.8 ORDERi':D '[0 DE PRINTED. ~tlu !;JotlliJ. iWlalt~ •

,Hli':,elL \ -JOINT VOLUMES. --)J!: ,--- I \,01,\ 1-\ -PAGE.- . No.1:




1 '1 447

TUESDAY, 17 APRIL, 1917. 1. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT :-The Oouncil met at Twelye o'clock at Noon, pursuant to Proclamation of H is Excellency the Governor, which was read by the Clerk of the Parliaments, by direction of the President, as follows :-

I NEW SOUTH 'VALES, } Proclamation hy His Excellency Sir Gr.RALD STRICKLAND, Count della I( TO W IT. Catena, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint " (L.8.) n G. S'fRICKLAND, lIiichael and Saint George, Govel'nor of the State of Ne\y South Wales II Governor. and its Dependencies, in the Commou\'lcaith of Australia.. " IN pursuance of the power a.nd authority vested in me as such GoverDor aforesaid, by virtue " of an Act passed in the second year of the reign of ,His late J\iajesty King Edward the Seventh, I' being' An Act to consolidate the licts ?'~lating to the Constitution' : I rIo hereby proclaim that a

t( Session of the Legislatiye Council and Legislative Assembly for the State of New South "Vales, U for the despatch of business, shall commence and be holden on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of

(I April, instant, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in the buildings known as tho Legislati~' e Council 1 381 " Chambers, in Macquarie-stl'cet, in the City of : And Members of the said Legislative tI Council and L egislative Assembly, r f'specliiv ely, nre hereby required to give their aUendance at 1 447 If the sn.id liime and place ac'cordingly, "Gi\ren under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this fifth day of April, in the year of " Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and in the seventh year of n His Majesty's Reign, " By His Excellency'S Command, " ·GEORGE W. FULLER. " GOD SAVE THE KING!"· 111 embe1's JJ1'esent ;- l'he Honol'able James Ashton, The Honorable Joseph Licvcsley Beeston, C.M.G., L .R.C.S., Irel., the Honorable Reginald James Bln.ck, t he Honorable Joseph Alexander Browne, LL.B., the Honorable Frallcis Henry Bryant, the Honorable Colonel Ja.mes Bums, the Honorable Nicholas .James Buzacott, the HOllomble Sir Jos ~p h H ector Carruthen:, K .GM.G., LL.D., the H onorable ,Tohn Mildred Creed,' IVI.R.C.S., E., The Honorable William '.l'hollias Dick, the Honorable H enry Martin Doyle, L .R.C.P., Lon., L.S.A., Lon., M.lt.G.S., Eo, the Honorable George F rederick Ertrp, the Honorable John Gibson Fa.l'leigh, the H0norable Ern e~ t. H enry Farrar, the Honorable John Daniel FitzGerald, the Honora ble Frederick FIO"w{'rs (Pl' e~ ident), the Honora.bh'l Edmund Walcott Fosbery, C.M.G., the H onorable James Conley GftLtnon, K. o. , the Honorable John GarlancT, R.C., the HOl1ora.ble John R ep11el', the Honorable Louis FI'n.nci'3 H eydon, the Honorable William Oharles Bill, th.~ Honorable Colonel "\Villiam Hillier HoI hol'OW, C.~f.G., the Honorable Thomas 1 587 Douglas P ercy Holden, the' Honorable Sir Thoma,s Rughe.'i, Kt., t.he Honorable Alfred Edg ~~._------______2. CO:\l,mSRI O ~ TO OP,,~:'i PARLIA.\m:\T :-l'he President acquainted the HOLl::le that His Execllcncy the 3, OOlIMl SS T O~E Govi-rnol', not deeming it fit to ue p .:. rs6ni'i:Tlyprl"sent hel'e this day I had been pleased to caUSfl a

Commission to be is. .,ued, under the Public Senl of th_c State, appointing the Honorable Frederick (t Gentlen~ Flowers, President Ot the Legislatiye Counc,iI! the:'~-1:ohol'ahlc J ahn Daniel FitzGerald, Vicc-P re~ident of the Execllti\'i~ Council, a.nd Ministct' for ~ Plib1il: Health and Locu.l Government, anrl the tt If' t hat l1 ~ Honol'ab!t~ J ohn Gal'bnd, ICC., Solicitor-General, and Minister for J"ustice, Commissioners in order " Gentlem to> t h,... opening and holding of this Padi<\.m en1~' - ' " 8hall hln The Commi ssi oTIf~rs , pbO"inl:! .' scated ~ one "On tl n~ r·rght and the' otbl'r ·on'.! tilO l ... ft of the Ohail', the The Asse Pte!>ident. di l' t:>cted~ tHe TIsHel,," or-tho HlaoIk 110a: to' let the-,Assemhly know uthe Commis5ionel'8 ,t desire their immedi,\.te attenJance in this House." 4. GO;\lMISSIOX And the Usher of the Bluek Hod ha,ving returned, and reported that he had duly delivered s'uch constituti the Oath :r :M esstlge,- , ; Tho said C And t. he Assembly heing comc,- i The P~'{!sident said,- n By Iris "': H~lJ1 orllblo: Gentlemen ' of the Legi:slative @oundl, and Gentlemen,of the L2gi ~ 1 a.tive A~sembly,­ " 11 H~ ~: Rls EA'CeIlency the €hwc~m·?r; noli d e~m ing it-fi r; to be pel'Sonu,lly pl!C'ien,t hel'e tHis day, has been '" please~,t? ~au se a. COmlnls>;I,on to be lSSlleJ, undet' the Public Sea,1 of t.he S~a. t f>, t:onst.itu, ing U1i " To all w· I . OommlsslollMS to do all thmgs necessary to be perfol'01ed by the Governor 10 the 1lI1l11e und ou " Grci ," the part, oE His Majesty the Kiog, 0 1' ill the name a,nel on the part of Hi~ Excellency the ." Governor of the S tate, in orde.r tu the opening and holding of this P<1I'liaruent, to deliver a (l IN pursu .I: Mes~agfl to the I.egisla:i.ve Assembly, and to do all such athOl' things as m-t.y be specially " della Cal ~; neocs::-<1ry to enaLle ,l'~rli~rltent to ,Poriol'm aots which admit, of. no delay, as will morc funy " COUllcl l 1 , appeal' by the CommISSIOn Itself, winch must now be road." H Coun61 l( G<-Lrla..u<1 ~ "Vhvreupon the Clerk, by dil'cction of the President, read the said· Commission, as foJ]ows:- (( cdl Or al

