21st Inter IIT Staff Sports Meet 2013

1 2 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK 21. Trophies 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 13 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. Officialsforthemeet 9. Trophy and 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. I. Contents INTER IIT STAFF SPORTS MEETRULEBOOK Special Disciplinary Clause Rules Football 23 Rules 22 Rules Rules / / 21 Rules Athletics 19 General rule Expenses rules Disruption/ Postponement Conduct andprotest 15 Tournaments Schedule Jersey andcolourforallIITs and Eligibility Inter IIT Sports Board Draws Aim and Objectives 9

24 7 14 12 Certificate 20 16 10 22 21 st InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 18 14 13 8 6 5 Page 3 4 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK BOOK 1. AIM AND OBJECTIVE 1. AIMAND Indian Instituteof Technology. Rajasthan, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, the The MEET RULES AND REGULATIONINTER IIT FOR STAFF SPORTS (e) (d) To (c) (b) The (a) Inter sixteen

mention above. to other activities asmaybe conducive and such sports Toof the matter relatedthe organization discuss to staff andfacultyoftheIITs. developmentamong the through sports of character life situation. only games inthemodernera. association amongthem. the harmony, encourage be competition inrecognizedeventto organize sports to ToIITsin raisethestandardofsports work forthe and to To make them aware and of theimportantsports the IIT help basic Ropar, staff in Indore, Staff Indian aim sports, them Bombay, objective and understanding and sportsmanship, Sports and Kanpur, Institute learn faculty games objective Roorkee Meet of to Delhi, Kharagpur, the and move of of will and of the Inter by exercises Technology to the skillfully Gandhi be rotation friendly promote IITs IIT 21 Inter held Madras, Staff st and InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 but IIT every and Nagar, interaction at to and Sports situated also Sports any effectively foster Mandi, create year, in one Guwahati, Meet all Meet, a among among Patna, better of active BHU, close shall not the as 5 6 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK minimum of 2/3 a meetingof conduct quorum to The be Board shall Sports shall berecordedandcirculatedtoitsmembers. the meetings. proceedings of all themeetings minutes of The of the Board shalloccupySports the the and conduct Chair all Chairman ofthe Sports Board or hisnominee shall preside over the following- board 2013The sports shallbe at IIT of Guwahati and willconsist where headquarters of thesportsboard shall be located attheplace of The 2. INTERIIT STAFF SPORTS BOARD Sports Meet. Additional Sports (May the The be amemberonadhocbasis,withoutanyvoting right. individual The issue. a of vote. Incase be decideda majority proceedings shall by All In tie, c PTIsoftheIIT (c) Chairman (b) Director, (a) Sports pursuance effective actual Sports Sports staff be the the Board IIT on convener/chairman, in Inter sports start Board Staff Board meetings the Board an Meeting

supervision of advisory IIT inaugural of Sports Board. rd IIT of of thetotalmembership of the Sports Board. meetings. board Sports, the the staff shall the Guwahati may Guwahati, will Events responsibilities Inter sports capacity, meet shall Convener ofthe day be of be IIT called In of the of shall meet be called at or Staff his the Organizing Sports if the his constituted IIT be in needed, shall absence, Inter Sports nominee during the host the staff vested Meet be month IIT Staff chairman Meet IIT, as hosted Secretary. sports Staff the 2013).Preliminary the in special for shall Sports Board. one of may Inter the Co-Convener Sports the July/August. in of day meet. decide invite that invitee Board, the IIT purpose before Meet. year. Staff Inter The any the to it

