Photograph : John Woodward Cardington PLEASE NOTE THAT Eaton-under- ALL EVENTS AND DETAILS LISTED MAY Heywood BE LIABLE TO CHANGE TO ADHERE TO THE COVID-19 Hope Bowdler REGULATIONS AT THE TIME. Rushbury December 2020/January 2021 50p News and views from around the four parishes and their villages Contacts: Copy to
[email protected] Finance and distribution to
[email protected] Advertising enquiries to 1
[email protected] The Honeypot - MAGazine for the Apedale Parishes Cardington, Eaton-under-Heywood, Hope Bowdler, Rushbury EDITORIAL TEAM: Editor Andrea Millard Occasional editors Peter Thorpe, VACANCY ALL COPY FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT DIRECT TO THE EDITORIAL TEAM BY E-MAIL AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS:
[email protected] (DO NOT SEND COPY OR ROTAS DIRECT TO ANDREA.) GENERAL ENQUIRIES TO: Editor: Andrea Millard Tel. 01694 771675 Contributions: for the following month to reach the Editorial Team by the date given on page 2. WE ARE AWARE THAT THERE WILL BE SOME PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO E-MAIL. THESE PEOPLE SHOULD PASS ON THEIR COPY IN GOOD TIME TO ONE OF THE DESIGNATED CONTACTS (DETAILS BELOW) WHO WILL PASS IT ON TO THE EDITORIAL TEAM. Ruth Jenkins The Manor, Hope Bowdler,SY6 7DD 01694 724919
[email protected] Diana Hamlin 2 Mount View, Hope Bowdler, SY6 7DQ.Tel. 01694 658036 Darren Merrill Church House, Rushbury. SY6 7EB Tel. 01694 771341 Sue Akers Maltster’s Tap, Cardington. Tel. 01694 771530 DATES AHEAD FOR THE COMING YEAR FOR INCLUSION IN FOUR PARISHES EVENTS CALENDAR: Notify dates as early as possible to the respective *Secretary to P.C.C., listed with the church contacts later in the magazine.