t (I Allerriarl ~ (}em'qe V, by th& (;"ace- 0./ God, of the Unitkd Kiingdom 0/ Great Bhtain. and b vdarnd and of tlle .'" ~ .1 lh'it,'ish Nominions beyond. tite.8-eas, J{ing, Difender (If the Faith, Emperor (if I7Id~, t( every su( If Qivi II To <111 ' to 1V1'i.0i:D.' thcse ' pl'cs~nts - sha ll co'me,- cc Creetihg: " " VylFEREAlf. by PrbcliLllllliti011 ma'de on the fift h day of R pml' instant, Blis., E~ceHency Sir " " GE'HALB STHI'eKLA""'~.J5, Count della. ®a.t'ena, Knight (!}l.'ana' (!J ross of Out:' l\Iost f>istin-guished

I( Or-del' of' Saint Michaee aflci &

(I know yA, t hat we, trusting in the discretion, fidelity, and, ca'te sf OUT tru5ty; and well,beloved the (. Honorarb'le- Fl'ecleriGk Flo\vers, President of the said L egislative Oouncil, the Honorahle John

(l Daniel FitzGeralld, Vice-President of our Executive Council, Minister of Public Health and " Minister for Loca.l Government., of OOl' swid State, and the Honorable John Garland, Minister The Housel "of Just ice and Solicitor,General of our said State, Members of the ~aid Legislative Council, do, 6. OomusslON '1'j H with the advice of our Executive Council of our said State, give and grant by tenor of t.he he had I'eee:' nnw J "these presents t he said Frederick Flowers, obn Daniel FitzGerald', u,nd J ohn Ga.rland, taken by lV I{ so being siICh President and Members of the said Legislative Council, 0 1' any two of them, full The $nid "power in our Dame to open and hold t he said Session of the said Legjslati ve Council and " Legishtive Assembly on the said seventeenth day of April or .subsequent day, on our behalf, to "By Dis 1. " do a.ll things necessary to be done in our name, or in the name.at' our Governor of our said .c .Most H State. in and ab'out the opening and holding of the said Parlia.ment, to deliver a. Message to the " Sout!: " Legisln.t i\,"e Assembly, and to do all such other things as may be specially necessary t6 enable It To alI t-t.o If Parlia:inent to perform acts which admit of no delay: Commanding also by ·the tenor of these " presents all whom it concerns to meet in the said Parliament, that to the said Frederick II, G1'e~t: II Flowers, .John Daniel FitzGerald, and J'ohn Garland, or any two of thew, they diligently attend 1I I~ purs l1 " in the premises in the forru aforesaid, "della C/1,t" .. Council t~ II In testimony whereof, W~ have c·aused these our Letters to be made patent, and tbe ('Oouncil 01 H Public Seal of our s·aid Sta,te be hereunto affixed, to tt :Membcl' ( II His Ma.j e ~ tI Witness our trusty and well-beloved Sm G'ERALD S'l'RICRLAND, Count della Oatena, (( Knight Grand Cross of our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint " Membe{' b~ (( George, our Governor of our State of and its Dependencies, in " Given "the Commonwealth. of Australia, at Sydney, in New South Wales aforesaid, this I' thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and :: ) II seyenteen, and in the seventh year of our Reign. " J " G. STRICKLAND, - " Governor.

H By Bis Excellency's Oommand, .. J. C. L. FITZPATRICK.' The President then requested Members of both Houses to be seated, 3. B ';,!~ _llINt;'IES .. ,O,F .TEg PROG~E~I:NGS .: ?F, .T¥E L~G)S~A1:JV,~ , q?R~~" (17 ·-April,l917.) _ .••...... "

His Execllcncy the 3, OO~ l m~slOxEH'S ~ MJ~SSAGE TO Tag ASSE~W.LY :--r:-Thc Prcsi til cn.t ,thl~n , said . - :n plen.sed to Cl1USfl a. ---"--. . !onorable Frederick. . (c,(::lentlemen of the , L..ezi~lati.ve Asscmbly,- 'I' endd, Vice - Pre~idcl1t • I( ""~e )Hi.~-0 It ' i't~' I comm~na 'fr0m the,G'overnor to let you know thlJ., It being necessary overnmcnt, and the f'that. u. Speakf'f of the Legislative Assembly belc1i0sen, it is Ri.o;; Excellency's plea~urc i:th_at. .you, l1missioners in order "Gentlemen of the Legislative Assemb~y"repnir to your own Oha.fiber, and there, aft.cr 'Members J 'u shall have been sworn, proc.eed to the .election 0f one of your number to be your SpeJj.k;er: ' -rb of thf! Ohair, the The Assembly then withdrew. ' - {( the Oommissioners 4, CmnussloN '1'0 jlD:\I lNISTER THE OATll :.....!.The President having then produced ~ 'CGIllmission, constituting himself a.nd othe.:- 'Members Ot the Council therein named Com,missionellloJ to administer 1 duly deli\-ereu s'uch t he Oath required by In.w to be taken by Members of the Oouncil,- The said Commission was, by direction of the President, read by the,Olerk, as follows:-

