Second Series1R.43 Thursday, April 7, 1960 Chaitra 18, 1882 (Saka)

/2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6

Tenth Session Second/RN6DEKD 

/2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS

[ .,...... , ,,,;.,, ""'- XLII, A,ril 4 10 16, 11)6o.'Cltai1ra 15 lo 27, 1882 (s..-)J


N'o. 41.-Monday, April4, 11)6o/Clrllirra 1�.1882 (Sak}­

Oral Amwers to Questiom- Staned Questions Noo. 1267 to 1271, 1274, 1276 to 1278, 1281 to 1285 and 1289 to 1291 . . • • • • . • . . 9489-95'0 Short Notia, Queotion No. 11 9s,o-,6 Written Answersto Questione- Siam,d Question• No. 1272, 1273, 1275, 1279, ulo, 1286, 1287, 1288 u,d 1292 to 1296 ...... · · · Unotanul Questioaa No. 1717 to 1759 Re: Motion for Adjoumment- Allegcd Contradiction in Defencc Minister'•11J1tement1 on alr-apoce vlolatiaa1 Papers laid on the Table Calling attention to matter or UIJIOllt Public Imponanc,e­ Crsah or naval lninec a1rcrart 9574-?S Leave of Absence 957j Companie• Amendment Bill- Appointment of Rajya Sabha Members to Joint Committee 9l?6 Election to Committee- Joint Committee on a111ceeProllt or 9576-77 Demmel• for Gnnlf 9577--9724 Miniotry or Community Devclop,nent and Co-operation 9577-11717 Minlltty or Health 9717-.. Dally Di&en 9725-28

No. ,ea.-111"..,_.,..,,,6, April 19'o/ClloilN 17, 1882 (�•>­ Oral Anawen to� Staned QuenlonaNoo. 1298, 1299, IJOI tD 13o6, 1)08 ID 1311, 1315, and 1317 ID 1321

WrittenAnswalto� stamc1Nos. QuestiOIII 1291. 1JGO. 1J07,1312 io 1314, 1316, 1322 uc1 1323 Unnamd QueatiomNoo. 176oto 1831 � Re : Motion of . Re : Motions for AdjourmnaK Papers laid on the Table Committee Oil Private Mffliben' Bills and Rdoluticmo­ Sixty-Seaiad Report l!atimarac_.,.;- ..-ia llepart ii

Calling Attention to Matter of U,.ent Public Imponanoe- Supply of water to Pakistan 9828-30 Re : Article in Amrita BazarPartika 9831-32 Conviction of Member 9832 Demands for Grinrs- Miniatry of Health 9832-100•0 Half-an-Hour discusaion ,., Welfare Bxtcnsion Projects 10020-34 Daily Digest 10035-42

No. 43.-Thurs�. April1, xg6o/Chall7a x8,188z (SMO)­ Oral Amwen to Qucations- Srarred Quesriona Nos. 1324 to 1334 and 1091 10043-81 Written Answen to Queations- Srarred Questions Noa. 1335 to 1345 1oo82--88 Umrarred Questions Noa. 1832 to 1864 10018-10105 Papen laid on the Table 10105 Estimatea Committee- Blghiy-third Report 101o6 Demand• for Gnnrs- Ministiy of Steel, Minea and Fuel :01o6--1oa66 Half-an•HOW' discussion ,,: rite in price of sugar 10•66--86 Daily Digest No. 44--Priday, 81h April,1960/Chaitra 19, 1882 (SM<1)- 0ral Answen to Questions-- Starred Quc1tion1 Noa. 1346, 1347, 1350, 1352, 1353, 1358, 1362 to 1365 and 136710 1375 , 10291-329 Shon NoticeQw:ation No . 12 lOJl0-14

Starred Questions Noa. 1348, 1349, 1351, 1354, 1355, 1359, 136o, 1)61 and 1)66 10334-40 Unstarred 18Questions Noa, 65 to 1912 10340-')6 Re : Question of Privilqe 10376--Bo ,Papenlaid OD tbeTable 103Bo-8J M- from Rajya Sabha 10381-la Demand•for Gnmu 10383-491 MiDiatry of Steel, Minesand Fuel 10383-453 Miniotry of Defence 10453--93 Committeeon Private Memben' B1U1 and Rnolutions­ Sbtty-,ecxmd Repon 10493 Raolution r,: I>nelc,pmmt of llactward area in the Third Five v- Plan- -withdraWII . . . . . , . . ., 1049)-,5.,1 Rn>lurion re : Bstablilhmmt of various Defence Councils 10551-4 DailyDi... ,. 10565-70 No. "' s-dtJ(y.April 9, 196o/Clrairro 20, 1182 (SIIU)­ r ...._ ()ral Annl-.n to Quntiono- 9u,red .Qualim» Ni:a 1376, 1377, l)lo ID 1318, 1391 llld 1394ID 1398 Iii

CoLV_ Writton Answen to Quntiono-

Starred Quno- NOI. 1378. 1379. 13119. 1390. '59'. '393 ad .230 Un... r ..d Question. NM. I9t3 to '''3. PopeR laid on tbe Tobie I!Itimotel Committft- EiplJoleallld Repon '0644 CoIJiJIII Attention to Mauer of Uramt Public IIn_ex-- Bviction of Defence Bmployees in Jabolpur •0644-48 BuaiDeu of lbe H ..... to64l Statement rl. Kmdlo Pan 10641-50 Oemondo for Gron_ Mlnlouy of Defence Dolly Dianl

N •• 46-MOIIday. 14";/11. '960ICINIJ'rG 22. 1112 (s..... ~ Oral Answen to Quntiono-

Storred Qunti..,. NOl. 1399. 1401 to 1404. 1406. '408. 1410. 1411 and 1414 to '4.8 ' 084'-74 Written Answen 10 Quettions-

Stomd Quntions NOI. 1400. '405. 1407. 1_. 1412. 1413 and 1419 to '422 10874-10 Unotoned Quettiono NOI. 1954 to 1989 and 1991 Ie, 1993 .0110-1101 Papen laid on the Tabl. to!J01-<>l . Botimo ... Committee-Minut.. IOIJOJ \PetitiODl '0!J04 ~ : Collins _tion NOlie< ~ ~ Demondo for Gronb 10000J-lIla1l Mini.tty of lAbour and Bmployma" '_5--11086 Miniouy of R.... bilitation 11087'-' lin OailyDiplt 11139-··'32 N •. 47-T..... JI. April 12. 1960'ClNJilrG 2J. II¥> (S_I- Oral !.n.wen to Quntiono--

Starred QuntionI NOI. 1423 10 '436 IIIH---7J Written !.nowen to QuestioDo-

Starred QuestioaI NOI. 1437 to 1454 11113 ....' UDItI1ftd Quntions NOI. 1994 to zo)3ODd 203510 204' ,"1,--214 Rc : Motion for Adjourn",.. " lIalS-I' Popen laid on the Tobie .UI6-17 Raipotioa of a ~ r 11217 BkaioD to Committft.- Centnl Silk Boord . 11217'-18 ~ r r IIJJ'--II404 Miniouy of Rehabilitation .1211-3311 MiaiIay of lniptioa ODd power 11339-11404 DoiI7D1.- ...... ,-1>11 iv

CoLt/Mini Xo. 48-W,dmJday. April 13. Ilj60lChlJilrQ :>.4. 1882 (SIJIuI)- Oral Answ.n to Qu.stions-- Starr.d Qu.stion, Nos. 1455-1458. 1460, 1461, 1463-66, 1468, 1470 and 1471 "409-43 Written Anliwers to Questiona-

Starred Qu.stions Nos. 1459, 1462. 1467, 1469 and 1472 to 1480 "443-50 Unstlrred u ~ Nos. 2042 to 2080 "4,0-75 Correction of • Question "475 M ....g. from Rajya Sabha 11476 Bill a, pnssed by Rajya h ~ on the Tabl. II476 Demand, for Grants 4 ~4 Ministry of Irrigation and Power 4 ~ Ministry of Works, Housing and Supply II60I-46 Daily Digest II647-50

No. 49-Tlamday, April 14. 1960IChaitra 25. 1882 (SIJIuI)- Oral Answers to Queations-

Starred Questions Nos. 1481 tu 1484, 1486, 1487.1490 to 1494, 1496. 1497, 1500, 1501 and 1505 ...... 11651-86 Written Anawers to Questions- Starred Questions No. 1485, 1488, 1489. 1495. 1498. 1499, 1502 to 1504 and 1506 to 1514 ...... n686-99 Unstarred Que.tion. No•. 2081 to 2147 II69lr 737 Popera laid on the Tobl. II738 Estimates Committee- . Minutes Estimates Committee- Eighty-ninth Report 11738 Bombay Reorpni.. tion BiII- R.port of Joint Committe<: 11738 Demando for Grants II739---926 Ministry of Works. Houling and Supply II739-875 Ministry of Finance ~ --- Doily Digeot 11927-32 No. srr-Saturday, April 16. I960IChailra 27. 1882 (Saka)-

Oral Answers to Questions-- Starred Questions Nos. ISI5 to 1518 . 1521, ISU, 1526, 1519, IS30, 1533 to 1536, 1540 and 1541 . ~ Written Mow.n to QuestiODS- Starred Question, Nos. 1519. 1520. 152.3 to 1525. 1527. 1528, 1531, 1532,1537, 1538 and 1539 . II969-'76 UJl6tarred Questiom No•. 2148 to 2198 11976-12006 R. : Motion for Adjoumment- Fantin. amditions in Mizo Hill. District. of Alum 12006-10 Papers laid on the Tabl. 12010-11 M ...... from bjro Sabba I20JI-I3 LOi: SABHA DEBATES


LOll: SABHA IIIIrI K. D. MalaYlya: The proposal has been made by the Qurmah Shell Thurodall, April 7, 1960/ChaitTa 18, refineries to expand theu' capacity. I 1882 (Sakal cannot .ay anything more than that just now. As I said, the matter I. under consideration. 'The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Cwck. Shrl B. Daa Gapta: May I know whether the Burmah Shell Oil Com- [MR. 8PLutER in the Chair] pany ,ave a proposal to expand their refineries, that is, to slart another re... ftnery In West Ben,al in collabora· ORAL ANSWERS TO QUFBTlONS tlon with the Government of Welt Ben,al? EltpauiaD of Burmah-Sbell 00 CIllllPUlY Shri K. D. Malavl:ra: No, there II no + ....,h proposal. r Sbri R. C. MaJhI: Sbrlmatl MalI4a Ahmed: May I Sbri Sabodh ...... : know the present productlon capacity I 8brI S. C. Samanta: of Burmah ~. . and the Increased "ISM lShrlmati MaIda AhDoed: eapacity propo'''

we are finding it difficult to accept Shrt It. D. Malavl,.: In ita .- a U the luggestions, and, so, they are rality, the preduction pattern tl'Ollll under consideration. the existing refineries do present cer- tain difficulties, so far as conaumptiClll Shrt A ....blndo G ...... : May I know of those products are concerned. The... whether the Burmah Shell Oil Com- are complicated technical problen. pany has proposed some separate which are receiving the conaideratioa refinery or the extension of the pre- of Government as well as the oil 1'11- .ent project? finerie.. But Government are alB considering the propriety of miniDWo· Shrl B:. D. Malavtya: The suggestion Ing tbe size of the existing reftneri. Is to expand the existing Installations with a view to easing the transporta- at Bombay and to add some small tion &lid communication problems. units to produ.ce one or two more producta In the same locality. Shrt S. C. SamaDta: May I know know when this proposal came before. Shrt Rem Baraa: May I know whe- Government and whether in the pro- ther the annual saving In forellll "". posal. there w". any mention of ~ change that is likely to accrue out of share of the co.t to be borne by u.. this proposed expansion of the Central Government? Burmah Shell refinery has been com· puted. and it so, what it Is likely to Slarl It. D. MalavtJa: No, the lifO- be? poaals ...hiah have been made are on the understanding that the term. of 8hrl B:. D. MalavlJa: They haw the agreement. that is, the old agree- produced their own figure. In regard ment of 15th December, 1951 shaD. to the saving in foreign exchange. apply to this expanded refinery aI.o. which mayor may not be acceptable tbat Ia, ..... are asked to consider thill to us. I am. therefore, not in a posi- proposal under the old arrangement•. tion to say more about It. except that the pruposals, as they appear to us, Sbrl Bam KrisbaD Gupta: May J present certain difficulties. know whether Government have ..... ceived limilar requests from nth.,.. oil Shrl Rem Barua: What i. their companies? computation? Shrt K. D. Malavtya: I heard __ Shrl K. D. MalaYlJa: Accurding to thing about such proposals, but I can- their computation, they think that not say that we have formally """"i•• during the Third Plan period. there ed such proposals. can be a not saving of about Rs. IS crorcs in foreign exchange. Shrt p, It. Patel: In view or tba lact that oil has be.. n struck in ft_ Shrl NaraJ&II&IIklltlJ Me_: MaJ wells In Cambay and we may have \0 know wheth('r it is a tact that a put up a refinery there, may I know u - ~ reflnery is more econo- the reasons why this refinery will l» III!<-al, in "iew of its vast possibilities allowed to be expanded? in Ind'a, and il so, whether Govern. ment" hove taken into consideration Shri K. D. MalaYl,.: I have not that aspect also? Have they also laid that we are a\lowlnJ! this refine., taken into con.iderotion the fact that to e"pand. We are only saying that the proposal made by the Burmab the production pattern of the e"lst. ing Burmah Shell Refinery II not at Shell Oil Company is under considera- tion of Government. all suitable for the con.umptlon pattern in , while conslderln, Shrl ltactumatll 81nch: MaJ I know the proposal or the Burmah Shell ..... whether while .anctioning the ~ finery for expansion' aion of the refinery, the hon. ~ 10047 Orll' A.....,er. CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKAl

will care to press the Burmah Shell !JIut It. D. lIIaIavlya: 1 clid nul .., Oil Company to take at least 50 per that there any present b&Ills ot eenL of the oil in Indian tankers? participation Irlween the Bwmah Shells and Government, au tar .. the Slut It. D. Malavlya: That is a rather reline.,. i. concerned. What I know dillicult question on which Govern- is that there i. the ...... "..en' bet- ment cannot commit themselvell. ween the Government and tile IIhrJmatI MalItia Ahmed: 1&7 I Burmah Shell relinery entered mto in know whether Government have 1951. """"rding to ..hich, they are the linali.l'

Slut 1[. D. MalaYb'a: Yes. Mr. Speak.r: Nexi qUt.. tion.

IIbrtIaati Mallda Ahmed: llay I •• is ... ~ : 'RI' ~ ~ one question more? ,, ~ ~ ~ Mr. 8peaker: I have already &llow- r. ~~~ eel' her to ask Ihr"" qu.... tioM. rr~ ri't ~ ~ ~ m- 8IutIII.aI ....da AII8oIlll: No, 001, 'RI' 'IiI1m ~ ? ffi" "" two. -It ,"0 to ~ : q"Ift'.1If "" Mr. S..... er: All richl. Sh.· may r. ~ ,,~ r a* one more question. ~~~ ~ 8bdma&I MaIda AJuDed: May 1 Imuw T~ ~~~~ ~ the number of Indiana employed by t q'tt 'Iifu' ~ ~ t q vm Burmah-SheU Refloeriell! "IJI'I1I1ITI 81ut It. D. MaIa'l'lya: 1 havr not 10 that figure with me. Shri _thaa CbeWar: Mar I know the net foreign exchange that is 0"'- 1"adGI7, moa.ana likely to be saved after the expansion of the reflnerie. by Burmah Shell and + the other oil companies? "lUI. {1I1ut ..... J[rtoIwa o..ta: SIui D. C. 8 __: Mr.8peaker: That wu what w. -keel earlier. Will the Minister of DeI_ be plea,ed to r~ to the reply Ci ...... 81ut Balllaaathaa CbeWar: I want Starred Questioo No. 1125 011 t.... to kno.. what the ..ving ..ill be 22nd I)rcember. 1958 and l!ate: after the expansion. Mr. ~ r I elo not bow. It ia (a) the furlher progr_ maAle 1ft the .ame thing which II .sked after eompletin" the investi".tion. ....Iatiac hair-spliting. to 10 .... and deficiencies found In the Stores of Ordnance Factory. Ithama· 8""...... Rea..... "y: The bon. riai and Minister statl'

last time, from the Initial answer to be more ditl\culty. ThIs eDeS back the question as It was asked, losses to stocks immedi. tely after the war were taken by the House to be phy- in reapect of certain types of ammu- sical losses. They were losses In nitions and thines of that charactor. book value. That was why I ex- Apparently, there has been inade- plained .... quate investillation earlier. W. would like to complete the full inveltigation Mr. Speaker: Hon. Members ma,. and then proceed further. take it up again next session. Shrl Hem Barua: I have to uk a Mr. Speaker Next question. lupplementary. Mr.' Speaker: What i. the ,ood of BeIlellelation of MlDeraJ. asking anything now when he say. '1318 {Shri 8. C. Bam..... : that he will place a full statement on . Sbrl Subodb 1Iauda: the Table of the House next time? Shri Tanpmani: Even In regard to Will the Minister of Sleet, ..... &ad FUel be pleased to state: the first category. it is now indicated tha t Rs. 46 lakhs worth of goods .... (a) wh.ther the Sub-Commltt.... ~ up to investigate and recommend as Mr. Speaker: Order, order. This question is coming up every session. to what incentive and facilities .hould be given to encouraa:e mine-owner. to Sbrl Hem Barua: On a previous benefiCiate mineral., has lubmitted Ita occasion, the Defence Minister said report; that three cases were due to some (b) 10. what are the main recom- misconduct of some officers and that it mendationa; and this came out in the prace53 of in- vestigation. I want to know what (c) wbether a copy of the report stePs have been taken alainst those will be laid on the Table? officers? Mr. Speaker: I shall bear that In Tbe Parllameatary 8ecreCary to the 8&eeI. _.. mind when questions are allowed next Minister of UId Fuel time. Let us dispose of this once for (Shri GajeIIAlra Pruad SIaha): (a) all. It is coming up like Kine Charles' Yes, Sir. head every selsion. (b) and (c). Cople. of tho report Sbrt Hem Bana: On a point of In- of the Mineral Beneficiation Commit- formation. Last time, you said that tee are available In the Parliament It should be submitted to the Public Llbrvy. Accounts Committee. May I know whether it has been aubmitted to the Shri S. C. llamuata: May I know Committee? whether before Ihe .ubmWion of thb Mr. Speaker: Have all these papers Report. any mine-owncn: came r~ been sent to the Public Accounta ward to ask for facilities for beneftcl- Committee? ation!

Sbrl KrIsIma Mea.... : No. Sir. We &lad ~ rn.4 Blaha: /u::- have ourselves not examined the tually. 1.1>0 CommlUee went to dilrer- whole case. Disciplinary action has ent placel. and there hal been requeat been taken or initiated in reganl to trom the mine-owners not for a bene- certain persona in respect of whom lleia lion ~ but for reductJQD of the • We have Information from tho Special c ..... Police Establllhment, Th.refore, th..... II no laxity In the pursuit of SIIrI S. C...... : May I kn_ this invostiption. II It io done in any what facilities have been _1Id- way that b not fair. then there wID e

IIIIrt GajeDdra ...... 8ta11a: ,",I' 811ft IL D. Malan),.: It iJ under Ulmmittee has madto recommenda- ·consideration of Government. We re- tion! on IlIix or seven itP.m!J: They are: ceived it only In January. It is re- ceiving our urgent attention aDd we '1) A separate National Ore hope we shall come to certain eon- Dressing Laboratory should elusions u. regardi the recommenda- be let up by U", Government tions, Immedintety to carry on "'- searcR. prepare d ...igns and Shri S_ C. 8&1118Dt,a: May I know ,"'Osting of bencfkiation plants what is the reaction of the MIne· and 10 give lechnical advice; OWDeJ"ll' Aasociation? C2, On' dressing curricula in Uni- 8bri &. D_ Malavip: I do nol 1m"" vrr:;;it ;f'S and other educa- yel what Ihe reaction of the Kine- tional institutiono should be owners' Association is. ,·xpandrd. Aee... alUiDll of Ooal a& Pltlleada .... ~ r H. may pi..... · lIon "1m. Bhrt P_ K_ Deo: Will the Ih< Table of thp Hous< Minister of 8teel, Mines &lid FaeI be pl.... sed to state: s .... P. K. Deo: May I Imow if th,' National Metallurgil'al Laboratory "I (a) whether Government are aware Jamohl'llpur has developed a IIt"W pro- of the large accumulation of coal at t".. tnr the beneficiation of ...... a- the pitheads due to insum.:lenl _ on' til "liminalP ph".phOl'Ull ... waJ(Ons; d Ll(> to th" prt:"Sf!n&,.'t," of phw;pboMlli WI" (b) the steps laken by Government; arr losing lots of foreign exchange? and ]1 !liD, haV(' Oovernmtmt given ilUitruc- tions to the ~- .r~ to take up (c) the prl"ReJlt position? that prot"''' for th,· lx'nrlinatiOl' of"Nlf' nns,.:? TIle ParIlamelllarJ Bee...... , fa tile MillIlIter af Stee!, MIIles BD4 PDel TIle Mt.1rMr af M_ ... DO (81lrl (BhrI GaJllDdra Pruad 81nba): (a) K. n. Malavl),a): Tbc NauonaJ Metal- Pit-head .toe"," are no higher lhan In lurgical Lnboratory has allO success- the luI • years. At the end of 1958, fully aUrmph'

noticed a ne..... item this morning say- the Increasing need for removin. thia jog that coal is being moved and most coal from the pit-heads. of lhe diftlculties are disappeariDI· Mr. Speaker: Wh,t the hon. Mem- 8JorI P. K. 0..0: In view of the ber eviden tly means is this. He 9- transport bottleneck, are Government peets some kind of stock at the pit- eonsidermg giving new licences for heads. What will be p:·rmanellt building more wagons under the Third stock which will remain there to meet l"ivc Year Plan and at the same time all emergencies and whether the cur- for ~ the production capacity rent demands will be met by the sw- of the existing wagon building fac- plus over the minimum stocks? tories in tbe country? IIardar SWIU'IIII Su..h: The nonnal SarcIar S...... SiDe.: This sunes- pit-h"ad accumulation is of the order Uon will be noted by my hon. col- of 2 million to 3 million tollll. U I league, the Minister of Railways. may add, this may meet cues of emergency. But, primarily, it is not SIIri Bra,I IIA,j SIDCh: May I know there so much to m('i!t emergencies. whether in the movement of coal The normal accumulation has In be there has been some difficulty put there so that as and when the wagonl by the Coal Controller at Calcutta and are supplied they could be immediate- whether it is not a facl that even ly loaded. At ..""h pit-head the the Railways had to faCe some diffi- quantity may be small, but because a culty and certain train services had large number of mines are involved, 1)() be suspended and they had to take the ....all things when added' up pUe away certain wagon. allotted to pri- up to this figure. vate parti"" in Allahabad and Mogal- _rai? Shrl BraJ Raj Sin",: The han. Par- \imentary Secreiary said that at the 8ardar S ...... SiDe.: With regard end of January, perhaps. there were to the first part of the queotion, no 2'7 Million tons of coal available at difllcuUy was created by the Coal the pit-heads. And, afler that we Controller. With regard to the second have been feeling difficulty with re- and third part., there were short.,e. gard to the railways and industrle. and there was some difllculty even in also. May I know who wu responsi- iJUpplying coal to the railways, but by ble? Were the railways not able to mutual . ~ . that difficulty has. supply the wagons to remove the coal to a very large extent, been resolved. trom the pit-hends or were the per- mila not being given or w .. not coal Slarl Tan,...m: The Parliamentary being allowed by the Coal Controller Socretary has stated that the aecu- or the Iron and Steel Min;'lry to be mulation now i. 2'89 million tons moved from the pit-heads? which is not very different trom what SaNar S ...... Slacb: No ...... _. it W8!i in the previous years. I would like to know what will be the normal particularly reoponaible. But, whell accumulation of coal in pit-heads in Ihe overall availability of walona to view ot the inc...... e in the demand handle the entire .0Dds trallic of the fOT roal. country is taken Into collllideraUon, there are certain allocations which SarUr Sw_ ~ Tbat IIjrure have to be made for the movement has alJ'ee.dy been given. It baa been ot COllI. The railways have been of the order of from 2 million to I stepping up that. "nIere had been million tons; and that continu., to be _ shortfall, particularly, ~ ~ state of afl'al.. even now. the t.d rainy aeaaon tllia year. "nIorretore, the reserves at the am- Shit ~ I wllD& to know swnptioD centre. were IJ'ftU,. denud- what will be the nonnal .tAIek in view ed and wh.... the MlPplies ...... 01 the incre&llins demand tor coal and peel uP. the posltiOll Ia ..... 100S1 0... 1 Amwer. APRIL 7, 1880 SArI T. B. VJii...... : May 1 know not baen abl" to take any tinal deel-· whether r ~ have thoroughly sian. examined this aUotment to the vari- ous factories and, thermal .tatiolll by 8hri IjDaehandran: May I kn_ the Coal Controller because we lind wh"th"r it is a fact that the Mysore that for thel'l11al plant at Basin Government opposed th" proposal to Bridge. Madras. slack coal is sent. levy excise duty on coffee on the plea from Bihar and instead of that the r"venues will be affected'! from the neuby coalfields? The MIDlAer 01 PlDance (Shrl Sullar BWBran SlDeh: Every ellort MorarJI Dea.i): It is difficult to say has been made to make the alloca- which Government did this and whicb tions In such a manner that the stram GOViernment did that. But, in the on tralllpc>rt is reduced. BlOt, it whole question, what has been done there is any particular instance to the is that a suD-committee has been ap- knowledge of the han. Member where pointed with some of the Stat.. Chi"f he feels that the transport facilities Ministers and Finance Ministers 10 were not k"pt fully in vi"w, I am pr... that they can go into the question par"d to examine that specific in.t- and make r"commendations. And, ance. But. I agree broadly with the that r('port has not yet b..,n received. Implication of his qu".tion that the 8hri IlIIaehandran: Is it not a lact aUocation should be so made that th.. that the coltee trade wanted to have traniporL ladlities are not strained excise duty instead of sales tax? bayond a pomt. Shri MorarJI D ...... : Many people Replacement of Sal... Tax by EscJae prefer excise duty instead of sales tax. Dllti... But until the States agree, it is not + possible to convert it. 01328 J 8hri Ram Krlshan Gilpta: ShrlmaU Kenuka Ray: Will the han. '\.. Shel AJII Sinrh Sarhadl: Minister kindly state what is the general trend the r~ , of the Will the Minister of FiDanee be 0: State Governments? Are they in pleased to refer ts the reply given to favour of this or do they f".. 1 that Starred Question No. 217 on the 23rd because of their r ~ ur position, November, 1959 and stat" at what the present sales tax should continue? .talle i. the question of replacmlent of .ales tax by additional excise Sbrl MorarJI ~ Th" majority duties on certain selected commodi- are in favour; the minority are ties? against, But the minority are the more The Deputy MiJllster or ftnance powerful sections. (Shrba.1I TarkOlllhwari Sinha): The Shrl Thanu PIlIaI: May I kno.... que!itlon of fE"plarement of sales taxes whether the list of commodities refer_ by additional excise duties on certain red to the sub-committee is final or .elected commodities is under con- whether other commodities will be in.. sideration in consultation with the eluded? State Governments. SlIrI MOTUjI Deal: Whatever com- Sbrl Ram KrIshan Gupta: May I modity the sUb-committee will re- ltnow ""hother the State Governments commend, w" will agr.,.. And, I hav" replied; and. if so, may I know should Uke them to go further and what is their reaction? beyond that afterwards. Shrlmatl Tark.... war\ SIDha: The n ww "" : ~T ffi q'R1r whole thing is und"r consideration. Though It Is a fact that some of the ~ T~r State Gov"rnment. have replied and h ~~~~ ~ , ~~ have express"d their views, We have ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ T CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) 1006 10059 o· mt ~~ ~ ~ .:tf ~ iii; m (IF) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.r ~,, TT ~ ~ ~~~ ~ 0Tllf? if ~ 'R: ~ u~ .m 1ft ~ mt: mij' ...)fud (w) ~, ~ ~ if 'm ~ ~ T ~ '\tft't Wfilir 1ft ~~ ~ ~. T~~ ~ I ~4 """ ~ till) : Shrt S. II. Banerjee: I want to know .0 when the sub-committee is likely to (IF) .m (w>. fmt '!"1ft ~ ftnalise this and whe'.her' this is the ~, ~~~ T ~ only item under review or whether ~,. ~ ~. ~ ~ there are other aspects of the sales tax that are being considered. ~ , ~ 'IJfIf it; ~ if 1If1f .mfiIIlit ~ (t 'Ii ~ I of the sub-committee and I do not [(a) and (b). The report i. stili know when the report wfil be re- ceived. under consideration but in the mean- time a notification under section 4 of Shrl Hem Barua: In view of the the Land Acquisit;on Act, 1894, issued fact that delay has been caused in the in respect of about 34,000 acres of replacement of the sales tax by excise land round about Delhi would pre- duties, may I know whether there has ven t a rise in the prices of land.] bcC'n any tax evasion in the mcan .. while? Shri Ram Krlshan Gupta: May 1 know the preCise suggeslion. made by Shrl MorarJI Desai: There Is tall: the Committee for bringing down the evasion; but, it cannot be helped. prices of land in Delhi?

Shrl Hem aa",a: I want to know Shrl G. B. Pant: The report of the whother becau;e of (his delay there conunittce is under consideration. has been any tax evasion. But the issue of the noliftcation under Shrl MorarJI D.u: This particular the Land Acquisition Act itself pn'- de lay has not led to any tax evasion. vents any rise in the priceR. They are frozen. . Shrl Ram Krlahan Gupta: If this proposal i9 accepted. what will be Ita Shrt C. D. Paude: Initially the land effect on tax evas!on? was frozen because the price was ris· ing. Now the land has remained Shrl Morarjl DesaI: Taz evuion frozen tor a long time; and Lhe pr:ct'R ..ill disappear in this field. arc rising in distant areas, in areas ur h~r than those that are frozen. fcflIItif1(fif'IiT'P" Wi\l Government materialise lhe Master Plan as soon as po.ulble. 80 + that the land prices may go down? *tHt. ~ ~ ..... 'r" ~ ~ 1I1IPR: 8l1l'i G. B. Paid: I bop. the Muter Plan will be finalised soon. But, if there is auy ris. in the prices beyond "'" ~4 ~ ~~ ~ the urbanised are•• , perbapo, it ..ill ~~ ~ tnV be dimcuIt to flO to the extent of 100 ~~~~. ~~,, or 1000 mileo. May be It 1OfII· on ~r ~ extending more and more and areas will hecom" altract.ive. OT41 A.....,... APRlL 7. 1960

Shri C. D. PaDde: Sir. my question ~, ~ r ~ r has nol been fully unde ...tood. Whal J .aid was. becaus,' the land wao ~ ~ ~~ fr... .en the prices roee "p. Now. the ~ ~~ r omllt"tm Jand has r ~ frozen for a ~ 'lIfT ~ I!O bey,,; ..• that line and the land ~ A>Ifar 'IT ~ ,. ~ 'IT 'IiTt thot ha!1i -~ trozm PlePmPl to remain ~~ .rrozen 101" a] I timefii. Sbri G. B. Pam: There i. no barm ~ 1ft ••• lift : ~ ~ " Ihe people 10 a little beyond thp f'I> on 1i\' ~ A>Ifar iii fu>l 1ft trt t. .Rrp8 that is very clOile to them,' '"' if A>Ifar ~ f«r r...m ~ Sbrl Ansa. Ha"lUII: In view of thl! ~~ la<1 that the colonillers are indulling ill profiteering. i. there any proposal to fix a ceiling on the pl'ict" of land .m 'IT ~ in BN'8? ,,'" ,!1- .... tllat + SIIr'. G. B. Pam: So tnr al th .. -qul"iI:tion of any further rise in pric\!S .'U .. ~ wm ~ ~ : i!':. , ~ .-- . that haR bet-n in a way ~ 1J.rm: ,0IvL'(\ to a large pxlent b" the issue of Ih,. notilkutiol1 under th.. Land 'lIfT " ... 1ii'r 11'8' ;r;n;l 'lit fi'TT At'qlli'llion Acl. & to imposing any rnf'l> rurtMr eeiling on area.-; which are not c'uvprf'(j by the Land Acqui.sition (,.;) 'lIfT lit '" t fit; ,~ lII'"oml. Ae!. il would Ilf'. I think. a very dim- ~ roll pmposition. H'. "" fw;it iii omor iii 6T'fi: .mt ~ Ii itr 'lit Iff oft trnsen area? ~ ~~ r an O. B. hD&: Well. ] should Ilk" ;;r.rpl iii f.Ttf ~ ~ tAm ~ 10 do that, and if any 11ft .uggeoti.... ~ kq 111' fII'lr."," fi:q iii mad.. I will bf.. glad to cO!lllider them. m ~ 'R itimfi 'lit ~ if m; rev ~ ...... : Is it nol ,.....ibl.. to ftx the prier of tbr land mI' fiR ~ 'IR '"" AA it; m-;f ~ Ht whRt it wa..'" tt'" Y("81'111 back! ~ 'IT iIT1T .m.It iii iIT1T 'R ~ ~. s.n G. B. PIud: Well. if we go 'lh' back by ten yea.... I think. then lb. .,....,m pric:ea will be found almosl (or) om ". durlnc thlII period and who havp ,...,. wtJft ~ ••• w) : bftIfllltf'd and wtao have 1IUffertod. (,.;) 111',,, I ~ n ~ MI!: M ~ .••• ) r) r ~ ~ r~~ ~ ~ r ~ r 4T ~~ fiATt T ~~ ~ 'IiTt lII1iIrr ~ ~ ~ !WI' t ..... t

(b) and (c). It is reported that the ftIftf t, "1IT 'Tof if ~ ~ ~ OR daDands to this elreet were made. 'No request in this bebalf has, how- ~ 'I"1" 'IR' ~ 1t>T ~ 0PIllIT e.oer. been received by Government.] ~~ ~ 1ft ••• "" : q iI't ~ ~ .nr ~ IItttm'li\ : ~ ~ ~ I ~ to ~ I{ III 1ITlf ~ ~ T~~~ t t, ~ ~ 'f1ll1l' if tR .. lRpo' kJ disprove my statement? 8hr1 KblmJl: The hon. Mini.ter menlloned aboul the offer of Sardar IUIri G. B. Pull: Netaji deserveo 8 Petei'. statute and that i. why J am lugh place in th.· list of our national asking this qut!stion. leaden;. and he has to be admired for hie romarkable coUJ'lljle and oaeriftoct.oII 8hr1 G. B. Pllllt: One or two siles for flIP eountrJ, are und("'l' consideration, and the oom ... mittee which d,·al. Wlth the matter s.n D_ IIana: I wanl to IID_ h .. given thoullht to thO' subject. ",bal eoDCrele ~ the Govenment __ 18ken to commemom. his .... 8,eaker: We are aoinll away "-7 or Ii"" biD> the rllhttul from onr leader to another leader. ilJaa. in the natioDal """...... of thinp? Slut S. ... a.-jee: In part (b) "f !IIIrI G ••• I'aaI: lien iii" Netaji tM question It was a.rel'

memory Of NeLaji Subhash Chandra 8Ju1. ....1UI8th 81qta: There W M Boae? dilpute about it. 8hr1 G. B. Pant: Well, I understand Shri B. Bas Gupta: The same thilll that the proposal was con;iaered by applies, I think, In the ..... c4 the Postal Department and they fauna Gandhiji alao. that they could not do so at the time when It wa. made. But I have only Mr. Speaker: Order, order. We are collected this information; 1 have my- going into an argument here. lell hardly much to do with it. Shrl B. Das Gupta: I only want to ~ .... ~ ~ know why then there i. a memorial for Gandhiji and not for Netaji ~ ~ ~ ~ !i'IiTt 'liT 1I''Jft' limY Subhash Chandra Bose? IIi)f ~- r ~-~ 'lit ~ fiIwT Shrl G. B. Pant: Thi. Parliament iii; ~ ~ 'liT t mr fiI;" IIl1f b decided to do that and it is being done. ;n1f ~ ~ ;n1f If{ ~ 'IIW q'R: ~ We have to carry out the orden at a;r ~ ~ lffu1IT ~ ~ 'lIN I Parliament. at 'II"r-AT ~ W f'li qfi: ~ "'" ~ T m'll« ~ Electoral Bolls ID BIhar ~~ ~ 013S1 (Shrl AlU"OblDdo ~ ~ 1ft ••• ~ : ~ iI'Rf aT' it ~ . "l ~hr B. Bas Gupta: ~~~4 ~~~ Will the Minister of Law be pleased """" qr ~ ~ ~ to state: ~ ~ If{ III ~ ~I"" If{ ~ (a) ... hether Government are a ...are ~~ r~~~~4 that the Dh.nOOd Bar (Bihar) ~ , ~ ~ , have registered their strong protest against Ihe manner in ...hich the Elec_ ;m'li) q 0f11r f'(1rr ~ 1 qr 5'Ii ~ toral Roll of that area has been pre- , T~. ~ ~ ~ ~ pared and published; and ~ ~ If{ _1: flfom: 1 (b) it .0, whether Government have Mr. Speaker: Ne,,1 question. enquired into the grievance? Shri B. Das Gupta: Sir. may I put The Mbslater of (Shri one question T Depot,. Law BajamavIs): (a) and (b). In January, Mr. Speaker: So many questions 1960. the Election Commission receiv- have bet.n asked. ed a copy of the proceedings of a meeting of the Dhanbad Bar Associat- 8hrl B. Du Gupta: I ...ill ask only ion pointing out that the electrical roll aile qUP.lltion. The han. Minister jwt relating to the Dhanbed Assembly COD- s' Itueney had not been properly pre- now said that men like Netaji do not pared and was defective. The Eleotion ""luire any artlfteial memorial. Commission directed the Chi.f Elec- Mr. Speaker: He need not go into It. toral Omcer, Bihar, to enquire u,to the TIle hon. Minister said that the matter and take necessary action. The maldan naar Lal Quila will be dedi- enquiry revealed that there have boen eated to him. He has also given the a number of eTron and Omissions In detalla. When a question ..... put by Ihe electoral roll. The Deputy Com- Shri Prakash Vir Shastri whether a missioner. Dhanbed, has ~ that .tatue would be erected, he said that the errors and omissions wowd be- when that matter comes up It will be n-c:tifled during the current yur"1 re- CODIidered. vIaIon at the electoral rou... 01'41 A nSUlerl CHAI'l'RA 18, 1882 (SAKA) 01'111 Anau,.!,.. 10068

Shri AurobJnclo Ghosal: May Mr. Speaker: He wanta to know know whether th""e errors which De- whether the TISCO have complaine4 .curred in these electoral rolls will be that m"tallurgical coal hu not beaD redified before the ensuing elections? &l'nt to them. SbrI Raj_vis: As I said, they The MInIster of Steel, Mia... aad will be rectified during th" current Fuel (Sardar Swana Slqh): If year's revision itself. have understood the question correct- ly, it is this: whether the TISCO have Sbri B. Du Gupta: May I know complained that they are not g"ttlnll whether, after thl' report of the Chief th" coal from the Bhojudih washery. Electoral Omcer, the Government will That is the question. Well, Sir, it enquir" into the matter as to whether is a lact, because th" Bhojudlh washery the errors have been rectiJled correct- has not actually started. ly or not? ShrI MaluIIlt,,: May I know whPlher Shri Bajamavls: The ~ Com- the coal wash.. ry at Bhojudih and missioner is entrusted with the task, Patherdih were meant for commission . and after he has carried out the re- during the second Five Y"ar }' an vision, if there are complaints about period and whether thl'S" two coal the Bihar rolls, then the law itself washeri... were pnrticulary earmark- provides the remedy. ed for the private s""lor' In the cir- E"port of ellal cumstances, we would 11k" to know why these roal wuheries h ~ not + be,," complPled yPi. • 1332. f Shri BIwIja »eo: 8ardar S...... Siurb: Th"re h."" l SbrI Mlmabadra SIIah: been ~ . in the establishment or Will the Minister of Steel, MIIles th.,." wa.heri".. This question will QId "'1'1 be pleased to atate: be discussed, I 'uppos". when we' dis· cu.s the D"mand. for Grants under (a) whether it is a fact that e"POrts this Ministry. of coal have been prohibited; and 8hri Vldya CIIaraa Shall.. : M.y I (b) if so the reasons for the earn"! know whPlher it Is a f.ct that we The ParIJameDtary Secretary to &lie have b""" losing our coal export. to IIImster of steel, MID.. aad Pael the traditional markets in th.. lUI (Sbri Gajeadra P ...... SIDba): (a) three years? In the I•• t three years' and (b). Export of metal:urgical coal systematically we have 100t our roal is not being penni tted in vi". of th" export. to our traditional marke:•. inereasing requirements of the coun- Sardar Swana SIarh: I do not think try's expanding iron and steel indus- it will bl' a correct .talrment to aay try. As r"garda non-matellurgicaJ that we hav.. systematically 100t the -coal, supplies to our traditional market, .s the hon. Membl'r has put foreign markets will be maintained to it. For instance, even when we look the extent possible, consistently with our own intemal requirement Irom at the III\!""" of .otual '''''port, w" WIll lind that 1956, it WL' 1'1 million time to t.ime. Th.. position is under In tons; in 1951. it was 1'18 million tons: -conatant revie•. in 1958 it was 1'87 million Ions: and IIIbt BIIauja »eo: May I kn.... whe- in 1959 it .... a. l'G million ton.. Our th... th" Gov.-rnment have reOl"ved exporls have be,," or that ord"r. Th r~ a romplalnt from TISCO that they has b""n a dilre...,"ce of a rouple of a..., not gelti", mPtallurgicaJ coal I. lakhs this way or that ..... y. But that their steel plant from th.. BhoJudlh cannot certainly be described a. a washe.,.? Iyst"matic 10.. 01 our traditional markPi. Sbri (JajeDoIn Praa4 1l1aIIa: The last part of the question has not been Shri ....DMfJI 1l1aP: May I know r ~. the pooition In respect of the I!Xporb 10069 Oral A .... we7" APRIL 7,11160 Oral AftlWer. 10070

of our coal to Pakistan at present! Iy UHd for non-m..taUurgicai pur.- Ju:e they decreasing or increuing? poses is also bein& switched on far mef.allurgical purposes. All u.e ... Sardar SWIU"IIII Stnrh: So far .. coals are not of the same quality !'C t 'akistan is concerned, it looks for .. far as the ash content is eo""..,,,ed. ward to India lor the supply of coal and we have done our best to meet its 8hrt Vld7a Chana Shukla: FroIo requirement... In th" new trade qree- the figures that the hon. Minister gne ment also, I think there i. a provision it is apparent that instead of in"rea,- now 01 additional supply of about ing our coal exports to our traditiDna·' 30,000 tons of coal a month, and it III markets, w" have slidod back oIightiy. our intention to honour that. May I know the reasons for not hein, Shrl T_ B. ~ .....: May I know able to increase the experts to our whether it is a f.ct that TISCO hIllI traditional markets during the la!'ll three years? De"n asked to UIe coal other than ,.,ashed coal? Sardar SWIU"IIII 8iaI1t: The .trengUt 8a.rdaI" S,.,.... " Stnrh: They have of our economy which is growing an

