Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme Replay 1975 'T'
Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme Replay 1975 't'--.-..-. _. -'-'._ •• _ ....._ • .-.:.---. ..;... .------..-.<1 I c.L.G. TIOBRAD ARANN ! ,• I /. I THURLES I - , SARSFIELDS I I I I I , I I . I, 'II ' I I I I I ! ! I I I / ,! I. I co. S. H. FINAL RE PLAY I.' AT SEMPLE STADIUM, THURLES ON SUNDAY. OCTOBER 26th , I' MUiNE GALL •• CILL RUAIN I I (M oneygaU) (KiJruane McDonagh) I 1/ ~1':'F.G "f';NAt. /1 Na Tracbtalai (Cloomel Commercial.) , Lation.lmleacb v. (Lattin.Emly) i I Moltoir- W. O'Reilly (Roscrea). I ,..1 . LUACH:.. _----.-.: .... .-.--.-._._":: lOp. .. .. -..j __ __ __ "THE TlI'PERA.ltY STAR.'· T HURU>8. Do You Remember • • • Fifty )"e.Ors "KO, Tipperary • • ~pres en{ . d by a Saberl.b. n ••I« .ioo. wOn tbe All_I.¢I.nd seo;o, butline title by del ••t ing Galway by 5·6 to I.j, the "<>uory" tentb championship, and Ih. firs' ,,,,,,•• ;on they wore the !>mod Blue and Gold 'W W<! ~now it today. w. are honou,ed in h.,ing plesen! at today" game .", oivor8 of tbat great ""ca,ion in the person. of Martin Kennedy no"",eva.a), Tom Duffy (1.<>"00), lohn J ~ Ha!• • (Moycarley.Borri.), Paddy DWYer (BoherJahan), Jack Power (Bohetlahan and New Yo rk). R ndy Nealon (Yougbal."a), and Willi" O'DwY<r. wh<> "'as ""el.tary of tbe Boherl.han club . , t hat lime. On the way to the final, Tippe,.,y def. ated Kerry, C ork in • thriller, and Waterford in the Munster final.
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