Infobase Learning Cloud Professional Development & Training
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Infobase Learning Cloud Professional Development & Training Personalized learning modules let educators, professionals, and students discover new ideas, advance skills, and adapt to their changing environments For more information on our unlimited access subscription for institutions and groups, contact [email protected] or call 800-322-8755 ACADEMIC COLLECTIONS K12 COLLECTIONS PUBLIC LIBRARY EMPLOYERS Academic Academic Academic Master Technology Instructional K12 Master K12 Technology K12 Instructional Package: All Academic Career Training Strategies Package: All Training Strategies Public Library Vault Employer Series Title Series ID ILC Learning Outcomes Courses Center Collection Collection Collection Courses Collection Collection Master Package Master Package Google Drive (2021) 5992 Technology Training x x x x x x x Microsoft 365 (2021) 5991 Technology Training x x x x x x x Google Slides (2021) 5988 Technology Training x x x x x x x Google Docs (2021) 5983 Technology Training x x x x x x x Google Calendar (2021) 5985 Technology Training x x x x x x x iPadOS 14 Essentials 5980 Technology Training x x x x x x x Canvas Basics for Instructors 5889 Instructional Strategies x x x x Google Classroom (2021) 5984 Instructional Strategies x x x x Excel Advanced (2021) 5972 Technology Training x x x x x x x Google Meet (2021) 5971 Technology Training x x x x x x x Word 2021 5969 Technology Training x x x x x x x Zoom (2021) 5968 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel Basics (2021) 5967 Technology Training x x x x x x x Google Forms (2021) 5970 Technology Training x x x x x x x Teaching in a Virtual Classroom 5963 Instructional Strategies x x x x Leading and Engaging Remote Teams 5962 Instructional Strategies x x x x Instructional Technology Strategies for Students with Autism 5956 Instruction SEL/Assistive Technology x x x x Office 365 Getting Started (2019) 5955 Technology Training x x x x x x x Teachers as Leaders and Decision Makers 5953 Instructional Strategies x x x x Google Classroom (2019) 5951 Instructional Strategies x x x x Using Data to Improve Learning 5950 Instructional Strategies x x x x Office 365 Collaborate and Share (2019) 5949 Technology Training x x x x x x x Office 365 Teams (2019) 5948 Technology Training x x x x x x x Adobe CC 2019 What's New 5947 Technology Training x x x x x x x Zoom Training 5902 Technology Training x x x x x x x Word Basics Office 365 (2019) 5923 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel Basics Office 365 (2019) 5921 Technology Training x x x x x x x Google Calendar Training (2019) 5920 Technology Training x x x x x x x APA (7th Ed.) Research Paper Basics - Word 2019 (Office 365) 5957 Technology Training x x x x x Photoshop CC 2018 - Basics 5796 Technology Training x x x x x x x Best Practices for Creating a Resume 5602 Technology Training x x x x x Professional Etiquette 5924 Career Success x x x x x x Grammar 101 5529 Career Success x x x x x x Information Security Best Practices 5586 Technology Training x x x x x x x Visio 2016 5607 Technology Training x x x x x x x Illustrator CC 2018 - Basics 5795 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel 2016 5516 Technology Training x x x x x x x Photoshop CC 2018 - Advanced 5804 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel 2016 - Frequently Used Formulas and Functions 5573 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel 2016 - Statistical Analysis 5589 Technology Training x x x x x x x Access 2016 5601 Technology Training x x x x x x x Windows 10 - In-Depth 5527 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel 2016 - Charting 5583 Technology Training x x x x x x x Critical Thinking 5610 College Success x x x x APA (6th Ed.) Research Paper Basics - Word 2010 2338 Technology Training x x x x x APA (6th Ed.) Research Paper Basics - Word 2013 5344 Technology Training x x x x x Microsoft Project 2016 5679 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel 2016 - Pivot Tables 5596 Technology Training x x x x x x x Chicago/Turabian Manual of Style Training 5028 Technology Training x x x x x x x Computer Literacy Basics Training (PC) 2826 Technology Training x x x x x x x Effective Listening Training 5027 Career Success x x x x x x x Adobe Animate CC 2018 - Basics 5861 Technology Training x x x x x x x Word 2016 - Tables and Graphics 5594 Technology Training x x x x x x x Educacion and Culturarlly Relevant Teaching 5744 Instruction SEL/Assistive Technology x x x x Canvas Instructor 5603 Instructional Strategies x x x x Creating an Infographic 5423 Technology Training x x x x x x x Moodle 3.2 - Student 5690 Instructional Strategies x x x x SPSS 24 - Basics 5693 Technology Training x x x x x x x Business Writing 5680 Career Success x x x x x x Excel Online Training 5235 Technology Training x x x x x x x Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities 5954 Instruction SEL/Assistive Technology x x x x How Do I Create a Unique Presentation? 