Shrl Mahanl,.: May I know Mueam at Srlranppa&aa It is a fact that on aocount of the non- availability of higll-grade coal, the ·1333. Shri Rami Redd,.: Will the uh pert'entsge of the low-llrade coal Mini.:er of ScleDWic a-reh and that is being used in tile steel plants CultDral Main be pleased to slate: eaus<'S the cost of production of .teel to shoot up? (a) whetht.-r a MWICum at SriraDgB- patna in Mysore has been ('slahllsbed; Sardar SWIU"IIII Singh: All a lIeneral (b) the article. that are exllibited i" proposition, it i. corrt>Ct that if Ute ash the Muoeum; content in the coal that i. used for metallurgical purposes i. highcr, to (e) the _isla""e given to ~ that extent, the cost of produc'ion wil! Muoeum by the State ~ be hillh.".. It is precise ly for that pur- and pose that washeries are expected to (d) the details of the plano. if .nv. bt> . h~ so that the ash content for improving the museum? may be reduced. Unless the washer- I... go into production, tllere i. no The Deputy MInister

!'Ihrl Mahanty: When ar" they ·'s<>- (b) The museum COn tains such arI,j_ ing into production"":" cleo as Tipu Sultan's dress and his gold chronometer and paintings Shri Bbaa,la Deo: May I know prints, sketches and coins to illustrate "'hether it i. a fact that ash content his rule and life. of metallurgical coal increased by (c) The S:ate Government preIIeS>t.- ab""t two per cent. during th.. last ed to the Museum a collection of one year! gold, silver and Copper coins of Tipu Sultan and Haider Ali. .~ r Swann 81 ..... : I do not :hink that thaI is cor""-,! a. a geological (d) The collection will as f..- as phpnomenon. because th(! ash ("on tent ~ to augmented by procurinc does not increase merely by lapse of anhqwUe. pertaining to Tipu Sultaa tim". As our total requirement of from private L' well .., oftIcial sou...,."" ur ~ ~ h .. InM"Cased, the 8Iui BunI Reddy: At the time ..hen mef.allurgical coal "':'Ich was Original- Srirangapalna was captured by Tippp. CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) Oral A ...... the valuable libraries and collections Library, and. it so, what aetlon .1 ot Tippu were carried away by the taken to bring them back! British and distributed among the various universities and libraries in Dr. M. M. Des: We have Kot '''' infonnation at present. Britain and, theretore, may I know .... hether Ihe Government are makinl ~ r.. ~- r. any efforts to recover any of those valuable books and manuscripts? + ~~ ~ Dr. M. M. Das: It is difficult to give """ ~. ~ ~~~ ~ : a reply to this qUBStion offhand; but 80 far as my knowledge goes, they ~.~~ all fonn part of the National Library ~~~~ in Calcutta. But I am not sure on this point. ~ --~ ~~ 8hri Rami Reddy: Has the Govern- t"Tmfil; : ment evo:ved any plan to recover our ~) ifIIT q-g 'f'I' ~ f:\' 'fnT :ml" ~ • r~ TT ~ ing any eft'ort to recover them? "fh" RtlF • f"''''ol T ~ ffl ofnrr Dr. M. M. Das: This qUBStion il ~,

stream of the river Ghqra forms the of villages and this has led to a,...n.n boundary between the lJistrlct of trouobles and disputes? Balia in Uttar Pradesh and the DiB- trlct of Saran in Bihar, and the deep Shri G. B. P ....I: No. The e>:atmll stream of the Ganges forms the atate or affairs has Dot been disturbed. boundary between the Districts of There were some representations .from Balia iD Uttar Pradesh and Shahabad certain villallers, which accept \he in Bihar. Owinll to periodical chanlles allotment of those villalles to U.P. in the course of the rivers due to ri- and that the r ~ ~ of Bihar had verine actiOn difficulties have arisen been making some sort of revenue regarding jurisdiction and ownership settlements there. 1 am assured by of land and standing crops. The the Chief Minister that these vilLoges Governments of Bihar and Uttar either belong to Shahabad or .. Pradesh have been desirous of hav- likely to remain unaffected even loyt. ilig a firm boundary demarcated so as these changes. If there .s any ctulnge, to avoid th" possibility of land dis- he will certainly not have any obj",,- putes. Representatives of the State !.ion to the position as it was before Governments have discussed the mat- the settlement bema maintained. ter with a view to evolvinll D saUs- factory solution and further meetings Shrl S. M. BanerJee: The hOD. are to be held between them. Both Minister said in his reply that both t..'Ie the State Governments have requested Governments have requested the the Government of India for their good Centre for an expeditious settlement . o!Ilces to rnable them to comp to an of this problem. Should I take it that expeditious solution). the State Governments have not Lten abl" t., Il8tch up their differences and if so, whether the Central Govun- .~~~ ~- ment has intcrv· ned in the matter 11(1<:11" ~ ifffOlTil ....r fo'TT fT"1"I! ~ tr.n ~ it. lIflf-d", ~ any trouble. ~~ iff""", ~ ~ mf1Ir 'Ill ~ ~ Shri O. B. PIUIt: I am sorry 1 d.d ~ ~ ~ IA ~ ., "" 'lit "1ft '!"'" not quite follow the question. " ..m: JIf" ~~ IfTI11'IT 'r'Ir "1ft ~ Shri Kamal S .....: It was dec:ldetl ~ to have a pennanent boundary line III 1952. It ha. r~. taken 11 , .... rs and h ~ has been done in Uda SIII'I Ka.1 8iqIa: May I Im_ matter. It is a thine w'tilth will taJre whether pending the fInalisation of a long time. :n belween, there w. fixation of a permanent boundary, a rertain interim .rr.. nlement. nat the annual deep stream veri.6catioD interim arrangement i. not beine would be talten up between the two carried out. Go\'ernmenls and whether it is true Mr. Speaker: What is hi. question' that this hal been susPe!lded and the Govel'llJllent of Uttar Prad... does Dr! ~ ...... : I want fo b_ _ w ...1 to qree to the adjudl

'Would be made, so that the people 011 Sbrl R_ BanIa: May I know h~ .,ither side of the villages may Jlot th,'r it is a fact that a croup of men have difficulties in rutting their crop. in the LlC h ~ monopolised it as a and there may not be frequent agra· source of dislribution of ~ te rlan troubles? a certain group of operalors and bUflinessmeon and if' so, with what Shrl G. B. Pant: The existblll sh"" result? .of aITairs unnecessarHy causes sus- PC.'n,!1:(' and it is desirable to finalise SbrlmaU Tar.. esbwarl Sinha: It i. the matter as soon as possible. not a fact. Mr. Spea...... : . Question 1091 which Sbrl H_ Barua: In "iew of the tacl had been postponed On account of that Mr. Subbiah has sent a h'tter the absence of the hon. Finance Minis- which is 160 poges in len,th and the ter ."d which is printed at the end repl)· that is purported to be given by ""iIl be taken up now. h~ Goverlm'enl is supposed tl) be 216 palles in l,mglh. may 1 know whether Life lnsurallOe Corporation Government propose to place the letter and the reply on the Table of + the House? r Shri B.... Barua: °1191. ~ Sbrl Sampath: The MlDilJler of FI...... e (Shrl l Shrl 'I'UIpJnaaI: MorarJI Deall: The reply of Govern· ment is not 216 POI" in length. The Will h~ Minister of FiJuuIee 1M- reply funning to 216 pales was trom pleased to stale: Ihe LIC when thp Government asked tor a rcpoM about it. Th,· .. eplv of (a) whether attention of Govern· Governmenl to Mr. Subbiah, w&., only nlcnt has bet'n drawn to 8 statement Iwo or three pag"s and nothin& more mode by Mr. A. Subbiah, a ~ than that. member of the L.I.C. Investmenl tloard. 10 Ihe elTect that there are As regard. the publication of ii, I ca.e. of in\'estment of L.l.C. tunds in ha Ve told Mr. Su bbiah t hal he can do .. mannrf that the "manifestly adverse what he likes with it; he has threaten· to L.I.C. intl'rt'sts" as also instances ~ me with all oorl. of thine". If he <>f cast."6 "not less serious than ~h chooses to publi5h H. I will certainly which were investi,ated in the lay it on th,· Tablp of Ihe Hou

(d) Government is satisfted thai h~ StlrI T ...... I: May I know whe· inv ••lmenla reterred to by Sbri ther Govemment will .1 least Jay on Subbiah conform to the provision. of h~ Tabl.. of the House a statement ~ 27 A of the I05uran"" Act. 1.38 showittl instanceo which ha,'" """n . ~ apphPd. to the Life Insurance Cor· mentioned in Mr. Subbiah'. leU"r! r poration. do not th•• nlir. detail.. Mr. ~ (Ai, LS-2. 10077 Oral AnsIDer. APRIL 7, 1960 Orul Amwer.

Subbiah has given how investment it is proper. (Interruptions). I have has been made in certain companies no objection to lay ~ statement and he has liven the reasons also why on h~ Table about the facts. he objected to those investments at Shrl Hem Barua: May I ask one that particular juncture. I would question? There Wl're many instance" like to know whether at least a .um- and I have too many of them with mary will be liven of h ~ instances me. May I know whether it IS 3 fact whieh have been liven by Shri that cash receipts or the LIC gener- Subbiah in his letter, not the whole ally is in l'XCC'Sg of the disbursements leller. to the extent of Rs. 10 lakhs ada)' Shrl MorarJI Desai: If Shri Subbiah and, if so. wheth .. it is a fnct that thO' publishes the corrt"Spondence 1 shall u ~ of these accumulated sums of certainly lay it on the Table 01 th(' the order of Rs. 151 crores arc kept House. in the curr(mt account. that is, free of interest, in C'ertain bank!=; by way Shrl Braj Raj Slnch: Why should of patronage? . Government wait for Shri Subbiah .0 take the initiative? Mr. Speaker: How can Wl' go into the details? Shrl Tanpmanl: In the other House ~r incidents were mentioned by Shrl Morarjl D These amounts On«,1 hon, Member. What I want to of policy. I have not eonc into thl.' know is ...... details and I do not propos,> to eo into them, tbou,h I have got many do- Mr. Speak.: The hon. Member ha. tails like wrone: investment in com- said the same thinl three times. Hon. panies. But this is a matter or policv Members want that thl" corresponden('E' whether these amounts should hI' with Shri Subbiah should be laid on deposited in thl' current Bet'oun1, t ..·:· the Table of the House. The hon. peeially when the amount is of the Minister has stated that Shri Subbiah order of Its. 10 lakh. a day. has threatened him with a i I sorts of thin,s and if Shri Subbiah publishes Shrl Morarjl Desai: These amount.· hi. I<.'lter, then the reply of the LIe are nol kept there for a long time. and also the dedsion of the Govern- They have to be kepi in some hank ment witl be laid on the Tab'" of thl' for some time until they art' propl"rly House. invested, They cannot bt.. inn'stC'd A. ROD- Member: Why not the immediately they a .... receivt'd. In- Gov('rnment do it now? Why should vestment can be made only al.'("ord- they wait for Shri Subblah to publish ing to certain well-laid r ~ and thlm! lI... t? it will take some time. Until th"n th_ funds have to be kept in some 8br1 Har.... CbaIuIra Mathur: We do banks. not know the flK"ts. WhatP\'f'l' may be thl' racts pointed out by Sh, i IIIui BBrIm CIoaIldra Math.r: Are Subbiah and the Govern'ment dcci!lt- Ihe.. funds krpt in the State S."k·: ion thereon, 'We want a 9t.ateme-nt of facts and the point of view of the Sbrl MorarJI Desai: I am nol quite LIC. I wanl to know whether h~ !'lUrE': it may be in the State Bank. Ministpr has any objl'Ction to lay on thr Table of the Hou.e a .lall'men: IlIIrI ...... : May I know indicatinc the position. whetht!r it ~ a tact that In ~ , r 1958. the Investment Committee ad\'i,- Shrl M..... rjl ~ I h ~ no ob- ed the purchaae of' h - ~ jection. But it will be an unusuRI 1IuI..... of the value of Rs. 5 lakh' practice. Whcnevpr a ",presentation when the shares were quoted al like that comes, makiDl alle,.tion. R •. 5.70 nP. and. if so, whether it i•. every time I must put it on the Table a fact thaL the olBclat. temporise:! and of th House. I do not know whrthrr the actual purchase was made aftt-r OTal Answers CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKAl OTal An.IVer. 10080 tour months in April, and May 1959 price at which it WL< purchas,'d? As when the shares shot up to Rs. 7.70 nP. far 85 possible. comments should be and Rs. 9.10 nP. avoided durinl the Question Hour when they arl' pullin, questions. The Shrlmatl Tarl",lIhwarl Sinha: AlIl'r question mu.t be simple and straight, it was dt'Cided by the Investment Com- meant to eolicit an answer. No dcro· mi"e. to purchase Ashok-Leyland gatory ob!\prvations shall be made sharl"!!, the Corporation in December either by ont' side or the other. made enquiries about 5,000 shares and Shrl Tan,amanl: May I put am' were informed by the brokers that mort" question? they were not available. Similarly, on the 3rd Janua,'y, 10th January, Mr. Speaker: am not going to 28th January, amd 7th February, allow it ~ h~ LIC a.ked tor quotations f01" 5,000 shares, but thoy wer" not avail- Shrl Hem Baru.: May I put an- other supplementary? able. After that, th" Inv"stm"nt Com- mitt£'l' advised h~ exet'utive to pro- Mr. Speaker: Th,' hon. M,'mb"r hR. ceed with this deal with caution, be- used the word 'tC'mporisin,', caus(I the budget proposals were like- ly to be ~ public soon thereatter. Shrl Hem Barua: May I point Ollt .. Th.rI,t'lTe, the Corporation could not Mr. Speaker: I did not read al1Y- buy these ordinary shares at that tinle. thing new into his word? Shri MorarJI D ....I: May I sup- S ..... Hem Bania: ! am sorry. I CHn a plf'nu'nt this? The aVt'rage purchase not put cream into my words. prico for Ashok-Leyland shares w&.< Rs. 5.;;5 nP and the current pricLO of Mr. Speaker: The han. Ml'm!K'" h ~ 5.ame shares is ~. 7.20 nP. 5Ct'nUi to be It professor in Englil!ih Mr. ~ r That is exactly what a180. I do not know how h ..

Sbrl Hem Barua: May I know whe- WRITTEN ANSWERS TO ther it is a faet that the purchase of QUESTIONS Government sf'Curitics from the- Re- ~r , Bank 01 India are made through Tralnlo, of indian Technicians In broken instt>Bd of directly from the U.S.S.R. Re!ilr.rve Bank and, if so, whether Shri Subbiah suggested that purchases be '1335. Sbrl Damalll: Will the madr direct from the Reserve Bank Minister of FlAanc. be pleased to and it was turned down by LlC? refer to the reply given to Starred Question No. 70 on the 11th February. 1960 and stalc:

Sbrl Morarjl 0 ....1: The R"serve (8) whether details of the projects Bank itself says that it has to be pur- to b. financed under the 1500 million chased like that and brokeralle has roubles credit including the program- tn be liven. That i. the practice. me of AssIstance for training Indian should certainly like to get over it. if technicians have been finalised; and 1 can. (b) if so. th,' details thereof?

Sbrl Harlab Chandra Matbur: It i. Tile Deputy Minister of Finane. only in order to avoid thp necessity (Sbrl B. R. Bba,a!): (a) Yes Sir. of makinl unnecessary obscrvationn that the HUIIf'stion was made that II. (b) h~ ~ invited to Article :-;tatement on h ~ should be laid on I and Article 11 (5), (6) and (7) of th •.' Table (If the HouSt·. gl\'ing factual the Additional Agreement between the infOl'mation. &0 that we may have the Government of India and the Gov- infonnation in our possession. Aftt'r ernment of the Union of Soviet Socia- ali. the allellation has not been made list Republ ic determining the Iisl of by a member of the public but by a enterprises to be effected in collabo- member oC thC' Inve!'tmtmt Committ('e. ration dated the 12th February. 1960. Wht'n he makes c('rtBin al]('gations. Copies of this Additional Agreement Wt· want to know what those allt·g- have already be"n plaoed in the alums are and what Government's Parliament Library. a!titude towards them is. May be, his allt-gations r~ ~ u ~ false. We do not want to come to any ronciusion M... esIam ore In Wynad, Itera" hl·rt· and now; we only want to know the facts 50 that We eRn coml.' to som(- '1338. Sbrl llnacbudraa: Will the ('onclusion atter knowing th(, whole Minis"'r of Sleel. MinH and Fael be thing. pleased to state: (al ",hether it is a fact tllat mal- ne5jum Ofe ~ found in Manantodd,. Mr. Speaker: The hon. ~r musl in Wynad. Kerala State; ('onsider the qUHtion whether it I. no.t in the public interest to p1act.· (b) whether a compreh('nsive sur- th.· wholp bunoh-the letter of Shri ~ ha. been made; and SUbbiah. the .... ply of Lie and the rrl"olution of Government thereon- (('1 if so what are thl' r ~ on the Tabl(' of tht· House ~ ~ to t>logical Survey of India has not to him to do so. reported any such QCCUITt"Dce.

(bl and (c) Does not arise. 10083 Writteft AftSwers CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKAI Wrilte.. Answrr. 100&4

Strip Padr.1.... for MedlGbl.. (b) whether the whole .mount h.d been deposited with the authorities ·lUl. SIIr\ A. JI. Tarha: WUJ lnl: conct..-rned ; MiDister of Steel, IIIHs IIIId JPaeI De ple.sed to slale: (e) whethpr the paU•• of land were prepared in 11157; and (a) whether it 1. a fact that tne... i. a great dl!lllllnd in-the country tor (d) whether it i •• fact Ihat neither strip packin.. for medicines; the paltas been given so far nor the amount returnt"d? (b) if so, the quantity produced ItI thc country and imported annually, The Depul), MlDlater .f DefeDce (c) whether .ome IImUI have appJilki (Sanlar Majlthta): (a) to (d). Y .... for foreign c",chan.p \0 import tbe Sir, but only lease-hold ri,hls ovpr material; and the land were auctioned. 8 of the 9 successful bidders were refugees. Only (d) if so. what action "a. bee" 7 oul of them depoaited the (·ntire taken in the matter? bid amount. Dr.ft leases r~ pre- pared in 1958. After scrutiny by the TIle MiIIWer at S&eel, -.u.. ... competent authority, the h'aseo ha!ll (a) Fael (SartI.. Sw..... sm,ta): be<>n executed in one case. "n1,e re· Prl!llumably the Member Iras in miD4 mainin8 six If'ases are expected. to tw steel strips and hoops u.pd for 1*'1t- executed shortly. Delay appe.... to hi.. 1t so, the answer is in tne have b.·en caused in deciding from alllrm.tive. which dal,· the rent liability ,hould commence. (b) Thp quantity produced .nd 1m· ported durine the ypars 1958 ana 1959 is:

Import of PeI.. le.m f .... U.S.S.L

Production Imporl • JSbri PC...... : 133 •. lShri ...... ar TaDUa:

Will the Min;"ter of Steel, Min ... 1958 II ,467 tnns 22,8t8 Innl .... Fael be pleased to state:

1959 IR.3Rr tons. 2K,121 wnw Ca) whether it i. a fact that a ,",pa- rate agreement is ,oin, to be uened (e) and (d). GeDerally, ftrms appJJ between Indian and Soviel Govern- for import licenceI and not for ro .... 1p menb tor importing ~ oil into .",chl\llll...... ,h. Import 1Jeene.. the country; and a.... iaoued 10.U act_I usc.. lor strips, at preaent. (b) if so. the detail. thereof?

The MlDWer of...... aDd 011 (ShrI IL D. Malan),a) Ca) and (bl. An r in this rel.reI h .. been n'· '1111...... I. P. 1,.li&liiii: WnI otr... ceived from the Government of th .. the Minist.. r of Def_ be plft8ed \0 U.S.s.R. Detail. are beine ne,otiall'd-- state: by th... wholly Government Company. (a) whether it is a fact lhat some the Indian Oil Company. Limited. on land in the can\Onment area at &au,or behalf of tM Government at India. in Madhya Pradeob had\ been auc- Details wiU depend em 1M "utteI&ful tionl'd in 11157·58 to nine refupeo; conc1u..ion of the ne,oti.lIon•. WTitten Answers APRIL 7, 1960 Written Answers 10086

COll8umpU .... of Diesel 011 Explosion In Sadar Bazar, Delhi '1340. Shrl Harlsh ChaDdra Mathur: '1341. Shri D. C. Sharma: Will the Will the Minister of Steel, MiDes aad Minister of Home Albin; be pleased ."ur.1 u(' plt'ascd to lay a ~ to state: shOWIng: (a) whether it is a fact that two (D) the total consumption of diesl'1 girls and a servant received injuries 011 by (I) road transport and OJ) as a result ot an explosion in Qasab- othl'rs ca(:h year since 1956; pure, Sadar Baza!', Delhi on Sunday. the 20th March, 1960 when an old (b) what has been shifl from diesel scrap merchant was melting some oi I to pptro\ from year to year as a fired ammunition by the ,(,oad-sidE'; result ot increasl' In excise duty; (b) how the ammunition which (c) whether it is a fact in- that contained explosive matt'rials was cl't'used kerosenl' is mixed with diesel declared scrap; and from year to year: and (C) the' action taken or proposed to (d) if 80, thE" estimated increase in be taken in the matter? this trend and conseqllf'nt los!oi in duty? The MiDlster of Home Affairs (SIl.1 'I'he Minister of Mines aad 011 G. B. Pull>: (a) Four persons includ- (Shrl K. D. Malavlya): (a) No accu- ing two lirls r ~ simple injuries rate information is available separate- as a result of an explosion which took ly rt·garding the consumption of die- pllce on Saturday the 19th March 8el Oil by road transport and by other 1960 at Qasabpura. Sadar Bazar. wwrs, It is, howf>ver, estimated that Dtolhi, when a scrap dealer was mell- b(,twt'f'n 70 to 75 peT cent 01 High in, some mf'tal by the road side. Speed Diesel Oil is being consumed (b) Th. metal had not been dec- bv road transport and only the bal- lired scrap. It appears that it .... ~ by other users (including rail- purchased by the »cup dealer f ...... way!!, tractors, !!tattonllry and marine lome hawkers and contained a live ~ Engines etc.) during each year detonator. oin]'r 19Se. (C) Ttu.' scrap dealer hal been con- (b) to (d). The first locrea,,· of victed under Section 286 and 387 duty on H.S.D. only (excluding pet- Indian Penal Code and Sec lion 1. of rol) wao from 1-3-59 and the furthet' the Arms Act. in('rt'8Se has beC'1l only trom 1-3-60; it is, therefore. too early to expt"'Ct any ..... Po.. er Commltte. major shllt from any particular fuel Slut SalMlllll Baa... : to anothC'r. Ppople who had dlf'sel r trucks and u~ from be-fort" will. I s"" a. c. MaJI>I: 811 .. S. C. s..aata: natut"al1y. continut' to consume Diesel I • J Slut Pada_ DeY: for sornt" more time till lhl'Y Changl' 1St!. ') Sbri Bllakt 0...... : to pt.trol ~ or petrol vehicles .. It Sbri A.jDII SIDl'h is .!tignift<.'ant, however. that while I Blladavta: ronsumption of ~ 1 in 1958 was 30 I L Slorl S. A. Mehdl: pf'r l'pnt O\!C'T 1957 ~ , . tht" C'onsump- lion in 1959 \\'8" 10 per C'enl Dvpr Will the Minister of U-e A.un 1958: that is. rale of increase at ~. be pleased to statt>: h ~ ~ reduC't"d, There is . r ~ (a) wh(>thl."l' thE' Man Power ~ sonw misusp. of Kerosene 111 dles(-'1 ~ of th(' five- Zonal Councils ~ , . mainly by r~ or, r ~ have C'ompleot('od the study of personel who ha\'t.' le!'s, regard for thNT vehl- r("quirf.'menl-. fOT the Third Five Year ~ though separate figures cannot Plan; bn rnll.clecl. 10087 Written Answers CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) Writle" A"swers 10088

(b) whether this has been submitted C_altaUve Commlt_ for Prlmar, 10 Government for scrutiny; and and Set'ODdary Education In Delhi Shrl Ram Krlshan Gupta· (e) whether this has been accepted r "1345. ~ Shri lIem Barna: by Government? -.J- l Shrl Ajlt Sln,h Sarhadl: The Minister of Home Alral... (Shrl Will th,' Minister of &laeatlon be G. B. Pant): (a) These studies are in pleased to rl'fer to the I"l'ply givl'n to progress and will be finalised when Starred QUl'stion No. 89 on the 18th the Third Plan has been fixed up. Novemb,·r. 1958 and state:

Ib) and (e>, Do not arise. (a) whether ~ have t.aken a decision for formation at a Leplatl... re: Contneta with consultative committee to look ofler Private FI...... primary and secondary education in Delhi; and "1343. Shrl Ram KriabaD Gapta: Will the Minister or Law be pleased (b) it so, the ur ~ of decision to refer to the reply liven to Un- taken? starred Question No. 960 on the 4th Dct'ember, 1959 and state at what The M...... 01 lduoaU... (Dr. stale is the proposal for leeislation K. L. Shrimalll: (a) Yeti. Sir. on the American lines for rE-vision or I"£"nrgotiation of Government contracts (b) The request ot the Delhi School made with private parties or flrms? Teachers' Association for the .eUin, up of a consultative committee ha. TIle .,.,..tJ MIn".r of Law (Sbrl been accepted. R.".,...... ): The matter is still under ~ r. , Soelal Welfare ktealllan Pre,... ...... e Ordaallee he&ol7 lUI. Sbri D. C. Sbarma: Will the MiniJItpr of E ...tln be pleuecl to .,..... SIII'I P. 11:. 8eo: Will the Mind- .tate the amount of Centr.1 ..Iltan.e ter of Delea... be pleueel to otate: liven to Punjab State in 11159-80 for lal ,.h h~ Government are consi- locial welfare extenlion projects and dering to instal another furn.ce In for social and moral hygiene and the IshaporP Ordnance Factory for in- r~ rr programme,? r ~ production of steel: 'n...... r 01 Uacadan (Dr. (b) when the new furnace will be K. L. Sbri8Ialll: (i) Ro. 5,02,700 for C"ommissiont!d: and I""ial welfare extension projects; and (") th(" cost involved? liD Ro. 67.722 for social and moral hYeiene and after-carP procrammr. Tile __ of Def• .,., (Sbrt out of which R •. 25.722 r~ towar.... Knana MeDon): la) and Ib). Except adjustment at arrrlr!l' claims for 1958 the 30 ton BaSIC Open Hearth Fur- to 1959 and R •. 42.000 art' for 1959-80. nace, which is beina: installed and "'hkh ~ expt"t'tt"d to br- commissioned Gandbtan I'IIU-...,. by thr end or this yf'ar. tht'reo is nn t133. Shrl Bba,.Yall: Will h~ trr.!=h propos-a I to instal another fur- Ministpr of Ed.catl.. b. pl.ued to na

18M. Shrl D. C. Sharma: Will the Mini.1m of' ~ be pleased to Univenolty Hobby Workshopo fitah': 183&. Shrl D. C. Sharma: Wifl the Minister of E4ueatloa be pieased to (a) the total amount of expenditure refer to the reply given 10 Unstarred tax assessments. collections and Question No. 1380 on Ihe 14th Decem- arrear. tram 1st December, 1959 to· ber. 1959 and state the up-to-date- date (State-wi.,,); and progress made 10 implement the pro- posal to establish hobby workshops in (b) what stl'PS have been taken to universities and'S? r ~ thl' arrears? The Mlalater of Educatloa CDr. Tbe Mlnlst.r of FInance eSbrl K. L. Shrlmam: A statement i. plao- Morujl o.aI): (a) and (b). The in- ('d on the Table. rSee Appendix lII. (ormation is being collected from the annexure No. 541. Commission ot Expenditure Tax and will be placed on the table of the HOUSl' wht.·n ready. Sebool Hostels In ADllhra .ratesb

1837. SIIrI M. V. KrIalma Baa: Will Ordn.nce .·...,tory at B ...... r. the Minister of Educalloa be pleased to state: .~. Sbrl D. C. Sharma: Will lhe Miniskr of Perenre be plea.llied to (a) whether Government have refer to the reply eiven to Unstarred sanctioned any amount to Andbra' Questinn No. 1373 on the 14th Decem- Pradesh Government for the construc- ber. 1959 and state the further pro- tion of school hostels during 1959-80; gr.'" mad. in the matter of letting up and an Ordnanre Factory at Bhand.ra? (b) if so. the total amount .anctioned The MlDlBter of Defe...,e eSIIrI for each ~ u Krlslma Meaon): Prop-ess on the im- plementation of the ExplOSives Pro- ne MbIIater of Edacatloa CDr. j ...t at Bhandara i. beine maintained K. L. (a) and (bl. A tot.l a. planned. sum of Rs. 1.75.000 has been sanclion- ed to Ihe Andhra Pradesh Govern- Preliminary land notillcation under ment during 1959-80 tor being read- Stoction 4 of the Land Acquisition Act. vanoed by them to the followinl insti- 1894. has bet>n iaued. Action to ac- tutions for the construction of Hostels. quire land for immediate construc- After the completion of normal for- tion work i. in hand. maUtie!\:- 10091 Written ~T CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) Wrille.. An.we,s 1009:z.

Amounl Name of the institution SlnclionN r ~


I. Sri Vivekananda Hiah School, Giddalur This r r ~ onl)' the in:.;,.l·· 2. Fatima Girls' Multi-purpose Hilher Scam- menlS 18ncrionrd fur dory School, Kazipd. ~ and nul rh~ IUlli. amount of Joan aprrllnd 3. NI.I Hharati Gurukul I{"sidenlial High ::,: II for each imuitution. School, RltjumlDdry. 4S,000 4. GovCTnment Basic Training Schcxll, Pene ... padu •. 75,000

TOTAL. 1"S,ooo

-----_.. _------_..... __ .._--_ ... _.-.... Vniversltles In Andbra Pra4eU (b) if so. what i. its nalure? 1l1li. Sbrl Madkasadaa Rae: Will Tbe III1alater of EdueaUon (Dr. the Minister of Ed_tlon be pleased K. L. Sbrlmalll: (a) Yes Sir. to slale: (b) The scheme provides for ad· (a) how much grant has been &iven ditional tutorial classes for thOM 10 the Ihree Universities in Andhra Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Pradesh during the Second Five Year Tribes students who have hem ad- Plan period upto 31st December, nutted after relaxing the require- 1959; and ments tor admiS8ion of such candl .. (b) how much grant i. gohll to be dates. given by the end of the Second Five Year Plan? Play Grouau for Ed.eatloaal r... u- tuUDas ID OrIlla ·Tbe Minister of Ed.catlon (Dr. K. L. Shrlmall): (a) Rs. 94,30,426.75 1840. Sbri CblalaJMDl Paalcrabl: nP. Will the Minister of Ed_UOD be (b) According to present anticipa- pleased to refer to the reply liven to tions, a sum at Ro. 80,83,499.29 nP.. Unstarred Qu.,.tion No. 151 dated the i. likely to be liven to theae Uni- 18th November. 111511 and state: versitieo upto the end of the Second (a) whether the sum of RI. 24.000 Five Year Plan. Thi. includes Ro. which was sanC'tioned in lavour of the .~. . nP. already paid during Orissa State Government for the th.. period January to March. 11160. purpose of providinl play grounda Ja l-dueational institutions has been dis- Oellll Vnh,enlt" bursed by now; and 183 •. Sbri IIaJIl KrIIIwa Gap": Will (b) if !IO. thc names of the institu- the Minister of EdlJeatioa be pleaseS tions which have received them? to r ..fer 10 tho. reply liven to Star- red Queotion No. 115 on the 18th The Mlals."r of Ed_tIon (Dr. November. 1959 and state: K. L. Sbrimalll: ra) and (b). Infor- (a) whether Delhi University has Ination in this behalf has been called' since finalised a scheme for living tor from the Gov.... nment of Orrlaa. better edUCAtional facilities 10 the On receipt. It will be placed on the' • tuden!. of Backward Classes; and Table of the House. JOO93 Written Anrwen APRIL 7, 1960 Written Answers 1(094

Iron Ore DeJlOllll. In Cuttack (a) Ihe number of encounters that took place from the lsi' of November, 1841. Shrl Chlntamonl Panlerahl: 1959 to 31 sl of March, 1960 in Manipur Will the Minister of Steel, Mines between the Naga hostiles and the ..... Fuel bc pleasl'd to refer to the Manipur police; r ~ given to Unstarrf.!d Question No. (b) the number of ho.tiI,," arrested 14D on the 18th November, 1959 and and detained during this period; and

(c) the number of hostiles who sur- (a) what are h ~ free areas in the rendered to the police during the above di'tril't of Cuttal'k which the expert period? committeE' han rCl'ommended for rt'- !

Lelal AW Ie ~ lu Trlp•• a TIl. lIIIula.... of H_ Allain ( .....1 lH!, Sbrl IIuIraIII Thakur: Will the G, B. Put!: (a) represent.- tions were received_ -Jilinister of Law "" pleased 10 ltale: (a) Ihe num"",' of candidatel who (bl The Commiuioner tor Linruistic ,have applied for Legal Aid as a pari Minorities has been lookin. into tile . of Ihe larllpr general soheme for the matter. The at"""tion of the Slale llranl of free assistance to the Government has also been drawn to it. ·poor 90 far in Trlpura;

(h) ho.. · many of them have been Ilh"e'n the aidi and (c) thl" total amount given a! aid? ~r r , ~~~ r __ TIle DeptKy MInIste. 01 Law (811r1 .~. ___ II'*t1l1l' H.ja ..... v ..): (al to (Wl'IPft it ~ 11M 7l'{ ~ 't>r7 ~ ,,~ Nara a_tile. In Manlpu. ~ ~ 1ft;nT f1TT 'If wIT ..".. ';II'It 1143, Sh.1 D, C. S ...... : Will Ihe Minist.r of Home Atraln b. pleased tft;!rT ~ 1fiwi liT ~ ~ for. ;it fIm -to ~ ~~ .. .. 10095 Written An.,wers CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKA) Written Answers 10096

("l) ~ ~ iIT, ;;iT ~ fifllT'T Illstor, of MllIIstr, 01 FIII8llCt! ~ :rrWrf ~ iflIT v· 1fT ~ ? 11147. Shri A. M. Tariq: WiI'l the Minister of Fill8llre bo pl!'a'cd to state:- .tnfiI1Ir ~ ~~ om: (a) whether there is any .... ~ (WT. If. 1ft • .m) : (;r;) to bring out a History of th. Minis- >fr. F.t 10;.. tfi"'fT7 :0 ~, ~ try of Fina,",e; and 'iiI firr 'It 'fT ~. '" ~ r ~~ (b) if so, when? ~~. *" "IT"" ;for '!'l'H ~~ ~ Th~ MInister of FIBanee (8lar1 lI7.!:!"'fJq ~ 'T>:tT P: f" it: ;m1 1ro1i ,",Pf sideration the publication of a oerlel ~r.r .T T~ of studie. describing the orlanisation, functions and workinl of thr different Ministries. At the request of the Insti- Tloualer 01 area rr- IOadI BecIoe tute, the requisite material rellardln, to ~ BecIoII .. PIIII,Ia. the orllanisation and workinll of the Ministry of Finance has been prepared and furnish.. d to the In.titute. 1.... Slarl ...... It...... Gupta: Will the Minister 01 H_ Affaln be plea- ,'" to slate: 1... {ShrI A_... III ... 0 .....: (a) whether it is • t.ct that lome . Sbrl •. Du Ga",,: .r"a at Hindi-speakinl re,ion ha. Ix'('n translelTed to Punjabi-speaking Will Ihe Minister 01 Law be pleasell ftlion, by the Punjab Government; to .tate:

tb) if 10, whether any previouo Ca) whether Govf'rnment re('oll1ile approval of the Central Government any political party lor purposes other '"al taken by the Punjab Govemment th.n plections in the Centre or in a in thi. reprd; Slate be.ide. thoae reeolni."" by thp E)pction Commission; and (l'l if not, the reaSOn. thcreol; and (b) if BO, what .re those partielll? (d) the nature of action Union Gov- Tbe De1Iat,. MiDl8ter of Law (111ft ernment prpooe to take in thi. re- Haja.... YiI): (a) and (b). Th.. re Is no Prd! ban on any political parly 00 far .. h~ r ~ of Indi. j!, concf'med. ne __ ." H_ Allain (1III1t G .•. PaBU: ta) to (d). The Punj.b Hllher S ...... ry Srhool. In Delbl Govf'rnment havt" made on IPdminbi. lrative .rounds certain adjustments of I .... Shit M .•. na.are: Will the territor;". ~ K.m.l, Ambal. Minister of U"""tIR br pl...... d to and Patiela districts. The ~ GOY· statf": .'rnmt'nt have stat"" that th_ adJust- (a) whether it i. a fact that I•• t year mt'nh; do not affect the Hindi or the no students pa...,d from som. hilher Punjabi regions a5 flxpd by thf' secondary ""hoolJ; in lNlhi at the Punjab Regional ~ Order, 1957. No prt"v;ous approval 01 the annu.l (txamination; GO\"t'rnrnttnl of India ..... ~ ~u h in (b) it so. the number ot .u~h du- It..> mattt!l'. ~ and 10097 Written Ansu,e,s APRIL 7, 1960 Written Answer.

