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X,' « 3^-" M?'! -'4S> i *rw.>„ ' rrr**. w.t'" #•' ; v< ' *• * ti*vH ? v ^ •* v. » -*1 tJ * 1 - Devoted to Local News and Interests. < Founded in 1800.] An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, J [$1.50 a Tear. VOL: XCI. NORWALK, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4,1891. -M :!• NUMBER -14. Recollections of a Gigantic Swindle. ley; W. A., Mrs. Hawley* R. S., Rev. Rev. C. M. Selleck will' have charge 1SOUTH NORWALK. "gfLp Special Notice. j of the parish of the Memorial churcb of A circumstance occurred nearly a Mr. Kidd, all of New Canaan; Chap., CONN. PRESS TELEGRAMS OUR COMBINED DAILY AND WEEKLY JVmS GAZETTE is on sale at the news office* the Holy Trinity. Westport, for the generation ago, which has just been Jk jFrcd Coleman, II. Theilc, W.X. Ather- Mr. Ambler, Norwalk; Cond., R. Holt, TO-DAY. Specially Wired to The Norwalk next two months, or until the arrival brought to mind by reading the "New and JT. E. Sod well. Orders for all South Norwalk; Guard, F.Rothenberg, This first page, of to-day's GAZETTE, gives all - £ of the new rector, Mr. McKenzie. He Pilgrim's Progress, or the Innocents of JOB PRINTING received at our Darien; P. W. P., Mrs. Craw, Five j Daily Gazette. mm the local and general news of to-day up to 3 p. branch office on Railroad Square, V iH ra., and constitutes what regularly appears in Abroad," from the pen of Mark Train. Mile River. After supper an adjourn­ is# will officiate there to-morrow evening. Garnett Extradited. / each day's DAILY. In addition to the above, About the year 1865, there appeared in ment took place i^ the evening.to the Mr. Biddle is expected to preach we give our usual weekly correspondence from We admire the vim of our merchants newspapers of New York, Boston and Methodist church where a public meet­ PROVIDENCE, R. I., April 4.—Gover­ at the Union Chapel to-morrow. near-by towns, editorials, general news of the in their push to display their goods; throughout the state of Maine, an ad­ ing was held which was addressed by nor Davis has recognized Governor world, miscellany, literature, etc. In our sup­ * * * Bulkeley's demand forthe extradition plement, (which goes with the WEEKLY,) we nevertheless our enterprising young vertisement to the effect that a certain National Recording Scribe Benjamin Mr. Lepold Whoerle is moving from of Thomas Garnett, and has at last ta­ give New York retail market reports, Sunday- crockery dealer Williams should not man bearing the honored name of West Norwalk, to the Roberts. Ji,ouse at JeWell, of Massachusetts, and G. W. P., school lessons, sermon and other Sunday read­ leave his goods out on the sidewalk and Adams, from Boston, was about going Kendrick, of West Haven. There was ken the course which any man in bis ing. We make these detailed explanations for Five Mile River. position would be bound to take. The go home for the night, as was the case to the Holy Land, to set up a colony * * * an audience of two hundred people the reason that many of our patrons do not hearing brought out nothing new. and a few nights ago. there on the American plan, with head­ The Methodist Society will hold ser­ present. The principal speaker was seem to understand the DAILY and WEEKLY Garnett was not present. Two -women 'combination" on Saturday. It will become quarters at ancient Joppa, a seaport on vices at the residence of R. T. Mawbey Mr. Jewell. He spoke of the evils of the • . a, fully understood and appreciated, we are con­ —I. Hall, piano and furniture mover. the borders of the Mediterranean sea, fox the month of April. liquor traffic on the schools, the church put in an appearance r looking for a Office and residence 106 Main street.* husband who had deserted one of them, fident, as this "combine" becomes better un­ in the land of Judea. Said locality C * * * ; ^ - ih?; and the home. The next meeting of the derstood. Price ttf DAILY, from Monday to was to be a veritable land of promise— A v«ry enjoyable evening was spent new Division will be held at Five Mile but they decided that the Connecticut Friday inclusive, one cent. Price of WEEKLY Some extensive improvement® are a land flowing with milk and hofiey, by n&fembers of the Stamp Club, with River on the evening of the second Fri­ fugitive was not the man. and DAILY combined, 3 cent?. soon to be made at St. I unl's Church. according to the representation of this Fred Raymond last evening. day in May, the members being the After hearing Jailer Sibley, of the The organ is to be moved, into the adventurer. As people seem always ' , guests of Rising Star Division of that Windham Jail, Governor Davis signed Every paper purchased to-day counts room called the Ladies' room, west of Druggist Baxter swung out his new ready to be humbugged, it was not sur­ place. C. V. A. the requisition papers. three in the Gold Watch balloting. the Chancel; stalls for the Choir boys spring awning yesterday afternoon. It • — • prising that the large number of about are to be placed each side of the Chan­ is as yellow as a fully ripened pumpkin. SONG AND STORY. Electric Railroads. THE WEATJIER. 150 men. and women gathered from all \ m cel, thus making quite an alteration in * * * Last Evening's Highly Successful EDITOR GAZETTE:—In reply to an parts of the country, but chiefly v from Entertainment in the Opera The weather to-day promises to be appearance in that part of the Church. The City of Norwalk had on board article in the Saturday issue of your the New England states, readily re­ last night, when she left this port, 1,- 'Ml House. clear and considerably colder. To­ In bringing'the Marshall P. Wilder valued journal condemning in a whole­ —Don't fail to hear Madame Con­ sponding to the invitation to join the 500 barrels of these Norwalk favorite morrow it promises to be generally Concert Company to Norwalk# last eve­ sale manner the introduction of elec­ stance Howard in her Wagner Musical expedition, and subscribed to the rules clear and slightly colder, followed by oysters. ^ ning, our Y. M. C. A. friends may have trically propelled cars on our street Lectures at the Congregational Chapel, and regulations that were to govern ^ * w rising temperature and cloudiness. trailded more wisely than they knew. railroads, allow me to give your read­ the 7th, 10th and 14th, of April, at 2:30 them when safely landed in far off Pal­ Meat hooks, bench, ice box and other At all events it does not seem possible ers a few facts in connection with this and 8:00 p. m. Tickets for sale at Pin- estine, where their Worldly condition paraphernalia'of the defunct Ayres mar­ THE LIVE NEWS OF TO-DAY. was to be so greatly improved, and ket were shipped'to-a New London that in the-wide range of pathos and subject, which in view of the new road neo's. 70-3t to be constructed in the near future in where their fortunes were surely to be creditor yesterday.- ? amusement, of fun and sentiment they 'At St. Paul's church to-morj,ow the our town, is of interest to all our citi­ The members of St. Paul's Parish made. > - ? could have made a happier selection, Easter music will be repeatejt^ who have not already procured for The expedition in due time set sail William H. Saunders has moved into for the same expenditure than they zens. liA,-' themselves and their friends a copy of the ' handsome residence recently did. . In the article^ referred to, Taxpayer Mr. ahd Mrs. F. J. Mallory expect from Boston, and reached their desti­ Rev. Mr. Selleck's "History of the erected for him by Builder S. B. Sher- The programme consisted of ten says: "It is rumored that a strong to spend Sunday with Mr. Mallory's nation, after a long and tedious voy­ Parish," cannot in any better way, at age, only to find to their consternation wood^gS./^ numbers beginning with an overture on company is trying to introduce the aged mother. the present time, show their apprecia­ % the piano by Mr. BenjaminLoewenthal Trolley Electrical system for surface and dismay, that the land which had Homer. B. Hoyt has furnished de­ : Mrs. Knight, the Boston store milli­ tion of their retiring Rector than by and ending with a violin solo, by.Miss cars, into our borough,"and calls upon been represented as rich and product­ signs for a pin for the South Nofwalk ner, has returned from allying visit to purchasing a copy of him. ^ , Bertha Behrjms, but enthusiastic en­ the Board of Burgesses to "take some ive, was really a sterile waste, incapable Wheel club. The club expects to occupy Bridgeport. •»** - of cultivation, or of producing enough cores increased the number of individ­ action in this matter at once." There . - Dr. B. W. Sheedy was one of the pass­ its new rooms in about a week. §|| - ^ ual appearances to twenty,and even with are a large number of electric railroads u Mrs. Samuel Tallcott went to New to keep them from starvation, and that < -X- -X- •* engers on board the Teutonic of the now in successful operation in the York Thursday, to attend the funeral the man who had brought them out A sbhoc>ii£r with half an order for this gracious concession on the part of White Star line when she arrived at her United States, and in the majority of of her niece, Mrs. Dr. Ives. there was a colossal humbug, and im- 100,090 feet of timber consigned to those who took part the audience dock Thursday morning, one day late, cases the use of electricity is giving- poster. This discovery was terrible to Builder Raymond sailed,from a Maine. echoed ""the time honored quotation 8fe Ex-Foreman F. J.Jones and wife, at­ due to strong head wirids. The doctor perfect satisfaction both to. residents them, and their condition soon became port on Wednesday. . from Oliver Twist. "5 f "pF tended the firemen's entertainment in has been traveling through Europe dur­ Mr. LoewenthaPs effort was that' of a of the cities in jjrhich - they are located pitiable in the extreme. They knew . *.* .* ' ing the past year on business pertain­ Jy New Canaan, Tuesday evening. not which way to turn, or how to ob­ Harry E. Fuller, of Riverside, has thorough musical?, student^ who, - with and, to the managers of such roads. - J ing to his profession, and is paying par­ tain a livelihood, while the fact stared moved his family to Orchard street, deft touch, threw open the doors of In .Boston,''Bjjjfepklyn, Jersey City, 4 ticular attention to heart and lung dis­ C. H. Dunham and wife, of Plain- them in the face that they were in a and \yill enter the employ of Tice and- narmony, )subtle expression and' a and other largeliiWtlfe Sprague and / field, N. J., are visiting her parents, eases. His many friends and patients of Thomson-Houston systems (using enly ^ strange land, thousands of miles away Nifsh, of this city. jiffy**.; ' &46j&$o#jtfcioiL Ib^ varying shades Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mosher, on Nortji in Northampton, Mass., where he spent one wire ove£head.and that a very light .. from the homes they had left behind, * * of^terprjptatioB of iiis the'me. r'J&a& six years before going abroad, are "0 with the broad Atlantic ocean between. Mrs. Roswell Reed i^*much, better 0ie)> are in general use andv the cars? . ^ plea sed to learn that he is in, excellent Mr. W. J. Styles of South Norwalk, The unequal struggle for life now com­ and Mr. James Bates', eld^t son. is ii-6r aijdiehce eel are Wfillpatronized.asthj^y very " health and will be glad to know that he the cornet player, assisted in the Fire­ menced and was continued for two or very low; .condition 5ffi CHURCH SERVICES. will hold their annual shoot on the Bax­ seemed well pleased with the first ap-f Norwalk, Belden avenue, etc., will conr positions. Spring term commences It was Moses S. Beach, of the New CONGREGATIONAII—Morning services York Sun, and whether he is now living ter grounds this afternoon,if the weath­ pearance, in this section, of the Mar­ suit the best interests of the public, April 15th. j • r at 10:30. Subject. "Christ's Doctrine or dead he was an honor to his race. er permits. shall P. Wilder Concert Company. from whom their patronage is to come, 4?-Ncrwftlk people who were in Bridge­ of the Confession of our Faith." In The U. G. T. R. A. held a regular as well as their own. by obtaining the port last evening and who intended to connection with the morning service WHAT MISS SPINSTER SAYS: " Alleged Horse Thieving. best (one overhead wire) system; and meeting last evening, which was of the Last evening Constable Morehouse return home on the train that reaches the rite of baptism will be administered That Mrs. Thomas Peck, of East ave­ usual interesting character. -r\6i * Taxpayer may then safely take his South Norwalk at 10.23, were delayed to a number of children. Evening was notified of the stealing a horse, family for a ride over the new line nue starts next week for an extended The finest lot of native fowls ever wagon and harness from the stable of over an. hour because the engine of the service at 7:30, and a continuance of visit in search of health. without as much danger as he now un­ express train for New York, just pre­ the series of discussions on the "Heroes seen in this city at this time of the year Silas W. Gregory. After scouring Nor­ dergoes, for "A horse is a vain thing That the Friday afternoon dancing were displayed by Bennett & Husted walk, he found the rig in front of John ceding the accommodation train, be­ and Heroines of the Bible." Subject for safety." ; INTERESTED CITIZEN. yi- YF class visitors were so numerous that yesterday ., The birds were raised near Malone's saloon, and in charge of two came disabled and it was necessary to for the evening, "Deborah," the Joan the tired pupils could not find a seat to Winnipauk by an amateur. young men of doubtful reputation,Ste­ 411 the ingredients used in Cleve­ send to New Haven for another engine. of Arc of the Old Dispensation. , rest between the dances. - The public is cordially invited to at­ phen Swan,of Brooklyn,N. Y., andSte- land's Baking Powder are printed on BAPTIST— Services at 10:30 a. m. and " *' : Sittings at Grace Church. ... That the crooked East avenue side­ phen Farrington, of South Norwalk, every label. j*, i 7:30 p. m. The pastor, F. E. Robbins, tend the celebration of the 25th anni­ | walks be made straight. both of whom.were locked up for the —Sittings may be engaged in Grace will preach both morning and evening. versary of the founding of the Grand ' ' : • t 'ft That the family plate of to-day is night, and the livery outfit was restored EASTNORWALK. Church by applying to Mr. A. C.Gold- Morning subject: "Christ Jesus died Army of the Republic, to beheld in the ®8S chiefly Dresden anid other decorated to Mr. Gregory. Complaint was made There will be a public temperance ing, at the church building, where he for our sins.'1 Evening subject: Con­ hall of Douglas Fowler Post, Monday will be daily, with a diagram of the ware. evening. The exercises will be of a in due form by Grand Juror Munson meeting in the new Methodist church vincing power of.the Holy Spirit." ^ That at least two-thirds of the suffer­ pews. 68tf. very interesting nature. | Hoyt, and the preliminary examination to-morrow evening, which will be ad­ EPISCOPAL.—At St. Paul's, Rev. Mr. ers from the grip are people who suffer The Sons of Temperance convention, | took place this morning before Justice dressed by H. M. Warner, " the; ^form­ Y, M.C. A. NOTES. Selleck will preach in the morning and otherwise, or who are not in prime con­ Coolidge. It was shown that Swantook ed lawyer " of New Haven. •.!**•* dition. Such people are far more lia­ held in this city yesterday, was a very j SI The song service at the rooms Sun­ Rev. Dr. Childs in the evening. the horse, etd, froni the barn and that ofecer Morehouse, in company with Rev. Mr. Selleck has three parishes ble to the grip than those who are in interesting event. Delegations from i day afternoon at 4 o'clock will be led Farrington accepted an invitation to Walter T. Gray, of East Norwalk, re­ upon his hands tb-morrow, in each of sound health and lively spirits. It likes Bridgeport, Westport, Wilton, New ; by the General Secretary and at the ride with him. Both had at various covered over 1,000 of Mr. Gray's stolen which he will officiate during some tp take hold of those who invite it to Canaan, Silver Mine, Winnipauk, Nor- j close of the meeting new topic cards times worked for Mr. Gregory and beer bottles from four Norwalk junk part, of'.the day, and. was compelled to. take hold, of them, or who render them­ walk, Five Mile River, Darien and j will be given out. All young men are both, disclaimed any intention, of steal­ dealers, yesterday. .decline the fourth parish. Rev. Dr. selves liable to its attacks by their neg­ Stamford Divisions were present. Dan- j cordially invited. ; ing. However the facts and admissions ligence. If you keep yourselves in or- bury, Ridgefield and Long Ridge will j Cleveland's is from 8 to 28 per cent, The training class will. meet to-mor- Childs, of Washington, will prekcli for warranted Justice Coolidge in binding him at Hoiy Trinity, Westport, in the der and watch your ways you have a join the combination hereafter. Dis- i stronger than any other cream of tartar TOW afternoon at 3 o^clock and the Sec­ trict Division No. 2 was organized with them over to superior court in the sum morning, and at St. Paul's in the eve­ far better chance of escaping it -than baking powder. retary would like all members to ;be W. P., Mr. Haw- ! Of $500 each. i ning. v - •I.w.vr -J.i-, if vou-do not. ' the following officer?: W. P present if porsible.,v - ,,,, ^ g :• , • ' r \*•'! ' -r' i4 • i'I.': -».T I fa' "ii, > * ' '

• ht': 1 rW'?^£ • ' /;0 :-v- ', i-'^v ,; ;.;-r.X" '^yv/ * V " ...' ..,,:.V'. ;. ,- >>v. ••; ;v'7,-.' " • ' 'M:..::.;U:-1 - j,v'._ iy -v 1 •' ilfg - ' ' ' ~ • ' ' ,• • . • ' • ,

; J: , *>- • t ' S - -v' . ' : _ *" " *3 cts. * WEEKLY - NOKfALK^'GAZ EMEi U'£''

