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<~l~%•> !/ ,. REZONING

. :+ i • +!i~i ~ ++pvotest fails 7: Committee to study secrecy complaint By ED YUDIN Terrace Mayor Dave second session of the Herald Stall Writer Maroney got into a Birch Avenue hearing Terrace Alderman shouting match of sorts hadn't bothered to Helmut Giesbrecht's with former Alderman familiarize himself with attempt to challenge the Gerry Duffun. Duffus what had ooeured. legality of last month's wondered why Maronoy, Maroney denied the Birch Avenue rezoning who was absent from the charge. hear~g failed Monday he-er- council+ w envoted 4-1 against Paving the amendment. Biesbreeht had requnstedaterpretatlon of legalcouncil's in-is questioned decision to hold a closed- door session during the By ED YUDIN !; p u b ! i e h e a r i ng. Herald Staff Writer Giesbrecht felt the •° ~ closed-door session Is the District of Terrace receiving its money's contravened the spirit worth for the numerous paving contracts awarded the ~- ~ and legality of a public past few years? Terrace Alderman Alan Soutar ex- rezoning hearing pressed hts concern on just that questian at the dis|riot procedures in the council meeting Monday evening. province. Soutar says the municipality, in its eagerness to • "It's my impression improve and upgrade the streets, has failed to i that the ministry of properly monitor the quallty and costs of paving Jobs. municipalities put in that "I'm not blaming anyone or any party, but in many sort of clause (that cases the paving jobs have been done haphazardly," rezoning hearings be Soutar said. public) to protect against Soutar called for more quality control of paving just such an eccuranoe," projects. Bill MoRse of Price-Skeena Lumber explains the legend of the "talking sticks" he said. "Maybe we are "WimtI'dliketoseeiseouncilreviewthestandords, kind of overstepping our upgrade them, and set up a program where we award a+o+" paving contracts in larger chunks," he recommended. Vancouver TIPs ,gage Alderman Alan $outar Soutar says the paving jobs in Terrace are more was quick to rebuke expensive and lower in quality as compared to other the Giesbrecht. municipalities such as Kitimat and Prince George. tourill~ ~. ,,i really don't un- Part of the problem, hesaid, is the contraets are heing area derstand Alderman awarded in "piecemeal fashion". Giesbrecht's concerns • .-+~C~ bad Kitin1~t +~arious engineering, over the legaH~iof the from the Vancouver firms from the lower hearing, Soutarsaid. i rate ' + Board of Trade yester- Mainland and Alberta. group (council) can't BHtish watching day. These people were Herald start writer Don tOP) -- make decisions as they here as part of a Schaffer accompanied shavejo/ned come up. And I fail to see blank TV screen wecklong trip around the 'the executives on their tedslon brought of bank the why there should need to north of B.C. to examine tour , along with mem- LONDON (AP) -- For 7.000, supported the strUte. '!~ business and industrial bers of Terrace and lag.'eat. rate to a beterpretation any legalnecessary in- the last four weeks, a card The stri~ers want a 25-per- opportunities open to the Kitimat municipal interest rate very praetical concern," hearing Just 30 words has cent pay increase. replaced all programs on major money-movers in councils, the Kitimat- ease Mon- he added, screens tuned to the corn- Fi h the lower end of the Stildne Regional District five major When council met in mercial half of Britain's S province, office and prominent cnarterea omUts and some dosed session on Aug. 27, television service. It reads: (Mk The entourage was buslnessmen, andhewill g- trustcompaniesfdlowinga "Independent Television. S composed of some very have a photo-report in asptee-or" ur-'n-g-JL move Friday by the Central Giesbrecht walked out of Because of the present in- Bank of Canada raising its the session, protesting its dustrialdisputoweareserry are set high-level executives of tomorrow's paper, prime lending rate by one legality. After the dosed that there will be no --;| ce h;L.- +,, of one per cent to ,2.= meeting, council an- prngra.m Us this charnel WASHINGTON(CP)--A O .gM.JL&~•,.,~ ~ per cent, . . . nounced. it was return- teda Y. We willg Ive You mere meeting has been sot for The record 13-per-cent mendi4ng the rez ^t i-* -m-"-- w~e- we -an" OTTAWA (CP)- A +.mendatio,ns.while.st..at!ng gi~t~era~pp~/a~hargm~t lot A into r~ngti;; "Behit~'the'words'~lies Wedsesdayrmolve ina Ottawadisagreement to confidential government mm provincial jtlrlt~llCUOll ..... S . . land with t,m.lotn unemoloyment for more hetwsen Canada and the U.S. report on energy security over resource ownership eremtwormy compames, m ...... - ...... +.... and self-sufficiency, ordered should be honored: up one half of one per cent provmtons for tho than 1,000 actors and ac. over maritime Judedietims, tresses, 13,000 tochniciaus a U.S. official said Monday. by Prime Minister Clark, - The price of oil should from Friday and 4.75 per upgrading of the streets and other off-screen The dlapute flared recently cent since January, 1978. and water systems. Most television workers and with the Canadian seizure of morereC°mmendsrapidimmediateincreasesandin nevertheaverageeXceedChicago95 per centprice, of The banks also announced concerned residents hundreds of newscasters, 19 U.S. boats taking tuna off domestic oil prices. - All production from a record interest rate "for appeared satisfied with interviewers, reporters, British Columbia. The report, prepared by a heavy oil and oil sands countsnonchequing of 10.25 persavings cent going ac- council's decision, musicians, researchers and Canada,basingits position 32.memher caucus of Con- deposits should be sold at to 10.5 per cent on Oct. 1, up Alderman Alan Soutar others, and lost advertising onthe United Nations Law o/ sorvative MPs who worked present world prices, as from an average ot 5.75 per defended council's revenuea day. of about ~.2 million JurtsdicUonthe Sea Conference, over finh claimswithin through the summer, was should production from cent at the start o/19~8, decision to hold the closed The dispute began Aug, 11, 200 miles of its coasts, in- cabinetdiscussed as by they Clark's grappled inner frontierincreases regions. would beReasonable allowed. Gerald Bouey, Bank of door session. He won- when 8,000 technicians and eluding tuna. Canada governor, said in an dared if Giesbrecht would electricians belonging to the The U.S. position is that a with energy policy at their - Natural gas should interview that the lnercaso+ have protested the A s s o c i a t i o n o f migratory, high.seas fish Jasper, Alta., strategy continue to be priced at, or in the bank rate -- the ninth session last month, lower than, 85 per cent of the since March, 1978 -- was meeting, if he bothered to Cinematograph, Television likethe albacore tuna should A spokesman for Energy value of oil until theend of nceded to protect the f~eign attendthe closedsesaion, and Allied Technicians hemannged internationally. Minister Ray Hnatyshyn 1984 .and should then be value of the Canadian dollar. Earlier Giesbrecht asked walkedout in a pay dilute. Whenit adopted a 200-mile Independent Television, or said Monday the report's moved into line with oil Bouey said keeping the why his concerns were ITV,comprises the 15 firms exemptedl~t, the U.S.tuna specificallyfrom U.S. review.reCommendations Hnatyshyn are underis to priees over the folIowingfive Interest rate high will keep not recorded on the which make up the In- control outside o/ 12 miles receive the committee's yeart~mda from the federal the Canadian dollar's ex- minutes of the hearing, dependent Television from shore.Anditrefusosto final report by the end of the share of higher oil prices changerate strong enough to After the legality Companies Assceiatien. recognize the claims ~ other month. It represents the corn- countries to Jurisdiction of The committee also should be used to defray the prevent a potential outflow a m e n d m e n t w a s mercial half of British fishmore than 12 miles from reCommends the "reCycling Easterncost of Canadaoll imports and intofor byof investmentinflationary funds pressure caused defeated, a motion to television.The other half is their shores. of petrodollars into the specific tax incentives for oil frmn rapidly rising prices in send the recom- made up of programs put out After Canada began national eConomy" by the and gas exploratioa and for the United States. mendations on the by the British Broadcasting seizing U.S. boats following rozoning to a committee Corp., which bans com- tuns in Canadian waters, the ! creation, of a Canadian unconvcntiounl production. He said the incrcases were for study was passed by a merelala from its network. U.S.impoaed an embargo on ~i energy bank financed in part + The committee's Im~ngs also needed to contain the by annual, billion-dollar, have brond-basod supp~t growing demand for money vote of 3-I. Giesbrecht The BBC is not affected by the ImpeL of Canadian tuns ~ low-interest loans from the through representation on and credit in Canada. voted against the motion, the strike, products -- valued at some :~ Alberta Heritage Fund. the committee from all Two other unions, the Na- $170,000a year. +:';i The funds would be usod te regions of the country. The Royal Bank, Bank of while Alderman Jack finance projects aimed at Members included Run Montreal,Toronto Dominion Talstra who had Theatrical,tlonal Association Television andof eriesLast week,Minister Canadian James Fish. :? making Canada energy self- Rltchie of Toronto, former Bank and the Bank of Nova seconded Giesbrecht's Kine Employees and the McBrath said Canada has no sufficient by 1995. vice-president of Imperial Scotia raised their mortgage amendment, abstained Electrical and Plumbing intention of dropping ' rates by three-quarters of a from both votes. Trades Union, with a com- charges against crews of the :.'~.~ i~, What did this fish mean to Jim McFadden? See page 2. theThe committeefollowing alsorecom. made O11Alberta, Ltd., and Bill Yurko of percentage point. Later in the evening, bined ITV membership of ttS. boats.

'f~+ ''';'''"""''"'" ..... ;...... , ...... ,o,.+....~..,;...... ,,o...~.;..o...... ~;~;~;~~~°~ . ~,, ...... ,...,...... - . , . , .-...... +-...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~ +:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::'::!iii!iiiii !iiiiiiii+i!!iiii!iiii!i+++!+++~ii+ii;C;!++i!+!ii+;ii!ii-i!+ i/i What will the raise in bank rat,E',s mean? ;~C!~ ' by ED YUDIN money for expansion or just to operate with the in- Ralph Coombs, the manager of Kitimnt's Bank of so. However, as one spokesman put it "the consumers ;~ Herald Staff Writer terest rates so high, certainly larger companies won't Montreal, took a different position, saying the record look at how much they can afford to spend a month feel it as much," says Murray Robbins, the manager interest rates should slow down the spending habits of ,rather than the actual rate, whereas a hike in the rate The decision to raise the prime lending rate to a of the Bank of Commerce in Kitimat. consumers, cutsinto the actualprofits of a small business." reoordhlgh of 13per cent may have an adverse effect He did downplay the impact of the ½ per cent in- "Supposedly when bank rates are raised, it should Theprime lending rate goes upat most banks today. ml mall businesses in the Terrace-Kitimat area. The crease in the prime lending rate, "I don't really think slow down borrowing, it hasn't happened that way in In addition the depe6it interest has or will rise in ac- euneensus opinion among bank managers in the area it's goir,~, to have a great impact on the economy here. rite past. This time however the 13 per cent figure may cordance with the prime rate hike. i is that the interest hike will not achieve its goal of It seems everytime rates go up the people react a little be a psychological barrier." What it all seems to mean is that you'll make more slowin~ down consumer borrowing and spending, but it doesn't slow down the consumer lending Most area bank managers contacted said people will money if you don't spend it, and it'll cost you more if "Small businesses may find it more difficult to get especially." continue to borrow as long as they could afford to do you do. I ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Page 2, The Herald, Tuesday, September 11, 1979 CANADA--CHINA Friendship confirmed NEWSBRIEFS PEKING (OF) -- its former ally after Vietnam ready tosettle claims arising VANCOUVEB (CP) -- exceed timt of ~e pelt 1O to Chairman Hun Ouofeng had invaded Cambodia and from expropriation of MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., 20 ynam ifgrowth in denmM (Hue Kuo-feng), in a wide- incidents had broken out on Canodlanowned land after counting on substantially is to be eatidlnd," be 8aid in ranging review of the the Cidua-Vteinam border. the Communists took control continuing growth ever the a statement released in' Chinese economy, told Hnang said China might be of the Chinese government in next 20 years in its major Vancouver. ' Canodlan parliamentarians 1949. There are 93 out- product lines, will be in- Knuhen said the cmnpany Monday that Canada ranks Standing Canadlan claims vesting $1,5 billion in a five- had three geals in its ez. high on Chlna'a list of Admits amounting to $1 million in year expnusion program, pension, progra.m -- to friends. real estate, debentures and company president. Calvert mouermse ann expand But no specific details other items. Kmdsen 8aid Moncmy, production .cap.hetty at emerged in a private setting The group also was Knudsen made the an- ~dsti~ locauom m cun'm audience hating 70 minutes received by Trade Minister nouncement to a group at the Great Hall of the blaze Li Qtans,,schaduied to vinit German businessmen In plollation or muaung xore~. People preceding o farewell Canada in Oetsher. Frankfort and said aho~t $1 reamlrcea angt m elpana dinner ~iven by the Ca- • CHICAGO (AP) -- A tele- The Canadian delegation Is billion ~ that money will be fosmt rmom'cm by adding nadinn delegation. vision station broadcast on headed by Speakers James spent In British Columbia. mote land to the cumpany's Hna had been asked by Sunday a taped interview Jerome of the Commons and The Vanesuver.bused existing base' Itnd to grow Senator Jacques Flynn, with a man who admitted Renaude Lapolnte of the company had earlier esid lie more wood per acre. Justice minister and netting a 1958 Chicago ochonl Senate. It arrived Saturday flveyear ~pemton p ro~r.sm t~udsen cited the ,m guvemment leader in the fire that claimed 95 lives and for a 10.day visit. A Chinese would cost about $1 l~uuon, million conairuelion d 8 new Senate, to comment on left scores of children in. parliamentary delegation Knudson said he saw nowsprintmachineotPowell China's medernization plans :lured, visited Canada last year. major opportunities in his River, a ~ mllUon manhlne and to specifywhat countries But the unidentified man firm's exislilng fore.st ,/speedup 0t the Port Albeml said in the .WGN.TV in. The visit coincides with lmxhicts hminma over ~ mill and a similar prngram like Canada might be able to considerable interest in contribuie. terviow that the fire in the next 20 years, for existing milk at Powell basement of the 49-year.old Canada and elsewhere in. Mining, petroleum, how China plato to proceed vo'~Gumer~vsotoft~rod~:tilYm~ River as proJecta already nuclear energy and hydro Our Lady of the Angels und,er way. school on the city's wast ride with its modernization development were cited by • program. the chairman as areas in had been set accidentally which China will be seeking and that he"had no latentlm China has amassed in- Vallum said unsafe aid. q~ hurting anyone." ternational credits Canadian participants said The two-storey Roman estimated to be anywhere • WASHINGTON (AP) -- A automatically give her , the Chinese leader displayed Catholic school canght fire from $18 bliliox~ up so far in chiatrkt told a Senate tranquillizer," 8aid Purach, a broad grasp of ecmemlc about 2:30 p.m. Dec. I, 1968, 1979, including ~ billion ~yalth subcommittee whose patients have In. detnll and interest in while most of the grade from Canada. How it chonees Monday that the drug cluded Billy Carter, the Canada, but they noted he school's 1,300 students were to spend that money, given Valtum is addictive and president's brother and has charon to make his first still in class on the top floor. ito limited earnings of doctors should not prescribe Betty Ford, wife of former visits abroad to Britain, The blaze, which killed 92 foreign currency, is a it for everyday stress. l~'asldent Gerald Ford. France, West Germany and students and three nuns, has lending question. " Dr. Jeseph Porseb, head of More than 44.e mililm never formally been ruled ao the alcohol rehabilitation Valium premipUons wm A brand new camera, that's what a winning fish in the Italy and later to the United States. arson case and authorities The Canadian delegation service at the navy's filled Jn the US. in 1978 and, Skeena Mall.Daily Herald derby meant for IS-year-old Earlier, the delegation said as recently as last year will visit Shanghai and regional medical centre in Putsch said, many deetere He caught Jim McFadden. .t'~e caught the 13-pound coho from was received by Foreign that it may have started Canton among other contres Ixmg Beach, Calif., said de not realise that paris-*, the Skeena tUver near Ferry Island on September 4. Minister Huang Hna, the accidentally. before returning to Canada alcobellsm and the over use can become addicted to a camera Rick Lynch of Sight and Sound in Terrace presents first Chinese nmbasnador to WGN-TV producer Alex via Hong Kong on Sept. 20. o~ tranquillizers represents Vellum, Ubflmn and ether McFadden' with a new Colorburst 100. Canada after diplomatic Burkholder said the 32-year. the country's bl~est health mUd m,nqumtmz. Questioned by Se~tw Ed. recognition wu established old man was a student at a Talk PrOblem. in 1970. nearby training school at the S set "Classically today, if a ward Kennedy, chairman of • woman walks into her the subemnmlttne, Putsch The global review offersd time of the fire and that he Wildlife said neglected by Nuang, and replied to by contends he was smoking in " doctor's office and nays, Tm said he .has asan peraom the basement and disear@d on troops nervous, my husband drinks become addicted to Vellum VANCOUVER (CP) -- The proposed B.C. wildlife hetween 25 and 30 per cent." Allan MacEachen as a a match, touching off the in only ek weeks. former Liberal external too much.' the doctor will provincial government is too management plan, the "Due to the inaccessibility fire, affairs minister, was a The man will tell during conservative in setting federation said there would of a large part of our recitation of Chinese concern in Cuba targets for population and he more animals to hunt if province, such a kill factor is future segments of a week- •Mothers claim torture the B.C. government spent about spreadin~ Soviet In- long television series why he WASHINGTON (AP) barveet of animals such as fluence. deer, moose, elk, mountain more money on wildlife not attainable at present." was in the school, The United States and t~e BONN (A1~) -- The that in Kenya "colored sheep, mountain goat and management, It recommends that meet They said Hnang warned" Burkholder said. Soviet Union began Monday mothers of two West Ger- persons beat the detained, coyotes, the British It said the brancb should animal species be protected that it any be necessary to The producer said the man what U.S. state department mans imprisoned in Isr~.l tenuredthem with buruing Columbia Wildfire Federaton be aiming for "the highest by the government mainly teach Vietnam another isen parole for convictions in officials say might be a alleged Monday that the paw cigarette, butte, prinked says. historic populations and an for the benefit of hunters and lesson -- a reference to two fires in the 19e0s that protracted series of have been subjected to "the them with Ira8 nmdlon and a brier commentln~ on a annual sustained kill of trappers, China's previous invasion of killed three people. negotiations Over Soviet moat brutal procedures of Israeli secret re'vies of- Burkhelder said that in combkt troopo in Cuba. torture." flclais watched and in- 1977 the man admitted set- State Secretary Cyrus In a letter made public at a terregated them." tang the Angels fire after Vance and Soviet Am- news conferexce in Bonn, Renter and Mb8 sohuls talking with Battalion Chief baesador Auatoty Dobrynin HSOeI~ Reuter and Inge are accused of having George Schuller of the conferred for nearly two asked West Ca-man planned an abortive racket TUESDAY 5 p.m. to midnight Chicago fire department and hours in their opening see- Foreign Minister Hans. attack on an Israeli former Chicago Daily News don. Dietrich Genachar to oppexl passenger pbme in Nitin~l. reporter ,;ohn Kuengter. The state department de- to visiting briteli Fore,In The two were sent to Israel, Burkhelder said Sehuller alined to comment on the Minktor Mo~ha Dayan for where, the women eaid, a clmed military trial began 2 KING CFTK BCTV KCTS and Kuenster held back the masting but spokesman Tom help. !~.5"~ ";~:~, ( N B.C ) {COO) (CTV) • (PBS) information because they Raston 8aid the two will meet Mrs. Sohuin Mid in the two years ago. are working on a book about again today or Wednesday. latter that the torture began A foreign ministry i the fire and because the The talks began after shortly after the arrest of spokesman mid kter that ,'I CorGi N~d Six Mister fireman spent years in. Vance and Slaasfleld Tnr- Brlgitte Schulz, 37, and the ReuterSehuix cane is Burnett Squad Million Rogers vestigatlng the fire on his nar, director of the U.S. Thomas Renter, 20, in Kenya being diacu~l by Genscher News Hourglass Dollar Electric Own time.- and not as an Central Intelligence Agency, at the end of 1976. She enid and Dayan. 14s Cont'd Cont'd Man Company official fire department met in a clesed-donr session assignment. with members of the U.S. Cont'd Laverne & News Once Upon Police and fire officials Senate armed services Stanfield checks in Cont'd Shirley Hour a Classic and a spokesman for the committee. Cont'd Paper Cont'd Dick Cook County state's at- Senator Roger Jepsen TEL" AV~V "(Reuter) -- by Canedhn embuay d- Cont'd Chase Cont'd Cavett torney's office refused (Rap. Iowa) emerged from Canadian special envoy flelals and a representative immediate comment. the committee meeting to Robert Stanfield arrived of the Israeli foreign Seattle Cont'd Downright MacNell say Vance indicated he was Monday to Investige the ministry after him arrival Tonight • Cont'd Disco Lehrer "gulng to be quite firm and possibility of moving the aboard a special Canadian Tic Tac t.~e Day Stars News. insistent on getting some Canadian Embassy from Tel Armed Forces plans. Dough At A Time ~n Ice Makers direct answers" from Avlv to Jeru~lem. During his four.day stay, Dobryein. A pledge by the Canadian Stenfleld will meet prime .Sharks .... Happy Angle Evening _ Jepaen said the committee government a few months Mlnkter Menachem Be~." Cont'd Days Cont'd At Pops J received no assurances there ago to make the move drew and other senior Israeli ) :30 Cont'd The That's ~t'd Tht, re are s~,/eral types are no long-range nuclear fierce opimition from Arab efficisk, Canadian embassy ...... i! :45 Cont'd Raes Hollywood ¢ont'd ,, , I,f cat's eyes but when al weapons in Cuba. countries, sources said the details of i [jeweler talks of them hel Asked whether the com- Stenfleld was met at Ben the talk| have not ha~ Holocaust Three's Grand Old Upstairs, I~encrally means chryso-I mattes was given any ex. GurtonAirl~0rtnearTniAviv workndout. :15 Part 2 Company Country I~wnstalrs II.,rvl from Ceylon orl planation for the presence of : 30 Cont'd Special Taxi ¢ont'd IIh'a~il. These are expen-I the Soviet troops, Senator :45 Cont'd 'My People Cont'd ¢ont'd I~iv,. st.nes and are namedl John Warner (Rep, Vs.) Fredriek on rampage Ibecatnse they have the ap- ropllndthat"Vanoesaid that [ In,erases of cats' eyes and would be question No. 1" for MIAMI(KF) -- Tropical the U.S.'NotionM Ilia'rinses I Cont'd Are Dying' Lazarus The Two late f.und in the same Dobrynla. Storm Frederic hmbed Cuba Cen're in Miami amid. Cont'd Cont'd Syndrome Ronnles ',h,r.~ a.~ real eats' eyes. Last week, Vance and on Moeday, uprooKng ~east Thunderstorms.trashed up Cont'd Man Cont'd ~ovle President Carter both said downing power lines ann tuthsecutl~mupdFlorida. I 145 Cont'd Alive Cont'd 'Madelelne' [ forcinJ m~e tMn ~,000 Boatere from~Bo~ Rata I (hher stones are found the status qua In Cuba lo not people to evacuate .tl?eir on Florida'| e/st c(mt News National CTV Cont'd lie the same colors and de- acceptable, bat they have bemes, uivilddenoeodficiai| • Dry Tortoana, west o! t~. Cont'd Night News . Cont'd [ sign and are called cat's- refused to nay what changes said. . . . Florida Keyit, were witrnm |eye but they are not as ex- would satisfy them. : :~0 Tonight Final Hour Cont'd Ipcnslve as the Oriental Vance has said the Carter There were no repom ox to stay in port. I 45 Show, :' P,M, Final Cont'd Icat,s.eye. administration realizes the casualties, however, as me Frederic, with 130 :, storm passed over the island kilometcenn.beur winds at Cost'd" KoJak Late Show Bornaby Soviet Union has had and then quickly revived to tho centre and gale wimk 15 Jones military advisers in Cuba for ~t'd Cont'd 'dairy I We'aie expt.rts in the many years. It is the recent hurricane strength a~ It exte~,~ 300 kilomeh~ to :30 ~t'd " ' Cont'd Of Anne Cont°d I,'.r,' .,,d selection of gems. reached open water, • me nr,rth, wan moving l I :45 Late Movie discovery that 3,000 to 3,000 FrederWa winds in- ,2 ConPd ::,' " ' " Cont'd Frank' S,,a, u.~ f,r all ~'uur needs! of them were organized as a northeast at eight kilometrm creased to 120 kilometro8 an an hour and was expected'an • combat unit that is a matter hour and dense rains continue moving at that WEDNESDAY 10 a,m. to 5 p,m. of serious emesru, he said. blanketed an area from the speed and direction while Key membero of the lower Keys to western Cuba, gradually etreqthenlng. Senate have said Soviet troops must he removed ff oo New High Friendly . Webster Electric the new U.S.-Soviet atratealc 15 Rollers Giant Cont'd Company Last chance talks open 30 Wheel of arm~ limitation treaty is to Mister Definition M for Music be ratified by the Senate. ,.i'i d 45 Fortune Dressup- Cont'd Word Shop LONDON (AP) - Black for Zimbabwe Rhodesia that The Soviet Union has kept nationalist guerrilla leaders will decrease the power a o oo Mind Sesame Creative Universe quiet about the furor. Uneffl- faced officials of the Zim. given to the white minority, 15 Readers Street Cooking g Cants Worth clally, Soviet diplomats hove babwe Rhodceian 8geom. which accounts for 280,000 30 Password Cont'd Mad About Safety insisted the troopo ore ad- montMondeyattheoponing persomoutofitpopniationof l I ill 45 Plus Cont'd Oash Cover to Cover risers who have been in' of British-sponsored con. 7.3 million. i Cuba for many years, stitutional talks widely billed The conference, sailed by They gay the Cubans hove• as a last chance to eyed Britain, brought together Dayl News Noon Nova a right to invite Soviet widespread war in southern Roho~ Mupba and Jouhu Of Bob Swltzer News Co~t'd personnel to their island and Afrka. Nkomo of the guerrilla OUr Mary Tyler AJon Cont'd that there is nothing in U,S.. British Foreigu Secrotury Pitffiotio Frant uilhnce with I 45 Llvel Moore Hemal Cont'd Soviet understandings of ~ Carringten urged beth , members of Zimbitbwe i 19e2 and 1970 that bars the sides in the Zimbabwe Rhodesia's guvormnont, led The Today Cont'd Art Starts Russians. Rhodesia struggle to reach It by Bkhop Abel Musorewa, Doctors From Cont'd Inside Out The state department con. compromise, saying "the the breakaway British Another Cont'd Another Blue Umbrella ceded the latter point lest wice of failure would be colony's first black mqme I ~45 World Cast'? , World Making Music week, soying the agreements further prolonged blood- mlnkter, " cover only offensive shed." Nkomo and Mupba have Cont'd The Edge Cont'd Stories of Amer. weapons systems and not Carringten asked them to waged o asven-yexr Ceot'd Of Night Cont'd Music Piece JEWELLERSLTD. combat ircopo, focus on a new constitution ~ei'rtila war against the Cont'd Take Cont'd Book Look :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~iilsbtn'y l'~lne ~ basal :45 Cont°d Thirty, Cont'd Trode Ofts i i ii iii V~ ~e~,/.w~ ~Y~ ~.rJY~n iii inMore Z.mbk than andMosambtqus. 18,000 pertml Movie Bob ' .... Movie Uver I 'Pork McLean Matinee Easy !~il A variety of dance types taught wlthln'the classes ii~ haveAt thedied closed-door In the flghthlJ, semlon i Chop 5h~w 'Good Foot :~:~ Incl~Jlng ballet, modern Jazz, olhnlc character and i!i: in Lancaster House. HI!f__ Cot~.i'd Morning Steps i~!: |ofllhcoondtep.Llmltedenrolmentavollobleforeges iit Carrington called for a ii~ 41/;I and up. :~i: deoreaneintheroledwhltsl Cont'd Sesame ~.~ Registration: Perkelde School if!! in Zimbabwe Rhodes/a, Co~t'd ~ ltones Dove' Street i'~" Wednelday, lelltemllerll--4t00p,m. ii~: said there alp~d be "lip- Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd 632-2171 ',!:! For pro.registration phone &IB.I~II ~ ia'ol~la Ilffqiuarde" f6r Cont'd Squad Cont'd ContOd 21e City Centre Kitimst :.'..,,,. o, ...... , ...... ,.,:,.,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,, • •. ~o.,.,.,...,.,.,,, • ,,~ ". i