I< By If.is Excell,mcy, Sir GERALD STRICKLA'ND, Gonnt della Calena, Knighi G,·a'(l.d C1 ·0,'~S of tlte 'f Jl!ost Dislinguillhed Order 0/ Saint JlJichael awl Saint b'eo1'ye, G01:envJr?' nf the Slate ri ",lo,tive A::Isembly,­ ,~ of New South Wal es an..cl its D erwndencies, in the Commonwealth OJ Aust?·ai1"a·. :0 Wis day, hu.;.; been COO1E\- ;ta.tf', consLitul i lig U1i " To all whom th~se preseilts,s-hqll in thf! lHl.me and on " Greeting: Hi.'\ Excdlency the (I TN pursuance of the authority in me vestpd in that behalf, T, Sir GERALD STRlCJ\L.um, Count iament, to dell ver u. If della. Catena, ~LB: Governor of the Sta.te of New South \-\Ta.l es, do, witb thc I1d" ice of the Executive as m.t.y be specially " CoutlciLthereof, h ereoy ,auth orise the Honorable Fredp ,r~ek l?lowers, President of the .Legitllative (, as will more fully "Council of the !!aid StiLle, the Honorable John Daniel FitzGerald, and the Honol·able John

I( Garland, Members of the said Lrgislu..tiYe Council, or allY oIle 01' more of t hem, to administel' to 1, as foJlows :- "all or any M€'mbers 01· :Membel' oE t,he said Legislative Council tho 01Lth or Affinnation of "Allegi1.LllCe to Bis IVfajesty the King, ['equil'ed by la.w to bo taken or made and !'< ubscri bed by d Pllelaml)~ wnd of the (j evel'y such Member befm'c he shall be permitted to sit or vote in the sUoid L cgitlhti \'e Council. :n0 (if I'1Idia. " G iv ~ n under my Hand and the Public Scal of the Sta.te of New South WILles, at ~ydn ey, in " 1110 S tate Hforesa.id, thir-; thirteenth <.lILy of ApriJ, in the iear of our Lord one thom-and " !"Jin e hundred ~LIld seventt:en, and in the seventh year or the Heign of His Majesty K_ing Biis , ExceHency Sir U George the lTift h. l\iost Distinguished " G. STRICKLAND. tlW oE N South vVales tl Governor .. l"suance of the power Ie of an Act; prtssed (I By His Excellency's Commr,.?ld, tbe Se'\'enth, being "J. C, L. FITZPATRIOK." [) that a _ Session of 5. MEi\fBv.n Rr~SlGN ~:D : ~The President l'Cpol'teJ the receipt of a communicatioll 'from tho Governor .Ill. Act, a.nd composing intimat illg thn.t 1'11', George Stephenson Beeby had conveyed to His E;xceEollvy t.he r€!:si,gpiltion of lenee a[~d be holden his seat in the Legislative Council, which l'ei':i gnalioll had been accepted. latin causes, our said The President adjourned tht;: House until 4 o'clook p.m .. this df\oy. !ie sa.id S€'SSiOll: Now and well-beloved the the Honorahle John .f Public Healtb and )hu Garland, Minister The House having r~sumed,- legislative Council, do, 6. C01DlTSSION 1'0 ~[[E PRESIDENT 'I'O Am.IlNISTER TOE O.HH :-The Pre!)idell t huyil:g 1l11110Unecd t hat rant by t.he tenor of he had received a fr~:,;h Commission, authorising him to ·administer the Oath l'equj,reu oy II.LW to be :1', and J obn Garland, taken by Members of tbe Legislative Council before, they can ~it or vote th <-- j e1n,- flIny two of them, full The said Commission was, by direction of the President rcnd by the Clerk, UB: follo'l'l s :- egislu.ti ve Council and

I day, on OUl' behalf, to "By His Excellency Sir GERA LD S'rnrCKLAND, Count dp.lla Calenf1., Kniyht G1'all,d C'1'OSS of tJ&e L Governor of our sa.id ".Most Distingui,'(hecl 01'der of Saint j}/ichael and Saint George, GO'/:P.1'?W1' oj the Stale (If New :Iivel' a Message to the "South Wales and, its Dep~ndencie8, in·the Cornmonwealt,h (lj Australia. . lly necessary to enable II' To alll,to.\\vholU these presents shall co~ne,- by ,the tenor of these ufG1:eeting: ;0 the said Frederick they diligently attend (lIN" pursuance of t he auth"l'ity in me vest.ed in that behalf, I, Sir GERALD SnIICKLA ).'O, Oount (~d e lla Cntena., as Governor of the St.'l.te of New South vVales, do, with the ,advice Qf t lll ~ Exe:-utive " Council thereof, bpreby authorise the Honorable Frederick Flow('l'R, President of t.ile IJegislative made patent, and the H Council nf the m itl State, to administer, from time to time, as occasion ron y r('quire! to a.ny