3. ELIGIBILITY conduct ofthemeet: shall (e) Over (d) To (c) (b) To (a) (b) (a) have Sports Meet. conducive and to promote suchotheractivitiesthatmaybe To discussmatters related to theorganizationofsports Meet anditsdecisionshallbebindingonallparties. authority todecide matter on any arising during a Sports members present. Sports Addition ordeletionofanyevent to datefixedforthe actually employees mentioned in the list are regular the list employeesemployees mentioned in the The DirectororRegistrarIIT will certify of theconcerned respective institute. so their appointment renewed for atleast another oneyear service and year of or shouldhavecompleted one years respective institute either of a minimum period of 02 should haveserved in their employees contract on areeligible participate. pay approved to of scale Such due recruitment/selection processinthegovernment who have recruited the advertisement against by All permanentemployeeare andthose in contractual amend, as the coordinate participant’s and to Meet following fixed become above to modify, rules the

by these the the aims specific list eligible, with formulate Student Meet. Staff Sports with powers, and a majority powers Sports objectives for specific Meet or sports the 21 delete Board in st Board vote InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 based mention connection contingent of or the the from shall with on Inter Inter that among be the reference

with the IIT IIT of all dates Staff Staff their final the the the

7 8 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK 4. JERSEY COLOUR FOR EACH IIT Table 1 to studentsandshallbeasfollows: The jerseyallotted colours be atparwith ofeachIITshall colour Indore Hyderabad Guwahati Gandhinagar Delhi Bombay Bhubaneshwar BHU, II T (e) (d) (c) Varanasi as specifiedinrules3(a). year full-time one service of the completion subjected to period of three meet years includingInterIIT sports 2013 Howeverrules maybeexempted new IITs this for a for authority oftherespectiveinstitute. Meet All themembers taking participationin InterIIT Sports versa isNOT permitted. 10. The transfer of seatsfrommentowomenandvice- exceed exceed 55 andnumbersofwomencannot cannot women. contingent The maximum strength oftheindividual IIT Sports regulations. fulfill inapproved scale ofpayand contract or employees on the should In criteria no is fixed have case, White Red Green White Sky-blue Maroon Black BHU, Major as at Varanasi valid the 55 given men number ID

in (including card clause of issued men Sky Blue White Black Black Blue Red Orange Minor 3(a) two in by a officials) of competent contingent rules + and 10 inclusion of team A, B, C shall be by drawing of lots for each game IITs).The other (of teams remaining the indicate C and A,B and meet sports previous the in game particular that of runners-up, of the following the help and Winner the indicate R, and W below table the the In table. with be prepared should other than athletics, game, every for schedule tentative the general, In be informed well inadvance. should schedule new The changed. be can games particular for schedule the entries, numbersof the on Depending events. the made with the assumption that all the 16 IITs will participate in all be should schedule membersThe presentof votesame. for the dates can only be changed during the Boards Meeting if majority above The IITs. the all to advance in tournaments different for times and date of tentative schedule a inform shall IIT host The 5. SCHEDULE AND DRAWS past. contingent front andthename of the concerned IIT at theback. All the should have which the monogramsat their contingents only. All theparticipatingIITsto will alsobeissuingtracksuits kits (except Playing colours. tracksuit)willbe of above colour All theparticipating IITsadhere willstrictly to theirassigned Ropar Roorkee Patna Mandi Madras Kharagpur Kanpur Jodhpur members will Light Yellow Steel Grey Brown Blue Dark Orange Golden Yellow Navy Blue Violet wear this tracksuit 21 st InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 Green Black Black Black Navy Blue White White during the March- 9 10 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK • 6. TOURNAMENTS The matc Table 2 team willbebannedfor ap no team will be allowed to withdraw. If any team withdraws, the will be considered as null and void. After giving entry in the draws more or teams, one redraw of of the withdrawalfixture willof be done andcases the previousother fixture all In done. be will its entry and if, it was in the pool of 4 teams, no redraw of fixture withdraws one team first If Board. the Sports during of meeting • • • • Matches Day each competition for team 1 only enter shall IIT each that noted be should It will be eliminated from the competition and the results of results the and competition the from eliminated be will Anyteam refusing to play match properwithout justification match, lost a exceptfor for football match asunder.point 0 and draw a for point 1 win, a for points 2 awarded be will team a matches, league of case In not exceeding thenumberallowed inTable-3 sport/game, each for players of list a submit shall IIT Every of participants allowed inthat particular number event. maximum the exceed that not certificates will awarded of be can number maximum the event, each In For others Football hes willbeplayed onleague-cum-knockoutbasis. II I W VsC R Vs B R Vs 2 3 A 1 eriod ofoneyear. W VsA R VsC 1 1 B 2 0 0 R VsA B VsC W 3 W Vs B W Vs A VsC R 4 W Vs R W Vs A Vs B A Vs C 5 (A) Table 3 member Sports of majority the by accepted Staff be mustany if Amendments Meet. IIT Inter year’s particular that in followed strictly ofall be shall meeting Board Sports the staff federation first upt events by and games adopted are that Rules/Regulations overall Championshipandsoon. in Place First the for tie the deciding for account into taken be maximum number of first positions (Gold) secured by a team will to compute the points. In case of a tie for overall Championship, case of a tie for a particular sport/game, Table 3 and 5 will be used the highest points will be awarded the general championship. In securing IIT The separately. added be will events various in IIT each by secured points The 5. & in mentioned -3 are thatTable The Inter IIT Staff Sports Meet shall consist of all the sports events Tennis Volleyball Table Tennis Football Cricket Basketball Badminton Athletics MEN Events team may bedebarred from participation for next year. All such cases will be referred to Sports Board. The particular cancelled. be will team such by played already matches the s present inthepre-meet board. Points 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 I 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 II III 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 perevent from eachIIT Maximum numberofparticipants 21 st InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 4 perevent (forrelay) 20 10 15 15 4 4 4 11 12 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK Table 4 (B) holder. like secretary game, awarded In 7. IIT staffsportsmeetshallbeaRolling staff Institute shallaward The host all the trophiesof Inter IIT Tied for Position Table Tennis Badminton Long Jump) 200M, Athletics (100M, Women TROPHIES AN team athletics, sports III II I signed Shot Put&