Htrakl, Tue~lay, September 11, 1979, ,~sge .$

FIREAR__MS CHARGE " Not for chlldre" • n ARMS'I~ONG, B.C. (CP) "If kids aren't used to it, -- Inexperienced children they can get themselves into B.C. BRIEFS should not be allowed to a lot of trouble," t~' * operate gdkm'ts unattended, i . ,.ov,.o,., ,....=o, By ERLEEN COMEAU ~asessiou o[ fits prohibitccl ntle'und at the same m,e only room and board but also oalcisl said Monday. Vandal Herald Staff WrAter s.,:ized seven pistols and all olher weapons that were'in VICTORIA( CP ) --A l~ew Democratic Party MLA said education expenses, Haman I~ comments followed tl~ . hi.~ home, the court was told. . Monday the Social Credit salt' death Fx'l~y of elght-y=r, attack Gordon Gasper appesred in Terracc provineia! Gasper related to JudgeCnllins that he was under dd Jody Noel Luann Bar~-e government is making it Previously the govern- court Monday before Judge Darral] Collins on ~ th,.: influence of alcohol and wanted to "let off steam," difficult for handicapped at a track KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP) -- meat paid for tuIUm and P.D. Davie, an Inspector The battle against van- charge of hmadling a firearm without lawhd e.'.~cu~ hc said, Collins replied to Gasper's reason for corn- persons to advance their books for the handicapped. eduoatinn. with the elevatln8 devices dalism In ~ a~jthern In. and possession of a prohibited weapon, a .30 ca]ib~:e M- miring thc offence ~ying "that is a pretty dangerous Under the new arrangement, branch of tha labor mislay terior city Is bol~ reed as an I rifle, way to let off s~am." Gordon Hanson said a new policy "cuts the amount of the handicapped student which lleeneas go-kart example to other eom- Terrace RCMP were called to the scc,~ of a Gaspb.r wa~ Ened $25. in default 30 days onthe first direct assistance available must obtain a loan to cover tracks, said he feels eight- munltiu, Mayor Mlha Latin shooting on Pohle Drive Aug. i4 after several slmts count along with an order prohibiting him from having to handicapped students and these expenses and the year-olds should not be said Monday. were heard in the area and a woman's scream , Crow~ in his possession any firearm for a period of six substitutes a system of maximum loan is allowed on the tracks. Lotto said his com-: Counsel Jeff Arndt told the court, months. On the second charge be was fined $100 or 14 inadequate leans. Hansen said a single "I think that sucks out like munity's decl/ning rate of RaMP ~.ntered Gasper's home and feared him in tb~ days in default. The pension for a single parent on SOCIAlassistance a sore thumb." vandalism, which he at~ handicapped person is ~b'7 a canget a loan for aa much as The glrl was drivln8 a ~ trlbuted 'to the RCMP's ...... month, which must cover not $1.800a school year. kart on a eamivel tra~ public reintiom team and INFO when she lost control, citizen prot~anm such as crashed through a barrier of ' Neighb~hcod Watch, was Jail d u ''o i HEALTH They have strike mandate truck tiras and ran trader a cited three times at the e,.arges. ,,ervice trailer ]parked beside annual meeting of the Union 'rnree men have been received cue year"; IfSLimat courtly court on KELOWNA, B.C, (CP) -- nesdAyt but ballots were not the tradt. .of B.C. Municipalltlas last I BOB YOUNG" Empl°zeasef.~eB-'C:Build" eonnted until Sunday. She died imtantly when week. found guilty in Kitimat probaUon. Friday. DR. ings corp. m Remwna, The 1,150 employees are court on two counts of David Campbell 3o, of Thc men were found - Pentlcton, Summerlnnd and members of the union's her head struck the bottom Edmnnton received ~ine,~ quilty in connection with , ,Sometimes the resuits of Vernon have voted 96.6 per building support services possession of narcotics ,=o'rne go-gart o~rattou, on a Bail at for the purpose of traf- totaling $1,500, one d,,.yi~ m~ incident last January surgical operations are cent in fever of strike actinn, component. determined before the the union announced Men. Ms. Carson said that the ricing. Chris Dennill 23, iail and one ye~:r's ,vhcn they were found in nmyot Ed Mcl(ltlu, is part )robation, (~urald p~ssession of a quanUty operation occurs-at least in do. $50'000 of McKenzie B.C. has ~lice Carson, a staff positionvote put tothe serve unlon 72-honr in a of the travelling Wagner been sentenced to 30 days 3eroux 22, of Kitima1 of narcotics at the Van ihe slatistieai sense, representative with the B.C, strike notice on the cor. Shows Ltd. carnival of North KAMLOOPS B.C, In prison on one count, ~,ceivcd the same sen.- Horne Electric store in Varions medical centers Government Employee~ poration, but that a decision Vancouver. I.Iarlnder S~h Gill of :ence. Dennill and Kitimat. report different success The girlhad little or no ez- Kamloops, charged with and received a $750.fine rates for the same surgical Union, said the vote ws~ on a strike would not be and taken Tuesday and Wed. made until later this week. perlenee driving the conspiracy to traffic in another da: ~n prison Campbell were formerly e~ procedure, perhaps 70 per machines, a police morphine, was released on the secon¢, count, residents of Kitimat, The GO V'.g cent successfulat one andg0 spokesman said. Monday ca lk~),O00 bag put Dennill, a former three men were handed percent effective at another. up by 10 people each resident nf Kiti .R also their sentences in j~/~.~r~..~L~.~d.~J~'kTTd~. ~'~'~'~'~ Investigationshow.s ~at Morton leaving the post A provincial government providlug sureties of L%000. the surgeons are eq~lly inspector had mmminod thv Gill pleaded not guilty to skillful, the operations done VICTORIA (CP) -- Ken cabinet order released today track and determined that if Importing $40,000 worth of and the technique~ used are, Morton is stepping down as terminates 'his appointment as of Oct. I meets his safety morphine from India into to all intents and purposes, British Columbia's chief requirements, the Canada. He is scheduled to identical and the post electoral officer. There is no urgent need to spokesman sold. He said e appear in provinclal court operative assessment of the Morton, 63, who has super. find a replacement as ponce meehuin found tht Nov. 15 for preliminary results are comparable. vised every provincial another pmvhacisl electiea is go-hart to be In sound con. hearin& QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY Why then the different cure election in B.C. since 1968, not likely for at least two quiet fire scene in the Prince was injured in a fall this ditlon. Bail conditicas stipulate Abbotsferd. B.C. The water supply rate? years. Rupert Region this week, as Only 15 fires were still F,~blem here will end only summer and has been The last electiea was May Witnesses told police the that Gill munt report to the the 1979 fire season ente~l A major factor is the making a SIow recovery. A 10, 1979. girl, with her mother wat- city RCMP each Money, burning in the reglon w~en the 800 residents form selection of patients-tlm ,its final few weeks. Thursday and the blggest some kind of local govern. chang, appeared to freeze at Wednesday and Saturosy However, officlain say, fire philosophy of the surgeon(or the controls of the machine, between 8 p.m. and 7 p.m. problem facing forest ment,' says the chairman of perhaps the hospital) and must oburve an 8 p.m. problems can still occur if service offtciab say ab6u.t lbc S~:cena-Quecn Calu'iottes hunters or others using the throe days dry v-/esther .regarding who should be Crash victim identified to 7. a.m. curfew of ]~,.~~imlel District, operated on. If a surgeon's region's woodlands do no~ or- needed to pre.~)as'e PORT ALBERNI, B.C. Hel]coptors Of North Bat- exercise extreme caution ;.'eter l,c~ter ~am unti! that indications for operaUng are Victims logging wnste and ~her generous he will ~rbaps (CP) -- Joseph Kreke, 38, oi tleford, was aline in the while in the forest. . , debrl~for pre~cribed 5uru:~ ~.appenz, the regional North Battleford, Sesk. was helicopter, which Tuesday Sept. 4 the ~rc ~istzict can do little to operate on some patients wa, named nnd '.h~tany ~uch fires without giving them relief. killed Sunday in a helicopter carrying a load of lumber, region's Snt!ther~-b~sed air tmlikely mRi! at lea~t eo.r~.y elimin~te tho health hazard crash northwest of this Police enid the lumber brok/ tanker and b .ird-.~to~ aircraft ,:. ne~t week. po,~ed by sewage being His more conservative or Terrace RCMP have discriminating colleague Vancouver Island com- loose and a vibration that identified the two men in. dumpcd, into creelts that followed caused the supply residents of this may turn down patients that m~nil~li= said that Kreke, an Friday whnn their he dof~.snot feel he can help, helic~tar to dlsintegrata In vehicle wmt elf the highway ccrnfnuuity in the centre of emolovee of Apex the air. the Queen Charlotte Islands. but in' so doing may fail to about 30 miles outside treat some that would Terrace. Injured were driver "The re,~ident~ of Quecn benefit. George Fletcher ~4, and Charlotte City nre not in- A good example of this is passenger Sird ~mlkh, both te...~ested in forming a local back surgery for the of the lower mainland area. gc,vernment," l~ster said, ~moval of a protruded, or Fletcher is in sadous con. "3hey n~_ed to feel a new 'slipped 'intervertebraldisk. WEATHER darien at ~ Memorial, Crab fishing for Roman Leslie Lundq~aist pleaded water was un- " Pelietier proved coatly as |~i!ty tea cl-.ar~e of bein~ system Other back conditions can while Sheikh remains In ncccssz}ry, but gue.% mimic this disease, even to stable ceedRion. The two , Pelletier appeared before over the legal blcod-ah",¢.h¢t they're having second Judge Darrall Collins limit and accerdin~ly waa the point of causing the IThe Terrace weather tar Tnesday el 18 degrees occupants were Injured Monday in JTerrace fined $500 in defmflt ~.0 day,*., l~::~ugh~ now." associated sciatica. The office predicts mostly sunny Celsius, low of 10 degrees in when their 19'/6 pickup went .,,provincial courk." " . .. ,~Dandqui~!.v/aspick~up bi., Rtt~s F%ltenricb, head of r~ul~ of surgery for these skies Tuesday with some the evening. Outlook for the bIIhway for rum=, , x 111 Telraee RCMr ~o_ ' t o other conditions are not as cloud in the afternoon. High Wednesday: mostly cloudy. still usknewn to tbo I~MP. .:a~:; Three,c~ii'bl~...me~/Ir~ g .:: . ~: ,.~ ...... ~ ,, .::,:pc,. ,: the Skeen~ r~gional hcalth good as is the ease when a ,. le~than6~'fi1 Chef; acrOSS In' as I~" WItS Kno'wt; 1,3 L'~ an tmi,.ff s.dd hv,tc we~k,', thht a diameter were found on unlicenced driver, Crown seri,3us outbreak of dizease protn~ded disk exists, so the board his boat. Pclletier counsel told the court, wa~ likdy u~l~z the water 'failure rate is higher. A If the surgeon's training or 4AL pleaded guilty to the charge Rona!d Brcnd.'. wa,~; fined aystem was irnprow.xl. personal philosophy is such and stated they were for his ~0 or ~0 da)~ in default "floe r,'gion:d .districthas that he insists on virtually own use, A fine of ~ was when he pl~ded gtdty for 100 cent proof (through levied by Collins. operating a mot,,)r vehicle cm~duc~.xlfeasibility sludies per while being imp,,:ired on on a new water system, but x-rays and other means) that ao# -"L CBC Radio April ~. Co]tins warued Lr~ter said the district can a disk is out of place before Robert Wagner appeared he operates, his s~eess rate before Judge Collitts and Brendt that be will be..ira-' nut proceed further until the posing greeter ~entene.es city becomes incm~9ornted. will be high. pleaded guilty to a Another surgeon's dividing iICOwF, Radio Canada possession of •marijuana. than he has b~n rc,~en0y? ...... ':-.,., .-,.: '. ~ne: mprd:'ge~r~s. : •for hunnl~d dl'iver~. ' ' ¢~ .-s md,v be Wagner, wns"'sfopped at a" lle @ill Operate on some less road block July 28 in Prince definite cases, helping some IWF George where he was ai- and be~,k~ agprehended by but not helping others. His V tendingarock co~ert an¢120 "Bruno' ,t!~eTer:'aceF~CMI" .fi~',~&,~,]]~.,~ -ste~tisUcs _will_perhaps not grams of the narcotic was look as good on a percentage found in b~ possession, the appearing in court Monday basis, but he will have cured court was told. Wagner and pleading ~tilty. On April A 4l-yenr-oid Aiyansh mm~ db~d in hospital Monday some patients that the first received a $100 fine and 27, while causing a distur- snrgeon would not have seven days in default. bance at a !oc~ r(~ck con- .n,,.,rning as a remdt of in- operated on. Others will cert, Frandsen won p!,~.cad in jv.riez sustained after being I)2.'. by ~.t motorist in Terrace have bad an 'unsuccessful' Chantal Poirier oppeared a RCMP patrol car when ot;e operation. "PACIFIC NOON" in court on one charge, of of hi~ fricnds opened the deer ex.:ly Saturday morning. Staves Chaunter Johnson Indications for surgery theft under $200, threo counts ~isth~ F~n~en lo fl..~e become ,t,a.~ taken to ~[ills ~emorial more precise as of forgery and three counts frsm custody. I~Trsn(l~cn knowledge is gahmd. Until comes to Terrace of uttering a forged was fiaed $159 and tO days izt Hc,~pital after st~fering a bt:gken leg and multiple our knowledge is complete document. Potrier's case defatilt for escaping custody. there will be some surgical was adjourned to Sept. 17 a~ William Friezes pleade~i lv.l~.v-ie.~. failures-usually in patients and the dafenee counsel was not nnt guilty to a charge of that F, 2ohnson bad cr~ssed on a whose disease cannot be available. over $200 and pc~,,qenr.-lonof cured by surgery. stolen property. Frb~*~e~we~s red light at Katum and L,t:~clse, ~,ccording to an A fineof$400 and 45 0~ys in found not guilty of th(~ The' British Cohtmbla default was the sentence charges ns Collh¢ vi¢:~;ed eyewib~cs~ and WJMP, He Medical Ass~tation's Info- given to Benjamin Seymour the evidence pro',:ic~ed by w,',s struck by {, 1972 Poatiac HealRt ::olumn is'written,in who pleaded guilty to an Crown connsel a~ moager ~'iven by a ymmg f*~male Skeena mo, II BC and appears through the' impaired charge. sndfarshorto~thatrequl-'ed driver,, I~.CMP say the courtesy of the newspaper.' ~eymour provided e tor pro,scctuUt,n on either r,~.~torI~ is :~ r~fittve of Prince 're'oath sample on n demand [~0~llt, --Rupert, b~.lt have not by the Terrace RCMP and Edward Piz,zey pio~ad.~d re~eased her name. RCMP FOLIAGE 'SMOKING' ' Friday, Sept. 14th at noon w~ found to be in excess of guilty to theft under $~ and are.. inveatl,~ating, but say It A smoky lmze surrounding" .20, on Aug. 24. Collins ter- was fined ~150 or 10 da:~ in ks unlikely charges will be. lhe Great Smoky Mountains, presr~ed. Jobr, son, tl, leaves is caused molnly from high ~ med Seymour a menace and default of p%'me~t. The a wif0 mtd fnmlly, fle was a humidity arid:hydrocarb~, s not impaired bnt in a corn- court was told Pi~=,.c,y 'xa~ pletely drunken sta~, to say charged after he had ~tolen a millworker, exuded by htsh {01iage, Join hosts the least dangerous,' Collins set of towels from a hot~.l in ,~ ~/~ z~ ..... - ...... -- ~ ' ::~ -" said. Cranbreok July Io ti'~ ~,~ , ...... ,~~'.' ~'~, J' 1337 Robson St, Martha Hanna & Rodney Witherly /or