I( Membc[' 01' Members of the said L egislative Council the Oath ot' Atlirma.tion of A llegiance t@ Count della Catena) II His Majesty the King, required by law to be taken 01· mude and subsCI'ibed by every such int Michael and Saint " Member before he shall be permitted to ~.it or vote in the said L egi~la, tive Council. its Dependencies, in "Given under my hand nnd the Public Seal of the Stute of New South WHlcs, at Sydney, Wales aforesaid, this II in the State I.~foresaid, this thirteenth da.y of April, in the year of our Lord O'le !loud nine hundred and H thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and in t he seventh year of the Reign of Hitl It Alnjest.y King George the Fifth. :TRICKLAND, "G. STRICKLAND, " Governor. " Governor. ~y's Command, U By His Excellency's Com:mancl, •. FITZPATRICK.' "J. C. .L. FlTZ£~T.aICK." 3. 7. 4 MINUTES 01' 'IHE 'PROCEEDINGS OF THE 'LEGISL.A.TH'E COUXCIL. (17 April, 1917.) ------7. MEMDER DECEASED- TrIE HOXORABf.E CHARL F:S EDWARD PILCTIKR, K . C. : ~ThePresid e nt said:-tlThe (0.) r" c>l1 Go II mela.ncholy duty d e vol v~s upon me of announcing to the H ouse. the decease, during the races !'! , of G. STRICl' (t the H onorable Charles Edward PilclH'lI", rc c, an entry. to which effect has been duly recorded in " the Register of Members of the L egislative Council. " Govern, Mr. J. D. FitzGerald (hy cons'Jnt) moved, witlw"ut pl'evious N otice, That t his House desires to A U express.,. and to place on record, i t~ clee u sen"e o~ t he loss sustained to the S tate and this Honse in , ~ ; .,' governm.ent t he removal, by death, of the late Clurles K:l warJ Pilcher, and t hat t he resolution be com Ul unica ted ._ .,ri

9. ASSEYT TO BILLS :-The Pres ident l·eported a lld l'('ari t he following Messages from t he Governor, (5.) Specie.] I intimating His Excellency's assent to Bills of last Session. G. STRIC] (1.) Appropri. ti·)ll Bill:- Govern G. STRICKLAND, M essage . ABi Governor. the Constit'U Jor purpose A Bill , int ituled (( An Act to appropriate and app!'/{ out of the Consolidated Revenue fi'und of and Asseml New S outh Wales certain Sums to make good the Supplies granted for the Service of the year from the t he name 0 1st day of J uly, 1916, to the 30th day of J une, 1917 (inclusive of both dales) .. to adiust the vote 'Advance to be numt to T rcasu?'er,' 1915-16, Consolidated R evenue Fund, for supplementary charges durinq the period from the 1st day of J uly; 191';, to the 30th da.y of J ·une, 1916 (inclusive q( both dal£s)," to cover payments Got)ernment , Unauthorised in Suspense,' Consolidated Revenue Fund, for urgent daims on account of Ser-vices Syd' of the year 1915-16," to provine for P.ublic W orks and other Bervices out of the P ublic W orks F·un(l .. (i.) Universit and to pro'/;ide for Service 'J out of t lu?, Glose1' Sett!ement Fund; and for purpose,~ connected with. and G': STlHCl inc1:dentat to the above objects,"-as finally pl-ssed by tl'e Legislative Council a nd Assembly, having Govern been presented to the Governor for the Royn.l Assent, His Excell ency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Hill , and now transmits it to the Legislative Co uncil , to be numbered and A B: purpose to , fo rwarded to the proper Officer for enrolme:lt, in the m2.niler requirzd by law. by the L' 8 Got'ernment H onse, Assent, His Sydney, 16th December, 1911) . it to t he L in t he man (2 .) Loan Bill :- Go t..'ernmenl, G. STRICKLAND, il'[essage. Syd, Governor. (8.) Women 's A Rill, int;tuled U An Act to authorise the raisinH of a Loan Jor P·ublic Works and Services ' and for other PW'POsBs,"-as fir12,lly passed by the Leg islative Council and Assembly, having been G. STRICl presented to the Goverrior for the Roy?J Assent, His Excellency' has, in the name of His Majesty. Govern assented to the said Bill. and now transmits it to the Legislative C-ounci l, to be numbered and ABi forwarded to the proper Officer for enrdment, in the manner required by law. and for pur: Government J-101.£.'1e, and A,rsseml Bydnev, 19th De··emc(T, 1916. the na.me 0 to be numb (p. . ) Mining Leases Cancellation (Val idation) Bill :­ Gorernment G. STRICKLAND, Messaqe. Byd; Governor, (9.) Cril)les I A Bill, ilJtitnled II An Act to amend tlw 111'ining Act, 190G .. to t,laZidate certain notificat·ions G. STRIC] 1.vith regard to the cancellation,forfeitu,re, or vJida'nce f)f c.:;1'tain leaseH; and to declm·e the law with regard Govern to certain notifications signed by Ministers oJ'the Cro'Um,, " -&s finally p&ssed by the.Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Gvverncr for the Royal Assont, His Excellenny has, in ABi the name of His Maj esty, assented to the said Bin, and now transmits it to the Legislative ColUlci l. to (f,mend CI to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Offirer fo r cnrollllcn t ~ in the manner requiter1 by law. Cowlcil and has, III t he Go'Cermnent House, Co unnif , to Sydney, 19th Decemb'! l', 19lG, by 13w. (4.) Totali zator Bill :­ Government BydlI G. STRTCKLAND, Message. Go vernor. (l0.) Ind llotri. • • A Bill , illt il;l11ecl (( An Act to prescribe and 1'cgulate the use oj the l lQtal~zator on racecourses, and G. STRIC] for that p',l'rpose to amend certain Act.<: retating to garnimq, bettinq. and waq f.rinq .. to prohibit the 'ln rJ,kmg G01ern1 of 7)ets or wagers on a ?·ace depencZent on the result of tlte working of the totalizator on such race ,' a'f/(l ABil for pur'[loses consequent thereon 01' incidental tlleret'J,"-as finally passed by the Legislative Council arb1'lration ; and Assembly, luwing been plesented to the GoverllOl' for t he Royel Assent, His ExceIlency has, in incw,mtai til t he name of His Majesty, assented to the snid BiU, and now transmit') it to the Legislative Council, to the Gov. to bc numbered and fo rwarded to the prop~ l' Officer for eurolment., in t.he mann.er reqlli red by law. the said Bi~ Government lIonr;e, . proper Offic By(llIey, 20th December, 1916. Government (5.) Byd" 5 )UX",TBS OV THB PROCEEDING8 OF THE LEGISLATIVE COU!.cu. (17 April, 1917.)

