A Saga of Ranimistri of Simdega District Dedicated To All Those People Who Dare to Dream To Be A Maker of Safe And Prosperous World

“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With Single Step”, Lao Tzu, A Chinese Philosopher


In his Development as Freedom, Dr. Amartya Sen, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, highlights, “very many people across the world suffer from varieties of un-freedom. Famines continue to occur in particular regions, denying to millions the basic freedom survive. Even in those countries, which are no longer sporadically devastated by famines, under-nutrition may affect very large numbers of vulnerable human beings. Also, a great many people have little access to health care, to sanitary arrangements or to clean water, and spend their lives fighting unnecessary morbidity, often succumbing to premature mortality.”

In today’s world sanitation and hygiene is an alarming issue. The behavior of safe sanitation and hygiene improves public health leading to reduction in hard-earned money spent on water and open defecation born diseases thus alleviating poverty. It also reduces MMR and IMR as access to safe toilets; safe drinking water saves women and infant children from womb infections, Diarrheal diseases and malnourishment respectively.

Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), a flagship programme of government of to achieve the goal of clean India by 2nd October 2019, a fitting tribute to 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the pioneer of sanitation movement in India, communities of Simdega district vowed to achieve freedom from Open Defecation some three years ago. ODF environment is the first and most important step towards improving nutrition and strengthening economy while transforming a society. Communities of Simdega have created Jan Aandolan in the district to achieve sustainable “Safa Simdega” (clean Simdega). The “Safa” journey started with Kersai block to achieve ODF status, which was adventurous and extremely challenging. Difficult terrains, hilly areas, scattered houses, and surrounded by dense forest the block shares its border with Odisa and Chhatisgarh. Kersai had greatest challenges of material management, water availability and masons’ sustainability in constructing quality toilets for sustainable ODF. The spirit of sanitation movement inspired the District Administration, all seven Mukhiyas, Jalsahiyas and entire communities to unfurl the flag of sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene. They were provided technical support from UNICEF persistently to travel the journey successfully.

During the journey of ODF Kersai, so many heroes were produced. One among them and the first was Mrs. Dorothiya Kerketta, former Mukhiya of Basen Panchayat of Kersai Block, who kept foundation of “Safa Simdega” by achieving first ODF village of Simdega district during her regime.

The genuine sanitation movement created in the district of Jharkhand inspired communities of Simdega to achieve ODF status. Especially women’s determination to eliminate the oldest and rigid behavior of Open Defecation is a great saga of Safa journey. They know that by eliminating this, their health will improve, they can save money and the environment will be safe. Above all, social burden such as fear, disgust, shame etc. on them due to Open Defecation will be transformed into safety, dignity and privacy- fundamental rights for all.

Usually, men masons construct toilets. Simdega being surrounded by dense forest, hilly terrains and scattered habitations lacks road, connectivity and means of communication in many parts of the district. Outsider masons did not sustain when the district required number of technical and trained masons for quality toilet construction engaging communities to achieve ODF. In extremely hard- to reach and LWE affected areas toilet construction was out of imagination. Bricks, cements, iron rod, sand etc. could not be mobilized there. Thus, the journey of Safa Simdega seemed blurred. However, men of Simdega got training of toilet construction and working towards the noble cause of making the District ODF. Nevertheless, there number was not sufficient to the required masons to transform Simdega from the state of Open Defecation to Open Defecation Free. Motivation and enthusiasm of sanitation movement in Simdega among women proved to be the game changer. Sakhi Mandal (Women Group, federation of JSLPS) decided to take training of toilet technology. Initially, few women came forward to take training to construct toilets. Technical team of SBM-G, Simdega trained them. They started constructing toilets and earning money. Looking to them, other women groups came forward to take training to construct toilets for the Safa Simdega movement. Jalsahiyas, women Mukhiyas all came forward and many of them became trained masons. In beginning, the District had some 700 hundred women masons. Now there is a force of women masons in Simdega.

