Strategic Review of Recreational Facilities Around Lake Burley Griffin Final Report

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Strategic Review of Recreational Facilities Around Lake Burley Griffin Final Report STRATEGIC REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR ACT ROWING STRATEGIC REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN - FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR ACT ROWING PAGE 2 OF 75 | CB RICHARD ELLIS (V) PTY LTD | CANBERRA | NOVEMBER 10 | MID 182439 STRATEGIC REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN - FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR ACT ROWING Table of Contents Table of Figures EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 FIGURE 1 – LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN WITHIN A LOCAL CONTEXT FIGURE 2 - WALTER BURLEY GRIFFIN'S LAKE 1 INTRODUCTION 5 FIGURE 3 - WATER DEPTHS ACROSS LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN 2 LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN 6 FIGURE 4 - THE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS OF THE LAKE - YARRALUMLA BEACH 3 METHODOLOGY 10 FIGURE 5 - THE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS OF THE LAKE - COMMONWEALTH PLACE FIGURE 6 - LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN IN AN ACT CONTEXT 4 RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ON AND AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN 11 FIGURE 7 - MURRAY COD AND LATHAMS/JAPANESE SNIPE 5 CONSULTATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS 12 FIGURE 8 - METHODOLOGY FIGURE 9- MAIN SHARED RECREATIONAL PATHS AROUND THE LAKE (IN BLUE) 6 KEY THEMES IDENTIFIED FROM CONSULTATION 13 FIGURE 10 - 2008 BICYCLE TRAFFIC COUNTS 7 IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES 15 FIGURE 11 - NARROW PATH AT LENNOX GARDENS 8 OPTIONS TO ADDRESS PROPOSED ACTIONS 26 FIGURE 12 - DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES (NCA) FIGURE 13 - TOILETS AT LOTUS BAY 9 CONCLUSION 36 FIGURE 14 - PICNIC FACILITIES - LENNOX GARDENS APPENDIX 1 – SUMMARY OF RELEVANT POLICY DOCUMENTS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL FIGURE 15 - PICNIC FACILITIES – SCRIVENER DAM DEVELOPMENT AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN 37 FIGURE 16 - EXISTING INFORMATIONAL SIGNAGE, COMMONWEALTH PLACE APPENDIX 2: CONSULTATION STRATEGY 50 FIGURE 17 - TREATMENT OF RECREATIONAL PATH/ROAD INTERSECTIONS HAVING REGARD TO SIGNAGE APPENDIX 3 – CONSULTATION NOTICES 56 FIGURE 18 - PARKING AT PESCOTT ROAD, WESTON PARK APPENDIX 4: PUBLIC CONSULTATION RESPONSES 57 FIGURE 19 - SWIMMING AREAS APPENDIX 5: SUMMARY OF RESPONSES FROM STRUCTURED RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY GROUPS 58 FIGURE 20 - CONGESTION AT EXISTING REGATTA STAGING AREA FIGURE 21 - EXISTING DRAGON BOAT FACILITIES REFERENCES 75 FIGURE 22 - EXISTING BOAT RAMP AT BLACK MOUNTAIN FIGURE 23 - EXTRACT FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL PLAN FIGURE 24 - POSSIBLE LOCATION FOR AN ALTERNATIVE REGATTA STAGING AREA AT WESTON PARK (CIRCLED RED) FIGURE 25 - POSSIBLE AREA FOR RELOCATED REGATTA STAGING AREA FIGURE 26 - AREAS EXCLUDED FROM FURTHER CONSIDERATION FIGURE 27 - LOCATION OF IDENTIFIED LOCATIONS WHICH MAY BE SUITABLE FOR FACILITIES FIGURE 28 - GREVILLEA PARK FIGURE 29 - AVAILABLE SITES IN YARRALUMLA BAY YARRALUMLA BAY RECREATIONAL HUB MASTER PLAN FIGURE 30 - LOCATION OF AVAILABLE SITES AT BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA FIGURE 31 - LAND ZONES IN MOLONGLO REACH NATIONAL CAPITAL PLAN FIGURE 32 - AVAILABLE SITES FOR DEVELOPMENT, ON BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA, WITH RADFORD COLLEGE SHED IN BACKGROUND FIGURE 33 - SUITABILITY OF SITES FOR IDENTIFIED USES FIGURE 34 - EXTRACT FROM THE WESTON PARK FINAL DRAFT MASTER PLAN PAGE 3 OF 75 | CB RICHARD ELLIS (V) PTY LTD | CANBERRA | NOVEMBER 10 | MID 182439 STRATEGIC REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN - FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR ACT ROWING EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report sets out the results of a strategic review of recreational facilities located around Lake Burley · The relocation of the rowing regatta staging area. Griffin. The report was prepared by CBRE on behalf of Rowing ACT with funding provided by Sport and Recreation Services. · Facilities for rowing, dragon boat and triathlon. The report focuses on those recreational user groups who directly use Lake Burley Griffin and its foreshore This study has identified several opportunities for the provision of new facilities to meet these needs; as a recreational resource. specifically in Grevillea Park, Weston Park, Yarralumla Bay, Molonglo Reach and on Black Mountain Peninsula. The release of land in these locations will provide some interim relief to the issues faced by Consultation was directed at identified peak organisations and the general public. Whilst a number of identified structured recreational users on an activity level but may not be sufficient to meet ongoing individual clubs were consulted in order to gain a broader appreciation of the issues being faced by demand associated with a growing population. recreational users, the scope of the brief did not facilitate consultation with all clubs known to use