In to games, of case the meet. the (Athletics) No. oftiedteams certificates by winners, Inter of 16.0 D CERTIFICATES 8.0 2.0 the II certificates Only athletics, IIT Chairman, 10 10 10 I staff the runners shall Championship special 12.5 sports 5.0 1.0 III of be 6 6 6 II up Convener awarded merit Board. and championship Trophy. (other Sports) No. oftiedteams the and III 2 2 2 4.0 8.0 1.0 up II and Trophy In third medals individual to 2 perevent 2 perevent 2 perevent participants number of Maximum the third place of certificates organizing the shall position 6.0 0.0 2.0 of III events each Inter be addressed event, with the concerned rule and other protestinconnection any Protest against thedecision ofanumpire/referee on a point of in thatevent. the remaining teamswillbeconsidered asparticipating teams have awalk-overmark and conceding of protest shall be deemed to entertained. the For 9. CONDUCT/PROTEST appoint suitableofficialsforthemeet. Umpires, the Federation referees and umpires shall be appointed to supervise up final shall be of fact umpires/referees all points on decisions whose competent selecting beresponsible for IIT shall organizing The 8. OFFICIALS FOR THE MEET holder f will beprovided up tothirdplace trophy General championship and certificates. The certificates totheparticipantsinInterIITstaffsportsmeet. them. obtained points by theindividual as per norms laid down of shall be awarded the basisofhighest for men andwomenon by umpires Logo Sports all and lost the shall Only or bothmanandwomen. games binding. the of the host to Meet. Inter be the fixture will Therefore, organizing the IIT and writing IIT be IIT The well Jury and In Staff sports, staff final panel case in along will any of sports Sports advance. and secretary be Appeal, the of of team with binding eliminated umpires/referees non-availability Board decision Board leaving a Only shall Organizing protest 21 must and is st qualified InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 from of authorized the have no be the fee field protest used the of shall the of Institute referees Association/ event. Association of