(c) the subjects in which most of Export of Serap them failed? 1851. Sh.1 M. B. Tbalton: Will the Minister of Steel, Mines and Fae1 be The .....lster of Edaeatloa (Dr. K. L. pleased to state; Sb...... m: (a) Yes, Sir. There were only two such school. from which no (a) the tonnage of scrap exported student passed pither in the annual or durinc 1959 from the Ports of Calcutta. the compartmental examination. Bombay, Madras and Kandla separate- ly; (b) Only 5 student. (three from one and two from the ol1l ..r) were sent (b) whether it is a fact that the up for higher secondary examination export policy limits export shipment. and all of them failed. of s.rap to Ports of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras; (c) English and Lower Mathematics and Geometrical Drawing. (c) the reasons why export of scrap. was allowed from Kandla last year; and ladlaa NationalK,. for Urda Weeki,. Editor (d) whether Government propose te> extend the facility of scrap shipments 1851. Sbrl Inde. 1. Malbotra: Will from ICandla uniformly to all mem- the Minister of Home AJral.. be pleas- .~r of the scrap export trade'? t!'d to state: The MIni..,. of Sleel, Min... a.d (a) wh.. th"r it i. a fact that the Fuel (Sarda. Swaraa S ...,b) : (a) editor of an Urdu weekly publillhed from New Delhi was in Pakistan some- Calcutta ,~ ton. lime back and then came back to Bombay 78,993 tons India on a special permitj Madras 18,848 tons Kandla 2,087 tons (b) whether it is also a fact that he staYl'd in India as a Stateless citizen (b) to (d). The export policy pro- for two years; vides thai all shipments of scrap are subject to inspection by the Iron anct (c) whether he has been granted Stet-} Controller or his nominee. Ex- Indian n8!ionality now; ports by any exporter is allowed from (d) if so, when was this granted; any Indian Port provided facilitie. for and inspection of ~h of variouit SCMlP exists at such Ports. But since the (e) whether this very J)('rson was Iron and Steel Controller has his Olllce r. ~ in Pakistan for some only at Calcutta, Bombay and Madra., offenre? he is able to inspect the scrap shipped from these Ports only. Last year ex- TIle M ...... r of H_ Mairs (Sbrl port of scrap from Kandla was allow- B. G. Pant): (a) to (el. The facts are ed beeauS!' the Customs authorities thMt Ih" person concerned had pro- there were agreeable to inspect shlp- ceeded 10 Pakistan in 1948 where he ments on behalf of the Iron and Steel was convicted in a political case. He wa. allowed 10 come back to India Controller. in 1955 on an emereency certificate Limestone Depae\ta ... AnAra Pra.... · which is Iran ted in CBses where prima facie evidence of Indian citizenship 1151. Sbrl VellbURltltalab: Will is produced but it is considered insulll- the Mini.ter of Steel, MID. ant Fuel cient to justify the issu(' of a relUlar be pleased to state: passport. He stayed on in India with an undefined .tatus till December, (a) wheth... the alljlessment of the 1957. when he was recocniscd as .. n quantity of limestone depoaits in Indian citizen under the Citizenship "'nclhra Pradesh has been made by the Act, ~. Geolocical Survey of India; and 10099 Wrillen Allswers CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) Writtell Ansulers 10100

(b) if so, whether Gove-rnment pro- (b) Three Regional Stations are pose :0 utili"" the mineral for staninl located at Shillonl, Poona and Jabal- of suitable industries? pur. The Minister of Mines and 011 (Sbri (c) Intcnsiv(' faunistic surveys; col- K. D. Malnlya): (a) Yes, Sir. The 'lection ot specimens and making Gl'ologieal Survey of India have esti- observation on field ecology. hahits and mated some or the limestone deposits life-cycles of animals of the re,lons. in Andhra Pradesh. The deposits 80 A small Museum containing imJlortant far investigated indicate a tentative representatives of the launa of h~ resen'e of the order of 9,000 million region will also be attached to each tons. Station for the interested public and studenbl. (b I The exploitation of limestone i. under consideration of the Andhn IDler-University Board Stat. Government". 1855. Shrl ....h Slngb: Will National A lias of India the Minister of EdaeaUoa be pleased to .tate uptil now how many times 1853. Shrl P. K. Deo: Will the Minis- Inter-University Board met and how ter of Sclentill. aeseareh and CUltaral many times the Chairman, University Alraln be pleased to state: Grants Commission attended it? (a) when tbe IInal printing of th. The MiDI8&er 01 Ed_Ilea (Dr. National Atlas of India in English K. L. Shrl_lI): The Inter-University will b" completed: Board of India has held 35 annual meetinp so far. Prot. Humayun Kabir, (b) whether the maps of the popu- the then Chairman, University Grant. latlon series are based on 1951-censu5I: Commission, attended the 31st annual figure:); and meeting he1d al the Alilarh Muslim University in January, 1956 and Shri (c I whether it i. proposed to post- C. D. Deohmukh th.. p ..aent Chair- pont> the publication 50 as to includp. man, attended the 3Cth annual meetinll II\!' 1961-rensus figures? held at Paniab Univenity Chandillarh The Deputy MlDloter 01 Selentl8. in February. 1959. Roseareb and Caltaral Alraln (Dr. lIarplu Stores M. M. D&lI: (a) Possibly by the end 11M. Sbrl aaje.war Patel: Will the of Third Five Year Plan period. Minister 01 Deleace be plea.ed to (b) Ves. Sir. .tate: • (a) whl'lher it is a fact that .tores (,'1 No. Sir. worth more than Ro. 28 crores were declared surplus but re'('ommrndrd for Zoolocieal Sarvey 01 India ..·utilisation during 1958-80: 185C. Sbrl P. K. Dee: Will the (b) il so. the reason. why they were MIIlister of Se.... uac ae-reb aDd declared surplus and the ~u Cultaral Alraln be pleased to .tate: ces under which tht"Y were recom- mended. tor re-utiliJlation; and I a) whether there are relion.1 ata- tions in the country for the Zoolo,ieal (c) the name 01 the authority who Sur\'ey o( India: recommended their re·utilisation? The MInI8er or Defence (lIbri (bl if so. where they are located; K ...... Meaeal: (al and (bl. The and total book value of slo""" .ctually de- (t"l what work iB done in thele clared to DGS '" D and which were rpgionai statinns':' ouutandinll for on the hI April. 1158 was approximalrly RI. 3 The Depaty Milliliter 01 SeJeatl8. cro..... only. However. larl" quantit.e. __reb and Callanl Alral... (Dr. or ItOTe'I. which wert" found lurplul 111. M. Du): (a) V.... Sir, to the immE'diateo rf!'quirl"menh of the IOIO! Written Answers APRIL 7, 1980 Written Answers 1010%

Branch""IServices holding the stocka The Minister of Education (Dr. a. a ",,"ull of the normal annual pro- K. L. SllrlmaU): VIS10n N:'vif'wS and wt)ich might, in the ordinary course, have been declared ~ -~ to 1959-60 Nineteen. lurplus to the DGS&D in the normal 11)60-61 Tw(·myeiglu. ~r, were surveyed by a Technical Team during the year 1959 with a view to asct!rtaining whether the slores "Det..,Uon of Smuc'U.... at Palam" l'ouhl be re-utilised, either in their 11118. Sllrl Ram Oarlll: Will the prescnt form, or by modiftcation;repail' Minister of Flnanee be pless"d to by the ServicesiBranches other than .tate: by thl' .tock-holde .. also, in the lillht of thl.' ~ shortage of loreicn ex- la) how many l:aS('S of smuggling chanR:t' resources and the necessity tor have be!'n detected by Customs autho- all round economy. The Technical rities ot Palam and Safdal"jang Air- Tp8tn has r ~ re-utilisation ports during the last one yt..'31"; and 01 su('h stores wort h Rs. 28 ('rores ap- proximately. (b) the amount collected or realised os penalty in C'onnC'ction then'with? (c) An Int"l' Service. Technical Team consisting of representatives of The Mlnlst.r of Finance (Sllri th" three Defcncp Servict's, Director Morarjl DesaI): (a) 24 cases of smug- General of Ordnance Factori,", Con- gling were detected at Palam and trollt'r Gl"n('faJ of Def(,"cE" Production, Safdarjang Airport. during the yeur Hindustan Aircraft Limited, and Marrh, 1959 to February, 1960. BharBt r ~ Limitrd, which was (b) Rs. 8,055. 'p"cially set up for conduetinj[ the re-utilisation check. Visit of U.S. "Ireran Carrier Sclen.,.. Clnbs 11160. Sbrl Rarbuaatb Sln,h: Will the Minister of Defenoe be pleased 1857, Pandlt J. P. "Jotlshl: Will to ltate whether it is a fact that one the Minister of EducaUon be pleased American Aircraft Carrier·is visitinC to stat.: India in mid·April on a loodwill mil· (8) thE' State-wise numbl'r of Science sion? rlubs that have sO far been establish- The Minister of DefenH! (S.. rI ed with aid lIiven by the All India Krishna Menon): Yps. Sir. The Ameri- Council for Secondary Eclucalion; and can Aircraft Carrier BONHOMME (b) the amount of financial help RICHARD i. expected to pay an in- lIven to such clubs and the Statt-- formal visit to Bombay from 11th to wise number of institutions that have 16th April, 1960. iM-en so helped? The MInister 01 Education (Dr. N .... Rhad Girls' Richer 8eeondary 11;, L. ShrlmaJl): (al and (bl. A State- 8eIl_, DeIId ment i. laid on the Table of th.. Lok r Shrl Nek Ram Neri: Sabh.. I See ApPl'ndix Ill, annexure 1861, ~ lillri lader J. Mallletra: No. ~ . l Sbrl Bahad8. 8 .....: Welfare Extension ProJecto In Puajab Will the Minister of Edneat... be pleased to refer to Unstarred Question 1151. Shrl Rem Raj: Will the Min.s- No. 1150 on the 9th December. 1159 ter of Ed""aUon be pl.... ed to .tato. and slate: the numbPr of welfart" extension pro- jects opened by th" Social Welf.,.., (8) the month in which th. sum or Board in Ihe Punjab Stat.. durinl the R.. 5 charKed by Nav Hind Girls' first tour y...... of the Second FIve Higher Secondary School, Delhi wa' Vear Plan and propooed to ~ opened adjusted in full towards the tuition. during Ihr final year of the Plan? fees; 10103 Written Answers CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKA) Wrilten Answers IOIO.f

(b) whether It is a fact that this (iv) The Diploma holders in amount of Rs. 5 has not been adjusted Home Science are either nol being in h~ ca •• of all students from whom accepted in a number of in8tltu- it wa\ charRed; tions outside Delhi or they ...• (c) if so. the number of such .tu- oll'er"d very low Alary. dents; and (v) For raising the standard of the RubJecI especially with h~ (d) h ~ reasons tor not rcfundin& this amount? introduction at M.Sc. Cou....

The Minister ot Edautloa (Dr. K. I.. Shrlmall): Ca) to (c). The Iron and Steel Advloor:r Commit"'. amount of Rs. 5 was adju.ted in full towards tuition fees in the month at 1883. Shri Ramanathan Cbew...: September. 1959. Somc students. how- W,ll the Minisl.r of Steel. Mine. and .ver. preferred t-o get the amount I"uel b. pl"ased to .tate: adjusted against Library Security, which is refundable. The same was \8) thp number and names ot re- accordingly adjusted by the school p1"f'Sentatlves of agriculturists. in tht' mana,em.nt. Iron and Steel Advisory Committee; and [d) Does not arise. (b) wheth"I' th" Committe.· ad vis., Lady Irwin Colle,.. New Delbl Ih" Ministry of Steel. Mine. and FU('1 on the path'rn of manufal'ture by U6Z. Sbri Ramesbwar Taatla: Will producer1'! of dif!'f'rent it(-'ms of ~ the Mini.ler of Education be pleased praduds that arc in demand from lime to state: to time! (a) whether it is a fact that thc The Mlalster of Steel, Mines anll managempnt of the Lady Irwin Col- Fuel (Sardar S",aran Sln,b): Cal le,p. New Delhi havp decided to "A,riculturists" as such ar'" not rc- abolish the two-year diploma course p .., ... nt,.d on the Iron nnd Steel" In Home Science; and Advisory Council. (b) it so, the reoasons theretor? (b) The Iron .nd Steel Ad1llsory The M1aItIter of U-..... CDr. Council hal been con.muted to advise It. L. Sbri_lII: (a) Ye •• Sir. th" Central Govemment on all mat· te... of a general character relatin, tD fb) The re•• on. are: iron and steel and in particular to Ci) With tho introduction of prablpm. pertaininR to "roductioft. Degree Courses in Home Scien.... dhrtribution, transport, teK·art"h, im- u,., vll'lue of Diploma Cou.... has port and '·XPOl'I. lone down cansiderably. Iii) With the introduction at ...... 01 ...... C...... ,. .... E... ri- Homeo SC"ieonC'f" as a subject of IMIIIaI 1ta study in Higher Secondary !lied"'.... c..... Schools. Colleles and the Univer- I .... 8bri A ...... I .. o 0 ..... : Will sity. the need for qualifted teachp.. the Mini.wr at 8e.... ttIt- IIeoeardI and with B.Sc. (Home Science) and Ctdhlral Airaln be plealK'd to stat.: B.Ed. is bein, increuinRly felt. «8) whet""'r any dru'IIJ are manu- (iii) Diploma Holders lind it factured in th" Immunob.ological rbfftcult to u~ appointments Laboratory of the Institule for Bio· rlther in High"r Secondary Chemistry and Experimental Medicine. Schaab. Colleres or In Home Calcutta; and Seien"" Win,. and Rural InRlitu- .... (b) if!lO. Ih" na""", of th_ dru,s? :10105 Written Answers APRIL 7, 1960 101()6

The Deput,. M.InIster of Scleutllr ESTIMATES COMMITTEE 'a-arch aad Cultun! Allain (Dr. E'GHTY-THtRD REPORT M. M. Dasl: (a) No drugs arc manu- 1al"lured in the Indian Institute for Shrl Dasappa (Bangalore): I beg Biochemistry and Experimental to present the Eighty-third Report 'Mcdicinp, The Immunobiololical of the Estimates Committee on the Laboratory is not a part ot or in any Ministry uf Scientific Research and way ('onnected with the Indian Insti- Cultural Affairs Part IV-National tute fOr Bio-chemistry and Experi- LabarotOl'ies and Miscellaneous. notice of a privilege motion. (b) Does not arise. 12.09 hn. Mr. S_ker: Now Papers to be DEMANDS FOR GRANTs....-...onld. laid on the Table, Shrl Hem Barua: Sir 1 have Ilivl'n MINISTRY OF STE>:L. MINES AND FUEL notke of H privill'Re motion. Mr. Speaker: The House will now Mr. Speaker: I am not going to take up discussion and voting on ·allow it. Demand. Nus, 60 \0 82 and 129 re- lating to the Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel for which 7 hours have been allotted. 12.88 hro. 54 cut motions have been tabled to PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE these Demands. Han. Members de- sirous of moving cut motions may AMENDMENTS TO ALL INDIA SICRV'CES hand o\'.r at th. Table within 15 (M!:DJCAL ATTENDANCE) RULES minutes th,' numbers of the selected cut motions. Han. Members are ai- TIle Deput,. Mlalsler of F1aaare read;\-' aware of the ~ for (Shrlmatl Tarkeohwarl Slahal: On .peeches, Now, the hon. Minister. 'behalf of Shri Datar, I beg to lay on the Table, under sub-section (2) of DEMAND No. 8O--MJNISTRY or STEEL, ..cctioll 3 of (he All India Services. MINES AND FUEL Act. 1951, a copy of Notiflcation No. ,GSR 322 dated Ih. 19th March, 1960 Mr. S_ker: Motion moved: making t't.'V'tain amt>ndments to th(' "That B sum not exceeding All India Service. (Medical Attend- Rs. 37.04,000 b,' granted to the . sm',') Rulcs, 1954. (Placed in Lib- President to complete the sum TaTII, See No. LT-2071/60.1 necessary to defray th" charI.... which will come in course of .AM':NUMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL COpy· payment during the year ending RtcHT ORDER the 310t day of March, 1961, in respect of 'Minist.ry of Steel, Mines The Deput,. MIaillter or Soleulllle and Fuel'," :a-Jeh aad Cultural Allain (Dr. M. M. Daal: On Behalf of Shfl DEMAND No. 81-GWLOGICAL SURVEY Humayun Kabir, I beg 10 lay on the Mr. Speaker: Motion moved: Tab:.. , under section 43 of Ihe Copy- right Acl, 1957, a copy of Notiflca- "ThAt a sum not exceedin, lion No. S.O. 650 dated the 14th Ro, 1,82, 72,000 be granted to the March. 1960 making certain amend- President to complete the sum ment 10 the International Cop)'l'ight necessary to defray the- charles ·Order, 1954. (Placed in LibTCITJI, See which will come in course of No. LT·2072160.1 payment during the year ending the 31st day of March, 1961, in respect of "Geological Survt"y'," Demand.s 11')101 CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKAl for Grant. ~

.uEMAND No. 82-MIsCELLANEOUS DE- The MlJLlster of ParlIameD&ary PARTMI!NTS AND OTHER EXPENDITURE Aftalrs (Shri Sat)'a Nara),8D SInba):. UNDER THE MINISTRY OF STEEL, Vl c h ~ been extending time 8s tar Mno:s AND FuEL as possibl.. It is impossible now to ('xtcnd time any turtht"r . . Mr. Speaker: Motion moved; The MIIIiIoter Steel, MInes aad r "That a sum not exceeding or Rs. 40,38,44,000 be gran ted to the Fuel (Sardar Swaraa ~h) Mr. President to complete the sum Speaker, Sir, as on the previous necessary to defray the charges occasions during the last two or threto years, with your kind permission I which will come in course of .payment during the year ending would Uke to say something in rela- the 31st day of March, 1961, in tion to the activities of the Ministry respect of 'Miscellaneous Depart- during the la.t year and would also venture to say something about the mEnts and Other Expenditure under the Ministry of Steel, Mines future. As a number of activities are and Fuel'." involved and a lot of factual infor- mation 1'- {'olH'O!'ned, I venture to give a consolidated picture with re- DEMAlven hours is very little timf'. production of 10 mllllon tons allllll- ed to thl. sector, the aehlenment 18 Mr. Speakel': All this was there well over 110 per eenl I have "ef7 before the Business Advisory Com- hope that the accumulated ~ r nllttee. of this sector will be broueht tuDy l05(Al) ~. 10109 Demands APRIL 7, 1960 j(,l Gra1lts IOIIl> [Sardar Swaran Singh] to bear on the problem and the short- be"n taker. in the budlet estimates fall, if any, will not be appreciable. for the year 1960-61.

Turning now to the public sector, Now 1 tu.rn to the alrairs of the the production in 1959 was 6.75 mil- Singarenl Collieries Company. Slart- lion tons, representing an increase of ing with a production of 1.5 million 53 per cen t over the IIgure of total tons in 19G5, the Collieries have been production in 1955. This compriHI able to raise 2.23 million tone in 40:52 million tons raised by the Na- 1959, against the target of 3 million tional Coal Development Cqrporatlon tons by 1961-62. This performance from its old and new mine. and 2:23 encourag.s me to believe that at least million tons from the Singaren! Col- 2:7 or 2.8 million tons would be lieries. In terms at additional pro- achieved by the end of the current duction, the elrort represents an Plan. A loan of Rs. 40 lakhs was achievement ot 20 per cent ..alOat advanced by the Centre to the Com- the target of 12 million tons assigned pany in 1959-60. The House is al- to the public sector. ready of the loan of Rs. 60 lakhs granted in 1958-89 and anothec- With the eltorts being put in by loan of Rs. 10 lakhs advanced in the private sector to reach its tarlfl!t 1957. In pursuance of the decision tn and the increased tempo ot activity participate in the capital structure of in the public sector, we hope to be the Company, a sum of Rs. 120 lakhs able to attain a total production ot was spen t during 1959-60 towards 1M million tons in 1960-81, the Jut purchasing 40 per cen t of the reor- year ot the Plan. In terms ot level ganiled equity share capital of the ot production, we hope that in March, Company. IHI, the National Coal Development Corporation collieries would yield a Sir, 1 would now enU:derat. some monthly output which will corres- of the steps taken by Government to pond to a rate of 9 million tons per maximise coal production. We have annum. This is 4.5 million tons less IInalised a procedure for the grant th.n th" target ot 13.5 million tons: of subsidy to collieries which have ~ capacity would have been estab- to be maintained In production In Ihe lished in full for a production equal national interest but are handicappr. .. to the target, and it should be poul- by one or more adverse facton, such ble to obtain the target rate of out- ao presence of gao, difficult mining put well within the IIrst ye.r of tr conditions, excessive depth of work- 'nllrd Plan. in .., etc. 'nle subsidy is to be paid out of the proceeds of the additional The Corporation's Coal Washery at cess of 2S nP. per ton levied with ][argali all-round Improve- elrect from the 1st February, 1960. ment during the course of the year. The need tor large-scale expansion or In January, 1980 the production ....s .towing operations has also been H,H2 tons. 'nle Washery .... as uble reeogntsed. Accordingly the rate of WI meet the entire requirements of stowing assistance which used to h.. the steel plants at Bhllal and Bour- 75 per cen t of the cost subject to kela during the year 1959. certain ceilings till recently, has now been raised to cen per cent of the It has been estimated that Third cost, and the ceilings also have been Plan scheme•• which would yield pro- raised suitably. To ensure adequate duction In the IIrst two yean of thaJ availability ot sand for atowlnl ope.- Plan and on which purchase and other ration., particularly tor the pUrpDie action has to be taken even n_, of winning coking coal by depillarinl will entail a capital expenditure of pte., Government are contempt.tlnl the order of Rs. 7.77 crores. A pro- centrat sand otowinl schemes (Includ- .I";on of roulhly Rs. 7 crores !Iu inI CODstruction of ropewaY" to 10111 De"""ICis CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKAl for G1-.. "t. 10112

transport sand in the Jharia coal- ting and Carbonization Plant, the Jalt field. Similar schemes are also beinl of the component ..,heme. of the In- planned in the Ranilanj coalfield for teuated Project loes into ~ non-coking coal. The intention is to sion. The scheme for Iround water give effect to these schemes as early conlrol is ready, and on thr bas.. 01 as possible and in any caSe not later lh" various pumping tests, the speci/l- than the end of 1962. The project cations tor the drills, pumps and cu- report for one of the ropeways for ing pipe.. required have been drawn Jharia has already been received up and action initialed for the pro- and is at present under examination, curement of these items. Regular .... hereas the technical feasibility of pumping under th" ICheme for IIround 1hf.!' other one is under examination. ....alcr control will be called for only afler the excavations have reaehed Our policy in rellard to coal prices a depth beyond 100 fept below the has been to hold the priceline 89 far ground level. 8S possible, and whatever increases have been given are those considered Th.. settinl up of the 250 melawalt inevitable in tht.! interest ot coal pro- Thermal Power Station at a cost of duction. Nevertheless the recent Rs. 22.58 crores is making satlstac- price increases, ~r with the tory prolress. Certain Aeta of work- scheme for subsidy in cases of dill!- ing drawinp for the Power Sli:ltion, cult mining, should enable the in- and a part of the steel requIrements, dustry to achieve the stability neceo- have already been recrived at Ney- sary for expansion of production. veli from the Soviet suppliers. Civil works connected wIth the Power Very soon, Sir, the frame of the Station are currently in prOll"e... "nle Third .'ive Year Plan wolOld have /lrst unil of the Pow.... Station is ex- to be finally settled. The importance pected to be commissioned by April, of coal in a regenerative economy 1981, and the remaIning units al in- cannot be over-emph89ised. If rapid tervals thereafter by September. 1982. industrialisation on the scale envi- saged for the Third Plan require- Government have allo sanctioned ments is to come about, it would be the establishment of a fertilizer plant imperative to accord very hi&h prio- at Neyveli at a cost of RI. 28.10 rity to schemes of coal production. crores for the production of 1,52,000 Present indications that the tar- tons of Urea per annum. Contraetll get that would ultimately be fixed for the supply of plant and machln..., would be of the ordar of 95 million have already been concluded with tons. Meson. Pitsoh-Bamal-Linde, Ger- man ftrms. and Melli's. Anlaldo, an The Intecrated Neyveli Licnite ItaUan ftrm. "nle commercIal pro- Project occupies an important place duction of Urea i. expected to com- in the industrial developmenl of the mence by about the middle of 1183. Soulh. "nle procress achi"",ed under the Mining Scheme is saUafaclory. Global tenden for the supply of Except for some strips, the excava- plant and equipment for the Brlquet- tion in Ihe larger parts of the IInl tinl and Carboni.ation Plant wen mine cut have reached about 70 ~ Invited by the Licnite Corporation belo.... the cround level "nle d"",e- throulh the India Supply M_lon, Japment pha.., of the ICheme envisac- Washington. Quotations have al- as the removal of a total of 27 mil- ready been received and are n_ lion cubic yards of overburden. Parts under the scrutiny of the Corporation. of the Iicnite oeam will be exposed "nle plant i. expected to 10 Into com· and Ucnite in sulllelent quantities men:ial production by September, "auld be mined from April, 1"1. 1981. The entire Project would th.. full production belnl aehleved by be in full ""ale operation by the end September, loa, when the Briquet- or the third quarlB of I gao 10113 Dem4ncls APRIL 7. 1960 for G .... nu 10114

[Sar"". Swaran Singh) Without making any major altera- The Oil and Natural Gas Commis- tion 'hI the layout of the mine, and sion was converted into a Statutory by providin& only one additional Commission, with effect from the 13IA large (700 Ii tre) Bucket Wheel Ex- October. 1959. The Commission con- cavator, with ancillary facilities, it tinued drilling in Jawalamukhi aDd Ia feasible to increaBe the mine out- Hoshiarpur areas of Punjab, in Cam- put from 3.5 million ton9 to 8 million bay and in Sibsagar areas of Bom- tons per annum. Enough capital out- bay and in Sipagar areas in Assam. lay to achieve this Increase will be Preliminary investigations are also provided for In the Third Pian, but being ~ rr out in Himachal Pra- the actual output from the mine is desh. Uttar P.radesh, Rajasthan, Ben- propo."d to b. restricted to 4.8 mil- gal. Orissa and Kerala. In Cambay lion 'lons in the first instance; that area six wells have already been is to say, the fu rther extraction of drilled and the work of testing and lignit,· beyond the Second Plan tar- further drilling is making sati.facto"," get of 3.5 milliOn tons would be res· progress. trlcted to the quantity needed for expanding the capacity of the Ney- Under the Indo-Stanvac Petl'oleum vtoli Thel'mal Power Station from 250 P.roject, in which Govemment have MW to 400 MW, This expansior has 25 per cent share, the Standard been included In the Third Plan at Vacuum Company continued to learcll an estimated total cost of Rs. 15 for oil in the Basin. erores and Is one of the schemes to Nine wells have been drilled so far be implemented with Soviet collabo- without strikIng 011; the next well is ration under the recent 1,500 million in hand. rouble credit extended to this coun- try. The possibility of further ex- Government have 33 1/3 per cent traction of lignite, to the ultimate share in the Oil Indi.. Limited, in- capacity of 8 million tons per annum. corporated as a result of a..-eemeDt is linked with the proposal for the concluded with the Assam Oil Com- reduction of Salem Iron ore in a low pany/Burmah Oil Company. This lIhaft furnace, using high temperature Company ill to produce crude oil from lignite coke. Government have set the new proved oil-lieldll in MSun up a Committee to explore the tech- and to transport the crude oil by pipe nic.. 1 feasibility and <>eonomic viabili- line to the two rellneries, Govern- ty of such a !i.cheme. ment are setting up. The Compan7 has already concluded a contract for Now I com .. to oil. The Industrial procW'ing the line pipes, and are Policy Resolution of 1958 included arranging to lay the pipe line for the 'MinNal Oil' among industries, future movt'ment of crude from Naharkatiya dev.'lopment of which would be the area to Barauni through Nunmati. exclusIve rt'SlIonsibility of the State. Sixt7-lIve wells have been drilled Government have now enacted in upto th" end of January, 1950. It ill November. 1959 the new Petroleum proposed to drill 24 weUs durin& the and ,Natural Gas Rules, to regulate yea.r 1960; and a total number 01. th.. grant of 011 exploration lieenees about 140 wells to achieve a produe- and mining leases; simultaneously tion of 2:75 million tons per annum. Govemment have also announced required for the Government-owned that they would conslder any ~ refineries being set up at NlDlmtlti ...1. inferested foreign parties may and Barauni. make. for pa.rtlclpatiOn in exploration for 011. llenenUy wIthIn the unblt of India Reftnerles Limited, a whol- the industrial Polley Resolution and ly Govemment-owned Compan7 .... of the new Rules. Expression of in- inCOl'porated in AuIUSl, 1958 to ecm- tt>rest has already been ,..,.,.,Ived from struet and opente the two ftIIneri-. ..."oral .uch parties. one at Nunmatl in ADam 8Dd the lOllS Demand- CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKAl lon6 ether at Barauni in Bihar, with an ,umption of various petroleum pr0- initial crude throughput of O' 75 and ducts is not peculiar to our countr7; 2 million tona respectively. The Nun- our major problem is the dellcit of mati Reftnery is being set up in tecb- kel'Ollene and also of high speed III.. nical collaboration. includinl credit sel oil. which is accompanied on the assistance, with the Government of other hand by surplus of motor spI_ Rumania, and is expected to be OIl ... it. In a growinl economy. no sim- stream in the second half of 1861. ple or sinlle remedy can be found The Barauni Reftnery is beinl set up to such problems. But the problem in simi\a.r collaboration with the is receivinl attention. Some IIIeal U.S.S.R. Govemmlllt; one of its two steps have already been taken. U a initial unita is scheduled to commence way is found to prodUCe cheap can. production before the end of 1862 and consumption of motor spirit may alllO the second unit by the middle of go up. Further. in January thl. year, 1M3. Government have also constituted a Committee to advae them on prob- Lar,e reserves of natural ,as were lems relaMI to changinl patterns of found in the new Aasam oilflelds demand, supply, distribution and alonl with crude oil. The au will transport of petroleum products; re- be utilised in the flnt instance for presentatives from the indUItJT the production of power aDd for have also been included in thiI C0m- mauufacture of cement and of ferti· mittee, which iR DOW at work. lisers. No.. , Sir. I pa.. on to Mlne1'lll To enable Government to enter Development. As in the prevloUl marketing and distribution of petro- ye..... the work of survey and pro.- leum products in this country. which pecting in reopect of mineral. ..a. bas SO far been more or less entirely continued and further expanded b7 in the hands of foreign-owned com· the Geological Survey of India .nd panies, Government have setup the the Indian Bureau of MInes. Sylt&- Indian Oil Company Limited wholly matic leololical mappinl on U- owned by Government. This Com- scale of I" to one mile .... carried pany will not only handle \he pro- out by the Geological Survey In the duction of the two Government own- States of Andhra Pradeoh. Bomha7, ed reftneries lolnl to be bullt but Kerala, Madras, Orillll, Rajaoth.a Wl!uld alao deal with imports that and Uttar Pradesh. whUe detailed would still be necesaary to meet the mapping on a larler scale w .. under- deftcit between growinl consumption taken In the important minerallsed and indicenous production. belts .ituated in these States and In Jammu and Xashmlr and Madh7a Government continued their dorts Pradesh. in taeklinl the question of prlcln, of oil. As a result of furth .... nelotla- The Geolo,ical Survl!Y of india tions with the existinl OU Companies. continued further work In the n-17 another ad hoc agreement was ~ discov.".ed 90 teet coal In the cently reached; the further ad hoc Sinerauli area of Madhya Pradeah reductions thus achieved have. as on and alao discov.... ed another new _ "e previous occasion. been mopped in that part of the Rani,anj .... up throu&li suitable adjustments of which had hi u.erto been considered

[Sardar Swaran Sin,h] Jammu and Kubmir. Work in the wher" re".rve. to the extent of 175 unexplored Dandakaranya re,lon _; million tons bad been proved up to a 110 inteDallled. the end of February, lHO. Tbe Bureau bas also proved reserves of In order to decentralise the work- coal of the order of 1,210 million tons illl of the Geololleal Survey of India, alla;';ol a tar,et of 800 million tails Ihree relional ofI\c:es with bead- to be proved by October, 1958. The quarters at Calcutta, and organisation of this Department III Hyderabad were established, and further being leared up to meet the these relional oftlcel will bave a increasing responsibility to be number of circle olBces under them. shouldered by it durin, the m Plan SulBcient powers bave been del",at· period. Shorta,e of suitably quaU- ed to ensure speedy workln,. fted experienced personnel Is ~ 10 be mel by initiatin, several train- Considerable stn... has bt.... n laid ing h ~. on promoting mineral conscioumess amonllt the people. In addition to The BurC8u also completed Ibe th.. distribution of easily understand- exploratory work in respect of \be able literature, lecture. and lantern copper, lead and zinc deposit .t .lide demon.c:trations were arranged. Bhotan, in Sikkim, and a Corpora- Thl' response hal been quit, encour- tion came to be sel up early in lHO aging. The pro,ramme 01 fteld work to exploit lhl! same. for thP year 1960 includes all items of high priority inve.ti,ations relal- An acreemenl has been reached in, to key minerals and fuel. Parti- between the Indian Iron Ore Necotia- culnr empbasis is bein, laid on the tin, Committee and the Japan Steel investieation of base metals, and the Mission, which will enable the deve- Bas. M"tals Unit set up about a year lopment of mines in Bailadila area ",a has considerably expanded its of Bastar District. Madhya Pradesh, activitit>s. so .s 10 export 4 million to"" of on to Japan from 1866 fOr a period of Un de. the Sccoad Five Year Plan, 15 years. The estimated cost of the the indian Bureau of Kines bas beooI total scheme is roUlhly a.,. 77 cr...... entrusted with provin, of mlnen.1 inclusive of the CIIIIt of a new raU- r ...ourc,," of the country cbiefty in _y line. Foreiln exchance .amin, reapect of coal, iron, copper, lead. trom this export on the basis of cur- zinc, pyrites and macnesite. The rent prices is estimated to be over results of the exploration work for Rs. 20 crores and this would be over copper at Khetri and Daribo in Rajas- and above the foreil" ."chan,e earn- than have been sulBciently encou..,- inl of additional as. 8 crores from inc to warranl the exploitation of the export of iron ore from ltiriburu these deposits In the near future and area. steps are beinl taken in that direc- tion. At Amjore in Bihar the BllI"ftIu The National Mineral Development bas proved reserves of pyrites of Corporation which .... set up III about 32 million tons and a scheme November, 1.. for lb. exploltatloa of i. under implementation for the pro- minerals in the public _tor, ... duction of sulphur and sulphuric acid been entrusted with two projecta. from pyrites. The ezploratory opera- One rei_tea to the development of ... ~ for DlBl"ellte in U.P. baft .... iron ore mine in KlribIIru .,.. for concluded after provlnl .....erves of exportin, two milLIon IoN of Ina the order 01 2.lI million tons and the ore to Japan, aDd the Project ~ ..... Is now reody for explOitation. received from the Consultants II The Bureau bas alllO completed the under e ...... InatI.... ~ -.cI pro. apl.... tlon for Iron ore at II:IriMir. ,. relatas to the ezpIoitation ol 10119 De_"ef. CHAI'l'IIA 18, 1882 (SAKA) for G'lInt. 10120

diamond deposit. in Panna area, imports will IJe Otted liliiii11 quantities at them. equipment ealtin, 1_ than •. a In tbe c:ourae of the 7MI', plates and Jakbs. Ron II_ben wOI be In_- sheela _ill be prodUl!ed In Rourbla ftted In h~ new reluatlaa Uta& J ""d _Itlo thaI the need for further am IntrodUCing. I prapoae ~ [Sarciar Swaran Sinlhl to issue a notillcation unde.,. the Iron .. Steel Control Order, giving genera! The most important of these 'built-in- permi.. ion to such ,mal! units not facilities· is the size and capacity of only to make things like wire and the blooming mill which i. about :L wire nail:; but also to roll bars and to 26 million tons in each of the steel rods. The main raw material for the plants. It would then seem at ftrJit latter wi!! be re-rollab!e scrap which sight that the eeonom.1c expansion c,!' I, now becominc available in larller each of the steel works should be ~ quantities. th,. capacity. But in deciding the 'Stage3 of expansion it is necessary to Whi!(: it will be our polky to relax bear in mind the demand for r ~ and .implify the proce'

Ih. Third Plan period, but also to In addition to the steel plan'" and provide ,the nucleus for further ex- their anclllarl.... the Hindustan Steel pansion ,in the next Plan period. One is also responsible for the construe- Mould'.'not forlle! that once Rourkel., tion of a tertlliser plant In Rourkel., illlilBi and DurllBpur are expanded, a pipe plant for the manufacture of Ihe scope fOr further expansion of oil pipes also in Rourkela, and for ,hese, in the Fourth Plan period, will four coal washerie.. These toeeth.r be r ~ limited. will cost about RI. 40 ero...... The fertililler plant which will produce 580,000 tons of r - ~ a year The other day I was asked whether is expected to 110 into produet.ion there was' a clearer picture available betore March, 1962. The pipe plant now of the costs of the new steel which will produce over 100,000 tons planb. Hon. Memben; will recall of larlle diameter pipes annually will that I had sllfd that the steel plants be in productiOn well before Ihe end proper would CDSt Rs. 170 crores in of the year. Apart trom 8upplyilll RourkelB, Rs. 131 crores in Bhilai and about 50,000 \Ons of pipes 10 carry 011 RI. 138 crores in Durgapur. Thill wu trom Naharkatiya to the Nunmati and exclusive of the cost of ancillariel Baraunl refineries. it will be available &nd escalations, l1li I said at that very 10 meet further demands for oil and time. Meagre as the information other larlle diameter pipes. nailable to UB then was, we attempt- ed a foree ...t of the likely expendi- Beside. all these. there u another ture on ancillaries, that is RI. 120 project of importanee and that is the crores. The Hindustan Steel hu been plant for the manufacture of alloy examining these estimates in the lipt and special steels. Unlike ordinary of actual work done and work remain..

[Sardar Swaran Sin,h) adjacent to the steel works in Rour- try in two volumes circulated to kela, BhUai, Dur,apur and Bhadra- Memberl of Parliament i. so primary vati. I hope that once the detailed in its character that It can lie pza.. project report is received we would cribed as a t"xtbook to tba lower be able to make satisfactory arran,e- secondary school. I listen"" to tM ments for the supply of plant and speech of the hon. Minister, and ) ·equipment and for the proviSion of think it can be very wen prescribe. 'lIpt.'l:ialist knowled,e' required for for the school final examination. the manufacture of certain ,rad.. of Members or Parliament, when Ibey special ste"ls for the manufacture of are liven information about the which there b; no experience or Mini.tries, should be treated wilb ;& knowl"",e at present in this country. litUe more care, so that we know the "The bi"er scheme, which is what we intricate workin&: of the Ministry, are likely to ,0 in for, is pstimated how the allotments made In the cur- to cost about Ro. 35 crores. rent and previous years have been used, and the prospect before Ibe I am Irateful to you and to Ibe Government in the cominl year. Thill House for pntien tly listeninl to • year is more important, becaUle we description of what happened over are just on the close ot the Second tho> la.t year. I have also ventured Five Year Plan. and we are on the to live 8 picture not only for the eve of the Third n.. Year Plan, next year, but som(" idea of the and, therefore, the debate on the developments which are in sipt tor Demands of this Ministry this year the n"xt Plan period. assum... &reater importance.

8bri NarayaaankDtty MeDOD: MIIy Because of want of time, I am com- '1 ask for some information which pelled to confine myself to th.. oil "ven the Research D"partment could part of this Ministry. When we not lIet from this Ministry? What Ia review the work that has been done tbe total cxpmditure that has been during the Second Plan period, we incurred by this Ministry on 1IIe find that in spite of the IDod work lnd<>-Stanvac project from 11153 to Ibat has been done by the innumer- the end of March, 11180' able technician! of this MinIstry In the oil field, there has been a oy" The MIDIster of Milles aDd on matic attempt on the part ot s0me- ~ r J[, D. Malvly.): Ro..... ly body to obstruct the work, a. tar _ about RI. 8 crors, oil exploration is concerned.

