The Birds of Finca Merenberg, Huila Department, Colombia

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The Birds of Finca Merenberg, Huila Department, Colombia Condor, 82:379-391 0 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1980 THE BIRDS OF FINCA MERENBERG, HUILA DEPARTMENT, COLOMBIA ROBERT S. RIDGELY AND STEVEN J. C. GAULIN ABSTRACT.-An annotated list of the birds found in a privately owned re- serve in the subtropical zone on the eastern slope of Colombias’ Central Andes is presented. The list is based on our own observations carried out in 1975-1976, and is amplified by discussion of hitherto unreported collections of birds taken nearby by M. A. Carriker, Jr., in the 1950s. Included are dis- tributional, behavioral, and ecological notes on a number of poorly known species. Important range extensions are noted for four species: Hapalopsit- taca amaxonina, Anthocephalafloriceps, Campylorhamphus pucheranii, and Atlapetes Javiceps. Colombia possesses one of the worlds’ most specimens at about 2,500 m in Moscopan, diverse avifaunas. This is in large part due but almost none of this material has been to the tremendous habitat diversity con- reported on in the literature. Major holdings tained within its borders. Detailed ornitho- of these collections now reside in several logical studies of particular areas are, how- U. S. museums (National Museum of Natu- ever, rare, and major recent works on ral History, Field Museum of Natural His- Colombian birds (Meyer de Schauensee tory, Yale Universitys’ Peabody Museum of 1948-1952, 1964) are not organized so as to Zoology, Carnegie Museum, and Louisiana present a picture of local avian communi- State University Museum of Zoology) and ties. Chapman (1917) did discuss overall are discussed below in relation to our own bird distribution, but this was his sole focus; findings. for lack of information he could say little about ecology and behavior, and much of DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA his work is now nomenclaturally or taxo- Our principal study site was Finca Meren- nomically obsolete. Our study focuses on berg, a privately owned reserve and farm the birds of a small area in Moscopan, De- situated 50 km west of La Plata on the Po- partment of Huila, Colombia. We report the payan-Neiva highway (2”14N;’ 76”8W).’ species present, their abundance, micro- The reserve encompasses 270 ha on the habitat preferences and migratory status, eastern slope of the Central Cordillera at an and present new data on their ecology, be- average elevation of 2,300 m; about 200 m havior and distribution. separate the lowest and highest points with- Moscopan was first referred to in the or- in the site. It falls within Holdridges’ (1967) nithological literature by Meyer de “lower montane wet forest” zone. Schauensee (1948) who characterized it as About half of the reserve is forested, most- “2,000-2,900 m Huila. The name of a ly the steeper slopes, which contain diverse stream and of the general region of the up- tree species. The most common genera are per Rio La Plata Valley, 32 km west of the Landerbergia, Guarea, Cecropia, Morus, town of La Plata, 2”20N.”’ The Rio La Plata Ficus, Hieronyma, Billia, Turpinia, Sap- is a tributary of the Magdalena River drain- ium, Nectandra and Quercus. Some indi- ing a portion of the eastern slope of the Cen- viduals of Ficus sp. and Quercus humbold- tral Cordillera of the Andes in the geograph- tii attain a height of 40 m and a diameter at ically complex region near the Magdalenas’ breast height of 1.5 m. In the understory, source. Previous ornithological studies in the tree fern Dryopteris and the arbores- this region are virtually nonexistent: Leh- cent shrubs Miconia and Palicourea are mann (1957) did publish notes on a few common. Where sunlight reaches the forest species he collected in the area in the floor, the undergrowth is very dense, the 1950s. Chapmans’ (1917) nearest locality bamboo Chusquea being a major element. was La Candela, situated in a different wa- Most trees are covered with vines, orchids, tershed to the south at 2,000 m. During the bromeliads, and other epiphytic plants. The 195Os, M. A. Carriker, Jr., collected over 500 remaining, more level, half of the reserve 13791 380 ROBERT S. RIDGELY AND STEVEN J. C. GAULIN TABLE 1. Meteorological data from Finca Meren- foods being consumed and to record the foraging style. berg. In the case of large mixed flocks, which were frequent, complete data could not always he recorded for every Temperature (“C) species. The analysis consisted of compiling both the forest and edge records so as to assemble a picture of A\WMge Average daily daily Rainfall the relative abundance of every species and to char- Month maximum mmimum (mm) acterize each in terms of its microhabitat preferences, behavior, diet, and grouping tendencies. Certain small January 17.5 11.1 49 understory species were particularly hard to identify February 17.0 