Vol. 17, No.5, June 2002 • aSSlC Townsend Harris High School at Queens College 149-11 Melbourne Avenu~, Flushing, NY 11367 . ·Campaign poster vandal.ism unnerves community by Daniel Bloch saw ii and froz.e," she said. "I didn't verbal, betrays the Ephebic Oath that we walking up the stairs from sixth band An election campaign poster ofjun- know how to react." Jaime first went to all take and brings dishonor to our won- lunch with friends, but added that he had ior Jaime Sackett, a religious Jew and Joan Walsh, Assistant Principal ofGuid- not seen the graf- newly-elected Student Union President, ance, who informed Jaime that an in- fiti when he was defaced with a swastika, the infa- vestigation to find the vandal, or van- passed the poster mous Nazi emblem, during sixth band dais, would be opened at once. _ at the beginning of

on Thursday, May 16. Drawn neatly in Principal Thomas Cunningham con- the band. When he ~ black ink, the swastika, approximately firmed that an investigation was under , , saw it, he said, three inches in diameter, arouseq anger way, though he declined to comment on i "my . jaw and shock among many members, Jew- the details of the search. "Every com- dropped," and he ish and non-Jewish, of the school com- plaint about discrimination is taken very ..,.... immediately noti- munity. seriously," he said. Mr. Cunningham E fied guidance . 0 . The incident was the most vicious of added that although a culprit has yet to . :;, c o u n s e I o r several incidents of poster vandalism be found, there would be "severe con- ~ AntoinetteTeague, that has marred this year's student elec- sequences" to face when he or she is :who promptly

tions. Adam Stonehill, Coordinator of identified. 0 ripped down the Student Activities (COSA), said that he "This here brings shame to all of . ] poster. · " , , . . . . Newly elected Student Union.President Jaime Sackett, junior, talks o.. " was aware of two or three cases of us, said Ms. Walsh In an Interview business with Coordinator of Student Activities (COSA) Adam Stonehill. I was so sur- vandalism, a number, he said, that was con.ducted a week after the defacing of · · · ·. prised," Jaime "two or three more than usual," · · Jaime's poster. . "We share collective derful schooL" said, reacting as many Harrisites did to Jaime noticed the swastika while s~e guilt for allowing this to happen. Any Sophomore David Belsky noticed the the event "[The swastika] has so much was returning from sixth band lunch. "I kind of hateful bias, whether written or swastika on Jaime's poster as he was Continued on p. 10 The people have spoken: Carbone. departs, citi·ng Student Union announces officers by Jennifer Gong ately" next year, referring to the van­ co·nflict with administration The ballots ·are _in and the winners dalism of campaign posters. by Jamie Gullen and Sarah Schnee the different sides of an issue. have been chosen for the Student Union Communication seemed to be the Conflict between English teacher A conference was held to discuss Mr. Michael Carbone and the administration (SU) government of 2003. Leading the theme for this year's SU election. At the Carbone's methods. The administration regarding the method and content of Mr. advocates the developmental style in student body will be Jaime Sack~tt as debates, candidates pinpointed the main Carbone's teaching 'has led to his which the teacher leads class discussions SU President and Maryann Tan as SU deficiency of the SU as being a lack of decision to accept a position at Cobble Vice President. Harrisites placed their effective ways to publicize school by presenting an aim that is concluded votes on Wednesday, May 29, follow­ · events to the student body, which results Hill High School of American Studies at the end of each lesson. Ms. Greenfield . in Brooklyn beginning in the upcoming · ing a warning from unopposed SU sec- in a low attendance to such social ac­ stated that it is the preferred method of fall term. He publicly announced to his the New York City Board of Education. . retary Angel Yau, given ·at the candi­ tivities. Thus, its improvement was a English classes in April that he would Mr. Carbone regularly uses the seminar dates' debates, that she would "send main campaign goal for the candidates be applying for a transfer. style of teaching, in which the students killer robots after [them] to eat [their] for SU Presipent (Arianna Freyre and After receiving complaints from control the discussion in a debate­ brains" if they didn't vote. Jaime Sackett) as well as for those run­ parents about Mr. Carbone's teaching, focused style that he describes as being According to Coordinator of Student ning for SU Vice President (Rita Ratner the administration reviewed . the similar to a college classroom. Activities (COSA) Adam Stonehill, 459 and Maryann Tan). Jaime would also allegations and conducted an Ms. Greenfield never told Mr. Carbone students, or about 53% of eligible vot­ like to see an increase in school spirit. investigation. Assistant Principal of that he had to change the way in which ers, visited the polls on election day. Humanities Lynne Greenfield declined he teaches, but rather discussed what she This was a little better than last year's ·who won? to comment on the nature of the thought was most effective and why. "disappointing"Jigure of roughly so%. SU President: Jaime Sackett complaints, saying "What happens Regarding this meeting, Mr. Carbone Mr. Stonehiii hopes that the debates held SU Vice President: Maryann Tan SU Secretary: Angel Yau between parents and supervisors and said, "The development~\ lesson has _ the previous week helped students SU Treasurer: Susan Chang teachers is really a private matter." been an issue with Dr. Largmann, Mr. "make educated decisions." Senior Vice President: Rachel To further investigate the situation, Cunningham, and Ms. Greenfield. [The "The elections are not about popu­ Nept>muceno Ms. Greenfield questioned a sample of idea of sitting in] the rows was suggested. larity, but about who is the best candi­ Junior Vic-e President: Mol'lie Laffin­ students from Mr. Carbone's classes. by Ms. Greenfield and confirmed by Mr. date and will best meet the needs of the Rose "Ms. Greenfield asked rrie how English Cunningham. The hand-raising policy students," he added. Freshman/Sophomore Vice President: was going. She said ·she was taking out was strongly encouraged by both. I have Though there was a better voter tum­ Windell Cadeiina students randomly to ask about E-6 been criticized many times about this out than in previous years, the issues Consultative Counciltepresentative: [English Level 6)," said junior [the seminar sty!e], so I knew what was involved with campaigning were tough Rachel Schiffman PUblic Relations~ Shanay Freeman Alexandra' LoRe. implied by the meeting." After the this year; said Mr. StonehiiL The candi­ Junior QSAC: Linda Luu and Jennifer "Everyone is given a fair shake," said meeting, Mr. Carbone changed his dates "needed more time" to present 'I'eckneci Principal thomas Cunningham, method · and began to use the themselves to voters. He also said that Junior Sehool Leadership Team: Venus commenting on the way in which the__ developmental style . . "students need to act more appropri- Cheung administration goes about listening to Codtinued on p. 7

Score Choice ~e.w York Times Food Allergies Sports t Eliminated Scholars· . . k p~ 11 pgs. 14-16 p.3 p.4 2 The Classic ., June2002 ._------~----~~------~------~- 'T Heat brin.gs out hypocrisy 'HE .,.•

June has arrived and extremely warm weather has come with it. Harrisites now must carefully consider their wardrobes. Halter tops, tank tops, tube tops, backless shoes, and shorts that do not pass one's finger tips are among the items r.ra•t· of clothing that must be 'NIXed' from one's school attire, literally. While the u.e Board of Education's only specifications in its dress code are that "students may not wear hats or head gear in the, building," Townsend Harris' code goes above and beyond this, taking the Board bf Ed's instructions to allow students to 'dress appropriately' far too far. We are constantly r~minded that showing our shoulders is extremely inap- . propriate and unprofessional. Dean. of Students Wanda Nix repeatedly asserts that "school for kids is lik<'? work for adults. You 'must learn how to ... conduct yourself." It is for this reason that the Townsend Harris code is so specific, she claims. This argument, though, seems quite hypocritical in light of the fact that while many students are forced to hide their shoulders, they must sit in a 50- minute class watching their teacher sport a tank top. It seems odd that teachers do not adhere to the dress code, especially. since Townsend Harris is their place of work. If Townsend Harris truly is the 'community' that the administration al­ ways says we are, then why don't the same rules apply? "There Is a difference between students and teachers," Ms. Nix said, ''They [teachers] aren't here to be taught" No one is saying that teachers and students should be treated in an identical fashion, but what reason can possibly be offered to explain why bare shoulders are appropriate for our role models, teachers, and not for us? Conquering hate throug~ cultural awareness The fact is that the student dress code is far too restrictive and the reasons given by Jamie Gullen . estinian conflict, and most recently, Sep- _ for its provisions simply do not hold up when we walk into class and see our Trudging through the weekdays, tember 11, people would see that racial, teachers wearing things that are prohibited to us. The teachers in the Townsend spending countless hours studying and ethnic, and religious prejudice make the Harris commun~ty should feel that it is their responsibility to voluntary abide by doing homework, and working on world an uglier place .. At Townsend the dress code as a way of showing students. that it truly is valid and appropriate. collaterals on the weekends are very Harris, there is such a wide range of stu- However, the fact that the teachers do not refrain from revealing their shoulders, is - stressful and time-consuming. One of dents from very different backgrounds, proof that the code is .indeed quite ridiculous. the things that make all this worthwhile and for the most part, there is a great' New York Magazine recently listed Townsend Harris as one of the 'Top Public is knowing I have the privilege of com~ . sharing of ideas about our different cul­ High Schools in New York City,' an honor that Townsend Harris was clearly proud ing every day to a place where I felt safe tures and pasts. We have a multicultural · of, as the site where the article could be found was linked -to Townsend's web from not only physical danger, but from club, Educate to Elevate, which pro­ page. New York Magazine's assessment, though, included some of the downsides. the hatred and ignorance that runs ram- mQtes the sharing of all cultures. In the to the school, including the fact that "the dress code is strict (no tank tops)." Ap­ pant in other high schools and the world annual Festival of Nations, although parently, those in the 'work world' atNew York Magazine found Harris' dress code at large. On May 16, following sixth there are usually many ethnic dances, it a bit harsh. band lunch, I came to the harsh realiza- is common to see people participating The schools that Townsend Harris ·is frequently compared to, Stuyvesant and tion that no matter where you are, or in a dance of a different culture from Bronx Science, have a far more relaxed attitude toward student dress. Both give . how safe you feel, there are always ig, . their own. Following September 11, more responsibility to the students and trust them to use their own discretion. norant people, filled with hate and stu- there was a discussion held in the audi­ Stuyvesant does not have a dress code, while Bronx ~cience'scode does not spe­ pidity. This became evident to me be- torium which permitted students to ex- . I cifically forbid any particular a.rticles of clothing: "Clothing should not be dis­ cause of a campaign poster for Jmme~ press their views on the attacks against . tracting or offensive to other members of the Bronx Science community... [and] Sackett that had a swastika drawn on it. Afghanistan. Several students, both of · undergarments must not be visible, and tops and bottoms of outer garments must Coming up the stairs from lunch, I Middle Eastern background and of other meet or overlap, even when the student's hand is raised." While this may sound saw Jaime standing on the staircase cry- heritages, expressed their belief that the specific, it is not restricting students from wearing specific articles of clothing, ing. She was holding ·her rolled-up attacks were wrong and harmed inno­ _just laying down a .set of basic ground rules. Both of these schools give the student poster and talking to Guidance Counse- . cent civilians. This forum for express­ body a significant amount of freedom in deciding what is appropriate dress and lor Antoinette Teague. When I found oui ing ideas openly without fear of facing nowhere do they prohibit any sort of 'shoulder showing' or give a specific length what was behind her tears, I was fiiled · prejudice is something that I have al­ for shorts. They thus manage to create a dress code that establishes rules for creat­ with outrage. I couldn't believe that i~ ways valued about Townsend Harris. ing a comfortable environment tryat prepares students for the workforce, yet still such a diverse and seemingly accepting ·Although the common reaction to a allows them much freedom. Townsend Harris should follow suit. environment, anyone could be so cruel. situation like this is to respond with an­ . Both Ms. Nix and Principal Thomas Cunningham claim that the dress code The people around me were shocked and ger, this only contributes to hate in this goes up for annual review and that students' opinions are taken into consideration. angry as well. I heard people saying that world and in our school. Rather than They say that the committee that created the dress code was comprised of both if they found out. who did this, they acting out on our anger, it is far more students and teachers. If this is true, then the students sho1.1ld take action. Make would make the person pay. As unset- productive to let our outrage drive us to your opinions heard by contacting Ms. Nix or Mr. Cunningham and encourage the tling as it was to deal with what hap- be even more tolerant of others and administration to rethink the dress code. This 'community' is slowly turning into a pened, I was comforted to k~ow that the share our cultural experiences to an even place where there seems to be a constant tug of wa~ between students and 'staff. schoof on the whole not only doesn't greater extent. Only through educating The only way to end this is to take an active part in formulating the rules that we condone this type of behavior, but others and spreading awareness can we are supposed to fo.Jlow. strongly.condemns it. ever hope to rid our school and the world One WOilld think that after tragedies of the prejudice and ignorance that have such as the Holocaust, the Israeli-Pal~ become so widespread.