'eta'ace RCMP report a incidents of restdcnHal W~3~rn Cnnt~r.tl~nSchool break in at theTerrace Co-op break Ins. in iC~.ttmnt thi,.: o~ ~usic Prp.qrammlng early Monday morning. An weekend, in o~.e c~s~ n "NORTHERN DRY$" undetermined number of person i~as be.,,n o.?- items were taken. RCMP prebended and char~c~l. The JOCKEY COURSES have charged a 15.year.old other incident,h, ~till ~mdor F,~RST COURSE OCT, 1. 1979 Juvenile with breaking and investigatio.~. Kitlmet (~, Oily COtlr~} --- 4 hrJ coursg ir~c,ludos: entering and theft. The RC~IF' wonld not relea~e etty Terrace youth was held In more (letaUt:, ~rdt, "~s,'nh*~ , ~'lu'4 You haves chance to win an AM-FM Radio custody Mondny af.~rnoon. Cliff Hannah ef KitiIP.~t In other police news. reported a t~.mLv:.r of tool.a E~#r.P,43YLEVEL5 I~oco~f14teng~. Kitlmat RCMP ~a), two were stolen Irgm hi:~ Call CBC at 624-21 61 (Collect) and enter the AM.FM contest. rSOns were chnxged with rc.qldence ln;'t WL%ll}~t*:h~, paired drt'dng over the Police nee slfll look!n~ into weekend, Three other the, theft, motertst~ received 24 hour Tborna~ Flynn I~:'nurslff lO suspensions. Police dld not mtr attention that in the We'll see you Friday at the .release details. police nev.,a Mondt,,y we .¢',,~:,bn~, £r~f,,,,p,., -. ~ f;'l ~t©~n~ dm~lqy I d,l ~, ~t~*l ~ ~q*'A I'ven~ 10 Four toinor vehicle ac- referred tea ~:an ;,.'l'~hat, :~ cidents also oecured in llan~,c 9L.~ilfu ' (3 hl,t ~=~i Vly~Hl, Kitimat this p~st weekend. as though th:~l, v;~ the l:J~;. i! C~l{ !;/~yn~ Fodl, F~t (';It .== Olico mH-Iskeena mall RCMP say there were no ~ame. It wac~ ;:,)t "A'li0;a~t.'~ 1,'.T~ ~.ob~nn St., V.~nc4uver es4 9620 seflons Injuries. Flynn la not f~.tcll~!~J ~:ha|gq Thm'a were two ~r~te Page 4# The Itlrikl, Tuesday, Seplember !1, 1979

TER R ACE/K IT! M AT daily herald COMMENT

I G~nera I Offlcs • 635-6357 Published by BY LYNNE ~LLTER Clrculaflo~ - 6354~7 Sterling Publishers Reprinted from the Prince Rupert Daily News

GEN. MANAGER • Knox Coupland Within each community, the media has two jobs to

EDITOR• Grag Mlddleto~ .....ii!ii!Tiiiii!iii! ¢ perform. We are here to Inform the public b~ events CIRCULATION- TERRACE• 635.~357 i:•~~!:~:;: :ii:iiii!il !ii that are going to take place and we are here to report KITIMATOFFICE • 632.27~7 iiiii!iiiii!ii i!ii on occurrences that have taken p_.la.ce. Published every weekday at 321~ Kalum Street, We run into no difficulty when we want to tell tM Terrace, B.C. A member of Verified Circulation, public of upcoming events. In fact, we are oftm Authorized as second class mall. Registration number approached by various community support se~lces ~ 1201. Postage paid In cash, return postage guarsnteed. promote activities they have lzaunen. Public education and awareness often have their NOTE OF COPYRIGHT own departments within organizations such as The Herald retains full, complete and sote copyright In hospitals and law enforcement ugenoz~. .... any advertisement produced and.or any odltorlal or • The media co~)perates wl~enever poumle. It m our photographic content published In the Herald, Job to distribute information. Rsproductlon Is not permitted. However, it is sometimes much more difficult to fulfil the second part of our obligation to the public, that of reporting on events that have taken place. Suddenly, the same support service organizations that came to us for our cooperation will not cooperate With us. A~perfeet example was the tragic Trans Pro~;inelalplane crash last week. . . . . The h~pital and the police would release ume m- EDITORIAL formation ten, the media. When the RCMP finally made a statement late in the evening, they said there had been a plane crash. By this time, everyone knew

• A Vofe-o(confidence should be given there had been a plane crash. _ . " . the Provincial Emergency Program and tj The public wanted to know more. The mesa want~a the local volunteers who went out to to tell the public more. "People phoned the vario...us search for the light aircraft missing near media outlets to find out what had huppene¢ we here recently. ;'m~llsdnurte~et~e~it~ eta: ~ uwe0~wdere~0~ed with While those on board the aircraft did "A t the mention on the radio of a possible postal strike this winter, PhOone calls too. nor survive the crash, fhe quick action on f course thero are some details that cannot the part of search and rescue personnel tile car veered out of control." released until the appropriate people have been. ad- In findino fhe wreck af least prevented vised, but there was no need to keep the puDuc wamng prolonge~ anqulsh for fhe friends and for hours to find out where the plane.was coming from relatives who had to endure waiting for , who owned it, how many survivora and hew many fatalities were involved. news. The public has a right to lmow when a crisis occurs If there are survivors in such an ac- PRISON FEATURE within their community. cident, the length of time-even a few This is not an isolated incident. Every day ti~ hours may well make the difference media telephones the RCMP for a new report. We are between life and death for even an given tidbits, a ear accident here, a petty theft there, a breaking and entering at some home or store. uninjured person in this . Outside links are needed It is through the public that we learn we are not That there is an efficient and co- By DIANE WAYDA an something less than a reformist In an attempt to orient newcomers getting the full story. They tell us of accidents of to prison life from the con's point of ordinated search effort ready to be put KINGSTON, Ont. (CP) -- Each by modern.day standards. which we know nothing. They tell us of bodies found Into action is something that may not be Thursday ewening within the Graham Stewart, director of view, the chapter has taped limestone walls of an institution Kingston's John Howard Society, seminars arranged with prison that the RCMP fat 'to mention. noticed until needed. While the recent facetiously known as Dtsneyland, a read the article and decided to visit officials such as members of the It was suggested that possibly 'the RcMP are tragedy is still fresh in our minds, we group of men led by a convicted French, editor of the paper Con-tact, parole board. The tapes are keeping information frnnt:~ medih,q~d hence the would like to commend those involved murderer gets down to husinom. to set Howard's record straight. available to the prison population. public, for our own good, that ff we knew how much and point out to both federal and Its business concerns the 300-plns "We didn't realize that, by 18th- "We have established fairly good trouble really exists within our community, it will provincial governments fhaf if is population of Collins Bay medium. century standards, John Howard credentials with the ad- make us uneasy. security penitentiary, dubbed was a reformer," French said in an ministration," French said• "We're We don't need a government agency, such as the something which requires continued Dlaneyland by townsfolk and interview. "I mean, here's a guy not going to jump on admintslration RCMP, to censer our knowledge of what happens support. prisouers alike because it resembles who saw cons in arm and leg people when they come in here. within our city. It is only through public awareness the red-roofed castle that was Walt shackles and said remove the leg That's not what we're here for." that we can assess our problems and act upon them. I I I Dtsnay'a brainchild. shackles." Life within the walls is anything The more Stewart talked about He said the chapter also ides to The RCMP do work for us. 10ut a fairy-tale for the prison John Howard -- the man and the help prisoners they see deteriorating Thelocal police are supposedly overworked. I don't population and for a group of 15 society which took his name --~the either physically or emotionally. doubt the reality of this, but what I'd like to know is EDITOR'S .o ...... • ...... -,.,.,-,-,.,-..,- .-.-..,-,-**,-,- ,.,.,.,.,• o-, ,., • what they are doing that is keeping them so busy ? ~, ,:~ ~,~ :,~ ,. ~.:::~:.:..~:~:;.~;..~:;;~:;:..;.~....:.:.:~:.~.:::~:.~::~:::~::;::::::::::::::::::::::5:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...... ~....~...... ~...~ ' They cannot expect eommunlty and med/a'suppor~ •. ~. :." • and co-operation while continuing ~to keep us in the iOURHAL dark. BY Sixth part of. an GREG lI-part feature onprisons MIDDLETON ATRILLTHINKS [ ;:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~.~:~:~:~:~:;.~.;:..;:;...~.~:;:~:;.~%..:.:.:.:...... :.:.:...:~...... :~..~:..::~::.:.:::.::....::4::.:::....:L.::::.:~:~:.:::::~.:.::::~..:.~.~:.::..:~:::..3 By THOMAS ATRILI~ convicts who, in June, formed the more interested French and a few "Sometimes, the small things that Local labor council and NDP heavy Paul Johnson is first Canadian inside chapter of the other prisoners became, wouldn't bother anyone on the especially pleased with a hot declaration by the John Howard Society, They learned that the society.was sheet, like not getting marl, could ' ~'... and that was the news.." Canadian Labor Council on Chilean goods I~e the "~"Johh Howard is outside helping a citizen-fun~d' organization con- end up in a slash.up in here." So that was the news, was it? An item ahaut bank Terrace labor group pressed very heavily for that •'people on the street to understand cerned with prison reform and Chapter members help others closures in this _province, a qu~te about something Ed move. what's going on in here," Tom cemmunityeducation, helping those write letters, fill out forms for Brondbent had't~,say, mention of a plane crash, ana Joh~on would have liked to see a permanent em- French, chairman of the convict's coming out of prison~ and those who parole, transfers or day posses and on to the sports, Nothing else. bargo en handhng Chilean goods because he says the Collln's Bay chapter, says in appeared to be heading for prison, iry to find answers to do~ena of questions. One minute of news, a few sports items and perhaps C~ilenngovernment has been repressive for a 1ong reference to John Howard chapters "At first it was a Joke," French across Canada. said. "We didn't think they (the John They have submitted a propes,~l to the weather. Nothing of any consequence, and yet I t~ne and only considerable pressure will have an "We started this chapter to help Howard Society) would accept us. prison authorities to set up their own know that there are a lot of intereel~n~ things going on effect on the far-right wing extremists there. those on the inside understand the But the more we talked to them, the prisoner-operated information in the world. It makes me wonder who manages the The hot declaration will be a week-long thing, mean outside. We have the same thinks in more serious we got. centre within the walls. news, anyway. that longshore and other workers will not move goods here as you have on the street. It's a "The main thing we have to get "The administration is part of the I wonder why Broadhent is in the news so often, to or from Chile in that time. Johnson doesn't yet communlty-- it's a penitentiary but across is that we're human and that Canadian government and when the when it was the Conservatives who were elected, and know if it will involve communications with that it is still a working community." one day we're going to be out of here. Canadian government gets involved who one knows that Ed's policies, if implemented, country or net but is pleased that it is a week rather French, a pertly, bearded 42-year. We think it's better to make people they usually screw things up. We would complete the'disaster that Trudeau began. than Just the one day the last embargo lasted. old now serving the fourth year of a at ease about ~ now, not when they want to run this ourselves." I wonder why pollution, especially oil spills, find us living next door." life term for non-capital murder, The group is discussing ways to dominate the news. I wonder why pollution ia alwaya Alex Insolberg, the architect for the Skeena Health views the chapter aa a com- French said the chapter ante as a raise funds for office supplies such munications link between two board of directors for the prison news, no mater how small the spill. Unit eaUed to say the building should be ready well as postage stamps, paper and en- Why does McDermott and his CLC get so much communities -- the outside and the population- fielding prisoners' velopes. before the official completion date of March I. He inside, questions and concerns to prison coverage, And why do Parrot of the postal emplyees, says the facility may be ready to be occupied by Ironically, the chapter took root offinink and others on the outside, French said membership in the get so much publicity. Why is every leftist quoted Christmas, .. about a year ago in an unflattering collecting and distributing in- chapter is limited to 15 "in order to word for word, while the important people are biographical sketch about John formation to the inside'community ' have a working group." Fifty other generally ignored? And while it may not be Christmas yet, visions of Howard, written for the penitentiary on topics ranging from alcohol WlsOncrsareonawatttngliottojoin It reminds me of the election, several years ago, sugar plums are dancing in some people's heads. It is newspaper by two prisoners who addiction cenires to ha~-way h~ when a vacancy opens due to when Trudoau and Stanfleld were neck and neck. I the season to pick magic mushrooms On the Queen saw the 18thcentury prison reformer and employment a~mcles~, ,', !~: transfers or releases. watched the CBC news coverage of the event and was Charlotte Islands. • " i " I ~''r ,, 'amazed to see David Lewis completely dominating the The fungi are famous because they contain the show'. He was trailing like the proverbial cow's tail, chemical pellooybin, a powerful hallucinogen. It was, yet he was the hero of the whole contest, or so it as I understand it, used in native cei~ihonies. NoSy ic TYPI A , !STOR Y seemed. Itwas only much later that we knew why; as is illegal, however. There is an appeal in court in Diet said, Lewis and Trudenu get into bed together to Prince Rupert concerning a ease of pessession of the form an informal coalition. mushroom. Police are still arresting pickers though. Yes, I wonder why some news is not mentioned and And on the subject of the police and the corrections Native schoo! helpe m why some news is. It seems to me that it is managed dopartmnts, a former corrections officer, now our and edited to accomplish a desired result. We would CALGARY (CP) m viceprlnclpal Howard,:,' !.~i~ced ~by the Calgary The school is housed in the member of Parliament--Jim Fulton- has been in town Leonard Crane was 14 years says the youth's stor~is a bo'ard of education, but the basement of a public school. become a nation of socialists ff we swallowed all the the last few days. old and Stowing b/tter. The typical one. cultural component relies on Green hopes for larger news and current affairs programs without any salt. Fulton is expressing his concerns over Unem- tail, slender Blackfoot on- " private and corporate dona- facilities and a more ten- Perhaps thatis the aim. I thinkso. Igoyment Insurance cutbacks, saying it will put an dured five years of insults, More than 80 per cent of tions, trally-located building Do you ever wonder what is really going on in the inereased welfare load on the province. name

acroas the seabed. ' i To precisely measure hto: Sept. 12 horizontal ice movement that might cause t~ouble for Riverside Auto Wrecking drilling rip, electronic Place: TerraceHotel n n n m i i n n nil devices were set up that measured movement b'~ Used Cars & Trucks communicating with passJ.,t Ready, for the road at Reduced Prices Skeena Room 1 & 2 imtellites. 73 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP The goal of all this effmt., 7,6 VOLKSWAGEN Hetherington said, Is the ;'2 CHEV PICK-UP Terraoe Totem Ford planned $6,1-billion Polar 72 FORD1 TON with STEEL FLATDECK Gu pipeline, measured in 69 FORD f;.250 All DCGEUmembers are urged to 1976 dollars, that wuld bring 62 INTERNATIONAL 5 TON with FLATDECK Sales Ltd. 60 million cubic metres of i i~e south daily. nttend these ratification meetings He said, however, that such a project Is still some 24 HOUR TOWING 4Ul Keith line away. 4129 Substation Road ha order to ucoivo fall cub'act "Gas reserves required to 636-4984 support the pipeline project '636-6837~ 635-9383 details & cast tlmir ballot, are of the order of 420 to 507 = i L billion cubic metres," he I Page 6, The Hsrald, Tuesday, September 11, 1979 Enough arenas DANCE PL AN TERR ACE-KITIMAT out of lottery FOR TERRACE TORONTO (CP) -- It may More than 75 per cent of be time for the Ontario the parents said minor The Terrace Men's Fastbail League is having government to step building hockey is too violent, but daily herald arenas with Wintarlo lottery ~mly42 per cent believed that a banquet and dance Friday Sept 14 at the Odd- money and Instead use the their own child's league was fellows tlail on Mtmroe Street. The dance begins funds to improve minor too violent. at 6:30 p.m. and will cos$16.50per couple. hockey in the province, says SPORTS Rueben Baetz, minister of Fifty-four per cent sup- Tickets for the dance are available at Williams culture and recreation. ported a ban on Moving and Storage, the Skeena Hotel, All At n press conference bodychecking for players 12 Seasons Sports and at the door the night of the Monday, Baetz said results years of age and under. Must SOX DROP ORIOLES dance. of an OntsrioHockey Council wanted more penalties as. survey indicate it may be sensed for slashing and high- The dance will feature a live band ,as yet better to use the lottery sticking. unannounced. Come out and support the Terrace money to improve the game Men's Fastball League, and have a good time and Implement the council's Public forums on the state Carl still one short hits with fifth.inning home 4~hour opener when Hal while you're at it. final recommendations. of minor hockey in the Jim' Rice drove in two hit ball, then was relieved by Results of the survey were province will begin Thor- runs and Boston Red Sox Dick Drags after walking runs as the Mariners bested McRae clubbed hie ninth released Monday and sday in London and continue defeated Baltimore Orioles Terry Crowley to lead off.the the Rangers. Fergnson home run of the season with preliminary findings in- until mid.November. 3-2 Monday night, but Carl ninth. Jenkins carried a nohitter o,e out in the t4th inning. dicate that parents whine Yastrzemski went hitless in Orioles, who saw their into the fifth, but gave up his Amos Otis tied the game 5-S Suit against children play minor hockey Baetz has asked the four times at the plate in his asvengame winning streak 34th and 35th home runs of in the fifth with a pinch.hit believe that minor hockey is council for its final report quest to become the first snapped, got runs in the the season to Horton and homer, and it stayed that too violent. and recommendations by American Leaguer to collect fourth and fifth on double- Roberts. way until McRae connected Lions dismissed The 31,000 parents who an. mid-Marob. 400 homers and 3,000 hits, play grounders. . Royals finally won their off Mike Marshall, 10-14. swered the council's He echoed a comment by Yastr~emaki grounded out In other games on an TORONTO (CP) -- An On- short by an indefinite questionnaire want more MacPherson that parents three times and struck out in abbreviated schedule tario Supreme Court Justice suspension in 1973. emphasis on basic hockey are a major problem his other at-bat against Mondaynight-- the National has dismissed Dave Cran- The suit was rejected skills, more practices, fewer Baltimore's Dennis Mar- League was idle -- the mer'g lawsuit against British Monday by Mr. Justice Jean- games andnbetter coaching because they push their tinez, thasremaining at2,999 SeattieMariners scored a 5-2 PENNANT Columbia Lions, the Mare Labrusse of Ontario and refereeing. children too hard. hits for his 15-year career, victory over the Texas Canadian Football League Supreme Court, who also Barry MacPherson, a Baetz said: "I think that Rice had a sacrifice fly in Rangers and Kansas City and CFL commissioner Jake ordered Cranmer to pay the university of Waterloo tomorrow morning a lot of Boston's two.run first inning Royals beat RACES Gaudaur. legal eoets Gaudaur and professor who organized the parents will be saying we've and drove in the winning run Twine 0-5 in 14 innings in the Cranmer was seeking Lions incurred. survey, said many parents been looking for an enemy in witha third.inning triple. His opener of their twi-nlght NATIONAL LEAGUE Monday Results $150,000 compensation on Cranmer, 34, a native of thought their children should minor hockey and it's us. I production backed the pit- doubleheader. East No games scheduled grounds that hie playing W L Pd. GeL TonlgM'e Olmel Sarnia, Ont., now is a be taught to "play like the think there will he a lot of, ching of Bob Stanley, who Willie Hortou and Leon Chicago at Montreal 2 Pittsburgh 85 S7 .S99 I career as a s]othack was cut Calgary stockbroker. Ruuisns." soul.searching." pitched eight innlnss of four- Roberts got Seattle's first Montreal 81 $5 .S96 1 Sl. Louis at Pittsburgh St, Louis 76 64 .$43 8 Philadelphia et New York Chicago 73 61 .521 11 Houston et Clnclnnen Phlladelphle 71 71 .200 14 San Oiego at Los ~ngeles New York ,~ 8S .393 29 Atlanta at Sen Frencieco Wednesday Games Atlanta at San Francleco BUSINE CincinnatiHouston el 6362 .563.sa6-- V~ St. Louis et Pittsburgh N LOS Angeles ~1 75 .476 13 Chicago at Montreal N SS DIRECTORY• San Francisco 63 Ol .,130 10'/= Philadelphia at New York N San Diego 61 63 i424 201,/.4 Houston at Cincinnati N ~l'rl~ I I, Atlanta 55 87 .387 29/, San Diego et LOS Angeles N