Sbri Nar&7BDBDkDtty Me_: Is It I ..y 10, bee.use flnt, the Plan- .,xpenditure incurred by the Govem- ninl Commission only Ra. 7 ml"nt, your share'? erores tor 011 "xploratlon in the Second Plan; later on, it wu inc:reu- Sbri 1[. D. Mala"".: No, it Ia lb. ed to RI. 11 crores; and then, it ..... total. Our share is 25 per cent The increased to RI. 18 crores; .,aln, It Int contribution was about Ra. 21 was inereued to Ro. SO crores. 'nIe lakhs. Twenty-ftYe per cent can lie ultlmate result wu that bee...... the ~. u . money did not come in Ume, the work has very miserably sulrered' and Mr_ RI. 2 crores out of u ....tin what mlcht have been done lb. 8 crores. with thb sum ot RI. 10 crores, we lOt the result only of about RI. I Shri N .... yan.nkutty MftlDn. or to 10 erorea. Sbri N....,...... "" _: Th- w. want to know at this time whe- RpPOrt on thf' ... orkin, of thi. MIAII ther Government are IOInI to .... leu.7 n...... dB CHAlTRA 18. 1882 (SAKAI fur Grant. Iora8

such an attitwS" '" order to eet the hon. Minister as to whether hill money nHded tor these particular Ministry propoaes by an exec:utlft purposes durine the Third Plan order. to amend and also modi", the period that they would ,et the mODey Industrial Policy Resolution. without in an instalment way or in a the consultation of this Howe. and to haphazard way. or whether Govern- face this House with a fait accompli at ment have a concrete plan to place the end of the Third Five Vear Plan betore the Planning Commission. so sayin, that h~ circum,tanc,," had that we may ,et a comprehensive torced thPID to modify the resolution. picture at the shape at thin,s to eome That is the sum total etrec:t at &be durine h~ Third Five Year Plan amendment of the Pptroleum Con- P"1'iod. faHine which whatever has cession Rules and also the dilrerent happened durine the Second Plan apeec:h"" ~ by th.. two han. ~r . namely the absence and lack Ministers durin. thP last six months. of planning. as far as this Ministry i> concerned, will be repeated in the Third Plan period also. I hope that The total requirement of oil in ~ this House will never ~ this country in 1958 was 5.8 million tons, Ninistry to buncle in finances. as they and by 1987. the Ministry's ".timate "ave bun,led during the Second Plan i. that our requirement will be 10 to poriod. 12 million tons. provided the con- sumption pattern of l'netry remain! The hon. Minister hal just remind- as it is now. but there is every pcM ed the House of the relevan t para- sibility that with th" tempo at indu· graph of the Industrial Policy Resolu- strialisation risin" the consumptloa tion wherein it has been said that pattern of ener,y will under,o a ~ . exploration of oil has been set radical and revolutionary chance. apart exclusively a. a responsibility Thpretore. it is quite letitimate t .. of the State. WhatCWl the han. us to expect that at least the Thir. Ministers have uttered subsequent to Fiv" Vear Plan tar,el for the e... · the 7ndustrial Policy Resolution. after sumption pattern of enern will be it has been reaffirmed in 1957 by this about 15 million to... of oil. Our Houae, and also the speeches made only question today is thi.. What ia by the hon. Minister of Mines and the plan of the Ministry to eet 11 Oil in both the Houaes of Parliament, million tons of oil by the Third Five and also at Debra Dun. at Camba". Vear Plan period! Are they ,oin, at Baroda and at many other places. to rely upon the torei... importa that bave Civen UI the Impression that the they are «pttin, today, whiell, It has Industrial Policy Resolution ItiIl been estimated. will result in a "'-111 stands. But the doinCs of thll Minll- of Ro. 1.000 era_ at torei... exchance try and allD certain utterances made by the end of the Third FiVe Year by the han. Minister jldt now wtdJe Plan period? Or. are they ,oin, to CGIDDleIldin, these Demands tor the bec:ome seU-sulllcient in oil by the c... s1deration of thiB ~. raise end at the Third Five Year Plan letitimRtelJ a p ....umption that they period! Tba t II the whole question ha." just put the Indultrlal Polley that is (acini this Ministry. The Resolution in cold stora,e. work of thill MinistTJ' 10 tar will not Cive an "",couralin' anlWel' to .... When the thin. is 10 clear that the becaUle if we COIIlINU'" what they haY. oil aplantion part at it is to be the alated in the blue-book on the HeODd ~ respcm.nriUty of the State. Flv" Year Plan and what they haft honr does it aNe that the priftte alated In 1188, we find that tbe per- has to _ iaYIted for putIeI- _r fGnnuce has been milelUlJ ~ PMion in oil npkntlan! MoIIod;r appaIatIar. I'or, we IIDd, ... e...w undentand tIlIL And _ .-dIn« ...... ,b _. at the end danand a eatfJpretal _ "- tile ttl tbe Secand """ Year Plan period, 10129 Demands APRIL 7, 1960 fur Gran'" 10130

(Shri Narayanankutty Menon] ~ have found out some oil, but that industrially free sovereign country by oil cannot be utilised. the end of the Third FiVe Year Plan pCl'Iod. For that purpose, Rs. 750 'The present production a' erivisaJ- CIores would be required. The hoo. ~ ia 3 million tons from Naharkatiya, Minister should not 1:0 and beg at the half a million tons from Digboi sub- ttoors of the" Finance Minister and .iect to correction by the Assam Oil tn. Planning Commi""ion for all this Company bosses. and also 1. 5 millioo money. For I according to the ad hoe Lons from Cambay, and the total "groements that hAve already been of 7 million ton. during the Third ~r into, they would be gettinl 8 means thAt We ohall still have a gap ~u of about Rs. 30 crares by 1961, of 7 million ton. d urinll the Third and if the report given by the cost Plan period. Have the Ministry got ac:countant of the Government 01 any plan to lind out 7 million ton. J,aia is relied upon, and the agree- of oil in order that India will become ment i. lInalised in 1961, they will ~ u in oi1 which. is 10 be getting about Rs. 250 crores out strategic for industrial developmellt of the surpl Us prollt of the oil com- panies alone, and, therefore, Govern- According to the proposals that 1I1e ment .hould provide only Rs. 500 have r('ad in the newspapers- r:l"orcs. I submit that thiS House because, these people are never in ,."ould take this proposition very the habit of telling us what they have ""iously, and at least Rs. 750 CIores prop""ed to the Planning Commission ':)hould be set apart for oil alone or what is going on there; they will Jurine the Third Five Year Plan come to us only when the ultimate period, for, then alone shal! we be result comes out, saying that there ill able to get some considerable res,.lts, 80 lIluch of failure because of th;. .nd we shaH be able to have our and that-we lind thAt the Ministry c,wn oil. has prop""ed R.. 400 croteS for the Third Five Year Plan. There is no time for me to go into the details, but eVl'rybody will undprstand that Rs. 400 crores for the ~ of The next point that 'l wish to deal the entire oil requirements of this with is in r ~ r to tht' tendency on country are so inadequate, because the part of Government to go to the oU requires more monf'Y, and at pnvate sector. The reasons given least about R •. ~ crore. will b., a are not at all convincing. In fact, reasonablp estimate for oil durinll ~ there is only one reason, and that Is Third Five Year Plan period. that there is nO money. When we think of the ramiftcations and impli- The Second Five Year Plan was ~ cations of allowing the private lector p'lan of steel, and We are very proud any more in this industry, when we that somethine has been done for review our own experience in the steel production durine the Second past with the existing private sector Plan period, in spite of the lapses. which entangles the entire distrlb.. - Let the Third Five Year Plan be a liOn wine of this industry, w .. shall plan of oil, SO that we shAll become corne to the conclusion that if the self-sufficient in oll, and we shall Mini.try Is earnest enough In this save Rs. 1000 crores of foreign House, then they must eoncede that exchAnge during the Third FIve Y ...... it Is very dangeroUs to give any foot.. Plan period; and we shall not be at hold for the private sector in this the mercy of the foreien oil companiee Strategic indu• ...,.. They must lind for this strategic material called oil, out SOllIe more money either by _,. and its concomitants both in IndustrJ of taxation or by getting more of the and in defence and we shaJl be an prollts from the 011 companles. 0131 Demandr CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) lor Gran" 10132 r: Wha t has been the experience in the Slandard Vacuum Oil Company will Indo-Slanvac project? About 10,000 be happy if after the twen tieth well square miles in one of the most has been dug in the Gancetlc baaln nO geologically suitable areas for oil oil is foand out, ~ u then, evell exploration have been handed over our own people will not be able to · by an agn>ement signed in December, find oil, for, by that time, the entire · 1953 to the Indo-Slanvac Project, pressure would ha\'t! bpen exhaUBted where We find that Government have there. · already given a sum of Rs. I crores. 11 ...... · Ten "wells have been drilled by th" lndo-Stanvac Project. Before the This is not my finding. Il is the ""- drilling, there was an sc>ro-magnetic perience of every country where these ~ have gone to find out oil, ez- survey, and all sorts of other surveys rept wi. He they could get gOod terms Were there, and they said that oil and also politicaUy contt'Ol the ~ was there. But even after the tenth try. Th"t is the experience of every- well has been declared dry there, the body. We should take the beneftt of a hon. Minister still rom"" to this littl,· bit of this experience and _ House and says that they would should tea little bit cautious ...hen invite private parties for participation we talk ahout foreign companies. in oil exploration. We have spent already Rs. 2 crore. on this. If only The hon. Minister said a few m..,u.. the hon. Minister would have gIven ago-in 1959--that Government was half of this sum of Rs. 2 crores to our also clear in its mind as relarda oil own people working in Cambay they exploration. He added that oil ex- would have already drilled more than ploration and development should not ten wells and found out oil there. 1 be entrusted to the private Bee tor, even am not finding fault with the Indo.. though this policy was 1I0t liked by Stanvac project. r am not finding someonr in the House. He was speek- fault with the ~ . They have ing in the Rajya Sabha while in"'r- v(!ning in the dobate on the President'. good technicians, but as I have re- Address. Then he said that Govem- peatedly told this House. and it baa ment were determined to continue the been admitted by all those who know about intematlonal oil monopoly that nationalisation policy for businelS and the big monopolists are not interested lOCial reasons, and Govemment had already decidP.d to .\art manufacture In finding oil in India; they are In- of equipment. All this was .aid by terested in not fin din, oil In this country. becau..e if they find all. It thl' hon. Minuter of Mine.. and Oil on 10-4-1959. will cut at the profit of Ro. 1,000 rrores that they are lOing to make in Now, what is the position? A pam- tltis country durin, the Third Five phlet has been prepared after the Year Plan period. Therefore, please Petroleum Concession Rules have been do not think that the Standard revised. There is an additional pamph_ Vacuum Oil Company is spending a let p ...pared by the Finance Minlatry .um of Ro. 10 croreo in order to cut in which \hey have .ald that eveI7 _ their own belly; they are spendin,. is wekome to this ~u r there Ia no it in ord... not to find oil. toation and so on. All aorta til ad- verUlemcnts are put out and tempta- tion. are being &:Ivell tor the world There ts one more dancer allO 4~ oil interests to ~ to thi. country. beo.ides the fa"t that we are And where does the hon. Minuter pro_ Ing money on th_ dry wells. It pose to allow u...m to come and ex- bas been admitted by 011 ezperts in plore oil? It u 1I0t in an area wheft the ...orld that if ytIU go on drilling in exploration il not alr".dy .tarted. If an wh,..... oil be found if 7011 area u to it were so, I ~u hav.. undenltood It. drill ~ dry-holes there, the _- The:r are ,.,ing to all_ them to eome PUre of the oil-fields til th" Indo- in the ltukh area where setmJocrap- SlAnva" proj""t will be .....e. and the hie ourvey baa beM eompletecl. where 10133 Dem411cU APlUL 7, 1... 101::01

[Shri Narayanankutty Menon] in Cambay oil has been found out. expenditure 01 Standard Vacuum i. where the Oil and Natural Gas Com- Rs. 800 Per foot while Government mi.sion has rompleted the 6th well tllemselves know that for drilliitg in and oil and ,as are carnIne out. Ad- Cambay, for which accounts are not jacent to that area, these prival<' in- IInalised, thl' expenditure will not be lerest!!! want to come. more than 350 per feet. This i. the dif'ference between the public and pri- This is whl:tt Llll'Y do In ('very coun- vate sectors. try. First, they say that no all will be found. Thf'n when some 011 ~ out. they will .ay it is mud water. As regurd. the question of inviting After that. they will say that the oil the private sector, let us not get into that is coming out is only 50 barrels. the oil monopolies. There are certain 'lbat would be their advice then. concerns in the international oil busi- }'inally when mort· than 50 barrels ness with whom We can participate. come out, they will say; 'We also There is an Italian company. (he share in your venture'. If Govern- Indo-Corburi which has r~ into ment let them go there. they will see an agreement with the Iranian Oil 'hat no more oil comes out of the Company. I said three yea.. ago thaI Kutch area. the· terms h~r we.. a little better bN:ause the Italian company docs not Therefore. I submit tha: If at all the want to have a strangl<"hold or mono- prIVate o.. tor-I shall ,'ome to the poly at the oil there. So it the pri- tlope of private s.. tor that we have vate sector is to be given somE.'thigg. ~ in the international p,ttem- is to Government can enter into an agree- be JC,iven ~r to ~ r oil. ment with a new party. the Indo- 11 should not be IIlven in thr Cam bay Corburi, whose terms of agreempnt area, because in Cambay we havi-' with h~ Iranian Oil Company. as. 1 found out oil overselve.. They may sal.!, are a little ~r. Under that be liven permisaion to explore in agreemenl. 50 per cent of the gro... Jome other areas like thE Cauvery profit is to ,0 to the country where Rasin or Rajasthan. But nev"," Ipt all Is explored, in the first Inst... "". !bern touch the Cambay area where and then 25 prr cml at the profit i. we have already found 011. ctv,,".

Now, 1 come to the compt raUve e'll:- People have begun to laullh at the penoliture as between the public sector Minister. They have begun to laugh and the private sector b the matter of because when the MlnJsler declared tho. processes of exploraUor. In the that oil exploration and exploitation rubllc aector, for the ,ravim ttric sur- wal ,olllg 10 be in the pubUc sector, ~. , the expenditure of th. Oil ..d there were other people who were Ai Btural Gas Commission eomes to saying that it Is not going to be .... only Rs. 14,000 per month, while in It has been written in the paper. a the case of 'the Standard Vacuum the year a,o that Lord Mountbatten expenditure is Rs. 80,000 and for the wrote to the Prime Minister-this has Canadian team it Is RI. 31,000. I'or never been denied-cnd also Mr. Jolin the seismic survey, the expenditure 01 D. Rockefeller had lunch with the the Commission ill Rs. 50,000 whereu PrIme Minister. and they had im· t"r the .ame work it is RI. 3,25,000 in pressed upon the Prime Minister that th" case at Stmdard Vacuum and oil should not be in the public sector, Ra. 1,28,000 in the cue 01 the Cana· There i. again the I'rIInks report dian "'am. loa re,ards geological which has not been published. It is survey, the expenditure of the Com- said that in that report the GOV1!m- mlslon i. Rs. 14,500 whereu it Is Rs. ment have been advised not to 'Yen- 111,000 In the c... of the ~ CUre into the all 1 will .- projl!'C:t. loa regard8 drilIlnJ a., !he out from the Tinw mapzine. which \0135 D,"""nd. CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) 1O'f Gro"tI IOI3(). is almost the olllcial organ of the Re- oi I industry is fully shown in the re- publican Party. I am reading it out IIneries, even though in exploration because it has become almost a lau,h- more money has to be spent. Inside inc matter. This is what it oays ; that sublime industrial cathedral "For long after India /lot its known as the 'Caf Cracker', every- fruedom, 'Socialist Jawaharla! thing known to man about chemlotry Nehru regarded foreign investors is being employed in the splittlng up with the narrow-eyed suspicion of of the molecule. of petroll'Um and 1' .... a spinster convinced that friendly forminR them. The attentions from any man probably industry has developed to form thp conceal evil desirns". lar,est part of the industry conceMin, manufacture ot chemicals in this Then it tallu about Shri MoraJ'ji country trom petroleum lIa. alon•. n ... al and others. When you 110 to Bombay, you lind that "When they got home"- the whole of Bombay i. lit up durinr Iult is. Shri Morarji Desai and other nillht time because half of the petro- peopl&- leum that we imported i. brinl bumt up by the exhaust pipes that the ''They made many policy ch.. - Slandard Vacuum Bnd Burm.h-Shall ge•. No longer in any new venture reftneries have set up-petroleum for muat Indians hold majority stock which we pay hard rurren..". From control. No lon,er are such these products in this petro-chemical lIelds as petroleum and ')'nthetic industry, we could ealily have Iynthe- rubber to be dominated by the tic drulI, dyes, e"plosivel, deter.,·nts 'public lector" i.t' ... state-ownP.d". MId a hundred thousand other thin,. This is what has been writtl!ll by which the modem Alladin of the Time. There ahould be some truth in Chemiat call produce by rubbin, the it. It is subatantlated by the fact that 'oil' lamp of the two reIInerl,... Thi. the FtnaDCe Minister spent about 24 they have not done. hOW's with the Caltex Oil Company and Standard Vacuum people when he ... in the U.S. Why he .pent Ibb Therefore, I submit that In Ill",' time with them i. a matter whleh ... ThIrd Five Year Plan there Ihould bt! unexplaine.. It cannot be that he .... a. a stronl, basic romer... tone of thr talking shop with them. petro-chemical industry which In U.. ' Therefore, this tendency will hav.. USA controls 40 per cent of the entir. to be stopped. This HolIIt! should rive chemical industry. So adequate 111'0- a cJear warnin« that we should nn vl.lon should be made for surh an in- lonller allow Bny more people in the dustry in the Third Flv.. Year PI,,". Private lector in this businE"S5 beeaUIe it will mean a new .tr"lIlebold upon our economy. They will hold our In- Talkin, ot rellneri"s. only thla dustry to ransom because the r.ntlre momin, the hon. Minister answt!l'ed I IUb. oil '" controlled by them. The), question rerardin, a propolal from will hold our defences to ransom br- Hurmah-Shell re.ardina ""panslon of .auSe the whole petroleum supply I. their refinery. Why do these people L'Ontrolied by the.... rome with a proposal no.... ~ Theretore. there h... to be a new thou'" somebody else dilposes! My approach in the Third Fiv.. Year P;an hon. friend, the Minilter. relUSt'R the "hereby we must be able to stand .., folly now. They will a/lree that they have committed a folly. They will OW' own and Parliament will not ,...- rusa tunds either for exploration and apee-it c.. not be otherwiBP-lhat exploitation of 011 or for settin, up they .lImed the allJ'eement with the 011 reflnertes in the country. companies In 1.51 without havlnlt' • plan re... rdin« oil 10 tar u we we Now I earne to the question of ",- concerned. Now the 011 ~ lin..,;... The majeaty of the modem have rot the ch""k to eome and tell' 10137 APRIL 7, 1960 far GraTot: [Shri NarayanankuUy Menon) Th ~ the Minister that tbey want to increase losing the Caltex rellnery. nery should either be a medium i ,:e&- the capacity of their refineries. In tbia re/lnery question. these people bave nery for tbe IUb. oil or a reflnerr. for thoroughly bunilled. We have twu our oil. private sector refineries on the west Sir I request you to pardon me' for ""oast. Now they are saying that h~ a ~ minutes because I will ~ ::; Cambay oil is not good because it I>; more minutes and I will ftnish. only 'middle distillate'. So tbese re- IIneries would not take tbe Cambay Wben I come to tbe r~ r que.- oil. Then wbo will take that oil? tlO'" I will close this lap. There is an- Hegarding Camhay oil, we are all atlwr lap. We have no tankers. My ~r happy that oil has been found friend was asking this momine whet- thrre. Our Prime Minister went her you will compel the Burmah-Sbell there and actually bathed in the Company to use Indian tankers for the oil. Surely it i. a patriotic senti- distribution of oil. My friend is an ment that when oil bas been found in expert in shipping. But he does not our own country, we are all happy. know that we have not got any tan- But wbat do we do with the oil? Three 1l' made In the Third Five Year Plan bave any other course lett to com- that We should havE' a medium sizl'

not be able to do anything. This hon, Minister showed us in the Buoda Government baa absolutely no plan Rest HOUle the seismic survey map of 'because rven the little storage facility the southem part of the Godavari the Government had in the Defenc.' basin and he showed U9 that there is Ministry, the little r ~ facility an indin" and there is a parallel with which you could have supplied Suppose. in the next month th" ...ismie Defence material, was leased out in survey brings down a line, we ha.... • 1958 to the Stanvac company. Th,' another oil lind there. Th.. n. J thought Defence Ministry did not know th.1 that if that lin ... comes down lik. a Government had got a policy of slarl- nail that will b., one of the naill on Jng a distribution company, In Antop ('offin of the forcign stranglehold on Hill in Bombay and in Bhusaval th. thl" oil ('conomy of this country. 'Government of India had storage faci- Everyon" i. proud of it because as tar lities which were wholly in the hands as oil Is concemed, there is no question .of the Defence Ministry. Thou/lb the of party ..,d this House Is one bt·· Government had a policy to distri- hind the Government to lind oil for bute. in 1958. they leased that storag" our country. facility out for 10 years to Stanvac. This i. th.. policy of distribution. But then' I. On<' thine. Is th" hon. Minister. is the Government payinl enough attention to that? No, The hon. Minister talks of import- n... 011 and Natural Gas CommillSion wa. ing oil from Russia and trom Rumania. made a statutory body. What hap- I agree it may be a good threat to the pened' These pt'Ople who arc work- "

[Shri Somani] Steel Limited, it will be possible for encoura,ed consumption 01 steel bY the company to live an exact pIc- these units. 1, there tore, do not see ture of tbe total capital outlay so as the logic that has been given by the to giv.. Il correct picture, and tbat the' hon. Minister that sO tar as selling various estimates which have bcell prices are concerned the Government presented to the House from time to have no intention of making any time nc(!d not be gone into. rt·vision.

Now, Sir, in this connection. tht· Another suggestion to which I would next point that 1 would like to raise like to draw the attention of the hon tor the attention or the hon. Minister Minister is thc desirability ot inviting is about the pricing policy about which L' in the private lector. We bad seen their programme accordingly. recently lome press reports to the effect that already the two big steel At a time when there i. a Bcarcity eompanies, namely, Tatas and Indian of retourees and when the private Iron, haVe applied to the Miniltry for lector unit. have lot a very old and a further lubsta.'1tial programme of t'xperieneed orllanilation at their dl.· expansion of their respective unill. _I, it is essential that the fullest That is what Mr. Ghand7 baa .aid re- poasible scope and incentive should cently at a preas canterenc". It ha. be liven for those units to expand. already been reported in the pre.. After all, it will b., appreciated that that the Taw at any rale have applied it is alw8Y. much marf:' economical far an increal" of '. lakh tons as a for the expansion programme to bl' programme of expansion for their unit earried out rather than to allow new and that that proposal was seo.t to units to be ",lablished. From thi. the Ministry as long ago as AU«USt, point of view. I urgr that not only ~ . I had expected that the bon. the expsn..ion of publk """tor projectl Minister would have thrown some aboul which lh" han. Minister ...,., light in his opening remarks about !ome ind.Jcation in the mom!n, but th" policy which th" Ministry propos- also the expansion prOllramme of the ed to tallow in regard to future ex· private st"Ctor units ahould rt!C'elvt' PBnsion ~ of the private proper attc-ntion. -or units. Then' wert' some dlsqujetmg repo..... In that connection. the qUC5t1on ot that appeared In the Time. 01 In4MI pri..... also bo.comes of """"lsI simi. two days aco in regard to cH'laln 10149 Demand. APRIL 7, IUOO 10lSO [Shri Somani] statements that appeared in a certain The last point that I would like to journa1. I had thought that the hon. make is about coal. I lind that there Minister himself would have enligh- will be some deficiency so far as the tened the House as to the nature of achievement ot the target for coal is th(' ~ and defects which concerned. We had a target of 60 have been highlighted m those reports. million tons in the second Five Year But, in any case, I think the hon. Year Plan, and it appears tbat we may Minister should take the House into have a shortfall of about seven million conftdl'nce, becausp, judging trom thp tons both in the public and in the report ot the Ministry as well as from private sector. Now that we are the hon. Minister's statement. there thinking in terms of 90 million ton, dOt's not seem to be Bny justification as the target for the third Plan It is tor the very serious and alannilll advisable to review the ~ pJcture which the press reports have of the coal Industry in both the sec- portrayed. I hope and trust that the tors and adopt a policy which will hon. Minist"r will take the opport- ensure that there will be no shortfall unity, in reply to the debate, to point in production. out the nature of the defects and Indeed, recently there have been deftcirncies in the Rourkela plant disquieting reports about the shortage about which so much has appeared in or coal tram various centres, and &ince the- German press. our whole industrial economy depench . So far ftS the functioning of tbe so much on the proper and adequate public sector projects is concerned- supply of coal, the Ministry should I rcfer to the Hindustan Steel, Ltd.- take proper stepS well before-hand to I think one Central Board can hardly ensure that no shortage will be do justice to the enormous responsi- allowed to confront our progress. bilities of managing aU these three From that point of view, the various .teel concern.. Even it it ;. not feasi- suggestions and statements that have ble to split this company into three reeently appeared, as having been separate units, it should be possible made by the spokesmen of the coal to have three regional advisory boards, Industry, should be properly examin- on" board atmoiled to eacb project, ed. There should not be any ideologi- 80 the so that the workin, of the projects 1£ cal restrictive policy far as reviewed independenUy. It should development of the private sector is not be the responsibility of the Central concerned. If the private sector is in a position to develop the coal Board alone to ~ur the manage- ment ot all the three .teel projects. resources taster, there is no reason After all, the hon. PrIme Mininer th" why the fullest possible opportunity oth"r day, in his adl\r"ss to the AU- should not be given to the r ~ India u ur r ~ Organisation, sector for the development ot coal J suggested the Idea of a healthy COIII- resources in our country. do hop. ""tltion b.'tWt'Cll the Pllblic sector and and trust that the various grievan.... the privatl' sector projects. That 1£ which have been put forward by the very welcome. But I think we should npre.eataUn. of the coal industry also lID a step further and have a will be sympathetically examined and healthy competitioll. among the public that Government will take prOP"r and .ector T ~ .themselves. There timely action to ensure that the pro- .honld be- a competition among these duction of coal will not in anyway be three pUblic .ector proj<'Cts in the adversely aftected. matter ot .1 ...1 produ,ction. and that My last point is about the Rajas- ~ can only be ensured it than copper project. Some reference aomp individual ~ j .. wa. madp to It by the hon. Ministpr attach<'(\ to ~ h proJect. I hope the in his opening remarks and there are Minister will examine whether It also rf'f£"rences tn it in thP report would be feasible to bave a ..parate Itself_ This project is already long local or .... ,ion&1 board tor the manaae- over due. In my opinion, the private rnent of these thl't'e J>rOjecte. sector was in a ~r position and :tOJSI CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKAl they could have already taken steps will be bestowed with reprd to this to implement this project lome COD- also. aideroble time ago. At a Ume when I would ~ to congratulat.. tile we are suffering from shorta", of persons wbo w"... ..esponsible wben copper. it is e ••enUal that full priority th" decision was taken to instal the .hould be given for the development LD process in the Rourkeia steel plant. ·of the copper resources and I do hope At the time when this decision was and trust that early action would be taken. WI' did not know anytlliDR taken to en.ur.. tha t the copper about th,· LD process and it was a deposits in Rajasthan will be fully new thing. It was really a bold deci- ,.xploited. sion to bl' taken at tll.t timr. But lUI 1m. things hav" "ompletely justified this [DR. SllSHlLA NAVAR in the Chair.] decision havillll becn takl'n. We have Shri Viswanatha Beddy (Rajam- been told that by the LD proceu. pet): Madam Chairman, after the steel can be manufactured at leut very eloquent and impassioned appeal three times faster than in the conven- made by Shri Menon in regard to the tional open·h"arth process. Besidel, ·oil industry. by and lar"" I would we also get a large quantity of nitro- like to con1lne my remarks to the len, which can be used for nitrogenoul very same points raised by him. fixation of soil. So. I would like to . Before I do 50, I would like to run congratulate the persons r"lI»Onllbl" through a few points pertainillll to for taking this d .. ci.ion. iron and steel and also minin•• This mom ina. 8 reterenL"e was made because those pointa arise out of the by tbe Minister to the Inteersted lig- statement made by th. hon. Minister nite project. We were very bappy to this morning. know that by th.. middle of 11183, all I fortifted myself with facta and the various branche. of this inteersted lIgures reprding the re-rolling indus- project will come into belnl. I am try in this country and I wanted to sure tile southern part of the country, take the Ministry to task for not which i. looking forward to the full allowing more units in the re-rolUng development of thl. project at an industry. But this momlnll's state- ""rly date, wlll tak.. thil news with ment by the Minister has completely a ...... t amount of joy. South hal reallured me and I 11m very happy to been starved of power. Even the bow that he is goillll to iasue a noU- hydro-el""tric projects are not com in, JlcaUon uking for free licensing of u~ . of them-in the third Flv.. re-rolling mills of certain capacities. Year Plan, thanb to the nlgprdly IIardar SWIIIBJI BIItgta: No licensing: atUtud.. of the Plannin, Commission. 1hey are just permitted. If it il po.. ible to complete this pro- ject even earlier than 1983, I think we S..-! V ....1III8&IIa 1IeddJ: It is from th,· South will be ""n' happy better. Then, 1 was hopinl that he .bout it. would mak.. som.. reference to tbe electric furnaces for melting steel With r<'lard ID tho, mining indu.try, scrap. I find from the figures supplied it hal been noticed tbIlt in our coun- by th.. Ministry that w" have a. much try, the.... ~ nnt thOSr bl.·hparted iIOO.OOO toni of scrap Bvailablt' in thift or larp-hearwd prosprctono country. Out of thi. 1mIDII,,,, th" would be p .... ptlrt·d tn .tak,· tht'ir nisting capacity for meltinc of steel rveryth.inll and even ri.k thpir liv" '" only of th.. order of 150.000 ton•. in trying to dlRt:'Ovpr tht" variout; This exclud.. 28 units sanctioned minerals. Su('h'" those mine. thst rec<'nUy with • ""paclty of 187,000 f"xilt todly r~ !tufTprin« from a ,rea' tom. Even if thi. i. adck-d. still w" amount of disability. WI' do not haw have as much as 200.000 tons of scrap proper .nalyti..... 1 laboraIDries In our available in this cou.ntry, ,,·hich can (·ountry. Th" facllitl" that th.. Gov· to. usefully melted and uaed in nrioul rrnment offen tor the printe PI'Ol- ~, ,1 indu.triP!l; I holM' !tom(" thought """tor arr pr.t'1i('ally nil. Tn add to JOJ5J Demands APRIL 7, 1960 for Gnmu ~4

[Shri Viswanatha Reddy] all this, the process at getting \icencat not r"'ld the whole resolution. I would tor mining leases and prospecting only Irke to read the opening portion leases and even certificates at approval of this resolution, which says: is a long drawn-out affair. Several ''The Assembly hereby recom- Urnes I had the opportunity to point mend. that !.he Government of out to the Ministry the diftlculties India be requested to set up in t'xpcrienced by the private prospec- the Third Five Vear Plan period r~ in ootaining the licences, but still, at least one unit in the State tor In spi te of the ~ to various the manuiaC'turr of iron and full-s. these difficulties remain. In steel." thl'Sl' circumstances, if we do not have large-hearted prospectors in our might incidentally say that all tm. country, that is not a matter about resources, natural resources. required which we can show much surprise. I for the starting of a steel industry in hope this matter will be attended to Andhra are available there, namely, by the Ministry and the procedure Iron ore, lime slone and other would be streamlined suitably, in materials. order to avoid these diftlculties. I heard with great attention the I had occasion in th(> past to make remarks of my hon. triend, Shri a reference to the Bureau of Mines. Narayanankutty Menon, about oil. If I am convinced that the status ot the the Government ot India do not have Bureau of Mines should be upgraded. any other activity but only the To my mind, !.h,' Geological Survey exploration of oil, all the suggestions or India tackles the tundamental made by Shri Menon could pos.ibly aspect ot the mineral industry, it one be implemented. Without even trying might put it that way, whereas the to pay a compliment to the Ministry Bureau at Mine. tackles the applied for the achievements that they have aspect ot the mineral industry. The to their credit during the last thr...,. responsibilities that arc devolving or tour years, he has taken the Minis- mcreasingly on the Bureau of Mines try to task for various acts at ~ during h~ past few years are r~ sian. For in.tance, he suggested that· mou:;; and thosl' r ~ are the exploration ot oil should take being discharged with a llreat deal ot place simultaneously all over the credit to the Bureau. In these r u ~ country. without realising our ~ stances, I would sugge.t that if thl. tions by way of equipmenls, by way· Bureau has to function with some of trained personnel and also tlnancial amount of responsibility and joy, I resources, Government are trying to should think the Bureau's .tatus do their best with the limited should be increased and more money. resources that they have in their mort' technical personnel and mor£' hands, and the results achieved are l' till' r ~ of th(' 1958 Koing to make a good show. Industrial Policy R,'·:olution. Under these changl!d rules, 1 hs\'t.' bl'cn told. It has been th,' constant ,-fTort oj undl'r certain condition·; \',hich r ~ to the private sector to malign thl' be fixed by the Government in con- .teel industry in the public sector and sultation with Parliament, foreign all it is up to h~ Ministry to Ilive us a explorers are to be allowed to operate clear picture <0 that this I.IIrt of in this country. Although ideologi- propaganda in this country dlill. not cally I anl very ItlPch opposed to hold any water. But it you see this inviting toreign oil interests any more neport, there is no mention about th,' into this country, having regard tn n.."Comendalions made hy the Esti- Lbe exi/lencie. at the circumstances, J mates Committee. I am really sur· hope the Government will use the prised at it. powers vested in them in the wiliest When, for the first time, the Hindu- possible manner. So, the mere amend· stan St,.. 1 Company came Into being. ment at the rules that ha. taken place it was a good thing that the Esti· aeed not cause any anxiety in the mate. Committee thoroughly went mind at my han. friend. into this question and made eerlain The.... has been a reterence in the val',able recommendation.. It would Report at the Ministry to an attempt have been good if the Ministry in this at changing the pattem ot productlon Report had told us as to how tar they In the oil refineries that are function- have been able to Implemrnt the,p ing today in the private acetor. In recommendations. their expansion programme it is lug- I will tske only one example. They gested that the pattem would conform have sUllgested that atter the runnin!: to the demand tor various petroleum ot the .teel plants i. handed over to products that exisL. in the country the Hindustsn ~ Company" today. It is a happy development and review at Lbe en lire stslt .tre.,.tll in I hope thl! hon. Minister would bestow the Iron and Strel Ministry should bl"" thought to see that in the rcftnerlel undertaken. There is no indicalion in that are likely to come up in the the Report eo to whether that hi. been public sector proper care would "" done. Further, we see that 11ll" tsken to lee that the pattem of pro- expenditure is increasing. duction in those rcftneriel would Then, it is well-known Lbat about COnform to the demand. that arise In the expenditure in Rourkcla great OUr country. concem haa bc:aen show" in this Hau,p Now I ",ant to make a brier reter- and outside from time to timc. The 'OnCe to the oil price policy that hal Estimates Committee, which went in\A". bt-en pursued. this qu(!'stion, suggesfed that a com- Mr. CbaI...... : The hon. Member prehensive statement showng thl(" cali- should conclude now. mates of .11 th ... ~ of .xpenditufI· connectod with the three steel projrcls Shri S • UlIhrI"ed' (Ken- ...... s .... .hould be pn'Pared and presented t(l drapara): One would appreciate the Parliament at an carl}' datI" ~ enerey and eltort that the hon. Minis- ter i. putting to make this job of that much has not been don •. Steel, Mines and Fuel 3 SUCCf'SS, on Further. in this House Lbere WI' a which depends the industrial pro· question In December 11158, ••yinr l1".s, of this oountry. BuL.t h~ that tho I(1'n"ral ..r ~ h r ~ in OIOIS7 APRIL 7, 1960

[Sbri Surendranath Dwivedy] Rourkela steel plant has gone up If hrB. from Rs. 13 crores to 19 crores. The Then, for Rourkela BOd DurpJIUT Estimates Committee was given the they estimated that in the ofIIcen' task of examining this question. 1 do grade 63 and 59 non-Indian experlll .not know whether a correct picture would be required for short periods as to the specific expenditure under as distinct from those who might be specific heads is available even now. brought as commi.. ioning teams. This I would again refer to the Estimates recommendation was made long back, Committee because they are now but still we do not know why and talking of the fourth steel plant. The for what purpose so many foreign Estimate. Committee have suggested. personnel are still in Bhilai. Axe you and rightly so, that an expert com- under some obligation on account of mittet: should be appointed, compris- the agreement that you have reached ing persons well versed in industrial with this country that you will go on financial ,legal and technical matters, maintaining such a large number of to make a more comprehensive study foreign personnel with fat salaries? of the project. with particular refer- As you know, in the other House .. nee to the agreements with consul- the other day an a1leption .was mad. lants, projects, r~ r , contracts, which has not been repudiated as yet, arrangements made for tx:aining thE" that this mon.. y which is being given personnel ("te., not necessarily to pick to these foreign personnel in Bhilai .hole. in regard to them but to enable as salary is being utilised in this coun- with their help to make sugge.tions try for political purposes and is gom. for avoiding difficulties in future. into the hands of a particular political Thl' Committee also recommended party. I want the Government to that the report ot the team so appoint- contradict thi.. I think the Minis\r7 "d shOUld be made available to Parlia- owes an explanatiOn' as regards this. ment. Where are these reports? It will be Sf."en, therefore, that these Then I corne to . Rourkela. It will recommends tions are Makin&: no be seen from a cursory glance of thiI "IYect whatsoever On the Ministry. report that whereas i. has been Btated which is going on its own way, creat- that Bhilai in its. entirely will be Ing dilllcuities; not only dilllcuities completed by the .econd quarter at but something more. J think the new. 1961, as regard. Durgapur IUId that has appeared in the papers Rourkel. no such mention has been recently has disturbed the public. made. As I hava already mentioned, But, before going into Rourkela I he reports about Rourkela are rather all'airs, for which I wanl to devote disturbing. It.bas been admitted in most of my time, I want to malte a the report itself that the IIrst blut reference to the foreign personnel furnace which 9,,'05 eommi5sioned in working in di/l'erent steel plants. The February, 1959 and which has a capa- Report of th.. Ministry. does not give city of 1,000 tons per day has not been IIgur•• for all the three .teel plants. producing this quantity. The second But we find that in Bhilai there are blast furnace has also been commill- a. many as 858 experts. 1 do not sioned in January, 1960. know what sort of experts are they. When we w_ere askine these ques- v.°hf'thl"r ~h r r or mere flUers, tions very often we were tOld, ''No, this or that. A technical committee therp is nothing wrnng. Thin.. are was IIppointed by h~ Hindustan Roing on weI!, this and that." But Stepl Limited to determine thO' foreign here i. a statement made by Dr. . ,.. ~ in each plant, and they sug- Heinrich. who is. one of the experts ~ .. sted that th.. total number of connected with Krupp-Demag and who Russian eXll"rts required In Bhilai I, visited this fa.torv 1 have verified 279 induding 21 en gin...... of high this account whieh' ha.. appeared in !IuJ)f'1"Visory t"hararteor. th.. Times of I ..dia, altbough the 10159 DemanlU CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) far Gr_ 10160 account aet!IIU to be lops1e1ed or one- The metalllU'lists A7 that It the sided. It baa made a comparison bet- blast furnac"" work half to their ... ocn the proeres. of Bhilai anel Rour- capacity for three months they will l.;;cda. There can be no comparison bet· be damaged for all time to come. ween tho t",o because Bhilai and They haw worked ·alrcady for twelve liurgapur Itre olel-fashioned steel man th. and I think considerable .plants whereas Roarkela is the moat damage would be done to the factory moclern one. It may take months or if these things are pennitted to 10 on. ,t may take years before it gives us Lull production. So there can be no Mr. Chairman: Th~ hon. Member'. comparison in that respect. But here timt' is up, is an admission in which he is believ- Shrl Surendn&nath Dwtved),: I will "d to have noted that- take 30-35 minutes. I am the only speaker trmii my party. That much "the present production of time is always given by the han. Rourkela was not more than half Speaker to the spokesman of the its installed capacity, that in the party. entire set-up there was no 'works organisation' and that already Mr, Cllalrmaa: I am lOrry. The 35,000 tons of steel slabs had been han. Speaker lett instructions with pill'(\ up because they could not be me to give 15 minutes to everybody. sold as such (therl' was no sales That is what the instruction lett with organisation to handl.· th.· pro- me is. duct) nor could they bl' char.ged into other produC'ts (becausE' the Sbrl SureadraDath Dwlved,.: But necessary machine shops had not he always mentions in the beginning yet been set up)." that every other hon. Member, who is not the spokesman of the party. ..III This is a very serious statement. 1 be given only 15 minutes...... would say, that is, this admission of the things that are going on in Mr, cbaInnaa: He can have ftve- Rourkela. I want to know whether minutes more. these detects were pointed out to the Ministry or not. These teething ShrI Surendl'llll&th Dwtved7: I have troubles of the Rourkela factory, so to do justice to the subject. That is far as we laymen outside know, had why we: selellt only one .peaker for been pointed out by even people who this purpose. We do not put up man,. have visited this tactory and said that hon. Members. nus will really be the factory is not likely to give US going beyond the convention which lull production. Who i. to ~ for we are following in this HOUle. thi,? Is it the Germans that are to be blamed? So tar as the Germans an Mr. CbaInDaD: 1 will oend word to concerned, they have nothing to do as the hon, Speaker and a.k him aa to ...,garcla the operational side of the what hiB wish"" are. He may in the factory i. concerned. So who is to .neen time continue and try to be as blame tor thi.? I think the bllllne bripf a. h .. can. goes entirely to the Ministry. As I am lald, the first blast furnace and the Dr...... Sabllac ~ (Saaararn): ....nd blast turnace, both of them are 'nIe 1P0ke.m.... of thp parti"" get mo\(· .... orking only to half ot it. capacity time . today. The Ministry has been dover ~ u h to mention in this report that Mr. CbaInDaD: The hon. Speaker they r~ not working to tull capacity, ha. lett .... ith me .ome 20 nam... and but they do not tell us actually what some of the hon. Memben will thl!ll the real procluction in the fint and ha"., to be lett out or bon. Members oecond blast turn ace. in RoW'kel. il will hav," to be briet. 'DIe hon. Minis- My information is that it is less than ter wants the fioor at 5,n. So that is half. all the time Ihat we have. 10161 Demands APRIL 7. 1960 rOI6z

Aa Iuoa. _lIer: So everything has been fixed. ponsible for the operational side ot it. 1Ir. CbaInaaa: Let us not waste We cannot blame others tor this. time. The hon. Member may please I am \Old that recently the), have continue with his speech. appointed one person called Shri Shri SW'eadranath Dwlved7: I have Sambasivam from the Taw who is • spoken only for ten minutes. rejected person and who has no ex- perience whatsoever aboul these Mr. Chairman: He has spoken for matters. I am really sorry about it. 13 minuteR. We were all happy and we greeted the hon. Minister when the LD pro- Shri SureadnuaaU\ Dwlvedy: I stand t'Orrected. c"s. whiCh i. a new and the most modern process in the world began working there. But what has been What 1 was pointing out is that done. Even that was started in haste the." blast fumaces are not working and result of which is that that also \0 full capacity and that is because ot i. not working fully. All the h~ inadequate preparations that were vessels are not working according to made when the first blast fumace was the information that I have before me. commlnloaed. It was done In haste. These are very serious matters. It i. I am told that even th" directors of no good saying that we arc doing the Hindustan Steel Company passed welL It is necessary that we shoul" a resolutio,," pointing out this detect have a satisfactory explanation betor" and saying that no further units the public in ord"r to allay the fears should be called into action unless of the people of the country ... adequate preparations for all atages of feeard. its _ess. I want to say .teel production are made. Why waa that it is not onl), the mechanical that not heeded to? Who was res· trouble but it is also the organisation- ponsible for this? Is it because of the al and adminIStrative trouble that is greed of the manager there who responsibl.. for the statl! of aft'airs in wantCd to show that he could really Rourkela. do the job within the specified period? Who was responsible for It? Why did Mr. Chall'lD8ll: I might tell the hon. thc Ministry not take heed when thJs Member that the hon. Speaker has .... said by thE' Hindustan Steel Com· sent word to me that I miltbt iii"'" pany! him 22 minutes. That will mean that the hon. Member has to finish hJs I am not sure whether this mechani- speech b)' 14.15 hrs. So there are 8 oal trouble i. the only trouble in minutes more lett and the hon. Rourkela. Thc pig casting machine. Member may adapt hi•• peech aecord- I nm told, can really work to full ingly. .... "acity. Why i. that not beine done? Who is looking after the operational Shrt SUfeDdnuaatb Dwh,ed1: All .id" of this factory? Have we really regards the organisational defects, 1 got a good cxpert who can work as have already pointed out certain the works manaRcr for the operation things. But I want to bring to the of this factory? We have a so-called notice of the hon. Minister the state- I""hnioal adviser about whom th.,..., ment which I myself mad" in June has been threadbare discussion in the last year when I visited this taetory. Estimates Committee and who has no I