the Lake and its surrounds. Conclusions in respect of structured recreational facilities are therefore presented on an Consultation responses indicate significant pressure for facilities and land at a club level, which has not activity by activity, rather than club by club basis. However, in some instances commentary has been been specifically explored in this study. Existing pressures on club facilities are likely to exacerbate as the provided in respect of individual clubs, in order to highlight specific issues or concerns. population of the ACT increases. In preparing this report, CBRE had regard to all available written documentation from a variety of sources, Within this context there is a need for continual appraisal of recreational facilities at both an activity and including existing policy documentation, feasibility papers and sport development plans. A full list of club level to ensure that they meet existing and anticipated future requirements. It is recommended that in references can be found at the end of this report. addition to further exploration of the opportunities identified above, that a more comprehensive strategy addressing the delivery of land surrounding Lake Burley Griffin be prepared to ensure that land is released Generally speaking, recreational facilities around Lake Burley Griffin are considered acceptable and are in a structured manner reflecting both the needs of lake users and the significance and values associated coping with existing pressures. There are however some key areas of deficiency which require immediate with Lake Burley Griffin. attention to alleviate pressure and to improve recreational use of the Lake. These include:- CBRE would like to thank all those who provided valuable input into the preparation of this study. · Recreational paths, which require attention having regard to existing traffic volumes and their dual role as a recreational resource and as part of the transport network. TAMS is currently undertaking a review of design standards, which will provide the necessary platform from which to move forward on this matter. PAGE 4 OF 75 | CB RICHARD ELLIS (V) PTY LTD | CANBERRA | NOVEMBER 10 | MID 182439 STRATEGIC REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN - FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR ACT ROWING 1 INTRODUCTION Figure 1 – Lake Burley Griffin within a local context This report was commissioned by ACT Rowing. It sets out the results of a strategic review of recreational facilities located around Lake Burley Griffin. The scope of the strategic review is as follows:- To identify the main recreational users of Lake Burley Griffin, to identify in qualitative and quantitative terms their existing facilities, and to determine whether these facilities are sufficient to meet their existing and projected requirements. Where existing facilities are found to be deficient, to establish how these needs could be best addressed, including options for co-location. This report details the process and findings of the review, including details of consultation. For clarity, this report does not consider issues surrounding lake water quality. Whilst acknowledging that water quality is a key factor influencing the recreational use of Lake Burley Griffin, it falls outside the scope of this study PAGE 5 OF 75 | CB RICHARD ELLIS (V) PTY LTD | CANBERRA | NOVEMBER 10 | MID 182439 STRATEGIC REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AROUND LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN - FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR ACT ROWING 2 LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN HISTORY AND HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE Figure 2 - Walter Burley Griffin's Lake The following text has been drawn from the NCA’s ‘Lake Burley Griffin Recreational Policy 2005’. ‘’Lake Burley Griffin is an integral part of Canberra’s design and was a vital component of the plan for the national capital. It consists of the waters of the Molonglo River between Scrivener Dam and the Dairy Road Bridge. Named after Walter Burley Griffin, winner of the design competition for the National Capital in 1912, the Lake is a key element in Griffin’s plan for the City. The heart of the plan was a central artificial lake and a ‘Parliamentary Triangle’ in which the most important national buildings were to be placed. The plan was structured on two major lines. One, the Water Axis, runs south east from Black Mountain along the line of the formal central Lake. The other, the Land Axis, starts at Mount Ainslie, intersects the Water Axis at a right angle, crosses to Capital Hill and Mount Bimberi in the distant Brindabella mountains. In 1959, the Commonwealth Government agreed to the construction of Lake Burley Griffin and committed funds for the project. The design and construction of the Lake and Scrivener Dam were undertaken in two stages. The first stage commenced in 1960 and involved the construction of the dam, lake floor, two bridges, jetties and edges of over 843 hectares of Lake foreshore. The impounding of the Lake waters commenced in 1963 with the closing of the valves of Scrivener Dam. Prime Minister Robert Menzies officially commemorated stage one, the filling of the Lake, on 17
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