During his visit to Jaldega block under the massive campaign, Samaan Pahuchawo, Shouchalay Banawo, Deputy Commissioner of Simdega Sri Jatashankar Chowdhari, IAS, realized the strengths and words of women masons. He honored all the women masons giving their identity as Ranimistri. The catchy name became famous in the state and all the districts of Jharkhand adopted the name Ranimistri and started training women to construct toilets.

DC, Simdega launched another campaign “Ranimistri Lagawo, Shouchalawo Banawo” Abhiyan from 21st to 26th of March 2018 to the non ODF GPs in the District. The campaign was dedicated to the Ranimistri in Simdega. Since the campaign was launched, number of women came forward and became Ranimistri. The enthusiasm of women mobilized their communities to fetch, carry construction materials in the hard to reach areas using bicycle and on head. The sanitation movement in Simdega created history. DDC and DC, Simdega led the campaign from front. Along with SBM-G team and BDOs, they visited to the hard to areas of the district, interacted with Ranimistri and motivated them to lead the movement to the destination. Many inspiring stories emerged of Mukhiyas becoming Ranimistri. Many of them mentioned smiling, “we will become Ranimistri if we do not win next election”. Ranimistri in Simdega say, “we are proud to be Ranimistri, we construct toilets for our dignity and privacy and earn money. We give hard- earned money to our children for school fees! And sometimes we also help our husband”. Ranimistri shaped the Safa Simdega journey. During the campaign from 700, the number of Ranimistri increased to almost 2000. With the help of Ranimistri Simdega achieved almost 7000 toilets being constructed from 21st to 26th March 2018.

Their employability is also ensured. District Administration, Simdega has decided to enroll and engage them PMAWAS construction. In addition, hand pump repairing training began to provide them so that they will earn their livelihood and their issues of safe drinking water will be resolved by themselves repairing defunct hand pumps.

Thus, Ranimistri in Simdega have created a mass movement towards the fight of Open Defecation and unsafe environment. Their will to achieve ODF Simdega is adamant. It is their determination that brought a new dawn in Simdega. ODF Simdega. “Safa Simdega”.


Inherent quality among the women of Simdega was observed to lead sanitation movement in the district during community triggering exercises in villages. Their participation in Community Approaches to Sustainable Sanitation triggering exercises, block and district level workshops was amazingly excellent. Sakhi Madal of JSLPS wing was found to be most effective for the cause of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin).

Sri Manjunath Bhajantri, IAS, former DC, Simdega realized the strengths and enthusiasm of women of Simdega for the journey of “Safa Simdega”. He desired to create women led sanitation movement in the district to achieve ODF status with quality and on time bound. He decided to provide fund to Women Village Organization (VO) and Self Help Groups (SHGs) for toilets construction under SBM-G.

VOs and SHGs wise training on ODF strategies, community mobilization and toilet technology was done with the technical support from UNICEF. Active women were identified during the training who could lead the mission from front. Exposure visits were planned for them. They were taken to the best villages where sanitation promotion under SBM-G was going on. Soon the district discovered a different and able caliber among the women of Sakhi Mandal who could lead the mission.

Their caliber was sharpened during Gadhha Khodo Abhiyan from 20th to 28th of August 2017, a massive campaign to create sanitation movement in Simdega. Their enthusiasm was unmatched in the campaign. Women of Simdega had taken the campaign in their hand to achieve the goal of GKA. Within a week, 68 thousand toilets twin leach pits were dug-up, which actually was the target of GKA.

The next challenge for the district was to convert all the pits into toilets. To achieve the ODF status of district on time bound everyday almost two thousand working masons were required. Simdega being the tribal dominated district lacks masons to construct toilets. Here more than 80% houses are of mud. They can make house using mud and wood. For them it was little tough to construct pakka toilets using cements, bricks, iron rod etc. Number of batches of masons training was done in the district to meet the target. One more problem the district faces is the issue of alcoholism. Mostly trained men masons would work a week. Once they would get money, their absence at work will last a month. They would enjoy drinking alcohol until their pocket is full of money. Thus, it was a biggest challenge for the district to create a pool of dedicated masons to achieve the goal of “Safa Simdega”.