[Shri Surendranath Dwivedy] but also tor developing railways and mills of the public .ector and tram the ParadeeI' port. I would like the the existing units of the private lector. Ministry to let US know what la their '!'he effective prodm:tion has yet to recommendation to the Planning Com- L'Ome up. The installed capacity ha. mi.ion, or what have they done to been indicated to the nation but th" see that when foreign parties special- ,,/fective r u ~ is not yet eaught. ly Japanese who will be mostly up and there must be a definite tim," takin& our iron ore-they are them- schedUle within which the eftective selves prepared to spend money tor prodUction must· catch up with the In- mechanising the mine. and also tor .talled capacity of theSe steel plant.. the development of the ParadeeI' port The effective production in our steel' -that this project is sanctioned. Why plants is suffering mainly because the is it that we are not explorL." this Ministry has failed to evolve and pay possibility? I would like the hon. "nough attention towards building up Minister to pay a little more attention the raw material base that is required to this and see that this project also Ul achieve the effective production. including the development of the Paradeep port is undertaken as quick- ~, ly as possible. J,."'or take the present shor- tage of coking coal. Although thIa Shrl Vldya Curan Sbukla (BaJada shortage was long anticipated, thO' Bazar): Madam Chairman, in spite of Ministry neglected taking any effectift lOme mistakes in planning and execu- .teps to ovrrcome threatened and ob- tion of the expansion of the steel malt- vious shortage. These mistakes be- in, capacity, the Ministry delerv.. come all the more glaring if it is noted congratulations of this House for what that the Second Plan, convinced of they havc achieved in this field. this shortage, provided for five new Rourkcla, BhilBi and Durgapur are in coal washeries to be set up during the an advanced stage of completion and Plan period in the public sector. We it is gratifyin& to note that our fourth want to know why three out of tbe stecl plant at Bokaro will be erected five planned coal washeries have nol mostly by our own know-how and It yet materialised. It takes at laaat two will be mostly fabricated in our own to two and a haIt years to erect any tactories. I hope the Ministry will coal washery, and after the coal washe- make very determined efforts to lee ries are erected there are certain teetb- that this hope that we are entertain- ing troubles that come up. For ell'ec- ing is not destroyed and the fourth tive working of the coal washery it steel plant Is In reality made and pr0- will take at least three years, and we duced by us. are already short of coking coal, and It these coal washeri... do riot give the A large amount at work has still to prDper amount of coking coal to our be done to consolidate the new pr0- .teel mills, troubles in steel production duction capacity that we have already will be carried over into the Third ereated or which it under canltruction Plan ~r which wl11 be a bed thing. at present. This should not be dela7- The demand from the steel plants is ed becauae any delay will mean the already much more than the avail- postponement of the .eeruing benefits ability of rood quality coal The Coal

[Shri Vidya Cbaran Shukla] the alloy and tool requirements 01 our duced in our country to meet all our country are 1P'0wiJIg fast, and unless internal requirements. we can provide for that in the Second As a result 01 planned indWltrialla- Plan period itself, that is in the last lion, there is a growing demand for . year of the Second Plan period, we metals in the country, so much so that

8bri Narasimhan (KrishnQiiri) : and thinlls like tho t. Even accordin, Haye they increased the confusion? to the very sketchy Report that we have before us. we would have been, Sbri Vld7a Charan Shukla: Th~ in that case, spared the necessity of have. at times. importing 65 lakh tons of iron sad steel during the period 1955 to 1960, At present We r~ costing about Rs, 700 crores. ·our collaboration in oil enlirely in one .direction. It is very necessary that The delay in decision also resulted tho collaboration is diffused, It i. in increased costs of the three planta 'very encouraging that Government that we have somehow succeeded. in .bave asked various people and parues pu i. tll1g up in the public sector. 1 interested in oil exploration to come refer to this indecision and lack of forward and sh<>w their interest. We proper survey of our aclll1al require- 'Welcome any party, which offers terms ment. particularly because it is bein, whkh are in the best interests of the rumoured through the press and re- -country. to come forward and help ports supposed to be authoritative, ...., No doubt we want to do al1 the oil that the target for the Third Plan 1a -expJ6/ation by ourselves, but because going to be nine or ten million ~ of lack of resources and the urgency only, When the Estimates Committee of developing on resources, it is very more than two ycars ago qUL"tIUoned 'aeeessary that we take the help of the Secretary of the Ministry, he said ,oth.. rs also, keeping in view our ulti- thc target for the Third Plan should 'IIUlte national interests. be in the neighbourhood of 15 mlllion tons. Of course, he was not makin, Sbri RaJeshwar Patel (Hajipur): I any finn gUf."sses or giving flrm 'figures, 'thank you for giving me an oppor- but he said that would be more err "tunity. to participate in this debate. less the order of our rrquirements by thp end of the Third Plan, But now Shri Surendra Nath Dwivedy has it is said that because of paucity of already drawn the attention of the resources, we may have to curtail our .Kinistry to the valuable suggestions progTommf' of production for 8tJeeol in made by the Estimates Committee, the Third Plan, It i. al.o .aid that the which, unfortunately, so far do not first C'mphasis should Ix- on expansion -Rem to havf> found the favour of even of the three unit. that have been set a comment by the Ministry, 1 would up already, ·draw the particular attention of the ~ r to the introductory part of -the Report wherein it is very clearly W,' know that TataH have ,one in atated that owing to lack of a rlear for an expansion programme, and policy and understanding, they delay- after three years they have not yet ed in coming to 8 decision about the reached h r.~ npar the contem- actuaJ requirements at steed of the plat.E·d ~ capadty. E\,,("1l when country. As B result of certain ur~ w(" go in for an ~ programme, ~, in 1948 they thought th(> coun- let us not be under the illusion that try's stc'l'l requireml'nts would increase We will br able to achi('v(' full produc- by about '5 million tons, but within tion within three or four yean. two ye-ars they camp to a dift'erent 'COnclusion. It has been very clNrly In a va... t country like oun, wl"H'o" brought out in this Reoport that as a we arc trYing to indultrialil"t" our- .....ult of this lack of decision on the ~ . our st«:'el rcquirE'mM'lts are part of the Government, the country bound to go up very rapidly, It 1a bad to import large quantities of .teel. not veT'y easy to have 8 corrt:'Ct 11 on Iy they had taken steps in good picture of our future requlrmlent.. time. by 1954 we could have be,," In a b£-caU&t" whE"n we se

[Shri Rejeshwar Patel] geometric proportions. II is therefore we can legitimately hope to develop· necessary to have a 'very careful our economy on the proper lines. _ment of our r~ u r . If we exhaust our capacity to expand in the three plants and do not sct up a In this connection, I would urge this fourth plant in Third \ Plan period Ministry to consider the case of Bokaro. ltaelf, we will have very little capa- which on all hands has been found to city to expand in the Fourth Phn be the most suitable place for the So, while I am not opposed to the fourth iron and steel plant in the pub- expansion programme during the lic st!ct.or. The economy of it has Third Plan period, I think it is neces- been worlred out already, and I do not sary to establish the fourth plant also have to emphasise that point here during the Third Plan itself. once again. All the raw materials re- quired for the industry aTc available lt is said that the heavy machinery round about that area; electricity sup- plant at Ranchi and the electrical ply is assured, and water also is as- plnnt at Bhopal will be able to help sured. All the four R'o which are us in fabricating a good part of the absolute necessities for nn industry of fourth plant that we prOpOSL' to put this kind are available, namely roads up at Bokaro. That may be true, but river, railways, and raw materials. we should not depend too much on Therefore, the case of Bokaro cannot what we arc ~ up and what they be and should not be ignored, if we will be capable of producing. Already really want to be selr-sufficient in the because of a lack of clear idea as to matter of our steel requirr.ments. h ~ r u r ~ . of the country, we have Buffered in having to spend near- ly Rs. 700 crOT!>' on foreign exchange So far as Bihar is concerned, r during the la.t five years. If we are might be permitted to recall that even not alert evtm now, we will find at the when we were thinking of putting up and 'of the Third Plan the same pic- the first steel plant in the public Rec- ture, and we may probably be forced tor, the cBle of Bihar was considered, 'to import much more than we are do- but for one reason or the other, may- ing at present. And we also know it be political, the honour did not go to for a fact that if we have not import- Bihar, but it went to Madhya Pradesh; ed more, it is not because the country then, It went to Rourkela and then to did not require more steel, but because Bengal. So, the case of Bihar is al- we did not have sufficil'nt foreign ex- ready overdue, and particularly in dlange at our dispoaal. Not merely view of the new Hatia project coming ha"" we missed the steel, but the up over there in Ranchi, Bokaro which other ancillary and engineering indus- is very close to that place should ftnd tries that h ..... e to depend upon a raw the favour of the MInistry, and it material like stt,.,1 have also sulrered there Is any difficulty, we hope and a good deal. trust that the Ministry, in view of Ita old experience, will do its best to urge The olher day, while speaking on the Planning Commission to oomehow the impHcnUons of the lack of con- ftnd funds for the establishment of the lumer goods and things like that, hon. fourth plant In the public sector at ML'lnbers had drawn pointed attention Bokaro. to the fact that in a ~ eco- nomy which we are having. when we have a lot of deficit ftnancinl, It is Having said that, I would like to lAY very urcent that we should have su1ll- a word about what is happening In dent supply of consumer goods. Judi- Cambay. Shri Narayanankutty JI_ Ing from that angle also, It will be has already referred to the accident realis!'d that a basic material lIke steel that look place on the 31st Janual'J'. Ioas to be in very good supply, before 11180, when one Indian and two- JOl7S Demancb CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKAl for G.llftl. 10176

Rumanian engineers I""t their lives. It mission i. required for the purehase ;. unfortunately said that the accident of every ~ t.hing, from Dehra Dun, was due to the inferior quality of the and I understand that even to this c:ement uoed. It is further said that day, though the unit has been tunction- the olftcers at Cambay had refused to ing there for the last three years, e\'en accept the cement. as in their labora- the ordinary raw materials, and thin" tory tests. it was found that the cement lik" flre-Ilghlinl t'quipment and "".... was not of the requisite quality. But olftce furniture have Ixoen 'taken out the Dehra Dun orders had to be carri- on ren t. and Gov,'rnment arc payin, ed ou t, and the Dehra Dun orders rentals there for th,·s.. thlnls at th.. were carried out. rate of Rs. 17,000 ~r month, If.,l' calculate it, it comes to RI. 20 lakha An hoa. Member: Was it right or pcr year, and for the three years, it wrong? comes to RI. 60 lakh. by way of only rentals for the efftce fumiture and ShrI Ka,loahwu Patel: In my opi- other things which could have been nion, it was very wrong, because that easily pun:hased and th.. r"by that cement used to take more than nine money saved. hours to set. ~ .0 fWo ~ ('JI'1it7\: Shrl Mahant,.: Who was the con- ~ ~. {'-'ITl'I, '!ITofq'rT tractor? <''l'f ~ ir 'liT ~ ;m ~ ~. Sbri Ka,lesbwu Patel: Because of ~ rr it would not be right far us to permit such things to happen. If R1i 'IIi!II'R ~ >i' Ill!' ~ t A; mm it ~ PI'l'f ~ lIlT The worst of it is that there seem "'fl'RT ~ ~ -r'" oft ~ t ~ to be serious differences of OPinIon between the Cambay project oIIIcera ~. "'" , ~~ ~ and the Dehra Dun olftcers.... reouIt ~ I ~ ~ lIlT 11m"!!' of which there seem to be lOme very ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ inordinate delays in carryinl out cet'- If'IR '1:" "'" tain things. Even the hon. Minister TT ~~ ~~~ Shri K. D. Malaviya had announced ~~. .. f'l'flf it 'll the other day that by the ISId of I 'IN Karch, 10 test wells would have come • ~ it 3!l'i' t ~ ~ tr. up, but unfortunately. because of the ~ ~ Ill! 1ft' ..mIT t ~ 1fIzrtt rff7m it quarrels, that target has not been t ..m- Col' t"'rPr ~~ ~ ~ tuUIJled so far. 'lbil will be Iiome out lIIore clearly if I place before the afOm lfR q'T '1ft ~ ~ "'" ~ 'f.'r"r, House the fact that at Cambay, per- ~ ~ T rrr ~~ I 10177 Demands APRIL '1, 1880 10171

~ lII'o r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T lII'fIil1r lll'ft c.f, 'Ill"I'R it ~ ~ '10 ;mr 7.'1', ~ r ~~ ;l 'r,frll' ~ lfnriIT ~ ~ "'u, to r . ~ 11ft of! 1!''l'W : ~ 3!T1f I ~ ~ '!'lilt ;fhr ~~ r- ~ fur;f) ~ 'aft q(r t ~ ill f"fll "'..rorT"f'f '1ft ~ ~ ~) ~ f'" fIT ~ )~ '!:;r '(Pm! ill "3:'!I'A' ","t l'/ffi'iIT 1lIffll; ~. ~ I 'R''!1fT'f ~ !II"'l' lI''I'rf..ifII'i q If.ft'!' lI:T T~r ~ I . ~ Wlf 'IiTT'lfT;fT if 'aft fi\''ITiI ~ 'IT :r.ft 'f;r ~ ~ flI; "3<'lf'f.'l' it ..r,ft "'1ft "[ wt ;or) ~ 'liT ill '4Rf :'lI'r.t it , T . ~ "') 'I'T a';{ ~ r it: TTT'FT 'iiI ~ ~ r ~ I l:'J hq. '" ~ :I '!it i!r IT 'R'F'I' ~ ~ lI'-TIT it ~ ill fqf>fw m If'!')" ~r ~ I it ,<,,;';'1' it: ~ ;r;"t ffllff.,. '" f....-n: T ~ ,~ ~ I .~ .;... 'II'1l''T if ~ 1m torr '3fq t. it ~ ~ lITl'I' it '§''' flr;;rr "" fA (I'I'T ~ ~ t ~ 0 f. mfr.t .,<% 'Tit « lII"IIftn ii ,. ~ H ...... c.f. q m "'If it n ;rit ~ ~ '!if ~ I it ~...u, ~. "Wl'!'t. 'j,twit '! ~ l:'J f'l'it 'll: ~ ~ ~ TT~ if !fi'1"6 'to "fRIf 7.'1'. ~

~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ i r.; ~ t ii "e"!.: i .. .~ £i 'Ir , ~~4 ,r~~~ . . ~~.~,. ~~~ ~ t5 - ~ ~~r: (t f-l ~ II:~ -~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ . ~ ~ Ii f ~i -" 'Ir r;: rr.m'i ~ ~ ~ ~-~~~~~ ~r~~ ~~~~ ~ . -~, ~ .~.~ ~ t t fi ~ P.; t;: E.r'W _i ~.~ -- 'ti.rr If i 'i Irei ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~~ , ~ ~ ~ """r~ Ii ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~~ -~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ : ~ ~- ~ i ;. t ~l P.;ii ~~ .l ~~ ~r ~ r f.; t ~ 1& ~1:

~ ~ '; r: i ~'f; j Iiit ~i ~I ~,~, ~i 4i 1~ f. ~t t j 'f; i 1; gf ~~ f ~E!!' J -< ICf ~ ~. ~ ~:- ... i ~ -~.~~-Ir'li'-i - Ii'"~ ~~~ ~ ~ II: ! ~~ ~ -i d:; 'fi Ii: , -'i ~ ~,I: 'Ii' ~ .Jt .,. ~ Ii<_ · ~~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 ~ 1<,r;Ii·~h!- ··:elp.:U r. ~~ h ~~r. . ! ~~ .~-~. ~ ~ .. ~ . ~~~ ~ h . ~/II" ~~- ~r: ~ ~ Ii 1£ ~ ~ ~'I ! t ,Ii- 'ti # ~~: 'f; t; [ t

~~. ~ ~ T T~ Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." (1334) ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ r~~ Fea.ribilitll of setting up 01 " steel plant in T ..milnod using N I!l/V.II ~ ~ . ~~~~ lignite ..nd S .. lem iTon-OTe T~~~ ~~ 8br1 8ampa\h: I beg to move: ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Ii'J'Im ~ a) iIi.nm '"I'bat the demand under \he ~~ I ~ T ,~ head 'Ministry of Steel, Mineo and ~~~ r u~ Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." (1385) ~~ ~ . ~ . ~~ ~ Need to increase target e.tim.. te. at 3i mill,on tons lignite per "nnu,. ~ T ~~~~ from N "1I"eli to 6 million tons ~ I • n; 8br1 8ampaUl: I beg to move: 4 ~ ~~ ''That the demand under the head 'Ministry of Steel, Mines and ~ ~~,~~. Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." ,~, rr ~ (1386) .~ r , ~~ ~ Need faT setting up Iron and Sted ~ r,~ ~ ~~~ Board 0" ...tatutOTl/ basis to co- ordinate the polict/ "nd program.... mit l of .te.. 1 manuf•. cture in the coun""" Mr, ChaIrauua: Members may now 8br1 Mahanty: I bel to move: move \heir cut m.oUons to various Demands tor Grants subject to their "That the denIBnd under the beinl otherwise admissible. head 'Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." NeM fo.- Te1IiIion of co ..1 polict/ (1415)

8bri IJIaIUl,ja OlIo: I bell to move: Low production of ,t.el at Rourula Steel Plant '"I'bat \he demand under \he be4d 'Ministry of Steel, Mines IIDd Sbri Nauahlr Bbarucba: J b<.og te Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." move: (347) "That the ~ under the head 'Miscellaneous Department. N .ed to conduct trial boring fOT oil in and other Expenditure under the the "'"'''1Ied C"UIl"'"ll Ba.rin "rea Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel' 8hft S.mpaUl: J beg to move: be reduced by Rs. 100." (437) ''That \he demand under \he ur~ to inform PaTliament of head Ministry <>f Steel, Mines and the appro.r;mate cost of .teel pro- Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." cI""tion in each of the three _el (1383) plants Sbri N&WIhir Bbaracba: I belli to Detail in obta,n,ng the T,sull$ of the pilot pro;..,t fo.- fow 8""1t fumac, move: using lignite the d{"mand under the head 'Mi,.eellaneous Department. Shrl SampaUl: I beg to move: and other Expenditure under the ''That Ibe demand under the Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel' head 'Ministry of Steel, Mines and be reduced by Rs. 100." (438) 110183 CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) 10t1>4

Vllliditll of Iron IIftd Steel Control 0,,1011 In commiarionln" the ,,"riDtIe Order, 1958 .ectior. of the Rourkela Steel plaftC b"llouftd the ""'eduled date Shri Nauhlr Bharucha: I beg to !l1Iove: Shrt MahaDt,.: I beg to move: "That the demand under the ''That the dlomand under &he head 'Miscellaneous Departments head 'Capital Outlay at the JIlnla- and other Exp""diture under the try of Steel, lI(ines and Fuel' Ministry 01 Steel, lI(ines and Fuel' be reduced by Rs, 100," (12'73) be reduced by Rs, 100," (439) Lack of perapecti"e I.. plonnln" far Pailu.... 10 keep to ti..... achedule. fOT .teet ·.,onatruction of the three ateel plane.

Shri Naashl.r Bharucha: I beg to Shri MaIaaatJ: I beg to move: l1nove: "That the demand under the '"!'hat the demand under the head 'Capital Outlay at the Mlnla- bead 'Capital Outlay at the MinD- try at Steel, Mines and Fuel' try at Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Ro, 100," (121.) be reduced by Rs, 100," (440) Setting up II IDeIlI BOIlrd for manage- ment for the Hindustan Ste.1 WorM ,lntapacilll of ateel plane. to "..11 even intereat on the loons granted to them III RourkelG 1>11 Government 8Jarl Mahan",: I beg to move:

Shri Nallllhlr BIIarueIIa: 1 beg to ''That the demand under the !JJ\ove: ht:ad 'Capital Outlay at the MhIM- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' '"!'hat the demand under the be reduced by Ro. 100," (1216) bead 'Capital Outlay at the MInis- try 01 Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Ro, 100," (441) N on-implemenl4tion of the Ill...... "" gi"en bll lhe HindUSl4n Steel Avtlla- ritll that preference will be gI"en to .Need to evol"e .ouftd principle. for the local people other thi..". blUing contribution bl! ateel plGne. bein" equal, in the matter of emplol/- to general revenue, ment in Ihe ateel works In Rourkela

Slarl Naubir BbaracIIa: I beg to Shri Mahant,.: I beg to mClve: ttnOVe: ''That the demand under the '"!'hat the demand under the head 'Capital Outlay at th" KiIWo- head 'Capital Outlay of the MlnJ.o- try of StePl, Min.,. and Fuel' try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Ro. 100." (12111) be reduced by Ro. 100," (442) Policl/ of appointin" retired Rail",... .Destn.ction of thl! Chapel at Villa"e Offl""" over Ihe aile of !Iv the Pu"'.... ""ni al Rourke'" bll the HindUltan Steel Limited -II Hiftduotan Steel AuthoTitie.

Slarl Mahant,.: I beg to move: Shrt Mahant,.: I ""II In move: ''Tbat the demand under the ''That the demand under the head 'Capital Outlay of the Mini.- head 'Capital Outlay of th" Mlm.- try at Steel, Mines and Fuel' try of Steel, Min.. and ' ....1· 'be reduced b)' Rs, 100," (1272) hi! reduced by Rs, 100." (1211) 10185 Demands APRIL 7, 1960 10r Grant. 1018.

Contract. awarded to a certain firm try of Steel, MInes and Fuel' 101' the blast furnaces at Rou1'kela be reduced by Rs, 100." (1283)

Shri MahaDtJ': I beg to move: Need fQ1' expa.... on of the in.talled ''That the demand under the capacitll of the three Steel Plant. .... head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- the Public Sector trY' of Steel, Mines and Fuel' Shrl MahaDt,.: I beg to move: be reduced by Rs. 100." (1278) "That the demand under the Appointment of personnel in the Steel head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- Works in Rourkela, without refer- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' ring to the Emplollment Erchange in be reduced by Rs. 100." (1284) Rourkela N ced to stop negotiated contract. ... Shri Mahanty: I beg to move: connection with Steel Plant, "That the demand under the Shrl MahantJ': I beg to move: head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' "That the demand under the h~ be reduced by R.,. 100." (1279) head 'Capital OUtlAy of Minis- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' Allotment of land fur commercial and be reduced by R •. 100." (1285) other purposes in the Steel Plant Need to appoint General Manage-r ot- TowftShip at Rourkela the Steel Project. with adeqUllta- technical qualifications Shri Mahanty: I beg to move: Shrl Mahanly: I beg to move: UThat tht' demand under the head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- "That the demand under the try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- be reduced by Rs. 100." (1280) try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' b,> reduced by Rs. 100." (1286) 'ffegularities in the muster-rolls lor Need for takiflll .teps to finalize "..- the work-charged staf! in the .teel e.timate. of steel to be p1'oduced .. works in Rourkela Public Sector Undertakings Shri Mahanty: I beg to move: Shrl Bhanja Doo: I beg to Inove: ''That the demand under the ''That the demand under the head 'Capital Outlay of the MInis- h .... d 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- trY of Steel, Mines and FW!I' try of Steel, Mines and FW!I' be n>

Need for cost appraisal of """,II blut Need to e""",nd·lh. i.. slt11ted capacide. furnac. for productio" of pig iron of th. pig iron produci"l1 low .1uJ!C furnaces lind .etting up new u.d,- Sui Bhanja Deo: I beg to move: with tlo. objective of ezporlinll -pi, "That the demand under the iron, instead of iron ores, in II low' hcad 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- price try of Sk",I, Mines and Fuel' be rcduced by Rs, 100," (1351) 81ar1 MaIlaDty: I beg to move: Need for immedi.ate measures to ''ThaI the demand undl!r the incTeas. the rapacitv for productio" head 'Capital OuUay of thl! Mild.- of special steel and allOl/' try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100," (1418) Shrl Bhanja De.: I beg to move: "Tlta t the demand under the Need to take a firm decision regardl"", hcad 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- the Betting up of the Fourth Steel try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' Piant in the Public Sector be reduced by Rs, 100," (1352) 8hrlmatl Parvathi Krishnan: I beg Need for measure, to .et up maTketin" to move: organisation fOT bile-product. of .teel pro;cct. ''That tht' demand under the head 'Capital Outmy of the MinlB- SUi BhaDja 0<0: I IIeg to move: try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' "That the ~ under the be reduced by Rs. 100." (1478) hcad 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Rs, 100," (1353) Ezpan.ion programme of Ne""." Lig"lte LimIted Modification of th. Industriat Potiev Resolution of 1948, permitting en- 8hrlm.U l'arvathl Itrislmao: I bel iaTlled sphere for the Private Sector to move: in Steel ''That the d,,,,,,,nd under the Shrl Mahant,.: I beg to move: head 'Capital Outlay of the MiJUs- try of Sleel, Minl!S and Fuel' 'That the demand under the be reduced by R •. 100." (1479) head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' 1'ea6ibititll of BCtti"lI "I' a tolD .hate be reduced by Rs. 100." (1376) furnace at Salem FailuTe to commission alt the cool w""herie. provided for 'n the Second 8hrilllat.l rarvaW ltriUllaA: I bel Five Ydr ptan ta move: SUi Mahan!,.: I beg to move: 'That the demand under the head 'Capital Outlay at the MinlB- 'That the demand under the tTY of Steel, Mines and Fuel' head 'Capital Outlay of the Minis- be reduced by Ro. 100," (1480) try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by Rs. 100." (1418) Policll of nationaluation coal ml.... Need to bring dotDn the high .teel of pric. in India SbrlJnaU J'anoaW 1trWuwt: I bel to move: Sbrt Mahaat,.: 1 beg to move: "That the demand under tile ''That thl! demand undf!T the head 'Capital OuUay 01. the 1IiIIM- h.,.d 'Capital Outlay of h~ 1IInJ.- try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' be reduced by a.. 100." (1417) be reduced b,. Ra. 100," (1481) '101119 Demands APRIL 7, 1980 for Grants 10190

Oil ezploration in Cauve", Bouin In The Minister deserves special eDII- Madras State gratulations for taking the decision to put up a pipe plant in Rourkela and 6hrlmaU Parvathl KrislmaD: I bell also .for increasing the size of alloy and ;to move: specIal steel plant. ''That the d<>mand under h~ I was very glad to hear this mominll head 'Capital Outlay of the MInIs- from the Minister that they have taken try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' a decision in particular to expand the be reduced by Rs. 100." (1482) capacity of the existing plants. Now Shortfall in production at Rourkela that the Third Five Year Plan is on the anvil, it is natural that the thoughts Sllrimati Parvathl KriUDlUl: I bell 01 the Minister are employed in ftxine to move: the targets 01 this Plan. & the Minis- '''!bat the demand under the ter mentioned this morning in his h~ 'Capital Outlay 01 the MInIs- upening speech the tarlet of 10 million try of Steel, Mines and Fuel' tons is accepted. I do not know exact- be reduced by Rs. 100." (1483) ly what is the allocation 01 this target between the existing plants and the Mr. Cba\rmaD: These cut motiors new fourth plant. But I do hope the 'are now before the House. hon. Minister would accept in princi- ple that priority should be liven to tha existing three plants and that their 15 hn. capacity should be first expanded ta Sbri Monrb (Jhunjhunu): Madam the full. That is not only an ellS7 . Chairman, I have much pleasure lD possibility, but, I think, that is aD supporting the Demands 01 this MIn- economic necessity, for these three istry. I feel that this has been another plants to expand to their full capacity. year of sustained progress, more That is the only way they can be made achievements and new hopes for this competitive and we can produce steel Ministry. The Miaisler can lelliti- at prices which can compete even in mately be proud of the performance the international market. Even in expanding these plants one thing muat of his departments. If I were to des- cribe this y<>ar in a metaphor which be borne in mind and that is that the has become very popular recently, I expansion takes place without disturb- would say that this has been the year inll the working of these plants; and, secondly, that it takes place with of take-oft for this Ministry. Most Indian technique, that is, with our own of the projects under the Ministry have technicians and with all equipment reached a stall" of maturity. In fact, .... hich we would be producing. eomr of them have started production durin, the year. 15:13 hrs. The three steel plants which com- [Smu MtlLCRAN1I DuDE in the Chair] menoed production in F"bruary reaUy went into t'Ommerciai production dur- The Hindustan Steel Ltd., is one of int( the year under review. The pro- the biggest undertakings in the world duction of coal has also reached a W1d it ccmtrols so many corporations stalle where without further delay or and difterent units that it is becomine expl'nditure the production could be monolithic in size. Besides the 3 steel increased substantially. So far as oil plants, it i. likely to have the 4th steel exploration is concerned. it seems we plant. Thus in due course, it will con- have beaten the world reen described in some of of steel. It has under its control the the papers as a rare r".t. All the five iron ore mines.. the limestone quarries wells in the Cambay area are promis- three coal washeries, a fertiliser plant. ing as containinll cammert'ial quanti- the new pipe plant aDd it may also ti.... of oil or las. have the special tool plant WIder it. 10191 DemandB CHAtTRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) for Grant. 10193 apart from the' ancilliaries and town- As I said, this is the billgest under- ship and so on. It is not so much in taking in this country and if it lacka . a spirit of criticism as in a mood of a sound and fool-proof accountinl introspection that I suggest that unless system one cannot i.magine the conse- ..ame steps are taken to decentralise quences which it may lead to. Ule management of this corporation, we are bound to Bet into some sort of Another point I want to mention ia difficulties which are connected with that such a system of accountinll as the size. it exists today lacks a certain amount of uniformity. I will live only twa Even the present difficulties that iUuotrations to make my point cl ...... eXIst, I think, are mainly due to the One is at page 14 of h~ report. You unwieldy size of this corporation. will lind Schedule E. In this Schedule While it iI; praiseworthy for the Min- is liven the stock of stores and spareII isll!r to carryon the management of which are kept at the 3 steel planta. this corporation with a few people, I It you kindly look at this atatement, think, economy of this type is bowtd you would notice that at Rourkela the to hove its repercussions in due course. stock is worth Rs. 3· 99 crores; _t Durgapur, it i. R... I' 25 crores and at I ft'el that in this corporation you Bhilai It is Rs. 90.99 crores. I do admit have very few people doing too many that there would be an explanation jobs, particularly at the top level. I and, perhaps, a valid eXplanation. But, have been goinll throueh the Annual still, the very tact that it requires an Report of this corporation-as I always explanation shows that the accou:ltine do-and I must eonfes. that I was oystem tollowed is not perfeet. rather disappointed to read the Audi- tor', Report. The Auditor say.:- SIu1 N&l'UJlmhIUl: It is 90, or O? "We eomment.ed at lenllth in our report of the 17th December 11158, Shrl MOI'IU'ka: It is 90, nine arro, on the url/cney of ilnprovinll your wa. speaking about this annual re- accountinll sy.tem. This request port. Thi. annual report, whicb is, is again being made to the manaee- otherwise, an admirable document, III, ment to make suitable alT8lllle- IICCOI' to me, noticeably incomplete ments in advance so ... to be able in three respecta. to meet the requirements when the projects go into production in full First of all, it does not oay what swing. From a persual of our would be the ftnaI cOlt of thell! three remarks in the !oregoini para- plants. Nowhere Ia there an Indlcatl... graphs, it will be observed that what the final prices are likely to be. absence of appropriate accountinll Even the hon. Minister who spoke this records and reconciliation report- moming on this point made only • ed upon previously by US continu- very vague atatement. In. commer- ed to exist during the year as cial or an industrial undertakine like referred to in the foregoing para- this It is very essential that you mould r h~. know exactly what your cost would be, ..hy co..ts are incrcaaine if they are while they admit that the increasin. and so aD. management is alive to this situation and also that the management baa inJ- -tiated certain steps, they .ay:- Secondly, this report of the DircctonI does not mention anything at all about I.e should reaftlrm our C(WI- the Plan tarllets, i.... whether the sidered opinion that a full-f1edied Plan tar/(ets would be achieved or not system of industrial areountinc and if th..." would not be achieved, must be put into operation imme- Why they would not be achieved, 1U14 -cl.iately." to what extent they would fall JI/Iarl 10193 APRIL 7, 1960 101' Grants 10[91-

[Shri Morarka] Thirdly, the report does not say any- Then, I would like to draw the at-· thing at all about the inadequate pro- tenlion of the han. Minister to the duction at Rourkela, The Ministry's operation accounts for the two months Explanatory Memorandum make. a during which these two plants have reference to that but even that is not worked. I lind that in Bhilai ther&' sufftcient. is a loss of Rs. 40.53 lakhs. The total production there is about Rs. 60 According to Dr. Heinrich, Director- lakhs and in that production of steel General of the Krupp Demag, out of worth Rs. BO lakhs there is a loss of 20 pig iron tanks only 4 or 5 were Rs. 40.53 lakhs. In Rourkela the fit for use and that the steel conver- production is about Rs. 60 lakh" and' ters were not operating because their the loss there is Rs. 14.79 lakhs. I wan lining was faulty. He also says want the hon. Minister to tell thl! somdhing more about the other plant House why such a big shortfall was and machinery in this plant. This is recorded in these two months and the opinion of Dr. Heinrich. He is how he is going to prevent such a the representative of Krupp Dcmag recurrence in the future. and if he stands aehast at the perfor- mance of this plant, certainly, our I was !;aying that as the size of the Minister must give serious attention corporation is becoming unmanage- to this and look into this matter. able many allied things creep in. I will give you only one instance. About the expenditure account The Hindustan Steel Corporation which is annexed to that balance advertised for the post of a senior sheet, there arc two points to which surgeon. One Dr. E. A. Sinclair from I wish to draw the attention of the Bombay applied for the job. On 20th hon. Minister. The first point is, on April, 1959 he was asked to come for the expenditure side you will lind an intprview before the ~ that there is an expenditure of committee, at 9.0 A.M. On 2nd May. Rs. 81.10 lakhs having been made for On the 29th April-kindlY note thl! repairs to plant and machinery dur- dates because thpy are important- ing the ycar. This is a report for Dr. Sinclair receivf"d another letter. th,· year ending 31st March, 1959, Y would like to read out that letter- two months after the production Y am quoting: Irtarted. You have spent Rs. 81 lakhs for repairs. It ~ a new plant. I "With reference to your appli- would IIkc to know why a sum crf oation dated 6th January, 1959 Rs. 81 lakhs was spent only on re- for thp post of senior surgeon, I pairs on this new plant when produc- am directed to inform you that it tion had only just started. hilS not be-en possible to select The s<'rond point I would like to you for appointment." makf" is about the maintenance and repairs of vehicles. Last year the The interview was fixed tor the 2nd amount .pent was Rs. 7.BI lakhs and of May. He had not gone tor the thi. year it has gone up to R.•. 31.53 interview. Before that the received lakhs, almo.t 400 per cent increase. a letter saying that it was ont possi- We also find from the Schedules to ble to select him tor appointment. By the balance-sheet that motor vehicles itself it i. a small matter, but it i. worth Rs. 64.70 lakh. were purchased. indio.tive of what type of confusion Bpfore that we had motor vehicles iI taking place even In the matter of worth about Rs. 70 lakh.. This year, appointment of senior officers. The as I said. the,. have made a purchase only altemative pos!tibillty It can of RR. 64.70 lakhs, making a total ot reveal is that the.... I! a certalDr Rs. 134.70 lakhs. amount of manipulation. :10195 Demands CHAlTRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) for Gran" 101\)6

Dr. M. S. Alley (Nagpur): It is not there were more than 1. RusaiaDa .a small matter. experts even durin, the conatrllction period, whereas in this country we Sbri Monr... : No, but by itself it have got even today more than about may appear to be a small matter, but 800 experts. Similarly, the RussiaDa it does not befit the management of built another plant in Poland at Nova • public corporation. Huta. There, I believe, they did not have more than four experts. If that AD 1100. MelDber: AJ< far as it ap- i. so, and If these facta are correct, I ,pears. wonder why we should have 10 man,. expert&-at least our teehDlcal calibre Sbri Morera: I hope the han. Min- Is not inferior to that of the Cblnes_ ilter would ,ive his personal attention I hope not-nd I do wish that u.. 10 this matter and make enquiries as Minister lives his conlideration to to why a thin, like this happened. this problem. Dr. Sinclair told me that he made I shall now strainlhtaway ..,. enquiries of the persons responsible somethinl about the National Coal for thi.. They brushed his objection Development Corporation. The per- a.ide merely sayin, that it was a fonnance of this Corporation Js not derical error. I do not know how as brilliant or as encouragin, as that 'Such a clerical error can arise, be- the national .teel plants. Out of 'cause the next thing that Dr. Sinclair at the tolal tar,et of 10.1 million tona told me is more important. Dr. Sin- from the new collieries given to clair told me that when his applica- thIa Corporation, h~ report .ays that Ihey tion was processed some of his most have .0 far achieved only 1.27 mil1lOD important qualiftcations were left out tons. Now, of course, they say that and hi. dossier was prepared in such much of the spade work is over and a way that his application could be in due course they will be able ta rejected even on merit.. Dr. Sindalr reach the tarlet laid down but eveD made a protest a,ain.t this, but noth- so, would like to draw the alten- ing happened. I tion of the hon. Minister to two points. Now, many hon. Member. have spoken about foreign experts in our Firat of all, coal i. one of the moat steel plants. I also want to say some- important sourC<>g of industrial ener.,. thing about that. We have 987 Soviet in this country. Our industries are experts in Bhilai, 180 British cxperls run by that. our railways are moved in Dur,apur and 585 Gennan experts by that, and if there i. a IhortfaU Ia in Rourkel.. First of all. the question the production of coal not only u.. is, can 8 country afford to send 110 coal production suffers hut our indua- many experts to any other country try also suffers. 'for a oin,le project? The other -question is, a.... they really experts Sir, I believe that production ot Or a .... they earpenters, Iohtl,T' or fertili..". at SL.,dri which i. ~ of "Ordinary mf'Chanics coming as experu the mOlt important thlnes for ·our to India? This is a thing which the country today, has lone down by 26 bon. Minister must leek into. This percent durinl the last four or 11ft J. a very Important matter. I had month.. For what! Only for want been readin, what the Rus.ians did of coal, for wanl of only about eo in other countries. The Russians tons eoal per day. That mean•• we built two much bigger plant.. of 3. cannot supply Sindri even 60 toRI al million tons capacity each for China. coal per day and Ihat Is why the pro- One was at Wuhan and the other at duclion of ~r . r in Slndrl hM Pan Tow. At no time when th..... rone down by 25 per cent from what two steel plants were hlli!t b)' them it .... producinl before. 1 0197 Dema"dB APRIL 7, 11160 tar GTa"t.

SIIrI T. B. VIUal Bao (Khammam): This statement ,ives the impressio!l How do you say that the production as if the production at KargaU will go down by 25 per cent if 60 walhery was kept down with an eye ton. of coal i. not supplied? What on the needs of the steel plants, and Is the calculation? because the steel plants did not re- quire more, the production did not SIIrI Morarila: It is a special type increase. But kindly sec what the of coal. That type of coal is not directors ot Hindustan Steel say at forthcoming and, therefore, the pro- pale 11 of their report. They lay: duction has gone down by 25 per cent from what it was five months "The supply of coal did not pre- ago. That i. my information. Shrl sent many difficulties during the Vittal Rao may make enquiries and year. When all the coke ovens It he find. that what I am saying I. in the three plants go into pro- incorrect he can correct me. ductio/), adequate coal supplies would be difficult to maintain Similarly, I wish to say thai SO far until the three washeri•• proposed as coal is concerned the hon. Minis- at Duga, Bhojudih and Patherdih ter must fix yearly tarlets rather come into operation". than fixing targets for the entire period and achieving them in the final Alain, there is lIIIlother difficulty. year or the final mon th of the Plan The Ministry's report says that. period. That creates lots of difflcul- Bhojudih and Path"rdih washerie. ties. Reading the report of the would supply coal to the Tata. and National Coal Development Corpora- IISCO respectively and that this coal tion one gets the impression that we actually would not be available to· Can produce a. much cnsl AS we like the .teel plants in the public sector. but fOr want of demand We conllot do I do hope that the Minister will that. Sir, I would not likl" to take throw some lilht in his reply ...el much tim." 01 the House, but I would world . ~ ~ . to see that the steel Uke to mC"ntion 1\-:0 things. One ic; plants do not suffer for want of about the thermal power .tation at wa.hed COl\. It would be a pity Ihat Dokaro. It is said that the present aftcl" spending such huge amounts production is about 16000 to 17000 for the production ot steel, our steel ton. per month but it is capable of plants do not work fully and remain being increased to 50,000 tons, Unfor- partially dosed for want of washed tunAtely, that coal contain. a high coat. percentale of ash and therefore, It I. only su!table far a limited purpose Mr. ChaInaaD: The han. Member'. and hence the production is less. time is up.

