
.8 ORDERi':D '[0 DE PRINTED. ~tlu !;JotlliJ. iWlalt~ • ,Hli':,elL \ -JOINT VOLUMES. --)J!: ,--- I \,01,\ 1-\ -PAGE.- . No.1: ~nNUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE , LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. 1 '1 447 TUESDAY, 17 APRIL, 1917. 1. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT :-The Oouncil met at Twelye o'clock at Noon, pursuant to Proclamation of H is Excellency the Governor, which was read by the Clerk of the Parliaments, by direction of the President, as follows :- I NEW SOUTH 'VALES, } Proclamation hy His Excellency Sir Gr.RALD STRICKLAND, Count della I( TO W IT. Catena, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint " (L.8.) n G. S'fRICKLAND, lIiichael and Saint George, Govel'nor of the State of Ne\y South Wales II Governor. and its Dependencies, in the Commou\'lcaith of Australia.. " IN pursuance of the power a.nd authority vested in me as such GoverDor aforesaid, by virtue " of an Act passed in the second year of the reign of ,His late J\iajesty King Edward the Seventh, I' being' An Act to consolidate the licts ?'~lating to the Constitution' : I rIo hereby proclaim that a t( Session of the Legislatiye Council and Legislative Assembly for the State of New South "Vales, U for the despatch of business, shall commence and be holden on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of (I April, instant, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in the buildings known as tho Legislati~' e Council 1 381 " Chambers, in Macquarie-stl'cet, in the City of Sydney: And Members of the said Legislative tI Council and L egislative Assembly, r f'specliiv ely, nre hereby required to give their aUendance at 1 447 If the sn.id liime and place ac'cordingly, "Gi\ren under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this fifth day of April, in the year of " Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and in the seventh year of n His Majesty's Reign, " By His Excellency'S Command, " ·GEORGE W. FULLER. " GOD SAVE THE KING!"· 111 embe1's JJ1'esent ;- l'he Honol'able James Ashton, The Honorable Joseph Licvcsley Beeston, C.M.G., L .R.C.S., Irel., the Honorable Reginald James Bln.ck, t he Honorable Joseph Alexander Browne, LL.B., the Honorable Frallcis Henry Bryant, the Honorable Colonel Ja.mes Bums, the Honorable Nicholas .James Buzacott, the HOllomble Sir Jos ~p h H ector Carruthen:, K .GM.G., LL.D., the H onorable ,Tohn Mildred Creed,' IVI.R.C.S., E., The Honorable William '.l'hollias Dick, the Honorable H enry Martin Doyle, L .R.C.P., Lon., L.S.A., Lon., M.lt.G.S., Eo, the Honorable George F rederick Ertrp, the Honorable John Gibson Fa.l'leigh, the H0norable Ern e~ t. H enry Farrar, the Honorable John Daniel FitzGerald, the Honora ble Frederick FIO"w{'rs (Pl' e~ ident), the Honora.bh'l Edmund Walcott Fosbery, C.M.G., the H onorable James Conley GftLtnon, K. o. , the Honorable John GarlancT, R.C., the HOl1ora.ble John R ep11el', the Honorable Louis FI'n.nci'3 H eydon, the Honorable William Oharles Bill, th.~ Honorable Colonel "\Villiam Hillier HoI hol'OW, C.~f.G., the Honorable Thomas 1 587 Douglas P ercy Holden, the' Honorable Sir Thoma,s Rughe.'i, Kt., t.he Honorable Alfred Edg<lI" Hunt, the Honorable vVilliam Fergus Hurley, the Honorable Henry Edward Kater, the H onoraLle Edward J ohn Kavanu,gh, t he Honorable Silo Charles Kinna ird Mackdlar, K.C.M.G" ~LB., r::.fi:L, 1 381 the Honorable John Meagher, the Honorable Alfred Willia.m Meelni, the H onorable H eury Mose);;, thp. Honorable John Brady Na.~h, :NLD., the Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Conor, LL,B., the H onorable Cha.rles Ja.mes Roberts, C.M.G., thfl Honorable \Villia.m 1,obson, the Honol'rt,ble Andrew 1" Sincln.ir, the Honorable James JQynton Smith, the H onoril.bIe Sir Allen Arthur Taylor, Kt., the Honol'a.ble J'ohn 'I'ravers, the Honorable A .,tbul' King Tl'ethowan, the Honorable J ames Cobb White. , Jl!embc1's absent;- 1'he Honorab1e Alexander Brown, the Honorable Heury Oarey Dangar, the Honorable R obert G.eol'ge Dnndas FitzGerald, the Honorable James Gormly, the Honorable Colonel James Alexa.nder Kennet h Mackay, C.B., the Hon·ora.ble Sir Samuel :i\icCanghey, Kt., t he Hono!'able li'ergns Jago Smith, t he R onol'able John "\\Tethel'spoon, the Honorable James vVilson, the Honorable Frederick Earle '\Vinchcombe. 97641 2. 2 MINUTES OJ? TIlE pn,)Cl~:~:)I:; ::3 OP Tn~ LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. ' i'9!:;:,Al" 1'il" 19J,7,t·" ' I< , --------------------------------'1~ ~ " ' ~ ~ > ~~._--------------_________________ 2. CO:\l,mSRI O ~ TO OP,,~:'i PARLIA.