THUKSDAY. nie Leonard, pink, white lace ; Miss NEWS OF THE WEEK. TUESDAY. If "H Jennings, South Norwalk, pale yellow, "Tliosfe charming Rells," made from white lace, white roses ; Mrs. Dr. New- •W [Selected from THE DAILY GAZETTE.] &' the metal' of the old Congregational ^ THE POST-LENTEN BALL. ^ kirk, orange satin skirt trimmed with Church bell, are expected here next swan's down, and white satin basque; MONDAY. "t'M •!? -rr N orwaik Ladies Distihguisli Them - -«n ; week and then their distribution to Miss Kimmey, blue, gold trimming ; , , ! Old Probabilities. ^ selves as Hostesses. « • subscribers will at once commence. *. . ii " 'Mi 'i' Mrs. Leslie Smith, black velvet, dia­ Inasmuch as it has been currently re The ladies of Norwalk, to use an oft monds ; Mrs. Dr. Higgins, black silk, ported that. General Greely was to be Thus far while many of our neigh­ quoted political phrase, can "point gold and black trimming ; Mrs. Charles relieved of his duties as the head of the bors are almost sneezing themselves with pride" to their achievement of Hill, black velvet, gold trimming, meteorological bureau, a GAZETTE re­ into "conniptions," the general health last night in the form of a full dress re­ blue vest ; Mrs. Frederick Quintard, NORWALK, Conn., April 1, 1891- porter climbed on Friday morning to of Norwalk is but slightly below what ception at the Armory. The affair from South Norwalk, white silk, pearl trim­ the eyrie of the Signal Service observ­ could be desired. Our local physicians its inception to its execution was theirs, ming ; Miss Kroger, white, embroider­ er on the Equitable building. New report a few cases of typhoid fever, la and to them is awarded the laurel for ed with gold; Miss Treadwell, deep York city, and ventured a little mild grippe and measles, but cases involving one of the most successful balls, ev­ blue faille: Miss Hattie Camp, of interrogation upon the subject. . ; the element of danger are happily er given in Norwalk. vi! Brooklyn, visiting her cousin, Mrs. FINE MILLINERY; It is understood, of cours#,' "that quite rare. • • The Armory had been very tastefully Frank Woodward, black lace, pink car­ while in society the subject of "the Mr. Charles S. Lockwood, the well- draped with the National colors, and nations; Mrs. Louise Day, black ; Mrs. Our great display of Millinery is the theme of weather" is a most convenient fg$ja of known tailor, who has opened an estab­ as early as 8:30 u'clack the invited James Lawrence Stevens, lavender silk, ambush from which to spring upon a lishment at No. 33 Main street, has the guests began ta arrive. Shortly before white chiffon; Miss Stevens, black lace, much comment. Those who ought to know say defenseless enemy it is the staple of good wishes of a host of old friends, 9 o'clock the Wheeler and Wilson band, pink roses; Miss Sallie Betts, mousse- conversation in the dens of the Signal eight pieces, of Bridgeport, took their line de soie, Jacqueminot roses; Miss there! isn't a better this side of New York. Cer­ and will be sure to get a large share of Service. Hence, after having waded his old-time patronage and plenty of places upon the platform- and in a trice Holmes,S.Nor.,black, gold trimming; Miss Pearl Gregory, blue lace and silk; tainly the work is artistic, elegant and into the subject of meteorology a- new. Mr. Lockwood has been travel, about twenty sets were formed and deeply as was deemed prudent the vis­ ing salesman for the Union Manufactur­ nearly 150 ladies and gentlemen went Miss Harris, pale blue crepe de chine, varied, and the price moderate. We make a itor launched boldly into the subject of ing Company for several years, but through the Lanciers, the many strik­ present and contemplated changes. To thinks he is ready to settle down in old ing costumes constituting effective superb showing of French Flowers, Kibbons, this the weather man replied that Gen­ Norwalk for good. tableaux in not a few instances. In Among the gentlemen present were: eral Greely desired to be relieved of the waltz, the schottische and .plain (Colonel Leslie Smith, U. S. A., retired; Laces. Aigrettes and Millinery Trimmings of all the weather branch of his "duties, re­ Grace Church. quadrille the merry company danced Warden E. O. Keeler, Stephen Com­ \ taining only those of Chief Signal offi­ The sittings at the unique little new the moments away, until, at about 11:30, stock, Colonel Fred. St. John Lock- kinds cer, and that Uncle Jerry Rusk, of Grace church are rapidly being taken ten numbers, (one-half the programme,) wood, George C. Cholwell, C. B. Cool­ the Department of Agriculture would up and already the question arises.as to had been executed when an intermis­ idge, T. S. Vanderhoef, Fred. Ayres soon have jurisdiction over the meteoro­ whether a mistake has not been made sion for supper was announced. This Lockwood, (of Yale;) O. E. Wilson, logical bureau. "Then," said he, "look in not putting up a larger church edifice. was served under the general direction Judge Austin, John P. Treadwell, Ira out for Jeremiah M. Eusk as the. candi­ Mrs. T. S. Morison has generously of the supper committee, (headed by Cole, Dr. Higgins, Cashier Henry MEN'S NECKWEAR. date of the Farmers' Alliance, for the donated to this church a beautiful and Mrs. Stephen Comstock) and was all Price, Colonel Roberts, Frank Leon­ presidency in 1892. The "Viroqua" costly marble baptismal font and fond­ that could have been desired, as re­ ard, Le Grand Betts, Nelson Taylor, Easter gave the occasion for the introduction of a great statesman is quite popular in Wiscon­ ly expects to have her child the first to spects both quality and quantity. Af­ Frank Street, Edward Everest,and J. A be christened therefrom. Ambler. South Norwalk was represent­ group of novelties in Neckwear. London, Paris, New sin, but if he distributes very much ter supper dancing was resumed and "catching" weather among farmers, ed by Colonel Crowe, S. C. Palmer, Corporal Hunt heard a singular noise the time spent in disposing of the re­ York and Philadelphia, especially the two formei, have along with seeds and sich, we fear that Fred Knapp, James Crofut, C. T. Ray­ about his Spring Hill residence a few maining ten numbers on the pro­ his presidential aspirations will be for­ mond, James F. Knapp, E. M. Lock- night since, and hunting the cause, dis­ gramme was all too short for those who yielded to you, through us, the richest results of neckwear ever blasted. wood, F. C. Bennett and Robt. Beatty. covered, in the midnight darkness, participated, as well as for the goodly In connection with the foregoing, and Amdiijij the spectators in the gallery study. The critical taste of our foreign resident represent­ some object jumping about his yard. number who looked upon and admired decidedly apropos, a popular belief is were ex-Senator and Mrs. E. J. Hill, As he had his rifle in hand, he took aim the gay scene from the gallery. atives secures the best for our stock. It is this that gives shattered; another idol overthrown. Mr. and Mrs. G. Willis White, Mr. and and shot it through the body. Going Space forbids an extended notice or For many years it has been under­ Mrs. J. Prowitt, Mr. and Mrs. James sfllp our assortment the eminent recgonition that secures and so out he found it was a wild duck, which mention of those who individually con­ stood that "Old Probabilities,'' (Albert H. Bailey and their sister Mrs Sanford, weighed four and one-half pounds, and tributed toward making this post Len­ .easily maintains the first place in the neckwear business of J. Myer,) the first chief of the weather Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Betts, Mrs. Charles made the family a good dinner next ten ball completely successful, but the bureau had made more of a study oE Street, Mrs^ Robert Van Buren, Miss day. Corporal Hunt is a noted marks­ GAZETTE would err grievously did it this town. The windows and cases, the decorative fixtures and counter meteorology, i. e., was a more scientific Louise Leonard, Miss Wilson, Mr. and man, and is the man whom Folson tells neglect to make especial mention of Mr. weather guesser, than either his imme­ Mrs. Wm. H. Byington, Colonel D. C. display only a small portion of the collection. The greater part are kept the tar­ T. S. Morison, and his efficient and in­ diate successor, General Hazen, or the Captain Rose he marked up on Pavey and Mrs. Gompf, of the DAILY get from four to nineteen. defatigable associates of the floor com­ i) the original boxes. Many only a half dozen of a shape and pattern, and present chief, General Greely. The mittee, who labored like Trojans to GAZETTE and Edward J. Thomas of the DAILY GAZETTE is authoritatively in­ Sentinel. . t j* ^ • , only one of a color. Is not this exclusive neckwear desirable V We think so. WEDNESDAY. meet the wishes of the assembled formed that this is a romance, pure and company, and who proved eminently About the most interesting andbeau- simple. The duties of the office are al­ ; St. Paul's. worthy coadjutors of the ladies in their tiful spectator, was the mother of Mrs. Dr. Higgins who at 80 years, enjoyed most wholly executive, (that is, we as­ On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Selleck, af­ desire to please. sume, the chief gets all the honors and ter the full Easter morning service at Among those on the floor were Mrs. the gay soene with the liveliest interest. In every respect the Post-Lenten Ball the other fellows do the work,) and St. Paul's, rode to Lewisboro, N. Y., Dr. Baxter, in red tulle; Mrs. Dr. NEW JACKETS. was an unqualified success -.and reflects General Myer was not in any sense, a and held a Sunday School i|3stival in Coolidge, in black lace ; Mrs. Motison, the meteorological student. St. Paul's chapel, which was followed orange satin and mousseline deaoie en utmost credit upon its lady pro-- If any man ever had better opportu­ hy the Mission's Blaster Service, with tfraine, diamonds ; Mars. John Camp, pale naoters. /' nities for studying the weather than the administration of the two Sacra­ blue, pink roses; Miss Kittie Camp, Adjourned.; Uncle Jerry Rusk has had he ought to ments. He then performed the mar­ white,and white jet;MissNeil Raymond, The Connecticut house of represen­ be discovered at once. The genial Sec­ riage service on Smith Ridge, and im­ pale blue ; Mrs. Ira Cole, black; Mrs. tatives refused to play any longer yes­ retary of Agriculture has been, in turn, mediately after returned to St. Paul's, Henry Bissell, white satin ; Mrs. Steph­ terday and adjourned till November 11. •S'f' stage driver, farmer, soldier,M<^k)er of Norwalk, to conduct the Five o'clock en Comstock, black satin, rich brocade The people of the State are so tired of Look where you Congress and Go^tnor, but, fl^|fc>liti? Sunday SchtM Easter festival. After front and orange crepe de chine vest the antics at Hartford that they will cal life, especially, the hearty old fellow which, he hastened to Christ Church, puff; Mrs. O. E. Wilson, gray satin, en not miss them. They are tired of a will we warrant you was never caught out in a storm with­ Westport, where he read Evening traine; Mrs. Keeler, black; Mrs. legislature which has placed party ad­ a happy experience out his umbrella. He is a royal good Prayer, and preached, returning back Will Lockwood, pale blue, pink vantage and perverse obstinacy before fellow and he weighs more than two to St. Paul's in time to make the offer­ rosebuds; Miss Daisy Bird, white the real interests of the State. Both here. We brag of hundred and fifty pounds. tory and close the night's service. An lace over white silk; Mrs. Aus­ sides have claimed to be engaged in a amount of labor rarely equaled. our shapes and colors tin, dark blue ; . Miss Meach, heroic endeavor to save the constitu­ Death of Rev. Dr. Crosby. At the closing service in Lent, on white; Mrs. Horace Hubbell, pale tion of the State from damage. In or­ because THEY'RE JUST NEW YOBK, March 30.—After an ill­ Saturday afternoon—Easter Even—the yellow, with crocusses; Miss Wood­ der to do this the democrats have per­ ness of a little more than one week Dr. rector of St. Paul's dedicated a hand­ ward, pale blue ; Miss Bertha Wil­ sistently and needlessly insulted the BIGHT. Prices at the Howard Crosby died at 5.30 o'clock last some baptismal bowl, to the memory son, pink, .pink carnations, pink governor, who has held his office ac­ lowest notch. evening at his home, No. 116 East of the late Judge Smith and wife. The slippers; Mrs. Col. F. St. John Lock- cording to the constitution, and they Nineteenth street, from heart failure bowl is of the Gorham Company's man­ wood, white silk, pearl trimming, pink have finally, when the republicans were brought on by croupous pneumonia. ufacture and was presented by the el­ carnations; Mrs. Lockwood's niece, Miss willing to carry the dispute to the That he knew his end was at hand is dest daughter of the late Stephen and Ayres, of Detroit, yellow Greek cos­ courts, stood out against it with mulish evidenced from the fact that an hour Polly Smith. tume, white carnations ; Miss Charlotte obstinacy. We believe the chief reasno beforo he died he requested the nurse Mrs. James E. Powers, landlady of Betts, white point d'esprit, lilies of the for their obstinacy has been the prob­ to bring him a sheet of paper, pen and valley; Miss Clara Hill, white lace, ability that any fair examination of the ink. Without assistance he raised him­ the Dorlon House, sent a magnificent pot of lilies in full bloom, as her East­ daisies ; Miss Inez Keeler, pale yellow ; matters at issue would result in a de­ self on his left elbow and with difficulty Mrs. Russell Frost, -South Nor­ cision against their pretensions. At the indited a few farewell lines to hisfam- er offering for the adornment of the chancel of St. Paul's church, Sunday. walk, stone gray, steel passementerie ; last they stand more in the wrong than ly and the members of his congrega­ Miss Swords, South Norwalk, pink the Republicans, and they will have to tion. Dr. Crosby's death results from Six New Cardinals. Greek gown, broad pink ribbon sash ; take the greater part of the responsibil­ WOMEN'S GLOVES. a severe cold which he contracted a The Rome correspondent of the Cath­ Miss Agnes Gibbs, pale heliotrope, ity. We do not suppose that anything week ago last Wednesday while at his olic News writes that in the consistory black velvet trimming, violets; Mrs. serious will happen while the legisla­ By common consent New Gloves go with spring. In accord with the daughter's death bed in Troy. to be held shortly after Easter, the Vanderhoef, heliotrope, black ostrich ture is at home attending to faming, feather trimming ; Mrs. John Tread- etc., but there will be a good deal of A Splendid Horse. Pope will create some five or six new custom our stock has been rounded up to rare completeness and lemark- cardinals. The Sacred College now well, white silk and lace, pink roses annoyance and trouble. Fairness and On Friday last, Mr. W. H. Lock- numbers thirty-three Italian cardinals and diamond ornaments; Miss Edith honesty would have prevented it, able cheapness. The following list has items of matchless interest. Our wood, Norwalk's noted horseman, and twenty-nine cardinals of foreign Street, pale blue, white roses ; Mrs. brought to this place what is conceded Paris house is the fountain whence the great glove chances come to us— nationalities. As the Pope has long John Beatty, white silk; Miss Alice to be one of the handsomest and best More Dancing. purposed to proportion the Italian and Cholwell, pale blue, pink roses ; Miss to you: • • v bred horses that ever delighted the Next Monday evening, at the A rim: foreign element so that the numerical Mabel Miller, pale green, dark green eyes of admirers of "the noblest ani­ ory, Co. D.,Fourth regiment C. N. G., 8 Button Length Tan, Suede, Mousquetaire Gloves, worth $1, at 59c" pre-eminence will remain to the former, ribbon trimming, bouquet of white mal." The horse in question is "Ship- will give its first grand masquerade ball. 4 Button Dress Kid Gloves, in Black, Modes, Slates and Tans—all the in the coming creation three of the five rosebuds; Mrs. Frank Leonard, red man," 5076, is of Kentucky Prince The "sojer boys" are making elaborate new spring shades at 69c. per pair. cardinals will certainly stock, and the sire of his dam was be Italians, u,; silk ; Miss Fannie Hoyt, white, pearl preparations for what is sure to prove Our 3 Button "Volunteer" and "German Beauty" Kid Gloves, in black trimming ; Miss Fannie Stanley, white Rysdyk's Hambletonian. He isa hand­ a most enjoyable affair. and all the new spring colors, at $1; worth $1.50. Jonathan Trumbull, of Norwich, pres­ lace, swan's down; Miss Millie Knapp, some bay, sixteen hands high and was The first grand concertT and ball of 7 Hook "Louvre" Dressed Kid Gloves, in all the shades of Tan, late ident of the Connecticut division of the South Norwalk, white lace, over pale bred by Charles Backman, of the Stony the Norwalk Hat Makers' Association and Mode as well as Black, worth $1.50, at only $1. . Sons of the Revolution, has purchased pink; Miss Etta Belden, white lace, Ford farm, Orange county, New York, will be given in Music hall on Tuesday 4 Bntton Suede Gloves, all colors and black, $1. the old war office of his ancestor, Gov­ violets ; Mrs. James Crofut, black lace; has a record of 2:24J at Fleetwood, and evening,' ,the 7th inst. It will no doubt 8 Button Length Suede, Mousquetaire Gloves, extra quality, in Black ernor Trumbull, at Lebanon, Conn. Miss Annie Cole, white China silk and be largely attended and everybody will and all colors, at $1.25. it is believed can beat 2:20. At Mr. Washington, Lafayette, and Franklin chiffon ; Miss Annie Woodward, white Lockwood's invitation many of our have a good time. * ^ *'*' 8 Button Length "Biaritz," heavy quality, Buttonless Kid Gloves, are said to have transacted business in figured chiffon over white silk, red citizens who are interested in first-class The second annual ball of Putnam worth $125, at 95c. this ancient edifice. roses ; Mrs. George Cholwell, pale yel­ 80 Button Length Mousquetaire Kid Gloves, in all the desirable horse flesh, visited Shipman at the hose company, No. 1, of South Norwalk, low satin, side panels embroidered in will take place in Music hall on Thurs­ -evening shades at $3 per pair. We are the only house in town who carry a stable of Mr. Charles E. St. John, on The Consolidated railroad will imme­ colors, diamond ornaments ; Miss Grace day night, the 23rd inst. Music by line of these gloves. , Saturday, and were more than repaid diately begin erection of a fine passen­ Mead, pale yellow, white roses ; Miss Professor Greenfield's orchestra, of Misses'4 Button Tan Dressed Kid Gloves at 79c. ; 'f for their trouble. • ger depot at Bridgeport. The tracks Alice Mallory, white lace, red roses; New York. Norwalk firemen will be N. B.—All gloves over 95c. per pair are warranted atid fitted to the will be elevated in a manner somewhat - Road Contract Awarded. Miss Ada Dyas, white satin train, front on hand in strong force and ''the night hand if desired. similar to that followed in Hartford, The selectmen this morning awarde,d of electric blue satin brocaded in de­ will be filled with music." and the ticket offices and waiting rooms the widening and grading of YanZandt sign of convolvulus, rich white lace; , * f\ will be on the second floor. The site Miss Peasley, black lace, square neck, avenue and the old Fort Point road, to will be opposite the present depot. ' - Rev. Dr. Childs*. ^ : A. Bach, as the lowest bidder. Mr. pearl colored gloves; Miss Cholwell, This eminent divine and able pulpit 'V white silk, black velvet; Mrs. Dennis, Bach is the contractor who built the The Birmingham Evening Tranlcript sermonizer is coming on from Washing white satin, black lace over-dress ;.Mrs. shore road and two things are pretty has been sold to Edward E. Crowe of ton at the urgent invitation of Rev. Mr, Henry Price, trained white satin; Miss certain of him, he will make a good South Norwalk, and he assumes charge Selleck and will preach next Vanderhoef, blue tulle, fine white road and do up his work with the great- April 1. Editor Meservey will return morning at Trinity Church, W< 'flowers; Miss Lena Cole, blue lace ; 4 est possibledespatch. to Maine, where he formerly conducted! and will preach here, at St. Paul's a law office.—[N. H. Palladium. Miss Woodhull, pale yellow and black; day evening. This announcement Mr. John Rodemeyer has withdrawn Miss Elizabeth Lockwood, figured blue •