, A~ERICAN LEAGUE I~ondly RIIUlII Ellt Baltimore 3 Boston 2 W L Pct. GBL Seattle s Texae 2 Baltimore 94 47.667 -- Kansas City 6-2 Mlnnesota 2.5 EASTSIDE 1If 450 JOHN DEER 'tat GRADING "k LANe CLEARING Milwaukee 83 60 .580 121/= Tonlghl's Bernie • Boston 80 60.571 13/,'= New York at Boston GROCER Y & LAUNDROMAT WITH 5TH WHEEl. "k BACKFILLING ~ LEVEI.INO New York 71 63 .£50 17 Baltimore at Toronto , Delrolt 76 68 .S28 20 Cleveland at Detroit Cleveland 74 69 .517 211/2 Oakland at Milwaukee OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Teronlo 44 9S .310 51 California at Chicago WeSt Minnesota at Kansas City

80 64 .Ssa I Seattle at Texas To Serve You Kansas City 76 68 .528 4 Wednesday GlmlS Minnesota 73 70 .510 6I/~ Baltimore at Toronto N R Texas 71 73 .493 9 . New York st Boston N WEEKDAYS 8-11 WEEKENDS 9-11 ' Chicago 61 82 .427 lSV~ Cleveland et Detroit N Seattle 61 04 .421 19V:l Oakland at Milwaukee N 4438 Lakelse 635-2104 PHONE ANYTIME Oakland 49 93 .347 30 California at Chicago N DAVE & ALLAN 635.3505 I YOUR FRIENDLY CONVENIENCESTORE

I FOOTBALL Terraoe Eleetronio Repairs Ltd. GLACIER STANDINGS AMERICAN CONFERENCe Central Else Chlcego 2 0 0 32 10 I.O00 SERVING TERRACE & KITIMAT L ~_ Wk T F A Pet Tampa 2 0 0 60 42 !.O00 ~-2Y o118 Le-iel| Avenue Miami 2 0 0 20 17 1.O00 Green B. 1 I 0 31 25.500 ,O.~J'~ ' ' AUTHORIZED• t 4Jl~ " • Buffalo 1 1 0 511 33.5O0 Mlnn • .1 .1,0 35 48.SO0 ...... SERV,CE A ~" NOW Enl~ 1 I 0 69 19.5O0 Detmlt. 0 2 0 40 $8.O00 DEPOT /,,~t'~ . Terrace, B.C. Baltlmore 0 2 0 26 43.0O0 West NY Jets O 2 0 25 El .0O0 Atlanta 20054441.000 ([e-~'- Phlllps. Magnavox, Zenith ~ • ~ Central ' Los Ano 1 1 0 30 33.500 Sanyo, Toshiba ~J ~*" . I"! • . *-,~ E Cleveland 2 0 0 52 46 1.000 New Orl 0 2 0 53 68.000 Plats 2 0 0 5d 20 I.O00 Sen Fran 0 2 0 35 49.0(]0 Moo -Sat -- 9 a m - 6 p m. ~ A tmmplete ulass ana Houston 1 1 0 36 65.500 Monday Result Frl;:lay 9 a.;n. 9 p.;n. 0 • • Clncln O 2 0 24 61.0O0 Atlanta 14 Phlledelphle 10 '-- "- Welt Sendly Olmll 4623 LskeIN 635-4543 Aluminum Service Sen D. 2 0 0 63 261.000 Baltimore at Cleveland Denver 1 1 0 19 13.500 Buffalo et San Diego Ken City 1 I 0 38 27.500 Chicago et Dallas Oakland i I 0 34 47 .SO0 Denver et Atlanta Seettle 0 2 0 26 52.000 Detrolt el NY Jets Kansas Clty el He, elan NATIONAL CONFERENCE Miami at Minnesota East New England ot Cincinnati Dallas 2 0 0 43 34 1.000 Oakland et Seattle TEIIIilCEI~L GIFT~EIIIImA]tS I :1: . ! Philo 1 I 0 33 31.SO0 Philadelphia et New Orleans St. Louis 1 I 0 48 36.500 Pittsburgh at St. Loule For 1hess Items I I PHONE m-,~ I Waeh 1 1 0 54 53.500 San Froncleco at Lee Angeles NY Giants 0 2 0 31 50.0O0 I I F;J.~.R.EA,DY, MIX I BILLIARDS& AMUSEMENTS Temps Bay at Green Bay TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian--- Pissing • wolf teohl ,hayer teeth i I ...... ~'""'" ------I ======Football League stetlstlcs re. A C Ydl IC TD WE ALSO SELL, SERVICE • REPAIR ALL YOUR leased Monday: Adams, T 233 142 !,436 12 S "k lOOSOor. dee(altliirs (aingle°i Jr) l i ' i HOMEBRUNSWICK PRODUCTS. Hollowoy, OI7S 95 1,424 6 14 eAST Barnes, M 164 89 1,31S S 8 Scoring Clemente, H174 88 1,096 13 2 ~ 3213 KALUM STREET TO C FG S P Smith, H 123 52 M9 12 3 TERRACE. B.C. PHONE 635-2473 Sweet, M 0 20 15 3 68 Punting Sunter, T 0 12 13 13 64 NO. YdI Ave LK Organ, O O 24 lO 6 60 5enter, T 79 3~221 40.11 66 Lumsden, H 2 7 R S 48 BUena, M 78 3,174 40.7 60 Gabriel, O 7 0 0 0 42 Orgen, O 79 3,091 39.1 55 O'Leary, M 6 0 0 0 36 Henderson, H SS 2,259 311.9 g0 Plumbing. Heating • Commercial Servicing Metcelf, T S 0 0 0 30 Punt Returns COX, O 5 0 0 0 30 No. Yds AveTU Rasld~tlal - Industrial. Specializing Gas Fitting Green, M 4 0 0 0 24 Neims, O 53 6ZS 11.8 2 and Sheet Metal Shop rail'S 00NTRAOTING King, O 3 0 0 0 18 Rhlno, M 43 4S6 10.60 STARBOARD Bennett, T 40 3S5 0.9 0 Furaitire lop|i! Rushing Herrle, M 11 133 12.1 1 •• C Yds Ave TD Shaw, H 17 121 7.1 0 TACK YACHTS Charlie Belanger Green, M 153 037 5.S 4 Kickoff Returns PLUMBING & HEATING LTD, Metcalf, T 113 555 4.9 I No. YdI Ave TD SAN JUAN ~testeratlees, Hope Chests Rowland, H 95 446 4/~ 1 Mofford, O 16 400 25.0 0 21' to 30' Sailboats 'Unique Bathroom Boutique' McArthur, T 72 402 ~: 1 WOOds, H 15 364 24.3 O Cesten lade Fnreitere, lefilisklil O'Leary, M /7 361 4.7 4 Green, M 14 3O0 22.0 O & Accessories McArthur, T 9 245 27.2 O 4416 LAKELSE AVENUE Pass Recalvl~l Hetaneka, H 9 224 24.9 0 635 3OOI I ~"-- ~. General litildlel Contracting ,o Yds AvRTD IntercepfiOn Returns i P.O. Box 534 PHONE 635.9319 1 Metcalf, T 36 381 10.6 4 No, Yde LR TD TERRACE, B.C. VaG 4B5 OR 635-9320 2 610 Kllum 11|6-66|11 Terrloe MGabriel, Harris, O T 3633 639367 10.016.3 0t Hardee,Burrow, 1"M 74 10S55 4532 01 Ingtgll • Service Gig, Wood • Oil Furancas Geddls, M 27 321 11.9 2 Nelms, O 4 67 40 0 M,.er, T~. L5 =__.10.~ .1 You,o, T ,_ ~ .2O o

eaners Ltd • The National Hockey_ schedule will feature a de ILl.@ldlrS I WT ,, cd p I SUE.EC.EANINGAND "EA,. E, Ii ~"~..U.'~!;~,, ~ ~ ' II fourCanadianfive contestsagainst Oi~pie againsttbeteam United anotl~. 3224 KalumStreet,Terrace I , ,o.,,o. =o.oo..on,., ,.. Natural Foods-- Books-- Local Crafts I 4404 Legion Avenue and Mini Mall exhibition schedule Includes (Next to Mr, Mikes) I . ~ eight games more ,than o.L ~ MEM.ERS OET D,SCOUNTS I 635- 2838 NorthC°ntestsAmericanWlll be playedcitles,ln 53 beginning Sept. 20.

,ow om I rebuilt Dnginesi Jim Simpson,,o. a veteran_ ~ lmlles, Enloybrandnewenolne| seven Olympics, has loft I[B&G :! c H 'nd"stri°' cle°"i"' Iperformance. Shop Searsl NBC-°""**'" to beconle the°'" main Ltd. |ted., I an.armournt ~S~N,. =~ - I Dodge'61.'74 I hourcable sports progamm. \~.~Wm;~W' mVR='L,O,. "WE TRAVEL -- YOUR HOURS" I (,,sou.in) l i~ network that began oper. Steom Cleaning and Pressure Woshitlg I 143L00 I who began working at NBC .... I Y 2701 soith Kalim St. I Reg. get.S0 I in 1964, Joins former NBC ~6 ]OLO I.~,F.L~. tic RD ~'~ ~D06¢ J I 0354100 T I '~IHII (;]8-|6]' Or 615-]'4~ Illnstelledl Complete InGUaranteepossengerengines (with carsheads)I lull thePresidentEntertainmentChatSimmOnSandat Inormel use ere guar. against[ Sports Programmin8 Net- Idefects In workmanehlp orI work. Simmons ill the premd. Imoterlels for 1ZO00 m l2I I I Imonlhset no cost(replecementI dent of 1RSPN. Simpeon, who 5 i ~ labor). I is said to have received a lFeetDellvsrytromourVan, lucrative lifetime coutraet, Call us at G35.6351r • 9 to Iwuverenglnedepot. Cell Searsl did football, baseball, tennis, golf and college banketbaU I . I '='' e~on,=s 6r~, I for eC. I v I

• Tht Herald, Tuesday, SaFt, mber I1, TENN Kitimat pair advan,, BY DON 8CIL~FER "Buick paid their way to win a week-long ex- there were;~ Herald SOft Writer Smithers, and will also pemea-paidtrip tosee the people enters foot the blll for the trlp to 1980 Wimbledon event," Hut~ Kitimat's Dorothy Penticton. Championships. The Monday. "W~ Cheyne and Ken Hutchin The Buick Challenge, runners-up receive a enly ones fro~ advanced Sunday to the sponsored by General week4on~ expeuses -paid the couple fro~: re~lenal playdowas in the Motors, Is a national .tennis trip somewhere in ov]yhedtopla> BudckCh~lengeNational graosroots tennis Canada. couple, the g:: Mixed Doubles Tennis program designed for the The finals will be Burns Lake Tournament, an.event Canadian recreational televised live and and at Kan~ which will end Sept 28 and player over the age of 18. nationally on CBC Sports sitnaflon was at the Ottawa Athletic The format of the tour- on Saturday, Sept :9, same as it w~ Gub, Ottawa, Ontario. nament is designed to Initially, tb-e tour- We at the H Cheyne and Hutehln encourage all tennis ientheganatL111ecal Chelae and E,:. won out over teams from players, excludln~ playdownaltes across bestofluokir Smithersand Kamloops ranking amateurs or Canada, playdowng and hope they in the district playdowns, professionals,.to compete eecurlng in July and Ottawa to the beating Smithers and and have fun. An award August, Hutchin and Kamloops by identical system is built into the Cheyne were the only HaS TIME c scores, &O, 6-3 on system at all levels of competitors entered in Bambonhua. Saturday. They now go te play and the prizes or the Kitimat-Terraee clock that sot, L Penticton this weekend trophies increase in district, so they advanced the National ~' for the regional hnpertanceasthelevelof easily to the district 'cay~.Somaham~ 8hewing off thek hard -earned ~'ephy ore the Kin- took part.m me tournamem, anq e~pt~m-y ~o sm I/aydowns, to attempt to play advances, playdowns which they after ~ five ~ smen Jets, Division S Soecer Chsmpiom, thclr coach, winners, " qualify for a trip to Ot- The ultimate cham- won last weekend, while other kind' and a tournament offktel. Congratulations to all who " Photo by Don Schaffer tawa. plons of the tourney will. . "It was a shame that_ Ion8 as ~ yeer~,

Linesmen, refs get., ' DIsIrIoI 0, Tort!GO Re|lotrs_tlo. for an increase in wages Sat,' .... ' FALL RKOREATIOHPROiIRIS TORONTO (CP) -- re/'crenandlinesmansi.ed cachothar, will providethe Sept. 15 10 a.m,- 4p.m. kin, haquet Ihi National Hockey League an individual contract with other 25 per cent, referees and llnesmen have the league. On other matters, Zlegler . .4 won a ~ to 3o.par-cant th- The agreement took a year said in an interview that be PROGRAMS INCLUDE: . crease in total benefits in a of negotiations and both was very disappointed, in sides hailed it as "the finest Toronto Maple Leafs for WOMENS MORNING JOG PAPER BATIK new three-year contract with Location: Terrace Swimming Pool Date: ,Sept..25. Nov. 15 Location: Arena Kitchen Date: Nov. 24 & D: the lense. officiating package put their attempted court action Time: Nov. 24- ! last week a~ainet pthr Instructor: Pauline Bishop Time: 10.11 am Instructor: Joan Humphrey The new deal was an- to~ether in all of pro~e~innal Tues. & Thurs. Fee: SlO.00 Dec. I • 12:30 • 4::~ neuncnd at a news Cnn- sport." Earryl SitUe~~ and Mike Fee: S20.00 Another new aspect of the Palmateer. ferance Monday by NHL LADIES KEEP FIT STUDIO DESIGN preel(knt Jofm Zleglar and agreement prov.ldes for The leafs sought an .in. • Date: Sept. 19 • D, Junction, reJeotedby the Su- Location: Thornhlll Elementary Date: Sept. 17 - Dec. 12 Location: Senior Citizens Room .John McCauley, president of contrtbutimm by the team Instructor: Becky Meier & Time: 6:30 • 7:30 pm. Instructor: Dorothea Hines Tlmo: 7 • 10 pm the Offlckk Association. general mnnmgera and the preme Court of Ontario, to prevent Sittler and Marlene Moore 63e.1Y91 Monday & Wednesday Fee: 336.00 Wednesdays Ziegler cald the 25 to So- efficials themulves in a Fee: No Charge percent increue mean. that rating system. The top-rated Palmateer from par- referees and linesman are ticipating in the Showdown EXERCISE TO MUSIC CREATIVE CANDLEMAKING FOR CHILDREN the lowest paid offlclal now Location: Banquet Room Date: Dec. 1 sam 1,000 a year and picked for pkyoff duties. television competition. Location: Arena Banquet Room Date: Sept. 17. Dec. 7 the hiaheot paid will get Scotty Morrisou, NHL rd- The Toronto club had Instructor: Bonnie Penny Time: 10 - 11:30 am Instructor: Mary.Margaret Smith Tim: 9 - 12 noon Non., Wed., Frl. Fee: Sa.00 Saturday M0,000. erne-in-chtef, ~dd he and his argued it was worried about Fee: $30.00 A mJor change in the con- suix.'vlaon will continue to the l~sthility ~ the two do their own ratings of of- playen suffering injuries, ADULT CO-ED FITNESS ADVANCE MACRAME WITH WEAVING tract means that all officials Date: Sept. ,19- Nc now are covered by the, ficials which will be used as but their lawyer, Alan Location: Cassia Hall School Gym Date: Sept. 18 - Dec. 6 Location: Caledonia Woodworking Shop 50 per cent M the over~n E~leson, said the NHL's Instructor: Bannle Penny Time: 7:30.9 pm Instructor: Lorraine Jordan Time: 7:30.9:30 r' collective bargaining Wednesdays qp~ement with a salary ratin~ system. The general collective agreement with Fee: $15.00 Tues. & Thure. Fee: S16.00 scaled based on years of managers will be aUowed a the Players' Association ,A 25 per-cent input and the allows them to participate in PRE-SKI CONDITIONINg) LEARN TO CROCHET , service in the NHL. Under Date: Oct. 15. No, provi, qreamem,, each re(erees and linemen, ratl~ such competitions. I Location: Thornhlll Secondary Gym Date: TEA at registration Location: Senior Citizens Room Instructor: Harry Bloc~ett 635-7875 Time: 6 • 7 pm Instructor: Norms Mendel Time: 7:30 - 9 pm Fee: No charge Tues. & Thurs. Fee: S12.00 Mon. & Wed.

