student Nonviolent Coordinating NEVSLET1~R COIn.."11i ttee ------VOL. 1, # 3 ATLANTA, GEORGIA - The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Cornrnittee this week intensified its campaign to free Clyde Kennard~ SNCC circulated petitions and fact sheets to student groups and humfln r ol ations organ­ izatio~ organizations across the country. -:~--::- ~~-:~-w GADSDEN, ALABAMA - SNCC Executive Comrt'.ittee member Frar;k l-Iollohiay was released from jail here after ne .':' otlations between adults and the whi te community resulted in a general amnesty and a temporary halt to anti- - se-gr egntion aemonstrat-lons. -. - ---- ' ...--".... --

N!-~SI-IVILLE, TEl,lNESSEE - The Nashville Student Nonviolent Movul1'lor:;t con­ tinued its attack ~n segregation in downtown Neshvilleo DALLAS, TEXAS - SNCC staffers Bob Noses and Bob Zellner and sevonty­ five students from 22 schools in Texas and Arkansas attended a week­ en~ conference called by tho Southwost Studont Action Coordinating Comm­ ittee.

JACK~ON , - Six pe ople - four Negroes, t wo whites - were ~rGsted here during picketing of discriminatory stores on Capitol S:r t'eet. The d ,,"mons tra t ion was a SNC C-CORE-NAACP ;3 pons ored effort sup­ porting a boycott of Jim Crow employers.

ALBANY, GEORGIA - Presid i3 nt Dr. V.I. G. Anderson told Prosident Ken nedy in a t ol ogr s.m tha t !lour blood is on your hanos" af­ t er Movement l eaders express ed extreme dissatisfaction Vlith a confer­ ence l:>etwcen '-A 11:5 ,~ n y lead ers -ana Jus ti ce- Department o';'fictal s 0-- Mov-e­ mont participants have beG n critic al about the lack of First Amendment rights in Southwest Goorgia. TUSCALOOSA, ALA.BA]\1i'l. - Stillman College students here have secured a "no dis crimina ti on" p lodge from bus company offic ials. Negroes s ti 11 a}.'e not acc orded el eme ntary courtos i os by drivers, however o ATLANTA, GEORGIA - SNCC staffer Bob Zellner announced that SNCC will coordinate mass demonstrations in Montgomery, Alabama to bring public attention and protest concerning Governor Wallace's attempted interpo­ sition to nvoid integration of the Univorsity of Alabama. NElli! YORK, N. Y. - SNCC staffer , head of the Hi ssissippi VEP project, will speak here this weekend at a conference on . LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS (confid ontial) - SNaC staffor Bob Zellner has ro­ vealed that hotels, r es tuaramts, movie theatres and chain stores may be intogr a t ed soon.

Miles College students may r esort to to bolster a boycott in Birmingham ••• U. of Arkans as students plan a demonstration against segregated housing.,.AtlQnta COAHR r eports mora job breakthroughs in private: and public employment., (continued on page 2) · , ,,'.. . " .' --___~~L~·,~~JS~~E'rT1E~R~ __=2*==~t=' " 7.~,~~~". ~~====~

lROM, l\ }'I~L:q REP?RT 11".1 was si ttin £' r ,'HldiDr:;, having fini-;h8d a bU~~~rdS : Of O'tO'I, aDd a sllont h!3.nd r O[1 chc! d ov(,r from b (~ hindJ) mumblulE So:r"8 ,J<' of.' apology and permission; and stumbled" up ·vJith a 'n"o clrbon e from:~c~ Plate under the bowl, which I had diGc8.rded, which Dad cOnSeq~l9:JL~'Y ~m~ _ m c8. t on it. The hand was b a ck, fi~G seconds late r, gropiD0 lord tte ~otatoGS I had left in tho bowl. Tho hand was dark, dry ene win C~~cked, a man's hand, from cotton chopping and cotto~ ~iolri~6. La-a f ,,_yc tt0 and I got up and l'ITalkcd out. What E'.ro y:m gO Ing to do when ma n has to I.,,-lc?: up leftovers from a bowl of stew'i'; f.r.£~B.£b _M.£s.£ s_i£ Q:.r.£o£w.£o£,_Mis .§..i~ oJ-.PE:!. FROM A FIELD REPORT 11 ••• he ( a local white lawyer) : toll~ :lC1 tLa t !,:1u ~ c1:Jarg os vwre false '8.nd ho really didn't want to toll b -.. r tho r',>U ~ '_8- son v/cy Hrs. BroHD H8S arrestod, but he's h(;aro th.<:t sLc tE!"O ~;o.1~ own and trie d to r ee;ist0r to vote and would she withdraw h ,::r app1::"c~'1.~iono :,if she would withdrew ha r application her bend would bo lo~ orea to

FRON I\. FIELD RFPORT !I ••• WG have turne d on tho k e ros e ne lamp b Gcause we ha v e no electricity in tho kitchen-~fficc."it is ao cold hare that we have to wear oVer'co8.ts in the house ••• " ------from" Jack Chatfi s ld in SOL

- - --:;------TO LLL STAFFMEIV!BERS: vJe've r e c e ived repf!rts from S0r.10 T1issl..ssippi" and some Southwost Gcorgla stE'.ff membors. Othc·rs are .5"::'ill lc~F~ging. The De c emb or issuo of thl') .:Jtudon~ ~oic9_ will l'e sent to yeu soon~

TO EVERYONE: You'vo probably r ead thE. e nclosed mate ria l on Clyd ..3 Kon­ nard, WO'~O countinc on cach on e of you to place your name first on tho enclosed petition, to duplicate and circulate copies, and to send thocomploted petiti~ns ba~k hero.

We ~Till also bo sending you a "r ep ort on conditions in Ruleville, }1iss- " ~~­ issippi.

Tho Greenville office VEry badly n eeds: good ty~cwritcrs, a good electric mimeograph machine and r e lated offtcc supplics; a 16 millemotor movio proj c ctor; cots, sleeping bags, coll~ oge l e vel papc rbnek fiction, nonfiction, and economic and social textR. Send th'.:o m c/o Bob Noses, 901i Nolson street, Grconvillp, Mississippi.

Both the SouthHest Georgia and the Mississippi staff noed warm winter c~othin~ and nccd it nowl Sond sweaters, ovqrcoats, ~tc (me n's and womon's) to tho abovu a ddress and ~o , 504 lVlqdison St., Albany, Georgia .. " ' In Atlanta, needs arc evor prese nt: opc rntlng funds, to pay ront, gas Clnd light bil13 for our office at 6 Raym~nc. Street; to purchase offico _.ft.-- DUpp:U. C3 and o-q-u-ipment-j to p ay pmrt-:-rgo-j- to in.suro-' this nows getting -to yeu; to p2y telephone bills; to ropay loans; to k eop us going, We are depending on yeu.