Daniel Bloch News Staff: Lily Chu, Beth Duhin, AkshUI Kalla. Bryan Townsend Harris High School at Queens College Allison Slotnick Kin~chc n . Tian Ying 149-11 Melbourne Avenue, Flushing, N.Y. 11367 Co-Editors-in-Chief Feature Staff : Jcs~ica Bcrgcr,Jcnnircr Bhuiyan, Nataliya Binslllcyn, Marlo Duhlin, Sybil Kollappallil, Lin;.\ Lee, Steven Lee, The Classic is an open forum for the expression of Jennifer Gong Linda. Luu, Akshta l

._ ...... ~~ ... ~J}J ~il!:Q... Y

The Classic 3 --~--~------~~~~~--~------~ June 2002 _ '· New 'perspective' adds dimensions to art show by Rachel Schiffntan . Guggenheim, the ated by junior Evan Muehlbauer and All of the individual's senses were Whitney, and the sophomore Caitlin J?inoski, and invoked at the Artist Workshop's third Musuem of slideshows created by freshman Ksenia annual art show in the main lobby from Modern Art, Yachmetz, comp_lemented the artists' May 28 to May 31. The exhibit was pro­ Townsend Harris work. "What's truly great about the art duced with the guidance of the Artist High School is show;" said communicatie-n media arts Workshop's advisors Elizabeth pursuing innova­ teacher Laura Benin, ''is that it gives Crawford, Anthony Morales and tive and high every student who was rushing out of Margherita Wischerth, and the club's quality modes of the building at the end of the day, a senior co-presidents, Emily Fishbaine · producing and chance to stop and think."· and Emily Rivlin-Nadler. ex hi biting art­ All artists were p(esent to discuss the The theme of this year's art show­ work," said art production of their work with the audi- · was "Perspective," the opening of the teacher and .Art- ence. In order to further involve the au­ artist's creativity to ali possible angles . ist Workshop ad­ dience, blank sheets of paper were taped of individual expression. "I found the visor Anthony to the ground and markers were pro­ art show to be very fascinating. I was Morales. vided so that students could draw freely quite surprised that the students in this Juniors Michelle Robinson, Carla Pena, Annie Chih, Stacey Lee view Additional and contribute to the art show. school are actually creative," said Alan the student·produced art show in the lobby on May 22. forms of visual The extensive display also included Fishman, junior. displays · were some traditional aspects of the past two S~veral forms of art were displayed, ture, and fashion design. "It's really sur­ also present at this year's art show. "The art shows: Sophomores Diana Lee and including abstract, representational, and prising to see such a variety of vision­ art club has expanded their interests to · Susan Li and 'freshmen Cecilia Kim, text incorporated paintings, facial and ary, work," said junior Geoffrey Ng. include video art, a form of performance Sharon Lim and Mara Yu performed on figure sketching, photography, sculP.- "Similar to the displays at the art," explained Mr. Morales. Videos ere- the piano, and refreshments were served. Academic in_tegrity policy SAT II score ch.oice no'_ longer defines forms of_ cheating available. after June 2002 by Angela Hom and Jessica Wang The students have to be made aware that by Karen Hendershot .our scores," said junior Maya Zachodin. A revised academic integrity policy in other kinds of academic settings [such You've just gotten your score for the College Counselor Marilyn Blier dis- · wili come into effect in September. The as coiieges], punishments are far more Biology SAT II's. Sure, you studied all agreed. "It's a good decision they made product of a committee of teachers; the severe," said Ms. Greenfield. year, but you still haven't broken a 700. because not only does it level the play- policy, yet to be approved by Principal "There's a problem with academic Before you panic, remember there is a ing field for all students, but it will stop Thomas Cunningham, deals with the dishonesty at our school. We wanted to score holding option, which means no : the 'frivolous and repeated taking of specifics of cheating and the punish­ get some ~onsistency in how we dealt one but you will ever see those scores. these tests," she said. "SAT tests are ar­ ments that will result. with it," explained Dean Wanda Nix, However, a recent decsion will soon tificial interruptions that can get in the According to the new policy, cheat­ another committee member. She and her make this comforting choice obsolete. way of more important things like com- ing can be defined in several W(lyS . Pia- colleagues felt it was necessary to ere- After June I, results of all SAT II sub- munity service and school." ' giarism, the act of taking someone else's ate a cleater academic integrity policy ject tests can no longer be withheld from Others agree_that taking the tests work and submitting it as one's own in order to show students that cheating colleges on "Score Choice," according many times can give wealthier students without giving the true author credit, is is wrong and that academic integrity is to the Coliege Board's recent decision an advantage, but also think that a com­ considered .cheating. This not only ap­ important. The policy will also give of- to ban this option. Created in 1994, the promise should have been made. "They -plies to the written works of published fenders fair and equal treatment because Score Choice was intended to help, not should just limit the amount of times you authors, but to the works of other stu- . it outlines specific punishments. In the hinder, students._Score Choice provided can take each te.st to solve the wealth- dents as well as Internet sources. Giv­ . past, "some kids were penalized more students with the option of withholding advantage problem and still allqw Score ing one's own work to another student than others, which was unfair," said Ms. their SAT II scores from colleges and Choice," saidjunior Angel Yau. knowing that the borrower will present Nix. selecting which individual ones they Although juniors are concerned, the · that work as his or her own also fails Although cheating is listed as a vio- wanted to release. However, the Board's underclassmen wili be the ones to feel under the definition of cheating. Falsi­ lation in the current Townsend Harris announcement on March 11 made it the full effect. "We should also get the fying data, whether it is data from sci­ · Code of Behavior, the offense is not clear that the policy had not been used same choice to decide if we want our ence laboratory experiments or data clearly defined. The committee ran into for its original intentions. scores to be sent.. .I don't think it's fair from research, is also cheating." some difficulty in how to define cheat- According to Cpllegeboard.com 's · at all," said sophomore Rebecca Koenig. According to one of the committee ing, such as whether or not copying press release, "The Score Choice was - ·. While some freshmen and sopho­ members, Assistant PrinCipal of the homework should always be considered problematic from the start. Members mores may elect to take science-related Humanities Lynne Greenfield, "Any­ cheating. For example, in math classes, found that it encouraged 'gamemanshi)J' subject tests, junior year is typically the thing that isn't your own work is cheat­ if a student cannot understand a certain and favored students wealthy enough to year when students take the essential ing or plagiarism. Plagiarism is specifi­ problem, he or she is allowed to ask repeat tests. In addition, many·students Writing and Math SAT Us for competi­ cally passing off someone's work as another student how he or she did it. The who chose to 'wait and see' later forgot tive college admissions. A scramble to your own."· current draft leaves it up to the indi- to release their scores. and missed ad!. . register for the June 1 SAT lis, the last The punishments for cheliting are vidual teacher to de(ine what copying mission deadlines." · chance to take advantage of Score also made clear in the modified policy. homework in a particular class means. However, many students could not Choice, has resulted in an increasedde- For a first time offender, he or she will The committee consisted of Ms. understand the rationale for getting rid .mand for test center room. receive a failing mark on the assign­ Greenfield, Ms. Nix, Assistant Princi- of their freedom to choose what colleges "I've heard of some people having ment, parents will be notified, a note pal of Mathematics Harry Rattien, As- should see. "I completely disagree with to go into other boroughs, like Manhat- . will be made on the Dean's record, and sistant Principal of Science Susan eliminating score choice. It puts a great tan or Brooklyn, for their SAT test cen­ the grade ·for that particulir class wili Brustein, Assistant Principal of Foreign · · deal of unnecessary pressure on the stu­ ters for this June because there was no be affected. A second offense results in Language and Fine Arts Lisa Mars, sci- dent; we should be able to decide room at any nearby places," said junior all the puni~hments for the first-time of­ ence teachers Craig Weiss and , whether or not a college can see all of Amanda Lorenz. fender, with the addition of suspension Rosemarie -Eaton, English teacher lisa from school privileges for one term. If Cowen, and mathematics and computer · The Classic staff wishes to express its . the same student is caught cheating a pr~gramming teacher El_eano~ Rei~Iy. condolences to lisa Cowen English teacher and third time, he or she will be suspended This group held two meetmgs, m which ' -- from school. a dr.att of the policy was written, modi- .Thf! Classic's dedicated ad visor, and family on the "We think the punishment is appro­ fied and sent to other groups, such as . recent passing·ofber father. and to Physical . priate without being too severe for a the Parent Teachers Association, the Stu- • • ' · • first-time offender, and th,e idea is [to dent Union Executive Board and the EducatiOn teacher George Rio and family Qn the make sure] that it never happens again. Consultative Council for input. "We passing of his mother this past May.

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by Diane. Tiao the · 19 wm ners were it is I need. He knows when to call me After a long and grueling process, in­ ch6sen from afield of 'Sheik' ~o make me laugh, and he knows· infel cluding writing four essays and two 23 semi-finalists based when to give me a chance to cry," she SCEne · paragraphs, seniors Shekhinah Jay and on the content of their tA .. ,,, ... said. . Amir Tusher are two of the 19 winners · essays. Topics in­ Amir nominated English teacher co of the 2002 New York Times Scholar­ cluded open-ended c Michael Carbone because he helped ex­ ~ ships. Aimed at making the college ex­ questions such as hard­ pand Amir's mind, "Through qis pas­ perience easier for those who need fi­ ships they have over- ~ sion for the English language and his - ~· nancial support, winners, also called .· come, the s.ource of » love of teaching," Amir said, Mr. .0 scholars, will receive $7,500 a year for their inspiration to suc­ B Carbone inspired him to succeed. · · _g fouryears, a new computer, a mentor at ceed academically, and ~'>.. Amir first learned of the scholarship The New York Times to help them in the how their background Senior Amir Thsher stands proudly beside the Intel banner last summer during his research study fields of study they are interested in, and has influenced their on the sixth floor. He participated in the competition before with his mentor Dr. Muriel M. May. She­ a summer job :it the Times that pays $500 education. Scholars being honored as a New York Times scholar. Shekhinah Jay, had mentio.ned it t6 him and later on, a week. Scholars also attend a number also had to nominate a who also received this honor, is on internship this semester. College Counselor Marilyn Blier en­ of functions and meetings· throughout teacher for Teachers Who Make a Dif- cipal of Mathematics and Physical Edu- couraged him to go for it. "I honestly the year. . ference Award. cation.Harry Ratti en because she wanted didn't expect to win," he said. Both he Through a tough selective process, Shekhinah nominated Assistant Prin- to thank him for always knowing "what Continued on p. 8

Teachers who make a differe·nce: :. .. New York Times · recog1,1ize~ .two inspirations