' ^ * 'y , • „ • •

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>: Some Methodist Ministers. A Rare Entertainment.' WHAT MISS SPINSTER SAYS: ;§ ' - : : *. * * Then there is Bev. William The coming musical lectures of Mme. That the members of the New Hamp­ £' L rown, pastor of the North Main street Constance Howard, which are to be shire legislature rose above party and ' -• ':• [ethodist church for the last four given in the Lecture room of the Con­ laid local option on the shelf. years. His first work as pastor in this gregational Church the afternoons of That the never-failing sign of spring, WHAT the 7th and 10th and evening of the 14th vicinity was nearly twenty years ago the bock-beer goat, has finally ventur­ of this month, will undoubtedly be fjjjwhen he was assigned to the pastorate ed to make its bow. SCOTT'S SCROFULA most interesting to lovers of music, and " l •''* V--' of the East avenue Methodist church That New York's Napoleon of finance BRONCHITIS in Norwalk. A short time previous to as well to everyone interested in the answers to the name of Silver. He EMULSION COUCHS development of art and literature. The Mr. Brown's assignment there the ought to be very popular in the West. COLDS 1 ; ^ church was founded and a new edifice ladies having the matter more especial­ That with the prospect of a fine Jer- CURES Wasting Diseases built. The founders of the society ly in hand are Mrs. G. Willis White, wanted Bev. GK Haulenbeck, of Nor- Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs. James G. sey peach crop, and an extra large out­ Wonderful Flesh Producer. , walk, foi their first pastor and it was Gregory and Miss Pinneo. The Wo­ put of Georgia watermelons, it is hard Many have gained one pound the general understanding among them man's Club has also interested itself to understand where Gen. Butler finds per day by its use. that their wishes would be gratified. and has sold a number of tickets. his war signs. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret But dissensions arose and a few who A proper understanding of the Music- That notwithstanding the fact that he remedy. It contains the stimulat- were opposed to Mr. Haulenbeck suc­ Dramas of Bichard Wagner is becom­ is handicapped by his old scandal, and properties of the Hypophos- ceeded in carrying their point and hav­ ing a subject of paramount importance the indorsement of Wales, Sir Charles and pure Norwegian Cod ing Bev. Mr. Latham appointed. Dur­ in the history of the development of art Dilke expresses great confidence in his Oil, the potency of both ing his term the church did not thrive in our country. ability to find his way back into poli being largely increased. It is used The enthusiasm with which his operas tics and society. , ? by Physicians all over the world. in mm as it would have done had unity pre­ vailed. Mr. Brown was the next pastor are everywhere received, and the pow­ That the Morrison presidential boom PALATABLE AS MILK. and the difficulty he had to contend erful influence they exert over audi­ has been formally launched in the col­ Sold by all Druggists. with at the beginning was dissension. ences of the highest culture, are strong umns of the Cincinnati Enquirer, its SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, N.Y. But he soon succeeded in harmonizing evidences of the vitality and depth of editor having cracked the timid craft Wagner's music. No name in the his­ UL. all differences and from that time out over the bow with a champagne inter­ GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, the church has prospered. Becently a tory of modern music has excited great­ view, as she slid gracefully down the er attention or more controversy. WILL EXHIBIT new and handsome church edifice has ways.: : , .. been completed and is now occupied by As translations of his literary works *That the great Baptist thiiverslty of W. BARER & Co., (in nine volumes) are seldoin attempt­ the society. Mr. Brown will always be Chicago is to be ready for the recep­ n i # i d ed, his art theories and philosophy are Monday, Tuesday a» Wednesday, held in grateful remembrance by the tion of students on the 1st of October, but little understood. . A hearing of his East Norwalk Methodists. Since leav­ 1892, by which time its endowment will operas is only to be obtained through a ing East Norwalk he has been pastor of probably have reached $10,000,000, to MARCH 23d, 24th and visit to-those art centres where wealth several churches, among them the which Mr. John D.Bockef eller alone has and culture go hand in hand. Even Summerfield, of this city. He is a man already contributed $1,600,000. Al­ Cocoa ALLTHE LATEST ST YLE S IN . * ' then, a study, of the historic and le­ who has the happy faculty of making though owned and controlled by Bap­ from which the excess of • V: gendary sources of his libretti, is in­ oil has been removed, is everyone like him, whether they are tists, it will not confine itself to secta­ dispensable to a complete artistic en­ members of his church or not.—[Bridge­ rian instruction, but will adopt the plan Absolutely Pure joyment of these stupendous master- port Post. of university extension and occupy a and it is Soluble. PATTERN EATS'and BONNETS works. broad educational basis. Just as the' Country is preparing to The comedy of The Mastersingers of enjoy cheap sugar the learned chemists Nuremberg, contains all of the elements That the monarchical old dames of Chemicals AND ALL MILLINERY NOVELTIES. discover that it contains danger oils bac­ of popularity. It is a stirring and pic­ Europe are cackling in an alarmed cho­ arc used in its preparation. It has teria. turesque view of life and customs in the rus, berating gay Brother Jonathan at r.iore than three times the strength of BSTLADIES WILL PLEASE ACCEPT THIS INVITATION. The largest quarter's business ever quaint old city of Nuremberg, towards great rate, and warning their pretty Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot NO CARDS. young colonial daughters against the done at the Norwalk post office was the middle of the 16th century, and .or Sugar, and is therefore far more We shall OPEN OUR NEW STORE, 17 MAIN STREET (now awful evils of flirting in an annexation totaled by P. M. Hubbell from Jan. 1st throws a strong light upon the mind economical, costing less than one cent occupied by Smith Brothers, Shoe Dealers), ABOUT APRIL 7TH. to April 1st. ^ and character of Hans Sachs, the great­ sort of way. But these are degenerate a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, days, and frisky maidens do not take as We have a full line of IMPORTED MILLIN3RY and we est poet of that time. strengthening, EASILY DIGESTED, First Selectman Daskam has posted kindly to the restraints of the mater­ guarantee to our patrons the MOST CORRECT STYLES, FINEST Madame Howard having been present :.n'i admirably adapted for invalids the necessary thirty day notices to dog nal apron strings as they once did, pre­ GOODS and ARTISTIC WORKMANSHIP. Have completed arrange­ at the first public performances of the s -.veil as for persons in health. ments with one of the first houses of Regent street, London, England, by owners calling on them to renew their Trilogy of the 11Ring of the Nibelungen" ferring to do their conjugation think­ respective licenses. • : by Grocers everywhere. which we shall be supplied with all the Latest Novelties, and ladies can in 1876, and also, of that of "Parsifal" ing for themselves. depend upon having their bonnets made from the most approved imported in 1882, at Bayreuth, has since that time That the condition of our roads is The pews for Grace church came yes­ R-AKER & G2.. TAHETFER. models. been a student of these works, and this fearful to contemplate. The main terday. They were made in Brooklyn, has been to her a labor of love. She thing is to secure something like are black, grained ash* and very artist­ scientific knowledge in the construction We shall open in connection with the above ic. The cushions arrived several days gives a short lecture before each act descriptive of the period of the play, its of the roads, and mixture of materials. C.C.SHAYNE since. _ dramatic action and the characteristics The vicious idea that anybody can ; Wholesale Manufacturing Furrier, Several good seats may still be ob­ of its personages; the music of the en­ make a road by shoveling dirt into the tained of Hoyt or Gregory for next tire opera being played, and the prin­ middle of it from the gutter, or hauling NEW YORK. Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlors, Thursday evening's entertainment of cipal morceaux as arranged by Jaell, it there by means of a scraper must be Old Well hook and ladder company, abandoned at the outset. tJntil that is DOWN-TOWN: Bendel, Tausig, and Yon Bulow added, 163 Prince St. J And will keep on hand a Full Line of at Music hall. ' to give effectiveness to the climax peri­ done no reform will'be possible. 4--. Near . « ods of the work. An important ele­ That yachtmen will feel like taking a Mrs. Isaac Selleck, of East Norwalk, ment is an analysis throughout of the reef in their trousers, how that the UP-TOWN: celebrated her 86th birthday yesterday, Articles for the Toilet. musical motives which Wagner em­ names of their yachts have got to be a number of relatives surprised her in 124 West 42d St., ployed to illustrate his leading drama­ Two blocks west of Grand her home and wished her many happy painted only on the stern. fiGTFLOWERS and FEATHERS for Parties and Receptions at tic ideas, to which he had the faculty Central Depot. returns of the joyful day, That Senator SeyMour and family are of imparting a characteristic coloring Reasonable Prices.^ ^ - * residents of East avenue how. . "" Offers at retail at both suitable in mood to the situation, by Mail Carrier Glendening caught four­ That the secret of success of popular I'l stores, the latest styles changes in instrumentation, by har­ in Fur Capes. Sealskin teen speckled beauties yesterday, up in preachers is due in a measure to their monic modulation or by figuration. Garments and other the region of the borough's upper reser­ being finished actors. Leading Fashionable These she fully indicates in her Becitals, voir. He had to get up before he ate • That to be prettily shod and nicely- Furs', at lowest cash his breakfast, however, to do it. which are as entertaining from a liter­ wholesale manufacturers' prices. ary and musical point of view, as they gloved is the pride of every American woman. New Illustrated Catalogue Hailed Free. Bev. Mr. Graham, the rector recent­ are instructive and facsinating. Mme. Have the readers of the Norwalk ly called to St. Paul's church, will hold Howard is gifted with rare ability as an That the chief inspiration of the great a reception in the Ladies'Society rooms exponent of Wagner, both as a lecturer painters has come from the Christian next Tuesday evening, where he will and as a brilliant pianist and thorough religion. If the world owed no other Daily Gazette made the acquain- meet his new parishioners in an inform­ musician. debt to the Christian religion than for the art which it has stimulated, this ; ; al and social gathering. The coming Summary of To-day's General : - tance of of the new rector is looked forward to News. alone would have vindicated its right with much pleasure by his many Cable dispatches from Bome repre­ to be. friends. sent the state of public and official feel­ That teaclotks and cozies are made r\ ing there with regard to the New Or­ of materials and with embroidery . FRIDAY, leans question as intensely bitter. matching the china. The breakfast The official correspondence between table alone is spread with the snowy i n Substitute for Camp. the State Department and the Italian linen immortalized in song and story, and traces of color innovations are seen Now that the Legislature has ad­ Legation at Washington in regard to journed without passing appropriations even here, for the napkins are fre­ the recall of the Italian Minister, Baron quently embroidered in some delicate there seems to be little or no probabili­ Fava is made public. flower. . s|@,TAM ty of the Connecticut militia going to Secretary Tracy will urge upon the That Christian Science has nothing Niantic this year for the annual en­ in common with ''mind cure," any next Congress the necessity for several \J campment. The boys are somewhat more than with "faith cure," with which •j disappointed over the prospect that additional battle ships. in popular apprehension it is ofter as­ sociated. . they will be deprived of the usual week Mrs. Warfield, wife of the man who Is composed of pure and wholesome of outing, and a scheme for a substi­ was found living in ii Brooklyn fiat The Ballot Law. ingredients, and is the most reliable tute for camp week is already on foot with Grace Keys, daughter of a wealthy EDITOR GAZETTE:—1 see by the GA­ remedy in the market for COUGHS, ZETTE that one of the Senators has 10c. & 35cts. among some of the organizations. The Brooklyn merchant, charges Miss Keys COliDS and ASTHMA. THE ONE-PRICE found out the cause of the deadlock of plan is to enjoy a week's camp life at with having caused Warfield to desert the legislature. He attributes it to the or near Niantic at some favorable spot his wife and four children four years secret ballot law. Wonderful discov­ ery! If he had read the GAZETTE the on the shore. This will have all the ago. ; summer of '89 he would have found pleasures with none of the irksome re­ Firebugs kindled a blaze in a New what I stated, what it surely would re­ strictions of military discipline. It York tenement, endangering the lives sult in and that I dissected it thorough­ would seem that some such plan might of 100 sleeping people. It was the ly. 1 then stated that it was one of the most outrageous enactments that was meet with favor in more than one com­ fourth mysterious fire in the building ever placed on our statute books, and pany. . ers and furnishers: within a year. called on Governor Bulkeley if he ,r h -f*»m < : wanted to immortalize himself to call v i Representative Porter, of Pomfret, Nearly forty recruits to the Salva­ tion Army were sworn in by Mrs. Gen­ an exta session of the legislature and says that whatever sneers may* be made recommend its refusal. But what ef­ against our legislature, at least it de­ eral Btjoth. . . • fect did it have ? None at all; because serves credit for having so far avoided Premier Budini replies to Mr. Blaine I was only a private citizen. I never 86 held an office and never should, if it any of those disgraceful episodes which that Italy does not demand the punish­ ment of the New Orleans lynchers be­ had been tendered to me. Allthe influ­ have latety occurred in a number of ence I possess is one vote out of 150,000 TRUTHS FOB THE S1GK. the general assemblies of other states, fore trial, but merely that the federal but if 1 had been a politician of any For those deathly Ladies in delicate I government will use its good officers to IBilious Spells, de- health, who are all notably in New Hampshire, Colorado, note it would have been spread broad­ Eend on SULPHITE ran down, should useJ SOUTH NORWALK? •hasten the trial before the New Orleans cast throughout the state. That law UTTEBS, it will cure SULPHUB BITTEBS. ;J ' - . '"4 Arkansas, Kansas and West Virginia, must be repealed, and that will be a JyOU. >( where from time to time profanity has •courts. «•.-.»» . JJJf leading issue, and the old law reinstat­ $1,000 Will bo paid 1 Secretary Blaine's reply to Baron The Giant Cyspcp- for a case where Sut-I held high carnival and at times actual ed, as it was one of the best that Isia is cured by rising Piruis BITTEBS. Willi Fava's note was warmlypraised by men could be devised. The Tribune seems ISuLriiuii BITTEBS. not assist or cure. It I personal contact has take® place. , j , UeVCrfailS. I »If not, do so as quoting iprices of all parties at the National Capital; to be the leader of the Australian sys­ . Operatives whoare I the Italian Premier's note to Marquis tem of voting. I presume they think [closely confined in Cleanse the vitiated! • Bev. Mr. Graham aad wife are to be e.very town in the state is as corrupt the nulls and work- blood when you sceR Imperiali was looked upon as the first CANNOT CONVEY A CORRECT ID! present at the reception of the Ladies as the city of New York. shops; wlerks, who its impurities burst-f™ step toward a resumption of amicable Id© not procure suf- injrthrouglithe Bkin of St. Paul's Guilcl on Tuesday-evening New Canaac. TROWBRIDGE. Indent exercise, and In Pimples, Blotches, r; relations between the two Governments^ I all whoare confined *nd Sores. Eely on next at the parish rooms. Gake, cream lin doors, should use SULPHUR BITTERS, of values. ? We respectfully ask an Striking coke workmen attacked the The Minnesota State Reformatory at and coffee, which are to'be generously St. Cloud must be a good institution to ISULPHUB. BITTEBS. and health willfol r, Morewobd works of the H. C. Frick 'They will not then low. donated, will in'like, manners be gen­ escape from, judging from the factthat Qbe weak and sickly, _ Company, in the Connellsville region; Chief DeForest has received another — SCLPHUIt BlTTEH8| inspection in all our departments in erously served on this • occasion. We they were fired upon by deputy-sheriffs circular giving the names of four "tick­ General Debility will euro liver Com- m bespeak a social and pleasatit'time [needs a gentle tonic, plaint. Don't be dis-| ifcii and eleven of the assailants were killed et of leave" men who recently departed [Use SCLPHUB BIT- couiaged;it will cure| for "parts unknown." :sq and you will|you. THE NEW STORE, 86 WASHINGTON Tfee fefst concert and 'ball of the and over forty wounde.d- Hf/v ' ' — &££V News was received that Warner Mil­ How IT WAS ! —At the battle ot Get­ SULPHUR BITTEBS Norwalk Hat Makers' Association, to Don't be without a vrillbuild you up andB ler and a party who were on their way tysburg I was^shot through the left leg ttle. Try it; yon make you strong and I STREET. SOUTH NORWALK. , ! be given at AJusic Hall, South Norwalk. and was sent to the hospital. The army notregretit, healthy. will occur Tuesday evehing, April 7th. to inspect the Nicaragua Canal had been surgeons relieved me but pronounced The tickets, admitting gentleman and stranded on a reef. me incurable. It discharged pieces of bone, and for years I have suffered with SulphurBttterg. ladies, are $l, and preparations ar6 be­ Those, souvenir bells which were a running sore. I tried everything Sen^Two^aT^tattips^r A. P. Orflway & Co.j ing made-to have' the affair one of unu­ cast at the Baltimore 'foundry out of which my limited means would allow, Lawrence, Mass., and rpw*f' an elegant set fesPf* '•P " sual brilliancy. .v..., ^ and experienced no relief until I had Vaficr Cards free­ the metal of the centenaria® First Con«- tried sulphur Bitters. I am now almost rancis Mr. W. Bates has received three or­ gregational church 'bell* -are now on well and shall continue their use.—'Old ders for headfetones to-go to Newton. their way to Norwalk and their distri­ Soldier. st. 3BTn3W<3t-**,OW,: t . : — Washington, D. C. One is-pf-marble and two are of gran- bution is awaited with more than «>rdi- Accidents will happen in all families. Use ——'HHW' Johnson's Anodyne £": AMCNT OFFICE. i :• M.wm. f: .. . WMSM ' "

' • " h • ' /;• • ; iv' ' • , ' ' ••; rr^r x' /•- ',¥ •'•.¥• ,v'-' r •• i) -< >.ai *'.* hi •" s- ''if Ji. «..'

w E E K L Y,.-. N O R W A L K.,- «*G A Z E T T E tert&j- MA-FR A»FA< •„• = S"P3 3 cts.

