Renal Function in Hypothyroidism A
Eishth Arab Conferenceon the Peacefulljses of Atomit Enersv Anman.3-7 December2006 Renal Function in Hypothyroidism A. ShukrallaKhalidr, M. I. Ahmedr,H. M. Elfakir,N. Hassanr,S. M. Suliman2 l. SudanAtomic Energy Commission 2. Universityof Khartoum,Faculty of Medicine 4:i'eJJlJJ"a!cfy i,rlsll .ijl!-l ,-L .1,j...' i.te.: ,tgsilt J,ora 6Jt-iA ,ls".i ,t-Yt .tor-o ,lJti ,irtr* u.i 261,.r,1-.r"-. -a;trjr,:t erl-ntt /.iJIl i3t!l fu+^ .1 -c,,Lll esl>lt L.b 4+ls.2 Abstract Background Hypothyroidisminduces significant changes in the functionof organsystems such as the heart,muscles and brain.Renal function is also influencedby thyroid status.Physiological effects include changes in water andelectrolyte rnetabolism, notably hyponatremia, and reliable alterations of renalhemodynamics, including decrements in renalblood flow, renalplasma flow, glomerularfiltration rate (GFR). Objective Renal function is profoundlyinfluenced by thyroid status;the purposeof the presentstudy was to determinethe relationshipbetween renal functionand thyroid status of patientswith hypothyroidism. Designand Patients In 5 patientswith primaryhypothyroidisrn and control group renal functions are lneasuredby serurncreatinine and glomerular filtrationrate (GFR) usingmodified in diet renaldisease (MDRD) fonnula. Result In hypothyroidism,mean serum creatinineincreased aud mean estimatedGFR decreased,compared to the control group mean serum creatininedecreased and meanestimated GFR hicreased.Tlre hy,potliyroid patientsshowed elevated serum creatinine levels (> 1.1mg/dl)compared
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