President sa.id :-t'Tc.e (5.) L"cnI Government (Amending) BiU.:- I , during the l' eces~, of n. ST RICKLAND, }.fessa1e. been duly recorded in Governor.

'.. A Bill, inti tuled II An Act ' to amend the law with regard to Local Government, 1:'npiuding tlle this House desires to te a.nd this House in ••. , government of th" Oity oj Syd;wy.. to regulate toithin the Oity of Sydney buildings and erections .. to !ILion be communicated : ~ .~ · ·~ dcfine the quali(£cations of electors and to reg.ula.te tl~ . voting in shires and municipalities; t(} apply to .s/l'ires tIle pronisions oj the Country Town .~ Water .and Seu.ercu,e Acts, 1880- 1905 .. to amend certain Ac~s; and f or purposes consequent thereon or incidental thereto,"-as finally passed by the Lqgis lativc te deceased Member,- Council and Assembly. l.avin5 be e l~ presented to the GovolnoL for the Royal Assent, His Excellency lias, in the nalUe of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill. and now transmit s it to the Legislative lived a. communication Council, to be numbered elld forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner req1Ji red had been pleased to by law. Jarey Danga.l' from the Govermnent H ouse, Sydne'l, 20lh Decem"", 1916. (6.) Speei?.! Deposits (Industrial UndottakinAs) Amendment Bill:- :3 from the Governor, G. STRICKLAND, ilIessage. Governor. A Bi ll , int;tuled "An Act to amend the Special Deposits (Industrial Undertakings) Act, 1 9 1 ~, Message. the Constitution Act, 1902; to provide for the manaJement and control of industrial undertaking.~,' and Jor purposes consequent thereon or incidental therefo,"-as fi na.lly passed by the Legisillt'ive Counci l dated Revenue Fund o{ and Assemb l y~ havin~ been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent. His E-xCCllGllCY has, in '. ice of the ?lear from th~ the name of His Majesty, assented to the sain Bill, and now transmits it to the Leg;islative Council , diust the vote I Advance to be numbered ~nd forwe.rded to t he proper Offic·cr for enrolment, in the manner requirer] by law. d'uring tlle period from GOt!6Tmnent House, es ) ; to cover payments Syilne?/. 20th De ('em. ~er, 1916. on account of Serm'ces e Public Works Fund ; (7.) University (Amendment) Bill :-. )ses connected with and Cf. ST lUCKLAND, Message. and Assembly, having Governor. 10 na.me of His Majesty', A Bill, intit,ded t{ An Act to increase the endowment of the University of Sydney, and Ja r that , to bo num berod and purpose to amend the Universitll (Amentl'ment) Act, 19 12. and certain other Acts "-as finally passed law. by the Legislative Connril and AssemblY, having been presented to t he Governor for the l'toyal AssGnt. His Excellency has. in the name of His Majesty, a.sse nted to the said Bill. and now transmits it to the LC7islative Co ul1cil , to be numbered and fo rwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the mn.nner required by ]flW , Gb'Jernmenl. How f'., ilIessage. Sy"n,y, 20th Decem"':r, 1916. {S.) Women's Cvllege Endowment Bill :-. ,lie liVorks and Services' G. STRICKLAND, Message . Assembly, having been Governor. ) name of His Majesty. , to be numbered and A Bi ll, intituled " An Act to provide endowment Jor'the W omen' ..: GoUeqe ; to amend certain Acts: law. and.for purposes consequent thereon or incidental thereto,"-as finally passed by tho Lep;i~ativo Council and A<)Sombl y. ha.vine, been presenterl to the C...overao r fo r the Royal Assent, His Excellepcy has, in the name of His Mc. jesty, essentcd to t he said Bill, and now transmits it to the J.J e.!! i~lat i ve Council, to be numbered and forwa rded to the proper Officer for enrolmcnt, in the manner required by law . GOl!ern"ne.nt House , Sydney, 20th Deremb", 1916. MeSSaflf!· (9.) CriI)les Prevention Rill :- tlale certa'in notifications G. STRICKLAND, M"ssa'le. rJclare the law with regarrZ Govornor . r the.Legislative Council A Bil l, intituled II An Act to makdflJ,j·ther provision JOT thl~ prevention oj crim.es; Jor that purpo se " Bis Excellenr.y has, in to amend certa-in Acts; and for purposes inridentctl therr'!0 ,"-3S finally passed by' t he I j c ~ i!:l IMjve the Legislative Council , Cowlcil and Asscmbly. having bc('nl.Jresentcd to the Govemor fo;: the Royal Assc[l t, Ei.,. Exeelkncy ,nner requirerl by Ia.w . has, in the ncme of His M2 jesty, 8ssented to the se.id Bi lt and !Jow transmits it to the LC!I;islative Co uncil, to be numbered and forwarded to t he proper Officer £.o r enrolment, in the ma.nner required by Ic.w . Gorernment HOHse, Sydney. 20 th December, 1916. ilIessage. (ID.) IndnotrillI Arbitration (Amendmellt) BdI :- G. STRICKLAND, Message. ~zator on racecourses, and GOlernor . .. to vrohibit the m'lhwl 'zator 'on such race : an~l A Bill, intitnled tl An Act to amend the law with re.gard to the condition oj I nd'ustries and Intlustr·ial the Legislative Council arbitration .: to amend the I ndust1'iat A"bitration Act, 1912 ; and for purposes consequent thereon or ;, Bis Excellency has, in incidental therelo,')-a.s fina ll y passed by the Legislv.tive Counci l and .Assembly, having been presented the Legislative Counci l, to the Governor for t he Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of Hi s :Majesty, assented to ~nnG r rGqllired by law. the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Le~ i :: ] at i vp. Council , to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolmen t, in the manner required by law . Government !1ou.c;e, (5.) Syd·1CY, 20th Dece m"er, 1916. (11.) ~ ~ 1~~~1 ~~~~~I_ ~,4. ~~~~C~~. ~.I:'o/ .r.~ ~ :S::T.U~ .. L. ~·~[~~·~pX~ ~,2~t2!!': (\'i, Apri!, J UL7.) ,. ' . / .... . ,' (ll.) :D es{ i t~rt~ C';ildtcll'G. SoeLcf.y Cleating) B:II :­ (24.) Notil • -":!, { I 1 Scwcrilgc. ~ ,G" STRICKLAND, " Message. (25 .) Nnl ~ ~." .. . Governor. . I of a TillliJq A Bill , IP.ti:uled Il An Act to transf!'r to and vest. in {he Crown: edt lands and buildinqs now held" (2,G·) .N:o,ii . b'l or on hehdlf oj or vesttd in tlte Soei.ety for tlte Reli1/ of Destitute Children .. to ,;est in the Publi.e Trustee­ Quarry :-:;1 upon ceftai'lt trusts aU tJroneys and securities .:10T '1noM;ys' held ,by or un belwJ,f of or 11ested in ,tne 8aid" (2i. )" Noti Society j to r~p?al th'3 De"stitute ChiJ:dm}1t'8 , S(}~l Act, .l9l.a; and for purposes con.re1uent thereon. . "Vater Sup, or iri'~ide1tti:l thereto .)'