City Shoots Down Apartment Plan ~,~: by Ted Strachan ,, Talstra Pointed out That Neigh- Terrace
;i .... • ~/T.,-----.-.~~-'-= ---'~ " i'~ ~ I'," ~ ." ; • . : L. ~.~~ r.:~ .~ ,,,~ i :~ "(: ~' v ~, i "-;"L b r" ~ r" v ..... I =,,,~re~~_ Your __,....hodvknows ~-----~ I your m,nd? Page A IO .. : .. , NORTHERNBC~WINTERGAMES| A celebration of animals ~ our •' theseareorphans. Resldentsof i ~ the Terrace Ammal Shelter are featured throughout this issue. • Orenda cames on --- page A5. J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1991 • Vol. 7, Issue No. 2 i I t [ • 't ,. o I i~::~'.."~/~ ~ :..:<~!~:,~'f .~.~• : :, . - . ~, : ~.: , • . ..'..~:..]," .... .. ...: ~:~ !:::!i~ You~ homet6wn loeally !owneda~ tnewspaPeri : /~,i~i~ Phone 635-7840 Fax 635-7269 I II i I % .;.;..~,.'~.:.:. : "" i% Wind topples -i~:~ .. weather records by Ted Strachan i i T .... ~ A- n~ off weal~r records have been b~ken in the last eight months. 1990 was a -year of extremea. i Last summer we broke an old Uigh~tempemture record. On Dec. 3 a retard snowfall all but closed in.the area. The storm began Sunday:at~moon and by the lime it,, wu,over the Tcrrace weati~r ofl~e had recorded a total of 100.6 ..... ~,~,~ -:~i~ ~ centimetres (39.6 inches) of snow and 20 millimetres of rain. On Dec. 3 alone we ba~, 82.8 contimetres 02.6 inches) of. snow, and this set a new 24-hour snow- fall record for the month of -~: December. The previous record was set on Dec. 12, 1978, when we got a 50.6 centhnetre (19.9 The paddng situation downtown i= desperate, but that isn~ what put this car on its side ~~lane of the Skeena Mall. inch) dump of wet, heavy, snow. RCMP spokesman Cst. Don Oldham said it came loose from a tow truck's hook while be~ towed around the comer at the nolth Even though this was a December end of the Sande Ovelpass and slid down the embankment, starlJing a few people on the other side of the wall .
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