Harry Rattien Michael Carbone

by Lina Lee dents in a way beyond the ordinary by'(ina Wu Even though he is not "an awards "I can't think of anything else that classroom. "Many" years ago, Lhad to English teacher Michael Carbone re­ person" and has not been "gloating ," made me 'feel so good in my whole ca­ stay after school until around fO PM ceived a great surprise when he opened Mr. Carbone is pleased. "I still have not reer. I love the people I work with, but with some students. When we looked the March 2~ issue of the New York removed the article from the r~frigera­ it's definitely the students who Times . To his delight, he foundthat he tor,'; he said. make it worthwhile," said As­ was one of the winners of the "Teach­ Mr. Carbone believes the award has sistant Principal of Mathemat­ ers Who Make A -Difference" I . ics and Physical Education, . awards', an annual honor given by Harry Rattien, who was hon­ the Times. . ored with one of the 19 2002 The award given to Mr. "Teachers Who Make a Dif- Carbone was part of a scholarship . ference" awards sponsored by · given by the newspaper to excel­ The New York Times. It was ling high school nririority students . based on a nomination made who have overcome adversity. The by the winner of the scholar­ contestants wrote essays answer­ ship, senior ShekhinahJay. ing an assortment of ·questions. "I don't think I was the ·From those submitted, 19 semi-fi­ only teacher who was there for nalists were asked to name the her, but r just happened to be most influential teacher from their there at the right place at the academic experiences. right time," said Mr. Rattien. 'Senior Amir Tusher was one of The award gives public recog­ Harry RattJen the 19 winners. In his essays, he nition to teachers who have commended Mr. Carbone for his greatly influenced or helped the schol- outside, there were 18 inches of snow creative and effective teaching arship winner in any way. Mr. Ratti en piled up. I started to drop some people techniques and enriching class les- · was also given this award in 200 I by a off but by the time I got to the last s.tu­ 'sons. Mr. Carbone "believes co student who is· currently a freshman in dent, the car got stuck in the snow. So · teaching is allowing the students c Columbia University, Ronald Alleyne. the young man and I had to push the car to think and interpret on their .· ~ The 2002 nominator will soon be attend- together and I ended up going home at own." ] ing Cornell University. one in the morning. He now works for "I thanked him [Amir], but he ~ >. Students c.onstantly drop in and out ESPN and makes I 0 times more money said he was the one who should · .0 of Mr. Rattien's office to talk about math than I do," recalled Mr. Rattien. thank me ... His reaction to all this 5 problems or to discuss their personal di- Graduates often return I 0 to 20 years [winning the scholarship] has lf lemmas. "I talk to my students about · later to visit Mr. Rattien to thank him been even more of an eye-opener Michael Carbone their dreams, expectations and general for things he considered nothing at that because of his humility and gra­ concerns about school life. It is re·ally time .. "This one student was having a cious demeanor," said Mr. easy for me because the students are fun. very bad day and she asked if she could · Carbone. not changed him as a teacher.·"I believe They arerespectful and very well-man- take the test another day, and to me it Mr. Carbone was awarded with that I grow each day by observing my nered. I know my children are wonder- was no big · deal, so I said o.k. I later $3,000 and aplaque.The award was a students and their progress," he said, "I ful to their teachers, but they always give found out that it meant so much to the "wonderful surprise" because it directly do not know if the award has convinced ITle a hard time. I'm sure that kids and student," said Mr. Rattien. showed. student appreciation. "You al­ me to stay in teaching for much longer, parents give each other a hard time at With a sense of humor that is known ways find out from [the] administration but it has become a componentof my home, so I try to be one .of those teach" · throughout the school, Mr. Ratti en who is complaining, but they never tell resume and it will always represent ers a student can rely on," said Mr. teases students every day. "I love stu- · you who is complimenting," he said. some good I did in life; that is always ~ Ratti en. · dents with a sense of humor who know "Harris kids do not compliment teach­ rewarding on its own." During the many years he has been a · how to have fun .. My one motto is you en; often, so I was quite shocked [upon teacher, Mr. Rattien has been able to ·give it and you have to takejt," said.Mr. receiving the award] because of all the Seep. 1 for a related article about the circum­ touch many lives and reach out to stu- · Rattien with a grin. bad information! kept getting." stances surrounding Mr. Carbone'sdeparture from the school.

l· The Classic 5 ...... _..._.....,.... 1 June 2002 - Exchange prqgram c-onnects c.u.lture$_,_.fosters friendship· . . --. .. ---- . ------~-- by Allison Slotnick to them by their English teach­ ers and football players.'~ Upon Sara chalked it up to "typical World Trade Center], the Em­ "I've never left the East ers from school. visiting Harris, though, she re- . -Townsend Harris." pire State Building, a New York Coast before and I've never re­ Despite their religious, cul­ ali zed that there weren't any The structure of the school Mets baseball game, and the ally had any experience of tural, and geographic differ­ major differences between the day was a bit of an adjustment Jewish Heritage Museum. America beyond New Jersey," ences, the girls all bonded very students in New York and in for the students: According to While one might assume that sophomore Sara Hochrad said quickly. The new-found going sightseeing in Manhatc half-jokingly, This will soon , chemistry between Sara tan would have been boring change dramatically for Sara as and Jenna was immedi­ for the New Yorkers, Carrie she is taking part in a student ately obvious. "I didn't said that some of the sights ·· exchange program between think she'd be this were new to her as well: "I'd non-Jewish German students funny," Sara said. "She never been to the top of the and Jewish-American students. does a great impression Empire State Building be­ Ten students from Berlin of Mr. [Adel] Kadamani fore. It's seeing what you've came to the U.S. fromApril 6-· [chemistry teacher]." 1:; already seen froin a different 20, and three of them lived with Jenna's hobbies read like ] view.'' Annabelle had been Townsend Harris sophomores: a list of any typical :;, the only one of the three Sara, Nina Mozes, and Carrie American teenager's: ~ German students to have vis­ Buchwalter. From August 17- "meeting friends, going ;, ited New York before, but 31, Sara, Nina, and Carrie will · to the cinema, dancing, s she hoped to accomplish an­ stay in Berlin with the families and doing sports." Nina f other _purpose this time of the students whom they have was shocked by the speed around. "I am interested in hosted: Jenna Schmidtke, at which she and other religions and would Annabelle Thiede, and Annika Annabelle bonded. "We like to combine the Kaiser, respectively. just clicked. It was so sightseeing with learning The exchange program was cute - we talked about more about the foreign stu­ set-up by the North American boys. I_t seems like a dents' religion," she said. All smiles about their new friendship, Annika Kaiser (left) embraces her American host, Board of Rabbis and run locally regular topic and a trivial sophomore Carrie Buchwalter. While none of the three through Temple Israel of Ja­ concept among common Harrisites had partiCipated in maica, · Sara and Carrie's American friends, but to be able Germany. Annika "they [American stu­ any exchange programs before, temple. Initially the program to smile and know that she ·is · Sara· chimed in about an in­ dents] spend a lot more time in Annabelle went to Japan in a was only open to _members of thinking the same'thing was re­ cident that occurred on Jenna's - school and in Germany you similar program and Annika had that temple but they were short ally the reward of this ex­ first day at the school. "She have the same students in all been to Belgium, as well. of housing for the German stu­ change," she said. came in with a shirt that was your classes and there aren't "Americans just aren't as glo- , dents and Sara suggested it to The difference between showing like this much skin," room changes but you have bally educated as Germans are," · Nina. "Apparently, word was Townsend Harris and German Sara said as she stood up and breaks between each." Carrie ·according to Sara. While all going around that this was an . schooling was immediately ap­ showed the tiniest bit of her tried to accommodate Annika three Harrisites are a bit appre­ experience that was not to be parent to all three exchange stu­ waist, "and the security guards by "warning her a few minutes hensive about traveling to Ber­ overlooked. I'd be taking in a dents. Jenna had obtained her immediately stopped her and before Class ended because she lin in August since none of them girl who I'd never met before ideas of what to expect from asked for her program card. I - packs up a little slowly.'' speak much German, they are and who lived half-way across "teenage movies where the stu­ had to explain to them that she Among the sites the group excited· as well. "I can't wait! the world," Nina said. As for dents looked like they were was an exchange student." of students visited with their I'll get the chance to make good the German students, the ex­ wearing underwear, [and every­ While Jenna was quite sur­ hosts were Times Square, friends all over again," Nina change program was suggested one appeared to be) cheerlead- prised by the "strict security," Ground Zero [the site of the said. Drama Club talent show spotlights song, dance,-comedy by Lily Chu ribbon dance, and Stephanie a. really good job." · Talya humor to the show by making Man." Unveiling tht? . varied skills . Bernadel and Hdtther McLeod, Liberman, junior, played crazy introductions of the acts "I think the show turned out · of the Townsend Harris com­ seniors, who did a step dance. "Aufshwung" (Soaring) from and performing their own skits excellently," said Emily, who munity, the Drama Club'sJirst Another featured talent was - Schuman's Fantasishtuke on in between. A Talent Show entertained over singing. Laverne Blackman and the piano; Jessica Polish, confused 150 guests in the auditorium on Arianna Freyre, juniors, came sophomore, performed "An­ Katherine March 26. on the stage sporting white dante in C Major" for flut~ by Hepburn, _A Drama ~lub judging panel shirts, black pants, top hats and W.A. Mozart; Grace Lee, · played by , that included social studies suspenders. The twQ sang and sophomore, played "Sarabande Kris, made an teacher Charlene Levi, the club danced to Aaliyah's "Are You in G Minor" by Carl Bohm with appearance as advisor, had previously chosen That Somebody?" as Steve the piano accompaniment of o t -h e r s the acts out of those performed Torem,junior, who was dressed Catherine Wu, sophomore; and shouted, by about 20 students who audi­ in a fireman's coat, added s·ome Nina Mozes, sophomore, "You're not at tioned. Tickets sold for a dol­ rap lyrics. "Townsend Harris, played the flute accompanied the Academy -lar. "We plan to save the funds can y'all r~ally feel me?'' he by Alana Bibergal, sophomore, Awards!" and for next year's Drama Club. so· _ rapped to the audience. Rachel and Talya who both shook ma­ rolled her 'off that we have a little financial Brown, senior, sang "Nobody's racas to "Tico Tico No Fuba" the stage. backing for any projects we Supposed to Be Here" by by Zequina Abreu. Strate-: . ' take on, which will hopefully Deborah Cox, and Siufong Freshmen Krisl:rriperati and sphere, a band include another talent show,'' · Ngo, junior, performed "My Ksenia Yachmetz made the au­ of seniors; c. said Emily Fishbaine, senior All" by Mariah Carey. dience laugh as they performed performed the and president _of the Drama Some students chose to en­ a scene from Monty Python's final act of the Club. "The Club looks forward tertain the audience with their 'The Pet Shop.'' The act be­ show. Rich- to perpetuating a new THHS ability to play musical instru­ gan with the two characters ar­ ard Cupolo on lead guitar, was "pleasantly surprised" by tradition," she said. ments .' Jade Calub, senior, guing in British accents about Carla DeY caza on bass guitar, · the· ·number of people who at­ The show opened with played the guitar as Ham ida whether or not a parrot pur­ and J ohn Emanuele on drums tended. "I honestly did not · Amanda Blancke, senior, bal­ Bhagiraty, senior, sang "Eternal chased fmm the shop was dead played as· Jeanne Kopun sang know how smoothly it would let dancing to the,song "Under Flame.'' "I liked Hamida and and ended with Ksenia asking, "Wish You Were Here" by In­ go, but I could not have asked the Bridge" by the Red Hot Jade very much," said Heather "Why don't you·come back to cubus. The band of seniors also for a better show," she said. "I . Chili Peppers. More dance Stovall, senior. "Hamlda was so my place?'' and Kris saying, "I performed "Say it Ain 't So" by was so impressed · with numbers included Gloria Chi, nervous because she w~s sick, thought you'd never ask.'' The Weezer and a -Stratosphere everyone's effort, talent and sophomore, who performed a btH I thought she and Jade did Drama Club added some more original called "Invisible ability.'' , t,, ·. i~.t .: -:.~ ,...... i'

•. The Classic , 6 June 2002 I - -- -- ~ ·~ Giving back to:the community: 'M'u' Alpha Theta ·Archon honors ·service ce,lebrates m:ath