----:as fin~lly pllSsea )by Ithc "Legisla.ti ve Co unci l ~nd Assembly, hwVin~ been. (28.) Noti present ed to the Governor for' the Roya1 Assent, lifis Exce11ency he.s, ill the nnme of PIts Majesty,. 'Out 0: TJ H ~I· ·2.tsented to the sr'.id Bill, :-..nd new tmnsmi'ts it to the Let:;islative Council , to be numbered amI (29,~ No.ti . {o'rWll.tded· to the proper Officer for crrrvlment, in tho m:lnccr required by law. to Bl'okcn .. Go~e rnmen t ' House, (30.) NOL;~ Syd'YICY, ~ O t h December, 1916. brook to 11 (31.) ' Noti (l~.) ] 'or03t ry (l.'e!upJm ry CJmmissioll(' r.» Bill :- Suhurlnll ] (~~.) Notiti G. STRlCKLAND, Jl'lessage . ; . Go!:ernor. the porp030 hy p"ovii'io1 A Hill, intif; t1lrd "An Act to constitu fi! the Forestry Commission 'Under th..~ Forestt ?1 Act, 1916,_ (:13. ) N otifi btl the appointment of,temporary and lw }wran/ (:;s sistant conm~is s io1ic rs; (md to (/,1'}wndthe said Act,"­ the purpol;; p.s fiY!.HlI y p&.%cd by t ho Legisle.tivc Council :? nd Asscmbly, JII:wiug bnc ~ '!. presented to th'J Govcrnor" road to Gil for t hl) H,.Jyd Asse:!t , H is E xccllcncy h r.2, in the n -.;.:n e of H is M::.je3ty, Gsson1;ed to t ho seid Bill ; 3!.ld (3+.) Notinl l!OW tm:lsmits it to the Legislative COlln.ei l, to be numbercd a l ~d ton vardcd to thfl pr')per Officer· pUI'pOS(' of for c!!rolment, ill. the manner required by law . (35.) Notifi GO l,'crnmcnt f{01t.~C, of the \V!II,t S"jdnclj, :JOth Der,emuzr, 1916. (3G.) Notifi to Coonuba ~ 10. PAPJmS :- Mr. J. D. FitzGerald la.id upon the Ta.ble the undermentioned P a.pp.r:: :- (37.) Amp,; ( 1. ) Interim R eport of M r. n. S. Ste"-ens, E xaminer of AC Cfl Ufl ts, Loca.l Government Dcpa.rtment,. under the on Inquiry into the A ccoun t!) , &0 ., or the \Vave1'1 ey Municip,Ll Council , w ith Not~s of E \·id ence. (38.) Amen (2.) Heport or the Department of Agricultm·e fOL' the yea.r ended 30th June, ] 916. Act, 1912, (3.) S tatement. o~ R eceipts Ilnd Expendiliure in con nection with the \Ventwol'~h Irrigation Area for (39.) Addit, t ho year ended 31st December, 1916. Acts. (.1::. ) S&utel!l ent of Iteceipts a.nd Expenditure in cO::lIlection wi th th e Ha.y Irrigation Area £01' the (40.) Amen year ended 31st D ecember, 19l6. (41.) AmCii (5.) R epor t of the New Sout h ,,\7ales 1\fillerii' Acc id ent R ~ li e f Board for tho yeaI' 1916. U2.) Amen' (6.) Stl1teownt of 11.eceipts lLnd Disbursements of the NILti () nnl R elief Fund of New South Wales. (43.) Regul! for Veal' ended 31st December, 191o. Iniga-tion ( (7.)· Annual Report of the Trustoes of the Public Library oE Nl'\V SO:lth \YtLles £01' the year endecL (44.) Regul; 31st December, 1916. speed of veh (8.) R eport of tLle H, e~olutions, P roceedings, and Debates of the :Premier;,;' Conference h eld at (015.) Hegul! :Mclbourne, December, 1916. control and (9.) R eport of the n.esol u t i on~, Proceedings, and Debntes l)f the Premiers' COll ference (w ith!. (46.) Regul 'Minhters of L:lIld s) held at Melbou)'ne, January, 1917. (Adjoul'l1ed froUl December, UH6.) Glebe I8111.n <: (10.) R GPort of t h f:l Commissionors for R!Lil way!:! aud (llrnlliwapfol' qum·tcl' eJld t: d 3bt December,. (47.) Regul 1916, Ol'd~r e d to be printed. (~i~~) t~:;I~{J (11.) N otiti ca1ion of resumption of lImn, uncleI' the Public 'Yorks Act, 1912, for a Puulic' Act, 190 , ~, ij R ecreation Ground in t1W Parish of Coollaroi, Couney of Fitzroy. (49.) Amenl (12.) Noti<.:c of intention to declare that Additional CondItional Put·chase No. 1\)10-161, 490i in the Mc rc ~ acres, Portioll No. 29, Parish of ,\V'illyda.b, County of Narl'omine, Land Di~tr i ct of Dubbo, (50.) liUl·the appliorJ £01' 011 the 25th November, uno, sh,LlI cease to' be voidu.ble. Engineers in (13.) N otice of intention to dechLfo that Non-residenta.l Conditional P llL·chase 'No. 191'6-14, 40 (5 1.) Regula acre;.;, Portion No. 5~, Parish of Frederick, County of Cumberland, Land District of \Vjndsor,. (52.) lIiinut; applied fo r on 8th August, 1916, shall ee:l..';e to be voidable. Exper-imcntn (14.) By-laws undE'I' the :l\fetropol itan 'Vater and Seweiage Acts, 1880- 19]6. (53.) N otieo' (15.) Additional By-laws, Bathurst Sewerage, und~.r thc Country Towns )Vater and Sewerage (54.) Additi, A cts, 1880-1905. in conformit,l (1 6.) W ater By-ln.ws, Municipali ty of Pnrramattn, under thc }Ictropoliu m '\Vater and Sc werage (55.) Amend AotH, 1880-191 6. (56.) :M inute (17.) ' V'ater Hy.lnws, :Mu nicipality of Gunnedah, under the Cou ntry Towns vVa.ter a.nd Scwcl'age R. A. ~oble , Acts, 1880-1905. (57.) Amend (1 8.) Sewerage By-la ws, Municipftii t,y of Casino, un cle ;- the Cou ntry Town s Wuter and Sewerage (5~.) By.law, Act', 1880- 1 H05. Water Act, ] (19.) N otification of l· e~ ll mp t i o n of bnd, ullc!."r the Puuiic \Vorks Act, 1912, for a Road of (59.) lIiinutd Approach to Taren P oint l!'erry, George's River. bft'. James J. (20, ) Notification of resumptiun (J f land, u nder the Public '\'Vol'ks Act, 191~, for a Sta.te li'ol'est. (60.) Hegu.lui at CI·a\'en. (61.) By.law. (21.) Notification of resumption of land, under the Public ' Yorks Act, 1912, for the Maitland to Water Act, 1 South Ot'afton Railway. (62,) Pro"lan (22.) Notification of resumption of'land. undel' the Local Government Act, 1906, for the purpose meaning of tl of erecting Hot Salt·wa.tf:'r Baths a.t bfnnl,y_ (63.) Proelan (23.) Notification of resumption of land, under the Public \Vorks Act, 1912, for .3 State Forest within t he m. near Narrabri. (24.) (64.) Regula! Cal'eles~ Use! ~ . $;I~tJ1~1 'b~~ '~:fn~~ : ; ~hi)(nZ·[':1 r ~(':s '''t; ~ ~ Tilt: fm:1lI!H:~TIl'r1: rcblhrdlt. <67"! Jpf·J,' '1917 )) (24. ) Notification of res'~~~\~tip:\/ ~f ·. )jt d~, ~ ~l ~i dc~· .' t~e ' · :P.lf, B I~·d ~ ., " ~ld l' ,ks ' ~ !\.)!t, : i 'D~l~, : f.p;, Albury .:(, ~. ~ t , Se wcl"vl'C ' • ' , .- . . ' .. .f . ... Message• • (25 ,) ~l~l~!i('at i o n of l'e ~l~~pti.Qll \ o;,.!aqJ,' ill1 qe~', the Pu bli~ .WOl'k ~" ..:t~.t , ' 191:}, for the esta~lishment of a Ti III Lor Depot at TU<;fl.bia. : .' .. " . " . .,' ;. , and buildinqs now held' (2.G:>-.N: o~i{~c¥ioLl, ~ re·8 u!np t.'ion ; ~ f'la ~d , .u qdFel: the Jtocal G-ovel'nn1,e?t Act, 1,.906, for a Gravel

