Encounter Raises Dorm Safety Issue
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C A LIFOR N I A S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y , F U L L E RTO N Body INSIDE piercings and 2 n BRIEFS: Placentia prepares residents for possible Y2K disaster tattoos —see Opinion 3 nNEWS: ROTC cadets finish fourth in page 4 Ranger Challenge VOLUME 69, I SSUE 36 WEDNESDAY N OVEMBER 10, 1999 Familiar Yee-haw! Encounter faces win AS raises dorm nGOVERNMENT: Arts safety issue rep Evan Mooney sug- gests greater recruit- nCAMPUS: CSUF “We’ve never had a front door kicked off the hinges because ment effort public safety officers someone wanted to get it. It was always either left unlocked or BY NICOLE BURNS make a routine of somebody opened the door.” Staff Writer According to Eugene Shang, patrolling the dorms director of the Residence Halls, Four of Cal State Fullerton’s seven walk-throughs of all dorm areas schools voted in favor of incumbent BY AMY NIELSEN are commonplace as a preventa- candidates in last week’s Associated Staff Writer tive measure to help ensure the Students election. safety of the residence. Although some of the races were Going off to college, being on Upon moving into the residence contested by write-in nominees, bal- your own for the first time and halls, each resident is advised of lots for each school suggested that the living in the dorms can be excit- the general safety precautions that race as a whole was uncontested. ing experiences for many young need to be observed, including the Evan Mooney, incumbent repre- people. With this new-found free- importance of locking doors, as sentative of the School of the Arts, dom, some basic rules to live well as given a list of emergency won his position for another term. by can often be forgotten; invit- phone numbers. He commented on the election at ing problems into many people’s The university police also Tuesday’s AS meeting. lives. patrol the perimeter and interior “I’m glad to see that election results “There is no doubt that students areas of the dorms regularly. were up,” Mooney said, referring to come on this campus and have “Ours are unique,” Gehrls said, the increase of turnout compared to this idea in their mind that they “because they are in one iso- last year’s fall election. are immune to the problems of lated area, they are a lot easier to Incumbent election winner Mary society because they are ‘at col- patrol.” Grace Cachuela, representative of the lege’ and nothing bad happens ‘at Gehrls also explained that the School of Business Administration college,’” said Tom Gehrls, detec- university has plans to expand the and Economics, commented on her tive of the Cal State Fullerton residence halls to accommodate future with AS on Thursday night, Department of Public Safety. more students. shortly after the new board was It may have been just this type With this expansion, comes named. of attitude that more foot traf- “I plan on continuing working with led to a recent fic and the the Business Inter-Club Council and assault involving potential for next semester’s presidents,” Cachuela a female resident You’ve got a lot more prob- said, referring to how she plans to of the CSUF lems. utilize her past experience as a board Jewell Plummer “You’ve got a member. Cobb Residence lot of baggage, “I’ve built really strong relation- Halls. ‘‘of kids with an good or bad, ships and I think those are assets to According to that’s coming serving students and listening to their Gehrls, the victim on to campus to concerns,” Cachuela said. RUSS LAHODNY/Daily Titan was alone in the ‘Animal House’ visit those peo- Representative of the School of Jaron Nunnemaker spurs the bull into a frenzy of movement. — See Perspectives p. 4 restroom when a ple,” he said. ElEctioNS/ 6 white male wear- “You’ve got a ing a beanie and lot of kids with apparently smell- mentality ... an ‘Ani-mal ing of alcohol, House’ men- Prof teaches the ins and outs of appeared in the tality. They doorway. The they are here don’t go to col- nFAcultY: Barbara Keesling said she finds it easy to tice she began in 1992. It is this sort her training as a surrogate partner man refused to ‘‘ lege, they don’t relate to her students because she is of experience that makes her attrac- taught her the most about human leave and began have long-term Keesling has appeared not a typical professor, but a lifelong tive to many students. behavior. to touch her goals, and they student. Student Misty Preemo said, “I Keesling believes that working shoulders and hair to take advan- are here to take on talk shows such as “It’s difficult if not impossible to