Rs. for power be to play shall medals 500.00 drawn award Only as and and be to a 13 14 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK whose rulingshallbefinal. cab rules IncasewheretheFederation/Association Association. rules shall beas thecasemaybe postponedor continued andasper eventAny abandoned ordisrupted due to unavoidable reasons 10. DISRUPTION/POSTPONMENT are presentedandaccepted bytheBoard. shall from theannouncedtimingofeventa walk-over andthen team/competitorminutes be permitted A shall15 a graceof to the Jury of Appeal withinanhourofarrival. conducted & of an houroftheconclusion Institute within Board oftheHost must reachthe Organizing member any the Secretary orof IIT. the to IIT will provide First Aid andEmergencytreatment for theinjury calculated depending on thenumber of daysstay. The host teams. own lodging expensesofits These expensesshallbe Each 11. EXPENSES designation any the major not be specified IIT concerned of

awarded, be the shall treatment, outside, implemented, participating in of bear the unless game that the current the if particular protest any, genuine duly travelling, the player’s rules will signed decision in reasons to IIT. of writing staff/officials, be by the incidental, In will borne the respective beyond case shall be Officials by left of be his/her the further boarding events to handed Federation/ with respective the control cost Board name being over and of 12. GENERAL RULES 12. GENERAL (g) (f) (e) (d) The (c) (b) (a) It is compulsory for all contingent members be to forallcontingent compulsory It is All theparticipantswillbringtheirIDcards and It willbe the responsibility oftheBoardtoprovide the Sports IIT willbeproviding of the host Association equipmentregardingThe information which thesports 65from eachIITis strength contingent The total (55 members. Board and its decisionwill be binding on all contingent by the action the samewilllead disciplinary to Sports present IITs. provide participate. a particularIITto IIT willalso host The to theplayersasmentionedat12(a)from cards only photograph. IIT The host may issue participant pr-meet boardmeeting. latest changesintherules and regulations during the rules. RoomControl sothatanymember can refer to the all thegamesat federationof the latest rulebook advance toallparticipatingIITs. all IITs bytheendof October. will permitted. of seats frommen to womenand vice-versa will not be men be order including used list during of of in events participants sports 02 the officials shall March-past. meet be of +10 must all fixed 21 IITs women). st InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 be and to Noncompliance sent the notified to officials The officials transfer well of

all of of in 15 16 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK 13. ATHLETICS13. (i) (h) (g) In (f) The (e) In (d) As (c) Expect (b) (a) Best Athlete willbe decided by the maximum number If anathlete after qualifyingin hearts doesnot secured The sum totalofpoints in allevents in Athletics shall beconductedunderthe The competition until orunlesshehasavalid reasonasper AAFI rules. competition participate Athletics. by relay event hasdouble weightage. In shared by bothathletes and IITsin asshown Table-6. championship arealsoindicatedinthetable. will beheld. athletics for points The corresponding chosen forthefinals. will be losers two and Best each ofthethreeHeats Lanes willbedrawnassoonthefirstcallisgiven. fifteen with onereserveperevent shallbeaccepted. event. e reserve more thanthreecompetitorspluson per not modified. adopted from time to timeby AAFI unlessotherwise International Amateur Federation RulesAthletic as case a case far an competitions standard as IIT minutes For for of of possible, will relay relay relay tie in and the determine track for events, before races, races, will finals, changes, in an of not the individual each not the eight the be he events 1st,


start points considered may if IIT lanes, 2nd any, will of shown than be event, will and should be the debarred the one be entitled for 3rd event. in first points double be best entry the positions intimated two from Table-5, to

Lots athlete, will of as enter from four the the for

be in Table 5 Long Jump Shot put 200 M 100 M EVENTS(WOMEN) Javelin Discuss Shot put Hammer Long Jump High Jump 4 x100MRelay 1500 M 800 M 400 M 200 M 100 M EVENTS(MEN) j Certificates (j) all theathleticevents. Championship. the athlete in obtained byan of points Athletic FOR

INDIVIDUAL shall 10 be 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 I awarded