Jest in the Publio Truste~ .) Quarry :::hlc nt-a!' S It:,g: l ~ tO Il . " " _ . . , . of or 11.3sted tn.l.the said' (2i.)' Notib~('a.tion of resumption of land, under tho' Public Work:.; Act, un::, for Katoombu. f.oses con.re1ue:nt 't hereon. . ,-v a~ e r Supply. ~. '. '" .,. ',' .,:' . ' . I . . ' \' I t\.ssem bl y. hrrv: i n ~ been.. ( ~ 8.) Notitication of resu rnpt iOll cf .land, under the Pub:ic 'Vork$ ....tet, 1912, for the c[l,rl'jillg e na.me 'of H~ Majesty,. 'O ut of B tl rboul' Improvemcnts at \Vollongolig·. 1, to be nnm bered and> • (29.~ No~ificat i o n of resumptjon pf.la.~d, untle,i'. the Public ""Vork.s Act, 1~1:Z, for the Condobolin r law. to Broken Hill Ru.il\\'a}:' . . (3'0.) Notification d resumption I'of land, u"tldel' the Pu.blic Works Act, 1912, for the M uswcll- brook to ~J cl' l'iw(~ Rai,lw:LY. . _ " , " , (31.) ' Notific.:!l.tlon of resllllJption of la.nd, u nder the Public ";"forks Aot, 191,2, for tho City and I?uburha.n Electric Rail\\'~j'. ' '. ; - . . . (;J2.) Notiticat;Ion of rotechion e, 19l6. . Act, 1912. o l' ~ h liTigation Area for (39.) AJditional R cgnlation No. 50, and Additional ForOl No. 40~ under the Closer Settlement Acts. IlTigation Area for the {40.} Amended Regula-tioD No. 103, under the Crown :(Iandfi Consolidation Act, 1913. (41. ) Altleudecl By-law under the Newcastle Di8frictJ Abattoir'i and Saleyard>, Aot, U.H 2. LO year 1916. (4:2.) Am ~ nded R egala.tions 76, 79, and 115, Schedules 18A, 3~, 46, an,d 52, ).fining Act, 1906. ld of New 80l1th Wales. (43.) Rrgulations Nos. 335 to 363, inclusive, under· the irrigation Act, 1912, as amemt~d by the Irrigation (Amendment) Act, 1916. IV ales for the yea,r ended. (44.) Regulation No. 290, under the Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900, hl connection with t he speed of vehicles and an.imals on wharves veMted in the Trust. e J:3: Conforence held nt. (4.5.) Regulation No. 291, under the Sydney Hal'bour Trust Act, 1900, ill connection with the control a.nd management of property vested in and belonging to the Commissioners. . niers' Conference (with (46.) Regulations Nos. 292 and 293, under the Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900, in regr1rd to the December, UH6.) Glebe Island Bridge.