Masons from outside district could not sustain for long time. They could not talk to their family members over phone for a week or month. The district lacks phone connectivity almost in 90% of its areas. No road and no place of entertainment! In addition, security was another issue in LWE affected areas of the district.

A district level meeting was organized with all Sakhi Mandal, Mukhiyas, all district and block level officials to launch Mera Gadhha Mera Shouchalay Abhiyan in Simdega to promote self- financed and self-construction. The District Administration pondered and kept a proposal and planning before the active women Mukhiyas and Sakhi Mandal that day in the meeting. “Why women cannot construct toilets if they can actually lead the mission from front? They have been provided fund for toilet constructions under SBM-G. They have to construct toilets. For, they also need masons. Where will so many masons come from? Toilet quality is another issue. Outsider masons actually do not care for quality construction. If the VOs and SHGs themselves become masons, their money will be with them only and they will construct quality toilets, which will ensure uses and maintenance of IHHLs. If the challenge of becoming masons is accepted by the women of Simdega their employability and sustainability of ODF ensured simultaneously.” Thus, the idea behind the concept of women masons was first to meet the challenge of scarcity of masons to achieve ODF. Second to empower and skill women of the district for their employability in SBM-G. Third to ensure quality construction of toilets for sustainable ODF. Fourth to create a genuine Jan Andolan in the district towards Safa Journey engaging the women of Simdega.


The women of Simdega accepted the challenge of becoming masons. Rigorous masons’ training was needed. With the technical support from UNICEF, VOs and SHGs wise masons’ training was planned in all the non-ODF blocks of the district at war footing. Series of masons’ training to build the capacity of women to construct quality toilets enthused to women Mukhiyas, Jalsahiyas who were reluctant in beginning. They broke the glass ceiling and came forward to take the training.

1. Modalities of mason training Modalities of mason training for safe toilet technology were prepared keeping the health aspects and triggering tools of Community Mobilization in the mind. The training program was divided into five days. Two days classroom capacity building and three days practical learning.

I. Classroom capacity building The two days classroom training would start from the history of sanitation programme in Independent India. Why other sanitation programmes before SBM failed in achieving their desire results and what is the pathway of SBM for its success. Objectives of SBM-G would be discussed thoroughly with the participants to understand what actually the programme requires during the implantation phase. Need of sanitation in today’s world would be emphasized in detail. Under Community Approaches to Sanitation techniques of mobilizing communities would be exposed to them such as medical cost analysis in hospital in treating water and Open Defecation born diseases. Social stigma attached to toilet would be explained in detail and how it can be converted into advantages while eliminating crimes against women happened during OD hours, creating safe and healthy environment thus reducing contamination of human excreta with food, water and air through many ways. Special focus is exerted among the participation on safe hand washing with soap before eating and after defecating. The next stage of the training was taken to discuss the meaning of ODF. So, the clarity is there among the participants that why safe technology (twin leach pits toilet) to dispose human excreta safely is required. Toilet technologies would be discussed technically using IEC materials. Difference between septic tank toilet and twin leach pits toilet would be the centre of attention for them, thus objectifying the need of twin leach pits toilets in achieving ODF in true sense. The technology disposes human excreta safely, saves water and converts human feces into manure leaving no way of polluting environment. Thus site selection for IHHL construction and detail twin leach pits toilet technology along with its advantages, scientifically, would be outlined in the classroom training for quality toilet construction and awareness generation to adopt the safe technology to defecate, which is affordable, sustainable and ecologically safe.

II. Practical learning At selected site, either inside the campus of a house or inside, twin leach pits already dug-up in advance by the beneficiary and materials procured by her/him or provided by VWSC, VO, SHG (implementing agencies), the participants would go with the trainers and start constructing first twin leach pits and then superstructure. Systematically, under the supervision of trainers, all women would learn toilet construction practically. And in the end of the day of training they would be given construction kits by DWSD, Simdega from IEC fund. Equipped with instruments, these women masons would construct toilets, under expert supervision of trained mason for few days, in their villages and start earning money and motivating their people to construct toilets and use them. They would become the sanitation promoters. Other women also would come and join them in toilet construction, learning and earning thus expanding the chain of women masons.