Secondly, about the Kargali wash- IIIlrt Morarka: Sir. kindly give me ft'Y which went into productio!1 in two or three minutes more. I shaD' 1158, but It was not taken over by mention the remaining points very the Govemment on account of eertaln quickly. teelmical detect.. It i. said on pale II of th.. report: Mr. ChaInaaD: He has already taken 20 minutes. "It may also be mentioned that ainee the Karllall washery was let SIIrI Monrka: I am grateful to you up with the sale purpose of sup- for ,ivin, me that much u ~ [ ply!nll ....hed eoal to Messrs. shall flnis& in two minules. About Hindustan Steel Limit.. d. the out- lignite. [ want to mention only twl> put was relUlated with an eye to points. From the report presentect the requirements which have to the House, it seem. that the latest been fully met 10 far." estimates of this project have gon .. 10199 CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) far G",n," lo:aoe· up from Ro. 68 crorea to RII. 86 crores. from NeyveJi to six million to"". I There is no explanation.s to wby think I have no need to areue about these estimates have cone up to this it, as the hon. Minister has been ,DOd utent. enough to live an assurance that In the third Plan the tar,et would IN I shall now mention about the Iii- doubled, SO to say; that is, to seven nlte project at Palana In Rajasthan. million tons per annum. We are It is very encourallng to lind from very happy over that, and I really leel the report of the Ministry that they that this announcement is a lIood have accepted the report of the ex- cheer, a cheer which the people of pert committee and have forwarded South India deserve and which alfl'Cta it to the Rajasthan Government for the people of India as a whole. Including the project in the third Five Year Plan, and 1I0ing ahead. So I shall conllne myself to \he So far, so good. But the hon. Minis- quesiion of setlln, up a steel plant at ter knows it very well thut it is be- salem and oil exploration in tbe yond the capacity of the State Gov- southern part of this country. When ernments to undertake projl'cls of this we increase the target of lillwte to magnitude. Even the Madras Gov- aeven milliOn tons, it naturally tollo",. ernment could not undertake the lill- that it is essential to have a steel nito project there, which is lOin, to plant there, to utilise the excess cost about Rs. 86 crores and the en- amount of lignite that we wilt be tire responsibility of the project wal diglling up. The pre.. nt target or 3t taken over by the Centre. I do hope million ton. has been allowed for Ole that the Government would take thil in the dilferent schemes In Neyvell plant also within their purview and itself namely, for 8 thermal plant, for develop the lignite mines In Ralal- a fertiliser plant, for 8 briquettinll than by themselves. plant and 10 on and the additional 3, million ton. of lignite have to be I wish to conclude by sayina a put to use In other wayo. Llcn1te i. few words about the copper mines In not a Rubstancc which can be .tocked Khetri, as they fall within my consti- or piled up lince It ia an Inllammable tueney. I am mentioning it last 10 material. So, to lind Ole for that that it may remain fresh in the IIWId lignite. it follows 81 • logical seql'f!!Iee .r the hon. Minister and that he will that We should have a .teel plant oIea1 with it, 1Irst. This area In Rajas- immediately alon, with the produc- than has very larlle deposits of copper tion of licnite. ore. More than 28.40 million tom have already been proved, and the report of the Ministry AYJ that Regardlnlf the irO!\ r~ polltion. actually there may be much more of need not elaborate. Ind... •• MI...... a this ore. I do hope that It would be Wealth. written by COlgin Brown POSsible for the hon. Minister to as- and A. It. Dey .peaks very highly lUre the Rouse that thia mine would of the iron ore pooition. Speakln. be developed durin, the third PJIIft about the iron ore, of Madrat and' and that they would not leave the Andhra at page 18'1, they lay: development of thl. mine to the Rajasthan Government. but that they '1ron or..... are abandant would take It upon themJel..... enouch In the Sal"'" dtotrlct of Madr.. to have led 10 .Itute • SIIrI IIuDpaGa (Namakkal): Mr. polo,ilt as the late Sir ,",oma. Chairman, Sir. I have moved eut Holland to d...,lare that they .... "'otion. No!. 1383 to 1388. Cut praetit"aJly In .. pxhau!lJtible.ft ",oUon No. 1386 ia to diseu•• the need to mere.... the tagel estimate of 31 Ext.!nlive deposits of malenetil.. - IIIillIon ton. of IIcnlte per antIum bearlnl quart. occur in a aeri.. of' "lozor Demandl APRIL 'I, 1960 loaoa IShri Sampath] ridges and hillocks in the Salem and our demands SO far. When we pat Tlruchirappalli districts. The major questions about it, we used to pt dlilPosits are in Kanjamalai, Godu- 80me sort of replies to the effect that lIlIilai, I Perumornalal, TirtharnallLi, the tests are beinll carried out or that Ko!1aimalai Paohchairnalai and the results are awaited from Jam- Chitteri. Deposits are also found in lIbedpur and Dhanbad and 80 on . . several hills in the Attur valley and the area between Namakkal and From the journal called Journal at Rasipuram. So, nobody would dispute Scientific and Industrial Research, the amount of are that would be published in the month of FebruBr7, available if we set up a steal plant 1960, I ftnd that there is an article there. written by two eminent men in the fteld-Messrs H. C. Nand and 14. S. Even If We 110 back to history and Iyenllar. In pale 84 of that rnallazine. see whether any attempts have been they have liven the various factors 'JIlade in the past to exploit these and all the results of scientiftc ex- ores, it makes interestin, reading. In periment so far carried out. In con- the same book, at pale 176, the clusion, they say: authors say: "The above studies indicate that it is possible to obtain ferrocoke "In 1830, the Indian Steel, Iron briquetll'S of sufficient streOllth .. Chrome Co., was established by from South Areal lignite-Salem,. 11. M. Heath with its works at rnallnetite blends for reduction in" Porto Novo In South Arcol district, low shaft furnace." Madras, where ores from the Salem district were smelted. So, from the test carried out In the These works were ,subsequently Central Fuel Research Institute, carried on by the Porto Novo Jealliora, it has been found oul that Steel .. Iron Co. and the East the Neiveli lillnite can be used in low Indian Iron Co., additional fuma- shaft furnace method to obtsin steel. e" being erected at Tiruvanna .. Now Wf' 1'<'ally do not understand why malal in North Arcol, at Beypur the Minisler, who has been good in Malabar in 1833, and at Palam- enough to assure us of doublp Ihe pntti in the Salem district In 1863. amount of the second Plan with rellard Pig iron from the Porto Novo to Iillnlte, was h ...ilating to give us works was shipped to steel-makers an a •• urancr thai a .teel planl would in Sheffield, and a Jarlle quantity also be set up in the third 1>lan. of it was used In the construction In thE" meanwhile, we were hearing of the Brltalnnla tubular and some rumours, which I hope the Minis- Menal bridges In the United ter will clarify, that the Madras Gov- Kingdom". ernment, in its very legitimate enthus- iasm, - had direct contacts with som" So, even R century back. there have East German experts and invited been attempts 10 exploit that ore. and them to see whelher the Neivell IillDlte the amount and the quality of the could be used to produce steel. As are had b<>en so temptlnll that any- we know, East Germany is produciol! bodv would Uk.. to use It. But the steel mostly b, the low ahaft furnace mai"" obstacle had been that we do method. utili.IOII the abundant lignite nol hR\'" coal In the proximlly of available there, So, It is quite natu",1 that area. So, without the availabl- that, In OUl' anxiety to have a steel lily of coal. It had been found Im- plant in our State, the Madras Gov- po!I.ible to have a neel plant th"re. ernment wanted to consult some of 'But aft"r th" find of liIDlte, hopei the experts there. We hear that a """ame brighter. However. the Ceo- _clal correspondent from Delhi has Ve tumin, the cold shoulder to wrlltell ill a )Iadru newspaper that 10303 Demanet. CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKAl for Grd7lt.", 10204 It baa irritated the Centftl Mlnlalers DIstribution of Industrial u ~ to .uch' an extent that they want to in 1837. whieh recommended. tlH!- •. poetpcme the wbole propooal and IIlop UI7 inv... tillltion in that matter. I do "decentra1lation or diaper.. 1 not tblnk It is true. but all the IllUDe. both of induslries and industrial I would request the hon. Minister to population from the conge.ted. clarity the poeition. Tbe But German urban area to open rural area". experts. after visltin« that place and testing It, were very bopeful and they lllve us more hope. It wa even It unanimously approved that the published widely in ",'w.papers In objective of national economJe plari- TIlmiinad and other plaees alao ttlat nin, Ihould be ttle encouragement or It i.< quite possible to aet up a lteel a reuonable balance or industrial plant with the low abaft furnace developmenl throughout the vario... • method. uWlsing Ugnlte to produce regiODI of En,land. coupled w1tb; neel I only request the hon. Minll- c1Jversifteatlon or Induatry throughout ,.,. to give an asaurance reprding thII the eountry. The Scott Committee ... aho. Land UtiUaation In Rural Area in En,land equally emphaslled On the dIIpena'I of Industrl.... Another factor wblch I want to bring to the notice of the Minister II that !be East German experla have alao In the USA, the qU8ltlon of rectona!' lid that the ore obtainable in Salem planning wa examined by the' district is much superior to that which NaUonal Resources Planning Bo.rd:· is oblainable In East Germany. which In the Soviet Union a180. h~ Soviet II actually put to use. So. theae are thIrcl Five Year Plan (837) realiaed the factors whicb go to prove that It that ex""'.lve concentration of indUl- II not only feasible. but it will I)e • Iry does not alwa,.. pay economically. profltable proposition abo to h ~ a The PDlt-war PI.n of rehablllt.tlon oteel plant In Salem. .nd Development of Ru.. lan economy 01148-50). pining from the experll!llte In thII connection, I wish to draw of the war. was perceptibly cODlcioUi the attention of the Minuter and the of the need for 1 of indult", HoUle ID the question of regional dis- especially In the ea.tem are••. parlUes that emt at preaen!, In the matter of having heavy Industri.... That Is • very big problem. but when- In particular rere .... nce to the Iron ever it is raised. II Is brushed aide and .Ieel industry In the Sovfel Union, and treated in a light manner. It Is this . ~ hS5 bern lak('n into very reany very good that we will have • aertOUI and active consideration. The,. diseussion through a Privale Mem- lulve publl.hed a amall pamphlet enti- ber's resolution which u cemlng up tled S""iet Iron and Steel Ind"'tTfI: tomo",,,,,,, about thai question. I Development and PT(U.ppct, h~ would like to say tha t even the by the Foreign Languaget Publi.hln, .dvanced countries like England. USA House. Moocow. On pall'! 85 ~ that and the Soviet Union are keeping • book. they have d8lcribed the proce.. : very vigilant watch thai all the indus- tries are equally dispersed throughout "Guided by the prindple. of tllto the country .nd no particular are. Is bal.nced distribution or th.. pro- neglected very badly or becomes an ductive farceo. the Sovirt .taw area of conl"l!ntration of h~ Indu.· has efrecled radical chan,,,. in tile trI.... geographleal distribution of the Iron and oteel Indulltry. Prior to In England the qu... t1on of ""lional the Rnoluti:>n. the indullry wu distribution of industri... was examin- eoncentrated In th""" relion.-the ed by the Ro78l CommIaion on the the 'O'rall .nd the Centre." 105(Ail ~. ~. tar Grlmll f ~. Sampath] In the lut on the HIDe far been done by the CleoJocIml ele, the, 1187: Survey on a small scale, to !be ~ of the area, Uslnl partieularl7 !be "A characteristic feature of the Beismic methoda in order to pt change in the distribution of in- dats about the thickness, di8trlbu- Gustry In leneral and the iron and tion of .tructural peculiarlU", etc. lReel industry In particular, is its of the strats in the basin." ••tward movemenLtI Such a survey ,would provide !be data I am brinlinl out all these things for selecting the moot promisinl lite til the notice of the hOD. Woister to for drilling. So, the demand has bee.. cnphasise that this question should there for a very lon, time. We de> fit appraached with these I.:.eas. A1- not know why It hu been delayed. feady there are Bevere complaints. Of course, we do not su.pect the bona- aven in :hl. House, today all the Mem- fides of the Minister. Anyhow, it Is IIcrs spoke laying emphasis on their being delayed. There is very ,ood . ~h ., So, We cannot simply brush scope for that in the area from Cud- i2a1a idea aside, sayinl it is narrow dalo... to Salem, Mettur, Sathyaml- parochialism. The hon. Member ~ galam and Mettupalayam. That i8 • proceded me, Shri Morarka•• aid that very goad belt for prospectjng 011. It was quite hearlening that Bckaro is There we have ,ot lignite, Iron etc. ~ a fourth steel plant. Really it .. a mailer for him ta be happy. as In conclusion, I would request the i.e hail. from that place. BofQre that, hon. Minister to give seismic appara- ""ri Roddy throughout his speech tus very soon to that area and flo COD- atressed the need for having a s:.,e1 duct survey in right eamest to .... plant for Andhra. It is quite essential. that backward area is developed. 1\I"0w the tendency seems to be to have CDncf"n:ration of heovy industries in a c:ertsin bel: which lies In the north 01 ~~ ~) ~~ (his countr:y. Mlyhe the Minister mav fa" he Caml'!! from the n:1rthem· '11'1' 't 'lit ~ ~ mr m "",. ~ pari and for him. it may be ~~~~ IOlIth; but to us it i. north. There (bev arc building up a big belt of ..,,~~~~~ h ~ indu r ~. After ~ . the . ~ r wi11 feel it much easier II1l ... In thl. House. tho Minister had been .ylnlt that It I. being done. I would ..... ~ T t lJi""l"t!if;qt • reqlle.t tho hon. Minister to eo through ~ ~ ~~ artiele written by Dr. M. S. t:fuo ~ ~ 'I'11r ~ 'I"TT ~, ltrl.hnon In the Hindu Weeklv Re- t '1ft .'1 .. m"" d.tOd 28th Decr.miK>r, 1159, in ilrfiR m '1ft ~ .n 'Rfim ~ 'PI 'lit 'II1IJch he lives the exhaustive details ~ q1'{ it ~ t t Ii' Ii!f.m-<: ~ .t>ollt petroleum in the Taojore basin. He very emphatically says: ~ q1'{ ~ '!mrT ~ Ii !if; ~ ~ 'f't' ~ '" '1ft, ~ '" "It n_ remains to ext"nd the po-pbJIical "",.""y. whleh have so WIll" ~ ~ 'PA ~ -" !ft ~ "" 1 t i 'I ii 1-g f·f i:i 'j ,t: i rl i i ~.i j ~,. i r ~,t .i .~f i ~ -~ ~.-&~~ i; i ! ~j ~~ ! i ~.. ~ ~~ ~ ! ..: j ~.,~.,.; ~ ~ , . ,I ! ~t 'lit; i lll!''i4r:' ~ ~~~~.~ -.I:: ~.... fl"i:il . ~~- .. !J J ~it 'I - .. ~-= 'F. r,, r. ~~ r~ .. i ;; Ii ~1· ~ ! I ~f .. oft"..~ io 'Ir Ii' <;:. fi 1! ~rl ~.~ .; -i .~ ~t- Ii i ~: t ~'& ~..t,,1 roO td: i!" ~f 'pi- :-! ~hh" ~ ~r.; ~.; .~·[,r~ ~ gf oi ~j'; ~i ; ~i. ~ ! ~! -&i ~ ~ r:! ,~i E ~~ li r ~j i E'! i ~,r~~ ~ f -; !. t ~!! ~~t! ~~~., i ~~. ! ~t ~ ~J' i 4tr , t - i'li r. ~off- I i IF ~• i * ~ i. ~ ~j 'i. -&.t,~.. r 4rt _ i i ... 'i.. Ii'. ~ B.. tf :!

.....~ ~ ~ ~ It 1: E; ! t iii!i rr • '! ~t If it E ~~ -I I t i , 'i l .;,1 ~ ~~~ ~ ~--& -~ 'II!!; i.,! ~,~~, , - ~ ~ ., ~ ~~ ~ ~~i{ ~ ~ ! .~{ ~~ E ~ ! 4-& i! .;i ,f ~- - ~~ ~ i; ~ ~ _'Ii l!" [ J Ii_ , - - - - ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ -&~ j ~~ ~ i ~.4r ~ - I: '! i i l i 1 i f ~~ ~Jf .. ~t ~! ~ i ,; ~~~~~~~ r~ ~~ t!;g i ~1i. i ..r i ! ~.. 'Ii ~ ..i It; * ~; ~.. ~ ~ 'E i' ~ ~~i ~ ~ ttf III f ~r ~ ~ ! ~ ~~~ r , ~r~ ~ ~ ~I; i!if!1i ~ ~ ~r ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~! l l; 9 ~i 1:' ! ~t ~~ i cif i ~~ ~~ 'i' ~1 ~'II" ~~! fi ~ ~ ~~~~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ! ~ r- ~r~~. --~ ~~ -~~r,.,.~~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ -~~ ~~~~ ~~r ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ..:

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~ .m: ~ t. ~ it; 'fTtf .m: ~ 'llT1f IJIl ~ T : • ~ if(Y. 'qTt I ~ ~ ~ tl f1mt 9' ~ ~ T t I 'Iii .n'l' ;frtt '4'fmIt 'lIT ~ m .m: '{o ito 'liT 10''' \!tit 9' ""''- 'Tit. \!tf'li''I' 'll'" if «'to 'ImrT t I ~ ~ 'ii( 'Ii\' ~ ~ If( ~ .. f{it 'Tit I {!I' oHm ~ ..qt 'lIT m'.Ii q\ff >;f;rr ~ t I ~ 1ft ~ T ~ T I .vff mflITflfll'i t ~ '" 1ft ifIITlIT III t ~ 'l'1R ~~ 1(I;;{;n' G" 'Ii\' .rtt IO''I'-Uq ~ ;;it '!it sm ~. iI't lI'Iflf 'l'C ~T T~ if:t flf'fJ I (;rT ~ I qt 'lIT fnnr fnrl'lh {:rifT IIf'!IT t f1I; T~- 1R: f",,1I' or(T ... ~ 'fT(f1' 'I';:r it 1l Itoil' ~ ~ f"f{" til; f1- ' ~ to develop and the peo- IIty on his .houlders to 'lI'flI tin, ple of 'his country, the mllllnn. and obledlvpo which h~ hOI 'Ak'" , .... millions of the poor people, have hope ...hlch Shrl Menon hal to wa it I". and f.lth that these public .""tor pro- Jon" or walt for ever. 'ecta In which ...e are all partnprs ...111 come up an ril!bt and they will have IIbri N.n,..•• 1lk1I1ty ....on: J mn a share In the national prooperity. terribly .n_erect. However bl, • private 5eC!tor mllbt be, how.... er Important those _Ie 1IIIr1 Tbaino PII•• I: My Mlnl.t.r t. mll!ht be, It Is their own famllv con- c.paM" of h ~ It, that i. m,· , ~, cern or their friends' con""m. We do ml•• lon. ~r n-I!

[Sbri Thanu ~ the Government. ~ sides do not Mr, Cbalmuul: There should be no want the prosperity of this Minlatry. argument across the floor. b B ..... Member: To whicb side do Sbri Tbaaa Pillal: About the deve- you belong? lopment of south zone, the bon. KInIa- ter good enough to SBY-IIDd Shri bother BOIL Member: Rigbt. Sampath was al80 good enough to ' admit-tbat under the Neyvell project Sardar 8 ..arall 8lngh: He belongs the target of 8 million or 7 million tons to the correct side. will be achieved. But alon, with that I wish to submit that iron and steel Sbri TIuula PHial: We are right in plants with Neyveli lignite and Salem our principle and right in our step. iron ore should 81.0 be considered. I only say, the Government should not falter in their step or alter their During the last ,eneral discuasion patb. We have gone on the right path something cropped up and the bon. and we have progressed and succeed- Minister spoke about the production ed in it. In an industry where we- of lignite being increued. But abollt bave succeeded, why should there the steel plant, I think, it is sWI being be any criticism to undennine it? P considered and I hope the Minlater pie think that because of some political will give some sort of an idea u to noises made here and there, about this the stage at which it is and how OOOD taxation and that taxation, we would we could rxpect it. be frightened Hnd go the way of taking aid for our three steel plants from About the expansion of the steel America and other peop1e. plants durin& the Third Plan, I wlab to submit that we should have more About oil also, I have got perfet't .teel plant. and not simp1y depend confidence in our Govemment and in upon the expansion of the exiatln, our Ministers that they will not go the plants. The hon. Minister in his state- way which Shri Menon desires them ment today said that we can hope to to, so that he may be able to paint II"t about 81 million tons in this plaat them as a failure and come and say, expansion and something more whleb "Look here, h~ Congress Govern- could be set up in the nt'w Plan. But ment ha. failed." I hope the hon. then, the demand at that period, at Minister will be careful. If there is the end of the Third Plan would be any truth in it. I am sure the Minl.- much more. Fore a country which ter in-charge will take note of it. was producing about 11 to 2 million tons at the beginning of the Second My hon. friend Shri Sampatb, a Plan period, if by the end of the Membt,. from Madras, spoke about the Second Plan period it should be able regional d('velopment. In the Second to consume 6 million tons and tbe de- Five Year Plan, w. have already mand wi1l be something more. natu- f"nunciated . rally by the end of the Third Plan period it will be much more than 8hrl Nuayuankatty Menon: Your that. Therefore I submit tbat in uur Minister knows belter how he felt Third Plan, which i. loinl to be of • bigger order tban the Second Plan, wben he dealt with Oil Companies. not one but three steel plants should be !rtarted again. 8hrl TIuula Ptllal: When he bu got that knowledge, I do not think your We have got the .. "perience of thue tear can have any eftect on him. three plant.. in the public sector. Our engineers are capable of d""elopintr Shrlmatl Panatlll KrIIIIaaa (Colm- their awn technique, putting up their IIIltore): Your brief too Is unnecessary. own plant. and ....e are proud that _ CBAITRA lB. 1882 (SAKA) ICIZaO have .ot that talent and technique In the prollt in the black market WUJ be tbIa country that our Ministry Is able IZMter. Price redue&ioa caD be __ to say that the fourth plant will come. siderecl only when the commodity ill fabricated by the Indian en.mee1'1l 80 freely available .. to &e available and Indian talent. If we can h ~ at control prices. the fourth plant, let us have the ftfth and the sixth. if neceuary. No price About petrol and dleoel oil and the will he hi.h for Bivin, this basic public sector oil concern. BODle cIouIIt essential industry the aid that it re- was also expressed about the capa- qUires. city to conllUme pethll. I submit that with all this incn>&sed price 01. dl... el There may be other demands. But oil, petrol cannot .tlll compete with if out of Ra. 7.500 creres we could dlesel. Theretore, if we are havlna have three plants, out of Ra. 9.500 more production of petrol. and not .Tore. we must have more. I will he of kerosene and dleael, Govern_nt sattslled with three new plants with should conalder reclucin, the price 01. capacity to enlar", to 2 million or a petrol to be able to attract the atten- million tolls with RCOpe for further tion-not wait for the small car to he expansIon. produced-but even of the biBler can. If they could profttably utlllR the 81111 D. C. 8ba...... (Gurdaspur): One petrol capacity. I I'f'quest the hon. in Madral. Minister to conRider that.

Shrl TII&Iua PI1IaI: My hon. friend One more thlDc and I wlJ1 linlIh. ShrI Sharma even that, for There hal been the question about the livln. It to Madras perhaps. I do not GeololPcal Survey and the Cauvery mind one heln. set up In Punjab allO. Basin. Shri Narayanankutty Menon. a,ain, contributed some Ide.. to that. Re.ardin. the small rollin. milia, He said that the survey team. _ they have said that they are lOin, to foreign team, could not be CruIted. freely license the rollin, milia. But And with reprd tID tile borin, testa I lubmit that the rollin, mill licena- he IBid that they will 10 on borlnl inB alone will not solve the problem. where oil will not be .truck, and thaI When you allow an Industry you must 011 will never be struck. And he re- also Dllow the raw material. Whether commended lha I party to 110 to the the billets win he available for those Cauvery Basin. Please, Sir, J don't l1li811 rollin. mill people, whether the want such a party to the",. coal that Is necessary for that would ,0 he available for them or they would 81111 NarayBllBllkaU, ....aa: J c\Id have to depend upon the open mar- not recommended that party. It a ket which iR called the black mar- w different party, Jndo-Corburl of Ital,. ket, are thin.. that have to be con· Ihal I mentioned. Iidered. 8hot Thana PlIIa1: That i. what 1 Somethin. was said about the stee1 understood. Becau.... he that !hO' prices being reduced. I would be Natural G.. Comml ..ion i. doin, wrll, happy it the people in our country but th.. other collaborators are very would be able to ,et Iron and steel at bad; and he, "plea... do not ...nd the present control prices liberally. them t.o Culoh ....nd them to Cauvt'ry Any reduction I do not sUBlell Some Basin." I .';ay. Sir, please don·t OMId people arille that there is no use of them to Cauvery aasin. Evpn If It I. giving high wages when the material delay.. d. pleas. .end UI a ,DOd team is not available. Similarly, there Is which wUl not spoil thin... no US(I' of reducing priefll when tht!f'l! is no material to ,0 about. If we re- Sbot Mallant,: Mr. Chairmllll, 91r. T duce the price of a material which is am not chary of payln, compliment. not In adequate IlUpply, that wf1I only to thO' hon. Minister of Stetol. That enhance the black·market price and T do in a hundance But, comlnl to ,lour Demandl APlUL 7, le60 IOu:!

rShri Mahanty] the Stllel Miniatry'. deman:los, and "ur- tormance, of the three steel mrlll In ,veying s:»me of its!s, patu· the public sector, we may not even ex- euiarly in the sector of .teeJ r u~ ceed .he 2' 5 miliion tons limil tion, my feeling. are not WlthoUl r~ gret that the genius of Hindustllan Be that as it may, I would like to Steel has made steel shorn 01 its shm- view the Steel r ~ demands ing enieieney, its steely 10rthnghtM's from Lhis angle and from this pe.. - and has reduced it to the ~ . pect vet namely, to what extent i; is maybe of clay or of cotton, There- go,ng to carory us forward in the fore, with all my regards for <,he ach:evement of our produe ion target Ministry, if 1 offer my comments re- during the Second Five Year Plan garding the production of steel In the as well as what legacy it will leave public sector, it is not out of any for the Third Five Year P an, how motive to pull down the public sector, we are going to attain even the mini- much less Hindusthan Steel, bu\. to mum objective that we have sel for point out lome of its deficiencies so the Third Plan, namely production ot that the .ituatJon can be ImproveC::. ten million tons of steel ingots.

The geniUl of the Planning Commls- I would not like to dwell on the lion found out a name for the SeC'tnd bottlenecks wh ch the Ministry has Five Year Plan, and that was "COTe ere a ed, which are working as a break plan", And in that core plan. steel on expansion at production, because ...... the hardest core, and all our already references have been made resources .... ere scrapped for fulfilling to the failure in commissioning thE' the larllell of steel production in this five coal washerics tor which We had ·countr}". provision during the Second Plan. but to that I wish to add only nte reuons are very sImple; be· one fact. It has been calculated that 'caUle, due to lack of pprBpertive, one per cent of increase in the ash durin. the First Five Year Plan, we content of the coa' used results in bad paid nO attention to the produc- increas ng the cost price ot steel to tion of Iteel. Then. when we woke the extent of Rs, 3 per ton, If my up on The eve of the Second Five Year informa.ion is correct, today we are Plan w(' had set B very ~ targN using coal wi h 17 to 20 per cent of to produce 4"3 million tons of . ~ . ash content. One can very well cal- Today It b anybody's guess 8S to h ~ culate how this failure to commiLqion will be our achievement. Th{' annual the ca,1 washeries and supply the re- report produced by u, h ~ St.,·I. quired quantity of metallurgical coal though it is admirable In many reS- is resulting in not only r ~. pects, in printing. get-up, etc the p.r CC, but also diminishine our production, I hope and believe th. Pa.. dlt K. C. Sbarma (H1pur): Nol hon. Minis er wi I be in a position the contentT to tell us when these five coal wash- eries are going to be commissioned. Shrl Mahuty: It does not VoIV. II< In this context. I would invite at- 1he barest Idea as to what ,ho uld b,' tention 10 the abnonnal delay that the RC'hirsvf"mpnt of d('('''l nroriuC"ti'l'1 h .. hkpn phce par:icularly in the ·durln« the Second Five Yosr plan, case of the Rourkel. planl Alain, ne;thcr the Report of the Mlniotr)" A""""dln!! to the figure, of Ih. nor the Annual Report at Hinduslan Plann;ng ~ . whiC'h R .. ~ Steel has given us any Idea as to the are very tentative, tht':' "rhif"vt'ment reasono:; fOr this abnormal ~ . For may b., of the order of 3 miWnn In.tance, in Rourkela the first coke ton .. whIch I doubt. T.k'nl! ~ oven b"1ttery WtlS commissioned 011. account tile aehievpmpnt.. th", p" 1st ~u.r , 111511 while Ita due data CHAITRA 18, 1182 (SAKAl for Gruau 10234 of comp-etion was October, 1958. In to an end but nOI an end in itself. the ca.e ot the second coke oven The House knows very well my battery, only one sub-ba.tery was views on the public and pr,vale ,~ lilhted on 11th January, 1960 even tors. I am no admirer of the pri- though the due date of comple"olI vate .eclol", and 1 would be happy was February, 1959. The third t:8I indeed, if there could be only u::1! been promised at the end of 1960-61 sL'Ctor. the nl ionll sector, but the even thoUCh its due date of comple- facl has to bo remembered that tlte tion was AUCUSt. 1959, public sector is not an end in its,,1t but on Iy a means I.) an end. The delay The IIrst blast turn ace was com- in the Steel plants is caUSing us missioned in 11159, and it has not yet a loss of one mil ion rupees ~ attained full production. 1 s due dute day. of completion was October, 1958. In "pite ot the abnormal delay the IIrst Sbri It. D, Malavl,.a: Will you blast tumace that was commissioned kindly explain your national sectorT in 1959 has not reached tull produc- tion. The reason is that 'he st.. ,1 Shrl Mahan',.: 1 can explain if the melting shop has not been commis- hon. Chl. nnan gives me some time. "ioned.. Ot course, it is very easy to The n.tional sector Is bolb say that the .teel mellinl shop has the privnte ,md public I.ciors .re In_ "Dot been commissioned, there hal termingled and function not In a .pl- melting shop has not been commis- rlt of ronftict, but aa complemP.lltary sioninl of the steel melting shop and to each other. the commissioninl of the blast fll"- "Dace, and therefore there has been PaDdtt It. C, S ...... : It Is th. .... ortf.U in production. It doe. not Janus of he two lector'. require much explanation. What requires much explanation, in which Sbri MalJuaI:r: After an, the haIL 1IIe whole natioD ill Interested, is the Minister who i. a .tudent of philo..... reason tor this time-Ial. Let it be ptw mu:;l have knoVlth Wblrl is mo- remembered that planning i. not ."r- I.l!m and what is dualism. rendering abjectly to certain myste- riOUI forces OYer which you have no r.adit IL C, S ...... : He is a che- controL Plannlnl means controlling mist. these chaotic forces. I believe tl,e Sbri llabut,: Then, he mlgt Mini.:ry i. .bettinl rather than con- know il better_lector and proton. trolling tIoeae forces. 1 do not sire.. it, but let him The _d furnace w.s com- di•• bUie his mind of this concept that missioned In 1960, one year aner the the public lector it an end in itselt_ acheduled d.te. One does not know When the third. which wa. due In Not even the Government Is an end in itself. Everything ill meant for ~ . AU8Ust. 111511, will be commissioned.. people and .hould be viewed [:om The rollin, mID was due to be com- that perspective. pleted In lII.rch, 1960, but no men- We lind ~ of public money be- tiOn has heeD made .bout its prog...,.. inl Invested in the public oector. Of either in the Annual Report of 1h~ Rindustan Steel or the Report of the course, I do not blame the hon. 111- MinlRry_ nister, bu_ why has there been thl5 delay' It i. on accounl of the facl thert the .ivil enlineerinl works .. 10 thb -text, I would like to in- ere vite the .ttention of the han. Minister, enlrusted to certain enlineerinl Ii ...... with due hlllD8litJ, to one facL It to an Indi.n IIrm and to a ~r should be remembered that the pub- firm. Lut year the hOD_ IIIln1llter lic aeetor ia Dot a luxury; it Is a me.... paid • very handMme c:GIIIPllmeAl to Ions APRIL 7, 1960 Jor Gru"ts 10226

(Sbri Mahanty]

the Indian engineers, I refer to From this it will lM' seen that Rour- Messrs. Duuals. I do not know if kela, as it has been charaeterised. is all the material wal in his posse"OIon a tragedy in steel and a tomb of the' then, but he paid a very handsome German enterprise. I need not dweU compliment to them, and I also Juin- on this matter further. ed with him In saying that they had done a wonderful job. But thP. fact The other day, d uring u~.. tion· remains that in the meantime the Hour, I had askpd whether there was Public Accounts Committee Report any penalty clause in the agreement has come out wherein they havt'" with the contractors, and it so whe- mentioned at page 42: ther the Government were going to take suitable action against th""" con- "In the faCe of the aboYe facts, tractors who have been fiddling not the Committee consider that the only with the nation's money but choice of the ftrm for doing this also with the nation's a.!l:pirations. work was unfortunate. n n.e han. Minister said:

Sbri Naasblr Rbarueba (East "The nannal contractual rlgl>t.. Khandesh): Is that from the 3Srd under the law will declcte. I do Rt>port? not think there is any specific Sbrl ...... ty: No. This is the clause by way of penalty." Twenty-fifth Report of the Public But the Secretary of the Ministry, Accounts Committee which was pub- Shri Bhoothallngam, appearing ~ lished In March, 1960. The Audit Report also has not paid very high fore the Estimates Committee had mentioned that there was a pe.,a1\J' complimenL. to this Indian ftrm. The clause, but the fixing of responsibi- E..timates Committee, in Its Thlrty- lity for delays was a complicated third R<-port, had also made 5(l1!le affair and no occasion had r ~ to observations. do so. I believe the occasion hal Wh(.'n Wp come to the German en- arisen now a bout that there should gin...... ing ftrrn, we find that no less be no shadow of a doubt. Th<.:"e has a person than Dr. Hans Heinrich, been a shortfall in production which Director-General ot Messrs. Krupp the han. Minister admits. I need not • Demag, who are associated in the stress this matter further. I once construction ot the Rourkela i>lant, a,ain urge upon the han. Min,.ter has, accoroling to a publication iI. a that the penalty clauses In each aud German weekly which has been re- every agreement with th""" two con- produced in the Time. of lndia, ex- tracting firms must be Invoked and r ~ certain views. The "eport suitable steps taken to realise from SRYS: them the penalties due unde.r the agreement. Otherwise, there Wlll be "Dr. Heinrich is believed to have a teeling that a premium hal been been aghast to find that out .,f 20 put on inefficiency and all this kind pig iron tanks, only tour or nYe of reckless play with the nation'. were fit for use, that the .teel aspirations. converters were not operatin8 because the convener waH lin- Now, I come to the next point, ings made by a world fam

at 10 million tons of steel InIOt., mOYe this bottle-neck on youth whicb "Whicll the hon. Minister In his pre- is asplrinl to bulld, there could be liminary statement has corroborated, no increase In produetlon; not eva by sayinl that the Minlltry by and a blade of IF_ will &rOw In tbII large accepts the targets set by the country. Old age and wisdom mu.t working group. But If he would be given their proper place, but I have cared to go into the break-up am sorry to say that the H1ndultan of these 10 million tons of production St.",ls' atlachment for old ale, which is ·of steel ingots, he would haye found .-quated with wiBdom mUit b., """hew- that there was a di1ference of l' 5 .'<1, and there should be a new evalua- million tons. For instance, Jamshed- tion of eftlclency. pur will produce 2 million tons, Burn- .pur 1 million tons, Mysore O' 1 mil- I now come to my last point. About lion tons, Rourkela 1. 8 million tons pig iron, the worklnl IrouP hal eet a (about whieh I have my Ifave figure of 2 million tons. I do not doubts), Bhilai l' 8 million toni, find in the aclleme for the production Durgapur l' 6 million tons, and the of pig iron much to be hopeful about. cl""tr\c fuma""", existing and under The fact has to b., ..emembered that construction will Rive O' 2 million we haYe been exportinl Iron orea to tons. The total is 8.5 million tons. countries like Japan. And what do U he is thinking that he will I"t we find? We find that in Japan.. some 1 . 5 million tons from the Bokaro of the IInished 1000s are bellli .old plant whIch is yet to come, which Is at a price cheaper than what we let in the womb of uncertainty, let me them at in Inella Ban and rods are' tell him that it is mere optimiBm. It selling in U.K. at Ro. 118 lower than takes five years for a plant to 10 into the Indian price; in Japan which II production. Their own record has sustained by our iron orea, these ban shown that they have taken more and ,"ods are beinl sold at a rate than five years in the case of Rour- Ro. 111 lower than the Indian price; .ke1a, or somethlnl like six to seven in Belgium, it is Ro. 152 lower than years for attalninl production. There- the Indlnn price; In Australia, It Is fore I have a hunch that they are not Ro. 105 lower than the Indian price. only not going to attain 1. 5 million 1 have no time to go into the details, tons from Bokaro, but th.·v are not but I make this appeal that there II even libly to attain 8.5 million tons a very irrefulable case for brinlln. of production, unlesa they Itreamline down the steel price! in this country. their organisation. I maintain that When the per capila consumption of all this has taken place-for that, the steel is the lowest in the world. you Ministry is not fully responsible- haYe no reason to lay down that the because they have very little control ste"l prlc,," should rule highest In OVer the sprawling empLres in Rour- thl. country which produce5 ateel kela, in BhiIai and eboewhere. cheapest. Hindustan Steels has the unIque Sine" I have no further time at my appreciation of' wi..dom and old age., I would end with this appeaL All the retired otBcers of the rail- Having known the hon. Minister Iince ways find their cosy berths in th.. J952, I can youch for thia lincerlt)' Hindu.tan SI""ls. All the retired and for his devotion to the particular otBcers even beyond the ale of sup- work that h" takl'S upon himself. J erannuation find their place in the would ~ again appeal to him with Hindustan Steels. I .han also IFOW all humility that let no mantle of old one day, and therefore. I am protection ",. thrown again.t these not chary of saying that they should conttacto.... Let the penalty cI ..... not be provided for. But until the be invoked. Let them be taUlht that Government removes this bottle-neek no one CAn fiddle today either with on eftlcieney, until they remove 1hJI the nltlon'. money or wtth Its upln- bottl..... neek 011 career, untU they re- tlon •. I0Z29 APRIL 'I, 11180

Shrl NuuImhaD: At the outset, I working in this eountry. We bave would like to reter to a point made heard of the "diseoverey of India- by by Shr! Narayanankutty Menon who eminent men and eveo IIII8lI indivi- initiated the debate on behalf of the duals. But this is an additional type Oppo•. tion. He was probably over- of discovery of our own country. enthu.iastic in view of ~h fact that The Min isters and the t...... under oil hag been discovered in Cambay them are discovering what we calI and the prospect of finding more oil more of 0 .... own country, more of is increasing. So he said that the the wealtb of our own country under Third Plan should be an 'oil' Plan. the ground. No doubt, as an ambitious approach to this question, It is all right, but In The emergence of the BhiIal Sleet terms of a cau:ious approach, a prac- Plant and other plants is also part of the discovery of the capacity of tical approach, to problems, I would India to collaborate B large _Ie not recommend his line of approach. on with fore'go countries, In the scien- I wou· d rather say: let us not put all tific field there is the discovery of our egg" in one basket; let us not of atomie energy and other things. swallow more than we can chew. In Even in the matter of atomic an integrated plan, there Is no use ~r and other things, th.. paying extra a: tention to one parti- geological department this Minis- cular matter only. The development of try was the nucleus out of which that must be on al! side. Blld should not branch was formed. Therefore, the be confined to one aspect alone. OIl part that this Ministry plays in the I. not the only important thing, Thel'e discovery of India is really very are many other matters equally im- grut and deserves our congratula- por:ant and one cannot do without tions. the olher, W" cannot haVE an oil programme without eleet.ricity; for Shri A. M. TarIq (Jammu and digging oil wells and running refin- Kashmir): It should be called the eries, we require ~ r electri· 'Ministry of Discovery'. city cannot be there without fuel or irrigation or wi'hout lignite, for that Sbrl NaraslmbaD: Even in my 0101:1 matter, So while the approach of district, in the process of discovery,. the hOn, Member i. all right a. a pat- they have found uranium, beryllium, riotic approach, as a practical pro- bauxite. magnetite and so on and so forth. position w(" u~ consider thing! rather more coolly. Dr. M. S. Ane,.: W" have dis- covered the hon. Member alSO, I wish to pay my humble tribute Shri NarulmJuul: The Geo1ogical to the team of Minister. and the l\4i- ur ~ and the Bureau of ~ nistry for the great wDI'k they have should devote more towards the e:z- done In their respective fields. It Is ploitation of lignite. Shri Narayan- qUIte pleasant to see that somewhere ankutty Menon .pok.. about oil. I oil I. being discovered, more coal is would like to say that more and more found to occur, morc- lignite is found attention should be paid for ""trac- to occur; it is e.qual'y plC'ssant to hear tion of lignite. Results so far achiev- that h ~r r ~ morp' a.ress of diamond, ed show that there are seveMlI places more art's! of copper, more areas of where lignite i. available. Just nOW gypsum and what not. Even about We are concl'ntrating on the NeyveIl my own district, an announcement ureB. There Bre more and more areas ~ m,d,> that thpre were uranium, sou:h and north of Neyveli and even beryllium and so on and '0 forth. Thi. In the west coast of India near is a ~ r r which lhf" Minidry ilili Rajasthan wbere this is avai ·sble. I making with the ....Istance of hWl- .uggest that they should ~ dreds and hundreds of the young men much more on th" ...allablIlty of 10331 CHAlTRA 18, 1882 (SAKA)

ehap fuel. It h.. Ita own advant- wanted a little ~ . _ in- .,e. It ill not .. If it ilIUlleI... The centive and they bav. 111M applied fact that it is chealld" fuel hu III for It. But It ill aomewb_ III the own aavantaa... In many ~. Where various departments. NotbiDC Ia costly eoal neecl not be used thilI being done. I would say tbat a Bt- cheaper fuel can be used with ad- tie incentive will a long way. vantage and economy. ,0 I bave only two mar" items aDd I No doubt etlona are made to find will finish. They are ~ Items. out more mineralll and use aome of More emphasis should be laid on edu- them in acience and to export a lot cation and the bringin, out of polo- of them outside. Just a. they are gilts. We have not got the techniQI intere81ed in the manufacture of Iron men. It il better to have more eol- and steel, why not the Ministry inter- legeo, and that too near the area. est itself in producing magnesium- where there are golnl to be mines the manufac:ure of magnesium metal. and such thinl.. The Hon'hle Mem- There are magnesite fte:ds in the ber fJ"om Bhilal was saying that til"" country. Why not they produce mag- were ftnding h~ foreigners nesium metal? That will very great- there and that loea I talent were not ly help the DefenCe Ministry whIch being utilised. Let that not be re- want it for some alloy and for ex- peated in other placH, where, as for plosives. I would, therefore, suggest instan"", in Salem, they have got that a substantial sum be devoted for iron ore and lignite. Whkn Cl'0rre8 and the manufacture of magnesium. The crores of money are bein. invested, methOd of production seem. to be mineral educatIon and graduates with more or less the same as in the case knowlf'dge of minerals should be of bauxite. A sum of one or two producf'd more and more. More and crores of irUpees set apart for this more colleles should be IItuated In would relieve the country of some of and around such pia.,.,. 10 that local its dependence on a.her countries for peoplp may be emp:oyed to develop defence in these critical tim"". the... own country.