ADULT BEGINNERS BADMINTON STAINED GLASS Whitecaps show themJ Location: T.BA at registration .:.~. ,D~.te:~,Sept. 25 - Nov. ! Location:. Caledonia Rm. 106 Date: OCt. 3. Nov Instructor: /~tt Ehses : 1 ' Time: 7:30.9:30 . " NEW, YORK (Reutor) --,:. ,Bntth_e~fPe_le~d ~ averasowas .8,042 in 1975- InItructor Chuck'Cey...... ?(~e: 6-' 7:30 I~m ~'- Wednesclaye ~'~.- VancoverWhitocapa'victory tha ,aoti~ of the-Cmmas- ,d~trlbited around 20 teams' Fee: $5.00 Tues. & Thurs. Fee: 320.00 . tended to camouflale the while this season the . over Tampa Bay Rowdies in average was 14,911 among 24 CREATIVE CANDLEMAKINO FOR ADULTS the ended the burgeon~ interest tn ~on~r CO-ED VOLLEYBALL ' tasnls, Location: Cessle Hall School Gym Date: Oct. 3 - Dec. 12 Location: Arena kitchen Date: Dec. 1 two.year domination of here. Some of the more suc- Instructor: Mary.Margaret Smith Time: 1.3pm North American Soccer There are the other 23 Instructor: Lois Schmldt Time: 7:30.9 pm cesaful franchises attracted Fee: No charge Wednesdays Fee: $8.00 Saturday League championship by teams in the NASL, some highly respectable crowds, New York Cosmos and healthy, others shaky. But Minnesota Kicks pulled in an demo~irated that the NASL most important of aU for me WOMEHS VOLLEYBALL TRADITIONAL GU I LTiNG future of the game in North average gS,-O00, the Location: TBA on registration day Date: Oct. 1. Spring Location: Arena Kitchen Date: Sept. 19- [: is no longer a one-tcam champion Whiteca/~ ~,0~., Instructor: Angsia Rowe Time: 9- 11:30 a~.~ lee e. America, 'has been the Instructor: Donna Checkley Time: TBA on registration1day Tampa Bay Rowdies, wnc MoB. & Wed. Fee: S:13.00 Wedmsdays p.. astonishing upsurge in lest 2-I to Vancouver on Fee: No charge suaded Pele out of participation in soccer by /. childre~ .... Saturday ~,000, while the SEWING,FO/t EVEILY~.NE., retirement in U~/5and began Conm0s~drew more than one ~,WQMEHS I~SKETBALL to lure establkhed foreign The NASL estimates there " 121X:atlon: Uplands School Gym Date: Oct. I • Dec. 10 Locatlon::Caledonlb'~)61 Rm. 11;I Date: Sept. 24 • t~, are about two million million to their 16 home Instructor: Angels Rowe Time: 7:30 • 10 pr stere to the U.S., the team o~ pmu and averaged Jit Instructor: Lola Schmldt Time: 7:30 • 9 pm Franz Beckanha~r of West children under the ale of 16 Fee: No charge Monday|' Fee: $23.00 Mondays in~ organized ~occar. under 50,000, Germany, Carlos Alberto Johen Cruyff, ~he former and Francisco Marinho o( ~ye loniNe asyI if it in- ADULTS LEARN TO SKATE MUSHROOM COLLECTING' crenNI at the current rate World Cup star with the Date: TBA on registration day Location: Arena Banquet Room Date: Oct. 20 Brazil and the moat recent Netherlands, came out of Location: Terrace Arena I~ sil~, Johen Neeskene the number will surpa, the Instructor: TEA on registration day Time:l:15.2:15 pm Instructor: Leslie Goffesdald & Time: 9 - 4 pm flve-mllllon particlpation in retirement to Join Los Jose CooNmans .~turdey of the Netherlands, has Angeles Aztecs in mid- Fee: TBA on registration day Fridays captured most of the UttleLoni~e baasheti In two Fee: 38.00 season. He quickly showed HOW TO ENTERTAIN YOUR CHILD headlines, or three yenra. that he had lost none c/the WOMENS HOCKEY The averaie attendance at Location: Terrace Arena Date: Sept. 2:1 • Mar. 29 Location: Arena Banquet Room Data: Oct. 17 & 1[~ dq~. NASL 8roonde has doubled skill and won the NASL most Time: 7 • 7:~ pm Instructor: Patti Wright Time Instructor: Asunfa Pill Oct. 17 • sees since Pete alined. The valuable player award. Fee: $7 or $1 drop In fee Sept..Dec. Saturday Fee: $13.00 7:30.9:30 La Oct. 111 • 6:30.9:30 WQMENS SOCCER THE SENIOR CHEF problems TERR,4CE CLASSICAL Location: TBA on registration Day Location: Skesna Centre Kitchen Date: TBA Instructor: Asunta Pill 638.1263,Woody.Jones (coach) Instructor: TBA Time: 10.13 noo~ BALLET SCHOOL Fee: No charge Fee: No charge involved Date: TEA on registration day I~UIANAk'OI,O~ (AP) - (Director BARBARA NUNN~A.I.S.T.D., I.S.B.) Time: TBA on registration day BEAUTY MAGIC The first day of practice, Location: Arena Banquet Room Date: Nov. 6 • D~ • r ' . Time: 1:30.3:30 bald befm'e 1O television RECOGNISED BY:- Instructor: Doresn Merral E"si. oR SO=ER Fee: $24.00 "rues: & Thurs. cameras, cbnvinced Ann" THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCING Date: sept.. Mar. Meyere that he~ the . .L~. etlon: Thornhlll Secondary Gym and the ":instructor: Brian Dorrlngtun Time: 7:30.9:30 pm BASIC AND ADVANCED CHILDREN'S GUITAR first woman to pky in the Mondays National Basketball IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF Fee: No charge. Location: Senior Citizens Room Date: Oct. 6 - Da~ Instructor: Cheryl Rochon Time: I Advanced Auo¢intim will be more "I:EACHERS OF DANCING difficult than she thought. • RUGBY..... " ~ .... Fee: S20.00 II Beginners. :1.2: "re a lot slower than the ~at Ion L ,Skesn ~',ic,h~I elg!d Time: 6:30 pm Saturdays Tues. & Thurs. otba~ PMI.," Meyers said Graded classes for Examinations and Festival Instru~ori~ Brian. Kormgndy 635.9520 THE ART OF DRAWING FOR CHILDREN after ]~e'~ first two.hour Nell Flelsch~enn 536.6200 Free practices. Date: Sept..r,. u~ REGISTER AFTER 7th SEPTEMBER, ,,.',' ( ! Location: Banquet Room workout at Indiana Pacers' Instructor: Penny Kent Time: 10 • 1:1 noD, reokie-free slant camp ARCHERY'I-*, Fee: ~0.00 Saturdeye Monday. "They're a lot more 635.3467.(Stndlo) 635.2440 (REsidence) Location: TBA on r~glstratlon day Date: Sept.. May d~dcal than the women or by mall to Box 914, Terrace, VeG 4R2 Instructor: Ed and I~ural Morris Time: 8 - 10 pm KIDS IN THE KITCHEN I've played aplmt. And I Fee: No charge ~ i.:~'i(~ Tues. & Thurs. Location: Arena Kitchen Date: Sepr. ~, • can't-doa lot d the things Instructor: Dorothea Hines Nov., :14,. [~ ega~t the men u I've done YOUNG PEOPLES 'BADMINTON Fee: S10.00 Tlme: 1:30 - 3 Seturc; •qsimt woml." Location: TEA reglsh'aflon Date: Sept. 17. Dec. 10 Instructor: Jim Chow Time: 6:30. O pm CHILDRENS STORY HOUR "M-eym, st, dlp~l wire me Mondays (no class Oct. 11) Data: Sept. 17. [" Fsoara last week. However, • Fee: $20.00 Location: Senior Citizens Room TERMINAL Instructor: DoreenMm'ral Time: 9 - IS am I mIt earn a spot on the Mon. & Wed. ~ub'I roster- • tact TOTS ON ICE Fee: S2S.O0 repeated Mondey by coach EXPRESS Location: Terrace Arena Date: Sept. 1T- NOV. 2g instructor: Wendy Durand Time: 9.9:30 am Session I TIME FOR TOTS Bobby Leonard and owner 9:30.10 am Session II hm Nsssl. Fee: $15.00 Location: Terrace Arena Banquet Rm. Date: Oct. 2.Nov. (636-3680) Man. & Wed. Instructor: TBA & Tara Gourley Nov. 6-Dec. 6 Sess~ The appearance of tee Fee: S2S.~) Time: 9:30 • 11:30 former UC~A women's aU- TEEN LEARN TO SKATE America overshadowed the Date: TBA NATIVE CARVING Date: Paroel Piokup i Delivery Location: Terrace Arena Location: Kermode Friendship Centre Saulon I Sept. Ig., iparformlcee d the club's Instructor: TBA on registration day Time: 6:15 • 7:15 am top two draft selections, Thursday Instructor: Henry Robertsen Sanlon II Sept. 21 Dudley Bradley of No=',h lllIlllIIIII' M ~ee: TBA Fee: 615.00 Saulon III LICt, QimUna and Tony Zero of Light Packages& Parcels Samlon IV Nov. 2. WOMENS SELF DEFENSE Time: 4: 30. | prn Arlzoun State and six other Chairs- Recliners -- End Tables- For further Information call Mauresn Bostoc~, at 635. 3487 men pa~!dpatthg in the Portable T.V. &lib and scrimmage. DOG OBEDIENCE SCHOOL Suites (Kitchen & Living Room) Location: Thornhlll Community Centre Date: Begins Sap Ji Kuuter, a e-foot-~ Beds & Box Springs BOYS INOOOR SOCCER Time: 7:30 pm Contact Doug Inglls at 636.3412or Mike Brady at 638 1804 Instructor: Lynn Perrln I~ard with two seam in Fee: S20.00 Wednesdays U,~ NBA, was working MASTER BEDROOh~DRESSERS OR CHESTS alateIt the S-9 Meyere. =RIG'S, STOVES, WASHER OR DRYERS Daycnre available for p~ograms during war KUS,I, qined u a tree MENS FLOOR HOCKEY il I I! IIII!1 I lip JllJll' ,eg~t by the Pscm and one Contact Murray Nlellon at'635-3250 For further Information call IM-|114 idme pard. ~ to be Full details of programs can be found In your yellow and blue program booklet, en the rq~dar-~uon r~ter, District o/Terrace Only which his been clellvered to your home. bad a 50-paund well~t ad. ventaM. . ~ t . - ......

'PlOel, TheHe~'lld, Tuesday, September 11, 1979•

" s,'AllSeosons Derksen's, , " Ove rwaltea ' por,ng li Credit ! .[ FOOD CENTERS ' 1 ooo,, l i" Jewellers I1:unshin2r'B0uque,!. '. ' " ! Come on in,, II .,,=0.S".WA,C"ES II , ~, Send,me. i lFry,ng Chicken70¢i o~,.e~ or,,.o II ,CRYSTAL ,JEWm,Y !1 ~~:~ ~ I IT,',P,, ,b,'~ I

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I~lrakL Tuasdav, September 11. |97o ~oe 11, rWOmLr.Sc.OOLch,kl, ren'.ln schoo] r j dnae A.

v,,ooo,. ' st ve British Columbians should vent•on,Durin the delegatesw.-leng con-will but pl"ote actl demandthat the ~overnment debate a resolution from adopt legbdation that would their leadership calling f~ BY ED YUDIN classes at nearby schools the steps of the el(~sed require companies using action to deal with bundred~ HeraM Staff Writer ' be~lanin~ this week. school, under parent provincial rasourees to of layoffs in the plywood supervision. guarantee a certain number ssctorofthe industry, Munro "The Two Mile school The school board had ~ne Two Mile com- of ~a, Jack Munro, western said. controversy has cooled shut down the two-room munity.parents have still regional vice.prenldent of the Intern•tion•l Wood- One o~ the major problems down. schoolhouse because of not given up hope the workers of America, said is that Io~ are not ead~ned alleged inadequate school will reopen. A Monday. to their best use, he Mid. E~even children of the facilities and below meeting with euperin- Munro, whose union repre. Even officials in the Ind~try Two l~ile Community in standard instrueti0n. tendant of schools Frank monte 50,000 wcedworkem in have •de•tied to the unim The parents differed with Hamilton is scheduled to Canada, told his re- that the layoffs "L~ due in • Hazelton were held out el Western lane ir the fact that, at school last week, by the decision, and after take place this week. The sional council's annual cm- today's Incredible lumber parents protesting School repeated'attempts to~ parents who have formed vention that much c~tr•ctu would make corporations pricea, they can make more Distriet" 88's decision to reopen the school failed, a Two Mile Community mey by for the yougsters were held Committee, will continue AmedlumeisH helicopter picks up a Iced ed retardsnt from a loading pit with its think twice before expldUng close the Two Mile B,C.'S reaourccs, lumber than their proper use school. Now the parents out of their first week of to meet Thursday nights monsoon bucket. A momoon bucket is • large bellcop~er-b~ne drum which can for plywood," Mtmro 8aid. be dipped in water ~ reinrd•nt and flown to the fire scene. The pilot eantreiS~the ~unro critidzed Forests have relented and the classes. Instead , they to seek a.solutlon to their Minister Tom Watorland for spent their t~ne sitting on problem. doors in the bottom of the drum which allow the retardant to di~eg, He said the IWA expre~ud }~oungsters will attend• lack of legislation tl~t ~e its concern to Watsrland usage and disclosed when now foreat legtdalion FIGHTING FIRES IWA officers have Juct was introduced hut year and " TERRACE-KITIMAT approved • new i~lisy m the minister ~am'ed the protecting B.C, forests, uni~ that steps would be wbieh they say are being de. taken to make the highest pletod too r•pldiy. use of all logs. Choppers a help He said it was a "dl~p'•ce that our most v•lu•ble, Munro urged union One of the most useful Today, through the use and used to fight the fire. natural resources are members to put pressure on modern developments in o/helicopters, crews can It was the only way, assigned to be ealdoited by their MPs and provincial forest fire fighting is the be at the fire site within explains Assistant private companies who ~ive legislators so they will '/ Ranger Red Deboice, to realize that "the forests in helicopter, say forestry minutes ofthefirstpuff of no gu•rantee whatever officials here. . smoke being reported, get enough water to the' about employ_m_enL" Canada are in trouble and we Its ability to maneuver Fresh and ready to' 'hit site to effectively 'mop- The IWA lender eald must correct that situation." in narrow valleys, to it hard", the crews are up' the blaze. wopo~ cau. for ~ea~daUon Munro also told the hover and toland in small equipped with handtoois Helicopters also allow requlrin8 cemmntes m msn members that it was the openings is a iremen- and heavy pumps and the fire boas to "fly the. contracts gnarantodng the efforts of a united and tough -enlon that brought the lWA ous.boon to forest fire hose, fire"-giving him a bird's- ]ohe. r its bluest settlement in the fighters. In the Burns Lake eye view of the entire The numher of Jobs and the recent induetrywide In the past, a lightning Ranger District recently, suppression effect, pick length of the contracts could negotiations. strike in remote country a 1,000-gallon tank was out potential trouble be made the subject of k spots and assess the negotiations with the However, he criticized often meant long. hikes airlifted to a hill above a production union involved in IWA maintenance through unbelievably fire, loaded with fire effectiveness of in- tradesmen for fallin~ to act h dividual crews fighting a particular industry. rough country for retardant from a Layoffs could then be like good members of an flreflghting crews. Once helicopter-borne mon- the fire. Able to spot • controlled by these lad•atrial union when they oa the scene the weary soon bucket- a large tank problems as they negotiations Instead of opposed the recent SECOND SECTION crews were often faced with electronically-. develop, the fire boss can companies having the settlement because they did with fires well out of eontrolleddoors operated radio to his erews below unilateral right to Order not get as big a category control, by the helicopter pilot- and get immedinh~ action layoffs, Munro said. • dJuctment as henchmen, Pension refusal made .him angry ~ m I vY~roRIA (CP) -- A 58- can't change the law, and An tmlSration spokesman I yq|laesrold immigrant from must adhere to the at Vancouver International I ed is accusing the regulation, The minister has Airport said a large I Canadian government of no power to make any shipment of the booklets was I fake pretenoea and says exceptions." sent from regional I Put your Ottaw• should reimburse Trevallion said he can headquarters in May with in- I I ...u~,.!ov ~m.,~_ ..c.~P.. accept the law but not the struct•usa to heed them out • ODin TreVoulon, a government's neglect:in to every immifp'ant and I card here. macldntst, amid he came to advising Immigrants of the refugee arriving in I Canada in August, 1978, changes. Vancouver. I believing he would be He said copies d the same He s•id the book was out- I ai~lble for the full Canada . booklet still were be•n8 dis- dated -- it was printed in I pension after 10 years. trlbuted at Immigration 1976 -- but he did not realize I He said he had been • offices. it was in error. ,_J assured this by Canadian immigration officials in Lmdon and the 159-page. booklet Introduction to Teachers fed is Canada he received following his final interview with immigration officials in upset by offer December, 19'77. Travail•on said that based VANCOWv'ER(CP) -- The although It might be a ieng on this assurance, he and his British Columbia Teachers' time before they are the time you've wife sold their home in Federation is concerned that available throughout the Cornwall, auctioned off most a Vernon school dletrict province, Knanosaid. of their belongings and program which allows However, Horst Giese, moved to Victoria, teachers to take • year off president of the Vernon However, he said, a few without pay will weaken the School Teachers months after arriving in Vic- federation's position in Association, said nine to~a be learned the Old Age upcoming salary negotia- teachers have already read this ad,your Security residency tie•s, applied to Join the program. requirements had been Teachers who apply to the Glese said the program amended an July I, 1977, and voluntary five-year program gives teachers an as a result he would he work for the first two years opportunity to do something el~ible for only me quarter then have the option of different for a year and "will of the peusian.. taking the third, fourth or go a long way to boosting 'lh~ amandment requires fifth year off. teacher morale." c dit card could ~nts to have lived in "It shows a teacher can He said the federatlon's Caos~ for 40 years before make do with 60 per cent of objections are probably they are entitled to the full Ills current salary," said baaed on their experiences peusion. federation spokesman Wes with schools boards which "If I had known that, I Knapp. "We think it weakens have poor relationships with would never have bothered the argument for an increase their teachers, emisratln~," he said, in salaries." Gloze discounted the pooai- ook a lot smaller, "It's pointless now to Knapp said the federation billty that the Vernon school remain; We could never live will he asking for a 12.per- board would • use the on the pension, The ooly cent increase in teachers' program as an opportunity sensible thing to do is return as•arias when negotiations to cut back on teaching use your VISA ~tcCotlnt to take care to England." with school boards begin positions. \%~' c,,uhl tl~,' the' Sl~at'c in this He uld it cost him 116,000to Sept 20, "The difference here is ;Ill tu talk nl~,~tlt the' m:my ~rt,nt of lwoperty taxes, medical and dental move to Canada inciuding Knapp claims the Vernon that we have a better solicitor's fees, the auction situation will weaken the relationship with our board l't,;ittlrt,s ~,1' Ilw Ht'~Jtinl~anl< VIS,.V l,ill,~l' lcgal t'c~s. ~ iLh 3out Scotia: agent's fee, medical federation's efforts to get than some places on the examinations, packing paid leave for teachers, coast," he said, "There is no ~':tr, l vs til~, ~tla~'r crt,~lil Cal'dS. ban~ISAChal go-Cheques ,~ou can. eynmen and air fares. Sabbaticals now are way our board would use other $2,000 will be available for teachers in that as • weapon and do l ;',it, t'hiint't's lift, yt~ll alrc;ttli' -.~ad" SC~)tiabank has the spent resettling in England, some school districts, something like that," \'is~?jkction (,entre to take care he said. "1 think the least the. la,';u'd simil;ir cl;dms in simil;~r ;,Is. ~1' ally questions you might have as a government can do is compensate us for our Youngsters are using Wh;d y~u m;ty n~,l kay,w, is Scot•shank VISA cardholdel: Wc've eats." Trnvallion said last fall he Ihat Sc,~(i;tl~nnk has t'i.:: .:, .t'!~, :, :., made each Scotiabank branch a Visa Joo~ht the baip of Allan some computors now ,\ct ion (k, ntrc, where our staff will McKinnon (PC -- Victoria) OAKVILLE, Ont, (CP)- Squires, co.ordlnaior of .~hvc i)crs()nal ~lttention t()all your who appealed to then health They can't even read yet, but children's services. I~lll,~ lk,aturc t'~¢ ,qc~,ti;tl,;mk ViSA minister Monlque Begin. already they're wurkin~ with He said that as soon as the VISA Cn(luires. He said Begin said she ~mmutsrs. chlldrei~,,soe it "they're all cm'dholdcr,~. oould do nothing because she Tlds week about 160 pre- over and have been SI) take a(Ivant~i~'c ()f VISA at did not have the power to schoolers in thin community PlaYing with it non-stop. They ar~, purs~,n;diz~.tl ,'ll~'~ltlUS chan~e the law, ~0 kilometres west of Their parents are just •s it s host, apply fl~t"your Scot•shank ~nmsam it was uofortt~ato" Toronto began a program keen. Those who have ,~peciaily coded t'~,v divt,vl ~,.,,t,.~:s t, the t~o~det did mt contain that uses a computer to computer skllb have offered . VISA card at any Scot•shank branch. the amendment and a now to help with the program. your VISA account. teach them the skills they Others Just enjoy the chance edition was be•n8 printed need to learn to read. " and would he available soon, The program, under way to play with the machine, They arc an t,:..lt,n,~it~n ~d' t}~t, Following election of at Oakvilis public library, is which can do everytldng VISA cal'(i. ~)tl may u,~(' thcm t, Scotiabank Prngreeaive Conservative believed to be the first in from planning personal THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Jovernment, McKinnon was North Ameflca to involve budgets to playing bridge. cover any t~)c of exl)cnditul'e wht,r(, • ppmcbed in bis capacity pre-eehoolers with The one-year computer es a minister of the Crown. computers, andit'sa hitwith program begins by teaching your card is not presently at'Ct'l)h'd, ,Just around the COl~Cl: But in a is.tier dated Aug, both chlldeen and parents. children the rseosrdtlon of Did you ever wish you c()ttld Right arotind the world. ~1, he enid that "while Ever mince the computer sha~, numbers andletters. Health Minister David arrived in the ithrary'e "The preaent demand is s~ Crumble gave the most children's department a few ~'eat and we haven't even p~n~etel~.,ti.c cenaidoration weeks ago, it's been the touched the school-age . the fact is we centre of attention, says Stun children as yet," he said. Plgo 10, The Itorlld, Tuesday, September 11, 1979

