Canada's Role in International Peace Operations and Conflict Resolution

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Canada's Role in International Peace Operations and Conflict Resolution CANADA’S ROLE IN INTERNATIONAL PEACE OPERATIONS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION Report of the Standing Committee on National Defence Stephen Fuhr, Chair MAY 2019 42nd PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION Published under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons SPEAKER’S PERMISSION The proceedings of the House of Commons and its Committees are hereby made available to provide greater public access. The parliamentary privilege of the House of Commons to control the publication and broadcast of the proceedings of the House of Commons and its Committees is nonetheless reserved. All copyrights therein are also reserved. Reproduction of the proceedings of the House of Commons and its Committees, in whole or in part and in any medium, is hereby permitted provided that the reproduction is accurate and is not presented as official. This permission does not extend to reproduction, distribution or use for commercial purpose of financial gain. Reproduction or use outside this permission or without authorization may be treated as copyright infringement in accordance with the Copyright Act. Authorization may be obtained on written application to the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons. Reproduction in accordance with this permission does not constitute publication under the authority of the House of Commons. The absolute privilege that applies to the proceedings of the House of Commons does not extend to these permitted reproductions. Where a reproduction includes briefs to a Standing Committee of the House of Commons, authorization for reproduction may be required from the authors in accordance with the Copyright Act. Nothing in this permission abrogates or derogates from the privileges, powers, immunities and rights of the House of Commons and its Committees. For greater certainty, this permission does not affect the prohibition against impeaching or questioning the proceedings of the House of Commons in courts or otherwise. The House of Commons retains the right and privilege to find users in contempt of Parliament if a reproduction or use is not in accordance with this permission. Also available on the House of Commons website at the following address: CANADA’S ROLE IN INTERNATIONAL PEACE OPERATIONS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION Report of the Standing Committee on National Defence Stephen Fuhr Chair MAY 2019 42nd PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION NOTICE TO READER Reports from committee presented to the House of Commons Presenting a report to the House is the way a committee makes public its findings and recommendations on a particular topic. Substantive reports on a subject-matter study usually contain a synopsis of the testimony heard, the recommendations made by the committee, as well as the reasons for those recommendations. To assist the reader: A list of abbreviations used in this report is available on page xi STANDING COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL DEFENCE CHAIR Stephen Fuhr VICE-CHAIRS James Bezan Randall Garrison MEMBERS Julie Dzerowicz Serge Cormier (Parliamentary Secretary – Non Voting Member) Darren Fisher Cheryl Gallant Mark Gerretsen Stéphane Lauzon (Parliamentary Secretary – Non Voting Member) Richard Martel Yves Robillard Sven Spengemann OTHER MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT WHO PARTICIPATED Rachel Blaney Sheri Benson Andy Filmore Cheryl Hardcastle Majid Jowhari Bryan May Ron McKinnon Hon. Erin O’Toole Blake Richards Sherry Romanado Raj Saini Gagan Sikand Robert Sopuck iii CLERKS OF THE COMMITTEE Jean-Marie David Elizabeth Kingston LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT Parliamentary Information and Research Service Martin Auger, Analyst Katherine Simonds, Analyst iv THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL DEFENCE has the honour to present its SIXTEENTH REPORT Pursuant to its mandate under Standing Order 108(2), the Committee has studied Canada’s Contributions to International Peacekeeping and has agreed to report the following: v TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................. xi LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................................... 1 CANADA’S ROLE IN INTERNATIONAL PEACE OPERATIONS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Preamble ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 9 The Changing Nature of Peace Operations ......................................................................... 12 1. UN Peace Operations in an Evolving Security Environment ......................... 13 2. Challenges to Peace Operations ................................................................................ 18 3. The Continued Relevance of Peace Operations .................................................. 22 Canada’s Re-Engagement in Peace Operations ................................................................. 25 1. Reforms and Peace Operations ................................................................................. 26 2. Canada’s Historic Contributions to Peace Operations ..................................... 30 3. Canada’s Renewed Commitment to Peace Operations .................................... 32 4. Benefits of Canada’s Re-Engagement in Peace Operations ............................ 38 Canada’s “Smart Pledge” in Action in Mali .......................................................................... 39 1. The Crisis in Mali and the International Response ........................................... 40 2. The 2015 Peace and Reconciliation Agreement ................................................. 42 3. Mali’s Current Security Situation ............................................................................. 43 4. Canada’s Interests in Mali ........................................................................................... 47 5. Canada’s Operation PRESENCE ................................................................................ 50 6. Areas of Possible Canadian Military Assistance in Mali .................................. 54 Improving Canada’s Contributions to Peace Operations .............................................. 54 1. Leadership and Personnel Contributions to Peace Operations ................... 55 2. Restructuring and Reforming UN Engagement in Peace Operations ......... 58 3. Conflict Prevention and Resolution ........................................................................ 63 vii 4. Training for Peace Operations .................................................................................. 64 5. A Canadian Training Centre of Excellence on Peace Operations ................. 70 6. Public Outreach and Education................................................................................. 73 7. Women, Peace and Security ....................................................................................... 75 8. Child Soldiers ................................................................................................................... 78 Conclusion and Recommendations ....................................................................................... 81 APPENDIX A: CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, CHAPTER VI: PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ........................................................................................................... 89 APPENDIX B: CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, CHAPTER VII: ACTION WITH RESPECT TO THREATS TO THE PEACE, BREACHES OF THE PEACE, AND ACTS OF AGGRESSION ................................................................................................................................... 91 APPENDIX C: CANADIAN ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL DEPLOYED ON PEACE OPERATIONS (1971-1990) .............................................................................................................. 95 APPENDIX D: CANADIAN MILITARY AND POLICE PERSONNEL DEPLOYED ON UN PEACE OPERATIONS (1991-2018) ....................................................................................... 97 APPENDIX E: CANADIAN MILITARY AND POLICE PERSONNEL DEPLOYED ON UN PEACE OPERATIONS BY QUARTERS (2014-2019) ......................................................... 99 APPENDIX F: UNITED NATIONS PEACE OPERATIONS FATALITIES (1999-2019) ....... 101 APPENDIX G: UNITED NATIONS’ BUDGET FOR PEACE OPERATIONS, 2003-2019 (US$ BILLIONS) ................................................................................................................................... 103 APPENDIX H: CANADA’S FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS’ PEACE OPERATIONS BUDGET, 2003-2019 (%) ....................................................................... 105 APPENDIX I: TERRORIST INCIDENTS IN MALI (2013) ...................................................... 107 APPENDIX J: TERRORIST INCIDENTS IN MALI (2013-2017) .......................................... 109 APPENDIX K: LIST OF WITNESSES ............................................................................................. 111 viii APPENDIX L: LIST OF BRIEFS ....................................................................................................... 115 APPENDIX M: NEW YORK TRAVEL FROM OCTOBER 28 TO 31, 2018 ......................... 117 APPENDIX N: SENEGAL AND MALI TRAVEL FROM FEBRUARY 9 TO
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