26/08/2019 https://josaa.nic.in/seatinfo/root/InstProfile.aspx?instcd=109 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Type of the institute: Indian Institute of Technology JEE Office, DOAA Building, IIT Kanpur, Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, Complete Mailing Address: India Contact Person For Admission: Chairman Designation: JEE (Advanced) 2019 Email:
[email protected] Alternate Email: Phone Nos: 0512-2597325 Fax No: 0512-2590103 Mobile No.: About the Institute: IIT Kanpur is reputed all over the world for its innovative academic programmes stressing science based engineering education. Since its inception in 1960, the Institute has been engaged in carrying out original research of significance and technology development at the cutting edge. It offers students an exciting academic experience with opportunities to pursue interdisciplinary programmes and collaborative research within the Institute as well as through various exchange programmes with universities across the world. In addition, a vibrant array of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provides students with a holistic educational experience preparing them for a wide range of professions after graduation. The time spent at IIT Kanpur makes a student grow from being a good learner into being a good thinker and a good researcher in his/her chosen field. Even undergraduate research at IIT Kanpur has won the Institute many laurels. Innovation is an integral part of teaching at IIT Kanpur. While the curriculum represents the Institute's vision for a given programme, the teaching methods are a choice of the individual teachers and reflect their vision. Faculty has immense freedom to experiment in the teaching. IIT Kanpur offers a liberal undergraduate education, where knowledge of science and technology is part of a broader knowledge platform.