like her because she’s real — she one on one for over 12 years since while telling her advantage of be allowed to do any realistic sex doesn’t put on that, ‘I’m the profes- 1980 with people who had sexual that she smelled those people Howard Stern and has education at any lower levels in this sor and I’m superior’ act.” problems gave her the unique expe- pretty. that are here,” posed for Playboy climate,” Keesling said. Preemo’s boyfriend Jason rience to be able to answer students’ After pushing tage Gehrls said. Keesling is referring to why she Batuyong attends Keesling’s night questions accurately. Keesling was past the man, the “If you can BY JILLIAN RAKOS chose to lecture to college students class. Although he is not enrolled, married in 1981 and divorced in victim locked control who is Staff Writer in 1990 after working since 1984 as just to listen to her sarcasm and 1991. As a marriage counselor she herself in the bedroom area of her in your dorm suite, you can pretty a graduate assistant. Austin Powers quotes makes believes that if both people want suite, and was not harmed. much insulate yourself from most “Are you normal?” students ask Since then, she has been approved Batuyong come back for more. to get married, have children and Although this type of situation of the crooks that are around,” he Barbara Keesling, who posed in by the Board of Behavioral Science “I grew up in a climate of total follow traditional gender roles the is not common, it is a risk. said. Playboy magazine in 1994. Examiners to provide Continuing sexual ignorance in which it was dif- marriage can succeed. “Bad things happen everywhere, “That one single thing of lock- Normal in terms of traditional — Education units to licensed Marriage ficult to obtain reliable information “Marriage is a legal relationship including college,” Gehrls said. ing doors and knowing who’s out perhaps not. But to many students, and Family Counselors and Clinical about sex,” Keesling said. that gives the government too much “The single most important thing there before you open it solves 99 Keesling, a Cal State Fullerton Social Workers. Keesling has a After working as an art model control over your life,” Keesling to do is lock your doors. percent of the problems as far as human sexualty professor, is honest, master’s in psychology and a doc- in college, as a mail carrier, truck said. “You really limit your liability theft and personal safety,” Gehrls insightful and refreshing. torate in health psychology, yet stu- driver and mental hospital attendant, This does not mean Keesling is and increase your own personal said. “Her lectures are really informa- dents said they admired her for her Keesling found her calling in psy- a cynic. She often recommends sex safety if the door is locked. If you tive, and she is cool, very open, lack of pretense. Keesling currently chology. She took some university toys to those committed lovebirds don’t know who it is, you ask who and outgoing,” said sophomore Thu conducts a private sex therapy prac- courses on human sexuality but said it is. If you don’t like them, you Tran. ProfESSor/ 3 don’t let them in. Plans for entertainment business concentration sparked by Disney nENTERTAINMENT: expected to start operation by the One of those executives from the industry because they have fall of 2000. the business world who will lend reached that certain age where Paul Pressler, presi- “We want to develop a cur- his expertise to CSUF’s new pro- they have become financially sta- riculum and program that prepares gram is Paul S. Pressler, president ble and can afford to spend more. dent of Walt Disney [students] in the entertainment and of Walt Disney Attractions and “When the baby boomers decide tourism industry,” said Ephraim P. keynote speaker. to spend more, they decide to do Attractions, was the Smith, CSUF’s vice president of Pressler runs the company’s so with their families,” Pressler keynote speaker for academic affairs. “The California theme parks and resorts, and over- said. tourism industry added 100,000 sees the ESPN Zone, DisneyQuest He also said that technology, Entertainment Day jobs over the last several years.” and Club Disney as well as Walt like the Internet, is a main force of Smith also added that the indus- Disney Imagineering, which the future of entertainment. BY FERMIN LEAL try grew 83 percent over the past designs the company’s theme According to Pressler, the Asst. News Editor decade and is expected to double parks, hotels and other facilities. Internet will reach 53 percent of in size in the next few years. “Entertainment rules the world,” Americans by 2003.