by Lina Lee [must have] great knowledge but... must First year Ar~hon member Umara ac-hievement ' One hundred fifty seven recognized also have an understanding of the soci­ Saleem, junior, said, "I strongly believe byLindaLuu leaders of tomorrow gathered for the six­ ety around them,"said PTA Co-Presi­ in helping other people. That is what Over 1.00 Harrisites were recog­ teenth annual induction ceremony of Ar- dent Dafoe Amstuz-Manhart: "Willing­ makes the people come together. I hope nized for their achievements in math­ . chon on Tuesday evening, April 9. The ness helps makes· the ideal individual everyone can join Archon too. It's are­ ematic;s and attained membership to applause_ofPrineipal Mr. Cunningham, whole. You [Archon inductees] repni­ ally good feeling living your_life know­ Mu Alpha Theti, the national orga­ parentS; and teachers filled the audito­ sent these ideal persons." ing that y.ou are giving back to the com- nization that honors young mathema­ rium to congratulate those munity." - ticians, in a ceremony on May 2. who have, according to Certificates andpins were given out The event, w'~ich took place in the Mr. Cunningham, "truly for members' hard work, and the school auditorium, lasted 30 minutes. left the city better than Fourth Year Archon members were "In typical math ·style," stated Mr. they have found it." . given plaques the following week. Rattien, "it was short and to the "These students A special thank you was also given point." Anewly,inducte'djunior, who seem to embody the to the people who have helped the in­ wished to remain anonymous, com­ best qualities one can ductees. "Thank you for letting us en­ mented., '~In my opinion, this is the wish for- altruism, em­ joy yourchildfen," said Ms. D'Souza: best type of ceremon¥." pathy, and dedication. I · Musical entertainment was pro­ During the cer.emcmy, each in­ really like these stu- vided by freshman Sharon Lim, who . ducted student was given a certifi­ ' dents very much," said played "Caprice," by Paganini, on her · cate, membeFship card and copy of first year Archon Advi­ violin, and senior Carolina Chang, Radical Ideas, a student-preduced sor Mariet D'Souza. It who filled the room with her singing . math magazine. Mr. Rattien and has always been a Har­ of a medley of tunes from Disney Principal Thom_as Cunningham ris tradition to help the movies, accompanied by senior Jade praised the achievers for their dedi­ community in any way Calub on the piano. _ cation and excellcilce in math. Teach- ~ possible, but the mem­ "The ceremony turned out to be ers of mathematics were also recog­ bers of Archon have shorter than expected but I'm not say­ nized for their c.o~itment to the de­ managed to put in a ing that it's a bad thing. I felt very partment. Among the staff members minimum of 80 hours of comfortable and very proud when the who were in attendance were John community service each , speakers were congratulating us. I B.rown, Rochelle Bakst, Magda year while remaining didn't know we did so much until they Ka:Iinowska and- pleangr .Reilly. active in two school­ told us," said sophomore Diana Lee. As paFt of the program, juniors based activities, and at "We respond as human beings Katarina Kristip and SQsan Cheng the same time maintain- · Kruti Patel, juqior, accepts her certificate from Adam Stonehill, when the city is in need. The future performed a selection on the flute, ing an average over 85. Coordinator of Students Activities, as Prirwipal Thomas of society depends on people such· as while senior Laura Kim provided a "An ideal person Cunningham beams over her achievements. you," said Mr. Cunningham. musical interlude with her presenta­ tien of "Song without Words," by Mendelssohn, ~il the piano. A ~·sur­ prise Event'' faffle provided thFee Table Talk: one-week elevator passes t0 one stu~ · dent from each grade. The grand­ prize winner, sop'l'l0more Le Tu Ho, Alumni, PTA create joint organ·ization received' a graphing calculator. "I never expected there to be a r1lffle," by Daniel Bloch The authorization . of the Charles Sigety, '39, urged a stronger . s})e '$:aid! "l was suF})rised.. Wefl, I The old and new faces of Townsend committee's creation was the culmina­ connection between the two. "'fHHS guess this is wllat :yeti get for doing Harris merged in what Principal Tho- tion to a casual and sociable brunch that was a seminal event in my life. It was well in math'' - mas Cunningham called "a historic . included a number of speeches regard­ important in my life and important in ·. ltrunediatel~ [Qllowing the indue­ event" on Sunday morning, April 28, in ing the vitality ofthe roles of both the · your children's lives, as well," he said, don, parents and new members were the student dining hall. Members from . PTA and the THAA in the modern directing his comments to the· PTA spe­ inv;ited -for caokies and drinks in the the Townsend Harris Parent Teachers Townsend Harris. cificafly. "[There is] a vas.t number of lobby. This further .emphasized the · Association and the Townsend Harris David Herszenhorn, '90, and Presi- alumni and there's nothing more grati- objective R> make .math ·fun :and to. Aiumni Associati~n came together in a dent of the Townsend Harris Alumni fying. than asking someone for help." ' . allow the jnducti~ ceremony' to be "partnership event''. and voted unani- Association said that despite the wide LaniMuller, '89, echoed Mr. Sigety's casual and relaxed. "It was rea1ly ,nice mously for the creation of a bridge or- age gap in alumni, "the two THHS's views when she spoke of the "untapped to see an awards_ceremony wclth a ganization between the PTA and the share identical mi,ssions: to support the wealth of human potential" in the collation be_eause it made the event THAA. school and keep the alumni in touch THAA. . ;:we look to [the PTA] to g·uide seem like a real celebration," said "[Townsend Harris] is, and was, a with each other." Mr. Herszenhorn us," she added. An example of the -sephomore Jessica ,B:erger. ·special place and it is my privilege to highlighted some of the results of the "wealth" Ms. Muller spoke of is the op­ The Mu Alph• Theta S'ocfe..ty-'s· . formulate a resolution to organize a "hu{Ilan and financial capital" that has portunity for current Harrisites who are geal is to encourate schplarship and bridge organization between the PTA been amassed by the efforts of the . ·interested in a certain college to get in interest in math an~ to 'view it as be-.. and the THAA [that will] create and de- THAA in conjunction with the PTA, · touch with former Harrisites who at­ ing a part of students' daily .liest carry through with their goals, and the richment from working with the PTA" ment, Mr. Puglisi likened it to "a paren­ than 125 math students of the \scho~l in one bridge organization wants to assist them and added that "all the success of the tal figure because the AA and this school place, being honoretl fqr their accom- to get the jobs done and the goals car~ current school... was because of the par- are basically in their adolescence, and plishments?" 1 ried through," he added. ents." adolescence can be a difficult time." · .. ~ ~ · 4 ~ - ~ ~· - ~ · 1_ .,., ~ - -. - · ... - .. - ..... _ -... -~ -. _ ··- · - _ • ._- .. . .. - .. - ~ ,.···- -·- -~------· - ·o · -- ~···"" • ~-- · ·--·.•-... - · - ···---·-··... ~- .. \ '·'

The Classic 7 ...... , _ ~ . ;:--J•un•e•2~0~0~2-• Carbone leaves after .conflict over:teet chi ng .style Continued from p.l According to Mr: Carbone, Me discussed that it is not really the policy term. "The seminar style is not recom- . Cunningham refused to read student of this department to do that." Mr. These tensions between Mr. Carbone mended on a daily basis for students be­ evaluations presented to him during the · Carbone responded by saying "The and the administration have been ongo­ low the college level," said Ms. conference. Mr. Carbone creates and · quizzes may be difficult, but the stu­ ing for six years. When Mr. Carbone first Greenfield. She believes that the semi­ distributes evaluations soliciting student · dents respond more when they realize began student teaching at Townsend nar style should only be used consis­ opinions about the different methods he it counts." Harris, he was under the supervision of tently during the Senior Seminar in uses at the conclusion of each term. In addition, Ms. Greenfield feels English teacher Harriette Blechman. As which two highly skilled teachers can According to Mr. Carbone, these that the grammar tips are not practical a student teacher, he said, he w~s allowed correct any misinformation that is pre­ evaluations were overwhelmingly enough to be taught to such an extent a lot of freedom regarding the way in sented by students. Mr. Carbone re­ positive. "I'm not at liberty to discuss "He [Mr. Carbone] was asked to cut which he t~ught, and he got used to that. sponded to this by saying, "I do believe private meetings" said Mr. Cunningham, back on the amount of time, intensity, While Dr. Largmann was principal, con- it is possible for students to present mis­ regarding these evaluations. · and even content Many of the gram­ . flicts parallel to the current ones interpretations. I try to get the other stu­ . Another source of opposition was the mar tips were obscure and not of tre­ emerged. Mr. Carbone said that twice, dents to squelch those ideas .. . If the division of Mr. Carbone's classes into mendous value," said Ms. Greenfield. once with Dr. Largmann and once with point remains weak in interpretation, I two sect(ons one side for students who She cited research from the National Mr. Cunningham as principal, he filed occasionally dismi1iS it myself." . frequently participated in class and an-/ Council of Teachers of English as union grievances with the school regard­ Ms. Greenfield feels that when class other side for students who were more proof that the "very formal teaching . ing negative letters th<1t were put inhis discussions are directed by the teacher, reluctant to speak. "Ms. Greenfield s~id of grammar,'' past a certain extent, is file by the administration. In both cases, students are informed about things that there were letters from a few parents say­ ineffective. the principal removed the letter in order they may not have otherwise under­ ing the majority of students felt ill com­ Disagreeing with Ms. Greenfield, to prevent further conflict stood. "There are so many'other activi­ ing to my class. [She said] the students Mr. Carbone said, "I have received tre- . These problems have contributed to ties that students need to be doing in the on the side that was not participating felt mendous feedback regarding grammar his decision to leave. Mr. Carbone feels clas~room and they also need guidance isolated," said Mr. Carbone, in reference from students who are now in college that his new school ,will be more open to in a number of areas," she said. Mr. to the complaints from parents. Again, or about to be graduated from college. his teaching. "The A.P. of the department [in Cobble Hill of American Studies] said Carbone, on the other hand1 after trying Ms. Greenfield declined to comment on . The grammar is what allows students out developmental lessons, decided to parent complaints. to stand out in college, and the college she thinks I will be very successful with return to the seminar style because he • Mr. Carbone's grammar quizzes and professors definitely recognize it." my methods in their school," he said. Mr. felt it was more effective. "I realized that daily grammar tips also caused conflict. Although Mr. Carbone returned to Carbone is saddened by his decision to the developmental style was not getting -Ms. Greenfield asked Mr. Carbone to the-seminar style, he did not continue leave, saying, "I worked hard in this the same results I was accustomed tore­ "scale back" the. grammar tips, saying, · giving grammar tips because he felt school. I have a reputation with the stu- ceiving with the seminar. .. I did so, in "The grammar tips really went beyond that the students had already fallen too .dents who care about learning." other words, to get students to get more just a brief tip of the day and there were far behind to catch up to where they "We wish him well at his new posi­ out of the text," he said. elaborate ex.ams that were given .... We would have been by this point in the tion," said Mr. Cunningham. Arkin speaks at alma mater Rubenstein relates to teens by Daniel Bloch sifiqtion in color, gender, and wide- by Bryan Kirschen and Allison noticed the "different atmosphere. It sup­ As he walked throughth~ bright cor- spread interests of the new student Slotnick ports confidence and not every environ- · ridors and classrooms of the new body was most striking to me. The "A shy, -clumsy, ding-dong girl like ment is like that." . Townsend Harris, Andrew Arkin, '40, teachers seemed younger and more me from Flushing can make her dreams Ms. Rubenstein's parents decidecLto reflected on the events that brought him animated (like Mr. Carbone), and I come true," Atoosa Rubenstein, editor­ mov~ to America from Tehran, Iran so to this moment. "I found myself won- also sensed [in the students] a more in-chief of Cosmo girl magazine said to · that their only child would have the op­ dering what my life would have been 'openness' and willingness to give . students as she spoke in classes on April portunity to become successfuL Ms. like if I had continued in journalism,'' their viewpoints." 29 as Principal for the Day. : Rubenstein set career goals for herself · he said, after serving as one of the two Throughout her day as Principal, an · and.decided that she wanted to work at a Principals .for a Day on April 19. • honor she shared with alumnus Andrew magazine. Her first job was in the ward­ During his high scho, the focus of her magazine and the fact females, Ms. Rubenstein·pro,vided some journalist'fora while after World War J:l 0 that one of her biggest messages is the wor?s of wisdom to all teenagers: "AI­ IL" Tired of the low pay, Mr. Arkin en­ 0 .c:: tere'd the women's high fashion busi- c.. support of 'girl power.' While viewing . ways stay true to your·own story. There ness. the Townsend Harris website, though, are.a lot of naysayers out thet:e that are "But now, with fashion and other she noticed that a majority of the stu­ waiting to tell you what you can't do ~ business ventures behind me, and a few dents were female and upon her. visit, she Prove them wr~:mg . " dollars in the bank, I'm going to return to writing,'' Mr. Arkin revealed. .Andrew Arkin To some at 'Townsend, Mr. Arkin is ·a familiar face. He spoke at the 2000 ·. Mr. Arkin also noticed "a great di­ graduation and met with the editors of versification of class offerings and ·Queens Tea~he . r~ of The Classic, sixty years after he had technical skills taught,'' singling out been in their position. - the computer and photography classes, During his stint as Principal for a in particular. Theimages are a jumble Day, he visited several classrooms with of young faces smiling for Mr. Arkin's Mathematics Principal Thomas Cunningham. "I had lens, and also a few of himself, look­ that fun of talking with the students, tell­ ing content to be among a new gen­ .. & • ' . ing stories, and emphasizing the spirit eration·of Harrisites. and pride of Townsend Harris," said Mr. "I've had a continuing criticism of SpaniSh Arkin. ''I felt this spirit in the classrooms my day. We were very 'quick'- stud­ and corridors of the 'new' THHS and ies came easily to our group, so easily hoped that feeling; and the friendships that perhaps we didn't dig 'deeply' made, would continue." enough to master the knowledge and Private TUTORING in Your Home Commenting on the differences be­ depth offered us,'' Mr. Arkin said. tween the THHS he knew and the one . "These students seem to be going that (718)843-1302 ·_· · ·- P!( yisjt~g._ ~r. •ArJcin . !i.ajq, _"J'_h~ :dj~er- · extra step without being pushed." The Classic - -~ 1 '~~ 8 _June2002 I ~ .t- ~ Teens, Regents officials discuss Seminar stretches imagination public education .at conference byjessica Berger __ were recommended by their teachers. ' - Close your eyes and imagine your- The students and teachers attended both by Daniel Bloch The first question posed dealt with - self in a peaceful m~adow. Neit, imag­ separate and joint sessions . . About 70 high school students from the looming and large budget cuts to the ine a seminar on imagination. How do . To explore the concept of art and the across New York City engaged in in- City's schools system. "The measure of we imagine? How do you even conduct imagination, the program invited Ellen - tense discussion with three officialS all of us will be how we conduct our­ a seminar on imagination?-It may seem Dissanayake, author of What is Art from the New York State Board of Re" selves when [things are] difficult," re­ impossible, but the brainstorming efforts For?, and Calvin Luther Martin, author gents at the stately Brooklyn Borough sponded Commissioner Mills. "We're in of several faculty members ahd the par­ of The Way of the Human Being, to .,Hall on April 18. The event, officially . the Jean years. We have to work around ticipation of authors and over a dozen speak at some of the meetings. Partici- . deemed as a ''Policy Breakfast for New these differences; they're temporary." students put the sixth-annual "Dialogue pants also read Living by Wonder: The York City High School Newspaper Edi- He called the pending budget cuts "in­ of the Imagination" program into mo­ Imaginative Life of Childhood by Mr. tors," served as an open forum for the evitable," and noted the importance of tion. Lewis. Dissanayake's book explores the - voicing of questions and opinions on a "keeping a long-term view of things, - The goal of this year's session was, purpose of art, ifs social and biological variety of current educational issues. · Things get bad, but they'll get better." according to Elizabeth Crawford, art uses, and why art has remained in hu- At the conference's heart was the is- In response to a later question, the teacher and coordinator of the program, , man culture through art, science, and an­ sue of the expanding gaps in student Commissioner said that criteria for de­ · "to explore the role of the imagination . thropology. Martin's book evaluates the performance in New York City Public ciding which school programs would be in each individual's life and the life of imagination of Paleolithic Native Schools, with branching topics that cut would most likely be left up to each the school as a teacher or student:" Americans as compared to Neolithic art, ranged from the impending budget. cuts individual school. The program began six years ago as the art of modernity. According to Mar­ to the hiring of foreign teachers; "How Early on in the conference, one stu­ a collaboration between Richard Lewis, tin, the different rel!ltionships between do we close the gaps in student achieve- dent questioned the purpose and fairness the director of the Touchstone Center, humans and the earth over time change ment?" asked State Education Commis- of Regents exams, claiming that the ex­ an organization dedicated to promoting the way in which we perceive the world, sioner Richard Mills. "It's time to stop ams aim to prepare students for a the life of the imagination in children ; and humanshave lost a crucial sense of just talking about it; it's tiine to do some- "white-collar career." Commissioner the program's sponsor, Dr. Marvin that perception during the transitions thing." - Mills firmly disagreed. "The idea is not Leiner, the Towns.end Harris-Queens made from hunters to hunters and gath­ Joining Commissioner Mills wer~ to prepare students for a white-collar College liaison; and Townset:~d Harris erers to the modern day. Associate Commissioner Shelia Evans- career. The point that the Regents ·are faculty. Ms.Crawford explained-that the proc . Tranumn, and Adelaide L. Sanford, Vice making is that life is full of possibili­ It has evolved into the current semi­ gram examined how "imagination in Chancellor of the Board of Regents. - ties. The Regents are trying to prepare nar, which this year took place during school (!nd out of school at the same time "It's like a blood transfusion to see you students for that," he said. three Staff-Development days and one can affect learning, dreams, and solv­ here this morning," said a beaming Vice The idea of recruiting foreign teach­ after-school program. In the past, the ing problems." Todo this, a "birthday Chancellor Sanford to the students in ers was also raised, and the trio of offi­ · program has yielded pieces of art includ­ of the imagination" party complete with t her opening remarks. She extolled the cials helped students explore several ing· the lobby mural. cupcakes and hats was celebrated at the "powerful force" of journalism and said' sides ofthe issue. "[The ret:ruitment of This year's participants included Mr. first session, as the student and teacher she was eager to hear "penetrating and foreign teachers] deals with the desper­ Lewis, Assistant Principal of Science groups each explored the origins ·of analytical questions" from the students. ate need to find teachers," said Commis- Susan Brustein and Assistant Principal imagination. This was continued at the She did not have to wait long at all. Continued on p. 15 of Humanities Lynne Greenfield, art · last meeting when all participants cre­ teachers Elizabeth Crawford and An­ ated their own clay images of what they thony Morales, retired photography in- . imagined to be the first imaginer. structor Lois Polansky, media _teacher Certain activities in the program were Laura Benin, science teachers Irwin given rave reviews by sophomore par­ ACADEMIC TUTORING Steinberg and Rosemarie Eaton, English ticipants StephanieHerschaft and Carla _ · teachers Deb-ra Michlewitz, lisa Cowen ~ Gunther. .Carla said, "In the first couple and Harriette Blechman, social studies of sessions we discussed getting back teachers Susan Getting and John to how we thought as a child with the O'Malley, and classical language freedoms of a child. The week after, · •Arithn~etlic teacher Margaret Landry: whenever I saw something real and The students, sophomores Carla original,- I would think of the work­ •Algebra Gunther, Stephanie Herschaft, Jessica shop." Stephanie added, "My favorite I •Geometry Polish and Richard Getzel;juniors Elisa part was when we had to bring our teddy Puccio, Sunayna Ramdeo, Ilwira bears in because it showed how we are •General Science Marciszek, Susan Chang and Susan all children inside." Carla added, "The Cheng; and seniors Jarmar Banks, workshop was fun. They [the teachers, •Biology · Amanda Blancke, Jane Pechera, Emily Dr. Leiner, and the authors] treated us · Rivlin-Nadler, Ryan Dennie, Emily like real adults. We had real discussions •Chen~istry Fishbaine, Diana Rios and Lisha Perez, about the books. It was fun." . •English · •Es.say Wrltl_ng Seniors-honored by Times •History Continued. from p. 4 one in my house." •Stu~ Skl:lils and his family were surprised and Over the summer, Amir will be exdted by this great honor. working at the. Times ~uilding, He •SAT Preparation Shekhinah first heard about the hopes it will be with someone scholarship when a senior [Ronald from the Science Times because he •Coll'ege Prep-aration Alleyne] last year had won it, and ·wants to be a physician in th~ fu­ then a second time when Ms. Blier ture. Amir will be attending Johns brought it to her attention at the Hopkins University in the fall. Specializing in on&-oo-otw privata .tutorin,g to your home or beginning dfthis school year. Like Shekhinah will not be w.orking sihoo#. ca.'ll for~fonnation on special pa.ckagt~$, group tutoring, Amir, Shekhinah didn't ex.pect to for the Times this summer because and addJtionBJ subject dtttails. win, but ''I went for it anyway; you she will be taking classes at can't ·Jet competition scare you Cornell University so she can get away,'' she said. When she found a head start and relieve some of the out she had been selected, she was sttess of freshman year. In the fu­ very excited and "ran around ture, she hopes to become a law­ URBAN TUTORS screaming until! woke up every- yer. 917-439-6859 • [email protected] - The Classic 9 r···· ~ I June2002 Posters tie for first in contest ·ADVERTISEMENT · Dear Townsend Harris Sophomores:

