource isis acknowledged.acknowledged. www.agores.orgwww.agores.org europa.eu.int/comm/energy/index_en.htmleuropa.eu.int/comm/energy/index_en.html PrintedPrinted inin SpainSpain (october, (october, 2000) 2000) whitewhite chlorine-freechlorine-free paperpaper LegalLegal Deposit:Deposit:M-40077-2000M-40077-2000 ProducedProduced byby IDAEIDAE InstituteInstitute forfor thethe DiversificationDiversification andand SavingSaving ofof EnergyEnergy PºPº dede lala Castellana,Castellana, 95 95 -- Pta.Pta. 21 21 -- EE -- 2804628046 -- MadridMadrid Tlf.:Tlf.: +34 +34 9191 456456 4949 0000 Fax:Fax: +34 +34 9191 555555 1313 8989
[email protected]@idae.es www.idae.eswww.idae.es The Campaign for Take-Off Renewable Energy Partnerships Catalogue Preface It is a great pleasure for me as Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Energy and Transport Policy to present the first edition