6.2 (Therapy 19 Questions)

67. The primary objective of scaling and root planing is to

1. Provide optimally smooth root surfaces to facilitate soft tissue attachment* 2. Remove diseased cementum 3. Remove bacterial plaque and calculus 4. Remove endotoxin

86. Which of the following nonsurgical periodontal therapies are appropriate for a patient with early periodontitis?

1. Oral prophylaxis 2. Gingival curettage 3. Scaling/periodontal debridement and periodontal maintenance procedures* 4. 5. All of the above

115. The single best criterion for evaluation the success of periodontal debridement/root planing and oral hygiene 4 to 6 weeks post treatment is

1. All calculus removed 2. A smooth and glasslike appearance of the root 3. Lack of accumulation of supra and subgingival plaque 4. No evidence of bleeding upon probing* 5. No probing depth greater than 3 mm

122. What is the objective/rationale for periodontal debridement/root planing?

1. To treat established and prevent 'periodontal disease 2. To treat established periodontal disease, prevent periodontal disease, and establish condition conducive to healing of the periodontium 3. To prevent periodontal disease and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms or shift subgingival microflora toward less harmful microorganisms 4. To treat established periodontal disease, establish conditions conducive to healing of the periodontium and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms or shift subgingival microflora toward less harmful microorganisms*

130. The primary purpose of periodontal debridement is to

1. Remove all clinically detectable calculus 2. Remove all plaque-retentive factors 3. Remove diseased cementum and calculus 4. Create a smooth tooth surface 5. Restore health of gingival tissues*

172. In periodontitis, the roots are planed before surgery because.

(a) some of the pockets will shrink. (b) hemorrhage during surgery will be diminished. (c) removing all calculus during surgery takes too long. (d) the operator can then evaluate the patient's motivation in hygiene. (e) the tissues will heal faster after surgery.

5. All of the above.*

176. Which of the following root surfaces are most 1ikely.to have flutings which will make thorough root planing difficult?

(a) mesial surfaces of maxillary first premolars (b) mesial or distal surfaces of mandibular incisors (c) mesial surfaces of maxillary incisors (d) distal surfaces of maxillary canines

1. (a) and (b)*

218. Cementum is completely removed during instrumentation near the cementoenamel junction because cementum

(a) is usually softer than subgingival calculus. (b) is necrotic in the pocket. (c) is very thin in this area. (d) is not firmly attached to the underlying dentin in this .area. (e) contains nerve endings that are irritated when exposed.

1. (a), (b) and (c)*

243. Root planing and curettage should be accomplished after surgery if scaling has been done beforehand because reattachment is more likely to occur if root surfaces remain roughened.

5. NEITHER statement nor reason is correct.*

255. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following scaling with

1. a hoe. 2. periodontal files. 3. a periodontal curet.* 4. an ultrasonic instrument. 5. a rotary driven metal scaler.

263. If a dentist finds only a thin ring of calculus in the bottom third of a deep pocket, it may be assumed that

1. calculus calcified before the pocket reached this depth. 2. calculus previously extended to the enamel, but the top part was removed.* 3. bacterial plaque formed only in the deeper region of the pocket. 4. calculus migrated apically as the pocket grew deeper, and new calculus formed on the apical side while that on the occlusal side dissolved. .

275. Which of the following root surfaces are most likely to have flutings that will make thorough root planing difficult?

(a) mesial surfaces of maxillary first premolars (b) mesial or distal surfaces of mandibular incisors (c) mesial surfaces of maxillary incisors (d) distal surfaces of maxillary canines

1. (a) and (b)* ,

308. Scaling and root planing are useful in managing periodontal pockets, but the effects of treatment are significantly enhanced by simultaneous administration of tetracycline. (3)

3. The first part of the statement is TRUE, the second part is FALSE.

339. The primary purpose of scaling and root planing is to

1. smooth root surfaces. 2. remove pathologic granulation tissue. 3. remove the epithelial lining of pockets. 4. remove plaque, calculus and altered cementum.* 5. expose collagen fibers to facilitate reattachment.

