KITED BRETHREN IK CHRIST, the Foot of Trinity Mountain
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■: '■ , r.; ■ ‘ !' ' Bar. W. J. SH.UEY, Publisher. “NCTW WE SEE THBOUGH A GLASS, DABKLY; BUT THEN PACE TO PACE.” Her. MILTON WEIGHT, Editor. VOLUME XXXVI. NO. 7. DAYTON, OHIO, OCTOBER 20, 1869. WHOLE NUMBER 1535. RELIGIOUS TELESCOPE. and far between. Reaching the foot For more than a hundred miles we are in life and character, our children, in ing over, the farmer sets himself to A Great Missionary Meeting. hills we commence the upward ascent. were passing through this kind of a great measure, We make an Harvest his corn-crop. This is one of published weekly at $2.00 per Annum, On and on, and still on we went, country. Here, in this dismal region, indelible impression upon them, an im the great staples of the really great The American Board for foreign mis FOB THU CHURCH OP THE through deep ravines, around terrible we passed through what is called the pression that they would not free them state of Iowa. This season, however, sions, sustained by the Congregational gulches and canons, until we reached Ten-mile Canon—the wildest place I selves of if they could, and one they the corn-crop is rather light, owing to and New-School Presbyterian churches, KITED BRETHREN IK CHRIST, the foot of Trinity Mountain. Here ever saw. To describe it would be could not if they would. Our example the many and unheard-of floods , that is now celebrating its sixtieth anni we commenced to go up in earnest. impossible. Sometimes we w^re is ever at work upon the family circle. have come upon them during the sea versary in the. Third Presbyterian , Wrtr «very ten new subscribers, or old ones renewed, » i S h wnb the cash, we will give on additional copy For more than a day we had been as above the tops of the tallest trees. Silently, and it may be slowly, yet son. It has been a hard” season for, the church in this city. The attendance is 'They may bo sent one at a time or all together. ShTraraon sending names will be expected to keep ac- cending, and now we had six miles Many years ago an emigrant train surely, it is blessing or blighting the bud people. Wheat was very poor, and very large, and the services are held, at Mrmtdf the number sent. (Subscriptions f0r a shorter time than one year are more to the summit. Here opened up got into tills place, and were nine of immortal life committed to our care. much of it spoiled before. it could her the same time, in two of the largest -Motived nt the same rates. The terms are strictly cash in advance, and the sub the finest scenery I had ever looked up weeks in going ten miles. “'But I will We shall die and be buried; but the reaped and thrashed, so that. it is churches in Pittsburg. Last year was scriptions are discontinued as soon as the time paid for on. The road winds along the side of hurry along. Finally we reached echo of our voice shall be prolonged scarcely marketable at any price. one of great prosperity at home and ^jommnnicatlons should be addressed to the Editor, business lette™,n the mountain, where, to the unskilled Willamette Valley. I have not yet through many succeeding years. For Bishop Weaver thought there ought to abroad. The Board supports eighteen engineer, it would be deemed impassi passed through its whole length. I am gotten by many, we shall live both in be a law passed to prevent the people missions in Asia, Africa, and among ble. In some places the road is very now in Philomath, some seventy miles the memory and conduct of those that from leaving their wheat in shocks out the American Indians. In these mis SATES OP ADVERTISING. narrow. On one side it may be two from the head of this valley. When I grew up about us. Long after our in the field till September. I wonder sions there are six hundred and forty- one sun are flO lines Agate' typo, or its equivalent have seen more of it I will tell you tongue is hushed in death, will the who would pass that law? It would roweJi first Insertion------------------- ------------- |1.50 hundred feet high, almost perpendicu one stations where the gospel is preach Onesquare, each additional Insertion......... ........... 1.00 lar, and on the other side as fax down. more about it. voice of parental character be heard. have to control the clouds. If the ed. The number of ordained mission All advertisements for a less time than three months will be charged by the square, unless otherwise agreed Everything seems to depend upon the Do you ask me how I feel ? Well, The changes of life, the cares of the bishop can persuade the Iowans that he aries, physicians, and female assistants upon All of three months, and over, will be charged atthc following rates:__________________________ skill of the driver., A variation of one sir, it would be very hard to tell. Five world, the eager pursuit of business, can do that, he may secure a seat in their sent from the United States, is three foot, and you go down from two to three days and nights on the stage through the rough brushing by of men, the ef state legislature. hundred and fifty-two. Of native pas yTnmber of Squares. 11 3 mos. | 6 mos. Il2 mos. hundred feet. Reaching the summit those mountains gives a man a bit of facing finger of Time, can not obliter The com husked, or cut up in shocks (too square,. « 13 $ 2a UU tors there are one hundred and six, and Two square,... 27 00 45 00 experience that he will not soon forget. ate the impressed life of parents. Our to be . husked, or fed to stock without Three squares,. 40 00 C7 50 you might imagine that the worst is of native preachers, helpers, and teach 54 00 00 00 now over; but no, it is just commenc I slept four hours during the trip— sons and daughters will not only think husking at all,, through the winter, the jj. tO squares, . - .......... 67 50 112 50 ers, eight hundred and seventy-five. One fourth column, . 47 00 81 00 135 00 not on the stage, mind you, that was and speak of us tenderly and affection- fanner starts his plow for his next Quo third column............ 152 00 100 00 ■ 155 00 ing. The driver cracks his whip and Whole number of laborers connected One half column,............ 87 00 140 00 235 00 away you go, down, down, down, full out of the question, biitthey stopped a&ly when we are gone, but will be wheat-crop. I had supposed that as Two thirds column.......... 2 0 0 0 0 310 00 with the American Board, one thou Three fourths column, . 245 00 415 00 at one place that long. I am badly governed in life by our undying influ the wheat was not sowed till spring the One column (20 squares). 310 00 525 00 speed, from eight to ten miles an hour, sand three hundred and thirty-three. never checking up until you reach the used up. Every bone and muscle is ence more than any or all other pow plowing had to be done then; but I The- entire income of the Board—the bottom, ou the other side. sore—I am sore all over—and that, you ers in the world. learn that land plowed in the fall re voluntary contributions of its friends— Between Trinity and Scott mount know, is a good deal. Josh Billings Then the early sowing of holy seed, quires nothing more in the spring than was $424,457;. derived from legacies, Circulation, 12,000. ains we passed through a most dismal said that Brigham Young was the most the implanting of correct life-principles, merely to have the wheat well harrow $93,562; the ^balance from churches and; region. Hills, bluffs, rocks, gulahes, married man he ever saw. I presume and , the inculcation of all that relates ed in, and the grain will do as well, or individuals. The total expenditures ffiDtrespotiiiefice. and mountains are all-around. j, that I am the most sore man in this to that , higher life, “a . life hid with better, than, if it had not been plowed1 was $331,661.32, leaving a debt of $5,- Scott Mountain. The ascent is one region. There was but one through Christ and God,” should be the stud till spring. This is a great help to 925. Where? mile shorter than Trinity, but is passenger, and he gave it up the fifth ied, earnest, continued work of every the farmer. He can plow for wheat The Board published fifteen millions enough steeper to make up for all that. evening. I advise all men, every •Christian parent. The conversion of after nearly all the other work of the nine hundred and fifty-seven thou- . Didst thou say I would find in this world of It was a beautiful moonlight night where, that have the least regard for a our children—I prefer this old-fashion season is done. And it is much better sand six hundred and forty one pages, ours, when we crossed this mountain, and it common humanity, never to under ed word to any other—should be sought for man and beast fo plow in the soft thus using the press to scatter the This land oftho blight, undecaying flowers, take to go through without stopping at first and most of all.