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P I -,, ~ = -~----~U. " ,, . ~ ,,.~,.q~...~l, ~- ...... --; - ~III-: I CLASSlFI ID RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES LOCAL. ONLY : SUBSCRIPTION 20 words or less $2.00 per In- RATIS eartlon. Over 20 words 5 cents Effective ~or wOrd. October 1, 1973 SKEENAHEALTH UNIT" Come and enloy an evening Terrace Homemakers OPPORTUNITY 'GL1000.Exc.condltion. New dO ft. cllmbabla tower for r more conlecutlve Insertlonl Single COpy 2Q¢ :1.3215 Eby St. of crib with Terrace Crib. sarvl¢se to have orientation Apartment In Terrace $1.50perInsertion. By Carrier mth 3.00 Terrace, B.C. bege League et Skeonovlew cour,se offered In October (no recjuli'es a Building tires. Phone 635.2154 or 635- large entrains. Phone 435- By Carrier year 33.00 REFUNDS: By Mall 3 mth. 15.00 63,54307 Lodge. Play to commence charge)..Dates to .be on. Superintendent Manager to 7144. '(stf.nc) 4533. (p3.123) First Insertion charged for By Mall 6 mth 25.00 CHILD HEALTH CON- every Thursday evening noun¢ed. All Interested ,Iookafter the operations and 1970Triumph. Rebuilt. New WANTEDTOBUY--Dldcar Whether run or not. By Mall year 45.00 Absolutely no refunds after ad Sanlor Citizen year 20.00 FERENCES starting Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. • persons and prospective molntenance of • new 21 unit point. 6,50 cc. Phone 638.1:141 and truck and cat batteries. .bee bean set. Weekly at Eby St. Every [nc-28S) homemakersplsaea call 63,5, apartment, Apartment after 3 pro. (¢5.13S) Topprlcepald. Wlllplck up. B;'Itlsh Commonwealth end Tues. 1:30 • 3:50 p.m. Phone 5135 to register and confirm rentals commen¢o ap. Ph 635.4735 anytime. (p20- CORRECTIONS: United States of America one Must be made before eeco,d ,leer 55.00 for oppolntment. WOMEN'S CENTRE your Interest. (nc.26S) proximately Nov. 1, 1979and Harley Devldson 45 cu. In. 40) Inse~lo~. • Held at Thornhill Elem., 4th Is spomorlng a the person must be avalioble motor. Rigid frame. Needs Nfowance can be made for only BOX 399, Terrace, B.C. Tues. of every month from Singl3 Parents Group for Inquiries no later than work. Asking M50. Ph. 630. One Incorrect ed. VaG 2M9 1:30 . 3:30 pm. Phone for on Sept. 30, 1979. Ideal op. 1493. (p5.113) BOX NUMBERS: HOME DELIVERY appointment. Babyslttere Wed. Sept. 12 portunlty for retired person SPOT CASH 75 cents plckup. Terroce& District who bring children must atT:30p.m. WANTED FOR OUR or keen moonlighter. Apply 1978Can.Am 230cc.quallfler $I ./.~ moiled. Thernhlll & District Phone 635-6357 hove parents' written con. (continuing the second CONSIGNMENTandSALES In writing to: motor bike. Good condition, Buy - Sell • Trade CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: sent for Immunization. Wednesday of Every month) FLOOR Lakelea Development Ltd. low mileage. Best offer Rates avallable upon request. Kltlmot & District Phone 632.2747 ADULT IMMUNIZATION at ' Furniture, appllances,~ ,1711Loen Ave. takes. Cell Matt at 635.6310 We buy gold rings anl NATIONAL CLASSIFIED CLINICS The Women's Centre power tools, hand tools, Terrace, B.C. days or655-5708nlghtL (pS- lewellery. T.V.'s working RATE: The Herald reserves the right Every Men. and Wed. from 3 4711 Lazelle clean small cars, motor. VaG 17.6 143) or net working. 22 ¢e~ts per agate Ilne. to classify ads under opproprlote Mlnlmum charge 15.00 per In. headings and to sot rates • 4:10 p.m. By appointment featuring a film entitled bikes, boats, motors or any (¢5.123) Gunsmithlng sertlon. therefore and to determlne pege only. "Child Behavior equals other Items In acceptabte Part time help required for Quallty work guaranteed location. PRE.NATAL CLASSES you". Call 635-$145 or 63,5. condition, LIDAL * POLITICAL and The Herald reserves the rloht TRANSIENT ADVERTISINO: to revles, edit, classify or relect Held throughout the year for 4906 for more Information. Terrace Auction Mart . egg gredlng plant. Stertlng Cash paid for anything el expectant parents. Phone (n¢-143) Corner of Lokelse & Apsley, wage Is 13.85 per hr. Must ...... $3,60 per column Inch. any advertisement and to retoln have own transportatlpn. Sansul AU.717 amp. Must value. any enowere directed to the Health Unit for details and 635-5172. (cifn.4-9.79) soil. SR.838 turntable. Two BUSINESS PERSONALS: Herald Box Reply Service,end to roglltratlon. WOMEN'S Phone 638-1706 after 6 p.m. QUEENSWAY $4.00 per line per month. repay the customer the sum paid On a 4 month basll only. for ths advertisement and box PRE-NATAL BREATHING NIGHTOUT 13. (c5.113) SP.X5000 speakers. Large TRADING rental. and RELAXATION presents PEnSONAL quantity of records. Lot 110 DEADLINE BOX replies on "Hold" In. EXERCISES" KarleaoClarkofW.A.R.P. Meals on Wheels Services Woodland Heights Trailer 3213 Kalum It. structlons not picked up within 10 DISPLAY: days of expiry of an ed. Held everyMon, afternoon 1 ("We're Against Rising To Consult Madame Ton. require volunteer drivers. Park. (pS.13S) Ph.dN-1616 4:00 p.m. 2dd°Yeey prior to v~rtlesment will be destroyed Anyone Interested please (stIn.S-9.79) publl¢otlon . unlass moiling Instructions ara • :1 p.m. Prices") talnefor Psychic readlngl on call Homemakers sarvlcaa Older house for selva0e or received. Those answering BOx HOME NURSING CARE Thursday, Sept. 1 Sept. 14-111phone 635.4059 for CLASSIFIED: Numbers are requested not to Nursing carp In the home for 7:30 pm appointments. (p4.143) at 635.$135. (nc.13S) demolition. Phone, 635.9373 2:00 p.m. on day previous to day send orlglnele of d~umante to thosa who need It, on referral Women's Centre after 5 pro. (c3.13~) of publlcatlon MOndoyto Friday. avold loss. from their family doctor. 4711 .Lazelle To babysit In their home'. All clelme of errors In ad. CIox to the Sliver Gordon 120,000 BTU oil fired fur- ALL CLASSIPIED CASH WITH v~rtlesmente must be recalved Terrace area only. Cell 635.5145 for more In. Apts. For one child (2 yr. old OROER other this by the publlsher within 30 dove PRE.SCHOOL SCREENING formation. (nc-13S) neca. Really good working iUSINISSIS WITH AN after the first publlcoflon. CLINICS boy). Cell between 9 am - 3 condition. !200. "Phone 635. ESTABLISHED ACCOUHT. It le aoraed by the advertiser "16 ft. aluminum boat bnd requesting epeoo that tho 111 months: at Child Health TheAngllcon Church Bazaar COLLIER EXCAVATING pm 635.396:1or 4 pm • 12 pm 5816. (p5.17S) trailer In A.I condition. Servlca charge ol U.00 on ell Iloblllty of tho Herald In the Conferences. 6 yrs. once to will be held Sat. Nov. 24, 635.2231. Ask for Llnda N.S.F, chequee. event of falluro to publleh an Reliable 40 HP Johnson edvortleementor In the event of twice monthly. 4~/a - 5 yrs. 1979. (nc-:13N) Backhoe Work McKay. (cffn.10.9.79) For Sale: 6x6" tlmhore end motor with electric start and WEDDING DBSCRIPTIOHSI an error appesrlng In the od. ~ fuel tank. Firm 12500. For No charge provided nmNI sub, wrtleamant oe publlahed shell blitz.(pre.klndergarten): Developmental, vision,Spring The Annuol Meeting of the Phone 6~.0340 after 6. (am. Local bank has opening for cantslong. Phonsapproximately 635.9373 aftlr 10.20' S mltted wlthln ona month. 15.00 be llmlted to the emoont peld by more Information call 438. productlon charge for waddle0 tha edveftleer for 0sly One In. hearing screening done. Terrace and DIstrict 10.08.79) branch clerk. Must have pro. (c3-135) 1413 after 5:30 pm (.p5.11S) and.or enga0ement pl¢tures. correct Insertion for the portion Please phone for ap. Chrtstlan Council for Social aptitude for flgursa and 45 Nev4 ot woddMgo (write-ups) of the 8dvartlllng ipece o¢¢upled polntment. Resources will be held at FILTER QUEEN wpm minimum typing. Yeshlca.Mat 135Gtwln lane 18 foot cabin cruller with rec'flved one month or more by the Incorrect or omitted Item after event 110.00charge, with or (vlly, and that there shell be no VD CLINIC Knox United Church, Contact Jean at 6354391. reflex. Bast offer. Phone 635. canopy. Flbreglees over without picture. Subloct to liability to any event greater Phone for appointment. Thursday, September 20 at sales and service (c5.12S) 4533. (p5.170) wood. J~neon 60 HP c.w conde~setlun. Payable In ed. than the amount peld for such double axle trailer. Good vanes. edvertlllng. Treatment available. 7:30 p.m. (nc.20S) Advertlsemonhl must comply SANITATION 4546 Park Ave. Join my creative Circle Franklin fireplace SI00, one tend. Priced to sell at 1,1200 CLASSIFIED AN. wlth the Brltlsh Columble Terrace team. Our beautiful craft set of AR6 speakers 61110. UBQ. Ph 635-2485after 6 pro. NOUNCEMBNTS: Human Rlghtl Act whlch Public health Inspectors can Showing presently at the 635.79149 kits are fun to demonstrate Both In 9oo¢1 shape. Ph 635. (c5.143) Births 5.S0 prohlbits any advertlalng that assist with sanitation Engagements 5,50 dlscrlmlnatol agalnlt any problems, such el food KltlmatMuseum Is"Aquatic (am.4.07.79) and easy to sail. Generous 4726. (p3.13S) MarrloEos S.50 pereon be¢ause of hll racl, polecnlngl and complaints, Exotic", a prise-winning commlsalon. Ineedpeopleln, For Sale: 20 ft. flbreglase Deaths 5.~ rellglon, sex, color, natlunallty, display of lea life of our GEMINI EXCAVATING the Terrace-Kltlmat area. Studio knitting machine for boat with 65 end 60 HP Funerall S.50 ancestry or place of orl01n, or Cards of Thenlul 5.5( beclt~a hll Igl II behvesn 44 sewage disposal, private ocealll on loan from Victoria. LTD. Manager positions available, sale.2 years old. Ph 635.7876, Mercury motors. 638.14~. Memorial Notlcel 5.50 and 65 yllrl, unlesl the cofldltton water supplies and Boaters, fishermen, outdoor (Wee Andrews) Write Lydia Kanle, Wlnlow, (c10.21S) (pS-17S) , II Iusnfled by e bone flda nuisances. PHONE 635.6357 requlrement for tho work In. SPEECH and HEARING peopleandtolkslntorestedln Ba:khneWork B.C. V0G :1J0 (p6.12S) .Cllselfled Advertising Dept. ~olved. "CLINIC our nature and Its pleasing Hourly & Contract CASH For Sale: 2 storey log home. [Held at 461:1Grelg Ave. Tel. and eathotlcal aspect should 635.1479 anytime Fully qualified motorcycle Am purchasing BCRIC Approx. 1200 sq. ft. on main ' 638.11.';S). The audlologlst not mlss this exhlblt durlng (am.6.6-79) and snomobllo, mochanlc .skares,. ,Ph,',63,.'~4~6.. AI~ floor, located on large scenic .. August and Sept. required. Medical end dental sailing SuzukL dirt bike. OS. lot on SkeenE Street. Call 438-' .... will do haorlng tests on Museum hours: 12.S except INSIST ON plan. Ext. working cond. 100. 1979 model. Practically 1121 between 8.5 pm A~n.- referrol by family doctor or Sundays. (nc.3SS) THE BEST Write Box 1221, c.o Terrace new. Ph 635.42:16. (c20.50) Frl. (c10.21S) community health nurse. Dally Herald, 3:1~:~Y~alum St. Speech pathologllt • OVEREATERS therapist will carry out Rebekah Lodge Annual Tea Concrete .septic tanks In (c5.11S) Looklngtor Furniture? .1977 Heavy HBuler bolt ANONYMOUS drlnl(Ing problem? There Ii speech assessments and Oddfellowe& Bazaar, Sat., Hail, Nov. 10-32:1:1 concretostock. Get lnveetment. relief with a TEXAS ~JIL COMPANY Try the Terrace Auction trallerwlthorwlthoutpower masts Wednesday ot 11 p.m help therapy, urgently needs Individual Mart Sales Floor. New & winch. Designed to have 2,5 at St. Matthlw's Angllcal Avallablel LONG TERM CARE Munrca St. (nc.10H) used furniture at e price ft. boat. Phons 65s.dTr/. Church basement. Phon, Phone 635.M36 At 265.4621 Lazelle Ave. Tel. Schmltty's Excavating over 40 for protected In- anyone can afford. We buy (ctfn.&9.79) 4354427 after 6:30 p.m. 410-3939 dustrlal sales territory. No and sell.. Cell the Terrace Ncohollu Anonymous 635.9196. ANNOUNCEMENT (am-6.6.79) relocation. AAA•I firm Auction Mart, 4414 Lakelse MEETINGS: Assessment and planning for The Catholic Women's established since 1933. Ave. 43,1.517:1. (ctfn.7.9.79) 'PREGNANT?' Men. 8:30 p,m, United those allglble for Long Term League of Terrace will be Liberal commlss!o~agd~,,. NEED HELP? Church. Cell Birthright for al Men. 0 p.m. • *Alison • Care. holding its first fall general bonus. OpportunJfy~for 'For Sale: four 10x151n.tlrea Wanted: one heavy duty' AID TO HANDICAPPED meeting In tha Cethollc advancement. For personal on white spoke rims. Fits ~ tandem trailer, close to ,alternative to abortion Sksene Health Unit. At 265.46:11 Lazelle Ave. Tel. Church Masting Room on Phone 63:1.4602 enytlma Thurs.or sat. 11:30p.m. Mllls 635.9196. Wed.Sept.12,1979,after7:20 Found: White 5 speed Southwesternlntervlew'write PetroleumR'C'Teal, ton.18 hole. Flrettkl(X)tekes. 12x68. Ph633.17,19afterSpm Room 233, Nechako Cenh,e Mamorlal Hoopltal. Assessment and guidance p.m.Maea. All members end bicycle In Thornhlll. Can 300 geh fuel tank • S1S0. (c2.12S) claim by Identifying. Ph 635. Corporation, Box 789, Fort SmEll tandem axle trailer -- for vocational gad social Interestad women are cor. Worth, Tx. 76101. (a3. with lights end lift lack • 1971Mousy Ferguson from Kltimat A.A. ConslructlOl KERMODE rehabilitation done by dlelly Invited to attend, (nc. 2751. (nc5•17S 6,7,11S) LI00. Phone 635.3540. (c5. ondloader. Comeawlth 1 and O'oup In KItlmat: telephone BINGO SCHEDULES If79 consultant. 12S) 11S) 1324713. Local bank hal opening for 1.3 cu. yd. bucket and Wldco MEETINGS: SEPTEMBER: SlNGINGCLASSES branch clerk. Must have log grapple end chains. Monday - Step Mestlngs. 11:30 Sunday, September 9, 1979. Children's singing classes aptitude for figures and 45 2 snow machines. Very good Asking 17,500. Phone after d p.m. Lutheran Church. 14,000 Bingo. forbdysandglrls9ysersand Unegoldeerrlng lost Friday wpm minimum typing, condition. 400 cc Polaris 300 pm 638.16211. (piO.143) Wednesdays Closed. Tualdey, September le, 1979. 'CWL Fall Bazaar will be over will begin Sept. 17. night downtown. Circle on Contact J'an at 63,t.6,191. cc Sk!role with a double" ~tlngs 0:30 p.m. Unlted SmEll Elngo. heldOct. 24from 7 p.m. to 9 Students ere prepared for stud. Sentimental value. (¢5.175) Inside trailer with 13" 1958 HDSG AIIIs-ChalmerB Church, Sunday, September :13, 1979. p.m. at Verltes Schcol Gym. festivals, examinations, and Reward offered. Ph. 638. wbeels. Ph635-6035. (p6.14S). track loader ¢.w 1½ yd. Frldaye.openN~etlngaa:38 ~,000 Bingo. (nc.240) carNro In singing. For In. 8396. (p5.12S) bucket blade, forks & winch. p.m. Skeena Health Unit, For more Information formation, call Joan For Sale: truck canopy, 3 010,500 firm, 1941 Loreln KltlmBt General Holpltll. phonE: Year of the Child Spencer, A.R.C.T., at 635. camper lacks, 1 camper Crane on rubber, 3 & 6 cyl. Al.Anon Meeftngl • Tuesday KERMODE FRIENDSHIP cushion, 1 snow skimmer, 1 GM diesels. 6x24. Crescant BANQUET 3382. (nc.165) Will bnhyslt In my home. camper window 16"x45". plEner mill. Phone 635-,t370 • 6 p.m. UnitEd Church. IOCIETY & DANCE 4451 Grelg Ave. Sept. :12 • Manuel's Banquet OPENHOUSE Immediate openings for References available. Ph: Mens size 10ski boots. Mess or 635-7950 after 6 pm, (pS. Ladles Slim Line Club meets Terrace, B.C. Rm. in aid of Terrace Child The official opening of the homemakers• Apply at 635.9765. (c4.14S) slze a Bauer Supreme hockey 12S) Monday evening -- 6:30 p.m. VSG IM4 Development Centre. new premises of the Terrace Homemakers Contractor available for skates. Phone 635-6055 after S -- United Church basement, 6,15..4901 Cocktails, Refreshments • 7 TERRACE & DISTRICT Services, 4711 Lazelle Ave. small remodelling and 4:30 (p5.11S) 47. HOME Kltlmat p.m. Dinner . 8 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES Please call 635.5135. Ap. constructlonlobe. Phone655- FOR RENT Blrlhrlght Office Specialty Seafood will take place Sept. 15 at 2 pllcents must. be.. mature, 3261. (c5•123) Cranlotetlmbero, enough to , Weight Watchers moating Alternative to Abortion Smorgasbord. Dancing to p.m. at 4711Lazelle Avenue. reliable, trustworthy and bulld wall and ronf structure HOUSE FOR RENT at held every Tuecday at 7 p.m, 3-4621 Lakelse • 635-3907 follow • Jim Ryan's Dance Mayor Maroney will of. have a plea!Ins personality. BACKHOE for 5000 sq. ft. shop. Cedar Lakelse Lake. 4 bdrm., 2 at the Knox United Church Wednesday 1 p.m. • 3 p.m. Band. flclate at the opening Job related skills • valu0ble ~ FOR building logs for up to 1500 both, sauna. Available Hall, 4907 Lazelle Avenue. end 4 p.m. • S p.m. or phone 315 Single -- 030 Couple ceremony. Directors of the asset. (c10i11S) : HIRE 1¢5 ft. house. Phone 635.5370 Immediately. Must hive anytime: Lisa 635.3164, To reserve a table call 635. Society and Project . , Phone 635.6454 or 635.6757. or 635.7950 after 6 pm (pS. references. Ph Prince carol 635.5135. 4216. (nc.21S) Managers will be on hand tO ' I ~ Se'L,,~.k, r, eTn,,-, I (cffn.I)4.09.79) 123) Rupert 6:17-1377. (c4-143) Rape Relief '" • ~w wvvll lit/Ill ~/ Abortion Counealllng ---- answer any questions. ,|'.;. ** sT...... t I & Crlsla Llna for Women'l Centre Ii span. Pioneer Girls Club will be Refreshments will be ear. ~IL~.• "=' ..... "' I Women siring ¢lo~d Women'l A.A. hold every Wed. evening at ved~ ~., e.,, ,, ,.;,"~ ~"|' " ,In v tee applications for Bi Terrace Alliance Church ,,,e Wear. vr ~,u~u. :u ,me '1 "' 6384008 Meetlngl- Every Tuesday -- ,,~.,,_,,d--,,,munH. PART-TIME teacher ofl Night at 7:30 --. 4711 Lazelts. from 7 to 11:30 p.m. corn- nean p,...... ~,o,.. • Gltsken In Kltwanga Collection 3 vintage Martin HALL RENTALS Ave. 635.5145. Banging Sept. 19. Girls sarvlces Week In honour of ..... guitars. ! rare Bowman. 20- Oddfellows Hall • 322:1 1974 three bdrm. Knight WANTED DONATIONS thlsoccaslon Support YOUR ~-Iemenmry.seconoery Grade 3 through grade 8 . School. Ideally the suc. 60 years old. $4,000 for the Munroe. For further In• modular home situated on The Three Rivers Workshop Inclusive are welcome to community end become a caeaful candidate will: set. Phone 430.11141 gad ask formation phons 635.2794 or acre landscaped lot on for the Hondlcapped are MILLS MEMORIAL loin. Roglstrotlon fee of $6 member of the Terrace & for Willy at extension 318. 635.5661. (om-7.0.7~.Tu, Fr)' CoppersldB Subdivision. HEe Icoklng for donatlone of any THRIFT SHOP Includes handbook. District Community Ser. 1. Be fluent In speaking, (p5.145) vegetable garden, Mills Memorial Hospital reading and writing GIt. old, broken or used pieces of Registrations will be taken vices Society. For more skin (Western dialect) greenhouse, smokchouu & furniture, else any dllcarded Auxiliary would opprecteto Sept. 12 from 7.11 p.m. Information please call 635. shed. Excallant condition. any donations of good, clean ~. Be knowledgeable wood products we could me Refreshments served. (nc- PIBsse call after 5 p.m. clothing, any household 3178. (nc.165) Concerning local history for recycling or ranevatlng. 14S) 3014. (p10-13S) Cell us at 6,10-2238between Iteml, toys etC. for their and culture I i Speed Queen twin tub 3 purebred boxer male 3 bdrm. home for sale on 11a.m. snd 3 p.m. We will try Thrift Shop. For pickup' B.C. Old Pensioners Tea & 3. Have had successful washer spin dryer. Like new. puppies for sale. Ph 847.3301 large lot 70x210. For more to make orrongomente for service phone 635..~20 or 635. NORTHWEST LUGGERS Bazaar will be held Sat., experiences In supervising Asking 1100. 6311.1916. (p2. (Smlthers) or 635.9:192 Information please call pickup. 3233, or leave Donations at ASSOCIATION 12th annual Nov. 3, 1979 at Terrace end lnstructlng youngsters. 12S) the Thrift Shop on Lazelle conventlon Sept. :10,:19 and 50 Arena Banquet Rm. from 4. Be eligible for a B.C. (Terrace). (c:1.11S) 6141 and ask for Rang or at Terrace Hotel. A full 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (nc. Teaching Certificate. - leave message. (Ct~.-F.9,N) AvanuB on Saturdoys bet. weekend of activities. For 2N) Viking frldge & stove. $300. INCHES ~,WAY CLUB wean 11 a.m. end 3 p.m. Ph 635-3211 after 5 pro. (c5. Thank you. reservations please phone To apply, please contact: 143) FOR SALE every Tuesday night at 635-6801. O.O.R.P. Mr. Terry Laughlin, 8 In th* Skeena Health Unit. BY QWN E R For more Information phone Skaeno Social Credit Terrace Kltlmat Forest Annual Prlnclpol, Kltwanga FOR SALE 200 plus acres with mile or Quality 3 bdrm. home on 3 635-374/or 635-3023. Anoclatlon will hold their Products Safety Conference FALL BAZAAR Elem. Sac, School 30" electric stove;' Rotleslere more of water frontoge. Send secluded acres at First Annual Harvest Picnic 9TerraceS.re. Set.Hotel.Sept.This29con.at &TEA Phone number 847.5484 and broiler. Like now. details to Charles Cerrusel, Huckleberry Lane, on Sat., Sept. 111 starting at 3 terence Is hold In conlunctlon November 17, 1979 or Please call Box 101, Noble, Ont. P0G Woodland Park. 1136Iq. ft., ~ TERRACE pm at Ross Lake lust east of WOMEN'S with the Northwest Loggers (nc.16N) Mr. M. Borgsmo 7f11-3435 1G0. (c20.20) oll heat. 2 fireplaces, New Hazeiton on Highway ld Director of (nc.sff) beotlletor, SeUnB, carport,: CENTRE E Association Convention. (no. The Pacific Northwest Music Instruction Wanted Immediately: one A support earvlcl for women 28S) drilled well. Reliable, Also on sat., Sept. 22 there Festival's first meeting for Box 460 Piano for Sale. Ph 635.3382, gas griddle top restaurant tested water supply. School 4711 LEzelle Ave, will be an Open House at the thafellwllltokeplaceot3:35 Terrace, B.C. VOG 4B5 (p5.13S) stoveforcommunltyhalI. Ph )us. Drapes Bad ep. 61,149146 Skeena Social Credit Office Drop in: Monday to Friday FALL CERAMIC CLASSES p.m. on Sept. 11 at 4741 Loan 635.3112. (~.14S) )llances. Priced well below at 4403 Park Avg. Special Start Sept. 17, 1979. Please Ave., Terrace. All persons Deadline for aPplications 0ll.lfJode Ippralead value. Phone 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. guest will be Jack Kempf, register now. Address: 4444 Interested In attending will September 31, 19~1 Wanted to buy -- baby's 638.8314 (after 6 p,m.) Upon Thursday evenings- MLA Omlneca. Everyone Lakelea Ave., Terrace or be more than welcome. (no. (o2.11,125) playpen. Ph 435.7074. (ca. (ctfn-Tu, Frd.09.79) • 7:~0 n.m. to 10 p.m. welcoma. (n¢.21S) phone 9293 (=.17. 11s) 1136-11|6T 14. ' t , t t , !