.. ended 3bt DecemberJ • (47.) Regulations Nos. 294: and 295, undql' the Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900, in connection with the collections of tonnage !'ates. (48.) B.egulations under the NaYigation Act, 1901, and the Navigation Amendment (Regulations) }t, 1912) for a Public' Act, 1904, in regard to motor boats. (49.) Amendments of the regulations relating to the exa.mina.tionpf Masters, Mates, and Engineers ,e No. 1910-.l61, 490t in the MOl'cantile :Marine. nd District of Dubbo, (50.) Further amendment~ of the regulations relating to the examination of Masters, Mates, and Engineers in the IYferca ntile Marine. 'chase No. 19116-14-, 40 (5 1.) Regulation No. 147, under the Explosiv:es Act, 1905. d District of \Vindsol'r (5 2.) :Minute of the Public -Sorvice Board. iu-connection with the appointment of Mr. J. ~ . fitt as' Experimentalist, Department of Agriculture (Eiucational Division). J 6. (53.) Notice of in tention to declare tha.t Il"rigation Farm, 170, Yanco, shall cease to be voidable. IS Wn,ter and Sewerage (54.) Additional Regulation No. 27 uncl er the 'Ventwol'th Irrigation Act, as amended by and read in conformity with the Irrig .)

• '5 MnfUTEB Oll' TOB PROCEEDINGS or TOR' J.XGl8LATIVB OODS'elLi (17 April, 1917.)

(65.) Additional Regulations under the Height of Buildings Acts. (66.) Amended By-laws under the Meat Industry Act, 1915. (67.) Amended By-laws of the University of Sydney. (68.) Amended Regulations under the Public Instruction Act, 1880. (69.) Amended Regulations under the Public Instruction Act, 1880. (70.) Notifications of Resumption!; of land for Public School purposes at Bankstown North, Bondi North, Faithfull, Commissioner's Creek, Hrighton-Ie-Sands, Undercliffe, Berendebba, and Norton's G&p. (71.) Amendment of Regulations under the Industrial Arbitration Act, 1912, and Industrial Arbitration (Amendment) Act., 1916, made by the Judges of the Court of Industrial Arl:itration, New South Wales. (72.) Amended Regulations Nos. 32, 32A, and 33A, and Amended Forms Nos. 29 and 31 under the Closer Settlement Acts; Cancellation of Forms Nos. 29A.} 2gB. and 3lA under the Closer Settlement N E W SOUTIl Acts to wit, (73.) Amended Regulation No. 104, under the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913. (u. ). Mr. Garland laid upon the Table the undermentioned Papers:- G. S'rmc I ~ (1.) Statements of Liabilities and Assets of Banks and Public Companies for quarter ended 31st. ~ December, 1916, under the Banks and Bank Holidays Act, 1.912. (2.) Annual Report of the InGpector-Genel'al.of the Insane for 1916. (3.) Annual Report of Board of Fire Commissioners for the year 1916. (4.) Registrar of Friendly Societies- Report in respect of the matters transacted in connection W HERE with ,Friendly Societies, Trades Unions, and Buildings and Co-operative Societies, and the­ transactions under se.::tion 14 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1910, during the year 1916. sc ve ~ (5.) Pharmacy Board of New South 'Vales-Annual R~pol't for the year 1916. t hings clHlCted Ordered to be printed. thereo f from 11. PRO FOR"IA BILL-LAW OF EVIDENCE BILL :-Mr. J. D. FitzGerald having presented a Bill, and moved,-That this Bill be now read a first time,- t herefore, I, Question put and passed. power nnd nu t' And Bill, intituled I' A Bill to amend the Law of Evidence/'- read a fiL'st time. un til Tuesday I . 13. LEAVE OF ABSENCE 'TO MEMBER :-Mr. J. D. FitzGerald (by consent) moved, without previous Notice, That the Honorable James Gormly be granted leave of absence during the current Ses~ion or Parliament on the ground of ill·health. Question put and passed. Give 13. ADJOURNMENT :-Mr. J. D. FitzGerald moved, That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned accordingly, at sixteen minutes before Six o'clock, p.m., until To·morrow, at Four o'clock, p.m. W. °L. S. COOPER, Clerk oj the Parliaments.

[Gd .]
