Warhammer, White Dwarf and Witch Hunter Tyrus Are Trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd

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Warhammer, White Dwarf and Witch Hunter Tyrus Are Trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd You have been told of the Inquisition; that shadowy organisation which defends Mankind and the Emperor from the perils of heresy, possession, alien dominance and rebellion. You have been told the Inquisition are the ultimate defence against the phantoms of fear and terror which lurk in the darkness between the stars. You have been told the Inquisition are the bright saviours in an eclipse of evil; purest and most devoted warriors of the Emperor. You have been told the Inquisition is united in its cause to rid the galaxy of any threat, from without or within. Everything you have been told is a lie! A single candle guttered on an ornate silver stick in the centre of the room, throwing a yellowish, fitful light over the faces of the cowled figures stood in the dusty chamber. “The Golden Throne works,” one said, his voice aged and cracked. “The Emperor’s life can be sustained indefinitely.” “His soul lives on?” another inquired, his long, sharp nose protruding from under the lip of his hood. “It is not an empty husk?” “It is not,” the first confirmed. “The Emperor has ascended to the next plane, but the link ’twixt body and spirit remains strong.” “Then it can be brought back,” suggested the third, a young woman whose flowing white hair spilled from her hood and down to her waist. “The Emperor need not suffer this hideous eternal life in death.” “We cannot risk such a thing!” the first hissed. “What if the spiritual link were severed? What if the person brought back was not the man we once knew? Changed? News of the Emperor’s… ascension is already widespread. He is being revered as a god already on a hundred worlds. In this time of rebuilding, we need a symbol. The Emperor has shown us the way. Anyway, who would believe the Emperor had returned so soon? It will cause a civil war more devastating than that of the fool Horus, and even now we have yet to start counting the cost of that. No, better that this knowledge remains hidden. When we pass on to join the Emperor, it will die with us.” “You cannot deny Mankind the Emperor,” a fourth voice, deep and slow, stated firmly. “He and the empire he has built are Mankind’s only chance of survival.” The woman and the deep-voiced man both withdrew into the shadows and a moment later the door creaked open, a chill draught causing the candle flame to flit wildly. “Moriana, Promeus, wait!” the first man called out, but the door slammed shut in answer. “We cannot let them do this,” the hawk- nosed man decided. “No, we cannot,” the first agreed. “We must act quickly, get organised and claim the initiative.” “It shall be done,” the other concurred. INQUISITORINQUISITOR 11..11 THE BATTLE FOR THE EMPEROR’S SOUL Written by Gav Thorpe Living Rulebook Version by Andy Hall Design Concept John Blanche Graphics & Layout Stefan Kopinski Editors Talima Fox, Dylan Owen & Mark Owen Colour Production & Photography Adrian Wood Cover Karl Kopinski & Stefan Kopinski Illustrators John Blanche, Alex Boyd, Paul Dainton, David Gallagher, Neil Hodgson, Nuala Kennedy, Karl Kopinski, Stefan Kopinski, Adrian Smith & Kev Walker Miniatures Designers Mark Bedford, Jes Goodwin, Mark Harrison, Gary Morley, Brian Nelson, Alan Perry & Michael Perry ’Eavy Metal Team Owen Branham, Martin Footitt, Neil Green, Tammy Haye, Kirsten Mickelburgh, Keith Robertson, Chris Smart & David Thomas Model Makers Dave Andrews, Mark Bedford & Chris Smart Omniscenti John Blanche, Andy Chambers, Jervis Johnson, Alan Merrett & Rick Priestley Thanks to Gordon Davidson, Jim Butler, Nelson, Graham McNeill, Rowland Cox, Phil Kelly, Space McQuirk, Derek Gillespie, Stephen Pearson, Bob Macfarlane and everyone who took part in our campaign. PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP Adeptus Astartes, Battle Brother Artemis, Citadel & the Citadel castle, Cherubael, Damien 1427, ’Eavy Metal, Enforcer Barbaretta, Games Workshop & the Games Workshop logo, Inquisitor Covenant, Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Magos Delphan Gruss, Preacher Josef, Quovandius, Severina & Sevora Devout, ‘Slick’ Devlan, Warhammer, White Dwarf and Witch Hunter Tyrus are trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. ‘Scatter’ dice are UK registered design no. 2017484. All artwork in all Games Workshop products and the images contained therein have been produced either in-house or as work for hire. The copyright in the artwork and the images it depicts is the exclusive property of Games Workshop Ltd. Copyright Games Workshop Ltd., 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Games Workshop. Games Workshop Ltd. 2004. British cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Exterminatus.com UK US Australia Canada Games Workshop, Games Workshop, Games Workshop, 1645 Bonhill Rd, Willow Rd, 6721 Baymeadow Drive, 23 Liverpool Street, Units 9-11, Lenton, Glen Burnie, Ingleburn Mississauga, Nottingham, Maryland NSW 2565 Ontario NG7 2WS 21060-6401 L5T 1R3 ContentsContents CORE RULES <Part 1> Cover . 39 Effects of Injury. 40 Introduction Location injury. 40 What is a Narrative Wargame. 10 Immediate & persistent injury effects . 40 What is a Gamesmaster . 10 Stunning. 40 What You Need . 11 Bleeding. 40 Other conventions . 12 Injury total. 40 Characters Effects of injuries . 40 Character Profiles . 14 Going Out of Action . 41 Physical characteristics . 15 Recovery . 41 Mental characteristics . 15 Applying injury effects from recovery . 41 Characteristic tests. 15 Damage Tables . 42 Other details . 15 Awareness Actions Vision . 44 The Turn Sequence . 16 Hearing . 45 Between Turns . 16 Actions Rolls . 16 Special Abilities Risky actions . 17 Talents . 46 Drawing & changing weapons . 17 Psychic Abilities . 48 Combined actions. 17 Biomancy . 49 Pause for breath. 18 Telepathy . 50 Changing actions . 18 Telekinesis . 52 Pyromancy . 53 Movement Daemonology. 53 Stance . 20 Exotic Abilities . 54 Facing . 20 Mixing Special Abilities. 55 Declaring Movement Actions. 20 Movement Rates . 21 Armoury <Part 1> Jumping . 21 Special Ammunition . 56 Dragging . 21 Ranged Weapons . 56 Terrain . 22 Close Combat Weapons . 66 Combined Actions with Movement . 23 Grenades & Explosives . 71 Shooting Armour & Force Fields . 74 Weapon Profiles. 24 Bionics & Implants . 76 Line of Sight . 25 Combat Stimms, Gas, Toxins & Viruses. 78 Arc of vision & facing . 25 Other Equipment . 80 Hitting the Target. 26 Automatic Hits & Misses . 26 The 41st Millennium <Part 2> To Hit Modifiers . 26 Weapon accuracy . 26 Creating Characters . 02 Range. 26 Inquisitor . 04 Movement . 26 Adeptus Astartes . 10 Aiming . 26 Adeptus Mechanicus . 12 Rested weapon . 27 Rogue Trader . 14 Target size . 27 Cultists & Fanatics. 16 Other modifiers . 27 Imperial Guard Veteran . 18 Range Modifiers chart . 28 Desperado . 20 Placed Shots . 29 Enforcer. 22 Pinning . 29 Mutant. 24 Special Weapon Types . 29 Ecclesiarchy. 26 Semi-auto. 29 Arco-Flagellant . 28 Full auto . ..
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