11.1 159 and thus, to complement our observational records, we March 17.3 11.6 270 operated mist-nets in the forest and at the edge for April 17.7 11.5 264 three days in mid-May. All hut 2 of the 89 individuals May 18.3 11.3 239 trapped were subsequently released. At the three suh- June 17.3 11.1 240 sidiary sites we used the same techniques, hut mist- July 15.6 10.2 182 netted only at Cueva de 10s Guicharos National Park. August 122 In the species accounts, five categories of abundance September 93 have been used: &t&ant-recorded daily, often in October 153 large numbers; common-recorded almost daily, hut November 94 not usually in large numbers; uncommon-recorded December 76 on 20-60% of days afield, rarely if ever in large num- Total 1,942 hers; rare-recorded only occasionally; and oery rare-recorded less than five times, some species being vagrants while others were presumably resident hut exceptionally rare or inconspicuous. Species consists of pastures of sown grasses, but low marked with an asterisk were collected by Carriker in intensity grazing has allowed partial recol- Moscop6n (see below). Taxonomy and nomenclature, onization by native plants in some areas. with a very few exceptions, follow Meyer de Schauen- The pastures also contain isolated trees see (1966, 1970). which were not cut during the original SPECIES ACCOUNTS clearing. Corugyps utrutus. Black Vulture. Common over clear- Meteorological data were not available ings. from the immediate region. We therefore Elunoidesforficutus. Swallow-tailed Kite. Rare over measured precipitation totals and daily forested and cleared areas, always in small numbers maximum and minimum temperatures at (a maximum of three birds at once), occurring irregu- Merenberg during most of the study. Rain- larly throughout the year. Buteo mugnirostris. Roadside Hawk.* Several pairs fall data for 1976 and temperature data for at forest edge and in cleared areas. Once observed un- the first seven months of that year are pre- successfully attempting to take a small passerine from sented in Table 1. a mixed flock in the forest. In addition to our observations at Finca Miloago chimuchima. Yellow-headed Caracara. Common in pastures and at forest edge. Eats large Merenberg, we made brief visits to several numbers of Hercules beetles (Dynustes sp.) in late other upper Magdalena Valley sites. These May and early June. Although primarily a tropical zone include: (1) Puraci: National Park, 2,700- bird, this caracara has taken wide advantage of the new 3,300 m, both slopes Central Cordillera; (2) habitat created by deforestation in the subtropics. Mil- ler (1963) also recorded it at San Antonio in the West- montane forest above San Jo& de Isnos, ern Andes, and there is even a specimen from the Bo- 1,900-2,600 m, E slope Central Cordillera; goti plateau, in the temperate zone (Borrero 1952). and (3) Cueva de 10s Guhcharos National F&o .spuruerius. American Kestrel.* Several pairs Park, 1,900-2,000 m, W slope Eastern Cor- resident around cleared areas. Eats many insects (es- dillera. These visits helped to clarify the pecially orthopterans), also frogs. Copulation observed 28 April; adult (of another pair) seen feeding a fledged distributions of certain species. Figure 1 juvenile 21 May. shows the location of Merenberg, these sub- Ortulis guttutu. Speckled Chachalaca. Common at sidiary sites and Chapmans’ (1917) closest forest edge. Usually seen in pairs, and apparently com- localities. pletely arboreal. Aggressive with Chumuepetes gou- dotii. Ate fruits of Prunus sp. and Cecropiu sp. Loud, STUDY METHODS harsh, repeated calls given regularly in early morning and in evening. This form, columbiunu, approaches its Observations were carried out at Finca Merenherg he- upper elevational limit at Merenherg; it may deserve tween 20 December 1975 and 1 August 1976, except full species status (Meyer de Schauensee 1964). for a lo-day period in mid-June when we visited other Chumuepetes goudotii. Sickle-winged Guan.* Com- sites in the region; RSR was present only during parts mon in forest and at edge. Regularly eats Cecropia sp. of May and June. At Merenherg we cut a l-km trail fruit at dusk at forest edge near the farm dwellings, loop through the forest and designated for study a 1.25- here rather tame and quite habituated to the move- km strip at the forest edge. The forest trail and edge ments of people. Also eats fruits of Ficus spp., Mows strip were both systematically walked at least twice sp., and Turpiniu puniculutu. Did not vary seasonally per week. On encountering a bird we recorded the in numbers. Wing-whirring display was heard quite following data: time of day, its identity, activity, ver- regularly at dusk and before dawn. Although both tical position, and the number and identification of oth- Todd and Carriker (1922) and Miller (1963) suggested er birds with which it was associated (if any).
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