Simdega district has witnessed a revolution towards achieving ODF and promoting safe sanitation and hygiene practices. Active women and Ranimistri have not been only engaged in toilet construction and leading district specific initiatives, but also they advocate to safe hand washing with soap before eating and after defecating. With their communities and at every sanitation promotion platform they discuss to keep their surrounding clean, use toilet and adopt hygiene practices. In fact, their oath of women groups regularly reminds them to adopt the behavior of safe sanitation and hygiene. For, they have dedicated their lives and that can be seen the way they have played their role in each massive campaign.

Department for Rural Development Authority, under the supervision of DDC, Simdega monitored result of each campaign.

1. “Samaan Pahuchawo, Shouchalay Banawo Abhiyan”(20-25th February 2018) Post success of massive campaign “Mission 100 hours, 10000 toilets”, in which Ranimistri played important role and district achieved the milestone of constructing 10000 toilets in 100 hours, the next challenge before the district was to mobilize materials to the most hard to reach and inaccessible areas. These areas are situated either at the top of hills or in the rocky areas where even cycle and motorcycle cannot be used to reach. The remaining toilets were to construct in the hard to reach and highly scattered, hilly areas. No vehicle could go to dump toilet construction materials such as bricks, cements, and iron rod etc. The only way to tackle the challenge was the motivation of Simdega communities behind sanitation movement created in the district. That motivation was ultimate solution for all the hurdles ahead on the way of Safa journey. After intensive review meeting and preparation specially, keeping the strengths of women led sanitation movement in the district “Samaan Pahuchawo, Shouchalay Banawo Abhiyan” was launched by DC, Simdega on 20th February 2018 from Kurdeg block where he himself carried materials from cycle. It was a message for all the people of Simdega to stop not until the goal is achieved. The Ranimistri and motivated women came forwards and led the campaign from front. DDC and DC, Simdega both visited to field to sustain the campaign and momentum. They visited the most inaccessible Panchayat Dumariya of Bano block. They witnessed the enthusiasm of women of the Panchayat who barely care of road and connectivity while promoting sanitation. Their happiness to be the agent of social change paved the way of sanitation promotion campaign in the Panchayat, where no DC had visited before Sri Jatashankar, IAS. DDC and DC, Simdega motivated the Ranimistri, active women who were imagining and bringing change in the most inaccessible, scattered, and LWE affected areas of Bano block. Actively they motivated to their communities to carry materials for their toilets from the common place where they were dumped. DDC himself in Dumariya Panchayat carried materials using cycle and motivated the villagers to fight until the common and powerful goal of achieving ODF is accomplished. The same energy, enthusiasm and innocent intention were seen when DDC and DC, Simdega visited to Jaldega block during SPSB campaign. Along with their team, they visited to the most difficult Pancahay Toniya of Jaldega block and obverted the way Ranimistri were constructing toilets and motivating their communities to carry materials.

After the field visit, DDC and DC, Simdega attended block level meeting cum motivational sanitation session. The meeting was organized by BDO, Jaldega with all Mukhiyas, Jalsahiyas, Sakhi Mandal and ignited Ranimistri. During the meeting, Mukhiyas, Sakhi Mandal and Ranimistri shared their experiences of Safa Simdega journey. Ishranti Lugun, team leader of Ranimistri of the block shared her experiences that their people mocked her when first time she started constructing toilets. DC, Simdega was listening to her innocence words.

He came up with honoring name “Ranimistri” for women masons. All the people clapped and accepted the name Ranimistri for women masons. The name recognized the work that women were doing towards a great change. Later the name Ranimistri was adopted by State and soon all the districts started training Ranimistri. Due to the dedication and enthusiasm of Ranimistri and active women, women Mukhiyas and Jalsahiyas 10122 toilets’ materials were carried and their construction started in the district in just six days campaign.

