INFORMER Anne Arundel Retired School Personnel Association August 2014 Volume 40 Issue 1 President President Charles Gable Charles "Charlie" Gable (410) 590-9786 Greetings to everyone! I seventy-three persons
[email protected] hope that you are enjoying r e g i s t e r e d f o r t h e President Elect the summer. We have luncheon–our second Barry Fader been very fortunate to largest gathering in our (410) 643-3472 e n j o y s o m e m i l d group’s history. The goal
[email protected] temperatures and nice that we fell short on was weather thus far. In my increasing our membership Recording Secretary Susan Errichiello opinion, we deserve it to more than 2,000 (443) 481-9829 after a very cold, wet and members. We are happy to
[email protected] snowy spring and winter. report that we have a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 , 9 5 0 Assistant Recording Last year when I was members. I still believe As many of you know, for Secretary installed as the President that this goal is achievable. a number of years our John Hammond of AARSPA, I set four September meeting was (410) 674-2484 Please consider inviting
[email protected] goals that I thought we your friends who have h e l d a t S n y d e r ’ s could achieve for our retired from Anne Arundel Restaurant. Snyder’s has Treasurer organization. I am happy County Public Schools to gone out of business due Alicia Hardisky to report that we join AARSPA and our state to the problems that they (410) 757-6762 successfully achieved have had with flooding.