FIRST GRAND !OPERA HOUSE, OLD WEJiL H. & L. CO* : V-, : ,;f JTHK WORLD'S FAIR.^iSKI: Norvv; rAZETTE. Investment Mexico and San Salvador Accept the In­ Saturday Night, April 4th, ENTERTAINMENT %R vitation to Be Represented, Jg* Concert and Ball BK. AND BRILLIANT ' "Truth above- all things." CHICAGO, April 4.—The stockholders ol fAmerican breweries, f MUSIC HALL, SOUTH NORWALK, _' ' -TI. * ' the World's fair held a meeting to arrange OF THE t for the coming election of directors. Ac­ - APRIL 9th, 1891, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891. $350,000 Bight PerCest®^"' Henry ^Burlesque- Co. " 'V?A Play in two acts, entitled: cording to Ferd W. Peck, the result will &sf- ?? be that twenty-five of the old directors Cumulative Preferred Stock Norit Hat Maters' Assn. Startling Marriage Theory. will be re-elected. The election, which i 30—Favorite Queens—30 was to be held on Saturday, will not take Guaranteed for 5 Years l»y the Vendors. "AT "Mlrail Day 01 Col. Thousands of people in the United JJJ OPERATIC BURLESQUE, TFELLL' place until next Thursday. If a good ma­ THE States who are jogging along more or jority of the old directors are re-elected it Music Hall, So. Norwalk^ less peacefully in the matrimonial har­ is thought it will put an end to any re­ ' St. Clair's Plantation," :; The Connecticut -ON- CLAIBYILLE,MISS. ' ness, have regarded the recent perform­ opening of the site question. THE: GOH-DO-LIARS! ances of a Mr. Jackson, of Clitheroe, Information has been received at W orld's Dramatist, Mrs. S. T. Jennings. MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES! ^ •. / The play will include England, with mixed feelings of amuse­ fair quarters here from the Latin-Ameri­ can department at Washington that the Breweries'Company. Tuesday Evg., April 7. gPRETTY GIRLS! INTERESTING DRAMATIC FEATURES, / : ment and amazement. It seems that VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS, PJ; government of Mexico had announced of­ (Incorporated under the Laws of Connecticut.) DOUBLE QUARTETTE OF LADIES' VOICES, $P Mrs. Jackson had funds of her own and ficially its acceptance of the invitation ; ' CATCHY MUSIC! 'i' ^ ^ CHORUS FOR MIXED VOICES. that, when Mr Jackson, in a moment of from the president of the L nited States to ALSO NEGRO JOKES, DANCES AND SONGS ^ - ** participate in the Columbian exposition, MUSIC BY, THE . " ^ FUNNY COMEDIANS! Accompanied by sublime recklessness, piped out the Capital Stock, and that commissioners would be ap­ ' , DIVIDED INTO words of the marriage ceremony,' 'with pointed at once. Prices; 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Moeslin's Orchestra of New York. all my worldly goods I thee endow," A cablegram has also been received at 14,000 8 per cent. Preferred Shares, Special attention will be paid to Stage j ^ the Latin-American headquarters at Wash­ AmericanBand Settings ami Decorations. ^ J his entire available assets would scarce­ The following ladies and gentlemen will ington from Lieutenant Scriven, special $25.00 Each, $350,000.; OPERA HOUSE, |g takepartp!S ly have made a respectable gun wad. commissioner to Central America, an­ (Second Regt.) yss Mrs. Leslie Smith, In due time Mrs. Jackson became nouncing that the republic of San Salvador 14,000 Ordinary Shares, \Mrs.Lillian Sherwood Newkirk, f"> .rfJV MONDAY, - APRIL - <>th, • Mrs. Manual T. Hatch, *" weary of the gentleman in whom she has formally accepted the invitation to par­ $25.00 Each, $350,000. OF NEW HAVEN, / Miss Mary Kirby Jennings, had sunk a large percentage of her in­ ticipate in the World's Columbian exposi­ Fall Paid, Non-Assessable and Free Fjgm Miss Nellie Disbrow, Miss Florence Benedict, > ^ tion, and will erect its own buildings at 22 PIECES, INCLUDING . Miss Ella Orlich, Miss Lizzie Murphy, ; , •; dividuality as well as her fortune, and Mortgages and Debentures. Miss May Punzelt, Miss Minnie P. Fritz, MS* Chicago. All the preferred and $100,000 of the Com­ Miss Marrietta Couch, A- .determined to return to her kindred. mon Stock are., offered to the public at par, Colonel Leslie'Smith, U. S. A. reserving the right to make allotment of IN THE SENSATIONAL MELO-DRAMA. Signor Paola Giorza, But inasmuch as Jackson seems to have -jpiLECTKIC UKGLAll A: Saxophone: Soloist. Mr. Frank Comstock, Mr. J. J. Cavanaugii, BELLS 13 —ALARMS shares of less amounts than the amounts had a horror of trying to support him­ Annunciators,. Automatic Gas Lighting and applied for, and to give preference in allot­ " H. P. Price, " Frank Vail, , self he, naturally, could not be expect­ Electric Wiring in all its branches and su ments to regular customers of the breweries. " Jesse Ferris. . " Wm. C. Perry, faction guaranteed. DOOR BELLS, $4.00 UP- These breweries have earned and are now " P. N. Knapp, • . Edward Hyde, ed to fall in with such a notion, for he Samples may be seen at A. blOMMLl^ij earning 10 per cent, on the whole amount of Concert from 8 to 9: 30p. m. EARTS OF " F. C. Carrier, ; . ..." W.E.-Selleck, or W. H. SMITH & CO.'S or addresai the capital stock; that is 8 per cent, on the pre­ c '':'V " C. W. Hoyt, J. P. Treadwell, ; imprisoned Mrs. Jackson in his domi­ tf20 CHARLES RILE1. Norwalk ferred and 32 per cent, on the common stock. " H. S. Hatch, J. E. Slater, The Company has acquired the property diT " W. F. Ambler, , " John Wehle, cile, (paid for by her money,)and when rectly from the owners without the interven­ ADMITTING " Henry Morgan, saj" Frank Nash, ETER L.. GUIGUE, Florist and Nursery­ Gentleman " E.F.Smith, ^Wm.McMahon. her relatives attempted to rescue her, tion of optional contracts or agents. Tickets," AND LADY, .00 NEW- YORK. man, IJuion Avenue, north of Union 8^~The property is free from all incumbran­ hs pleaded that his sole object was to PCemetery. Norwalk, Conn. Dealer in Green ces. One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,- Tickets, 50 Cents Each, House and Hot House and Bedding and Vege­ 000) is reserved for working capital. _^0j On Sale at Hoyt's Drug Store, South Norwalk. With its wonderful make his wife live with him. The local table Plants, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Dividends will be declared quarterly or semi­ SCENIC EEEECTS, Can be procured at Hoyt's and Plaisted's;^ Shrubbery, Vines, Cut Flowers, always on annually, at the discretion of the directors. drug stores. South Norwalk, and Gregory's court decided that he was acting with­ hand, and all sorts of designs in flowers — THRILLING S1TZTATIONS and drug store, Norwalk; also from members of Of the capital stock the preferred stock will Committee of Arrangements: STARTLING CLIMAXES the company, and may be exchanged for re- _. in his right as a husband. ranged to order. , , receive a preferred dividend at the rate of 8 served seats at Hoyt's, South Norwalk, and' Grading and refilling cemetery plots percent, per annum, such preference being Patrick Haugh, Throughout the play, which are taken from Thus much in behalf of Mrs. Jack­ promptly attended to. Edward Barrett, Gregory's, Norwalk, on and after 7 a, m.; • cumulative. All other profits and dividends Fred Seymour, William Croal, life itself. Thursday, April 2d. son and in opposition to the pagan opin­ will belong to the common stock. Patrick Carroll, William Guilfoyle, SEE THE POLICE PATROL WAGON ! • ' Not over five tickets can be exchanged by A CARD. John McMahon, George Davis, SEE THE GREAT FIRE SCENE ! ' ' % one person at one time. ions of Mr. Jackson. The relatives of The prompt payment of the pre­ Charles E. Williams Frank J. Sherwood, RS. GEORGE W. BRADLEY, (daughter 4 The Knabe Parlor Grand Piano used on this . Mrs. Jackson carried the decision of of the late William R. Nash), desire? ferred dividends has been guaran­ Fred Northrop, Michael McGinty. PRICES 35, 50 AND 75 CENTS. - occasion is kindly loaned by Messrs. Wni. M Knabe A Co., w«rerooms, 148 Fifth avenue, the local Dogberry to the court of ap­ PUPILS IN INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC teed by the vendors for five years New York. tf68 peals where it was reversed and the For terms apply to or address 193 Main Street from March 1. 1891, the first semi­ —-0 PERA HOUSE . g Stable Manure for Sale. , ONE NIGHT OSLY! proposition was laid down in effect that I have moved my annual dividend to be declared n well conducted wife may legally quit PHOTOGBAPH BUSI September 1,1891. ^^LARGE LOT OF CHOICE. WELL MADE Charles S. Lockwood, Removal. NESS Thursday Evg., April 9th, her husband at her own discretion. TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. HOBSE MANURE AT I r--5 : -7 TAILOR, •> Commenting upon this curious decis­ TO 53 WALL STBEET. Ten per cent, at the time of application; THE AMAZING SENSATION OF THE SEASON ' *: Watch this space for the date of op3ning of forty per cent, within thirty days; balance Raymond Bros'. THE TALK OF NEW YORK, LONDON AND PARIS ! ion by the British big wigs, which if of my new rooms. within sixty days. 4tia 33 Main Street, Norwalk. Wm. Fleron's Original New York Standard I am now prepared to meet all my old friends . .universal application would inevitably C. A BLACKMAN, Theatre Production Of Alex. Dumas' , , and patrons, and, thankful for past favors, " (destroy much of the sanctity of the tfra , PHOTOGKAPHER, NORWALK Directors: N. K. FERRIS, , Greatest Play, would solicit orders for outfits in h h. DAVID TRUBEE, President of the Pequon- Organist of the Norwalk M. E. Church and .marriage relation, the esteemed Hart­ noek National Bank, Bridgeport, Conn. CASSIMERES AND »VJTINOS Seed Potatoes for Sale x ford Courant quite pertinently and THOS. L. WATSON, Banker, Bridgeport, and Teacher of the Piano, Organ - In Any Style l i'eferr«d. ^ • "TTTHITE ELEPHANT and BEAUTY OF "Vice-President of The Consolidated Stock WHE CLEMENCEATT pithily says: W HEBRON; great yielders and good Exchange, New York. .• and Sarmony, I have a large assortment of Cioths and shall ; -. , keepers. Warranted free from disease and WM. H. STEVENSON, Bridgeport, Vice-Presi­ endeavor to give satisfaction. " Of course, the way out of all possi­ Kesidence,—30 West Avenue', I'llAltliES 8. LOCKWOOD, rot. ALSO dent and General Manager of The Housatonic 1 CASE! U T ble complications under the new Brit­ Large Young Torn Turkeys for Breeding Kailroad Co. P. O. Box 131, NORWALK, CONN. 38 MAIN STREER (UP STAIRS). Purposes. JOHN W. COE, Meriden, of Bartholomew & Reference—S. P. Warren, Organist of Grace •A'" fwt ' !V?« -it ish law is for each husband and wife to Coe, Exporters and Packers. Church, New York. 3m4?p Under the direction of WM. A. BRADY. * be so altogether excellent that the one PETER W. MEAD, ALBERT WINTTER. Brewer, Bridgeport,) 4tl3 Mead's Corners, New Canaan. JOHN H. McMAHON, Bridgeport, ^ Production Complete in Every Detail! E. Gusowski, comld find no possible fault with the P. W. WREN, " J CABINET Specially Strong Cast! Vendors and former owners of the breweries. Handsome Staging! other. But this, it will be found upon HISS ANNIE E. HALL, COUNSEL.: |Photographs, The Great^HKodel Sc*ne at 9:30.S deliberation, is a presupposition, more WALLER, COOK & WAGNER, 15 , MERCHANT TAILOR, Voice Culture, *New York. $3 per Dozen PRICES, 85, 50 AND 75 CENTS. ' .available for pui£«v>ses of theory than ilKClSTtiAK OF THE STOCK : ^ ATTHE Has just opened his Large Stock of , ^ for the practical uses of daily life. And 0i & UN STIES®, NOEWALE, CONN. Advance sale opens Monday, April 0th. at j THE FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST COMPANY Hale's and Plaisted's. FIXE SELECTED GOODS FOB SPRING, OF NEW YOBK. iRockwood Gallery it is an open question whether a decis­ AUCTIONEER AND SUMMER WEAR. PETER F. MEYER, OFFICES OF THE COMPANY, I 17 Union Square, N.Y. ion of this sort will tend, with human Iiife-Size Crayon 9c 1doz. Cabinets* 810. Must Be Sold. HT-STYLE AND PRICE TO SUIT EVERYBODV_^J ^ ADRIAN H. MULLER & SON, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. - , R\ .nature what it is, to add to the sum of FABM of 35 Acres, all Meadow and Pasture Will be pleased to see all old patrons and a ^ Will sell at auction on A Land. Dwelling House, nine rodms, host of new ones at - - ! i iiappiaiess in England. There is no Earnings of th^Cempan;. m E. auftourszx, ' about 20years old. Large barn and cow house .Question that a wife is justified in the Wednesday, April 8th, nearly new. Five hundred peach trees in full THE 0*L'D STAND, The company has purchased of the former bearing. Apples, grapes and small fruits in general opinion of people in leaving a 1891, at 12 o'clock, at the Beal Estate Exchange owners at a fair valuation, the real estate and MERCHANT TAILOR, a bundance. Situated two milesfrom Norwalk 99 Liberty street, , the valu fixed plant of both breweries for $350,000 and Bridge, on the main road to New Canaan, on Wall Street, Cor. Water, Norwalk. husband for cruelty, for habitual intox­ able country residence of the the remaining plant, borses, wagons, barrels Is ready to show the Finest Stock of high ground. Fine view of Long IslandSound. ication, as truly as for what are held to and other property of both breweries, good Price $4,000. Must be sold to settle an estate. will included, for $250,000. making with the CLOTHS,CASSXMEBES AND OVESCOATIKQ For further particulars enquire of Late Jas. R. Jessup at Westport, Ct., $100,000 working capital $700,000, the Capital Frank H. Baxter, be graver causes, but, when the matter On Saugatuck River. And a great variety of Fancy Pants Patterns, XWZ O, E. WILSON, Stock of the Company. 3 GAZETTE Building, Norwalk. Ct. rot' remaining rests simply on ''her own The place consists of about 8 acres of land, a The malt, hops, beer and other supplies on E. GITSOWSKI, PHARMACIST, discretion," one must ask why the fine house, grapery, greenhouse, stable, gar­ hand have been taken by the Company at their tf40 8 Main Street, South Norwalk. dener's house, etc. Horse cars meet all trains market value, and the accounts receivable, Corner Wall and Water Streets For Sale. words of the marriage service are not on N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. taken by the Company, are guaranteed by the Fer further particulars apply to EDWARD vendors. HE HOUSE, No. 14 Union Park, now occu­ amended to suit the new conditions. MEYERS, Esq., , and at the Auc­ The earnings of the breweries accrue to the pied by Ira Cole. The house has double Merrill Business College, Stamford. parlors,T dining room, library, store room and Indeed, the church people themselves tioneer's l Pine street, New York. It Company from October 80,1890. Open Through Entire Summer. The following statement of the public ac­ a large kitchen on the first floor. Five bed­ $500 REWARD. iiave taken this view of the case and countant, verified by well known bank officials, PRACTICAL, Business Training School rooms, sewing room and bath room on second BEWABD of Five Hundred Dollars will shows that these breweries have earned during A for both sexes. Students entering dur­ floor. Two bedrooms, a fine billiard room and A be paid by the Selectmen of the Town of they are as actively engaged as is NOTICE. the past two fiscal years a NET PROFIT of $142- ing the spring can be fitted to fill positions in drying room on the third floor. The kitchen, Norwalk for the arrest and conviction of the Mr. Jackson in the effort to have the 086.54, equal to an annual 8 per cent, dividend autumn. Every business branch taught thor­ dining room and all the bed rooms have large party or parties setting, any of the recent on the preferred and 10 per cent, on the com­ oughly. The college is FIBST-CLASS in equip­ closets. It has stationary tubs, hot and cold incendiary fires in said town, or any such that House of Lords reverse this new rul­ he borough water win be mon stock during that period, besides a sur­ ment,- and exery department is in charge of water, gas and sewer connections, and is in may occur hereafter. tf40 abut < If from 12 o'clock on Satur­ plus of $16,086.94. competent instructors. Send for catalogue. perfect repair throughout.rAny persons wish­ SAMUEL DASKAM, ) Selectmen of ing." T The erection of refrigerating machinery in Address, PRESIDENT MERRILL BUSINESS COL­ ing to purchase are invited to call and exam­ NELSON J, CBAW, V the Town day ni^ht. until G o'clock on Sunday the Bridgegort Brewery at a cost of about LEGE, Stamford, Conn. tf!3 ine the premises. For further particulars OSCAB W. RAYMOND,) of Norwalk. , Fire Alarm Supt. morning, and on Sunday afternoon, $30,000 during the past season seriously inter­ apply to the owner or of tfl2 Dated at Norwalk* February 16th, 1891. rupted the business for several months, but O. E. WILSON. At the meetings of the several Fire­ from 1 to 6. arid 9 o'clock on Sunday notwithstanding this interruption the brew­ For Sale or To Rent. men organizations of the borough held evening until 5 o'clock on Monday ery shows an increase of profits over the pre­ HE PROPERTY of Mrs. O. S. Ferry on last night, pursuant to the request of ceding year. The increased capacity of this East avenue, Norwalk. Conn. Apply to mort ing. { brewery and the present prosperous condition TMRS. FERRY at 1421 K street, Washington, Chief Prowitt, there were a total of 68 of the business of breweries will enable the S. a.-E. S.-E. S.-E. S.-3ES- JS.-E. S.-E. S.-E. S.-ES- S. This arrangement will be continu company, by an increase of one-third in its D. C.; or to MB. E. J. HANCV) NO, 36 Wall \votes cast, of which John H. Hoyt had ed every Sunday until the new pipe volume of business, to increase its net earn­ street, New York City. tf46 •38 aodC. C. Riley 30. The votes of the ings fifty per cent. is connected. By order of the ACCOUNTANT'S STATEMENT. Jiremen were about equally divided be­ WATER COMMISSIONERS New Haven, Conn., March 11,1891. tween the candidates, and the vote of To the Connecticut Breweries Company : Norwalk, April 3, 1891. Having examined the books of the A. Winiter ±he fire-police is said to have given if; Co. Brewery of The Connecticut Breweries' DRINK Hoyt his signal victory. Company for two years last past, we hereby Edward Street certify that the total net profits of said breweries New York, for the fiscal years iof 1889 and 1890 were 15 III EF MENTION. $142,086.56. Signed, [P&O OFFERS A v April 6th, 1891. A. it. MORSE ,(• CO., Vv - i-.' * • ...... •> - " 'Squire H. C. Cope, of Durham town­ :' Public Accountants. THE CHOICESTmIOICESTI To witness the trials of some ship, near Doylestown, is missing, and it Having compared the above statement of the Public Accountants with the books of the has been charged that he took money with parents in fitting out their boys breweries, we are able to verify to the best of HOST ECONOMICAL I him belonging to others. to new clothes would amuse our knotoledge and belief, the accuracy of said inatioii of 'Tlie de-posed rajah of Manipur declared satement. anybody except the parent and Signed, I. B. PRINBLE, tTiat his brother, the present rajah, would Cashier of the Pequonnock National Bank, From one end of Ins store to tlie other. It is simply wonderful what a ,! Bridgeport. not kill his British prisoners, but would the salesman in attendance. f hold them as hostages. Signed, C. L. ROCKWELL, dollar will do in this IMMENSE STOCK of. ft ^ r *" V Cashier of the First National Bank*Meriden. Mrs. Lydia Marquette, an invalid widow Mother wants to keep Tommy i'M W- living in Brooklyn, was found in her bed in short trousers, although he room with her throat cut. The case is t THE BREWERIES. mystery. ~ . i is twelve years and upward, but The Breweries of this company are located atBridgeport.and Meriden, Connecticut. DRY GOODS, FANCYx Henrietta Woods sued Erastus Wiman Thomas thinks he's past the .T'he former-ownersof the MERIDEN BREWERY ' in Brooklyn, for 150,000 damages for libel COMPANY and the A. WINTTER & Co. Brewery iiJ age for knickerbockers, and believing that the consolidation of the the alleged libel being contained in a com industries and the participation of the public • O YELTIE 8, NO T tQN6 munication Mr. Wiman sent the then gov nothing in that line seems to and customers as stockholders in the profits ernor of New York in 1886. of the Company will largely increase the busi­ please or fit him, unless it be ness of the Drew eries, have incorporated this r The grand jury in New Orleans founc company for 'the purpose of acquiring, en­ TABLE LINtNd,LINENS, nUdlbKY.HOSIERY!' Two Nights: April 3d and 4th, Brown came to his death from pistol shots printed agreement to accept Porter, as well as Lager Beer are brewed. The ' bottling of this Ale for the New York market in all the different styles at fired by Frank Quinn, A. and G. Gell and back and refund money for is now done by the customers. The company Special Engagement tf Rudolph AronsM's Conit Optra Ciipan J. Cripps, and they were remanded for a itsdlf, however, intends to enter at once upon ? FROM THE NEW YORK CASINO, PRESENTING hearing. From the evidence adduced al any uninjured article not sat­ this profitable branch of the business. •Forms of application and'lproapectuses may the inquest it was plainly shown that the isfactory, and to make good be obtained on application to the undersigned shooting was done in self defense. Bankfers and Brokers, and at the office of the ".-rtM• .' ''v•• •; loss on whatever turns out Company. ; POOR JONATHAN! i His Head Blown OITA ** THIS SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL SE badly after being useck ^ OPENED on MONDAY, AVHIL 6, and The Greatest of all Comic Opera Successes. Great Cast. All the Scenery and Costumes ! MAYNARD, Ark., April 4.—Tom Kirbj CLOSE SATURDAY, AfMIL 11, 1H91, at Prices $1,75c., 50c. Chart opens April 1st, 9 a. m, Rna costumes. and Milton Owenby settled an old feud v or Free deliveries to all points within one hun­ the office of with shotguns. The two men met in e dred miles of New York city. store and began firing simultaneously. Jhe Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. Grand Street Store. N. Y« Kirby's head was blown off and Owenbj ROGERS, PEET & CO. OF NEW YORK, and M t. Gilmore and 1 f onHeil M and Conceit was seriously wounded. Kirby was a WATSON & GIBSON, Bankers and • V member of the Arkansas legislature in BIMXAIWAY •! Warren, Brokers, 55 Broadway, New York. ON MAY 2d. is® 1889. ' • STORES. /32dSt. Ml B. B. Craufurd, 2Tpsw|tlk. OBDEBXO BY TELEPHONE HELD UHTH. 8 P. IC. 18 - •- tmsmw'

' •.

