1 Syllabus of Tehrik E Jadid National Quiz Competition History And

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1 Syllabus of Tehrik E Jadid National Quiz Competition History And 1 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Syllabus of Tehrik e Jadid National Quiz Competition By Anwer Khan, National Secretary Tehrik e Jadid History and Organization Q What is Tehrik e Jadid? A It is a divinely inspired scheme for the propagation of Islam around the world. Q When was it initiated and by who? A Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II started it in November 1934 Q Who was Ataullah Shah Bokhari and what did he claim? A He was the leader of Majils e Ahrar, he was staunch enemy of Ahmadiyyat and said that he will eliminate Ahmadiyyat from the face of the earth. Q Where was the Ahrar Conference held and when? A It was held in a small village called Jada near Qadian on October 21-24 1934 Q What was the response of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra ? A Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra said that I see that earth is slipping from under their feet. Q What happened to their Majlis? A Within a year of this incidence, their organization was banned due to embezzlement charges. Q How many demands did Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra put forth in the first three sermons on the topic? Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra presented nineteen demands. Q What directive was given to the members in October 23, 1934 sermon A To reconcile the differences with each other, and report back to him the same evening by midnight. Q Who was the first dedicated worker of Tehrik e Jadid? A The first or earliest worker was Mr. Mohammad Yaqub Q Who was the first Financial Secretary of TJ? A Ch. Barakt Ali Sahib was the first appointment. Q Who was the first in charge of the department of Property and trust? A Molvi Fakhruddin and Mirza Bashir Ahmad was appointed as his Secretary. Q Who was assigned the First Incharge of Tehrik e Jadid? A In January 1935, a regular office of Tehrik e Jadid was assigned and Molvi Abdul Rahman Anwar was made incharge of Tehrik e Jadid. Q Who was appointed as the First Secretary for Foreign Missions? A Molvi Nuruddin Munir. Q A department of trade and industry was created in Tehrik e Jadid, who was appointed the first in charge of this department? A Maulana Zulfiqar Ali Khan Gohar was appointed to mange this department. 2 Q In January, Huzoor made an appeal to send cycles to undertake the survey work in nine districts. What was the outcome f this appeal? A Overwhelming response and hundreds of bikes were sent, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra had to give a Khutba to stop further shipments of bike. Q When was Darus Sana’at established in Qadian under TJ A This school of vocational disciplines like wood work, steel work and the like began and continued till 1947. Q Technically the scheme of Tehrik e Jadid was launched for three years, what happened at the end of this period? A in 1937 Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra extended this scheme to another seven years till 1944. Q When was Fazle Omar Reasearch Institute established in Qadian and which Scientific Journal paid a tribute to this effort? A In April 1946 this institute was established in Qadian and “Nature” magazine in the issue of June 8, 1946 made a special mention. Q What is so significant about February 1, 1945 for Jam’at Ahmadiyya? A On this day, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra selected 22 Devotees for Missionary work overseas and nine devotees for higher education in various disciplines Q When the scheme of dedicating one person per family initiated? A On January 5, 1945, Huzoor appealed that every family should offer one person for Waqf ( Dedication) Q When was Tehrik e Jadid officially registered and under what name? A On October 18, 1946 Tehrik e Jadid was registered as Tehrik e Jadid Anjuman Ahmadiyya and ten directors were named Q In what year all Missions outside the Indo-Pak subcontinent were placed under the Jurisdiction of TJ? A Q Who were the six special members that were added to the board of directors A M.M.Ahmad, Nourulhaq Anwar, Ch. M. Sharif, Saifur Rahman and Muhammad Siddique Q When was Jamiatul Mubashireen established and how long did it continue? A On December 10, 1949 Jamiatul Mubashireen was established in Rabwah Q When was Majlis Tehrik e Jadid established? A March 16, 1946 Q In 1950, Huzoor created ten departments for Tehrik e Jadid and these will be called Wakeel, name these departments A Wakeelul Maal I, II and Property, Wikat Deewan (Secretary), Education, Trade, Legal, Tabsheer and Publication Q Under which department all foreign missions are operating? A Wakalat Tabsheer Q Who is the present Wakil e Ala’ in Rabwah? A Ch. Hamidullah Sahib Q Who is Wakil ut Tabsheer in Rabwah? A Nawab Mansoor Ahmad Khan, with Abdul Majid Sahib as additional in London. Q Who is current Wakeelul Maal I? A Mirza Fazal Ahmad 3 Q What were the objectives of Oriental Religious Publishing Company? 