The analysis of marked and weighted empirical processes of estimated residuals Vanessa Berenguer-Rico Department of Economics; University of Oxford; Oxford; OX1 3UQ; UK and Mansfield College; Oxford; OX1 3TF
[email protected] Søren Johansen Department of Economics; University of Copenhagen and CREATES; Department of Economics and Business; Aarhus University
[email protected] Bent Nielsen1 Department of Economics; University of Oxford; Oxford; OX1 3UQ; UK and Nuffield College; Oxford; OX1 1NF; U.K. 29 April 2019 Summary An extended and improved theory is presented for marked and weighted empirical processes of residuals of time series regressions. The theory is motivated by 1- step Huber-skip estimators, where a set of good observations are selected using an initial estimator and an updated estimator is found by applying least squares to the selected observations. In this case, the weights and marks represent powers of the regressors and the regression errors, respectively. The inclusion of marks is a non-trivial extention to previous theory and requires refined martingale arguments. Keywords 1-step Huber-skip; Non-stationarity; Robust Statistics; Stationarity. 1 Introduction We consider marked and weighted empirical processes of residuals from a linear time series regression. Such processes are sums of products of an adapted weight, a mark that is a power of the innovations and an indicator for the residuals belonging to a half line. They have previously been studied by Johansen & Nielsen (2016a) - JN16 henceforth - generalising results by Koul & Ossiander (1994) and Koul (2002) for processes without marks. The results presented extend and improve upon expansions previously given in JN16, while correcting a mistake in the argument, simplifying proofs and allowing weaker conditions on the innovation distribution and regressors.