H. G. Wells Time Traveler
Items on Exhibit 1. H. G. Wells – Teacher to the World 11. H. G. Wells. Die Zeitmaschine. (Illustrierte 21. H. G. Wells. Picshua [sketch] ‘Omaggio to 1. H. G. Wells (1866-1946). Text-book of Klassiker, no. 46) [Aachen: Bildschriftenverlag, P.C.B.’ [1900] Biology. London: W.B. Clive & Co.; University 196-]. Wells Picshua Box 1 H. G. Wells Correspondence College Press, [1893]. Wells Q. 823 W46ti:G Wells 570 W46t, vol. 1, cop. 1 Time Traveler 12. H. G. Wells. La machine à explorer le temps. 7. Fantasias of Possibility 2. H. G. Wells. The Outline of History, Being a Translated by Henry-D. Davray, illustrated by 22. H. G. Wells. The World Set Free [holograph Plain History of Life and Mankind. London: G. Max Camis. Paris: R. Kieffer, [1927]. manuscript, ca. 1913]. Simon J. James is Head of the Newnes, [1919-20]. Wells 823 W46tiFd Wells WE-001, folio W-3 Wells Q. 909 W46o 1919 vol. 2, part. 24, cop. 2 Department of English Studies, 13. H. G. Wells. Stroz času : Neviditelný. 23. H. G. Wells to Frederick Wells, ‘Oct. 27th 45’ Durham University, UK. He has 3. H. G. Wells. ‘The Idea of a World Translated by Pavla Moudrá. Prague: J. Otty, [Holograph letter]. edited Wells texts for Penguin and Encyclopedia.’ Nature, 138, no. 3500 (28 1905. Post-1650 MS 0667, folder 75 November 1936) : 917-24. Wells 823 W46tiCzm. World’s Classics and The Wellsian, the Q. 505N 24. H. G. Wells’ Things to Come. Produced by scholarly journal of the H. G. Wells Alexander Korda, directed by William Cameron Society.
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