"****- ^**; ^ "* ** v J ~ ^ r * X* <" i 11 -v * >T - xt£ * •—*• *r \.< •} - » ^ ^ i**- . S' ?^* V'*" % ^ V"' * *•*•». •'•

3 cts. W E E Iv L Y - NOR WALK - GAZETTE

' nr\ fin TJ' * ••JP". jf/i Wive&'TON. mmm after gauging carefully the location of a target, fire together all sixteen of the mor­ Eugene Beers lias wliooping cough. lillJ CARTERS tars at the same instant, and it is remark­ J-WK. ^ Miss Etta Youngs returned home on able how many of the shots will drop VlTTLE down on the spot no larger than the deck The Sligo Election Carried by the Wednesday. . Rudini's Reply to Secretary Blaine of a ship, which cannot be armored like its IVER sides, on account of great weight. One F.J.Curtis&Co's William E. Beers returned on Sunday *; McCarthyite Candidate. PILLS. l VT* from Bridgeport, where he has been Under Consideration. of these mortar shots will drop through any ship afloat and sink it." , ' LF OR ispending the last year with relatives. 4 General R. M. Batchelder, quartermas­ THE CE0WN CK0WDED OUT. itMi_ Av •»' His eyes are still very troublesome. BARON FAVA PROSTRATED. ter general of the United Staffs, who is . 'I DUCHESS, OUR OWN AND . ;> Miss Alice Fitch and sister have been with Secretary Proctor,.in talking about jss the present situation of relations between Australia .Ulopts tlie Name of Common­ visiting Mrs. W. B. Hurlbutt of Can­ Tliie Exciting Events of tlie I»a«t Few this and the Italian government, said: wealth, a Cutis itution Similar to Ours, CURE , :» Dajr8 Too Mucli for Him—Secretary "They talk about our government being Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci­ nons. ; and Is Only One Step Removed dent to a bilious state of the system, such as f "1, • - •% i ' v J'roctor Talks of Our Possibili- . unable to protect Italian citizens when Peter Smith is still suffering from, :j 1 I from a Free Republic. > Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after ties in the livent of AVnr. :,; for years the American citizens and citi­ eating. Pain in th.» Hide, &c. While their most rheumatism. t zens of other countries have frequently remarkable success has been shown in curing Mrs. M. J. Miller has spent some been taken prisoners by the banditti of SLIGO, April 4.—The election to fill the RANGES. - W^SHIKGTON, April 4.—Thursday Sec­ Italy and held for ransom, and frequently tdays with her sister, Mrs. Hawley Wil­ seiilt in parliament for the northern divis­ retary Blaine's letter was the talk of the 'maltreated, and yet our government has ion of Sligo, made vacant by the death of SICK (With Duplex Grates, r,?.,. ^ liams. j- capital. Friday it was Marquis di Rudi­ never taken any serious action in the mat­ Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Mils are ter. The only fault with our government the late meihber, Mr. Peter McDonald, took equally valuable in Constipation,curing and pre­ Miss Georgie Banks of Greenfield ni's reply. The Italian government has place and resulted in the selection of Mr. venting this annoying complaint,'while they also been called down in its bluff, and having is that we have been too good natured correct all disorders of the stomach,stimulate the : ; has been visiting Mrs. Fred Banks. with them." Bernard Collery, of Sligo, the McCarthyite WOOD COOK STOVES. . retted Baron Fava, which seemed to have liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only Several new guide-boards now orna­ candidate, who received a majority of 806 been the real object of the whole affair, is THE FRENCH VIEW OF IT. : over his opponent, Mr. Valentine B. Dillon, ment the corners arouhd town. f MONITOR OIL STOVES. . . V willing to let things take the regular In the Main the Press Comments Are Jr., of Dublin, the candidate of the Par- Friends from Wilton have visited courtie. Yet there are many who believe -HEAD Temperate in Tone. nellites. The vote, as announced by offi- Ache they wonld be almost priceless to those who Mrs. W. B. Smith. .. r, t\ that Rudini has been misinformed through­ PARIS, April 4.—The French papers dis­ cial count, shows Mr. Collery to have polled suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu­ Agate Tin and Wooden Ware, out the whole affair. By the premier's re­ nately their goodness does notend here.and those • • Mrs. George A. Sturges returned • on cuss the Fava affair for the most part in a 3,196 votes, and Mr. Dillon 2,390 votes. who oncetry them will find these little pills valu­ ply he places Fava in the delicate position temperate tone, with the exception of The Whitewash Brushes, Carpet ; Thursday from a two-weeks' visit in Contrary to general anticipation the able in so many ways that they will not be wil­ of having misquoted Rudini in the "de­ Temps, which refers to America's speedy election passed off without anything like ling to do without them. But after all sick head action in sending ironclads to Tangiers to T i1 New York. V; £ j ' ffr ' _ mands'.' he sent Mr. Blaine as coming a Sferious fracture of the queen's peace Beaters, -; . " The woods about "town abound with from Rudini. 2 I support her demands in the case of the maltreatment of American citizens. having occurred. There was no flourish­ seekers after the "sweetly smelling ' The entire Italian sensation therefore The Temps thinks it a strange contra­ ing of shillalahs, pounding of blackthorns, ACHE Is the bane ot so many lives that here is whtra -trailing arbutus. dwindles down from an interesting possi­ diction for America to decline responsibil­ rushes of police, or charges of cavalry to we makeour great boast. Our pills cureit while Mercer China Dinner Sets, bility of a foreign war to an idle guess as ity when foreigners are involved and asks, fill in and round out the exciting Sligo others do not. James B. Dikeman purchased at auc­ to what will happen to Baron Fava, late Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and "Why should the Federal government campaign which has resulted in the elec­ very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Plain and Decorated, tion on Wednesday the place which he Italian minister at Washington. Mean­ sign international treaties if, when pressed tion of Mr. Alderman Collery. Neverthe­ They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or now occupies. while the late minister'is ill, although not closely, they disappear like a phantom." less, all night long the jaunting cars which purge, but by their gentle action please all who The Liberte thinks that the Washington conveyed the ballot boxes from outlying use them. In vialsat 25 cents; five for $1. Sold TABLE GLASSWARE, Miss Tiny Hill, a teacher in a school confined to his bed. The baron is suffer­ by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. ing from insomnia, loss of appetite and government cannot, for the sake of a few voting precincts to the town hall were es­ in Pawtticket, B. I., has made her sister thousand dollars, allow its respect for in­ corted into Sligo by formidable escorts of CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. general prostration. He has worried him­ Mrs. Walter P. Rowland a yisit. ternational law to be impugned. the Royal Irish constabulary armed with House Furnishing Goods. M self over the affair until his physical con­ The Pays dwells upon the disturbance loaded carbines and revolvers. Piatt Keeler and Albert Hickerson dition has become such as to require, the of international trade that would follow a At 7 o'clock Friday morning the last of Snail!! Small lb. Smallfiice, each lost a thunjib last week, the former attendance of a physician, f' rupture between Italy and America. the cars rattled into town, and immedi­ by a buzz-saw the latter with an axe. He feels keenly the fact that his long The royalist Gazette de France taunts ately the work of counting the ballots was Italy upon her own glaring violations of begun. It was soon seen that a much Mrs. George B. Sturges is visiting and hitherto unruffled diplomatic career shpuld end in this unpleasant and hostile international law from the invasion of the lighter vote had been cast than had been relatives and friends in Bethel. anticipated by either the Parnellites or way, and he constantly refers to it in con­ pontifical states to the massacres in Ethio­ Mrs. Carrie Crossman and daughter pia. It says: their adversaries. The amount of illiter- versation. Instead of leaving Washington "It is curious to see states which recog­ acy.iiisplayed by the poll was something of Titusville, Penn., are guests of Mrs. with the best wishes of the government nize no public law, when their own am­ astounding, and as the ballots were taken Carrie Budd. ( officially expressed, he will depart in the bitions or interests are involved hypocrit­ from the boxes many of them were found in such condition as to compel their being Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll are the midst of an annoying episode. The time ically invoke the law as soon as they them­ of departure has not yet been fixed, but selves are attacked." ruled out by the election officers. It is happy parents of a bouncing boy. He he will probably leave within the next ten understood that the McCarthyites are the ^•arrived in town last week. days. SAYS BLAINE IS DEFIANT. greatest sufferers in this way. The Answer Arrives- The first announcement that Mr. Col- Orlando Andrews has the cellar all The London Standard Thinks His Note The cabinet officers came promptly to lery's majority was only 400 acted as a dug for his new cottage. Carpenter the White House at 11:30 to attend the Not at All Conciliatory. wet blanket on the enthusiasm of his Adams has the contract and the work weekly cabinet meeting, with the excep­ LONDON, April 4.—The Standard says friends, and the official count,"which later that Secretary Blaine's note to the secre­ showed it to have reached 806, did not do will be pushed rapidly, • ,5 . , , tion of Secretary Blaine. Postmaster Gen­ 4 eral Wanamaker did not attend because tary of the Italian legation at Washington much to cheer those who had been boast­ Deacon and Mrs. Nathan B. Johnson he had gone to Philadelphia to a funeral. offers little prospect of a speedy settlement ing of a majority against Parnell of any- entertained a family party on Good There was a good deal of speculation in of the difficulty. If not actually defiant where from 1,000 to 2.000 regard to Secretary Blaine's delay, and as the note is by no means conciliatory.. Spring Dress Goods, Friday. ; _ J % the cabinet continued in session nearly His arguments are plausible enough, but TO BENT. they leave untouched Italy's main conten­ William P. Lockwood has purchased one hour and the secretary of state did IO BENT.—A Cottage with five rooms at $8 a tract of land from the estate of not appear, great interest was manifested tion. He gives Italy no assurance that the T per month. Enquire of 8. B. Wn.goiS» as to the cause of his delay. laws will be carried out by the local au­ Carpenter and Builder, corner Wall street and William O. Godfrey. TTis coachman drove his carriage up and thorities of New Orleans or that if they Belden avenue. tf72 Jackets, Gloves, Dress Trimmings and Isaac Thorpe tod family have moved down the street in front of the secretary's fail in their, duty the United States gov­ ernment .srill do it for them. • 0 RENT.—My Carpenter Shop* No 8 Wall into Miss Hattie Wood's place on house, but he did n»t appear' The cause T street. Apply to PLATT PRICE* ti72 of the delay was that Mr, Blaine w$3 wait­ This assurance Italy has the right to dg- Bradley street. mand, and does not forfeit her'right be-' O KENT, from April IstT pleasant Heyen- Hosiery Now Ready. ing for the Marquis di ftadhu's latter to • itoom:*Joiiaif»j»Room;:Cottaee> vy«m«within 1Q)minutesw walk of Town Clerk D. L. Rowland and Se­ be translated. cause of the political character of the T sewer eonnec- American Union. While admitting that post office; borough, water and - lectman William B. Smith, who have The f Marquis had forwarded tion;-• rent * month. .Enquire of F. E. the dispatch to the secretary of state short­ there is much to excuse the obstinacy QUINT^Pv 14ft tan streets Norwalk. Iw68p been serving as jurors at Bridgeport ly after 10 o'eJook in tj&e morning. It was shown all around, The Standard says it is iT.—Hewe 130 Main streetrnow occu- J SPECIAL OFFERINGS ARE BEING MADE IN _ . since Dec. 3d, 1890, have returnedhome. in Italian; &nd the secretary at once sent a cause of regret that Secretary Blaine's ed" by "S gator John S. Seymour, from note does not leave more ot an opening for improvements. D. W. Hendershot has removed into it to the state department to be trans­ X G8ABI.6S S. LOCKWOOD, lated. conciliatory negotiations. 1 C. M. Abbott's house. ^ ^ The secretary then waited for the letter O LET.—The lower part of Cottage* No. 8 Ladies Cotton Underwear and Corsets.;: O'Malley Surrenders, Frank E. William8, wife, and daugh- to carry it at once to ' the cabinet. It took James Place, Cross street. Bent> Per NEW ORLEANS, April 4.—D. C. O'Malley, month. This is a new and very conveftie^tly ter of Norwalk spent Sunday with Les­ longer than expected tfr translate the doc­ arrangedT apartment for family housekeePmg. ument, bv.t Mr, Blaine preferred to be late the detective, appeared in the criminal Apply to F. ST. JOHN LOCKWOOD. t!64 ter Bennett. .? •'vi at the cabinet than let it be sent after him. court this morning to answer to the indict­ ments for perjury, conspiracy to commit O RENT.—Cottage, corner Chapel street ' :ALSO IN:- ' - Andrew Perry, an aged and respected He wanted the letter to pass through as and Harbor avenue; 7 roon»g. Enquire at few hands as possible before reaching the perjury and accessory before the fact in an T citizen of Easton, died on Tuesday of P. H. DWYEB'S HAHNESS STOB®, tf62 president. attempt to bribe a juror. He was accom­ pneumonia aged 82 years. , He w^s a panied by Lionsel Adams, his attorney, NEAT, Little Cottage of Seven Rooms It was exactly 12:25 o'clock when Mr. near Union Park, not five minutes' walk brother of Joel Perry of this town. M Blaine came out of his front door, with and James Barry, a prominent local poli­ Afrom cars and post office. Rent $15. Apply to, Lace and Chenille Curtains. tician. GEN. CHARLES OLMSTEAD or office 01 the DAILY The Rev. Proctor Favor will as­ Marquis Rudini's dispatch in his pocket. M. He dismissed his carriage, and walked O'Malley was released on $3,000 bond, GAZETTE. 3W56 sume duties as pastor of the Congrega­ cheerily across Pennsylvania avenue from which w^, signed by Barry. After his re­ The Bargains Qontinue. Additional Lot$ tional church to-morrow. Sunday his house to the White House grounds. lease O'Malley walked the streets ailone as FOB SALE. if he had never been in danger of the fury school at 11:30. Service at 1 p. m. Blaine in Good Humor, Advertisements under this head 25c. for five He was in an exceedingly good humor, of a mob. He declines to talk. lines or less, 50c.for three times,$1 for week. While driving with a load of hay on for the letter he had ill hte pocket showed They Hang Them in Maryland. JURE WHITE COCHIN EGGS for setting, Monday, Mr. Loomis Gould had a nar- how he had won the last triok in the game, $1 per dozen, at 9 gwTOp Al^APOtiSjMd., April 4.—Ernest Forbes, ; row escape from serions injury. While and he had reason to be happy. As he 120 pairs Nottingham Cartams at $2, $2.50 and $3 a pair: positively the eighteen year olA soforal man wko as­ ORSE for Sale,—A Good Horse for family ! descending a hill his load became un- walked up toward the house he chatted use Of WOPS- Call at 4 WATEH ST. 3t70p worth $2.75, $3 and $5. Every housekeeper should see them. ,, , pleasantly about the affair, but was most saulted Miss Berths* ^ H bound and Mr. Gould was thrown to diplomatic in his answers, saying that at girl, last November was, fcexe iW OTATOES for Sale.—White Elephants and .the ground. His lines breaking, the present, and until after the cabinet meet- day morning, fhe d.TOfl at 1Q;Q3. Beauty of Hebron, $3.85 a barrel, delivered Forbes' neok was broken and he was pro> inP Norwalk or South Norwalk Enquire at CHENILLE CURTAINS. and ing, he must be allowed tq keep sil@ntb • horses escaped, ran for about a mile nouiited dead in nine jninutes. ^Forbes BBOOK MEAD FABM, Mead's Corners, NEW before they were stopped. One of the A crowd of newspaper correspondents Canaan. *w68 were waiting at the White House when made a short speech on the scaiiOid in - . ... •. . x . bales lodged on the wagon pole between the secretary arrived, but he only smiled a which he said he was sorry for his crime OR SALE.—A Second-Hand Pb»tf>n for One lot Spring Colors at $4.47 a pair. Not sold elsewhere for and that he was ready to die. The town sale c\\eap. Ewivaw st 12 Mebwin ithe horses. Beyond a severe shaking recognition "to them and said, "You will STREETF * Iwi3 less than $6.00. np Mr. Gould was not much injured. all get the news in due time," and then he presented a holiday appearance and all in­