How many of the following words which appeared on the October 2001 PSAT do you know?

Two views of ihe accordion­ like poster created by Maria misnomer, malapropism, soporific, pedantic, lethargic, slather, cleave, Rodriguez's second band hoard, squander, corroborated, belied, dwindling, debilitated, tempered, Spanish Literature class. thriving, extant, dispatch, deliberation, presumption, reverence, rambunctious, extravagant, scrupulous, circumscribed, impulsive, irreverent, static, apprehensive, serene, extricating, mitigating, chronological, digress, embellish, ramble, annotate, docket, precedent, puerile, derisive, bestial, saturated, dilapidated, edible, impermeable, verisimilitude; vivid, transcendence, loquacity, insolven(' prudent, condescension, innocuous, rejuvenate, relish; endorse, attire, integrity, upright .

You have a year to improve your vocabulary . before taking the SAT. What are you going to do?

Success on the SAT I Verbal is largely dependent on students' vocabulary skills. If you wait until 2 - 3 months before the SATand take a basic Pri11ceton Review or Stanley Kaplan course, you will not have enough time to make a significant improvement in your vocabulary. Students in the basic Princeton Review SAT courses get a list of 250. · "Hot SAT Words." Stanley Kaplan's basic courses provide students with flash cards for 200 frequently appearing SAT words. Only twelve · of the words listed above (20°/9 of the total) appear on the Princeton Review list. Stanley Kaplan's list does no better. Moreover, Princeton Review and Stanley Kaplan both assume that students will learn these · words on their own without an instructor checking homework or giving vocabulary practice.tests. In contrast, some New York City students spend a year before the SAT systematically building their vocabulary skills with a review of 3500 words; ·

Are you w illing to do two extra hours of homework every week for a year?

Posters created by Maria Rodriguez's two Spanish Literature classes tied for first place Our program is only for motivated, hard working students. We do not recently in a conte~t sponsored by the Repertorio Espanol Theatre Company. Students attended·a performance of Chronicle o(a Death Foretold, by famed Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, believe in tricks or shortcuts. We review 3500 vocabulary yvords over a on May 2 at the theater. Classes had to depict a certain scene or running theme in the play, which 12-month-long period. We check vocabulary homework every week . . portrays a murder that an entire town, except the victim, knew was going to take place. We test students regularly using act!:Jal PSAT and SATs to ensure that Ms. Rodriguez's fifth band class created an accordion-like, vis-a-vis piece depicting two the vocabulary is being retained. Fifty of the words listed above from · bullfighting scenes. Vis-a-vis refers to a work of art whose image changes as the viewer looks at it from a different side. As sho\>,ln on top, the "spectators" cheer on an actual mawdor and bull; below the October 2001 PSAT, 84% of the total) appear on ou r word list. We it, in the reverse image, a crowd of "witnesses" look on as the story's victini is attacked by two have seen dramatic results with our vocabulary development method. bullfighters. The seventh band class submitted an intricate collage of magazine cut-outs of eyes that For example, a young woman from last year's class scored a perfect surrounded likenesses of the tale's murderers. 800 on the verbal portion of the SAT and is on her way tO Ha!Vard next This was the second year that Ms. Rodri.guez 's classes shared the top prize in the poster contest. "I am proud," remarked a smiling Ms. Rodriguez. "And if we're given the chance, we'll definitely do it fall. · again next year." The two posters are currently on display at the·Repertorio Espanol Theatre in Manhattan. Participate in afree trial program this summer to see if our vocabulary building approach works. Policy·condemns cheating for you.

