Legislative Council
.8 ORDERi':D '[0 DE PRINTED. ~tlu !;JotlliJ. iWlalt~ • ,Hli':,elL \ -JOINT VOLUMES. --)J!: ,--- I \,01,\ 1-\ -PAGE.- . No.1: ~nNUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE , LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. 1 '1 447 TUESDAY, 17 APRIL, 1917. 1. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT :-The Oouncil met at Twelye o'clock at Noon, pursuant to Proclamation of H is Excellency the Governor, which was read by the Clerk of the Parliaments, by direction of the President, as follows :- I NEW SOUTH 'VALES, } Proclamation hy His Excellency Sir Gr.RALD STRICKLAND, Count della I( TO W IT. Catena, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint " (L.8.) n G. S'fRICKLAND, lIiichael and Saint George, Govel'nor of the State of Ne\y South Wales II Governor. and its Dependencies, in the Commou\'lcaith of Australia.. " IN pursuance of the power a.nd authority vested in me as such GoverDor aforesaid, by virtue " of an Act passed in the second year of the reign of ,His late J\iajesty King Edward the Seventh, I' being' An Act to consolidate the licts ?'~lating to the Constitution' : I rIo hereby proclaim that a t( Session of the Legislatiye Council and Legislative Assembly for the State of New South "Vales, U for the despatch of business, shall commence and be holden on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of (I April, instant, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in the buildings known as tho Legislati~' e Council 1 381 " Chambers, in Macquarie-stl'cet, in the City of Sydney: And Members of the said Legislative tI Council and L egislative Assembly, r f'specliiv ely, nre hereby required to give their aUendance at 1 447 If the sn.id liime and place ac'cordingly, "Gi\ren under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this fifth day of April, in the year of " Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and in the seventh year of n His Majesty's Reign, " By His Excellency'S Command, " ·GEORGE W.
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