1 coming trains brought in great crowds of UBE BOCND ONE ' ' •-» • passed on into the executive mansion and OR SALE.—P G B for sale One lot $4.87, fully worth $6.50. , i country people. The scaffold was built in Dry bones taken in exchange. J. H up into the cabinet meeting. WILSON'S PEBTILIZING MILL, New Canaan road. One lot $5.25, very handsome, worth $7. , GOLD WATCH VOTE. The cabinet, on Mr. Blaine's arrival, be­ the jail yard and in plain sight of thous­ FNorwalk. tf67 gan the discussion of the Rudini dispatch ands of people who congregated in the ad­ One lot, every new shade, $6, worth $8. v: jacent squares. OR SALE,—An Oyster Counter. Apply at Following is the score, to date, of and also the correspondence between Mr. F So. Norwalk Office of DAILY GAZETTE, tf 58 One lot, elegant styles, $6.50. fully worth $8.50. 1 ^ the balloting in the contest for the Blaine aad Marquis Imperial!, the Italian The L:tst D?cision in Cox's Favor. T310R SAL® or Exchange.—The premises, a®*ABOVE FIVE LOTS ARE GREAT BARGAINS and are the? (Gold Watch, to be presented by the charge d'affaires current. The state department has done nothing POTTSVILLE, Pa., April 4.—A sealed ver­ 1' No. 7 Camp street. Lot 80x160. House dict in the Shepp-Cox ejection case was has 11 rooms, modern improvements. Good Leading styles for this spring. Each lot has all the new colorings, includ-: DAILY GAZETTE -to the- most popular in the matter of instructing Minister Por­ garden, fruit in abundance. Apply to O. E. working girl in the town of Norwalk. ter to return. He is doing excellent work rendered Friday morning. The verdict is WILSON, No. 3 Gazette Building. tfl9 ing Sea Green, Light Blue, Copper, Pink, Rose and Yellow. ^ v , ^ in favor of the defendant. The case in­ Maggie Cavanaugh, R. & G- shop, ro2 in Rome in explaining the position, and 7,708 volved the title to a certain tract of land PRETTY Cottage of seven rooms, near the Maggie McCauley, It. & G. shop, from the outlook today it seems as if diplo­ Bridge. Price $2,500. Only $500 down. JRoseFlynn, Volks' hat shop, 7,571 comprising about 195 acres situated about MaudNwbett,T. Cousins'faetory, 7,000 matic relations will shortly be renewed be­ AApply to O. E. WILSON, Real Estate Agent, thirteen miles from Brandonviile. The GAZETTE 'Building. May Brotherton, Union Mfg. Co., 2,567 tween the two countries; but if the Italian Lilly Hendricks, Hutchinson, Cole & Co. 1,549 government fails to fill its mission here, property is valued at $10,000. Both Shepp 39 and Cox claimed the right of ownership in BIG Circular Steam Radiator, 34 inches Hannah F Clune. the United States will, according to diplo­ across top; used but one season; will be Mary J- Clarity, Union Mfg. Co. 480 the property • iicigation over the title has We are the headquarters for Rugs, and our new collection of Moquette, 616 matic usages, let Minister Porter have a Asold at a sacrifice as owner has no further use Maud HyattHyatt,L UnionUnion Mig.Mfg.Co., ^o., been going • Mie past seventeen years Florence Deforest, Telephone office,offi 534 leave of absepce until an Italian minister for it. Apply at office of DAILY GAZETTE. Wilton, Smyrnas, Bysantine and Mecca Rugs is very comprehensive. ^ v Nellie Piatt, Dennis & Blanchard, 65 with varyia . . to both parties. This 168 arrives here.^ > ARGE Plate Glass Window* already en- Minnie Rosenaw. . ' last decision, U j.vaver, is in Cox's favor. hleap. Lizzie Kelley, Dunning & Stevens, , . 506 cased, round top and for sale 175 SKCKETAHY PKOCTOH'S VIEWS. Enquire at DAILY GAZETTE OFFICE. Jennie Bates, Nickerson & Betts, £ , He Got the Place and Paid for It. Silk Furniture Plus,h. . , ? / Jorgina Peterson, (^orge Ward^Sellcek s 64' Clara Graham, Dr. W. H 552 He Tells What We Could Do In Case of KANSAS CITY, April 4—One day last De­ WANTED. Lulu Hammer, Co-operative hat shop, 201 ,:U: w»r. One lot 24 inches at 75 cents; usually sold at $1.50. 49 cember a man giving the name of David One cent a word for all advertisements under Sarah Dibble,* C. 8. Trobndge, 59 Los ANGELES, Cal., April 4.—Secretary Williams stopped at the house of William this head. A .hop.^f 49 of War Proctor was interviewed here yes­ M. Roberts, at Liberty, Mo., and asked 13 terday before, his departure for San Diego. "VI7~ANTED.—Collector for the Old Reliable 38 for shelter. He said that he had no home YY JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSUBANCE Co. The Crushed Plush. ;/ ; ' The secretary said that he did not think and that he was sick with consumption, only company placing policies in immediate that the present war flurry would result and that he wanted a .placein which to benefit. Apply to W. R. ABNOLD, Assistant All shades $1.25, usually $1.75. -f, We cautionAll Against Them. in anything serious with.Italy. He did Superintendent, at U. S. Express Office, South die. Death came last night. Wednesday Norwalk, from 5 to 6 p. m. tf72 The unprecedented success and merit think, though, that the effect of it would he made his will, bequeathing to Mr. and of Ely's Creain Balm—a real cure for be to wake up congress to the necessity of Mrs. Roberts a block of brick buildings OARD WANTED.—The advertiser desires better coast defenses and iarger navy. in Kansas City and $12,733 deposited to his board with a private family and in a quiet catarrh, hay fever and cold in the head location. Address J. MOBSE, GAZFTTE Office. 2t Guns of not less than 8-inch caliber are credit in the First National bank of this B • With handsome fringe, $1.69, worth —has induced many adventurers to required, and from that up to 12. In city. The, deceased had no relatives. , ANTED.—Several Good Metal Polishers place catarrh medicines bearing some speaking of armament Secretary Proctor on steel (bicycle work). Steady employ­ said: • *** at** Wfe Tsui Kwo Yin Returns. mentW and good wages guaranteed. None but '• *-4' ' J| CtrinpH Corim > % "4^4 * ' * ** .. .. ^resemblance in appearance style or first-class workmen need apply. LOZIKB & *JM < Lace otripea ocrim.4 ^ < Big Guns. ' v- NEW YORK,' April 4.—The Pacific mail YOST BICYCLE MFG. Co., Central avenue, ae upon the market, in order to "I consider the 17-inch guns carried by steamship Newport, which arrived from Toledo, O. Iw66 - 100 pieces at 4 cents a yard, advertised usually as bargains at 6£ cents. upon the reputation of Ely's the large Italian war ships as somewhat of Colon Friday, had among her passengers AYS' WORK.—A strong and| competent oii\B&hn- Don't be deceived. Buy an experiment. They necessarily rack the the Chinese minister, Tsui Kwo Yin, his woman to go out by the day as Laundress, ship, but without reference to their use on secretary, interpreter and three servants. orD at Scrubbing, House-cleaning, etc. Apply c immto's Cream Balm. Many in your board ship they are shortlived. After the They are on their way to Washington at No. 6 South Union avenue. tr57 Window Shades. ™ ^ - highest locality testify in the guns reach a certain size the increase of from Peru, where the minister has been CARD.—CHABLES CABOILL having entered SSI PVILL CIRRARL WKFLFTDAH 2F5 PPTLTFI ' 1 'F' ' [ is applie^wnendatjon of it. A particle internal surf&jed is very great, and the im­ attending to-some business on behalf of the employ of NICKEBSOK & BETTS would Full sized Window Shades 25 cents, mense explosive power is more likely to his government. The minister reports be glad to see his old customers at his new fgj Window Shades with fringe 27 cents. « ' ^reeable '' ^ ? Aplace of business. Iw69 w « Price 50 ceqts. >: £ injure or break them. I think the moSt that the Chilian war has greatly damaged IH Both lots with spring rollers. serviceable of thelarge guns are the 8,10 ^business interestsin the neighboring states. LEANING.—MBB. LEWIS JOHNSON will and 12-inch. t ^^ • Clean Carpets of all descriptions at. her Th ; "In addition tp the Sew gun factory the it Was Play* for Warren. * home on River street, corner of Belden avenue, it ir' w**! ^ ^ andC also put them down with the patent Pure Silk Crash. sr;i: ' Jr rl.iTL C nothing and Will sure- la&t congress made; an appropriation of NEW ORLEANS, April 4.—At the Audibon club Tommy Warren and Tommy Ward stretcher. tf66 g { ^OOO^OW) for. the purchase 6f large gdns Something new, for polishing, 15 cents a yard. Ask for it at the Co£ lr °f>i W a Cough, manufactured by priVate concerns. That met for a purse of $500. The conditions of $ > NOKWALK & SOUTH NOBWALK \ I or Lungg811^^® ^th Throat, Chest will furnish us with 100 large pieces. New the match were that Warren was to knock |ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY,) Linen Counter. NOBWALK, Conn., April 1,1871. g s ew his man out in ten rounds. Warren played for Cons^ptiof^ ' 5 ^^overy .York is "not without a* considerable! degree HE Seventeenth Quarterly .Two (2) Per |guaranteed'Vi ^Coughs and Colds is of protection, as we have quite an efficient with his man for two rounds and then Cent. Dividend has been declared by the BoardT of Directors of this Company, payable 'will be paid or money torpedo service.^ With , the advent of the knocked him out with a right hand swing on the point of the jaw. April 10. Checks will be mailed. 3t78 vGrippe foundUK,*^rom^ ja heavily armored ships of late years great CHARLES E. DUSTIN, Treasurer. an improvements have been made in mortar 'der its use had a spJ'j d un- >Ex-Assemblyman Fitts Deud. i FAIBFIELD COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, \ covery. Try a sampS^a24 peffect re" service. It is surprising with what ac­ r AUBUF.X, N. Y., April 4.—Ex-Assembly­ 51 WALL STBEET, / W.B. ex curacy mortars can be fired to great NOBWALK, Conn., March 19th, 1891. pense and learn for yoft? , ? ^ " man Leander Fitts died at his home in ppod a thin g it is. TriaY*{^£ - v*usf height and shots dropped straight down NTEREST at the rate of four (4) per cent, upou the object aimed at. » Moravia "Friday morning / of neuralgia ol per annum, for the current six months, a. R. Hale's drug store. ^[es *ree. at Iwill be credited to depositors, April 1st, 1891, Cor. Main and Cannon St., Bridgeport. jifty cents and $1.00. . ~^\^e Slze "The latest method of handling them is the heart„ _ ticMr.,™ Fitts was .a . member ,.in and paid to them on and after April 10th, 1891. to plant sixteen |hortars in squares, and 1880, 188900 ind 1890. TTHe was sixty years old 2w«S JAMES H. BAILE1, Treasurer. 't ' >s t >, , *•< mi * Mdr CONSOLIDATED R. R. WASHINGTON CHAT.. FREIGHT CONDENSERS. Bev. Dr. T. S. Childsof 1308 Connec­ What a world it is ! Almost I ndictment of the Directors. ticut avenue, leaves Washington to­ Mr.Chauncey M. Depew declares, tlie WHAT THE; .ADVANCED FARMER all of us bent on our own morrow for Norwalk, whither he goes Should Have It In The ttouje. Herald says, that the indictment of the RAISES LIVE STOCK FOR. ? affairs. It pays, though, to look on a telegraphic summons from Bev. Dropped on Suga&f Children Love New York and New Haven directors beyond self. to take JOHNSON'S AKODTKK UHHENT for Croup, Colds, Mr. Selleck topreachat Trinity church, Sore Throat, Tonsilitiai, Colic, Crampa and Be­ will be fought to the United States Su­ Farmers with Grass and Grain to Market lieves Summer Compttints, Cats, BruisteA like inifift Westport Sunday morning and at St. . A maker of lamp chimneys" preme Court if necessary. Prefer to Get the Goods in a Shape THINK OF IT, Paul's Sabbath evening. /•- • : thinks of nothing but selling In nse over 40 YEARS fn tone family* Three important legal questions are "Where It Can Walk Off of Itself—Shall Dr. I. S. JOHNSON A Co.—It Is sixty years since I flrrt • An official circular has been issued his chimneys. What will do learned of your JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMKNT; for more involved, and not until each and all of •'.-•fit Be Horses or Steers? tfuin fortv vearsl have used it in my family. I regard from the Bureau of Navigation which it as one of the best andsafest family remedies that can these have been finally decided against that? Low price. Very well; will be of special interest to Yankee Advanced fanners in the west use the them will the indicted directors con­ he makes them as mean as he Mapes' Special skippers, who use their small vessels as farm's animals merely as freight con­ Every Sufferer atica. Neuralgia, JSter- cede their liability under the statute of densers. They have a large amount of pleasure yachts. Heretofore they have can, and puts his price down. New York prohibiting the use of stoves grains, grasses and hay for which they in Body or Limbs, Stiff Joints or 8trains, will find ia not come under the same regulations It's no concern of his if they thifoia AnSdyne relief and speedy cure. .Pamphlet in passenger cars. These are the ques­ must seek a distant market, and they free 8old everywhere. Price 35 cts.# by mail* • bottles, FOR ALL CROPS,; as regular sailing and trading vessels, prefer the animal which will carry these break at first flame's touch. L S. JOHNSON A CO., BOSTON. HAA* tions :— but the official notification at Washing­ First—Whether the penalties of the products to market with the greatest Another maker makes his ton calls particular attention to the profit. With some farmers the hog is Dr:0. P. SWCET& CO« act are aimed against a railroad cor­ fact that they will now be required ''to preferred for grains, the steer fop grasses, chimne}^s as good as he can, Analytical Chemists,manuftoelurers and dnhti poration as a body or against the di­ In Rare and Sellable Foreign and DMMM- be licensed on terms which will author­ while others prefer the sheep, still oth­ and "pearl-tops" them. tic REMEDIES. 16 to 28 Vrtipn PaHfc St* Pure Ground Bone, rectors personally. , ers the horse, while ordinarily a combi­ Boston, Mass* An old and ieii&fate > Dr. ize them to proceed from port to port They will not , (,^n:ak; Sweet's Second—Whether a company which nation of these with the corn is required in the United States and by sea to for­ has four hundred miles of road in Con­ to serve the purpose of the farmer. in use, he says. eign ports, without entering or clear­ GREAT HERBAL SPECIFICS, necticut and only twenty-five in New There has been no little discussion as There is one ruch maker: i For tlie cure of J ing at the custom house, and that such York is amenable to a law which does to the difference between the capacity of Chronic Diseasefc'fenly; vessels shall, in all respects, be sub­ Macbcth & Co., Pittsburgh. > . 'KoT 16. Dir. Sweet's Family JftedicineCabi­ "not apply to roads less than fifty miles the horse and the steer to make a profit­ net, 35useful "homo remedies" worth 83S.OO at •,st- ject to the laws of the United States, able use of food. The horse, pound foi retuL only £19.00. Indispensable^) the ranchman or in length.'1 lumberman remote front physR^ians and drugstores. and shall be liable to seizure and to pound, sells for about two and a half Mindful ct tbe Ignorance few deception to which Third—Whether the New York stat­ a certain class of unfortiflftift'sufferers are exposed, forfeiture for any violation of the pro­ times as much as the steer, but the first and tbe crying n edfor.wfliest treatment, we havo ute is not an unconstitutional interfer­ cost is relatively much larger. Given O. E. WILSON I secured tbe American'fights of manufacture of tbe visions of Title XLVIII. new French ApWodlfflac, endorsed by the highest ence with interstate commerce. both as weanlings there is probably very medical authority "of Europe —^No. 15, styled/ Senator Piatt, who has been at his LAND,PLASTER, In view of the marked limitations re­ little difference between the cost of the General Insurance anil Real Estate Agt. home in Meriden for a few days returns of LOR). 1 cently imposed by the federal Supreme pounds added—that difference is in the UHIN dH'MOUR - ' . < o, " pSI here at the end of the present week. ' Court on the power of a State touching conditions and circumstances of the , iiJrjlh I • He left Mrs. Piatt at their winter quar­ farmer, rather than in the animals interstate traffic, it is. by ho means or you <> ^ ' •' ^ Of"! f & ters at the Arlington. The senator is to themselves. With winter blue grass MONKY TO I/J.\N. Inercure. clear that the Car Stove act will stand a recommended. The apathy that too fre­ be the principal orator at the centen- pastures north of the winter mud line Stocks, Bonds, etc., Brtttgh't ami Sold, and quently attends uncongenial married life Is effectu­ constitutional test. At any rate, it must ally Amoved. Indispensable to the votary of ial celebration of the American patent we are satisfied that a pound of horse­ Loans Negotiated at Lowest Rates of fashionable andsporting life, it stands without doubt be several years before this and the flesh can be made cheaper than a pound Interest. • M v? - • nmoriff the greatest discoveries of the 19tn century, system, which will occur in this city on -erbal, harmless, certain. Price, full supply, only other •questions raised can be finally of beef. German experiments seem to -5,OOi Entrust your case to those whose reputation April 8, 9, and 10. Numerous commu­ show that the steer digests coarse food a ROOM 3J GAZETTE BUILDING, is a xqfrottard against failure and deception* 8end determined. Hence the indicated di­ for particulars with funds P-Sabove, ISent discreetly. rectors are in no immediate peril of nications from all parts of the country trifle better than the horse, while French '"The Sweet System" of Cure for Lameness, NORWALK, CONN. invented by the world-celebrated natural bone-setter paying the penalties of the law which from inventors and manufacturers, in­ and American experiments lead to about dicate a wide-spread interest in the and physician, Dr. Sweet. Full supplies and direc­ t&ey are charged with violating. the same results. tions only $5. Sent Free on receipt of funds. SOUTH NORWALK." celebration. Several thousand of the Whether, therefore, the horse or the •Going Into Court. most prominent inventors in the steer should be preferred depends on con­ siderations other than those of the cost BUILDING LOTS [New Haven Journal and Courier.] country, including Edison, . Bell B^Purchase from the Jobber. Corliss, Simms, Westinghouse, C. K. of making the pounds. These are lia­ There will be no rest. Judge Mor­ bility to damage from accidents, the (ON INSTALLMENT PLAN,) ESTABLISHED IB4Q ris has announced that he will bring Marshall, Andrew Carnegie, etc., have character of the farm as to its adapta­ quo warranto proceedings against Gov­ signified their intenion to participate. tion to grain or grass, the individual ernor Bulkeley. We suppose his claim The opening meeting on April 8th tastes of the owner, the quality of brood FOR SALE, THE OLD AND RELIABLE will be that the court has no right to go will be presided over by President Har­ mares or colts available for purcliass, behind the returns, and that it must rison. and other matters of like character.— On Wilton Avenue, RENOWNED FOR . tell the legislature that it has not done Homestead. TONE & DURABILITY DAILY FREIGHT LINE. Ivt O ID IE IE!.A. TE PRICES right in failing to declare Judge Morris EAST NORWALK. Taney Poultry. ArPLY TO SAS7 TSSUS, SZCSAHSSS. governor. The Mayflower H. and L. Co., who The chicken breeder who has r*ot far DHL1VE1IED FREE WITHIN 20 MILES OF NEW YCKCITT enough along in his business to gratify There are quite as many opinions celebrated Good Friday by having Citalogie Uail9d oa Application.; ( ' about the jurisdiction and probable ac­ their pictures taken in a group, with his eye for the picturesque cannot do Charles Olmstead or 0. E. Wilson. NOTalU New Yort tion of the court as there have been the truck in the background, are in re­ better than to go in for fancy fowl rais­ 110 Fifth Ave., cor. 16th Street, about the legislature. Some good law­ ceipt of the same. They are a fine ing to some extent. But he .--nould do it NEW YORK CITY« cautiously, and even here with an eye yers think the court will say that the looking crowd of fire laddies, and the to ultimate profit. At the country SPRING CAMPAIGN. whole matter belongs to the legislature picture is a credit to Photographer places of wealthy people fancy fowls are LEARN and will refuse to consider it. If this North. in demand. They look handsome and should happen of course no progress C. L. Hubbard got out of bed early striking about the grounds. Rich peo­ HOUSE AND GENERAL would be made. If, however, the ple are increasing in the United States On and after Monday, Sept. 15th (until further this morning, and standing at this end notice) tne Propellers court should decide to go into the whole of the bridge, avers that between the every year, and more of them are want­ ing country places, therefore the careful matter its decision would doubtless hours of 6:30 and 7:30 he counted 575 City of Norwalk and Eagle . make some things clearer than they breeder of poultry novelties may be tol­ people crossing the Washington street erably sure of a market for them if he Will make daily trips, Sundays excepted, for' have been, and perhaps when the legis­ bridge with their toes pointed to the freight between New York, Norwalk-and South . lives in the right place. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, &c. Norwalk. Will leave Pier 23, foot of Beekman lature came together again the decision westward. street, New York, every evening, except Satur­ would be accepted by both parties. days. at 5 o'clock. "Bones" is going about our streets Returning, boat leaves Norwalk at 5 p. m., Time will tell. It seems to us that whiskerless. He has quite a clerical The SuVt criber has opened a general Paint­ and South Norwalk at 6:30 p. m. the case would be in better shape for ing and P* -ex- Hanging Shop, at Freight received from 7 a. ni. to 5.111 look. the court if Judge Morris had done Freight taken from and received for ally NO. 7 W. TER STREET, (James1 Bloct.) points on the Banbury «fc Norwalk and ShepautfK some act pertaining to the office of gov­ In an old copy of the NORWALK GA­ Railroads at greatly reduced prices. ;; ernor and then been inquired of by ZETTE dated May 10, 1831, we find the Norwalk. where he would be glad to receive Upon application to agents the City of Nor-^ Governor Bulkeley. But nobody can any orders from old customers and as many walk and Eagle will be sent for special lots of following advertisement of a Brewery, as may i'avor him with their work. The best ToKNow«i>rinyrOF t»is freight anywhere in New York or its vicinity. • be entirely pleased in this muddle. It and we should be pleased if any of our materia * and best workmanship guaranteed All persons are forbid trusting any of and do rat the lowest prices. _ THE VMVt^nJVJL SIGN the employees of the boats of this line onv is to be hoped that the court will feel older citizens could inform us where GEORGE H. OSTERBANK8. Learn how to feel young again. account of the owners thereof. '4 ^; able to deal with the question. Unless the happy life that Nature intended all her the same was located : healthy children to live. One is never older Instant relief. Final cure in 10 : it can there is no hope for any settle­ BBEWEBY AT SAUGATUCK. than one feels. With good pure blood one days and never returns. No : may feel 25 at 60, tout with impure blood one Surge, no salve, no suppository. ment. ^ ,, J.R. Pratt informs the public that he ufferers will learn 01 a simple F. KOCOUR may feel 60 at 80. Keep your blood pure. PILES, remedy FREK by addressing _ has opened an establishment at the TCTILE Houdans. are black and Discovery, which gives year I matter where, located, or how severe, yield to Scotland for this country, died last eve­ the combined soothinfr, pain-killing*, Stunu- wood and any kind of farm produce white pancile.l birds, with splendid FALL & WINTER GOODS, after year, to thousands, pure lating. fc-trentfthening' properties of tbe Hop ning at the home of the supreme coun­ crests or topknots. They are bearded Plaster. 25 cts., 5for $1.00, of medicine dealers taken in payment at a fair price.— Which he will make up in the I everywhere. Look for HOP PLASTER CO.» Pro-1 cil of the order, where he had lived for [Westporter. about the throa-t. and are altogether odd blood and good health. prtetora, Boston, on the genuine plaster. If you have the dull, stupid, sensation, the several years. The cause of death was and attractive. They are very good Best of Style and Lowest Prices. drag, drag, drag ot Impure blood the gentle a paralysis of the organs of the throat, The Vera Properties layers, too, producing fine large eggs, harmless action of this medicine, mud for Essential to the growth and color of Satisfaction Guaranteed. youthoroldage, may surprise you, but it which has prevented him from taking but the hens are not inclined to the sit­ will surely please you, cleanse your blood at the hair are contained in pure, botanic ting aud hatching business, and it will once from all impurities, and make you feel •VB££ii2w w w mi «• food or drink since March 21. It is said and delicately perfumed WALNUT HAIE healthy, young and happy. „ „„„ For LOST or FAILING KAKHOOD) that General Pike has appointed Josiah RESTORER, absolutely free from hurtful be well to let some of the common It will surely rid you of all BILIOUS AF­ General find NEEVOUS O-fcBILITY; hens mother the chicks, or stepmoth­ 17 Forth Main Street, FECTIONS, JAUNDICE, SICK HEADACHE, •J '{ PR 9• ^ea^aets Effects H. Drummond of Maine as his succes­ ingredients; not only restorative of the CONSTIPATION, LOSS OF APPETITE, IN­ • in Oldor Young. original tint and abundance, but soft- er them, according as one regards SOUTH NORWALK. DIGESTION, GENERAL DEBILITY AND J!^W," NuMa MAS HOOD rally Keitored. How to enlarge and sor as head of the Boyal Order of Scot­ 6lrpnir!li0i>WKAK,tSDEVEI,OPKJBOR«ASS*PAttT8OFBWT. entening and promotive of silkiness the hen that lays or the hen that AT.T. OTHER IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. HhftillDK HG.UE TitEATBIKVr—BeneOU la a day. land, and it is probable that his succes­ Although improved in manufacture as well tfntlfy iV'jm 60 Stales and Foreign Conntrlrs. Write thea. and smoothness when it is harsh and dry. hatches the egg as the mother of the as quality, this medicine FISHERS' IMPROVED sor in the Scottish Bite will be either Price $1 per bottle. Sold everywhere. chick. The Houdans come naturally W. H. MEEKER, MEDICAL DISCOVERY, now sells for only $1.00 from a warmer climate than our north­ per bottle, Surgeon-General J. M. Browne, U. S. (G) MANUFACTURED BY THE A Cheap Anaesthetic. ern states, therefore they must have N., Thomas H. Caswell of California, Husband—Getting that tooth pulled PIhMi, Steam fflS Gas Fitting Thomas M. Dudley of Kentucky. . warm, dry quarters in winter. Their Roxbury Medical Co., hurt pretty badly, didn't it? SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. ' Albert Pike fought in the Mexican Wife—No. I just thought of all the flesh is excellent eating. Like the Dor­ 52 WARREN ST., ROXBURY MASS. king, they lirive a fifth toe. war and on the Confederate side in the mean things you had ever said to me, Sanitary rbimbin^r :>.nd Ventilation and Low U^For Sale by aJl Druggists. and it made me so mad I forgot all The Japanese bantam is another odd Pressure and Steam lie,, ting, a Specialty. late war. He has written many Mason­ about the tooth.—[Good News. and pretty fowl. It comes black and W 1 Y' -i F.Y.S'1 ION KD , ic works of great research andhasbeen white. In rearing bantams the object PLUATBEKS' SUPPLIES. Something that will quiet the nerves, for years the highest authority on Ma­ is to make them as small as possible, Pipe any Johnson's Anodyne Liniment takes the lead; : there is none better, says a Boston druggist. • wm- - - \--jW .. - TULLY & SHEEHAN I Johnson's Anodyne Liniment taken internally. ' ' ' -'1 twnt a dUr per hen.

