The Upanisads
THE UPANISADS T he Upanisads are the concluding portions of the Vedas and the basis for the Vedanta philosophy, “ a system in which human speculation seems to have reached its very acme,” according to Max Muller. The Upanisads have dominated Indian philosophy, religion, and life for nearly three thousand years. Though remote in time from us, the Upanisads are not remote in thought. The ideal which haunted the thinkers of the Upanisads —the ideal of man’s ultimate beatitude, the perfection of knowledge, the vision of the real in which the religious hunger of the mystic for direct vision and the philosopher’s ceaseless quest for truth are both satisfied— is still our ideal. The word “ Upanisad” is derived from upa, near, ni, down, and sad, to sit. Groups of pupils sat near the teacher to learn from him the truth by which ignorance is destroyed. There are over 200 Upanisads, although the traditional number is 108. Of these, the principal Upanisads are ten: lia, Kena, Katha, Praha, Mundaka, Mdndukya> Taittirlya, Aitareya, Chandogya, and Brhadaranyaka. Samkara, the great Vedantic philosopher, wrote commentaries on eleven of the Upanisads, these ten and the Svetaivatara. He also referred to the Kausitaki and Mahdndrayana. These, together with the Maitri, constitute the fourteen principal Upanisads, The dates of the Upanisads are difficult to determine. The ancient prose Upanisads, Aitareya, Kausitaki, Chandogya, Kena, Taittirlya, and Brhad- dranyaka, as well as the lia and Katha, belong to the eighth and seventh centuries B.C. They are definitely pre-Buddhistic. We do not know the names of the authors of the Upanisads.
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