\m:\T :-l'he President acquainted the HOLl::le that His Execllcncy the 3, OOlIMl SS T O~E Govi-rnol', not deeming it fit to ue p .:. rs6ni'i:Tlyprl"sent hel'e this day I had been pleased to caUSfl a Commission to be is. .,ued, under the Public Senl of th_c State, appointing the Honorable Frederick (t Gentlen~ Flowers, President Ot the Legislatiye Counc,iI! the:'~-1:ohol'ahlc J ahn Daniel FitzGerald, Vicc-P re~ident of the Execllti\'i~ Council, a.nd Ministct' for ~ Plib1il: Health and Locu.l Government, anrl the tt If' t hat l1 ~ Honol'ab!t~ J ohn Gal'bnd, ICC., Solicitor-General, and Minister for J"ustice, Commissioners in order " Gentlem to> t h,... opening and holding of this Padi<\.m en1~' - ' " 8hall hln The Commi ssi oTIf~rs , pbO"inl:! .' scated ~ one "On tl n~ r·rght and the' otbl'r ·on'.! tilO l ... ft of the Ohail', the The Asse Pte!>ident. di l' t:>cted~ tHe TIsHel,," or-tho HlaoIk 110a: to' let the-,Assemhly know uthe Commis5ionel'8 ,t desire their immedi,\.te attenJance in this House." 4. GO;\lMISSIOX And the Usher of the Bluek Hod ha,ving returned, and reported that he had duly delivered s'uch constituti the Oath :r :M esstlge,- , ; Tho said C And t. he Assembly heing comc,- i The P~'{!sident said,- n By Iris "': H~lJ1 orllblo: Gentlemen ' of the Legi:slative @oundl, and Gentlemen,of the L2gi ~ 1 a.tive A~sembly,­ " 11 H~ ~: Rls EA'CeIlency the €hwc~m·?r; noli d e~m ing it-fi r; to be pel'Sonu,lly pl!C'ien,t hel'e tHis day, has been '" please~,t? ~au se a. COmlnls>;I,on to be lSSlleJ, undet' the Public Sea,1 of t.he S~a. t f>, t:onst.itu, ing U1i " To all w· I . OommlsslollMS to do all thmgs necessary to be perfol'01ed by the Governor 10 the 1lI1l11e und ou " Grci ," the part, oE His Majesty the Kiog, 0 1' ill the name a,nel on the part of Hi~ Excellency the ." Governor of the S tate, in orde.r tu the opening and holding of this P<1I'liaruent, to deliver a (l IN pursu .I: Mes~agfl to the I.egisla:i.ve Assembly, and to do all such athOl' things as m-t.y be specially " della Cal ~; neocs::-<1ry to enaLle ,l'~rli~rltent to ,Poriol'm aots which admit, of. no delay, as will morc funy " COUllcl l 1 , appeal' by the CommISSIOn Itself, winch must now be road." H Coun61 l( G<-Lrla..u<1 ~ "Vhvreupon the Clerk, by dil'cction of the President, read the said· Commission, as foJ]ows:- (( cdl Or al t (I Allerriarl ~ (}em'qe V, by th& (;"ace- 0./ God, of the Unitkd Kiingdom 0/ Great Bhtain. and b vdarnd and of tlle .'" ~ .1 lh'it,'ish Nominions beyond. tite.8-eas, J{ing, Difender (If the Faith, Emperor (if I7Id~, t( every su( If Qivi II To <111 ' to 1V1'i.0i:D.' thcse ' pl'cs~nts - sha ll co'me,- cc Creetihg: " " VylFEREAlf. by PrbcliLllllliti011 ma'de on the fift h day of R pml' instant, Blis., E~ceHency Sir " " GE'HALB STHI'eKLA""'~.J5, Count della. ®a.t'ena, Knight (!}l.'ana' (!J ross of Out:' l\Iost f>istin-guished I( Or-del' of' Saint Michaee aflci &<lIint George, our @o vernGl'of, OUI' Slate of N~w SO uth Wales II arrtd i ts Dependl:'llcies, in the' Commonwealth, of '&usoralix, did, in. pursualnae of the power ,I and authol'ity ves-ted. in him as Governor of our sa.ic1 Stln.tiC; oy, ,,:illtue of an Act; passed n in the second yeal' of the l'f~ign. o~ Ris late Majesty King Ed!war:(·b the Se'\'enth ~ beiog " I ' A'n Act to consolida;te the Ac(:s "elating to the Cbnslit'lI"tionj' pr0.claim tbat a Session of (; the Leglslat ive'Council and Legisla;ti' ,~ 'e Assembly, constitute!!l' une'elt tl~e saici, Act, a.nd composing 5. ME;\{ m:n. HEr{ "the Parliament of our said Sta.t·e of New South W8II'es, should commeuce' alild be holden intima.t ing' tt on Tuesdny,. tl're seyeneeenth day of .April instant: And w;hereas, for cel'laIin oauses, our said his seat ill "Goverllor cari:not.ctln.veniently be present in person a.t the opening of the sa.id Session: Now The Pl'esid (I know yA, t hat we, trusting in the discretion, fidelity, and, ca'te sf OUT tru5ty; and well,beloved the (. Honorarb'le- Fl'ecleriGk Flo\vers, President of the said L egislative Oouncil, the Honorahle John (l Daniel FitzGeralld, Vice-President of our Executive Council, Minister of Public Health and " Minister for Loca.l Government., of OOl' swid State, and the Honorable John Garland, Minister The Housel "of Just ice and Solicitor,General of our said State, Members of the ~aid Legislative Council, do, 6.
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