2. “Ranimistri Lagawo, Shouchalay Banawo Abhiyan”(21-26th March 2018) Regular massive campaigns in Simdega resulted in some 800 Ranimistri in the district. The District Administration wished to accelerate their number first to increase masons to achieve ODF on set time ant d second to create active pool of masons for sustainability and employability perspective. Keeping these objectives in the mind and strike the last kick to hit goal, “Ranimistri Lagawo, Shouchalay Banawo Abhiyan” was launched by DC, Simdega on 21st March 2018 from Tetheitanger block and closing ceremony was celebrated in Pakartanr block on 26th March 2018. During the campaign, everyday DDC and DC, Simdega visited to field to sustain the campaign and achieve the goal of accelerating the number of Ranimistri. War footing Ranimistri training in the field was organized.

Ranimistri in the district wrote history. Kolebira, Bano, Jaldega, Pakartanr, T.Tanger, Kurdeg and Bolba these were the blocks where the campaign was paving ways for ODF. Women Mukhiyas, Jalsahiyas, and those who were still not had taken the training, came forward and took the training of Ranimistri. Everywhere, Ranimistri could be seen inside the twin leach pits constructing them and making toilets. During their visit, DDC and DC, Simdega often asked what motivates them to become Ranimistri. “We want to save our dignity and privacy”, replied Ranimistri. For some toilet was the symbol of dignity and privacy. Sanitation movement for some Ranimistri was an opportunity to develop their skills and earn their livelihood. Above all, all they wanted is toilet at their home anyhow. For, they were fighting while breaking the sociological norms of becoming masons. Their efforts resulted in accelerating number of Ranimistri from 800 to 2200 during the campaign. It was the unique movement where women participated breaking their barriers of social stigma attached to women, patriarchal norms and gender biasness. All resulted in 6228 toilets were constructed during the campaign with the help of 2200 Ranimistri and active women’s participation. This historical achievement of Ranimistri is an epic that tells so many emotionally laden successful stories in achieving ODF Simdega. RANIMISTRI AS REVOLUTIONARIES OF WATER

The next layer of idea was executed. District Administration, Simdega realized that the energy and enthusiasm of Ranimistri , after sanitation promotion, can be directed to hand pump repairing skill development. The idea was itself important for two reasons. First the engagement of Ranimistri in hand pump repairing will be an effective assets because number of hand pumps are defunct and second their employability will be insured. 1. Modalities of mason training With these objectives, series of block wise hand pump repairing training was planned indistrict level meeting. Each day two batches in two blocks were organized training three Ranimistri from each GP. Total ten batches Ranimistri training for hand pump repairing was done in five days. First one hour classroom session and three hours practical learning session was planned. Experts (Junior Engineers, PHED) would discuss different instruments used in dissembling and assembling parts of a hand pump. In addition, safety rules would be explained to Ranimistri while dissembling, assembling and repairing damaged parts of a hand pump. Ranimistri in every block paid attention and learnt the art of repairing hand pump. After classroom, three hours arduous efforts they would put in dissembling a hand pump to first indentify the damaged part. Once indentified, group of Ranimistri would repair the damaged part and assemble the hand pump. Thus, a chain of Ranimistri prepared in Simdega to fight against water issues in this summer. Still this chain has ot be strengthened. They have been provided equipments related to hand pump repairing from DWSD, Simdega. The district has decided to provide them certificate of Ranimistri so that they can repair even private hand pump in their villages. Their name and number will be printed in each Panchayat Bhavan offices to be contacted when needed.


The saga of Ranimistri can be told and understood from various perspective. Their role and participation in the journey of Safa Simdega exposes socio-psychological, economic and developmental frameworks.