POSITIONS 6 II 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 for 21 the st InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 first III 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 three

places IV 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 17 18 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK 14. BADMINTON/LAWN TENNIS/TABLE14. TENNIS Table 6 for PositionTied (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) (a) III II I Tie intheleague will be matchesresolved successively The orderofeventsshall beFirst Single/Doubles/ be decided of the resultofbestshall by match Each The tie shallbe decided by thecombined result of 2 The tournament will be conducted onthelinesofInter- The comp ii. i. by applyingthefollowing criteria: Second Single. of fivegames. three 2 matches. be declared when either of thecompetingteams wins singles Badminton/Tennis/Tablestate TennisChampionships. otherwise modified. to International Federationrules as adopted from time time Ratio of (Individual won/Individual of matches Ratio matches the the resultsof considering Tie willberesolvedby lost). second singlematch. games,

and by the etition shall be conducted underetition the 1 4.0 double. 2.5 1.5 except II respective TT The No. oftiedteams which Associations result 2.0 1.0 3.5 III will of b a e tie, decided of however, India, 0.5 3.5 1.5 IV on unless best can 15. BASKET (c) During (b) (a) Tie in the leagueTie in matcheswillbe resolvedby accordingbe conducted The tournamentwill the to iv. If iii. If ii. If i. successively applyingthefollowingcriteria: the tie. breakto necessary as is 5 minuteseach extra periodsof be the unless otherwisemodified. from time to time by the Indian Basketball Federation International Basketball Federation Rules as adopted iv. iii. If the teams are still tied after the second Ratio of(Points for/Points against). (Gamesof Ration the team/Games by by lost won (iii) a their games will be used in thecalculationof(ii) and tied. results ofthegames between the teams thatare determine classification, league matchesbetweentiedteamalone. at the against’ consideringthescores to‘points for’ will be resolved on thebasisofratio‘points the otherteam. the league in will beplacesabove the match won has the team) applied, BALL scheduled there two more matches, bove. teams are than i.e., the still Time, two are the the if placing, teams the tied game teams Basketball basket score head that taking shall

are average are is 21 to equal continue same st head, Federation into InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 tied, in account after will the the placing, with results team be the Rules as only used end the which many of will the tie all to of 19 20 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK 16. CRICKET g If (g) (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) Matches (a) If there isatie during the Semi Final matches(knock After theleague matches ifalltheteams of apool The Cricket the rules and should discuss Captains The bowling team is given 100 minutes to complete its All thematchesshallbeleague-cum- conducted on iv. ofwickets lost inall iii. No. Netrunratewillbeapplied ii. i. Semi Finalslineup. on thebasisoffollowingrules for qualifyingtothe out) superoverruleswillbeimplemented. better teamwillbeplacedforthe Semi Finals. the basisofnetrunrate on then having equalpoints approve theplananditwillbeimplemented. Board meeting. The Boardmeeting and should discuss and should submit the report before the First Sports regulations for theconductofcricket matches be decidedbyalltheIIT Captains priortothemeet. quota of20 over’s. The penaltyforeveryover will short semi-finals andfinalwillalsobeof20 over’s. bowl amaximum bowler can Each of 4over’s. The 20 over’sthe opposingteam unless is dismissed earlier. knock outbasis and each side is allowed to complete Control for force,

there If still tie persist spin a coin will decide a coin the bestlooser spin tie persist If still Whichever teamscoresmaximum points team. (T 20 Formatwillbefollowed) as is shall adopted three Cricket inIndia,unlessotherwisemodified. be pools, played from the time according thematchesplayed best to looser time to by the will the ICC be Board decided Rules of in d In (d) (c) (b) Matches (a) 17. FOOTBALL c) When b) When a) MATCHES RULES AGAINST) shown duringthematch. officials debarred for thenextmatch.Itwillbe the dutyoftable whether knock-out-stage, penaltykickrulewillbefollowed. the During Federation unlessotherwisemodified. as adopted time bythe from timeto All IndiaFootball second teamstoppedbatting. rate scoring atthatparticular point where and when the on number the total ofover’spossible not andiffurtherplayis continued asin(a). for Team and iftheteam yet batted batting secondhasnot fit forplayornot. stopped. The umpires shall decide whether thegroundis itself, If a player is shown 2 yellowor1red card irrespectiveIf aplayerisshown of shall be60minutes(30-10-30). The durationofeachmatch If theteam batting secondhasbatted for more than half case the at REGARDING tie AFFECTED BYRAIN/FOG rain rein least the of still the same, to shall shown tie, affects affects match of inform persists, league half goal all be the in the the played the differences, play THE will the stage, league winner the matches number play be during concerned POSTPONEMENT points according during

