International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture MEDWIN PUBLISHERS ISSN: 2577-4050 Committed to Create Value for Researchers Seiches in the Semiclosed Seas of the Continental Shelf Inzhebeikin Yu I* Research Article Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Volume 4 Issue 3 Received Date: September 18, 2020 *Corresponding author: Published Date: October 23, 2020 Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Email:
[email protected] Inzhebeikin Yu I, Russian Academy of Sciences, Southern Scientific DOI: 10.23880/ijoac-16000199 Abstract Seiche movements in two small areas of semi-closed seas on the Continental Shelf (the White Sea and the Sea of Azov) with very different morphometric characteristics are considered in this paper. In addition, tidal movements are highly developed in the White sea, while in the Azov sea tides are virtually absent. We’ve used morphometric characteristics of the seas, including the ones recently obtained by the Azov Sea, as well as methods of numerical hydrodynamic simulation based on the theory of shallow water, and spectral analysis of the observation data of the sea level fluctuations. Keywords: Continental Shelf; Semi-Closed Seas; White Sea; Sea Of Azov; Seiche; Numerical Hydrodynamic Simulation; Spectral Analysis; Flood Introduction located in the Northern and South-Western boundaries of the European part of Russia respectively (Figure 1). In August 2006, on the Dolzhanskaya spit of the Azov sea, the water level rose sharply, people and cars washed away in the sea, the spit broke in several places. At the same time there was no storm warning. In June 2010 on the Yeisk spit of the same sea of Azov at full calm across the sea suddenly appeared powerful current washed away children, wandering on the spit knee-deep in water.