iiv.,,. I G. A. FRASKB, I« GEMS IN VERSE. Always Ahead.. f<*5 jfpsp • •' "Well, there's one consolation," lie said, to the iceman as they were discussing the THE HA1B CUTTER, Farewell! weather. "Ice must be cheaper next sum­ No. 1 Gazette Building, Norwalk. M' Kan cannot make, but may ennoble, fate, ••'• mer." • By nobly bearing it. So let us trust "Well, perhaps." Not to ourselves but God, and calmly wait ; "But there's no perhapsaT>out it. There's y HOT AND COLD BATHS. Love's orient, out of darkness and of dust. lots of it all over the north this winter. r: fyk Farewell, and yet again farewell, and yet You fellows will have to come down." Never .farewell—if farewell mean to faro < "Yes. I suppose the price will be some­ DENTISTRY,nMrZ\ r h'.rx> Alone and disunited. Love hath set what lower: but thfere's the offset, you -Are again in the field with the largest stock of. , E. W. H. BALDWIN is now permanent­•- vjM Our days, in music, to the self same air; know." ly located in the Bishop Building, No. 64 "What offset?" . « ' Wall street, where all in need of Dentistry iu And I shall feel, wherever we may be, Dany form will find valuable assistance. Even tho1 in absence and an alien clime, . "Why, the solidity is only 50 per cent, of His references are your friends and neigh­ The shadow of the sunninfess of thee, last year, and it will melt twice as fast."— -VO JL IR bors, and he invites inquiry as tc h'.s ability New York Suzi. and past record. Consultation free. Office Hovering, in patience, through a clouded timo. hours: 8 a. m. till 6 p. m. tf35 Farewell! The dawn is rising and the light Her Fet Xame Moquettes, Velvet, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains at Is making, in the east, a faint endeavor To illuminate the mountain peaks. Good night. all prices. Rugs, Linoleums and Oil Cloths at Bottom Prices. We HENRY HUSS, Thine own, and only thine, my love, forever. , , —Owen Meredith. shall meet all prices and go a little better. Our stock is three times larger than that of any of our competitors. It was || Restaurant, Cafe and SmokingRoom,' GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT, • /.Fidelia. vV;S-'y! .j " purchased before the rise and sells at old prices. \ '|| .You have taken back the promise A Fall in tbe Price of Snpr! 42d Street and 4th Avenue, New York. • That you spoke so long ago: We carry a Larger Line of , Entrance from waiting room of New York, ; i Taken back the heart you gave me-,, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. tf32 : I musfc.even let-it go. It fortunately happens that there is more Where Love once has breathed, Pride dietb; than one kind of a fall. There is a waterfall; there is the fall which comes after summer; So I struggled, but in vain, there is the fall which a banana peel is liable First to keep the links together, Buildinff Materials, SEE. 1 to cause, and there is that peculiar kind of la UILDING STONE, all qualities of sand, Then to piece the broken chain. ; , Than ever before, and we will sell goods cheaper than any other store fall which comes to a man when he sees the cellars dug, gardens and grounds renovat­ point of a joke, or, in other words, to put it Bed and horses and carts for hire. I have some , But it might not be—so freely ' somewhat vulgarly, when he takes a tumble. thoroughly rotted and very fine manure for All your friendship I restore, in town. Goods not in stock purchased next day.- flower beds. J. W. EDMUNDS, •And the heart that I had taken " No. 6 South Union Avenue. As my own for evermore. exactly the kind of a fall in the price of P. O. Box 654, Norwalk. Jio shade of reproach shall touch you. Big Drive in Tin and Wooden Wares. Kabo sugar which has recently been made at tlie TAR AND CONCRETE WALKS. Dread no more a claim from mo; store of Bat I will not have you fancy Laid injnew and the best possible manner, That I count myself as free. - Corsets. Copco. and old ones neatly and substantially repaired I and at very reasonable rates. All orders 3 am bound by the old promise; Mrs. Dix—Why does you* husband call promptly executed. What can break that golden chain ? SSTAgents for Butterick's Patterns. ; Jfot even the words that you have spoken. you his "good resolution?" Nickerson & Belts. Or the sharpness of my pain; Mrs. Hicks—He says I am always SC OF IE L D & HOYT. Wm. Lock wood, I»o you think, because you fail me "broke."—Munsey's Weekly. And draw back your hand tewjay. Real Estate, Insurance and Investment' That from out the heart I gave you ^Settled in Advance. My strong love can fade away? WILL SELL AT COST! Securities. > An old lawyer who occupies an offioe on MONEY TO LOAN ., It will live. No eyes may see it; Griswold street found a new tenant along­ FOE TWO WEEKS' TO MAKE ROOM In my soul it will lie deep side of him the other day—a stranger who FOR NEW GOODS. Insurance Placed In First-Class Companies. Hidden from all: but I shall feel it had come to Detroit as an agent. The law­ Office—Corner Main and Wall Sts., Norwalk. Often stirring in its sleep. yer entered, introduced himself, learned So remember, that the friendship Lot of Parlor Suits, Lounges, Which you now think poor and vain. that the tenant had leased for a year, and J. Belden Hurlbiitt/ Will endure in hope and patience, then said: Bedroom Suits, Pictures, &c Till you ask for it again. "We shall see considerable of each other, being so close together, and I should like Also Handsome I>ot of Baby Carriages rurhaps in some long twilight hour, an understanding in advance. If a bill AT FUBNITPBE §TQKE 9¥ Attorney id Counselor at Law, Like those we have known of old, collector comes up and asks for you what When past shadows gather round you, >; ROOM 4, UP STAIRS* And your present friends grow cold, shall I say?" UN Theodore Coleman,1 You may stretch your hands out toward mo— "None will come, as I shall pay cash for tiazdttg Building* Norwalk, to' .• ' Ah! you will—I know not when— all I get." 202 AND 204 WASHINGTON ST., 1 shall nurse my love and keep it "Good! That is also my way. Will you EAST END OF BBEDGE, Faithfully, for you, till then. want to borrow any money?" 3m40 SOUTH NORWAIK. Alex. S. dibsoh, —Adelaide A. Procter. "No, sir." "Nor I, either. Want any one to back a J A MRS MITCHELL, Auctioneer. Organist of the First Congregationgl Church, What of That? notofor you?" A CARD. Waterbury, and Teacher of Tired! Well, what of that? "No, sir." O THE PDBLICHaving leased the Pianoforte, Organ and Didst fancy life was spent on beds of ease, "Splendid! Liable to ask mc to sign a Trooms at Fluttering the rose leaves scattered by the breeze, bond?" Ooine, rouse theel work while it is called today! NO. 63 WALL SIBSBT, Musical Composition. Coward, arise! go forth upon thy way! "No, sir." "Beautiful! Ever get drunk?" Now occupied by the Norwalk Club, I will P. O. Lock Box. NORWALK, CONN. Lonely! And what of that? "No, sir." move my Some must be lonely! 'tis not given to all "Magnificent! One more question: You Photograph Business 7E1TNA INSRUANCE CO., of Hartford. To feel a heart responsive rise and fall, don't want me to answer your telephone?" THE BALANCE OF THE STOCK OF JLMjJ Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual. To blend another life into its own. • "No, sir." To my new quarters about April 1st. Work may be done in loneliness. Work on. Capital and Assets, $8,902,272.64. - "Shake! We shall be the best of friends, Thanking the public for their most liberal Dark! Well, and what of that? and I hope you wffi stay for five years."— patronage in the past, I trust that I may look Insures against loss and damage by FIRE on Didst fondly dream the sun would never set? Detroit Fre§ Pre^s*, for a continuance of the same in my new terms adapted to the hazard and consistent Dost fear to lose thy way? Take courage yet! rooms, which will be fitted up with every with the laws of compensation. Learn thou to walk by faith and not by sight; convenience for my patrons. tf63 COWLES & MERRILL, Thy steps will guided be, and guided right. Made the C^lore^ Waiter Turn Pale. Sole agents for Norwalk and-vicinity. "My wife and I were taking dinner at Goois, Hgisipryt Cloaks, Fancy Goods, C. A. BLACKMAN, Norwalk, Hard ! Well, What of the Wyoming Galley hotel, and a great big Didst fancy life-one-summer holiday, With lessons none to.learn, and naught bat play? strapping darkey was waiting on us. I Tie Norwaft Fire lance Co. Go, get thee to thy task! Conquer or die! was in a hurry, and told him I wanted Has now Completed its It must be learned 1 Learn it, then, patiently dinner as soon as possible. So he hustled HENRY TILLY,. 36th SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS YEAR, about for my order of fish, and soon • - Ribbons and Small Wares, •. And has not outstanding a dollar of unpaid 1 : brought it to me. I caused the fish to dis­ losses or claims for losses. No sound com­ \ > S»ine Day of Days. ' pany insures for less. Some day, some day of days, threading the street appear, plate and all, before his eyes and CARRIAGE MAKER, W. C. STREET, Pres.; G. B. ST. JOHN, Treas.; With idle, heedless pace, then said, 'I thought I told you to bring GEO. R. COWLES, Sec'y. Unlooking for such grace, me some fish in a hurry.' The darkey in­ * SO UTII NOB WALK, CONN. I shall behold your face! sisted that he had brought it, but as it Some day, some day of days, thus may we meet. could not be found he was finally brought KNQWN 48 ™ v. —• R. B. CRAUFURD, Perchance the sun may shine from skies of May, to believe that he had not. By this time Manufacturer of Or winter's icy chill the attention of the whole room was drawn, Investments. Real Estate anil Insurance Touch whitely vale and hill. 1 * so as soon as the darkey would bring me BOOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING, What matter? I shall thrill anything I caused it to vanish, until that Family Carriages, Victorias, Bigies, &c. Through every vein with summer on that day. poor old darkey was nearly wild. Finally AMBLER ST OCK I asked for a cup of coffee, and he had Once more life's perfect youth will all come back, ALL KINDS OF EjEPAI5I?l(j. And for a moment there scarcely set it before me when I looked as I shall stand fresh and fair, ^ it and said, 'Why, I asked you for coffee; FURNITURE And drop the garment care; this is tea.' That was the last straw, and Once more my perfect youth will nothing lack. the old darkey, with eyes almost starting PATRONIZE THE OLD RELIABLE out from his head, staggered up to the MMS xpbess I shut my eyes, thinking how 'twill be— ' A E COMPANY, How face to face each soul. _ head waiter, and throwing up his arms, Will Be Sold at Auction. Qeo. K. Raymond, Will slip its long control, cried out, 'Foh de Lord Pftke, lerome &o low Bates. Prompt Delivery. Forget the dismal dole home; dat man iscle debi!!' Imagine the Branch Office, Norwalk, at Morris Benedict's. Of dreary Fate's dark separating sea; roar that went up in that dining room."— Main Office at Depot, South Norwalk. Furniture Dealer, And glance to glance, and hand to hand in greeting. Magician Keller in Haaleton Sentinel. Sales commence AT THE OLD STAND, L. HUNT, Agent. The past with all Its fears, Has removed to the new and commodious Its silences and tears, A Glaring Fraud. store four doors above his old stand an¥ ' living skeleton?" GEN. WM. II. NOBLE, The Bravest of Battles. "No," answered the cadaverous party on 3 Gazette Building, Norwalk, The (WPaWest battle that ever was fought, the elevated platform, "I'm doing the No. 91 SMWEI® AYS,, forty-five-day fasting act." Shall I tell you where and when? Has all blanks needed under New Law for <3n the maps of the world you'll find it not; "How long have you been fasting?" Soldiers, Widows, Parents and Children. Call Furnishing Undertaker and Embalmed *Twas fought by the mothers of men. "This is the thirty-seventh day," or send for question blanks at once. "Have you eaten nothing since you be­ I give my personal Attention to laying out'' Nay, not with cannon or battle shot. gan?" and furnishing everything necessary for the With sword or nobler pen; interment of the dead. Nay, not with eloquent word or thought "Nothing—that is to S;iy, nothing you S. B. WILSON/ can call eating. They give me perhaps a SATURDAY, MARCH 28, From mouth of wonderful men. Residence, No. 3 Berkeley Place, Norwalk. pint or two of bean soup every morning and Carpenter and Builder. Telephone communication with residence. But deep in a walled up woman's heart— evening, but that's all." Of woman that would not yield, AWING, Window Frames, Ac. Mouldings J3ut bravely, silently bore her part— "And you call that fasting!" exclaimed S made to order. Jobbing promptly attended lattle field. the visitor, purple in the face and grasping JOSTEvery article will be sold without reserve. to. Shop—Gross st.; Residence, 92 Wall st. his cane nervously. "You are an infernal To Horse Owners! No marshaling troop, no bivouac song, humbug! Why, good heavens, man!" he First floor at Belden avenue to let at $9 per We keep constantly on hand s good assort- No banner to gleam and wave! roared, trembling with rage, "beau soup month. Houses and lots for sale on easy te^ms mentof But oh, these battles, they last so long— JAMES MITCHELL, Auctioneer - - From babyhood to the grave. is" Kentucky and Ohio Horses, VVi = —Joaquin Miller. But the attendants hastily seized the maddened visitor and hurried him out of EERLESS Selected with great care in the western mar- 1DYES kets. We have horses suitable for all purposes Remembrance. the building. He was a gentleman from LADIES P and no one who wants a thoroughly reliable ^ Boston.—Chicago Tribune. Do Your Own Dyeing at Home* animal shcmld purchase before seeing what we - Do you remember, sweet, that day we passed They will djre everything. They ore sold every* nave to offer. We also keep constantly on Down that dim avenue where sungold beams BUY OF THE MAKER. where. Price lOe. a package. They have noequal nana at our Carriage Repository a comnleta Trembled thro' leaves that murmured in theii A11 Unfortunate Arrangement. , I Pay only one profit and get your I for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages u® u CARRIAGES from the best makers dreams "Mrs. Pinkertoir, declined to receive at or for Fastness of Color, or aon.fading Qualities. which are manufactured for us to special P And waving rings across our pathway cast— They do not crock or smut; 40 colors, for sale by «iAn\OTVama§e warranted. WAGONS $ the Charity this winter." K e :HABNI E8 r Our velvet pathway, love, narrow, new grassed? : J. G. Gregory A Co.; J. A. Biggs, 11 Main WHira ?o0Bfi fffiS° ® Tou, slim and fearless, on your dappled mare, "So I heard. What was the reason?" h- street; George 13. Plaisted, Druggist. l ?5rA Robed all in Mack; only your pale gokl hair "Why, last year on the engraved cards URNITURE BANN'8 LIVERY STABLE, < Gave color to that dear dream of the past— they had her name at the head of the list, *—*—*—*—*—*—*—* OFFICE :-, NORWALK ' That and the soft, sweet flush of throat and cheek. * *—*—*—*—*—* * and the managers said afterward that pre­ F Opposite D. & N. Railroad Depot. ^ Your eyes were wet, I think, and low and cleai cedence was arranged on the basis of senior­ Fresh and perfect and direct from the Your words—but I remember all you said. ity."—Harper's Bazar. ,T 1*1 Do you remember how I tried to speak, '• "1'\ 7 workshop. •* p And could not? Oh, do you remember, dear! 3 Kind heaven! I had forgot that you were Precautionary. •u 3 dead! : Mr. Chugwater—Samantha, whb isit out o CD FURNITURE there in t he kitchen'Singing "I want to be . E. NOTHN AGLE & SON, •< A Fragment. -*1 A Fall Stock of Furnnure of all kinds. an angel?" s ' CD There is many a gem in the of life, Mrs. Chugwater—That's the new hired a V Which we pass in our idle pleasure, ' \ Manufacturers of FINE PABLOB SUITS and Extensive Dealers in all .v w That is richer far than the jeweled crown, Bedroom Sets, $ ; Or the miser's hoarded treasure: "Put the kerosene can where she can't find it in the morning."—Chicago Tribun*. .SB Specialty. '•* \ M'*#* is, It may be the love of a little child, >f >, 9*m > ^ Or a mother's prayer to heaven, WARE ROOMS: 423, 425, 427 MAIN STREET, S3 2. Kg Or only a'beggar's grateful thanks"' " • A Truthful Evasion. rl-'S {DAVID STOW;*,. For a cup of water given. She (anxiously)—I sa^v you sitting down ISiiii#iBKIDGrEPORT, CONN. CD ' - ' " ' * several times during the game of football > Labor. yesterdayafternoon, and I was so afraid ST ' CT1^" 3 Main Street, °&Toir South Norwalk. Labor id life I 'tis' the still water faileth; , you were hurt. CD- Idleness ever despaireth, bewaileth; He (lightly)—Hurt? Oh, that was noth­ E. K. LOCKWOOD. r'?|^ •' "" ' ' FRANK T JONES H Keep the watch wound, or the dark rust assaileth; ing. I've often sat in a game that hurt . GO" Flowers droop and die in the stillness of noon. me more than that.—West Shore. 1 Labor is glory!—the flying cloud lightens; ^ H FURNITURE. Only the waving wind changes and brightens, £>'• % . Bangle Knew. W-I Idle hearts only the dark future frightens, E.' K: *F TOCKWOOD & Play the sweet keys wouldst thou keep them in Mrs. Bangle—.Professor Edward Everett p; tune. —Franceses. Osgood. Hale wants some college to appoint apro­ §1 GBOBGE H. RAYMOND,,.; fessor ofAAmerica,,to expound American­ M 0 isms." : What does that mean? I » ' Memory- ' '• ;lli Plimibin^, Steain aM -Hot JAirf: Eiigiiieefiiig, ae;tP- I ti'T,?' ' SI -I dare not languish, J, rl ; r Mrl Bungle—It means a professor to ex­ FURMTCRE. DEALER,I Dare not indulge; in memory's rapturous polk plain Newspaper jokes, of course.—New Has removed to the new and commotions store Once drinking deep of that divinest anguish, , ^ York Weekly. V«--mtmm Siii t fear doors above bis old stand and stocked How could I tdste the empty world again? FULL LINE OF CQ , it with Nl£W GOODS of the A ATKKT . . STYLE and FINEST FINISH. ••wmm • —Emily Bronte." Nothing Wrong About That Top. "i £'&, >.:V :V '• ! GEO. H.RAYMOND, Ageu i Willi Yesterday's Seven Thousand Yean. Mamma—Willie, you must not spin thai; ; • ^ ^ - Ah! my beloved, fill the pup that clears. ., . hummiaff top of y^az^^day^This is Sun-! ft Today of past regrets anid future fears. -• HOUSE ATEIffTS I To-morrow! why to-morrow I may be Willie (whirling it' again)—That's all <3r. XI. B Myself with yesterday's seven thousand yean. eight, mamma. It's humming a Sunday M'- 'Washington, D. C. —Omar Khayyam. 10 YEARS IN u. 8. Eying tn P MTENT OFFICE. . *" "WEEK T, Y - NOR W% L K - GAZETTE.