after continued, or will of knock-out played the (i.e., shall the be over’s, the 21 innings captain Goals to the st expiry be InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 innings by the from shared the team the stage, FOR rules of about of match where OF the of team play-time, minus with the of equally.

he first CRICKET any the shall Second will will it better Goals team

FIFA card was be be be In if 21 22 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK c Any (c) (b) (a) 18. VOLLEYBALL (c) Each (b) (a) 19. after disciplinary committee. the decisionofthiscommittee willbebindingonallIITs. of atleast onepersonfrom Board each IITconsisting and matches. between the tied teams and thenbased on overall league ranking. having matches already played will be cancelled. Incaseofteams be eliminated fromthecompetitionandresultsof basis. All thematchesshallbe played on thebasisof3sets. India (VFI)shallbefollowedunlessotherwisemodified. adapted from time to time bythe Volleyball of Association throughout thetournamentshallbeconsidered. considered. The tournament shall be played on league knockoutThe tournamentshallbeplayedon cum The rulesof theInternational Volleyball Federationas The responsibilities of this committee will be The responsibilitiesof this to look A disciplinarycommittee will be constituted bythe Sports DISCIPLINARY RULES i. ii. team games Lost) Ratio of(Total numbergame of Won/Total number of number ofLostPoints). Ratio of(Total number points/Totalof winning and IIT equal will The refusing maintain If nominate calculation points, tie still to discipline play persists, following one will a match Sport be during number rules first without Board Inter based will of goals Member justification IIT determine on Staff ‘AGAINST’ the for Sports match will the the with thegeneraltenorandspiritofsaid rules. applicable accordancethe rulesmostnearly and in the lightof 20. Possession (f) No (e) Unruly (d) Any point director totake disciplinaryactionagainsttheplayer. meet. IIT board the concerned recommendThe sports to Inter IITsports taking partin be debarredyearsin two for an campus, members of thecontingent/board found drunken inthe ground& consumption allowed insidethetrackduringmeet. shall begenerallydealtwith,punishment/debarringetc. Meet. of the IIT concerned shall be debarred from the Inter IIT the conducting Meet. SPECIAL CLAUSE immediate board. members, not In behavior then roads case directly In officials, of they of case

effect. of of liquor, including of liquor nay covered the would of the the In unruly further institute staff in carrying addition, concerned be hostels, by the members expelled dissent violation, this is Board of completely the 21 rules, guest st intoxicating IIT or from InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 concerned of members, gesture the shall shall house, any the particular IIT be banned.if be campus against contingent parks, warned decided

player drinks shall

team with play any will the be by in & 23 24 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK . Cricket 4. Basketball 3. Badminton 2. Athletic 1. MEN Women upto3rdposition(Running/Rolling Trophy) IIT STAFFINTER MEET SPORTS TROPHIES . Table 3. Badminton 2. Athletic 1. WOMEN Volleyball 8. Table 7. Tennis 6. Football 5. Inter Trophy Trophy Trophy runner-up runner-up. runner-up. Trophy up Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy IIT

Overall Tennis Tennis Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship General Championship Championship Championship Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy Trophy & & & for & & & & 1 for 1 1 1 for st st 1 1 & st st women 1 and 2 and2 st Trophy and 2 st and2 st and2 women and2 1 women and2 st and 2 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd & for Runners-up Runners-up Runners-up Runners-up Runners-up Runners-up Runners-up & & nd 1 1 Runners- 1 st Men st and2 st and2 and2 and nd nd nd

21 st InterIITStaffSportsMeet2013 25 26 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Gymkhana Sports, RULE BOOK