5541 Career Success x x x x x x Intro to HIPAA for Covered Entities 5330 Compliance x x x x x x How Do I Become a More Effective Writer? 5465 College Success x x x x Living with Depression 5549 Self Improvement x x x x x x Being an Effective Online Student 2384 College Success x x x x Creating an Accessible Syllabus Using Acrobat Pro DC & Word 2016 (PC)5626 Instruction SEL/Assistive Technology x x x x x Excel 2010 - Advanced Training 2439 Technology Training x x x x x Rapid Web Development Using Bootstrap Training 2902 Technology Training x x x x x x x Responsible Decision-Making 5887 Self Improvement x x x x x x Google Scholar 5319 Technology Training x x x x x x x How Do I Manage My Money? 5473 College Success x x x x How Do I Manage My Time? 5474 Career Success x x x x x x Diversity and Inclusion 5740 Compliance x x x x x x Personal Finance Basics 5639 Career Success x x x x x x Acrobat Pro DC 5621 Technology Training x x x x x x x Tableau Basics 5708 Technology Training x x x x x x x Excel 2013 - Intro Training 2798 Technology Training x x x x x x x iOS 7 - Calendar Training 5034 Technology Training x x x x x InDesign CC 2018 - Basics 5797 Technology Training x x x x x x x Computer Literacy Basics Training (Mac) 5031 Technology Training x x x x x x x Educational Program Design Using the ADDIE Model 5535 Instructional Strategies x x x x PowerPoint Online 5233 Technology Training x x x x x x x How Do I Succeed in an Online Class? 5478 College Success x x x x Office Online: In-Depth 5755 Technology Training x x x x x x x Goal Setting 5265 Career Success x x x x x x Computing Training 2895 Technology Training x x x x x x x Visio 2013 Training 2847 Technology Training x x x x x Planning a Paper 5551 College Success x x x x Successful Time Management 5094 Career Success x x x x x x Dreamweaver CC 2018 - Basics 5814 Technology Training x x x x x x x Office 365 Teams 5793 Technology Training x x x x x x x Windows 10 5432 Technology Training x x x x x x x Premiere Pro CC 2018 - Basics 5824 Technology Training x x x x x x x Persuasion & Negotiation Training 5085 Career Success x x x x x x Effective Meetings 5073 Career Success x x x x x x Excel 2016 - Evaluating Data 5577 Technology Training x x x x x x x PowerPoint 2016 - Shapes & SmartArt 5579 Technology Training x x x x x x x InDesign CC 2018 - Advanced 5805 Technology Training x x x x x x x Word 2016 - Mail Merge 5574 Technology Training x x x x x x x Unlocking Potential: The Impact of Mindset on Success 5631 Instructional Strategies x x x x Developing Healthy Relationship Skills 5869 Career Success x x x x x x Experimental Analysis with SPSS 24 5710 Technology Training x x x x x x x PowerPoint 2016 - Animation & Effects 5582 Technology Training x x x x x x x Writing Effective Learning Outcomes 5515 Instructional Strategies x x x x Collaborating and Sharing Using Office 365 5420 Technology Training x x x x x x x Being Savvy Online 2609 Self Improvement x x x x x x Leadership Styles 5698 Career Success x x x x x x Professional Responsibility Strategies for Teachers 5655 Instructional Strategies x x x x Zipping and Unzipping Files 5418 Technology Training x x x x x x x Camtasia 2018 5874 Technology Training x x x x x x x What Do I Need to Know About Nutrition? 5483 College Success x x x x Creating Engaging Lessons Online 5501 Instructional Strategies x x x x Bloodborne Pathogen Training 5438 Compliance x x x PowerPoint 2016 - Working with Pictures 5576 Technology Training x x x x x x x Connecting Through Vulnerability 5642 Instructional Strategies x x x x jQuery & JavaScript Basics Training 2795 Technology Training x x x x Over the Rainbow Customer Service Training 5038 Career Success x x x x x x Moodle 2.8 - Instructor Training 5365 Instructional Strategies x x x x HTML5 Basics 5393 Technology Training x x x x x Word 2016 - Table of Contents and References 5585 Technology Training x x x x x x x Communication Styles 5692 Career Success x x x x x x Adobe Bridge CC 2018 5806 Technology Training x x x x x x x Navigating Relational Conflict 5033 Career Success x x x x x x How Do I Build an Effective Leadership Team? 5519 Career Success x x x x x x Word 2016 Newsletter 5563 Technology Training x x x x x x x Creating a Website Using WordPress 4.1 5338 Technology Training x x x x x x x Title IX, the Clery Act, and OCR 5735 Compliance x x x Excel 2016 - Protecting Your Spreadsheets 5581 Technology Training x x x x x x x Learning Styles 5593 Instruction SEL/Assistive Technology x x x x PowerPoint 2016 - Present & Share 5575 Technology Training x x x x x x x Critical Thinking & Bloom's Taxonomy 5406 Instructional Strategies x x x x Microsoft Sway 5320 Technology Training x x x x x x x How Do I