THE CONFERENCE OF DEFENCE ASSOCIATIONS INSTITUTE L’INSTITUT DE LA CONFÉRENCE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LA DÉFENSE BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENCE CHINA’S MILITARY – A NEW IMPERATIVE TRANSFORMATION THE 2014 OTTAWA CONFERENCE ON SECURITY & DEFENCE / LA CONFÉRENCE D’OTTAWA 2014 SUR LA SÉCURITÉ ET LA DÉFENSE SUMMER 2014 | VOLUME 19, NUMBER 1 ÉTÉ 2014 | VOLUME 19, NUMÉRO 1 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1: SUMMER / ÉTÉ 2014 PRESIDENT / PRÉSIDENT Général Raymond R. Henault, CMM, MSC, CD (ret) EDITORIAL BOARD / COMITÉ DE LA RÉDACTION CHAIRMAN / PRÉSIDENT M. Ferry de Kerckhove MEMBERS / LES MEMBRES Lieutenant-général Richard Evraire, CMM, CD (Ret’d) Colonel Brett Boudreau, CD (Ret’d) Mr. Dan Donovan Colonel Alain Pellerin, OMM, CD, MA (Ret’d) Vice-Admiral Drew Robertson, CMM, MSM, CD (Ret’d) EDITOR / RÉDACTEUR Captain Peter Forsberg, CD (Ret’d) CDA Institute / L’Institut de la CAD 151 Slater Street, Suite 412A / 151, rue Slater, Suite 412A Ottawa ON K1P 5H3 PHONE / TÉLÉPHONE (613) 236 9903 e-mail / courriel:
[email protected] website / site web: ON TRACK is published by the CDA Institute. Mission Statement. Through the pages of ON TRACK it is the goal of the CDA Institute to see the federal government adopt and fund credible defence and security policies for Canada. It is intended that ON TRACK facilitate the development of such policies through informed discussion and debate of defence and security issues that have an impact on the strategic interests of Canada and on the safety of its citizens. The views expressed in ON TRACK are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the CDA Institute.