m&m-1 -Onitea States Hotel. EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PXAN. ; FULTON, WATER AND PEAHI, STS., NEW YOKK Ask, Have you seen our Good­ ,V GEO. P. HEIBL1NG,PROP. „ year Welt Shoes, for ^Gentle* Refurnished,' new elevator and all modern improvements. American plan $2 per day and upwards, ac­ men, at * f;: cording to location oi rooms. European plan, single rooms. 73c and $1.50. Double rooms, $1.50 to $3 per day. ** 4 W- f r T Special terms by the week. u.-'j» • r ^. -»- r'' New York elevated railroad depot in hotel. Five minutes walk to New Haven. Hartford <& Bridgerort, Clyde & Mallory Steamship lines $3.50. ly48 Look at tbem and you %ill .w-wssr -"'V. - »• *,A '-*~%&*5iY:5-•->;>•,.r*^u& MIDDLESEX BANKING CO., buy - OF HIBBLETOWH, CONN. If you try them you will be Chartered in 1872, Uuder the Banking*Laws of Connecticut. more than satisfied. ^ Cash Capital, 8600,000. Surplus, 825000. Six per cent. Investment Bonds at par and 5 accrued interest. At the last session of the A. H. HOYT & SON! ' legislature tfiese bonds were made a legal in­ vestment for fnnds held by executors, admin­ 3ml5 SJ istrators and trostees. 37 WALL STREET, NORWALK. , R. B. CRAUFURB, Agt. OUSATONIC RAILROAD. S|® BOOli 2, MASONIC BUILDING, NOBtf H DANBURY & NORWALK DIVISION.' "r - . Corrected to February 9th, 1891. ^ "VTEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD PASSENGER TRAINsK'.j.^ J>| RAILROAD. —NEW YOBK DIVISION.— ^ —SOUTH.— ; Lv.Norwalk. Lv. So. Norwalk. Ar.WlboiiPtr "W Trains leave South Jffbrvoalk as follows; ' 5.52 a.m. 6.00 a.m. f FOB NEW YOBK.—Accommodation trains at 7.31 a. m. '17.56 "" S 8.03 " :'"V 9 35 la. m., 1.06, 2.5#, 3.54, 5.07,5.50, 6.44, 8.11,10.23 8.17 " 8.27 " > R35 " <- <1^ p. m. Express trains at 5.26, 5.46, 6.20 (local), 10.03 " 10.13 " , 10.20 " 6.55 (local), 7.23 (local), 7.55 (local), 8.26 (local), 12.37 p. m. 12.50 p. m. & K$:i%2.57 8.30 (local), 9.03 (local), 10.11, 11.37 (local) a. m., 4.09 4.20 " 4.27 " 12.45,2.20,4.20,5.20,6.20, p. m.1.02 a. For Wash­ 6.07 Mix'd 6.16 " Mix'd 6.25 " MixTd Boys' Suits; Boys Suits, ington via Harlem River 1.02 a. m. (daily). 7.56 (ages 5 to 13) 8.01 " 8.10 " (ages 5 to 14) SUNDAYS.—Accommodation 9.15 a. m., 6.14, —NOBTH.— Prices, $5 to $10, Prices, $5 to $g. (local express), 7.23, 9.28 p. m. Express 5.26 and 5.46 a. m. Lv- Wilson Pt. Lv. So. Norwalk. Ar. Norwalk? FOB NEW HAVEN AND THE EAST Accommo­ 6.05 a. m. 6.15 a. m. 6.19 a.m. dation trains at 6.10, 7.38, 8 50 and 10.42 a. m., 8.45 " 9-18 " » *• K-.t; 9.23 1.42, 3.41, (to Bridgeport), 4.25, 5.15, 6.23, 7.23. 12.01 " r- 12.ll " - 5 12.16 8.41, 9.41 and 11.03 p. m. Express trains at 9.16 1.50 p. m. 2.10 p.m.,,1/ 2.16 p. mf a. m., 12.09,1.07,2.07, 3.06, 5.08 (Naugatuck Ex­ 4.55 " ; 5.10 " i' 5.14 " press) 7.15 p. m. (Springfield Local). 12.25 a.m. 5.55 " ^ 6.26 (Boston Express), 1.13 a. m. (Boston Express). 6.35 " ' 6.43 SUNDAYS.—Accommodation 7.38, 9.12 a. m.f 10.15 " 10.25 " ^ ^ 10.32 and 6.48 p m. Express 12.25 and 1.13 a. m. W. H. STEVENSON, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mangri , :£ LUCIUS TUTTLE, Gen. Manager. F. C. PAYNE, Superintendent. C. T. HEMPSTEAD, Gen. Pass. Agt. A. W. PERBIK General Passenger Agent.

Men's Prince Albert Men's Spring Overcoats, Men's Single and Double Breasted Men's Frock Suits, for Coat and Vest, Frices, $8 to $28. Business and Uniform Suits, - Business and Dress Wear, Prices. $15 to $30. Prices, $12 to $20. Prices, $xo to $30. THE New Spring and Summer Styles for 1891. Vogel Brothers keep everything worn by man and boy; only such qualities as they can recom­ mend. Clothing, Hats, Shoes and - Furnishing Goods at the very lowest prices. gp^jr" Fashion Catalogue, Rules for self-measur-

bojts suits, ing, and samples of Cloth mailed free to any address. Children's Suits, *' - '*• ~ (ages 12 to 17) (ages 4 to 12) es in all the various Prices. $7 to $16. Prices, $4 to ir.&mw- . j/jftu.n if* ,'4 UJ-'Si

Jf - ' t AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, ^ •• * •• *•r iU

WESTPOBT has been probated. .The appraisers of How's This? Vor Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been BODY AND TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, -i. Postmaster Palmer has so far recov­ his estate are Messrs. H. B. Bumsey We offer One Hundred Dollars re­ used by millions of mothers for their children and Jesse Sanford. ward for any case of catarrh that can­ while teething. If disturbed at night or brok­ ered as to be able to be out and down en of your rest by a siek child suffering and AND INGRAINS; to the office for a short time each day. There were interesting Easter ser­ not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing The winter term of the public schools vices at the churches last Sunday. Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve Props., Toledo, O. the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend close on Friday of next week. ; Mr. G. A. Esequells, who removed upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. We. the undersigned, have known F. It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and Kev. Mr. Still is at Conference. from Bedding Bidge a short time ago bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, to Weston, has again changed his quar­ J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­ reduces- inflammation, and gives- tone and The annual parish meeting of Christ energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's ters and moved to West Bedding, where lieve him perfectly honorable in all church, which was held on Monday of Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleas­ he will practice his art of blacksmith­ business transactions, and financially ant to the taste and is the prescription of one this week, adjourned for one week, able to carry out any obligations made of the oldest and best female physicians and s- nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents a without doing any business. The ad­ by their firm. WEST & TBUAX, bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the Tuesday, Rev. D. Taylor left for the world. Be sure and ask" for "MBS. WINSLOW'S journed meeting will be held next Mon­ Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. SOOTHING SYBTTP." day. annual meeting of the New York East WARDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Conference at Patchogue, L. I. iVfade up from remnants of all grades. Various sizes, suitable for all Mr. Fiederick Kemper is building a Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. sidewalk in front of his place on East Mrs. Mary Collins, mother of Mrs. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ kinds of rooms, which we offer at a • t "V Dr. Wakeman, died Monday night SCRATCHED 28 YEARS. Church street. ly, acting directly upon the blood and aged 84 years. The supper and entertainment given mucous surfaces of the system. Testi­ A SCALY, ITCHING, SKIN DISEASE -by the young ladies in National hall, A CABD. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Jen- monials sent free. Price 75c. per bot­ WITH ENDLESS SUFFERING CURED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES. on Tuesday evening, was quite a suc­ nigs hereby express their deep sense of tle. Sold by all druggists. NOMINAL PRICE. ; obligation, and return thanks to their cess, the profits realized amounting to Specimen Cases. | If I had known of the CDTICDBA REMEDIES people for their kind remembrance in twenty-eight years ago it would have saved me about $50. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was $300 and an immense amount of suffering. My the bestowing upon them of a hand- disease (psoriasis) commenced on my head in Mr. Andrew C. Nash is doing the S9me purse of money, which was hand­ troubled with N euralgia and Bheuma- a spot not larger than a cent. It spread rapid­ public a great service. He is digging tism, his Stomach was disordered, his ly all over my body and got ed them on the 26th ult, by Miss Em­ Liver was affected to an alarming de­ under my nails. The scales away the bank on the west side of the gree, appetite fell away, and he was would drop off of me all the ma Olmtead. They invoke Heaven's time, and my suffering was road, between W. W. Crossman's and choicest blessing upon them. terribly reduced in flesh and strength. endless and without relief. ; the Hubbell property, and will erect a Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured One thousand dollars would UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. not tempt me to have this bank wall and build a fine sidewalk. him. • lift# ^ • liurlilen's Aritir.n Snlfir. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., disease over again. I am a 1 This will give an almost continuous poor man, but feel rich to be v 1 - r » - l4is A, " * The best salve in the world for cuts, had a running sore on his leg. of eight relieved of what some of the sidewalk from the village to Staples doctors said was leprosy, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever years' standing. Used three bottles of We have introduced a complete assortment in patterns and ^ High school. Electric Bitters and seven boxes of some ringworm, psoriasis, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, etc. I cannot praise the Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is CCTICUBA REMEDIES too '< ' , . . prices of . •. ' The regular meeting of the Sauga- corns and all skin eruptions, and posi­ sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw­ much. They have made my tuck Historical Society will be held ba, O., had five large Fever sores on skin as clear and free from scales as a baby's. tively cures piles or no pay required- All I used of tliem was $5 worth. If you had 5 this afternoon in the hall at the High It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ his leg, doctors said he was incurable. been here and said you would have. cured me . 1 fi/ «> -t . » "t . - ~ . ^ , » S «k AV ' 1 *r - One bottle Electric Bitters and one box you would liavfe had the money. I looked like school. faction or money refunded. Price 25c. the picture (No. 2 page 47) in your book, "How Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en­ to Cure Skin Diseases," but now I am as clear * The elegant country residence of the per box. For sale bv H. B. Hale. tirely. Sold at H. B. Hale's drug store* as any person ever was. Through force of Real Brussels Net Curtains habit I rub my hands over my arms and legs to late James R. Jesup will be sold at auc­ scratch once m a while, but to no purpose. I tion, on Wednesday of next week. am all well. I scratched twenty-eight years, and it got to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank you a thousand times. Mr. George Wheeler one of the old­ Suitable for the most elegant furmshizrgs. w-W--.-s est residents of the village, died at his That the ROYAL? ...... DENNIS DOWNING, Waterbury.Jt, home on Wednesday afternoon, aged BALING POWDER ! CUTICURA RESOLVENT 87 years. The deceased had been in The new Blood and Skin Purifier, internally, -.VMS .. ' - JSW 1. » «» . , . „ -•.•a. r v-m is the oldest and (to cleanse the blood of all impurities and poi­ % ; Silk Velours, Qhenille Portiers and Table- Covers, rich Farmture. his usual health to within a few days of -1- " - ^ Purest baking pow-. sonous elements), and CDTICDBA, the great his death. ' He was a native of the town Skin Cure, and CUTICCBA SOAP, an exquisite Tapestries. anc : Skin Benutifier, externally (to clear the skin r 1 of Easton, where the greater part of his i 'vi ^ der, * the great- f.. and scalp, and restore the hair), instantly ..... ^v. J i--.* ". •••- ' ^ relieve and speedily cure every speciesfof itch­ W" life was passed. He represented his • ! est in leavening ing, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, scroful­ ous and hereditary diseasesand humors of the Foreiffn and Domestic Rugs, in large sizes, ranging in price as high town in 1854, being elected by the j ^ i \ I strength; That it, skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. as two hundred and fifty (250) dollars. ^ »I ., v , * ' • largest majority ever given to any one j is free from every injurious substance; That it makes lighter, in that town. The funeral takes place Sold everywhere.- Price, Cuticura, 50c.: Soap, v sweeter, more nutritious and healthful food than any other. 25c.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter at 12 m. to-day, the burial being inEas5 Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. . . ton. | • t The Royal Baking Powder Company makes its own cream of W"Send for "How to Cure-Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. 1 There are quite a number of serious • tartar in its oton mammoth refinery, and thus insures its un- ^ WINDOfwSHADES A SPECIALTY cases of the grip in town. " Jii-lfll v PLES, black-heads, red, rough and chap­ i varying quality. It uses in the manufacture of the Royal Bak- " PIM ped and oily skin cured by CDTICDBA Mr. Eli C. Smith and family have ta­ SOAP. ken up their residence for the summer I ing Powder more tfian half of all the cream of tartar consumed ; , in their beauitful home atthe corner of j in the United States for all purposes. This is required and / Aching Sides aaft Back, Hip, kidney and uterine pains'and •State and Compo street. * > v ^ ( '' < must be chemically pure, and chemically pure cream of tartar weaknesses BELIEVED IN ONE MINUTE bythe CDTICDBA ANTI-PAIN PLASTEB. could not be obtained in the market in this country or Europe, The first and only pain-killing Bplaster. REDDING. .. ~ which necessitated the building of special works, and the em­ ; There were no religious public ser- ' vices here on Fast day. ployment of special processes. All other baking powders,| ?when analyzed, show traces of lime and sulphuric acid which I IVII f7,' • The Creamery offers to pay for April RHEUMATISMTo any sufferer I will send iree a S3-page pamph­ let, which tells what Rheumatism really is, In all milk, 25 ceiits.per pound for butter fat, arise from the impurities of th&f materials bought in the market Its forms,the cause of the pain attending it, and liow to obtain a speedy, lasting and Inexpensive MK! the patron have his share of skim- which their manufacturers usei^ 3This is why the Royal Baking cere. Address- . • . . . . ( liaJik. U > . * . •» F. W. KIMBALL, 1 \ Powder is the only absolutely pure baking powder made. ., j , LINCOLX EU1LDING, BRIDOEPORT. K * ILe will of the late Wm, T. Denison ,^nl°n Square, _ ~ NEW YOBK. ,

• uS tf-,1 •>?! ?-5'l 1 1K «B«S r