Continued from p. 3 This summer (June 15 - September 15) we are running a free trial felt it was a good idea, but it needed to be more clear," said junior Vice Summer Vocabulary Development Program. Students will learn/review President Jaime Sackett. 1000 words. In September, we will measure your word acquisition/ Committee members are optimistic about the effectiveness of the revised retention by administering several actual SAT tests. If you are satisfied policy. "I hope it will enlighten everyone to the problem of dishonesty. with the results from the Summer Program, you may choose to continue Townsend Harris is a high-pressure school," said Ms. Nix, "Maybe that's the program throughout your junior year, covering an additional 2500 · why cheating is so common. I hope that this new policy will make students words. Students also learn strategies for solving over 200 of the most recognize this problem as a serious one." Ms. Greenfield agreed. "The idea is common SAT math problem types. that you learn," she said. "Anyone can make a mi stake. We know everybody's excuses, the level of stress there is around here, but that's not really an excuse What is Reach Higher? for what is really a criminal act. Hopefully, we have enough respect for edu­ cation an~ for the importance of ideas to understand that it's a criminal act." Reach Higher is a vocabulary building /SAT Prep organization dedicated Student reactions to the new policy are mixed. "If the administration pro­ to making high quality, skills building SAT prep affordable to all New vides us with a clearer policy, it means that they'll enforce it more strictly, York City students. Our year-long course costs the same as the basic and people would know that they could be caught cheating. It would defi­ Stanley Kaplan or Princeton Review courses. Moreover, we are nitely discourage students from trying to cheat," said junior Iris Liang. Junior committed to equal educational opportunity: If your family cannot afford Jonathan Perez said, "We see a lot of cheating going on in our school, par­ the Reach Higher tuition, we will work out a scholarship plan for you. ticularly kids copying each other's homework. I don't.think the policy itself will deter students from copying their peers' homework.'' Sophomore Amanda To find out more about the free trial course, our instructors, and our Bon eta wonders if the poli.cy is just. "I believe it is fair for first time offend­ approach to SAT prep, call us evenings and weekends at 718-788- ers, but for multiple time offenders it's not. I don't believe that the punish­ 8517 or e-mail us at [email protected]. The free trial class will ment for cheating twice should be equivalent to the policy for a person with start in mid -June 2002. Enrollment is limited. an extensive amount of referrals." 4. . The Classic 10 June 2002 L U'~J~~~~~ - ~------~--~~ Popping ·the problem: Creams, cleansers aid teens in curing acne by Lina Lee because I feel as if they're looking at they also turn to smoking as a way to ·saturated fats, milk anq everythi~g else She stands in front of the mirror and 'my acne and n()t my face. I get intimi­ "relieve" their stress from acne. Aside - that is sweet, including soft drinks, scrutinizes her face from every ppssible dated," says a Townsend Hatris junior. from it's well-known health haz(lrds, chips, candy, and other 'junk foods.' angte. She then picks up a magazine and Teens will lock themselves in their smoking also starts breakouts. When Whether or not their acne is reiated compares her skin with the model's as a homes and not even got out to see their going through depression, teens tend to to .their diet, most teens turn to over-the­ tear slides down over her acne-c·oven;d friends. Lack of confidence has pre­ find any way out of it and teen smoke counter medications to control their face. After locking herself up in her vented some people from going to to break away from the agony of aerie. acne. Medications can cost anywhere room, she cries herself to sleep for the school, work, and social gatherings. When acne first starts, which is usu- from three dollars for 45g of Benzoyl fifth time this week. "My mom always peroxide generic 5% to 76 dollars for says that every teen goes through it and 45 g ofRetin-A 1% cream (Walzer 56). that it'll pass ... but it's more than somv­ "I spent so much money for medications thing that just passes by. It takes con­ that never worked, so I finally went to a trol of the way I am .. .I let it take control , dermatologist. Now I go to my doctor at of my life," says the Townsend Harris least once a month and each visit costs ,i! . - sophomore girl after telling her story around 75 dollars," says a female sopho­ from real life experience. · more. "Some people have scars on their Known as a common experience, faces that a skin doctor just cannot get getting acne is one of the worst fears rid of with creams or soaps. Patients usuc among adolescents. According to "Acne . ally expect a one-day treatment when and Yourself' by Rubin Bank, 85 per- · they come into my office but it takes cent of teens world-wide are afflicted more than that. It usually takes about O!le with acne and expetience.some kind of year for a face to clear up even with the stress because-of it. Ip the United States best medications I can give. I have seen alone, 20 million teens ·suffer from it and teens start to cry when I tell them this, still feel as though they are the qnly but there is nothing I can do,'; says Dr. ones. The skin problem is linked to Euk. Jane Hammerslough, '·aut)lor of stress and causes psychological distur­ Skin Care, suggests that becoming de­ bances. · pendent on a skin doctor is not always Based on statistics by Ron Kreiger the best solution because it takes a lot (who studies acne among teens), stress of money and time, and the doctor can­ causes acne and acne causes stress. This not guarantee a full recovery ; never-ending cycle has brought people (Hammerslough 189) .. to a stage where they are mentally tor~ Medications are not the only thing tured and agitated. In some severe cases, teens can rely on .. "When a teen first teens stress until they are at the point of , walks in, I ask him/her how much stress committing suicide in order to break the they get," s·ays Dr. Euk. Dermatologists cycle. Even in mild cases, this ·skin prob­ advise patients to reiax, exercise (a lem puts some people into various stages stress-reliever), and get enough sleep. of depression (Lamberg 202). "Acne is When told about these solutions, a often ignored because it's not a life­ sophomore commented, "that's impos­ . threatening disease but it does causes "It's pathetic, out I jus,t cannot bring ally between the ages of I 0 and 13 ;' sible to do in Townsend Harris, except · teens to lower their self-esteem to a myself to face my friends so I end up some teens feel dirty and end up wash­ ·the exercising part." point where they are forced to limit their staying home now. I'm just waiting for ing their fac_es up to 20 times a day. This Another slow solution wm~ld be to interactions with their peers who have my face to clear up," says a female jun- constant washing later causes dry skin, simply wait with confidence and let time clearer faces','' says Dr. Bang Sqon Euk, JOL which is anot)Jercause of acne. "If your take the acne away. "As a teen myself, I a dermatologist in Flushing, Queens. To overcome acne, some girls turn skin is too oily, you have 'to wash your had the worst condition of acne and I · Acne can -be a factor that affects dat- to tinted creams, cover sticks, founda­ face more but if it's too dry, you ha,ve tried everything, I bought all the aerie ing preferences. Statistics :compiled tion, and anything else that can tempo­ to moisturize your skin. If your skin is creams and soaps but nothing worked. · from across the United States 'show that rarily cover their ac-ne. By thinking their too oily or too dry, breakouts tend to All I can say is that .it does go away; it 55 percent of the boys between the ages faces are clearer because of these con- occur," says I)r. Euk. Skin doctors ex­ just takes time. By stressing about it, it 12-14 would rather go out with some­ cealers, females .never seem to stop re­ plain that because the unit between the just makes it worse. It does get better," one without acne, and 40 percent of the lying op them once they've s!arted. ''I'm hair follicles and the sebaceous glands says Health Aide Mari~ Barone. boys between the ages of 15-17 say the addicted to my cover-up stick. I always mixes With oils and wa~es, pimples start Psycl}ologists advise teens not to al- same thing. Similarly, 50 percent of the carry. it just in case," says a female to Jlppear: . low acne to destroy their self-confidence. girls between the ages of 12-14 and 52 sophomore. An article in Seventeen One of the most common miscon­ or inner happiness (Boyd 67). In extreme percent of the girls between the ages of magazine on October 3, 1999 says that ceptions as to what causes acne is diet. conditions, teens are advised to seek pro­ 15-17 would not go out with a g1.1.y with" even though most teens are aware of the It is true that there are types of fodd that .fessional help. "I don't let a few pimples acne. - fact that concealers will not get rid of _will cause acne, but despite, a common take over my life. I have better things to Many teens with acne tend to become the acne, f:?ut ra~her make it .worse, they belief chocolate is not the culprit for ev­ do than sit in front of a mirror stressing less outgo.ing than their former selves. still us it constantly and watch in vain eryone. Only a small percentage of about my acne. I used to worry about it "Sometimes, I can't even look at some­ as their faces break out. cases are due to die.t, and then doctors all the time but now I honestly don't one in the ey~ when I'm talking to them Teens not only turn to concealers but recommend the patient avoid sugar, care," a soph()more says. _Poster vandalism unnerves community,- mars election Continued from p.l · Arianna Freyre, junior, andJaime's elec- into your parent's bedroom, and write According to Dean of Students meaning behind it and it's scary to think tion opponent. A few weeks before your tag name all over the walls," Wanda Nix, however,' the motivation that someone would still use it." Jaime's incident, Arianna placed her Arianna commented. "I don't know, but behind the attacks on Jaime's and Jaime admitted that she· had been poster in the same staircase during sixth my parents wouldn't be too pleased. It's Arianna's posters "could come from the "scared that someone would draw on my band. Later in the band, she found that the same-in school - have that same re­ home;" and the perpetrator may have picture," referring to her photograph on someone had defaced her photo with a spect that you would have at home." been influenced by what he or she hears the poster, and she made sure to have a marker-drawn beard and moustache. "Everyone here seems to come from at home regarding other cultures. While tall friend put her poster up high on the Arianna ripped her poster off the wall good backgrounds," observed junior Ms. Nix emphasized that the school it- , stairwell wall in order to protect it' and put up a new one a week later. Jonathan Perez. "I wouldn't expect any- self was a very open-minded environ- · against possible vandalism. "If you want to deface someone's one here to have the audacity to [van- · ment, she said that in cases such . . ,. . , , · Conijniu~d . on p. 15 -Jaime's initial fear was a reality for property, go·home·and take a crayon,-go . dalize someone's p~ster].'·' · · · · c ' . The Classic 11 - · -~ ·; lf(WHJIU(!i . 111 j June 2002 . L ., ... _ a · • · When peanut butter .attacks: Deadly food' allergies recognized in schools by Jessica Berger the mast cells will pro~uce a combina­ quired to follow laws such as IDEA and done. Various people have various al­ It can happen virtually anywhere. tion of chemicals, including histamine, · section 504, which prevent discrimina­ lergies, like chi~ken. We can't just take The onset of symptoms can emerge at that triggers symptoms such as itching, tion against students with disabilities in­ it out so other people won't be able to the lunch table at camp, in the school wheezing, and coughing. · cluding food allergies. School buses eat it." said one freshman. lunchroom, or in a chic restaurant. AI~ · · When those with mild food allergies should be no-eating zones, but should Sop~omore Nina Mozes suggested lergic particles could be lurking in any eat products containing allergens, the also have effective communication sys- thai "the selling of peanut M&Ms should· place. They may be wafting through the ·reactions can be frightening. Junior . terns in the event ofa reaction. Schools be prohibited. Sell Skittles! Also, · air from the peanut butter being eaten Ashley Mastronardi, who Is allergic to must also keep epinephrine available schools should be readily equipped to at the other side of the table, resting in seafood, said, "One time! had a piece and must have someone designated to treat severe reactions as well as having the spilt milk, or on the lips of a parent of swordfish ... My whole body became administer medications. Students with informed nurses or rnedics." Others also kissing you good night. They are invis­ covered in hives recommended that the nurse's office ible and ready to strike 5\t any moment from head to toe. as well as medical kits distributed to make you sick without as much 'as a Then, my throat throughout the school should have al­ second of warning. started closing up lergy-fighting medicines that can be Allergens can even be found in the and my whole dispensed if a reaction should occur.· safe environment of Townsend Harris mouth blew up. I Some believe that education is the High School. According to Principal had to go to the key to prevent allergic reactions. En­ Thomas Cunningham, THHS has never hospital." Many glish teacher lisa Cowen said that the had any students who have experienced others also suffer · schools should publicize their policies any severe allergic reactions to foods . · . from food aller- regarding food allergies so that par­ Still, there are many students with gies. A poll taken ents of allergic children can cooper­ milder food allergies, and many of 230 students ate with the school administration. To Harrisites feel that certain precautions . and 10 teachers re­ promote education, the Food Allergy ·.{ should be made to accommodate all stu­ vealed that 40 suf­ and Anaphyiaxis Network observed dents with reactions, whether mild or fer from allergic the 5th Annual Food Allergy Aware" severe. reactions, and ness Weekthis past May 5-11. Accord­ According to a New , York Times while 200 do not ing to Do1J1inus, "Learning about their Magazine article . by Susafi Dominus, have food aller­ classmates' food allergies is becom­ between five and ei·ght percent of gies, 193 of those ing a topic of general safety for chil­ American children 1.mder the age of polled know dren, along with looking both ways three live with food ·all~rgies, while three someone who does. · . food allergi~s cannot trade or share food before crossing." percentof cHi ldren between three years Although most of those polled suf- and should not eat anything with lin­ In summer camps such as the Samuel of age and adulthood are severely aller­ fer from mild allergies, they are sensi- known ingredients. They must identify Field Young Men's & Young Women's gic to certain foods. Only two percent tive to many different foods. These in- what they can and cannot eat, read !a­ Hebrew Association, campers are sepa­ of adults have these allergies. Most of elude nut products, eggs, wheat, milk, bels,.and recognize an allergic reaction rated because of their allergies. "By these people have a family history, but shellfish, soy, chocolate, and fruits and and. tell an adult if they are having one. keeping everyone informed, including there are other theories that account for · vegetables, the most common being · For example, according to a Seattle childrep, we increase awareness and tol­ the cause. Many immunologists believe apples, peaches, melon, and citrus Times article by Linda Shaw, the Spa­ erance about differences. I'd prefer that that a change in the immune system is fruits. Of the 193 students and faculty kane, Washington school district, in a the child with the allergy eat with other the main factor. They believe that the who know allergy sufferers, a major- legal settlement, agreed to better train friends who are not eating peanut butter, . lymphocytes protecting the bo~y are ity knows people allergic to nuts, eggs, its staff and alter the lunch' menu after and who are aware of his/her allergy and controlled by a third lymphocyte, which wheat, milk, shellfish, soy, chocolate, 9-year~old Nathan Walters died from a who truly care about it," explained David becomes unable. to keep the immune or fruits and vegetables. . peanut-butter cookie given to him by his Slotnick, head of junior camp. Still, the system ·under control. When the body Many steps have been taken in the school cluring a field trip. y has not considered banning products tries to defend itself against non-harm­ . world offood production to assist those · THHS students and faculty offered such as peanut butter, seeds, eggs, or. ful food items, potentially fatal allergic with food allergies, including the scru- . their own suggestions as to what should dairy 'products, but it does provide sub­ reactions are the resolt. pulous listi~g of ingredients on prod- be done to prevent allergic reactions to stitutions for allergic children such as soy Approximately 30,000 Americans ucts that may cause allergic reactions. food . . The most common suggestion, or rice milk instead of regular milk. per year experience a sudden, sever~ Kenneth J. Falci, Ph.D., of the Food recommended by 22% of the' 240 stu- Neither THHS nor the New York City allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. ·. and Drug Administration. (FDA) said dentS polled, involved the detailed Ia-. Board of Education have policies regard­ The symptoms include hives, a swollen of the organization's efforts to regulate beling of foods served in the lunchroom . ing food allergies. Mr. Cunningham mouth, difficulty breathing, and a con­ labeling, "Since 2000, the FDA has for breakfast orlunch. Another proposal states, "An allergic reaction would be ·stricted throat. About 150 of these presented information on allergen risk includes making special dietary provi­ handled in the same way as a medical people die fromtheir reaction. Anaphy­ and labeling requirements at more than sions for allergic students that includes emergency. The health aid and physical .Jaxis can be caused by adverse reactions a dozen locations nationwide." The serwingboth foods that contain allergens • education teachers are trained in CPR." .J . to foods, Insect bites, and medication~, FDA has also encouraged the use of and foods that do not or bann'ing aller- Fortunately, Townsend Harris has not but according to Dr. Hugh A Sampson, "plain language" when labeling more gens.from the lunchroom completely. been required to deal with the prospect MD of the Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Food common food allergens by listing , Some alsosuggest reserving special e~t- of an altergic reaction, but Mr. Allergy Institute_ at the Mount Sinai "milk" and "eggs" along with "casein­ ing areas away from the allergic prod- Cunningham has had experience with School of Medicine, "Food allergy sure ate".and "albumin," respectively. ucts.for· at-risk students. · allergic students in his career as a prin- passes insect stings and patient admin­ Recently, the Food Allergy ~ and Ana- · Twenty percent feel that no matter cipal. "We worked with parents to deal istered medications as the most common phylaxis Network, with help from the what; the most important thing to be with the allergy. It was very unfortunate cause of fatal allergic reactions." National Association of Elementary done is to make sure that the school that certain parents did not inform us of · The symptoms of a mi'ld allergic re­ School Principals and other organiza­ medical files are updated with the stu- their child's allergy because they didn't action present themselves after the al­ tions, compiled a listDf "School Guide­ dents' allergic information. Some be- want their child to be singled out. We · lergen has been consumed: These reac­ lines for Managing Students With Food lieve that it is the students' responsibil- worked with the parents and were able tions are caused by antibodies in the Allergies." These guidelines clearly ity to care for'themselves and stay away. to provide a special lunch for the child ··blood stream known as Irnmunoglobu­ spell out the families', students', and from the foods that they are allergic to. or provide a separate setting if they felt lin E (IgE). When an allergic person is schools' responsibilities in minimizing The same students say that those with uncomfortable eating in the lunchroom." exposed to an allergen, IgE antibodies allergic reactions. Families_ must in~ allergies should bring lunch from home He added, "Hopefully, this would be the are produced for that specific substance. form the school, provide medical in­ and not risk eating something they are way we w:ould deal with the situation if The antibodies then attach themselves formation, and work with the school allergic to in the school's hot lunch. Still it occurred at Townsend Harris.;, to mast cells in the nose, e.yes, lungs, to make the school environment safe some think that there's nothing that can Sadly, 'too few people know the im­ and gastrointestinal tract. The next time and comfortable for the children. be done without trampling on the other portance of dealing with food allergies, that the body comes in contact with the Schools also are responsible for the students' rights to eat whatever they both mild and severe. There are many allergen-, thelgE will grab hold of it and safety of th~ic . stu9tW&. They .are. .re- .•w,ant, '.'lqon : t _ re~lly_,think llll!c.hc~ . be , '/ ·'•''·' · _ ~ .. -.: ''-'' C?P.~~~'!e~cJ. ~~, p.13 The Classic 12 June 2002 ·, ·~~U!•""'.l!'.l!.l! ~ I , ... Japan~se cuisine comes to l!ife iri Midtown

