Academic Senate 13 July 2012 2012 MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY A meeting of the Academic Senate will be held at 9.30am Friday 13 July 2012 in the Senate Room, Level 3, Lincoln Building. Members are requested to notify the Chair of Academic Senate, Professor Julie Fitness, of any additional items which they wish to have starred, and the reason for seeking discussion of those items. Ë This symbol indicates items that have been starred for discussion at the meeting. Members who are unable to attend the meeting are requested to send their apologies to Ms Rajee Grewal (Telephone: 9850 7320 or e-mail
[email protected]). A G E N D A Page Numbers Ë 1. APOLOGIES / WELCOME 2. ARRANGEMENT OF AGENDA Ë 2.1 Starring of Items Ë 2.2 Adoption of Unstarred Items Pages 3 - 23 Ë 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Meeting held on 7 June 2012 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (not dealt with elsewhere in the Agenda) 5. CONSIDERATION OF CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nil 6. 2012 - SESSION 1 UNIT RESULTS Pages 24 – 32 6.1 Consideration of Schedule of Results, Session 1, 2012 Exam registers Examination Reports of the Faculties will be considered under this item. available from “P” drive (AMIS) To be collected 6.2 Candidates who have now satisfied requirements for Undergraduate by Members from Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates APS To be collected 6.3 Undergraduate Candidates who may Qualify once I/F grades are from APS resolved/amended 1 Page 1 Academic Senate 13 July 2012 To be collected 6.4 Candidates who have now Satisfied Requirements for Postgraduate from the APS Coursework Certificates/Diplomas/Degrees To be collected 6.5 List of Prizewinners from APS Ë 6.6 Approval for the Communication of Results Pages 33 - 126 7.