341. Commonly observed clinical changes occurring within one month after properly performed scaling and root planing in patients with moderate periodontitis include

(a) formation of a new connective tissue attachment. (b) an increased zone of attached gingiva. (c) reduction in pocket depths. (d) partial loss of the epithelial attachment. (e) reduction in gingival inflammation.

7. (c) and (e)*

359. Which of the following is NOT a factor in instrument selection for root planing?

1. Location of the calculus deposit 2. Composition of the calculus deposit* 3. Area of the mouth to be instrumented 4. Closeness or adaptation of gingiva to the tooth

368. Root planing should follow surgery if scaling precedes surgery because reattachment is more likely to occur if root surfaces remain roughened. (5)

5. NEITHER statement nor reason is correct.

381. A patient returns one week after scaling and prophylaxis. Hard black deposits of calculusare noted near the . This indicates that

1. the patient is a heavy tea drinker. 2. shrinkage occurred after instrumentation.* 3. home care is poor and new calculus formed. 4. after scaling, blood clotted on the tooth surface.

395. Which of the following factors is most important in determining the amount of pocket shrinkage after scaling and root planing?

1. Depth of the pocket 2. Type of instrument used 3. Underlying bony topography 4. Systemic health of the patient 5. Degree of edema in the tissue*

413. Which of the following root surfaces are most likely to have flutings that will make thorough root planing difficult?

(a) mesial surfaces of maxillary first premolars (b) mesial or distal surfaces of mandibular incisors (c) mesial surfaces of maxillary incisors (d) distal surfaces of maxillary canines

1. (a) and (b)*

429. Calculus removal is essential in periodontal therapy because calculus is covered bybacteria. (1)

1. Both statement and reason are correct and related.

459. Effectiveness of subgingival scaling and root planing in treating periodontitis can be attributed to

1. induction of cementoblasts. 2. removal of carious cementum. 3. removal of subgingival pellicle. . 4. elimination of neutrophilic leukocytes. 5. alterations in composition of subgingival microflora.*

483. The clinical goal of root planing is to produce smooth root surfaces, because rough root surfaces physically irritate the gingiva. (3)

3. The statement is correct but the reason is NOT.

485. Root planing is contraindicated in pockets of less than 6 mm., because some removal of pocket epithelium occurs during the procedure. (4)

4. The statement is NOT correct but the reason is an accurate statement.

526. A patient returns one week after scaling and prophylaxis. Hard, black deposits of calculus are noted near the gingival margin. This indicates that

1. the patient is a heavy tea drinker. 2. reduction of inflammation occurred after instrumentation.* 3. home care is poor and new calculus formed. 4. after scaling, blood clotted on the tooth surface.

548. Scaling is removal of accretions, both plaque and calculus from the tooth surface coronal to the base of the sulcus, whereas root planing is removal of residual accretions and portions of cementum or dentin to produce a smooth, hard, clean root surface.(1)

1. Both parts of the statement are TRUE.*

22. Each of the following is a mode of action of an ultrasonic instrument EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

1. Levage 2. Vibration 3. Cavitation 4. Sharp cutting edge of tip.*

180. Root planing should be avoided during modified Widman flap procedure BECAUSE the modified Widman flap margin will be placed apically to the level of altered root surface.

E. NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

22. Which of the following instruments is best suited for performing root planing procedures?

1. A sonic instrument 2. A scaler 3. A periodontal curette* 4. A periodontal file

113. Which one of the following is recommended for preventive maintenance with dental implants?

1. Ultrasonic scaler 2. Titanium tipped curette 3. Chlorhexidine* 4. Coarse polishing paste 5. Stainless steel curettes

114. Dental implants are commonly made of

1. Titanium* 2. Gold 3. Aluminum 4. Teflon 5. Bonded acrylic resin

5. To instrument all surfaces, supra and subgingival, the best instrument is:

1. universal curette.

12. Which is the primary substance or material removed during root planing?

1. Stain 2. Plaque 3. Calculus 4. Cementum*