by Marlo Dublin chi" in America, is a style of food preparation in which Teppanyaki table where a first-class chef prepares a meals are cooked over a flat grill in front of guests. It culinary masterpiece right before your eyes. While Benihana Japanese Steakhouse of Tokyo brought Rocky's restaurant great success. Just six cooking, each chef-at Benihana engages in a sp-ecial 120 East 56th Street months after Benihana's opening in I 964, he received acrobatic knife-show. He artistically slices anddices New York, NY 10022 star ratings in local newspapers and decided to ex­ meat and vegetables, creates volcanoes spouting steam (212) 593-1627 pand his enterprise. Today, there are nine locations out of a mountain of onion rings, and flips shrimp tails _ into his hat. It is truly a memorable performance: Finding a place to eat in Manhattan can often seem , One delightful feature about Benihana's cuisine is .·. like an arduous task. Hot dog stands planted ori every that you receive a complete meal with every entree. other street corner encourage us to eat on the run, while While__ you are watching your food being prepared, a family style Italian cucinas tempt but aren't worth the waitress ~erves you Japanese onion soup, ''Benihana · trek across town. However, if you are in the mood to ·salad" with ginger dressing, a shrimp appetizer; hiba­ be entertained while feasting with family and friends, chi vegetables and for dessert, green tea. then Benihana Steakhouse of Tokyo has the dining exc Whenever I go to Benihana's, I usually order hiba­ perience for you. Open Monday-Friday from 12 noon- chi chicken or steak. Both dishes are marinated in_a 10:30PM, Saturday from 1PM~11:30PM and Sunday tangy teriyaki sauce, seasoned with ·salt, pepper, and from IPM-10:30PM, Benihana's resembles an early sesame seeds and then grilled on top of a bed of on- . 17th century Kabuki theater and offers you a hearty ions and mushrooms. When completely cooked, the Japanese meal for around $25. meat is tender, and you can taste the exotic flavors ­ Located in the heart of midtown, Benihana's is part sealed into each chunk. If you are a lover of spicy of an international chain of Japanese steakhouses es­ food, I highly recommend the ''Seafood Diablo." A tablished by Rocky Aoki in 1964. Born and raised in combination of Japanese "Udon" rioodles mixed with Tokyo; Rocky was a star athlete, and his superb abil­ shrimp, scallops, calamari and assorted vegetables, this ity to wrestle earned him a spot on the Japanese Olym­ dish really is the devil of all teppanyaki cmations ~. pic wrestling team. Yunosuke Aoki, Rocky's father, However, there is one little precaution: because of _was a famous entertainer who opened a coffeehouse the vast array of spices and saus:es used in hibachi · in Tokyo called "Benihana," meaning red flower in · cooking, as well as the type of grills used for food · Japanese.'Benihana was not your average eatery, how­ across New York and close to on~ hundred others _preparation, aromas floating around ,the restaurant are. ever. It attracted the masses by offering something dif­ around the world. prone to stick to clothing. Therefore, I rec61lunend that ferent: real sugar, a rare commodity at the time, freshly The 1,1pper West Side's location is quaint and very _ you wear something you wouldn't mind having to prepared meals, and first class service: warm; hostesses-are eager to serve you and assist in wash as sDon as possible when dining. at Benihana's. · When ~e came to New York in 1960 with his team, any way to make your stay more comfortable. When Whether you are dining alone _or · witlt _a friend, .. Rocky decided to continue his late father's legacy of you first walk into the restaurant, you are greeted by Benihana's is a great place to enjoy traditional Japa­ combining dining with fine entertainment by opening walls decked with photos of Rocky Aoki and stars in nese cuisine while watching master chefs at work. With . · a small Japanese "Teppanyaki" restaurant, named af" - the entertainment business who have dined in one of each bite of hibachi, you'll sav-or new and exCiting ter his successful coffeehouse, on the upper West Side his hibachi-locations, as well as tFinkets and memora­ ·flavors, while passing on the Teppanyaki tradition, as - of Manhattan. Teppanyaki, often referred to as "Hiba" bilia from Japan. You are then seated at a traditiomil well as the Aoki family legacy. · -

Churrascaria disappoints with tasteless food and atmosphere

by Jessica Wang other restaurant, than to gorge oneself on such over­ or during the cooking process, and the only condiment cooked and under-seasoned meat. The meat at offered at the table is a bottle of American steak sauce. Master Grill International _ churrascarias is supposed to be barbecue(! Brazilian- The buffet at Master Grill is nothing to gush over Restaurant either. The sushi bar is unexciting, with only four or 34-09 College Point Boulevard five kinds of rolls offered. There is considerable _

Flushing, NY 11354 .. ~-- . . ,.:,_. variety at the salad bar;-but the vegetables are not at ·- ' . . (718) 762-0300 their fit) est, and the prepared pasta and potato salads . . . . ·.. are excessively coated in mayonnaise. ·warm side __· Master Grill Internatiopal Restaurant is yet another dishes include starchy and dry potatoes, tasteless yel­ one of those strange phenomena in restaurant dining. ' low rice and fried watery bananas. The best things Droves of people flock to it, prepared to fill their empty offered at the buffet are the dinner rolls, which are and grumbling stomachs, and later walk out, seem­ soft, sweet and reminiscent of challah bread, an egg· · ingly satisfied. Their satisfaction is a mystery, how­ bread that is Jewish in origin. · / ever, for the food offered at the restal_!rant is unappe- Desserts are wheeled ar~mnd on carts to tempt the tizing. · • , restaurant patrons.- They cost extra, however, and The restaurant has jumped on the bandwagon of are ordinary items, such as carrot cake and choco­ being one of the few major churrascarias, or rodizios, late layer cake. There is no use saving room for them in Queens. Churrascarias are similar to buffets, with or trying to force~feed oneself to eat them when one a little twist. While there is a buffet, meat-lovers should is full. .. .,_. not fill- up -on its dishes alone. At the diner's table, The food is not the only thing that lacks taste at there is an hourglass-shaped wooden block, painted Master Grill. Before entering the main dining room, half red, half green. By flipping the device so that the diners walk through a glass tunnel covered with tiny green side is on top, diners indicatethat they are ready lights. It is presumably-meant to seemci

taste;; ,a,s if no seasoniQ2: was added to it at ~ II before of contentmept. . . . . I • • ' ' • • , money for a single piece of high-.qualit;Y steak at an- '- , I 1 ,- i ;..· 1· ' I r "'it I -t , , , ~ · , r- ... - - ,. • .... ., r , ,. • l -.. f~ • I j .J..i I ( 'J f f i ( t ~ - I ' 1, t• ( f I . i f I • ~ ~ - ' • •• I. '• • ..t -1 J.. J C. l ~ • · • I I '· • f •\ J - ~ .J i , • • I ' ~ • o • • ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' • ' ' j - ~ ------w------•' 1 :- l ,., •'

