

Ethylene, C2H4 ,is an unsaturated that is used in industrial plants and sometimes as a hormone in an average medicine cabinet. It also is the most globally produced in the world.

Ethylene, C2H4, is a hydrocarbon that is widely used in the world's industry for purposes like ripening fruit, making detergents, and for making soda. It is also highly flammable and colorless.

Ethylene is an , composed of four bound to a pair of atoms by means of a . Ethylene has a molar mass of 28.05 g/mol Ethylene is the simplest member of the class called . It is a colorless, quite sweet- smelling gas. This gas is very reactive and burns with a very bright . ethylene (C2H4); Ethylene is known as the simplest and an important hormone in organic . Over 80% of ethylene is used as a main component of and to ripen fruit faster.

Ethylene, C2H4, is a colorless gas that can be used as an inhalation anesthetic. This gas is also commonly used to keep fruit ripe as well as to cut and wield metals.

Ethylene, C2H4, is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. It is used in anesthetic agents and in detergents. It is the most widely produced organic compound in the world. Ethylene (C2H4): Ethylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon that is used in the production of polyethylene, a widely used plastic. It can be modified to become (an antifreeze) and ethylene dichloride (used in creating

Ethlyene; Ethylene, C2H4, is a colorless, odorless gas that can be produced in nature as well as man-made processes. Ethylene affects the growth, development, ripening and aging of all plants.

Ethylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon with the C2H4. It is used to make polyethylene, a packaging material used so widely that there is more demand for ethylene than any other organic compound.

Ethylene is a and is the simplest alkene. It contains a double bond making it a unsaturated hydrocarbon. It is the most produced organic compound in the world.

Ethylene; is a chemical compound with the formula C2H4. Ethylene is the most produced organic compound in the world due to it's important uses in industry and . Ethylene is a hydrocarbon and colorless gas. Molar mass is 28.05g/mol and ethylene also is associated with the hormone that ripens fruit. It is a flammable gas that is made in nature and also by man. Ethylene, C2H4, is a colorless, odorless gas emitted by all plants and fruit. This unsaturated hydrocarbon, also known as olefin, is used to regulate their ripening process.  Ethylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon, composed of four hydrogen atoms bound to a pair of carbon atoms by means of a double bond. Ethylene has a molar mass of 28.05 g/mol

Ethylene; Ethylene, C2H4. Ethylene is a chemical compound. It is called an unsaturated hydrocarbon and it is extremely important in industry and even has a role in biology as a hormone. Ethylene;C2H4; Ethylene is the world's biggest organic chemical seller. It is mainly used on plants as a hormone. are used for packaging and wiring insulation.

Ethylene, C2H4, is a chemical compound. This is a hydrocarbon with four hydrogen atoms bound to two carbon atoms connected with a double bond. Ethylene is extremely flammable.

Ethylene is the most produced organic compound in the world and to meet the never ending demand for ethylene, increases in production facilities have been added globally. Ethylene, C2H2, is the simplest alkene. It is composed of a double bond between two carbon atoms and two hydrogen atoms. Ethylene is a gas and it is used in many compounds. Ethylene (C2H4) is a colorless gas with a slightly sweet odor and taste. Ethylene affects the growth, development, ripening, and senescence of all plants. It is the simplest alkene.

Ethylene is a flammable colorless gas. It is the most produced organic compound in the world. In small quantities, ethylene is used as an anesthetic agent which is used to hasten the ripping of fruit.

Ethylene has a double bond between the so it is classified as unsaturated hydrocarbon. It's the simplest alkene with the IUPAC name ethene. It is the most produced in the world. Ethylene: A colorless flammable gas resulting from and and used as a source of many organic compounds, to color citrus fruits and as an anesthetic.

Ethylene (or ethene), C2H4, is a simple hydrocarbon. It can be used to create polyethylene. (which is used to make plastic shopping bags

Ethylene is the simplest alkene. Also ethylene has a double bond so it is an unaturated hydrocarbon. Ethylene is the most produce compound in .

Ethylene (also called Ethene; C2H4), the simplest Alkene, is an organic compound containing a C=C double bond. Ethylene is a coplanary unsaturated hydrocarbon (also called olefin) which is the most produced for industrial use.

Ethylene, C2H4, is an odorless, colorless gas that exists in nature and is produced from methionine. It stimulates fruit ripening, flower opening, leaf and fruit abscission, and shoot and root growth.

Ethylene is the simplest alkene and the most produced organic compound in the world. It contains four hydrogen atoms and two carbon atoms that are connected by a double bond.

Ethylene is a chemical compound, the formula is C2H4. It contains a double bond, it called an unsaturated hydrocarbon. it is extremely important in industry and even has a role in biology as a hormone.

ethylene; Since 1795, ethylene has been referred to as the olefiant gas due to it's combination with , thus producing the "oil of the Dutch". This came due to a group of four Dutch chemists.

Ethylene, an unsaturated hydrocarbon, is extremely important in industry and biology for the reason that it can undergo many types of reaction, such as oxidation, , hydration, and many more.

Ethylene gas (C2H4) is the most common gas which found in plant tissues. It also can be man make by . It’s a colorless compound which pound in double bond.

Ethylene, also named ethene, is a chemical with the formula C2H4. It is the simplest alkene and also one of the most produced organic compounds in the world.

Ethylene, C2H4 ,is an unsaturated hydrocarbon that is used in industrial plants and sometimes as a hormone in an average medicine cabinet. It also is the most globally produced organic compound in the world. Ethylene is a gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbon. Ethylene is colorless, has a slightly sweet taste, and has a faint odor. Since there is a double bond in its , ethylene is very reactive. Ethylene, C2H4, is a colorless gas. It is the simplest alkene. Because it contains a double bond, it it called an unsaturated hydrocarbon or an olefin. Ethylene is an odorless and colorless gas that is created by man-made sources. A person can find this in plants and plant products. Ethylene, also known as “ripening hormone” plays a part of plant growth Ethylene is the chemical compound with the formula C2H4. Ethylene is called an unsaturated hydrocarbon or an olefin. It is extremely important in industry and even has a role in biology as a hormone. 

Ethylene, C2H4, is an unsaturated hydrocarbon, which is produced in the industry. It is used to create other organic compounds, and is also used as an anesthetic agent and as welding gas.

Ethylene is the chemical compound with formula C2H4. Ethylene is the most produced organic compound in the world. All six atoms in ethylene are coplanar.