I am very ,lad that the li,nite pro- ject is being attended to and tbe Ney- I was told by lOII1e one tIIat in the veli capacity is being increased and mat: ... of the Barauni refinery ~ oil prospectin, and the Salem iron were purchased at very high prices. ore exploi :ation are all gettin, the A very reliab'" mon came and tOld Mini.lory'. attention. In the prelimi- me. There is no realon why he nary speech of the Minister he made .hould come and tell m" an ~ r...., a reference to the utilisation of the thing. J hope the matter will be Salem iron ore and the Iicnite. Gov- looked into. I am tOld that even an ernment are seized of the ~ r. I acre costs about RI. 10,000. I hope bope that after bavin, been seized of the Minl.:er will see that high prl_ the matter they would not leave it are not paid for lands ...bIeb .,. be but take action at tb" appropriate bought at Iruer east. time 50 Ibat nothing need be said at a later stage tbat they had forgotten La.t1y. I WaR glad to know that tha it 01" just did not remember it. It ..... Jcket wheel eXCAvators are tunctioo6 is possible to say ~ now. When lng in Neiveli. A roup·" of months lignite i. being developed, they sbould ago I ,...0 lold that Ih.'Y .. having also remember the iron are of Salem teetJ-ing r u ,- h ~ their , .... tII and proper action should be taken. broke wh.. n digging. I w .. nn.. · told that the two ar" working. and the I find that a certain amount of third and fourth are alao going to mBJIl""ite ,,:iDkers are beinC produc- come Into opt·rallon vpry....,n. I hope ed on • la"e ocale in my district and great MU"e will be t>e.t_ed ..... DO they are also belnc ezported. They dl1\lculty would arilf'. 102.33 De"",,,,," APRIL 7. 1960 1M OTanI.< 102.34 lilt WIW'( (u;m.m:) ~ ~ t. 1l iN ,.;T WJIf ,.;T ~ If'AT ~. "" m ~ tm lI'Irr.f II'!ft' ~ ~ I "" 'til' q;n t ;- ,, ,~~~ "Fabulous amounls spent on ,,~ 1IN'II' ~ [Q: ~~ If! ~ various items wert' not suppon- ~ r ur ~~~ eel by vouchers and it was found that vouchers pertaining to an - r ~~ T ~ amount of Rs. 26,16,800.2 nP. 1fW. 1ft '!ill' 'IT A; m ~ firIIiur were eomptetely missing. The ~ ~~~ management was said to be devis- ing 90me method to adjust this ~ m ~ ~ tit;;r;mit ,..,.iI:! 111".! _:: 'If ~~ ! .,~ ~~.df ~ :t ~~.~ ,~,If- co:. ~~ r ~~m-... r '1;;- ~ ~ ~ .. 'i -.,. Ii df' W I;: t; .. _ . 1Or·1I<4,r;. i ...... 'fi ~._ i.! ,iii i ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ If": ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ - ~ II; I!: ~Ii" I"[i~ 'r:"; ~..:. IIr ~'If t .....i f: "",!,~'J ::.; ~-i :; ~e ~.~. ~ ~. e-t! ~.... !! ~~ j, .~~! 1ft j i ! I ~! ! ~w ~ ~ ~ w i -;~ i t i ~z i ~~ ';'l ~ ~~ - ~~ # ~-i! I 1;; t' - ~ t .1ID ~! ~~ ~ i ~~ Ii 111"1 ~ ~.'fii ~ ~ $ "" 'J 111" i ~ ~i : ! ~~ i 'i ',g ~it i ~j ! i ! ~~ ~t! ~;; .!;;; ! I! rif! ~

~ ~i ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ , ~ ~ ~~.~r- ~~ ~r~~~r~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ii. ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ r~ t ~ ",,9!' ~~.r~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~..... i - 9 ~ ~~~ ~~ ~.4~ r~ ~~~ ~ i ~ j ..:.if ~~ ~~ r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ on 1£ S.. ":'filtll ~.~ r~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ 00 [ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ 'iI' I 'g ~~ ~~~ ~ If ~.II; ~~ If ~'R- 0 -&~ - 'R- f f ~i, ~'t'lf Ii I;: - ~J:: t f ~ ~ff ! ~i ~~ ,~ :.~ - ~i ~,~- : - ; ., ~ I;: ! ~ ~,~i .-,~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ t -~ ~-~~ 11>" .t! ~ ir i ~$ f ~I>"' g j i ~.: ~~, ! 'If ! i ~ ,~.t:.f j 1 ~ ~r. ~~~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~.~ r ~~j; ~ ~t 11>" i Ii t I ~or~ i: ! ~t i -$[ f.! ~r ~$ ~ ~ ~ ,~~~ ~ ~~, ~ ~~~ ~~i '""of ~ -~ . ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ .: a.-a.-- ~ ~ ,"" ~ i!fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~. .~w ~ 'r;,: ~J!: Ai- Ii; -&'E 1,;;, I;: 't:- 1:; ,If- ,r.; ~i ~~ "'" ,~~:E: ~ ~~ IP- " ~ It';' It _ If l ,~~ - -. ~ '""'S''''".... ijc&:'t;: ~~ - r~~ - - ~ i 'If ~i' ..:, 'R- \::' ~J! ~ ~Ai- b:; ::: ~~ ~ ~I;: '\::'l ~ 1;= "'"' 'Ii' ~,jF ~:';; ,li- 'J:: -- ,~i'r;,: i' 'If , IV 11>" t" I< """ If ~ ...Ii _ ~~ ~& w~ ,R-10' ~ Ii- ,. ijc ~ ~ ~ ~ t r

~ ~~. ~ hands at Government. The State must be able to control the prices of vanflUi ~ . ~~ ~ petroleum products, which can eft- it ~ ~ "lIT

[Shri Jacanatha Rao] Slanvac holds 75 per cent. interest tion is: why should we have foreign whereas the Government of India Ia participation in this? If we do that, holding only ~ per cent. interest. The there are many disadvantages. First- entire management i. in the hands of ly, if we allow a foreiln explorer to Stanvac Company. 10,000 sq. miles of come to our country, the princip.e of area in West Ben,al has been liven On exploration carries with it the right lease to this company. Is it in the to Ret a licence or lease. Secondly, he interests of the country to mortgage will have a share of the profits. So, our in ~ erests to these foreiln cam- we should not allow any forp.i,n eX- panie.? plorer to come in and try In produce oil in our country. The existence of Secondly, if you look into the his- about 400,000 sq. miles of pOlential 011- tory of oil, it is always mixed up with bearin. areas in our country calls for pow..... politics in foreign countries. a high and ambi'ious proiramme of The Government directly or indirect- oil exploration. Government should ly controls the oil that the other go ahead with the programme boldly nation produce. There is a desire for and with courage in both hands. We the oil cartels to control all the 011 should train our personnel and we in the world. Small countries should should also get the necessary equip- make their own oil and they should ment from other countries on pay- pos'es. enough knowledce to tackle ment. the problems involved in the oil 111- dustry. It is also said by some critics that Recently there were lever.l r ~ ours il a mixed economy and. there- ticism. about the Government'. policy fore, Government should ~ the f.'0· in respect of oil. Firstly, it is said operation of the private sector. We that oil exploration is a risky business, have foreign companies working here because there i. IlIl element of since a lone time in our country. But gamble in it. F; \"t::y mining operat- that i. no rea'on whv we should in ion carrie'! with it this element of future also try to iet tl.ese com.. gamble. Have we not succeeded? We panies work together wit!, the Govern- have spent only about Rs. 8 crores SO ment, either in partnership or In rol- far a rl: ~ could discover oil and JIBS laboration. I can understand inter- in .Jwalamukhi and Cambay h~r national co-operation in 'he ~ lomp forr'ign companie" in India have that some foreign countries can gIve spent much more without getting any us a,sistan('e in the ma 6 ter of techni- r ~ur . One foreign company has cal know-how and equipnlent. ~ r sp£'nt shaul Rs. 20 crores to plnn pro- instance. of thE" four parties that duC't:on of 2'5 million tons whereas seem to have applied in response to another fo-eign company has spent the invitation of the Government of about Rs. 9 crore. but has not been Ind'a, the app'ication of the Frencb able to succeed in getting oil. Petroleum lnsti'ute is a novel one.

Another criticism i. also lev.l1ed This Ins'i"ute seem. to offer a three- against the policies of the Govern- year contract In respect of IWO sug- ment tha' good money is being wasted gested areas, Culeh and coro- In pursuit of this gamble. I res- mandel coast, whereby it will sup!'ly pe<"truliy submit that it is an anU- speciaJi,ed tools and equ:pment and naUonal outlook. So far, not even '5 will train Indian personnel. All per cent. of the total capital outlay nn foreign exchange expenses incuM'ed oil exploration and production has during the period of contraot will be been .pent. Even if 5 ~r cent. of the covered by Fr.noh credit r. ~ by capital outlay is set apart for the oil the Government of India over a sub- Industry in the Third Plan. accordin, sequent six years' ~r witb rix to me, it is not hillh at all. My qu.... per cenL interesL 10343 Demands CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) for Gran" 10344

This proposal is novel in the ",me It wants UI to deal with the basic pro- that the Institute will not have any blems that face us. Indeed it il • Ikence, lease or ri,hts in oil and the welcome feature that we suppress our Oil and Natural Gas Commission will likes and dislikes regardmg detaill retain full control over the entire and wish to take care of the broad work. I can understand if the Gov- fundamentals that face us. ernment would like to consider the application of this Frech Petroleum It has been correct'y saId that thi. Institute. Ministry hal been assigned the tasks which are most vital to the nallonal Every year we have been Import'n, development activities. Since the oil to the tune of Rs. 100 crores and Second Five Year Plan hal bettn the consumption of petroleum products worked our emphasis ha. been greotcly within the country has risen from two on industrialislI.tion and mOTl' so on million tons in 1947 to about six the discovery, exploitation and P'o- million tons in 1958. It is estimated to cessin, of our natural Tl'50Url es. W!lh rise to about ten million tons in 1966. that end in view this Ministry is pur.. The output from Nahorkatiya is ex- lulng Its activities and to our belt IJeC'ted to incrPase the ir.ciillenous pro- ability we are trying til implement the duellon of crude oil to 3'25 mi lion policy and the programme which haa tons. But still the gap between the been laid by this House and whic" ia dflnand and supply will be there. So, now for us to report to the Hot.le unless oil is located In the country and from year to year, whether in thil is worked out we will be short of oil. Plan or In the comlnll I'lan.

We have already three rellnerles in Now, I would like to deal with the country and two more rellneries lOme of the Important points reterred are loinll to be set up, one in Assam to by the hon. Members here and I .nd another in Bihar. So we should wou'd like to be as brief a. pOBlibJe. Dot think of further expall.lion of these refineries or setting up new ones be- With regard to our activitlel to muse we lind that in recent times discover more minerals, it hal bt.en tho! consumption of motor spirit is quite rightly said that we should not eaning down and greater consunlp- be ..tlslled with the Rmount of tlon of HSD is takin, place. So work. Even the tempo of the work lakin, into consideration the overall does not satisfy the HOUle. I IhU'e consumption of oil and the Importanee this anxiety of the HouS(' and wiah to Ibat oil has come to occupy in our a.sure you, Sir, that throulhout Lilla national economy, Government should plan periocl it haa been our most be IIrm in its policy and should Toot lin cere effort to keep up to the wish'" deviat" from It. Tt should try to carry of the House and to increase l1ur on right from the stage of explorat:on aclivitlea In this eonnrctlon. Thon- to productiOn, relining, tran.portaHon are difllcuille. there Ind we mull and distribution, that is, from start try to r ,~ them. To the ext.. nt to finish. I hope the hon. Minister that we are not able to removr thelll would do well to en'ilhten the House we have to blame ourselves. Theft about the firm policy that the Gov- are however certain hard mlitlet! ernment ha. in view and is going to which I would only like to rem,nd implement. the Hou.... For inltanee. the diIII('ulty that we are fllclnlr In pttlng the re- ShrI IL D...... vI7a: Mr. Chairman, quired numbers and quality of Ifocb· Sir, my senior Minister has quJle nical penonnel i. Indeed a baIIIintl_ elaborately described Ibe activities for us. I would like to point out tIM! that have been ...IIDed to our Mlnla- ahartap of technlc:al personnel whleb try and my task has therefore been we are esperiencinl. In th ImL .. lessened. The trend of dlseuas\on alao Bureau 01. Mines alone _ haft _- indicates thet the Rouse il not in a tloned ~ .mee 1111'7 wbleh _ aft IIlOod to enter Into ~ and that LUlIlble 10 IIU. Its order to III.... I. Demand3 APRD.. 7. Ig60 for Grants

IShrl K. D. Malaviya] to the House I would quote some of Coming to class III grade technic!anl the figures which will clarity the situ- the number of sanclioned post. in ation. In 1957 we had sanctioned 1957 was 750 ngainst which we could post. at 168 Clas. I Officers but we employ on y 390. The sanctioned could not fill more than 71 post.. In number in 1958 was 802 out of Wll,en 1958 we had 179 sanctioned posto, but we could employ only 433. In 1959 thl! We could not ~ more than 88 PObtS. lanctioned number was 833 ag&.'n, out In 1959 we had the same number of of which we could employ only .;;4. aancroned posts, that is 179 but we Thu., this is a real difficulty wll;ch could not fill more than 99 pas",. we shou'd all rec-ognise. Now, with that limitation before us we are tryin, Now, the alternative us 1_ our level best to do as much as we a situation which Is not quite happy- can. I am not worried about ,he either We have to be content with shortage at toreign exchange; but I am people who will not pl"oduce ~ really worried about our ability 40 ~ results and will mislead us With the equipment we desire. We do Il&t regard to the qualitative or ~u get them. Therefore, the spepd at talive ao.essment at the natura, re- work in the Geo ogiC"Rl Survey of BourCe! or w' II break the machinea India and the Indian Bur.qu of Mhes that have to be purchased a' (Cleat is not as satisfac'ory, is not as lX- cost and at Ilreat pains. Therp;; a peditious as the House would like It war' d h r ~ of eauipment. ~ is to be or as the r ~ ~ with great diftlrulty that we a.P. rble like it to be. Neverthele,., I wo..tld to get some badly needed equlfom"nt. not plead guilty to the ct.arse '"at Similarly, there is a world shortalle at ~ have not done good work unJer technicians. And we have to a;>ply the Departmpnts of 'he Geoiogi ••1 our own dhlcretion with carll 81 to Survey at India and the In it. But there is a physical h r ~. Increase-yes, It i. showln. a gradual It ~ a number of years for u. to tendency to increase. The rest of .he prepare the rillht type of men, MId mineral production Is inc;easir.p 1010' an round the country there I. Il te, n- gressively. Our total production in tic tempo now. Whether It , ...eel. gross value since 1955 to 1959 h.1 cnne or eoal, or lignite, or dams, or petro- leum Industry, or textile Industry, up from Rs. 9t crores to Ro. lfO'2 everywhere people are required. t><.h- crore.. We will thus see tha I the niclans are ""Iuired, .nd we are short Indian Bureau of Mines and tl>- Ge0- logical Sun'"Y of India are dobu! of them. I W9. merel,. trylnll to point their best to discover and prod:Jce ... out one of the difllcultles, 10 tt.. t the pmltlon mllht be cl.rifled and Jl7 ex- planation could be more easily 81>- 8Iui 1DwIDAr (Ahmednallorl: Is .preclated. this In....- because of the prj.. 10247 Demancb CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) fur Gran" IOZ48

taclor, or quantity? I ..ant to k"o.. deposit, which Ihowed only limited the quantiatative increale, excluding prospects, has recently indicated. .1 the price factor. a result of persistent exploratory acti- vity, promise of larle tonnallea of Slid JI:. D. Malavl,.: We:!, 1M ore containiD, over 2" 5 per cenl quantitative increase also has blen copper, In the Khelri deposits, maintained. If my hon. friend i. in- a small section over 2,500 of ~. rlke terested in any specillc mine"1 I length, wh' ch has be..,n sueceasfull, would immediately quote and "'·0.. explored has indicated 28 million It 10 him that progressive!y it baa tons of ore averaging 0' 8 por cenL increased. to about 1,000 feet of depth. Or. of 1'6 per cent. copper, which can be 8brI Dadllbr: Copper. ..orked economically, is available to the same dep h to an extent of over 8brI IL D. Mala.. I,..: Let us see ten million tons. There is conUnulty eopper. Copper ore, in 19b5 il ~ ot the ore both laterally and in 359.000 tons; in 1958 it wal 392 ~ depthl and this Is being investigated, ton.; in 1957 It ...1 410,000 ~ . ~ thoullh for a tar,et of 10,000 tons of in 1959 it was 404,000 to'll. .~r metal, more than Ihe amortizalion ra- .... a drop of 6,000 Ion.. But;t hal .ervel have already been r ~ . An been progressively increa,ing '''''''pi adjacenl zone of 8,000 feet Is aloo in Ihe l ..t ,ear. beln, e"plored and holds out good promise. Two olher areas In Ihe belt llarl Via,.. Charua SbakJa: 'IIr hat are bel nil investigated and Indkate about iron ore? possibilities or large-scale working. The Investigation in Ih""e adjoining SIIr! IL D, Mal.vI,..: I wm n"l area. wou'd be compleled by the much lime of the House, bu' will middle or the Third Plan porlod and rapidly review the pos:tion of Iron ore targets of production of metal may allo. It wal 4'7 million ,ons in ~ bave to be revised upwardl than vll- and after that the flgurel are 4'9, 5'1, ualised at presenl. Two olher areal e'l, and 7'9. So, that Is alao in.,...... - In Rajasthan have been taken up for ing. drliing by the Bureau of M'nes and the- lurface indications and the' evi- Whal I meant 10 aay ..AS tllat .1- dence or the old working here Indi- though "I' are not satilfted with th .. cate possibilities ot big dl!ICoverie. be- tempo of ..ork,-..d I have tried 10 Inll made. The Khelri belt itself give the reasons which I conli,\cr .,.., extends over 18 mile., as I. known ta- quite legitimate and genu in ...... ·' do day, and II i. very lik.. ly Ihat a lor,e not plead guilty 10 the charge that we area covered by this belt Is mineraI!. are not ..orkinl to the c_paci'.y that ed. ~ can. T think w .. have done ,ood work In KhetrI. We have di.covered large I would like to say a few words ..I' deposits ot copper, and If al'.,..atlons pecially about copper. Mv h:>r. 'ric.ld are made 10 our .atlofaction, we caa Shri Morarka il deeply produce electrolytic copprr by the interested in copper beea..... he comeo middle of the Third Plan p"rlod. W. from a constituency where we lIMv .. hive already pmved enough quantity recently disco\'PJ'pd good quantity of and quality whf

[Shri K. D. Malaviya] for ... to exploit the mines. We are lot of difficulties was f!lced by us Into ready to exploit this copper ore which we need not go now, because mines and to produce electrolytic we have got control now. And we do eopper of about 11,500 tons as a satia- not have to come to this House now tllCtOry economic proposition, and we for introducinlli legislation 10 nation- hope that the work which we have alise the mines, since we have got It taken up wi] increase our estimate& now, and ,ot It quite smoothly. Therefore, the posi lion of copper is ftry satisfactory. The Indian Bureau of Mines r. pre- paring the plan to exploit it, and the Shrl Morarka: The smeltin, plant National Mineral Development Cor- ... ilI be located at Khetri? poration will handle the en :ire work of exploitation of the Panna diamonds. Shrl K. D. Malavl"a: It i. difficult Just now, the Corporation is doing for to Sly more about it than that me ~ r r minjng activities there I have my greatest sympathy with with a view to find out the actual my hon. friend, and it will be my starting point where we could handle effort to integrate the entm' pro- the mining in details. ....mme of copper exploration and ex- ploitation in such a way that it IB economic and it is also satisfactory in The exploratory scheme which em.. the Interests of the idea of rellional braces pipe and alluvial areas will llevelopmenL I suppose it is a ,ODd itself produce diamonds on some scale. Idea to hav" these considerations, 10 The exploratory work, however, would Car as neamess to the mines i. c:on- indicate the scale of mining to be re- eerlUld. BOrted to. and the Corporation will undertake commercial exp.oitation as I shall refer also very briefty to an- lOOn as workable reserves are esti- either promise that I made, perhaps, mated to some degree of certainty. lOme time towards the early part of We hope that this is a very propsective the Second Plan period, about the area, because the Geo1Ot1ical Survey of Panna diamond mines. A:& my colle- India has discovered some more pipes alUe has already stated, ... are at it. near about. Therefore, the entire dis- Some time was unfortunately taken In ("overy that has bet.-n made encourage necotiating ..... us to .tart our work immediately.

Shri T. B. Vlttal a...: Not some 1 shall now briefly refer to the time. but five yeara. oil industry in some of its aspects. My hon. r ~ Shri Jaganatha Rao and Shri K. D. Malavl"a: Not five yean; sOJn(- ~h r hon. friends do not appear but we took about two and a half to be happy at the way I have indicat- years. The difficulty was that thp ed the working of the policy of Gov- property bclonlled to the private emment in this connection. I do not party. Accordinll to the law of the remember to have ever created the land, we had to nellotiate it for tak- impression that our policy in regard Ing over by paying adequate com- to controlling of oil i, .hiftln, from pensation. There was no other alter- the public sector to the private sector. native. We could not snatch it from What I have once or twice indicated him to which some of my hon. trit!llds is that in this quest for 011 In our would not objecL country. we> invite such experienced oil explorers as are Indlned to com. SlIrl N ..."UUlIlkatty lIIe.... : In that bere and negeltlate the working on the pe.Blve way, It Is all right. understanding that the ..... Ure work wiD be undertaken within the frsme- SIIrI It. D ...... vl7a: This n ...otia- wark of the Industrial Policy ResoIu- tiOD was a eomplicated procea. and • tilln of the Govpmmenl of 1IIdiII. IeaSI CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) for Graft'.

With that .nd in view and allo with Sbr! K. D. Malavl,a: I wu referr- a view to improve our out-of-date ing to the comment.s made by a cer- Petroleum Concession Rules, we made tam section of the House with re,ard c.rtain modifications. These mcdi- to the so·ca.led deviation from our fications are helpful in improving the existin, policy of oil exploration. working of our oil fields, whether it il do not think that there has been any exploration or production of crude deviation so far, nor is there ,oin, to oil. It has incidental y clarified cer- be any deviation from the policy we tain other matters under which any are pur.uinll and wbich we bave been party could come and search for oil purBuing. I want to make it quite without getting into any sort of con- clear that the Industrial Policy Resolu- fusion. tion clearly laid down a certain let of conditions which are bindin, on thl! Shri N ...y ...... ~ Meaon: Therl! Ministry and beyond wbicb we can- is no quorum in the House. I may not 110. I would advise my han. also point out that there Is a m,..ting friends to study the relevant portion going in the Central Hall with the of tha t Resolution, to wblch I ha ve Speaker in possession of it. The perhaps more than onc. reterred in 'House' is gOing on here; another this HoUle and the other House. What meeting i. 1I0ing on there. It i, highly I would like to emphuise is that we objectionable and is a contempt of the realise it a. mucb u many of the hon. House. friends who have ..ised this matter- Shri Bu1 Ba,I Slqll (Firoubad): and I am quite lure the House allo No party meetinll can be held in (hI! realises-that oil is one of the mOlt Central Hall when the HoUle Is in fundalnental prOlrunme and u such _ion. It bu to be controUed by Govern- ment. Shri Shree Narayan Du: It ha. been ruled by thl! Speaker that no quorum We Btarted oil exploration undl!l' is required during the extended time eovemmental aUlplees. We have ex- of the Bitting. tended our activities. We are .till Shri IlraJ Ra.I Siqb: No party can expanding and, to our utmost caplK'lfy, hold a meetiDl in the Central Hall we shall undertake the search for 011 now. I suppose It is In the possession and production of crude oil that Is of Ihe Speaker. discovered. We shall do al much of proceosing as we can. But, if, within Mr. Chairman: That i. a different our concept at policy, there are par- matter. I am informed that a conven· tie! whi{"h are wiltin. to come h ~r tion has been established that after and ."arch for oil, I lee no rea.on IiA>.M. there will be no counting of why we should not ~r the proe head.. Is that so? pussl., that ar" being maoe by tbem An Ron. Member: That is coJTeet. or are likely to be maoe by them. There hal been 80me r""pon.... a. a Sbrt BraJ Ba,I S ....b: There Is • result of our invitation. I do not know ques'ion of propriety involved In thla. "hat will happen to these proposals. Now the Speaker is lupposed to be in "'e:r are 'till under consideration of possession of the Central Hall m,..t- GoVI!I'DJDent. r will be happy It we Inll. The question Is whether a meet· .... came to some sort ot arran,emmt Inll of a party can be held there while with partl_ who would like to come the House i. In _Ion. and join ... In this _rch for 011 ..... CbaIrma.: 'I admit that It in tbiI country wttb • view to .u... would be inadvisable to hold 8JI7 ouc:b covering m ...... 011 L' quickly a. peed- meetinll at the time that thl! H_ Is litti.... But It Is a matter of pro. ... PJWty only. Now .ome hon. friends have criU- Art T. B. Vlttal ...: That meet· cised the workin, of th" Indo.8tanvac tn, may be adjoumed. project and rven hinted .... 10253 Demandl APRIL 7, 1860 far Chan" 10.154

Sbrl Narayanankutty Menon: May associating ourselvel with. IUcb I leek a clarification on this point? Is toreign companies as are willing to the Government's attitude to the work under these conditions. This ill private parties confined to the ex- lurely no deviation from our exiIIttna ploration programme alone or with policy. the whole collaboration be extended to production and distribution? My senior Minister reminds me of the remarks made in this connection Sbrl E, D. Malavlya: This criticism by my hon. friend Shri T. C. N. which was levelled against the work- Menon that the attempt is being made ing of the Indo-Stanwc project, I to drill barren holes in the West think, is not justified. I take this Bengal basin just to destroy the opportunity to pay a tribute to the pressure of oil or gas field near ..bout. technicians who have been conductin. This is a totally erroneous con"ept. ""arch for oil in the Gangetic basin Even if there are 100 barren well. in West Bengal. I know that bored in West Bengal, it would not they have done their best and It will affect an iota of the possibilit,. 01. perhaps be very difficult even for extracting oil and gas if they reaU,. technicians to crithse although there exist there. All over the world there Is legitimate ground to differ on the are too many barren holes to a approach so far as one group of 011 luccessful hole and the pressure is not eeologists are concerned. It is said tha\ released as a result of drilling barren In oil, two geologists produce three holes. I hope my hon. friend will have theories. Whether it is the private this 'mpression removed. At any rate, company or whether it is the govern_ we have now become 8ufficientl,. ex- ment oil exploration con('ern, it is an perienced to know whether our oil- accepted assessment of the situation fields are being tackled properly or that there can always be divergent not. view. about the way in which oil can be found In a particular suspected Sbrl NarayllDlUlll:utt,. ....ou: 1 was area. pointing out the authority of the American Secretary of State durlq Here, in West Bengal, they have the Roosevelt Administration that in done their be.t; and, unfortunately, the colonial companlel the IBIDe both for us and for them, we have happened. not bloen able to find oil. I wish we l!Ould have found some more oil and gal!' there to solve our own problems Sbrl Narasimhan: Let us not su1!er and to relieve the burden so far as from wishful thinkin,. the drain of foreign exchange is con- cerned. But, 60 far, we have not succeeded. Sbri 11:. D, Malavlya: Oil i. 10 Important for us that we cannot With regard to the way in which afford to neglect it. We are search- it was worked-I mean administra- ing for oil at many places. We pro.. tively or the agreements-there can pose to increase our activities in the be di/Jerent views about it. But I do Third Plan period. We have a not ",ish to comment on that. All that deftnite policy of search for oil in the I can say is that any future agree- country wherever we find it feasible ment with any party who wishes to and ot as many places .s we can con- come here will blo strictly based on veniently take upon ourselves. With the two facts. that it is within the that end in view we have selected the framework of the Industrial Polley northern portions of our country IIDd Resolution and that the agree- the western portions, and allo In ment Is consistant with our national As""m the Sibsagar area. We are intere.t.... Now, 1 see no dilIIculty In examining the present conditl..... In 10255 Demands CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) far GrllftU

the Cauvery basin and we shall lOon Npverthelesl. Sir. I am very hope- .tart some work in that basin also. ful to stort planninl/ for a medft.m Ilze r .. tlnery in that part of the coun- 8hr1 NarulmhaD: What work1 try. When that preliminary alleu- ment and planning work will .tart, It 8hr1 1[. D. Malavl,..: Seismic work 10 di!llcult for me to oay. but It il my will be undertaken as soon as our hope h~ bv the end of thl. year we leismic instrument arrives from may start the work of planning for abroad. We have pla-ed orders and a retlnery based on Camb.y crude all. we hope we shall be ~ to Ret that Now. If we plnn for a refine". I.y, of In a couple of months. We shall soon • million tons or half a million toni, organi.e a party and send It for a we should 00 plan OUr prollMlmme of rapid survey of the under!(round eon- production of crude 011 and thl> Inltal- dltlons. If we are eneouraged, we lation of rellnery-th.. y hoth 110 to. shall resort to drilling. We hope by gether. Remember. S'r. that wp have the time we shall get lome data from to drill about 150 1o 200 wells In th. our seismie investig.tlon we .hall get proved oil tI .. ld. On ... th .. ""plora- a drill to be despatched to that areL tory wells hav.. b ...n drll1 .. d And th • 'nIerefore, our work will Increase • Ize and shape of the oil field h •• been an every side. The whole strategy esublfshed. It fs r for u. to Itart 0' production wells. 011 exploration Is, the more areas we tackle the !(reater are the ehances for us to find all and gas tlelds. In Our tI ... t well In Cambov took UI Cambay we have found out an 011 82 davs to romo!.t... nur tlf'h w .. 11 tleld. and we hope to tlnd some more h .. taken u. about 32 dovs. WI' have oil tlelds round about the pre'ent imnrovpd the If'Vel nt nUl" P.mrtf!lney. structure. We have drill'd many but I "Ant to worn th .. Hou." that w. succe.sful wells there. And. at a time are .tlll not •••!IIeI.nt ao .nm. of the when an all explorer succeeds he most experienced all experts of the must remember that he has to be world. humble in the claim and not claim too much. Shrl Narayananutty Manon: I. It nat a foct that the lI ... t ",.. 11 took more Shrl T. B. Vlttal ....: Why1 days becaus.. the electrnlvtlc equip- 8M! K. D. Mala""'_: Because there ment did not arrive In tlme1 al'e' dimcultie!l which are not general1,. appreciated, and when I make a state- Shrl K. D. Malnlya: No. I am not ment on hehalf of th.. Government and referring to our dl!llrulti... with on behalf of the 011 and Natural Gas regard to avail.bll!tv of rqu!pment Commission this statem""t II studied The lI ...t ..xploratory ....II alw.,.. by oil "xperb all over the world. takes more ttme b(lllC'RU!lt! WPO have to be very C'8utinU!I. WP. hav.. to bf! vel') I say th.t WI' hav" discovered an oil slow In drill Inc. Wf' do nnt know field, and I wi.h to oblte that this all wh.. re we are goinl/. Aft.. r that we tleld is a comm.. rcially ~ oilfield know mol"P about h~ Ifrut"'ture, and We are hoping to • .so.. the quantity of ",e .tart doing more. We are now oil and gas from th;s field. My dlfll- lakinl/ raul/hly about 35 to 40 day•. culty in committ'nJ! myself to any W.. hope ",e ""an redu... tho. number tlgore i. that we hav" not bI'Pn able of dol'O to 25, Althoul/h I hlY" bePn to establish the gao-all ratio In thl. In.l.llnl/ and trying to p,,",llade th .. field. Some ...... 11 g'v... us more oil technielon. of th.. 011 and Natura? than gas. while the other well gives 0.. Comml.. lon that they should not u. mo... ga., th.n 0;1. An average tak .. mo.... than 20 daV'!. I do not ratio belween oil and gu has to be know whether It ean bf' done or not. established before one ean get an Idea but all that I proml.., 10 the House as to how much oil ",111 be produced Is thlt the Oil and Natural Gu Com· per year. mission ",m do Its beot to inereue Its 10357 Demanda !U'RIL 7, 1860 101' Grant.

[Shri K. D. Malaviya] eft\ciency and to economise the work- existing alreemenl, surely, it will be ing of our wells. very difficult for the Government to accept such a proposal. Our internal Shrl T ....." PUIaI: What is the prices are, as is well kn'lwn, linked to distance between one well tlnd the international oil prices in two ways. other? One is, the prices are those charged by the regular suppliers, mainly ill Shrl K. D. Malavlya: The greatest our case, the middle east associates of distance is perhaps 3l miles between the foreign-owned companies markel- one well and the other. Or, it may ing those products in India. Since be between 3.25 and 3.5 miles. There the middle of 1957, there are the _ are wells which are situated within called 'posted' f.o.b. prices published half a mile, one mile or one and a in the international oil jt)urnal named half miles of each other. Platt's Ollgram for Ha. Tanura, Abadan, in the Persian Gulf. TiD then, there were such postings in the Howsoever tempted I may be to aey Caribbean and other major producinl lomething more about the Cambsy oil, area", but not the Persian Gulf. I would like to stop it there and would like to say, in .. wo minutea. Similarly, freighl payable is regulat- about another important aspect of 011, ed by the A.F.R.A. rate published that is to say, pricing. I know that once a quarter. The companies opera- this question is agitating the minds of ting here are 8upposed to be brlngln. our economists and ~ others who the deficit product Imports mainly are taking interest in oil end try to from the Middle East at Illese publish- understand the economy behind Gil. ed rates which fluctuate lrom time to This question of pricing, .s you know, time. I. also mixed up in a way with the refineries, because once we know the Now, the point that I want 10 make economics of the refineries, we know and which does not make me happy the price conditions, also which i. that we have to pay for freilbt govern the production of oil. We are charges also for the ~ r u , pro- bound by an agreement and thl. ducts that we produce in Bombay. agreement hal to be .... The freight rlement is, I suppose, t<- be included in it as if it ha. been Shrl NaraYaDaDklltt,. Meaon: broullh t from the Persian Gull. Honoured. Similarly, some olher l.ctors are u.- eluded in it. which gn to) make the ShrI K. D. Malavl,.a: .. to be accept- complex of a formula which govern ed. We cannot get out of our com- thE'! priceR, As the u~ knows, we mitments. This refinery agreement arr r ~ O'Jr level bc9t to get a governs the pricing Byslem of aU the modiftcation in this price formula end petroleum products that we obtain we hope Ihat with the co-operation of from the refinery. It is not our inten- the foreign oil companies. we shall be tion to go back upon the alll""ment able to change and mod;fy this priep that we Make with any foreign party formula. or any parly within the country. We shall honour the a,reemen t. So far The latest situation, in thla conneo- .s we Dre concerned, It will be our tion, is, as you know, there is • glut duty to see that we do "at creale any There Is more 011 today In lb.. ...orld condition of doubt in this respeel than the world is eonaumlng...... erude Nevertheless, I would .ay that after 011 and the finished proJduets. '!'be having gained theae experiences I .... prict!ll, therefore, are rt'cisterinll a not happy about certain clauses of low downward trend. 'lbeft Ia in_ the altf1!elllent. If h r~ Ia any pro- formation available to us to tile eft'ert posal 10 link up the prices with the that some of the 011 com,*,," ..... 10259 Demand. CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKA) willinginly giving good :liscount on who are helping us in '''rplv·.,. the various products. which discount petroleum products and are runnin, is not available to us. b-..ause accard- the rellnerie. h r~ to th'lf advrnlOla Inll to the agreement. sky is the linUt as well a. to our . r. . ~ or the in ternationally quoted cem... pri 'e is the limit. All these SbrI Itha4l1kar: The Minister .... matters have to be considered and It u1d they .re IInding it dilllcult to w ill be our eftort to reach a ettle- reduce the price with the world mono- ment with the oil rp:lneri_the poU.ts. Has Government con.ldercd foreign companies-and al.o the di.- the question of Importinl petroleum tribulion companies in lII'urh a way products from lources outside the th.t we begin to fecI Ih.t thpre Is world monopoly. as for U1:it,ln •.'r, r"(lm decidedly a change In their outlook. the Soviet Union? Sbrl Slnba'an Slnl'b: May I know whpther any talk has b.PD grin. on Sbrl K. D. Mala"I,.: Unfortunate- regarding this? ly, 10 far as the rellneries are concem- ed, according to Ihe alreement. Ihey Sbrl K. D. Malavl,a: It has been supply all crude oil to themselv.·•• going on fnr sometime. as a result of process It and then .uPi'ly finished which we had an ad hoc reduction in production to their distributing com- charge to the extent of about Rs. 40 panies. That is the position. If we erores. What further reduction is have our own refineries under public pn.. ib1e in this connection is a matter .ector we are free to get the crude oil which is to be cons dered. Apart from tram wherever we like. this. the question of discount also has berome quite important because. Shrl Khacll1kar: My point I. thl. a"cording to the reports publiohed, As you are finding it d'/Ilcult to get. reduction in the price from world 11-52 hn. monopolies, 8" 8 u, ~~ - atlurl'. you are not debarred from ~r [MR. SPUKJ:R in the Chair] pelrok'Jm produchi: fron1 ~ . .~ . o.her than the world monopoly only over the laot week, Platt', .""n.". OilgTnm. published in New York. hao:;- rC'ported further advantageous Shrl K. D. Malavl,a: My han. deal. in Japan with the Sovi(·t friend knows that we ere quite tree Union, fall in internal prices in to purchase petroleum product. from Denmark due to increasing entry any source that we like for our rnn- of C"hC1per Russi:'J.n erude oil and pro- 8umption. which is increasing. W·th du"tc;. nnrl in It,ly similar ('ut, con- that end in view, we are ut.!'pndy ditioned by the State-sponsored orga- eKamlning the question and 'he p"bHc nh:!ltion 'here flr!llt introdueing 1:1 JVi,ee lector oil distributinl comp.ny w'1ich eut whirh the Companie. I.. d to has recently been created ... n"!lotia- fOllow, becau!;e--the journp'l r<':,orth-- ting with the USSR for h~ Impor> of th.t Orl/,n's.tion could alfDrd ;t due petroleum product.. I do not know to a muC"h larlter Qu'tntUy of RU51hn thai the result will be. whrth.. ..e oil It Imported ·In 1959 as rr~ to ahal' be able to get petrol''Um pro- 1958. ducts from there or not, we are mAk- Ing an effort to get cheaper ",,!roleum 'nle point I am m:aking ":':Ht il tbat products, which ,,·ilI h ~ till own then'!' II more oil in the w;,rlr1 and -.:0 healthy effect on the price. every- pri""" are falling. We should II'" the where. Now. whelher we .u...... d In . ~ and there ~ be • it or not i. a malter for all of u. to reduction bf,th in the r ~ t\' crude watch. oil and of f1ni.hPd pMdurts. A'I th_ fae·on are beofore us and We ar"! Quite I haVe I'P.f...... t to the question of ~ ~ of thE' fact th.."'t w(' hAve to refinery be'n. linked up with the Punue this eft'ort with our friends, prl... ~ the House i we 102.61 Deman" APRIL 'I, 1860 for Grant.