The Classic - I - '-.!"!'l.JJ~~~-W , June2002 13 . Little Shop produces big talent byJennifer Gong Seymour Uunior Geoffrey Ng) that the geeky plant-lover feeds the Audrey of the nights it was performed. With a stunning cast and a surprise stemmed from the growth of an un­ II with his own red cells. A quartet of Skid Row loiterers (se­ ending, the Townsend Harris rendition usual plant, the Audrey II Uunior As the play progresses, the Audrey nior Rachel Cajigas, juniors' Laverne of Little.~hop ofHorrors, performed on Johnson Chong). The voice of the plant II, named after Seymour's secret love B Iackman and Amanda Lorenz and April 25-27, produced an uproar of rave was that of senior Ryan Dennie. Placed Audrey (senior Christina Pagan), be­ sophomore Devin Sugameli) followed reviews and positive feedback. in the window of a Skid Row floral comes more and more greedy for flesh the play's events. This was done with the Directed by English teacher Harriette shop, owned by Mr. Mushnick (fresh­ and blood .. The only way to satisfy the help of a fabulous working rented sound Blechman along with Assistant Direc­ man Kris Imperati), the interesting and hungry plant is by feeding it human bod­ system and a great band consisting of tor Charlene Levi, history teacher, and unusual plant begins to draw in cus­ ies. Seymour reluctantly begins with · Musical Director and Pianist Robert produced by Assistant Principal of Hu­ tomers. Seymour soon discovers that Audrey's boyfriend: the. maniacal and Carpentier of Far Rockaway High manities Lynne Greenfield, the play fol- the plant needs human blood in or,der demented dentist Orin, (senior Jesse School; his assistant Jessica Cardona, , lowed the sudden fame of plant-lover to grow. Little by little, drop by drop, Ash). Seymour's boss and newfound junior; Kieth Jordan, also of Far adoptive father, the money-hungry Mr. Rockaway, on electric guitar; and junior ·. Mushnick, is the next victim. Karen Denis on acoustic guitar. In an unexpected turn of events, the "The music was really great. The en­ Audrey II dines on Seymour's soul mate tire cast was composed of very talented Audrey and lastly on Seymour himself, singers and musicians," said junior after repeated failed attempts to kill the Marisa Gomes. "What surprised me the plimt with a gun, a knife and rat poison. most was that we could actually hear the With help from the media, the performers as they sang and talked be­ Audrey II is then able to branch out to cause the microphones were working,~' create hundreds of tiny offspring and, she added. in turn, to take over the world. Seymour The overall effect of the theatre perc (Geoffrey) offers these last words of ad- · formance was made complete with a vice:. "Don't feed the plants." This dif­ l;Jeautiful set design produced by an art fered from the film version, written by · crew led by _Virginia McCauley of Far Charles Griffith and directed by Roger Rockaway High School and with cosc. ..r:: Corman, in that the 1986 movie por­ ] tumes coordinated by history teacher Cll trayed Seymour as the hero, saving both .... Susan Getting. _ .E ·a , Audrey and himself while destroying "I thought that the play was very well . .. ,_,~ the disastrous plant. put together. Ryan and Jesse are two very >. or> _ Strung togetherby songs and simple talented people," said junior Jennifer 8 0 dances, choreographed by senior Sheth. "I think that more people should ..r:: c.. Amanda Blancke, the production of support these things," she added, refer­ . Broadw~y brought to life at Towsend Harris: Seymour, Geoffrey Ng, junior, an-d Orin, Jesse Little Shop of Horrors made a lasting ring to the modest crowd that attended Ash, senior, confront one another in Little Shop (){Horrors. , impression on the -small audiences each the performances. Spiderman entr,aps viewers in web Foods can pose by Jamie Gullen the villain ofthe movie, the Green Gob­ between good and evil is certainly not serious threat Swinging into theaters· on Friday, lin, played by Willem Defoe (Ameri­ unexplored territory, b'-!t is . still por­ Continued from p. 11 May 3, Spiderman broke the all-time can Psycho, Shadow of the Vampire). trayed in a captivating manner, keeping options that ean be applied to lessen record for highest grossing opening In the climax of the movie, the Green viewers on the edge of their seats. The the danger, but everyone needs to weekend. Appealing to adults and kids, Gob lit:~ tries to get Peter to join special effects are well ~one, making wor~ as a tea~. to make anergic comic book fans, and those who have Spiderman's flight and fighting appear people safer. Food is definitely taken never even heard of Marvel, its combi­ as close to real as possible. Maguire for granted. After all, for someone nation of dazzling action scenes and a provides an on-target por- witb a dairy allergy, the slogan ''Got love story that is not overly trite helped trayal of the socially in­ Milk?" does not warrant as much Spiderman climb to the top of the box secure Parker and the humor as it does for the rest ·of us. office charts- gave it some serious morally obligated The next time yc;u Ieaths PreventaBle." .MSNBC Health H~ !anuary, ' Crazy Beautiful), on severaLoccasions. showing him characters to life. It is definitely worth 2061. www. msnbc.~omlnewsl518l60 . asp -Although she is dating Peter's room_­ how heroes aren't seeing for both those very familiar with . Shaw; Linda, "Rean1.1ts Off Menu at Many mate, played by James Franco (Never rewarded for their the comic book series and those who School$., to Protect J(ids with Deadl:y Been Kissed), Mary Jane realizes that good deeds. Peter is forced to choose have never read one in their lives. Part Allergy." S~attle Times. 29 Aug 200;J.http:I seattletimes,nwsource.comlhunl/localnewsl she is in love with Spiderman. between saving Mary Jane· or saving two of the Spiderman trilogy is planned J3~3~3985_pea oqt27m . ~tll!l Spiderman also has to contend with the lives of a group of kids. This battle · to hit theaters in 2004. The Classic 14 June 2002 · Spring season runs weU Injuries stifle girls soccer success for Boys' Outdoor Track by Elyse Lee by Steven Berger The Girls' Varsity Soccer team lost for the rest of the team to flour- The Boys' Outdoor Track team ran in the first round of the playoff season ish minus the "stars." With the well at the Queens Championship Meet, on May 23rd after finishing their regu­ absence of Miccio, their best winning their division on May 17 at Au­ lar season I 1-3-2 for the PSALand 12- player and leading .scorer, more gust Martin. "We wanted to finisn as one 4-3 overall. The team was defeated by players got playing time and the of the top five teams in Queens," said Susan Wagner High School 2-0. opportunity to improve their Coach George Rio. The Hawks were able · . Although the Hawks had a strong skills. This made for a stronger to db so·, finishing fifth . team, they were riddled by injuries, and deeper team entering the According to Rio, the team's success preventing them from being as successc playoffs. was due to their ability to score points · ful as they usually are in the playoffs. They also have only two gradu- in different events. Louis Elrose, sopho­ Starting junior Jaclyn Miccio and ating seniors whichmeans a very more, finished in second place in the high freshman Maria Paschalidis qoth h~d stable team for at least the next jump and Ezra Cooper, senior, placed injuries early on: Miccio suffered a two years. second in the triple jump. Tri-captain sprained ankle and Paschalidis broke Hackney has believed in Alejandro Gonzalez, senior, won second her foot.They were out for about three these girls since the start of the .· place in the two mile race and third in ' weeks. A few ~eeks later, sophomore season, when they set their goals the mile. In addition, the Hawks scored Michelle Berrios sprained her knee, to finishing at the top of their many points courtesy o[ their relay which has been previously injured. division and making the play- teams. The 4x I 00 meter relay, run by Along with these injuries, Coach Chris offs. "When we're healthy and sophomores John Kim and Andrew• Hackney said there were about six playing well, we can play with Rivera, and juniors Carlos Gonzalez and other ones as well, ranging from stiches anyone in the city,~ ' he said. Zak Anolic, Won a bronze medal. The . in the back to a dislocated finger. Even Ov~rall the season has been 4x800 meter relay race, in which juniors manager Chrissy Amperiadis had a one filled with tests, but the Seth Steinhoff and Dmitriy Yukhvid, foot problem and was unable to enter . Girls' Soccer team has shown' sophomore Rino Zecca; and Alejandro a game when needed. Although many · their endurance and persever- ' Gonzalez, ran, finished in third place. of the players were back in time for the round one loss is this year it was harder ance through this season. On May 22, the Hawks ran at Queens playoffs, the team was not performing to get into the playoffs: Only I 6 teams Although this season was not quite Relays 2. This was the finalmeet for all up to their usual standards. made it in this year, which is fewer than what the team expected, Mr. Hackney seniors except Gonzalez. He competed Mr. Hackney feels that all the inju­ usually make it. This made the playoffs feels hopeful for next year. "Almost the May 26at the City Champs at St. John;s ries were coincidental and bad luck. He more competitive. entire team is coming back so we and placed fourth in the 2 mile. "I think believes that is the reason they did not Though the Girls' Soccer team has been should be really strong, as long as we all of the captains ... have taught me and . make it to the finals as they did last year. flogged with injuries throughout the sea­ are not struck by bad luck next year," many of the other runners a lot about run- Another component leading to their son, this has been an opportunity said Mr. Hackney. "" ning," said David Bass, sophomore.


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2002 15 - June .. ' . . Girl_s' Softball closes short --of playoffs Vandalism Continued from p.lO .· by Josh Fox Casper, considered "a great who batted .509 with a as these, "it only takes one or two kids" With seven wins and lllosses, the hitter who knows the game," homerun and 28 RBis. to convey the message suggested by the Girls' Varsity Softball team has been by coach Ceraulo, is the The other freshman vandalism. plagued with poor defense and an in­ team's first baseman. Ceraulo shortstop who doubles ~r. Stonehill called the defacing of consistent offensive attack. The team feels that Sharoff, is a "very as a pitcher is Alyssa Jaime's poster "atrocious," but added made up for their disappointing regular reliable second baseman." Wick. that, based on the other acts of vandal­ season with a 14-2 victory over Megan Davidow and Mel- ·. The team i!> in the ism, he thought it was "a juvenile act, Stuyvesant in the first round of the play­ issa Tubens, the team's jun­ Queens "A" division, rather than a prejudicial act." He offs on May 21 . However, the Hawks iors, are also great contribu­ which includes Francis guessed that the vandals were two or fell to Francis Lewis in the second round tors. Davidow has a .529 bat­ Lewis, Bayside, John three students "who thought they were on May 23, with a score of 8 to 2. ting average, while Tubens Adams, William C. doing something 'cool' and weren't As the errors and fielding blunders has a 4-6 record as a pitcher, Bryant, Benjamin thinking about the repercussions and the mounted for the Hawks, 13-year veteran_ and bats .281 with a .452 base Cardozo, and Martin effect it would haye on other people." head coach Lawrence Ceraulo's hat was percentage. Van Buren. The Hawks "The Student Union promotes a thrown in wild directions in the dugout The sophomores on the . finished behind Lewis ·sense of decorum and propriety during Throwing his hat is the reaction he gives team are catcher Patricia and Bayside, who held elections, but unfortunately there are for bad plays. Though his arguments Pabon, considered.by Ceraulo records of 15-3. Junior Melissa Thbens many who choose to act in this manner," with the umpires and scolding of his as "one of the best catchers intently focuses as she After making the said junior Maryann Tan, newly-elected playe-rs may seem amusing from the in the city," who led the team practices her pitching playoffs for I 0 con- , ·before a softball game. SU Vice President, referring to the van­ stands, this v~ry youn'g team has yet to in hitting last season; third secutive years, the dalism. "The upholding of 'free speech' come together as a successful playoff baseman Jessica Grodoszki; Hawks needed contri­ does not apply to the disrespect of a per- . team_ catcher Lauren Bilsz; and reserves b~tions from everyone and crisp field­ son or a campaign."- . Last year, the Hawks held a record Eliabeth Maranon and Samantha Lutz. ing to play in the post-season. They Mr. Cunningham pointed out that of 9-3 and lost in the first round of the The "diamond in the rough" for this hope-to have some spark for next year, while Townsend Harris has been nation­ playoffs. The team is Jed by seniors squad could very well be freshman Jodie and use this past year as a building block ally recognized twice as a First Amend­ Kristina Casper and Jessica Sharoff. . Wright Wright is the starting shortstop for future success. ment school, the acts of vandalism are not protected under any guarantees of Teens, Regents officials discuss, debate issues free speech. "It's defacing school prop- . erty and it's not permitted," he said. Continued from p. 8 .in a hypotheticai example in which a · dents . to pursue careers in education, sioner Mills. "By next September, we'll class of students of West Indian descent calling teaching "an extraordinarily · In the meantime, Ms. Nix said that need 19,000 new teachers." achieved more success by being taught wonderful career." "The school has to the administration will be discussing the "There-j ust aren't enough teachers in by a native West Indian because of a be a learning community," he contin­ acts of vandalism with the Student Sen­ the pipeline in this country," echoed As­ shared understanding of language and ued. "Often times.when teachers leave, ate and asking for assistance from the sociate Commissioner Tranumn. An- . culture .. the reason they give is that they're not student body in identifying the vandals. other possible benefit of hiring foreign Further commenting on the teacher supported in the school community. The "We believe that when [vandalism] hap­ teachers was proposed by Ms. Tranumn shortage, Commissioner Mills urged stu- teacher needs to be thanked." pens ... someone else knows about it," she ·explained.

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'rlie.... . - Boy~ conclude Boys' Tennis (_~ volleyball · seryes up loss season on in city playoffs by Steven Berger • Ptovtlf THhnJquea positive note The Boys' Tennis team lost in the first by Ashley Pillsbury round of the -playoffs to Hunter High Although they· ended with a record School, ending a season in which there • Comp11hensm MatedtiJ of two and eight, the Boys' Varsity Vol­ was an abundance of achievement. leyball team closed the season on a posi­ The Hawks finished the regular sea­ tive note. "We fared . better than we son with a record of 5-5. This was • &lfllf fqlttfl~tors thought; we did not finish in last place," enough to earn the team a tie for third - SAT ACT SAT IJ. said coach Elizabeth Dempster. place with Francis Lewis in the Queens ~Ill, -~ 'lhwritl(l This young team made progress this A division. "We tried our best this sea­ • Pe11on11 A:tt«ntion season, building a team from five return­ son and we really look forward to next ing players and seven inexperienced year," said junior Geoffrey Ng. rookies. "The season was good, con­ The Hawks had a strong squad of sidering we had seven new players. The freshman players who performed well, •• GUIIIIItftd S.IUifl •' five returns did a good job of taking the including Ari Gayer, who played lead and pulling together the team," said singles,,and Sotiris Georgiou, who com­ Dempster. peted as the team's third singles· player. Dempst~r sited Cardozo and Francis Highlights from the Hawks' .season Lewis, who finished first and second in · includedwinning their two games of the tht: league, as their toughest competi­ year against Newcomers and Francis tion, because of the experience their Lewis and having a three-match win­ players possessed. Concerning her own · ning streak later in the season; young. team, she said, "The team has "We have a very good chance of get­ bonded and improved in skill level. ting into the playoffs next year with the Through the hard work of this ·season, talent that this team has," said Matthew we have built a, strong cornerstone for Yu, sophomore. In addition to Gayer, next season." She added that, with the Georgiou and Yu, Matthew Kirschner; return of all of her players from this sea­ sophomore, who played second singles son, they have a good shot at the play­ ~ for the Hawks thi's season, is expected ·offs next year. to be a key player again next season.