1. Socio-psychological perspective India being the patriarchal society most often does not permit women of the country in decision-making and prevents them to be engaged in the works that men are supposed to perform. In deep down, women often in the country suffer from gender biasness. It is present right from the home to work place and to decision- making policy level. Women of Simdega, thus, fought a biggest battle of gender biasness in their society to become Ranimistri. It was not easy for them to break glass ceiling and participate in decision- making planning with District Administration to implement Swachh Bharat Mission. They participated in various meeting of District Administration in preparing implementation strategies of SBM-G to achieve clean and healthy Simdega. Their self- esteem got strengthened. They became a leader who could decide. They learnt the power of leadership and negotiation. Ishranti Lugun from Jaldega block says, “It was not easy for me to take training and become a Ranimistri. My own people mocked me when I began constructing toilets. But I was not alone in the journey. Regularly, DC, Sahab and team motivated me. I believed in myself and now I am today a Ranimistri. I construct toilets and I am very happy that I am fighting for our dignity and privacy.” “My people were shocked when I jumped into pits and started constructing them. They were mocking me saying how a woman can construct toilet. I did this. They realized afterward and came forward to achieve ODF Panchayat”, Mrs, Anima Soren, Mukhiya of Kurushkela Panchayat of Pakartanr block shared her experience during Ranimistri hand pump repairing training before DC, Simdega and WASH Specialist, UNICEF, Jharkhand during field visit. Mrs. Sushila Dang, Mukhiya of Tutikel Panchayat of Kolebira block, expressed her emotion to DC, Simdega, “Sir, I will become Ranimistri if next time I will not get elected as Mukhiya”. This is a biggest socio-psychological breakthrough for the women of Simdega who became Ranimistri and achieve ODF Simdega.

2. Economic perspective Economic progress has been witnessed among the life of Ranimistri. In District Media Workshop organized District Administration, Msrs. Molen Dang from Jaldega and many other Ranimistri mentioned, “I am proud to be a Ranimistri. Today I earn and give fees for the education of my child. I feel empowered due to Ranimistri skill. This has given me a unique opportunity first to be the part of District Administration and second to earn livelihood. Given chance, I will also work Prime Minister Awas Yogna”. Like Molen, many women who are Ranimistri feel economically empowered. Economic strengths first will be an effective tool to alleviate poverty and second it will also be helpful in ODF sustainability. Toilet can be repaired when required and can be constructed new when needed. Soaps and best hygiene practices facilities can be availed when they will have money.

3. Developmental perspective Renu Devi, a Ranimistri from Jaldega block says, “I can provide better education to my children”. SBM has given us an opportunity to develop ourselves, make our society healthier using toilet. We are constructing toilets at war footing to stay healthy and to save our unwanted spent money in hospital. Better food and better sanitation facilities will also save us and our children from under-nutrition and malnourishment” SBM has opened ways of inclusive development. Indeed Safa Simdega journey has been able to bring District Administration and people of Simdega, especially women, at a common platform to attain social development.


Medial played a crucial role in publishing successful stories of Ranimistri. It also played a crucial role in establishing a healthy discussion in the district to create Ranimistri while writing stories of Ranimistri and showing on news channels. Many women came forward to take training and become Ranimistri in the district due to the sensitization done by media across Simdega.

In his Maan ki Baat, Prime Minister of India expressed his gratitude towards the role of Jharkhand women in the journey of attaining ODF. Simdega is at the top in the state where pool of Ranimistri has been dedicating their life towards a healthier and safe environment. Media has always been proactive to write their emotions and efforts and bring it to the world.


District Administration, Simdega has been able to build a healthy rapport with the communities of the district. Starting from former DC, Sri Manjunath Bhajantri, IAS, who put his heart and soul in SBM-G to the current DC, Simdega Sri Jatashankar Chowdhari, IAS who coined the term Ranimistri and led the district to attain ODF, and DDC,Simdega, who realized SBM as a key changer. All believe women of Simdega have immense potential and power to bring change in the district. Their caliber and enthusiasm, despite poverty and other disadvantages, never went down. In each massive campaign, women of Simdega put their heart and soul.

They broke the socio-psychological norms and became Ranimistri. After toilet construction is over, they have been learning hand pump repairing mechanism. Also they are desiring to construct PMAWAS. In the form of Ranimistri, the district has unique and excellent ability and strengths. The chain must be utilized properly in ODF sustainability and other developmental programmes to accelerate livelihood of the women. Once income status will improve, health and education of future generation will improve too.