1111 Hlrlld~ Tuesday, September I1, 1979, Page II


, • ~ nK house. Den, recreation plant, gifts & craft store Must Sell: Diplomat 12x68 Meeting ponders the future room. Fireplace. Ph after 6 located In downtown shop- mobile home. Furnished or By aLLaN ABBUCKLE tradltlonal topic of federal made~ by some of the ye•z"• conference to d aett~ treaty enUUe- PM n..c-~.n or 635.75o2. (ps. ping centre In Prince unfurnished. Many extr•s. WINNIPEG (CP) -- Involvement in resource•. 'ministers. establish a form•t that will meats, he cald, will he lena! 135) Rupert. Good family Can be seen by appolntmont Ministers responsible for Replying to orlUctsm that Mcss.er said the allow industry to reflect its than the e(~t of dealing with business with exc. future only. Ph 635.2585after 5 pro. mining in Canada 8athernd the ministers were getting conference had to offer the views to ministers on violence predicf~d to occur If, 3 BR home with full palestine. Apply In writing: (f~.12S} here Monday to ponder out o~ the conference ~nly minsters a chance to meet chanslng policies, these enttUements or• not beesm•nt on large lot. 355 . 500 West 2nd Ave., 70x220'. Lor0e kitchen. 1966 3 BR Nashu trailer whether their annual whet they put into it, J•ck by themselves a ~erilmanf; At a panel discussion settled. Prlnco Rupert, B.C. V8J 3T6. 12x61. 8x40 finished ,oey meeting With the In(l,, Mee•er, Saskatch•wan echoed by Yves l~eruhe, Monday on native "1a-'reap- Ample wall to wall car. (c10-20S) shack (heated). Asking has outlived its usefulness minl•ter of mineral natural resources minister employment and land petlng. Full price $42,000. Ph $7500. Ph 635.5261 for ap. after 36 years, resources, noted that few of quebec, who said he and el•is•, Nell l;'•lknar, '635.9530. (p10-20S) "WHY SHOULD YOU polntment to view. (p5.13S) The six provincial chief executive officers of Ida colleagues wanted time execuUve director d land • • 1400 sq. ft. house. 3 large ministers who came to the mining firms had attended to seek a political •pproach claims for th• federal bedrooms, utility room and BE INTERESTED IN 3 bdrm. trailer 12x61 plus conferenc• of mines th• conference, to problems, government, urged miami exercise kitchen are big. Shaw A CAREER IN fireplace with fan In living WELDING SALES?" Asking S7,500 aBe. Ph 635- the meetings should Bay Mining and SmelUng Co. l~ovinces might mean leas early with native groups ]1 W(~ St room. Full basement with 2 5261torappalntm•nttovl•w. continue, but with more Ltd. and £d Thoml~on of conflict between th• federal where exploration •rid, (p10.245) emphasis on policy •nd lees lancaua Mining Corp. asked and provincial Iovernmants, development progran~ will VICTORIA (CP) -- rooms roughed In. Largo We are one of the most storage shed, 200)(00 ft. lot. on technical detail, the ministers to continue the Barobe said. affect them. Canada and the United successful Induetrl•l cor- For Sale: 1975 Vista Villa "Our end is the policy and meetings as an opportunity Leo Barry, Nowfoundiand Other speakers outlined States wi]] ~ mau/ve'~ On prlveto water system. porations In North Arnerlca, Priced to sell et $47,500. For trailer, 12x65'. Oll tank, the polities," said James for the industry to consult minister of mines and the success ef govemm•nt, mil/tary manceuwes m t~e'~ and we sell the finest welding blocking •rid skirting in- Auld;. Ontario minister of with political palley-makers enertD', said the lnd~try and industry in settling West Coantintarthismmw, Information phone after 4:30 products avallable In the 635-4775. (p4-14S) eluded. Will pay moving & nafural resources, and •enior civil ~ervant~. representatives were naive territorial rights and the Canadian defence maintenance field. We have • •t-up in Terrace area. P~rince Edward Island, Gush called for more If they theught they could Includini native people In deportment has announced, i Sm•ll 3 bdrm. house bn • unique opportunity for a Phone 635.9308. (p4.14S) New~k~unawick,Albertaand definite objectives for the •chieveuniformpoliclesand th• miningwork force. Forty thensud Canadian r 75x300 lot. Greenhouse, successful sales pro or a Britisl~; Columbia were conference and a system of regulation- through such a Jim Bear, dudrman of the and American •e~dcemen, Cldlr root collar and steel welder with o sincere desire For Sale: 12x56 It. Knight represente~l' by civil following up on meeting. But they could use land entitlement committee 45 ships and 150 aircraft stor•ge shed. Drlilod well. to enter the hlghly paid In. trailer on lares lot, 115x150 servants. At'asset two of the recommendations, the conference to dtsoues of the Manitoba Indian take part In the two.wm~ For more Infurm•tlon or dultrl•l saleu field. ft. For further Inform•tlon. ministers w~o came to the Thompson, who said how policies should evolve. Brotherhood, said the Joint exercise beginning .appolntmont to vl•w plso. WE OFFER: please call 635.3596. (p20. conference w~re planning to mlntsters got little political settlement of outstanding Sept. 24, Th• manceuvrea high 5 figure salary 1951 leave early, mileage out of the Barry said a small treaty benefits offers Indian are deslllnad to teat ud first year Income potential For Sale: 1978 14x70 Manco These who remain today conference, suggested it be committee of ministers people th• chance to build evaluate continental deem. extensive tralnlng while on a mohlle home, unfurnished, are to meet in clonsd seanion shortened in hopes of getting . should meet with Roe their own economic base and cns under the Canadian. draw set up and skirted In local to consider the future of the more mini•sere to attend. Barkhouse, Nov• Scotia • community •s the treaties American mutual defnnce protected territory trailer park. Phone 635.9736. conference as well •s th~ The same 8u~estion was mine• minster, before next or~inaOy Intended. The cost NIveement. Family AsoIstance Program , femllyof4~mklngto'rente3 Few careers offer the lairs, hem• In town by Nov. challenge 'and Income of 1974 12x58 Deluxe Diplomat 1. Please call 638.1039or 635. welding sales; Investlgete mobile hem•. Will sell un. Toronto no longer centre it was 4694 •nytlme. (p10.14S) the fastest growing welding furnlshed. 2 bdrm., bullt In alloy ¢omp•ny In the In- china cabinet, raised living TORONTO (CP) -- soaring land prices and business •ttitudes. In-sea, cases, companies IBMC~de Ltd. is among WANTED dustry. Call collect rm. with Imitation fireplace Metropolitan Toronto may municipal red tape force The planning report cites stay In O~rlo -- many of other companies leaving To- TO RENT Murray Jonas Sot up.and skirted In Plea be .lesing its pcoition ns companies to shift the loss of 1,011 them mo~g Just oubddo rents. The company will 3 or 3 bdrm. house with (6O4) 273-7O78 Park. To vlew phone a~-~29 Canada's financial hub as operaflonaelsewhere, manufacturing firms in Metrotene~rbyM.IsMss•uaa move. its headquarters to b•ssment end flreplece Sept. lOth, 11th, 12th (c7., atgi®my,o..,t, cea- . es..a•ympt..of nndPesi * onwneremoro .arby ar .mla,, preferred. Must be clean (a.3.11S~A.M.-S P.M. talned in a Metro planning the city's financial trouble, l~nd ts'•~iialde. ESB Canada Ltd., • with 1or 2 utepato front door. report, hasn't reached calms However, not'~il of these However, the ~Now York Toronto suhaidiary of Inca Call A.F. WIIIlema at 847. proportions yet, but it is companies loft tdwn. About state commerce department ~etala Ltd., will move ila 4191 collect. (c20-25S) worrying civic africa•is. 120 went bankrupt" between alas Is tr~ to attract new industrial battery plan to DOLLAR • "There are no visible I~75 and 1978, says the industry •nd the ~state's Woodstock, Ont., next ~ear. Young renponalbia non. cracks In our armor, but consumer •nd corporate qgresslve roprml~tativu NCR Ltd. moved its smoking couple la now 1971 Chavy Nova for sole. In there are a few chips," says affairs ministry. Others nan dangle President manufacturing plant to sseklng • place of residence, 9Bad runnlng cond. Ph 635- .. MONTREAL (CP) -- U.S. Metro Chairman Paul merged with larger com- Carter's incentive prolrmn W•terloe, Ont., in 1973 and preferr•biy ne•r Com. 4246. (c3-7S) I • unity Coil•Be area, Not too CORRECTION dollar in terms of Canadian Godfrey. ' names.panics or changed their fordevelopmentdOmestlcasindustrlala lure to Miasb,mupitShead In 1974.°ffice to big, but privets. Phone Jesse 1969 Corals• $100. as Is. Ph In the September lOth funds at 3:30 p.m. EDT Businessmen are quick to Not even Don Richmond, d'.illusioned bualne~en. Frankel Structured 8tas~ • t 638-1403. (pS-14S) 632-3460. (cS.11S) edition at the Dally Herald • Monday was down 13-50 at note other problems in the the deputy planning Grant Darbyaon of Ltd. moved to Milts, Ont., ~lnlstry of Forests ad read $1.1833. Pound sterling was city -- a lack of land for eommisstoner who wrote the Tornnto, owner of• factory WANTED TO RENT: Single '67 Beaumont H.T. Needs "Notice • Inviting Ap. down 2-25 at $2.8116, expansion and traffic - report, knows exactly how and cha~ of clothing lteres, fromneededTO~oniOroomto Irow%becaulm it bullneslman redulred ac. come work, but have all pllcatlons for a timber sale. InNewYork, the Canadian copBestion that makes many industries left isocesidoringmovIngpartof FredMetrick, preddantof co•sedation (furnished or parta. (plus extra parts). the ed read Contract ST dollar was up 19-100 at transportation of goods Toronto. He acknowledges hla business to the B,~alo, Elte CarpeiaLtd., is eritl~l unfornlshed) Immedl•tely in New. bteck crushed velvet 1031.1.1 CR but should have 73.~6 and pound sterling difficult. Some say Metro that there isn't • crisis yet, N.Y., am. of Toronto's attitude to Terrace area. Phone Cr•lg q=holstery. Ph 635.5044. (p3. read 1O3P.I.I.CR. We wee up 43-100 at ~2.~A~0. municipalities have anti- but there are warntnipt: "I'd get • tax holiday for 10 b~Inm. • t 635-6331 or 635-9151 (no. 138) apologize for any In- --assessment growth hu years, they'll pay for new "They -- politicians, I 373 evenings). (c6.1,1S) c°nvenlenca" (p1"11S) i aTe C K s dwindled from four or five 'taft 'nd they asem r'llY mann -- Just haven't taken 1973 Brown New Yorker Exc percentaycarinthelg(10oto na~r to have you thore," he enough advnntale of il~ House with g•rag• required cond. Only 46,000. All op. • INVITATION two per cent, and forecasts says. great city. They ]~ven't fan soon an passible by couple tlons. Ph 635.3051•fter 2 pm. TO BID chow it may fall to one per He'd rather keep his IS- bean aggressive enough. with no children or pots. (¢S-14S) Sealed Tenders, marked cent by 19857 million btlalMss in Toronto, That's wh~ they're lnsl~ References Ivlliablo, Phone "Ocean Cement --Metro'.s population "but the taxss, theredtapo buMne,--thaymaketh~8 ~le.llm. (cffn.4-g.~ 1971 Chevy Nova for sole. In Warehouse", will be dropped to 2,137,867 tn 1978 and the hassle Set so out of too difflcdt and forget to good running cond. Ph 63S. received by Ocean Con. hand that you figure, why remind people of the •dean. atructlon Supplies Northern VANCOUVER (CP) -- development board, from 2,158,.28~ in 19787 WANTED 4246. (cS.14S) Ltd. at the Office of the --in June this year, ee,ooo ))other?" telles of heing here," A home for me and my Prices were mixed in heavy American Fluerite w•s up ~opla in Metre were out of horse. Willing to help yo~ Engineer, R. John Morgan trading Monday on the .25 at 73.15 on 71,800 shares 1965 Chevy Bel•lr. wagon. Engineering Ltd., up to 10:00 Vancouver Stock Exchange. and Sesforth Mines was' work and.that number is ex- plus pay room & bo•rd Robuullt V6. 3 speed on the a.m. local time, September Volume at close wan down .04 at 34 on 66,2,50. peeredto rise; REGIONAL DISTRICT OF KITIMATdITIKINE Terrees.Kltlmlt area, Fo~ • , , VOTEIUL' LIST~ -~" ~',~:;: ;". ".'~'~ floor. Body In good condition. 21, 1979. 5,828,350 shares. Kandahar Resources was up --municipal spa•dang is further Inform•ties: Needs restoration. 5900. Ph rising faster than provlncial COURT OF REVISION 14D4177 635-d~03 In evenings. (p3. Pinna, Specifications •nd Of shares traded, 150 ad- .11 at $3.41 on ~,900 shares aid, forcing • greater (C10-18Sl 11S) Form of Tender are vanced, 151 declined and 158 and Consolidated Boundary reliance on property taxes. TAKE NOTICE that any par'sen entitled to be available at the Office of the were unchanged. Exploration was down .SO at Meanwhile, other duel ,oglstered as an elector In the Reglon•l District of Engineer: In the Industrlals, B.C. Re- $1 on 64,900. Copper lake Kltlmat.Stlklna may m•ke oblectlon to the retention of Reasonably prlcad 1975 Ford aren't standing atlU. any name appearing on the lilt of electors for the Van, 361 motor, power R. JOHN MORGAN seurces Investment Corp. Exploration was up .05 at .22 "Calpry and Edmonton I,RoglonalDistrict, and the oblectlon may be made on steering, power brakes, ENGINEERING LTD. was down .~0 at g8.50 on and Action Resources was are challenging Torouto'a See. 200.4665Lazelle Avenue 1,406,845 shares and Great down .11 at ~1.05. position as the financial any ground that would dlaquallfy the' elector or ap. patti•lay comperlzed. Phone • pllcent from hevlng hi| name retained or registered el For Rent: N0 ~1. ft, on ~nd 635~4~1 •tier3 pro. (p3-11S) Terrace, B.C. National Land was up 05 at .... floor. Air conditioned. VOG lS6 $1.15 On 37,700. Col~lpt;trex un uie. cL~..D.exchange, -centreRichmond says.of Canada," , ~n elector on the list of electors. This obloctlon must be Laclted et 4623 Lak,oIso Ave. Centres was unchanaed at ~anm ~.anr~ M mmg was up Between 1971 and 1975, filed et the Regional District Office, before October 1, Phone d,lS-3SS3. (ctfn.,I.9./9) For Sale: 1969 Chevella. .31 on 7,500 shares a~'Third .Ig.at $x,~ on ~,x_oo tmares .Calgary's aHement ~ow 1979. Goodyear fires on CDN rim|. De•eng,;Industries ..w~•s / a_~cl ,New .~onlireas A COURT OF REVISION has been appointed •nd New shocks & clutch, 11 end unchanged at ~on 5705 ~esournsswanunenang~a~ five times faster than Office apaco for rent -- 900 I ptatone, 450 Holl•y carb. Hal R'(~ch Stu~os was' un'. :.~. on 87.605. Beach Gold Toronto's and Edmonton's will sit at t~ Regional District Office, 9.63,1~ Lazell• sq. ft, of sir conditioned Many more extras. C•li 638. 31 foot wlnterlzed tr•vel changed at 14 and Do•tar M.mes w,as up .m at -~v: assessmeqt grew seven Avenue, Terr•co, B.C. on October 1, 1979, between the meln floor office Ipaco. 1437 or 635.5600. (p10-13S) trailer. 2 yurl old. Exc Inc. was unchanaed at ~ 5- 64,ooo snares •ha ua e timnslae~r, ilthoura°fg:03°'m'•ndendwlllcontlnuetoifrequlred, from tlmeto 13:50noon, time thereafter until ell Sepanat~ street level en. trllICI. Four yr. old building. cond. Ph 635.3456. (p10.19S) 8. Gold Mines was up .04 at .36 eppeala have been heard. Exc. downtown iocltlon, off 1970 3-cir. Datsun 4 alXl. ~S0 On the resource and on 55,500. Cnsan Industries PRODUCESOXYGEN . The Court of Revision shall hear •11 complelnts and Itrnt parking. Ph Mrl. FIRM. Phon• 435.2154or 635. For Sale: 1977 Vanguard 33' TORONTO (CP) -- The was *up .38 •t ;3.05 and A liars of seawater con- corroctendrovlesthellltofeloctora;endm•y •mpaon 6,154~S I •m.4:30 7144. Ask for Mike. (cffn.stf) motor home on GMC chasols. Toronto stock market was Meridian Resournes w•s taim as many as 10-millim (o) correct thenomseofeloctors In eny way wronDlY pm. (¢ffn.