118 A The sole purpose of this company was to publish the translations of the Holy Quran and other literature.. It was established on April 30, 1953 Q When were the offices of Tehrik e Jadid established in Rabwah? A On May 30, 1950, the foundation of the office building was laid and in 1953 it was completed. Q when was the book 5000 Mujahideen published? A It was published in 1959 Q When was the minimum contribution of Rs.. 10 fixed. A On March 18, 1964 Q When was the magazine entitled: Tehrik e Jadid begun? A. It began in 1965 under the editorship of Maualna Nasim Saifi Sahib. Q When was the first Boarding House established and how long did it continue? A A boarding house was established to teach children moral values especially truthfulness. A It was established in mid year of 1935. It continued till 1946 when it was absorbed by Nizarat Taleem, Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian. Q When did Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II ra add five additional demands to the earlier 19, and what were they? A Twentieth: Pay attention to distribute the part of your inheritance as prescribed by Shariah. Twenty First: Pay attention to the rights and sentiments of women Twenty Second: Every Ahmadi would be trust worthy and will not cheat anyone of their property. Twenty Third: Serve mankind, work with your own hands and clean the cities and areas you live. ‘Twenty Fourth: No Ahmadi will file a lawsuit in outside courts instead he will turn to Jam’at Qaza system. Q In which country the revelation” Kings shall seek blessings from thy Garments was fulfilled? A Gambia in 1979 when F.M. Sighate accepted Ahmadiyyat and requested the garment piece of Hadhrat Promised Messiah Q When this revelation was fulfilled again and the kings entered the Jalsa Gah riding on their horses? A It was fulfilled in 2001 when 12 Kings entered Jalsa Salana of Benin where 50,000 people were in attendance. Q In which country the President and the Vice President both attended the Jalsa Salana all three days? A Jalsa Salana in Ghana in the Khilafat Jubilee year 2008. Q Which was the largest Jam’at in the world during the time of Promised Messiah ah outside India? A Uganda, East Africa. 52 Companions are known to have migrated to Uganda. Q When did MTA 24 hour broadcast Start? A January 7, 1996 Q When did MTA Arabiyya begin its broadcast? A In 2008 Q When did AlFazal International begin its publication? AJ January 7, 1994 Q When Huzoor appealed to raise the printing of the Review of Religions to 10,000? A 1994 4 Q Which Jam’at came forward to fully fund this printing? A USA Q Which country issued the Stamp of Ahmadiyya Centenary in 1989? A Sierra Leone Q Which country issued the Stamp of Dr. Abdus Salam? A Benin Q Which country decided to declare Fiday as a Muslim holiday on the request of our Missionary Mubarak Ahmad Saqi A President of Liberia Mr. Tibman accepted the request in 1964 and declared Friday as a holiday for Muslims so they could attend Friday prayers. Q Who is the first Indian missionary who was martyred in Mauritius and when? A Hafiz Obaidullah Shaheed was the first martyr who gave his life at the young age of 32. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II gave a glowing tribute to him in his Friday sermon December 7, 1923. A guest house in Qadian has been build by Jam’at Mauritius, Huzoor named this guest house as Hafiz Obaidullah guest House. Q When was Fazal mosque in Washington purchased? A 1950 Q When is the first Jalsa Salana of USA held? A In 1948 in Dayton, OH Q Where is Edward Boucher Abdus Salam Institute located? A This institute is located in Benin, Africa Q Which Ahmadiyya Missionary conveyed a message of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II to Qaid e Azam to return to India in 1933? A Abdul Raheem Dard Sahib gave this message that was acknowledged by Qaid e Azam at a reception held in London Mosque in 1933. Q What is the first demand of Tehrik e Jadid? A Simple Living incorporating frugal use of resources in food, clothing and amenities Q How many demands were presented in the initial three sermons? A 19 demands Q What was the Nineteenth demand? A Every one should indulge in ardent supplications for all those who are actively involved in the efforts to propagate Islam so that their efforts bring forth success in their missions.
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