[ki K. D. Malaviya] are navinll lwu reline"e. in the pub- lic SclCLOr and h~r al'C 1.hree in the end at this year We hope to incre.... privIILt! ~ r, and all lnal would 110 our storage capacity to quite a good to mUe up, for the ~ bemi, the level. We need not worry about stor- oil wn.lch 18 more or less IUlhcient age capacity, so tar as the quantitieo for ~ In so far as our requirements that are available to us are concerned. of petroleum are concerned, ~ kerusene and nign sp"eJ diesel. Our I am quite lure that in this work consump",on of speed dlesel and of distribution 01 the petroleum pro- kero... cne ate lomg up and we are ducts which we derive from ona facinll tne problem how lO deal with source or the other source, we shall it. Now, the rellneries which will have co-operation from all existin, come up are expecled to lake care distribu ing companie.;. I hope there of the increased consumption and we will be no complication in this, be- hope, wilh the co-opera .ion of the oil cause after all lhe object at all eli,.. companies, we shall lind out a lolu- tributing companies, including that of tion lO the imbalances that have been the public sector, is to get cheap pet- created as a result of lhe unbalanced roleum products, as cheap as it caD con.umption all over the world and be, and u~ it to consumers. the dellcits that We are facing would be wIped out. Even though these two In the end, I would like to come retlneries in the public lector will back to oil exploration activities in have to be run .....• areas other than Cambay. Borne of the han. Members were anxious Bul Narayananlultty MelIn: I am to know as to what we are doin, lOrry lo imerrupt the hon. Minister. in other areas. In Sibsagar we have started drilling. Our pro- He haa referred to the negotiations gramme is to dri'l a large number tor oil. But has he got even the of holes in the next year or so. Simi.. ske:e ..on of storage and distribution larly, in Jwalamukhi area also machinery? Unless he has got It, how we have starkd d.spatch;ng drills and is hp going to distribute oil? we hope we shall be completing three or four holes in 14 to 16 months from S:"'j K. D. Malaylya: 1 am iliad now. In the ~u h of Cambay our acti- th.. my non. friend has reminded me vity of oil exploration has inreued of hifo own remarks in this connection, quite a lot and we are looking with which I torgot. Tne poSition has lood p"ospects 10 flnd out lome oil or been correctly stated by my hon. ,as there. It we get more oil or 1IB1 friend h~ he sta .ed that at present there, well. it will add to the quanlit;r public eector oil distributing company that we have already assessed in bas not got any storage capacity, ex- Cambay and Lunej. cept h .~ ones which we have re- 18 hn. cently «ot from the DPlence Minis- try. Now, it is not correct to say I have nothing more to eay .x.. pt that the .torage capacity of the to assure the House once more that DPfence Ministry was handed over to the po.icy behind oil is intact and that .om. foreign. companies. Excppt In We do not propose to deviate from one small instance, by and large, most the existing auessment 01 our policy. of the storalle capacIty I. now with At the same time our consumption g us. We will be ready after a few going on at such a high level that ... dan to receive lome quantitv. al- must search frantically tor oil and to thoulth thlb Iisome quant ity" ia not seek the co-operation of all th.,... ft1'Y much. Our program",.. of .... n- who are willing to come here and ru~ nur own .toral(e tanks belp u. in tbis quest tor oil on mutll- lI1oul4 be fastl:r reall.ed and by tbe ally acceptable consideration. CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) 10r Grants ~

Sui Nara,...... tt,. Meao.. : A very the conditions of serv ice in Lb. Oil irnporLan. que.Lion which I raised reo and Natural Gas Commission are 110 larding the Oil and Natural Gu attract.ive, as I said, Lhat this qucltioa. Commission has not been answered. , has not been raised. It is only • When Lhe Commission was made a p.iychologlcal question which is r ~ Ita,ulory body by a Bill passed by ing and disturbing lhe mind of some this House a legitimaLe que.tion came hon. triends there or some of the up tha L all those who were employees members of the stal! who might have of Lhe Government at lhe time when communicated such a view of thein it was made a statutory body auto- to my hon. friend there. But I a.sure malically lost their status al Govern- you that their interest. have been ment servants and all those things. tully guarded and this question haa The hon. Minister assured us on that been thoroughly gone into. day that the matter would be looked into and something would be done. 8brl Palalllyaady (Perambalur): But so far nothing has been done. May I know wheth .. Government Is What are you going to do now1 goinll to con,luct seismic tests In the Cauvery Basin this year? Mr. Speaker: I am not 1I0ini to allow this q ues liOn to be answered. I heard 8br1 K. D. Malavl,.a: I hope so. the hon. Member right through and allowed a lot of time to him. But It Mr. Speaker: We will proceed with is not a matter which he raised. this malter tomorrow. We have lot the half·an-hour discussion. III the Sbrl Narulmhan: He raised It. House .... 8brl Nara,...... attr Meaoa: raised this question when I wu 8br1 Ram KrIabaa Gupta: (Mohin- speaking. dergarh): This discussion should be held tomorrow also so that lome of Shri K. D. Malayl,.a: I am sorry I us may ,et a chance. No one has m:ssed. this poinL. Unfortuna.ely I spoken from my State. have not lot the papers, but Gov- ernment have given the tullest consi- Mr. Spe.ker: We .tarted at \2·31) deration to this aspect of the question. and have taken nearly six hour.. No Government ~ whOle ser- Tomorrow we will have an hour. vices have been tnnslerred to the Oil and Natural Gas CommiBBion .tands 8brl BraJ Raj 8lalb: Many of the to lose in any way. But there i. only OppoSition hon. Members have beeD one aspect and that is thal he wants lef·. out. They could not Ipeak. For- to be called a Government servant tunately nearly two hOUR were takeD and at the same time have all the by the hon. Minister•. aelvan·age. of the Oil and Natural Gas Commission. One cannot have It Mr. 8peaker: What can be done! both ways. It he was a Government Bervant and wishes Itil1 to be • Gov- 81lrl Bnl "'J 81 ....: Nothinl. Some ernment servant, It is open to him to of the Opposition hon. Memberl eame back and Join the ~ ahould be allowed • chan... Survey of India or the Indlon Bureau of Mines. But if he remains h~ 8brl P. C. lio..-ii (Slbupr): No- the Oil and Natural Ga. Commlnlon body hu .poken from Auam. IIe@O to It that an his Intel'ftls .re trrot.ecled or .ec..... d. "'e moment 8br1 .... It...... GtIpIa: No ODe he wish.. to """'e back to h'. pa.... nt has opoken from Punjab. d"".rtm.... t of the Oovemment he Is JIIort we\""",., to come back. As • BhrI ..... (Buldana): ThI. q....tlllD IllaHer of fact. WI! Intimated thal But wu ..IRed .••• 10365 Dem4nda for Gran" APRIL 'l, 1980 Riae in Price of Sugar 10266

Shri AuroblDdo Gboaal (): 110 On till 8-30 p.m. That way we will No one has spoken from Bengal alao. bave halt an hour more. Bengal Is in the coal-bearinll area.

Mr. Speaker: I will consider. 11'OS bra.

Sbrlmatl Parvatbl Krlslmaa: Extend "RISE IN PRICE OF SUGAR the time.

Mr. Speaker: God alone can extend 11ft "" ~ "'" ~) the time. ~ ~, ~ ..-t1f tfi 1I>'t 'Rf ~ fiI;'Ift;ft ~ .~~~ ShrtmaU Parvatbl KrIsImaD: It Is 'In! ~ a big Ministry. it ~ rr ~ ~ ~ " In", H\o -~ f,II,o T ~ I Mr. Speaker: I do not know when we will take up the Finance Bill. That The Depnty MIIIIster of Food and is all the diftlculty. We shall consider. A,ricnlture (Shrl A. M. Thomao): If If we give some time more, the hon. my friend can swi toh on to Englisb .... Minister will take some time to reply .... ~ ,"",,'N ""If :~ tf ~ I Sardar Swaran SIII,h: Yes, Sir, if lil"ii1ii ~ ;iw 'IN W"ffri I the House so desires, I will certainly take some time. SbrlmaU Parvathl KrWman (Coirn- batore): The Minister can make a Shrl Ram Krlshaa Gupta: We will speech independently. take olle hour. An Bon. Member: He can consult Mr. Speaker: If the hon. Minister his St.'Cretary. thinks that there Is anything to reply, Mr. Speaker: I would generally sug- he can reply. gest this to hon. Members. Hon. Members are entitled. to speak pither Sardar Swaran Sln,b: I will try to in English or in Hindi in this House. be as brief as 1 can. I will not a,k The hon. Ministers are mak ;ng every for an hour. than that will do. Le.. effort to speak in Hindi. As a matter Mr. Speaker: I will ex end it by of fact, in spite of all handicaps, Shrl Krishnappa is making every e!!ort to one hour. The HOuse is anxious to speak. But it is late in the age. h ~ one hour. One cannot speak in other langu- An HOD. Member: Two hours. ages as fluently as one oan in one'. mother-tongue. Shrl Rane: This question was rail- We have given this half-an-hour ed in the morning. We are short of discussion, SO that whatever clariftca- time. The Finance Bill must be over tion was not available during the by a speciftc date: Que.tlon Hour may be had now. If this also will not be clarifted. bersu.e Mr. Speaker: We wi1l give one the Minister does not understand it. hour to this Ministry and curtail the then another half-an-hour or one hour time elsewhere. If we do not have a may have to be given. half-an-hour dlscu'sion tomorrow. we shall try to sit till 8-30 tomOrTOW The hon. Member knows botb .I.n 80 that the non-oftlcial work wlil English and Hindi. There Is no Hindi

°HaIf-an-hour dlscussiClll. 10'6'7 Rise CHAlTRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) in r ~ of ,9ut/<1r 1026Il

examination here. Nobody doubh Tlus show, that in spite of the dec- that the han. Member knows HindI. larations of the' the price at Therefore, he may speak in En,llah. sugar hali been risina:.

Not only this. As r",ards the re- Shrl BraJ Raj Singh: I have been tail r ~. much more waqu.itinl ne-WI adopting tbis method of expressing IS coming to U.. In Himachal Pradnh myseJ:t in this House fir 'liindi for J was told that sUiar was recently certain speciflc reasons. selling at Rs. 2 per seer. In Calcutta I am told that sugar i. presently bei", 1IJo. ~ r That is ali right. But ,old at flo. 1-10-0 per Bcer. In Punjab this is an exception. sugar is supposed to be selling pre- .ently at ft.,. \·6-0 per seer. And h~ an &a.I &oJ 8.larh: But. SiT, a' strange thing i. thi.. The ex-fadory you have baen plelUled to say that price of SUlIlIr in Punjab is lIB. 37.1lI the ben. MiniMer i. not conversanl but the Punjab Go""rn...,', wfIo are with this ian&uage and it is perlwps dilrtrlbutlnJ{ the BUlllr in the lltate, are di1IIcult for him at this stalle to learn selling it at flo. 47 per maund, tIN. this language, I have no objection to makinJ{ a p1'Of\l of Ra. 9'\5 ""r matmd. briefly mention certain points in which i. ",,"ething very r ~ i!lnglish 100. Sugar 8S !luch ~ heavily taxed., and h~ tax"" have to bto ,aid by the oon- This halt-an...nour discussion has .wner. but in Punjab. in acldttlon to arl.en .... all thiJ taxation ....1i1l8d on .u,ar .ith"r at the Can"'" or at tha State Mr. ~r The han. Member .. ill 1..... 1. the Punjab Govemrunt ara have len minute.. Any olher Mem- makinJ{ 8 pro/ll of """rly Its. \0 per ber will have one mim,te Mch. and mRund In the di!'ltribution ot sugar. So, the Minister tIft""n miftutes. T ."bmlt I...... mould 1M! • e'... r-""I ""Iiey on the 1>On of the Centra. 'nMy 8hr1 Bra,j Raj 81np: This half-an- ,hould not allow h~ Sial "'ral'd 0' IUl/8r. have onen ben ralMd In h~ given to uncler&Qml! by the Minister Haul<'. and the dl.cuastona have help- that We shalt be hevin.o: more pro- cluetion of supr this year. I under- ..d th. pmitioo in tbP country what Thl. VP.llr Ihe produdlon of otan4 that the produdion of SUle8r rr ~ thfa yeu m.igbt be more than lut year 'itupr halll! UJt,. AI crompared to by at I_t 4 Iakh tons. Even th... l"d VPAr. bv at 1eA.t f,.,ur LIth toni 'T'ht't: ... ~ the "tituation ..,me.hat. the ""lee of .upr i. rilin,. m hut J am 10"", I" mention that "'" 'OOO"ot,. ..f'le') aN" mainly rt!SpOnefhlf' I have got here this Bulletin of fnr th,. fnCT"P.8"p. in nroductlon. tlw ~ ur Prlc.... The ,"",ole- r-an9-,Vrf)W'f"n. IIrr ntrt ,..Id their "UP SIIIe price of ""pr in India in the market of Hapur. I n !pile of the d..,.a nds of the in the month at January was ~u~rr . growe-Ml, in spite of the re· flo. 43'55 nP per maund. In February peal"" demands made in the Houae. it "'81 flo. 44.80 nP. In Muaall'amapr. Ih. Ct-nlral Governmrnt did nat • ...... , whlell i. supposed to be In the hean to ~ in h~ prict" of IU...-eane. of the 8Utf8!'-pl'Oduciu« a"",. the prj"" 1'1'henP'Y'f"r h~ dPmand 'W8" railed in ift January was lIB. 42 per maund. th.. HoWte. G<>vernmenl lAid the _I- """'If> In PebruaTy it ... a. Ro. 47.11 nP t.... had been rwfMTed 10 the Tariff 1011 (Ai) L8D-8 10369 Kia. APRIL 7, lHO in Pric. of .h ~

[Shri Braj Raj Slnlh] Commission tor advice, but I am within a radius of a few miles from lorry to note from the report of the a sugar factory, khandsarl industry Tariff Commission that is now avail- will not be allOWed to be started or able that in the terms of re- IUr Industry will not be allowed to ference there is no mention of the be started, in order to ensure that fixation Of the price of suprcane. the sugarcane .hall not be diverted The reference was only about the tor IUr-making. I submit that this price of sUlar, not about the price fa a very wronl policy. This policy of IUlareane to be paid to the pro- will not only harm the khandsari and ducers. lUI' Industry but wlJl also harm the cause of the sUlar consumer in tndla. So, now the lime has come when everybody has lIot to be satisfied We mould try to evolve a method about the prices to be paid for supr by which we can have competition and sUlareane. Unless that is done, between these two industries, the lUI' the tar,et of production IIxed for the and khand.ari industry on the one SecQnd Plan or which We propose to Iide and the crystal supr industry on !Ix for the Third Plan may not be the other. If we crush the khandsari reached. and IUr Industry by livinll protection aRaln to the crytJtal supr industry, It is said that by the end of the we shall not only be crushing the Third Plan We should have a produe- cottalle Indll1ltry of lur and khandsarl tlon of 30 tons. But If we pro- but w" shall also be killinl the ceed tn this manner and the pro- Interests of the sugarcane-lIrDwer and ducers of cane are not satlllled we also harmln, the callae of the ""... Ihall not be able to reach that tarwet. consumer. So, I submit that there .hould be no han on the .,.tabU.h- If sUlar production has increued ment or startinR of IUr or khandsarl thil year, It is only for the reason that unit. even within an area in which Gcrvernment did Increase somewhat there are crystal lupr factories. the priCe paid to the cane- JrOWero. Had they not done It, th. J would also like to in1presa upon cane would have been diverted to Gcwernment the fact that the sugar either ~ ~ or klllmdsari. Industry has been able to reap 1I1dJI- clent profit. during the periOd when Government have been helplnl the protection was riven to th"",. Now. sUlar industry at the cost of ..tth.... t".. tim.. has come when the SUJlllr khandsarl or IUr. We know very industry should be nationalised. Gov- well that in this country the supr ernm.. nt may come forward and aa, industry, for at least 20 years, was that there is the Industrial PDUey IIl"Ilnted protection, because of which R .....lutlon of 1958. and they are the consumer had to lose not crores, bound by tha t resolution, and, there- but hundreds of crores of ru_. fore, they cannot nationalise the sugar When the Industry I,as been built up Industry. I was amazed to aee In on the ucrlllces of the consumer, we the Tariff Commission', report the mould now see that It Is not allowed l'ACommendation to the el!ect---cld to thrive at the cost' of a cotta", Government haVe also accepted It- industry lik" khandsari or IUr. But that the profit. that are allowed to I am sorry to mention tha t the policy the SUllar industry should be 12 per of the Govemment of India seems eent on the employed CllPital. So, to be th.t the supr Industry mould far. they were getting only 10 per thrive at the expense of the khandsari cenl The time has come when It and IUr Industry. For, they are ,Din, mould be reduced to 8 per .,..,1, hut 10 eruIh the IUr And khandaari indus- fhl! Tariff Commission have reeCIID- try by maIdnJ _e la,..1 by which mended. and Gcwernment baYe CHAlTRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) ill Pnce of SVf1I'" 10212

uccepted it, that the industry should cane-,rowera wbo are prepared to be aUoweQ to have a profit of 12 per take those iactori... and run ~ eo,nt on the employed capital 'ftIis and they can start factori.. e1sew ..... AIlalll would mean exploitin, not eml7 where no factories extst at PreHnt, tne consumer but also the sugarcane- but durin, the Third Five Year PI... &rower and the khandsari and ,ur when they are ,oin, to establish new IIldustry. factories, they mUlt ,Ive them CIDly to those people who w ...t to start So, I would submit that if Govern- them under the co-operative aector. ment are bound down by the :indus- trial Policy Resolution of 11156, and In this manner, they shall not CIDly \bey cannot nationalise the BUIU be able to satisfy the c ...e- ...... , lIldustry, they can at least ftnd out the consumer and the cotlAlle indua- • 1114 media, and that Ilia media baa try of ,ur and khandsari, but shall been ,iven in the NBJPur resolution also be a ble to prove to the country r.t tile Con,ress Party whose Govern- that the co-operative sector will not men t happens to be in power here. be a failure. So, 1 subnut tnat the· That resolution ia re,ardine the co- Minister should consider this matter. uperaltve .ector. If they cannot nationalise this industry, they can at Then there i. another point. When- least brin, them under the co-opera- ever the question of dislribution of uve sector. There Ja no dilllculty sugar is I·ailed in thl. HOUle, the about that. They can do it ill tIiw Minister ea·.ily and comfortably ")'11 manlier. They can ,ive the new that it falls within the purview of lactories which are ,oin, to be start- the State Governments and he can· ed to the co-operative sector. Where- not help it. But he can do at least pv"," the cane-,rowera come forward one thin,. 1 mentioned in my speech and want to have the unIt in the urlier that the Punjab Government co-operative sector, they may be are reaping a profit of near about permitted to do BO. Similarly, if new Rs. 10 per maund. I am told the Welt factories are ,oin, to be started, and ~ Government are allo makin, surely, Government will start lome some lort of prollt. So the Govern- new factories in the Third Five Year ment should at lea.t do one thin,. Plan period, they can be started If they think that the production of under the co-operative sector and DDt sugar i. more thia year than the under the private sector. In thia previous year by 14 \akh toni, they manner, if Government atree to brin. could remove con lrol from the distri- the suaar industry under the co- bution of Bu,ar. But 10 10"1 .. the operative sector, many benefits will mill-owners are not able to behave accrue to Government, to the con- properly, they should not remove CCIII- ...... , to the cane-., ""d to lrol over the ex·factory price. 'n>ey the cotta,e industry of khand.. ri and should have con lrol over the a- (Ur. But I am afraid the policy fIl factory price. Under the r_- Government seems to be to belp the de tion of the Tarllr ConunIuIan, thJa sugar indUitry and they want to help price hu already been bed at a only about 140 Or 150 people all over ftsure hi,her than It should have India who own tbla lUlU Industry. been. I feel that at leut Ra. II couJd be cut down from the n-Iactory price I would .ubmit that if there are any which baa been bed by Govemmat dllIli:ulties, and they cannot ,0 beyond and that amount couid 10 to the ...... the 1958 Industrial Policy Resolution, arower. at least, they can brin, the tmlta under the CD-aperative _. The)' In WI connectlOll, I would w.. to cam Jive the already _bUmed maIu! OIle more poI1'It with repId to factories In the .... in whleb they the price to be paid to the _ have been workl1'l, Iu.e. I..... to ~ arower. If the7 ..... not able to brI1'Ic Rise APRIL 7, 1980 in Price of Sv.f1ar 10274

[Shri Braj Rai Sinlh J the factories under Ule co-operative fu. 37' 85 per maund, why is it that sector, then Government will have to the West Bengal Government bas 1\][- .atisfy the demand of the cane- ed the ~ priCe at RB. 60' per ,,"ower which is that Rs. 2 per Maund Maund and the Punjab Government &haul

I hope the Minister WIll keep an the5f' points in mind when replyinl. Shrl S. L_ Sa.ksena: Yes, Sir.

Mr. Speaker: Only references hav. I would only request yoo that if to be mad. to four or flve points for you pennlt R tul1 day's discussion on c1llrillcation. The hall-an-hour di.- the Tariff Commission Report we ~ is not intended tor beina: used will be able to brll1l out all tbae os it it I. a "'lUlar Mbat•. pojnts. Sbri S. L. Sabena will ask a ques- tion. Stir! 8I8Ua.a -... (Gorakhpur): When the sugar iDdustry ill • es>- SIu1 S. L. ~ (M&harajpnj): trolled industry altd is ~ admInIs- ""ton the prke of sUlar IS I\][ed at te.-..i by tM C ... Ire '- ill it lIIat Jl»7S Rile CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKA) in Price of SUO"T h ~ ex-factory prices IIxed by Govern- 3: 59 lakh tons. That is a very en- ment art! not adhered to? May I cuuragmg PlctUl',:. AILhoui:h It 18 too know whether tile factory uwners ec&rly to state the procIs(' posi tion 01 soll at that very price or they ae1l productIOn, we hope we would be at some other price and what marlin 4l.ble to rC3l!h roundabout 23 lakh tons of profit is allowed to tile middle- lhli year when Ute 5uaarcane seuon men? If they have not fixed any 15 over. margm of profit fOr tho middlemen why is it that they t,avc not fixed The House knows that the laflle! it? of productIOn fixed for the SL'Cond 1"1\'(' Yt..'ar Pla.n with the installed The other pomt IS tillS. Govern· capaclly 01 25 lakh to"" is about 22.5 ment have in H way banned the put· lakh tons. So, this year we are .LD a Iinll of crushers for making gur and position even to over reach that khandsari in sugar-mI11 area. The tarlet that has been fixed, under the sugarcane areal are bound to have Second Five Year Plan, "the produc- their own gUT-maKIne: proeesa, or tJon has exceeded even the earlier khand.;arl. But when the mills fall I'L'Cord of ~ - . that is up to J4arc:h to take the sugarcane th.-y get noth- 31, 1957. when ~ . 29 lakho had been mg. If "1 say 1 am grow Ing SO muen Jlroduced in the whole season 01 o( suaarcane and 1 fail to supply aU 1966-57. Han. I4embt!ra wiD recollect tha t there IS a penalty placed on me that the YCIir 1956-57 was a year the sugarcane·arower. But if the of record production in the mills fails to take the entire sugar- matter of SU,Br. But by about l'ane there is no penalty clause. Ho\\' ibiS perIOd we have been able i.s Government reconciline these two to exceed evf>n that record flJ'ure thinlls1 that we were able to achieve in the Sbri A. M. TbomlUl: Mr. Speaker. 'yOMI' ~ . 16 factories in W ..tern Sir, this dlscussJOn has been raised U .P. where the problem of diveraion at a time when 1 should venture to oi cane to lur and khandari manu- !ltatc that there has been an all·round facture ia rather acute have volun· improvement. ~ situation has tanl.}' increased, from the month of ea""cr...... the price of ....rcan" by y ... r may, perhaPS. bt! about 4 Iakh one anna OY('T aod above th...p nrinimwn IDn. more than that of lut y..,.. pr.".,. That itoelf indicates that the ..,.,.. that we hav.. been taIrin, yi"lded Sbri a. L SaU-: Which factory! ~ and the n.ures with me IJui A. M. It to • factory IDCticale that produC'tion up to 3ht no-a.: in Fa.izabad Diltr;ct i.n EMtem U.P. 1oIarc:h. 1_ has been 20.511 toru as compared to the lleur_ of 16. f7 80. S.... J may even state that w. !Uh tons in u.. correopondlnll ~ _ m • position to sa,. that we .... of last year. So. it ~ _e by .&out hIrnInc th.. com. in the .... lter or APRlL " lD8CI i.. Price of SVOG" [Shri A. M. Thomas] production of in IbiII countr». help in times of di1IIculties. For It is inlerestin. to ,0 throuah the example, the Slate Govemmenta may .latiatics showin. the trends of pro- .sk for additional quola because of a duction and consumption in this coun_ particular festival or a particular try especially havin. re.ard to the season in which the lUlU off-take trends in post-Independence India. may be a little more. In such _ Consumption of crysta! s has we may be in a position to make practically doubled in the last ten some marginal adjustments. Apart years. Irom that, We have to mana.e with the production that we have lOt HI Sbri BnJ Ba,J SlaP: That we all this country. We have alsO allotted know. to the various States sUlLar accOnl- in. to their past conlumption lI.ureo. Sbrt A. M. 'J.'hcnau: The fact that It is not arbitrarily done. We had consumption has doubled has wo to looked into the consumption lll1\U'81 ~ taken into consideration. I am of 1958 to ftx the quota for tha also .Iad to say that the prodw:Uar. various Slatea. lois .. has doubled. So it i.I both CCIID- sumption and production, 10 to nay, pr""eedin. side by side satisfactorilY. Sir, the Government has adopted Shr i Braj Raj Sin.h said that lOme oertain measures IUch al licensin. of three or four years back we bad • wholeaale dealers, and authoriBinl ~ r situation, but we haVe also to the District Mqistrates to ftx prices take into consideration the fact that of " allotted from factoriea In the III tn.: course of two or three yeano controlled areas of U.P., Bthar and we imported to the extent of 1. lakh Punjab to whol ...le dealers. My ton.. Now the question of import hon. friend just raised a point that the ill a matter of past history. The Punjab Government is chargin. lome Minister has cate.orically slated that margin or lomethinl like that. We we are not ,oin. to import any more, do not approve of that. It ia left to this countr» is in a position to pro- the Slate Govemment. When the)' duce the sUlar required for the con- think they are havin. a IOrt of State Iwnption requirements of the people. tradiDi in the matter of s they think they are entitllld. to have 10m.. I would ..y that theae factors, that mar,in for the State Exchequer. the consumption requirements are 1I0iDi up, the lupply position waa not Sbri BnJ Ba,J ~h That ia diI- catchin. up till quile recently, also lliurinl State tradlnl. hove to be appreciated, and haD. Members have also to show 'a llttle Sbri A. M. TIaOmu: Since JUlY more understandin. when they dis- 11159, the Govemmen( has been RI- CUIJI this question of pricea. .~ speciftc quotas to individual Slate. and has banned Inter-Slate In the very same answer to the movement of 'UIBr to ensure that question I have made mention of the quotas aUDited are available for COll- fact that the question of distribution sumption within the respective States. i. the responsibility of the Slale 009- The State Govemmenta lub-alloca"" ommenl. I would respectfully _, their QUotas to the diltricts. The Sir, whether it would be possible for allotment from controlled rqions ia the Centre to have a far-ftun. machin- made by the Centre only to thOle .ry to el!ect distribution in IbiII licensed wholeaalers who are nami- .natter. It is only posaible to depend nated by the State Governments or on the various Slate Oo9erD1D81ltll. the district authorities. It is under- Of courae, we will be in a poaItioD stood that nOW, In all the &taw.. to come forward wben thQ' leek our e,"",ept in Delhi, wh..... there Is DO 10279 Ril. CHAITRA 18. 1882 (SAKA) in ~ of JaaB •.

need at present, lugar is cibtrlbuted retailers at RB. 41.16 per m.und. The under the supervision of district retail price bed is RB. 1.10 per seer. Dllleers thnlUlh co-operatlves, fair As a result of this scheme, the sltua· price ahDp8 and approved retailers at tlon is represented to improved prices approved by them on the basis very considerably. An addition.1 of the landed coat of Blllar from allotment of 2.000 tons was made to Uttar Pradesh and North Bihar West Bengal during eaeh of the factories. At such shopa, the price months of December, 111511, February of sugar ranges between RB. 1 and March, 1980, besides the normal at some places in Uttar Pra· monthly quota of 18,800 tons to help desh and Rs. 1. IS per seer for th.. State Government In keeping the medium-grade sugar in different parte prices under control. For the month of the country except in areas far ott of April. the additional aUotmmt, w. from rail·heads .uch as Kashmir have given 3,000 tons more to West valley and Interior parte of Himachal Bengal. over and .bov.. the norm.1 Pradesh, Ori... and Assam. Some quota of 16.800 ton•. "lIIar, however. finds ita way for sale a t higher prlc,," but oueh safes are Mr. Speaker: It WRI said th.t .aeb comparatively small. State I. inere.slng the prices anel sellin, it in the market. It was ..lei In this c:onnection, it Is neeeuary that Ro. 100 was the price ch.rged In to appreciate a special feature of some place. and 80 on. Is It • fact! sugar. Unlike foodgrains, there I. great disparity In the c:onsumption of Sbri A. M. 'l'bomu: That que.tlon sugar between the well-to-do and the ..I.... • mor.. fundamental question. poorer cla!lllel. It I. dlllleult to eater for theae In any system of controlled Mr. S __: What is the•• part dilltrlbution with the remit that those from the question of prlnclplel who want more sugar and can dord to pay higher prieea. try to meet their Sbri A. M. TIIomu: In f.ct, the requirements from what Is called the prices dil'ler from State to State. For open market. example, In Bombay and In th.. South. tho prleea .re relUlated by th. landed AA!c:ording to information received cost of Uttar Praeleah IUlar. from Punjab, Mad'hya Pradeoh, Kerala, M)'IOre. Ori.... Bihar. Bom· 1Ir. S..... er: The slmpl. position Is bay, Rajaathan, Uttar Pradeeh and this: When .upr Is sold.t pla_ Hlmaellal Pradesh, the prices have which .re In proximity to the 1OUret! been generally at reason.ble 1",,11. of th.. product. the freight .nd other In We.t Bengal-my hon. friend refer. ebar,... would not be •• much ao for red to the case of West BenIlRl In the IUgar whIch fa lolel .t ellNnl partleular-that Is In Calcutta. the Dlaeea. Barrln.. thl•• whleb Is n.tu.. l. prleea had displayed an upward trend I. th.. ell"erence In prI"" due IA> any in November. December and January. increase that I. Imposed by the action and they had touched Ra. 49 per, of the Stat. aov .. rnments' maund In Dee","ber .nd even RI. 10 per maund durin!! January. l"rom Sbri A. III. Th_: Th.t I. not quite 20th January. the State Govemment ""rrect. intt'Odu ...d a ""heme for cnntrolled dhrtrlbutinn of supr from prl... 8br1 IIraJ kJ S..... : ft fa not ""r- shop" And ...I....-t ..d retailers. ImDOr· reel for Punjab! ~ who ImD ""r mound for. Kontapuk.r .hed. oth... &taIM. sueh •• Bambay, and In wh...... th.". ha.... 1rOdowruo. _I", the South. _ jlUt .lIot IUgar til IIIftr to wholl'Oalpro at RI. 40:16 ..... tht!lr nomln_ 10 that they ..... no! lOdown. and whal_len ..11 It til u.. takinl .ny proftt .t .U aped .,.ma,. 10281 Rise APJI!L 7. 1~ in Price ofSull4r 10282

[Shri A. M. Thomas] :n Punjab, where the State Govern· H.P. and North Bihar factories and ment Itself makes the distribution and local conditi0ll8. has undertaken the responsibility of distribution. I do not know whether I am told Punjab is charging ro.lJlb- they are h r~ any extra prollt Iy 64 nP per maund as surcharge. The which may ultimately go to the State retail price is Rs. 1.05 per seer. 90. exchequer. Apart from that, We are rny hen. friendts information ~ not not aware at any additional cess or quite correct. levy tor distribution purposes. 8hrt 8. L. Bakmena: It con be proved. Shri S. L. S ...... : Both in Punjab anll West Bengal it i« there. Mr. Speaker: That is the interpre- tatton 01 the hon. Minister. Shrl A. M. Th...... : I have just described the methOd of distribution He may paRS on the proof to him. IdopfGll In West ~ . It gives no room for the State Government to Shri A. M. Thomas: Then, my char!!" anything. friend expressed the fear that we mav 11ft a\l the controls and then there will The current ",,-fac:'torv controlled again be rise in prices. The mat!Pr prkes in U.P. and North Bihar aTf' has been made cJ""r On the ftOOr "" R •. 97.85 p"r maund. Rs. ~ . in the House several times. 'nle indus- Punlab. With en""t from 4th April. try had approached the Government 1960. price h .... also b!!t'n fixed for to Ilift the price and r u ~ eont .. South Bihar factories at ltir. 38.35 Pf'" rol with a view to maximisinl IUpr maund. That Is just the ~r exist- production. The matter wal coMlol... - Ing in Punjab and allotmenl. wlH ed IIIld it appeared tila! the prl_ hpTPRfter be made from factorl... In would rise much above the p_t this rt'lOon aA from factorl.. In oth..... controlled level ooon after de-control ~ . rpdonA. The report of th.. and this would cause hardailip to • Tarin Commi ..ion has b...., releaed JarJ(e majority of the consumlne- and Government Ire satisfted that the public. The industry might also earn prl'"S('nt control prires do not calI tor large prollts without commensurate any chan!!". The control prleetl In"lud. bmlef\t to othero. It was. tIlemore. HR. 111.70 on account of excl... duty "'d c\eclded to defer eonBideration of ttre matter until a propitiOWl about Rill'. 2 pE'r mauna 8!1l cane- CPla more time. The trends are really encouraging aPol If 'we are In a position to have ~ My fri..,d. Sltrl Slnha.""n SIJ>P. rHeI'Ve attIcks ..,d carry-ov.... tl"", _ aslred about t.lae mlddlemllTl'. marlin may consider thbl u -~ at a propP.!' and other thinl!8. District dcers all time. But the lion. Member mav Teat over the country havp been authorl.- n,.urecl ttrat the Government oi indio "" to fix priceo of IUllar allotted frOlP has not ~ ..y decialon to 11ft th""" rOI(Io", arier takinR lilto ....- cmtrolw. count two or three f.ctofl. viz.. (·11 the ex-factory price paid or paya!al .. My friend alaD raioed the question to thf' suJtar factorif's ~u thp of _e pMc... This matter w .. • ....,.: (iil the actual trallBport ch.. "" dlocUMIcd on the ftoor of the Rou.e InC'urre-d: (iil) any octroi or otbM" tall' on ~r oaeasions. 2ven a rut paid or paYAble and (iv) R sum not motiDll WaR _ed by Qf\e of my @XTeedin)! Re. 1 per maund for pro- (riendfi in the opposition. This QUH- tit and Indd....tal charl(es. The wh.- tioo. .was rai&ed on 23rd N ove-mber. nlr r ~ md hftlce retail pr\co!c ID50. and also on 17th December. 11158. vllI'y from plRne to .~ depenll"' .. when the motion moved by Si1rI upon the land@d COIIt 01 _r rr- ~ fer rawlli the price to ll. Rise CHAITRA 18, 1882 (SAKA) in Price of Sugar 10:&84

2 per maund wa. negatived. My hoD. Shrl S. L. Saksena: Can you show trimd knows it, and even then he is it to us? not satistled. Althouch the price for the season 1959-60 has been tlx"<-n benrfttt"'. I ,uppose that my f·d to R deflorr.. d paym"nt occordinr hon. fri ..nd hI< lone throu,h the 1o t.he Price Linking Formula, if Report 0' th.. Tarift' Commi.sion, in found dup. UndO'r the Pric.. Linking which it is .tatPvpnth ~ of Indian u r. ur ~r, 1956. the numhE'r ot p ..rson. em- S.rt s. L. Sak_: Haye you a ploy('d Clurin. the "",",on 1856-57 formula? in ] &8 r ~ which ~u their ff'tum.. to thr Dirt"l"tor or of Indu8trlaJ Statisticff wcrf.· 8 ... A ••• -noe-: Yeo. 1.23,J03. Rise APRIL 7, 1960 in Price Of Sugar 101.86

Shrl BraJ Raj SloCh: They are Sui Braj Raj SIn,h: I was refer- workers. l'ing only 10 the sugar magnates. Sbrl A. M. Thomas: So, it is not Sbrl A. M. Thorn.. : Yes. It "eads correct to ",y that we have not paid further: due rellard to the interests of the growers. We pay due regard to all " ... and the balance 19,318 were the interests concerned, including other staff. The amount of growers. That i. all what '1 want to salaries, wages and benefits dis- say. tribuled to these ~ amounted to R.. II ,89,00,000". 11.50 bn. T/.e Lok Sub/'a then adjourned tiM So, Rs. 11' 89 crores were distrlbut- Eleven of the Clock on Frida1/, April l'd as lalarie. and wages. 8, 1960IC"ai!ra 19, 1882 (Sakal. DAILY DIGEST lo:l88

ORAL ANSWERS TO QUES- WRITTEN ANSWEI{S TO TIONS 4 ~~ QUESTIONS-·-collt(/. S.Q. Sul>jeet CoLVM!18 U.S.Q. S"l>j .. r, COIXMNS No. No. I JZ4 Expam,ion of BUlIIIIh Sholl Oil CompmlY • 10043-48 IR37 S ..:h,It.l1 HII'ld .. Itl .. \lh.lhr;1 r ~h .,". - 2 1325 Ordnance factl'ry, Kba- maria 10Q48-S. 1838 r~ ~ in :\lIdhn. PrauC"!h 1326 Beneficiation of miDcIIo IOOS:a-S4 1839 Delhi -r ~ 1317 Accumulation of coal at Puheads . 1840 Play grounds ti.,r u ~ tional imtilulinm in 13z8 Replw:ement of WCI tal: OrisH. by excise u ~ . 1841 tron ore: de-polit" in 1329 Land Priceo in Delhi Cunal.:k 1310 Mcm\)rw to Netajl Su· 1842 ~ aid to poor in C/W)(ba Bose ow 1"ripurll 10093 1331 E1«10 ... Bihor • ..J roll. In 1843 Nap HOfnilr& in Man..ipur JOOQ) 133. Bxp",t of co&l 10067-70 1844 ~ ur ~ in 1333 Museum It Srirangapotna 110070-72 Bthar • • . 1334 U.P.-Bihor bonier dilputo 1007.-7S 18 ...s J\.\adho Rau's Dharara al J091 Life Insurance Corpora- Varanasi . rion ~- 1846 Transfer of area frum WRIlTBN ANSWERS TO J hnm rt·gion tll Punjuhi QUESTIONS . ~.- rqtion in Punjab S.Q. 1847 Hi!ltorv of MiniRtr\' of No. Finance. ' ~ 1335 Troi4>a of Indian tech- 1&.48 Recogruriol1 of roliticu.1 , aIdam in U.S.S.R. 1008. paniet 1336 MaaDeaium ore In 'S.9 Iligher Secondory Scho- Wynad, KeraIa 10C8. (11\ in JXolhi 1337 Snip pockinp for Medi- cines ~ ~ u ~~~ ~ ~~ 1,)097 1338 Sauaor cantonment 18S1 Expo" of Scrap " I009S 1852 Limestone dCpu»its in 1JJ9 Ime u. .r ~ Andhra I'radcoh I,.0 Conaumption of DI... I ,853 Nltional Atlaa of ~ . 10099 oil. IH54 ~. r Survey of \l9_IOIOO 13<41 Explosion in Sadar Bazar. IOO D.:lhi • _ . 100116 IHSS Inter-Univcnhy Hoard . 10100 ] 342 Man Power Comminectl 10,116-"7 1856 Surplus ltorel 10100-01 1.'43 Lqrialatioll rc; contracts 1857 Science clubs 10101 with private ftrDII . ~ bbapore Ordnance IHS8 Wdfan: Extension 1'<0- Factory. . . jectl in Punjab " 10101-01 13-45 Omluitarivc Committee 1859 Detection ur unuatiOl: tOr primuy and atPaiam. 10(0% Secondary education in Delhi. IR60 Vilit of V.S. Aircraft car- tier " " " . ) ~ U.S.Q. 1861 No. Hind GIrh' HiIbor No. Seconda


PAPERS LAlD ON THE HAJ.F-AN-HOUR DISCUS- TABLE IOIOS SION • 10265-86 (I) A copy of Notiliuttinn r-.:o. G.S.R. 322, dntc:d the 19th Shri Jlraj Raj Singh raised • March, 1960, under "lib. half-an-hour discussion on !lection (2) of Section .' III points arising out of the the All I ndin Service!'. Act, answer given nn the 7th 195 J, making certain amend- March •. 1960 to Starred ments to the All India Ser- Questiol) No. 650 regBt'ding ~ (Medical Attendance) fiSC in price of !lugar. Rules, 1954. (2) A copy ot Sutllic31ion !\:", The Deputy Minister (If Food S.O. 650. J.all'd the 14th and Agriculture (Shri A. March. 19hO. under ~ M. Thoma") fe-plied to the 43 of the r ~h Act, debate. ~ , making certain Hmf:nd- ment to the Intcrnational Cl1ryrighl Order, ) ~. AGENDA FOR FRIDAY - AP- RIL K, 1<}60IClIAITRA 19, REPORT OF ESTIMATES IRR2 (SAKA)- COMMITJ'EE PRESENTED 10[06 Eighty-third Report was pre- Further discussion on the De- !>cnteu. mands for Gnnts in respect of the Ministry of Steel. Mi- DEMANDS FOR (iRANTS 10106-10266 nes and Fuel, u~ on Discussi

GMGIPND- ·I.S 11--'05 (Ai - -~- --- )