~9.79) Low mlleege. Phone 635. moderately lower at the unchanged at .39. diatoms stated therein; or 6707. (p4.145) close of active trading (b) odd th• names of electors omlfled from the list; Warehou•o or m•nufac. Monday. The Distriot of Terraoe or 1~rlng space evllllbl• Is. For Sale: 1975 V.W. motor The TSE 300 Index (c) strike out the names of persons from the list who mediately, 3100 Iq. It. hem•. Fully equipped. Exc. declined 4.43 to 1,?,.,. INSTRUOTORS NEEDED ,r. not entitled to vote or who at• disqualified from Downtown Iocltlon. Phone t~5 Ford F350 ,Ix4 350 el. cond. Would consider smell Despite heavy pim in real voting; or PS, PB complete with car or older P.U. as part estate tssues, the market For Two Recreation Department Programs (d) correct •ny other manltott error therein, canopy; ~ch•nnal I trick payment. Ph 635.7042 •tier 6 fell, as declining issues and shall add to the list of electors the name of any 55. PROPERTY tlpa pl•yer, Evenlngl pI•ISS pro. (pS.17S) outnumbered advancN. From September to December, possibly January to parson who w•s quellfied to have his nemo entered on Call 635-7517. (cain.4-9.79) The total volume was 8.65 March. Renumeratlon according to experience, thullstof electorsonthothirty.flrstd•yofAugust. FOR SALE-: For Sale: 11 foot Vanguard million. I. to teach simple ethnic and seasonal cooking to Senior For Sale--Old R.mo. 1.2 For Sale: 1977 Ford ~ ton Camper (19711. Please call Amol~ IndustrJ•la, Bow citizens one morning • week. Experience tsochlng or ...... ; ~.;...;; ...... ;. .;..;.:.....:.:.:.;..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:~:.:. acre pertl•lly cleared lot. 4x4 In excellent shape. Auto, 638.1749•fter 3 pm, (c2-12S) V•lley Industries fell 1% to working with senior citizens an asset...... '.'. '."...... NIcely treed. Creek fron- PS, PB. Phone638.8442. (pS. IOV~ ft. camper In good ~,~9,Aquitaine of C•nada 1½ tage. Good fishing. Exc able. condition. Features Include to~lg, DonlePete%to;34~, 2. to lead a pre.~chool program two mornlngs a week -- I~S) l~iser Resources % to t38 must have two years early Chlldhood Education course Asking $10,003.~lS-2,~B after propane stove w.oven, andStandardL, ldmtrJns½to or slrnllar course plus experience working with 6. pro. (cS-13S) propane frldge, propane ~854' children. 1973 Toyote Land Cruiser. furnace, sleeps four and has For Sale: ! 10t, 145'x145' on Nany extres, 6,000 miles on toilet. Asklng $2500. For[ Nu-Weet Development A Call 638-1174,ask for Mary Margaret Smith or leave a~ "~Tl~am//~al~ A Marshall Ave. Phons 635- rebuilt motor. 19S4 in. roan 3% to lSS~'4. Seagram message. ~373 efler S pm. (¢3-13S) more Information call 638.' Co. -.a/~ to ;3g, Canadian hlrnotlon•l Pickup. No rust 1413 after 5:30 pro. (p5.11S) OccLdenteiPete 2% to 143~, or donte on body. Ring 1 acre corner lot on bearing• end gasket, for For Sale: 1977 31 It. Carma Developers A 3~/4 to I~ ~ Immediately! pavement. ¢lcae to s¢honls. ~motor el| orlglnel. 54,000 Wilderness travel trailer. $16½andGu]f Canada 21/4to " ~fl~ = bdrm. house Ind shop miles. Phone 638.1634. (c5. M),050. View •t Reel Inn British Columbia plus 4 rentll unit4. 3 big .1/S) Motel, Hwy. 16 W. Last MeInt~eMinesweadown 0ardans and lewn. Mestly •11 trailer on left. (ctfn.5.9.79) 3½ to $~5, Dome MInes l% to ~ Buildings Corporation fwnlehed. Priced to •ell. 1975 GMC customized van. .land Brenda MInes % to Invitation to Tender Phonl d35-3691enytlme after P.S., P.B., Iota'of extr•s. 14 foot older model travel, 733~A. Preston Mines COPY Dm (p10-145) Must be seen to be •p. precletod. Phone 635.2154or 6 acre far•eaSe In town. .,,..For Sale: tent trailer,,.,,s, soft Canadian Superior Oil fell Sealed Tenders, marked "construction of •n Office TYPIST 635.7144.Custom Interior and top, sleeps five, canves In 3t05160,Nnm•e0ilsndG•s end Warehouse Building, Houston, B.C.", will be ,Ideal for horse lovers. Barn, exterior Point Job. Ask for received up to 3:00 P.M. September llth, 1979, and paddock, riding ring, Mike. (nc-stf) good condition. Asking $400. Explorations1½ to t46 and% toMeriand $14%. those avallab[e at that tlme wlll be opened ln publlc at Issature. 2 Ixlrm. basement PanCanadian Pete up 3V~ to 4121 Keith Avenue, Terrace, B.C. VaG 1K7. home. Ideal holding Thl0 Is a permanent fell time property. Phone 638.0400 for $60½ •nd Cheiftain For Solo: 1973 GMC ~/~ ton Developments I to 1727. Tender documents may be obtained at the above od- posilion, Felt lind IOOllrltl eppolntment to view. (¢20- P.U. 6 cylinder. Standard. dress. 11|) Ex¢. ¢ond. Ph 635.7996. (p3. 13S) Jack and Jill Nursery School TAKE8 CYCLE TITLE Tenders may be viewed at Amelgemotod Construction I/pin| Jl I n|o||$Jt/, PRDPERTY II ec¢eptlng Inquiries for STOCKHOLM(Rester) -- AssocIatlon,205 ask Street, Vencouver, B.C.; Bulklay FOR SALE 1976 Chevy ~ ton PU for ¢lasseslnsept.for3end4yr. The Soviet Union beat V•lley. Lakes District Construction AIsoclation, 4124 Exo|llent frin|e ben|fits, sole. PS, Pa, V6 auto. Good oldl. Phone Mrl. Anderson ~veden by one point to wIn RiJlwly Avenue, Smith.re, B.C.I Prince george ld0 acres In Topl•y, B.C., 1 running cond. Ph 635-4246. at 6.15.5167orMrs. O'Brlen at the 2,50 c.,'. merge•as world Construction Aesoclstlen, 3151- 18th Avenue, Prince Flease lhone for an appointment mile off Hwy, 16. Llghtll~ (cS.14S) ~d35-3738. (c3-31A,4,115) team championship Sunday. George,B.C.~ Prince Rupert Construction Assoclltlon, treed. 1B •lieu from 70, * i! ~ ~ i The Ruualans became the No. 2. 232 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert, B.C.I Houston. 2 miles from For ,%1• 1977 Dodge Club LIVESTOCKI first team to break the Terrace. Kite•at Construction Association,4931 Kalth and t/pin| ti0t. Sunset L•ke. Power, water Cab 4)(4. 77,000kllometeru. ~, domination of the champion. Avenue, Terrace, B.C. and 3 Ixk'm. treller. Asking ton. Ph 6,18.8443. (c20-18) ~ ~i':'~i i~ I' chip by Sweden and II.lll{~ql.-Mtl~i~l S51,500. For more In- Fol;sale: one slaughter pig Belgium. Sw•don won the Tendersmustbeflledontheforrnsprovldod, lnsenlod, form•ties contact: for sale. Price to be tlUetheflrstflveyearsand clenrly markedenvelopes, -"oa,,y herald 1978 High Slerr• P.U. (Jr, discussed. Ph 635.4,182. (c4. the Belgians won it the lut G.W. Gibson owner. Exc. shape. 56500 P.O. Box 141 Firm. Ph. 638.7094or view at 14S) 10 times. Enquiries may be directed to the Building Manager, Topl•y, B.C. ,1726 Park Ave. (p6.135) Hay for sale: in storage. Top K.L. Eastman, 4827 KniSh Avenue, Terrace, B.C. Vie or quality. AIfaIf,, brome, POPULATIONWASTINY 1K,, t,l,phone 431.1191 or Technical Services 635 63§1 C.F.m~ 1965Chev 3 ton fl•tdeck, new timothy mix. Gov't tested. Intendant Jean Talon took Manager, Mr. C.W. Wolf, 2375 Qulnn Sereot, Prince es Terrace, B.C. ~7 motor • S~00. Phone 635. Average protein 10 percent, the first Canadian cessna in George,B.C. V2N |X4, telephone N2-1151. LlJ4t/S 5370 or 635.7950 after 6 pro. I:11 Dick Redman at g46-S2N. 1666 and found that t~ere ~ / ...... ~.. ~..... (~:4tf} ,(pS-13S) (C10-19S) were 3.005 Canadians. .:' ..:.....,...... ,, ,., ,.,...,., ~...... ,.,, ,.,.,.,...... ,,,.. ,.,..., ....,.,...,..,,...7%.., ~%;...... ;..,eel.,..... Page 12, Th* HiraM, Tuetday, September 11, 1979 YourIndividual Horoscope C ROSSW(.)RD 10 I1 ------FrancesDrake .FOB TUESDAY, i SEPTEMBER II, 1979 AmES 19)'Y'~ A('I '.'" :.' '.' .' !: :' h, e 59 ,',l:,rrled 11 Wagers NNN'" I =° (Mar. 21 to Apr. 1 Ju,;t;r,'.,,~ 41 A tide DOWN • 16 Merry (Fr.) Forego a tendency to escape 4 Crabby ot~e 43 Cu,ldle I Sturdy tree 20 Macaws the completion of a task. The 9 Fi~,?1:,ee .45 M..,m'es 2 Pastureland 21 Recorded fact you're stuck indicates pr@.,:th;n of 3 Roman god proceedings your need for a new approach c~;i:','i~y to the problem. 12 Dead, 47 Before 4 Circus 22 Plant shoot TAURUS U~ for one 48 l.~h ,:,~can people 23 Bane of (Apr. 20 to May 20) 13 fin;eolian Juno 5 Plunders manicurists ~41 . '2 ~43 Attend to the affairs of veranda 40 Dependents 6 Donkey, in 27 Toddler Impotent Cheater? children and creative 14 Primate 54 Trouble France 29 To calm projects. Your mate or clo.~c 15 Party gifts? 55 lnventorIIowe 7 Nostril 30 Fencing Pure Lecherdemain ally may have a unique 17 hL~ect egg . 56 Commotion 8 Destiny sword . 4,1 i i,,oo suggestion that will prove 18 Milkfish 57 Drinker's 9 Loiter 32 Prophet helpful. 19 IJkencsses prob. 10 English 34 River in GEMINI ~.~. By Abigail Van Buren 21 Yearning 58 Food fish painter Mrica (May 21 to June 20) !1[ = II N: Make important domestic painfully Avg. solution time: ~ rain. 37 Potter's DEAR ABBY: I can't figure out why my 61-year-old hus 24 Antitoxins wheels decisions yourself. The advice CRYPTOQUH' 9-17 band who is totally impotent has suddenly taken an interest of others could further confuse 25 Federal org. 39 Sheerest in another woman. He had a very serious prostate operation 2G lh,:'dcn 42 Sacred you. Away from the office, IS[OIT~IEI I INIOIRITIOI WSYFQB CLQQ YFOCSKFQ WSQB last year which left him incapable of having sex relations, so you'll find ways to improve 2~ .~:t'~rt for IHIE IAIVIEIN[CIAINIWlA I I ITI song I know he can t "do' anything, but he s seeing someone just work efficiency. h,nd or ~ .... &IEIS IL lAID 44 Weight of SO LKB YKFQQFQ the same. I know this for a fact because I had him followed CANCER spoon ISIWIAI I INISITIYIAtAIMI by a private detective. India (June 21 to July 22) %':-~' 31 Heavy IHIAIWINICIRIYIPI I ISIAI 45 Printer's I don't understand what a woman would want with a man IAIXlEIP[OI I IPIU R S E Saturday's Cryptoquip -- FLICKING, CLICKING who is incapable of sex. He's good-looking, a spiffy dresser, a Serious talks with close ones spacing CASTANETS FIT MOOD OF FLAMENCO DANCING. go well, though you'll have to weighLs IL :,,~mFIE[N IA A R I big spender and likes to dance. 33 block Today's (~ryptoquip clue: L equals A take a breather before im- Ui:~hess IHIEIL ILIAIFIUIRIYILI I IKIEI I'm 57, and it may not be too late for me to find somebody 46 Distinct part plementing new ideas. c~,ll IAISl ~ [AIE L L EIDIAILI' The Cryptoqnip is a simple substitution cipher in which each else, so I want to know if I can divorce him because of what ;~- ,^.~...vy fog I~A[RIYISINIEIE IEITIAI 50 Never (Ger.) he is doing even though technically he isn't capable of com- Creative work favored in p.m. letter used stands for another. If you think that X equah O, it 3~ 1':; )' backer IsIUIEISISIAINIS ISIEINI 51 Adage will eqffal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words, mitting adultery? LEO Aug. 22) 1~4~-~ WONDERING (July 23 to 9-17 52 Poem and Words using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating Make budgets and face sth god Answer to Saturday's puzzle. 53 Cain's land vowels. Solution is accomplished by trial and error. DEAR WONDERING: Divorce laws vary in different financial facts. Don't spend states, so ask a lawyer what the grounds are in your state. extravagantly in the search And as for what a woman would want with an impotent, for good times. Consult with good-looking, spiffy dressing, big spender who likes to close allies about costs. dance, well, obviously, your husband has found someone who likes him just the way he is. (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) A no-nonsense attitude the AMAZING SPIDERMAN By Stan Lee and John Romita DEAR ABBY: When you first started writing yot, r marks your approach to life column you explained why a man will pick up some tramp now. However, don't tak~ and treat her like a lady, then turn around and treat his wife like a tramp. I saved it for the longest time, and now can't yourself so seriously that ~:ou ~o I~HC-~K YOUR"/PROVi~ IF find it. Will you please run it again? Thank you. lose spontaneity. MARGARET IN MAINE LIBRA 22)" n ~:~ (Sept. 23 to Oct. •.... DEAR MARGARET: I've found it. And here it is: Find workable solutiuq~; for A man picks up a tramp because he wants a female com- Uncompleted tasks. By|, ': panion who is no better than he is. in her company, hc escapism. Instead, use pr h, !,, doesn't feel inferior. He rewards her by treating her like a moments to come up with aL;v lady. money-making ideas. He treats his wife (who iS a lady} like a tramp because he SCORPIO rn ~..' ~.". feels that by degrading her he will bring her down to his (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) "V'¢'~,,," level. This makes him feel guilty. So in order to get even Stick to the issues in t," with his wife for making him feel guilty, he keeps right on with friends. Avoid bo==u;~ punishing her. and leading. Don't hc afrai,l ', oo I~\\\\ 11 T I I/ill L.~ DEAR ABBY: This is the first time I've ever written t. voice an innovative idea ~, a anybody about a problem, but I have had it! community project. Our daughter brings her family over here three and four SAGITrARIUS .~, ~" ' times a week for supper-plus all day on Sunday. It has g.t- (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) ~ I~'~:~;.' ten so that lately she spends more time at our place than .t;Iw Talks with superiors ce,~ " CATFISH By Roger Bollen and Gary Peterman does at home. When she's here with the kids, the place is one on financial q~v,.stiu,,;, lb.t big howl .with high chair and fussing kids, between.the lines to fi~d o,[ l'd feel like a heel saying anything about it because my whore others stand. Do f., wife seems to enjoy looking after the kids, but lately I've thur research. taken to going out a couple of nights a week just to get away CAPRICORN "~ ~'; ' "' from the noise and confusion. (Dec. 22 to Jan. 191 .... What can I do to discourage this situation? Focus attc,Rion on d: FED UP IN LAWRENCE, MASS. affairs, publishiag educational mattcr,~:. I;c l,. DEAR FED UP: Why should you feel like a heel in if others ~re eva'.:ivc. 'l, '. demanding a little domestle tranqoillity? It's your house, nothing for grn,~tr,d. too. It's also YOUR daughter and grandchildren, so speak AQUAHIUS ... /.. • up, Dad, and •sk for a more equitable compromise. {Twice a week maybe?l (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) "% ~ '.. The accent is on joint a, L CONFIDENTIAL TO "LOVES CHILDREN AND counts and savings prog, ..... WANTS TO TEACH": By all means don't let anyone The advice of of a fricn,l, discourage you from pursuing a career in teaching. Ilenry be unreliable. Speak dir~, , Brooks Adams (who died in 1918} said; "A teacher afh.rts with those in charge. eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." ,'I:;~:.ES )(,!:" ,' (Feb. 19 to Mar. 20) . A partner or close ally By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart Getting married? Whether you want a formal' church be trouhlcd. Don't to! =. "the. WIZARD OF ID wedding or a simple do-your-own-thlng ceremony, get per;;f,~nlly. I,," .I, l'.: ' ~' Abby's new booklet, "How to Have • Lovely Wedding." roof of ~d,.J';: 1', " Send $1 and a long, stamped (28 centsl self-addrcv':ed ]11 , ~] ....' '1| ' envelope to Abby: 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills, CnVL Y(, ' I".(/ " q',/

B.C. By Johnny Hart [ e~ ~s ~ ~N ~N~ FAC~ ~ "~ ~ A~ ~'LL~oV~ YoU ~, ~A~NW~o -~'-


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