Situational Archetype Analysis on Demian Karras in William Peter Blatty’S the Exorcist
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SITUATIONAL ARCHETYPE ANALYSIS ON DEMIAN KARRAS IN WILLIAM PETER BLATTY’S THE EXORCIST THESIS Presented to: Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) By: Imam Setyojati Sedyo Laksono 11320034 Supervisor: Muzakki Afifudin, M.Pd 19681231 199403 1 022 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALANG 2015 STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY I state that the thesis I have written entitled Situational Archetype Analysis on Demian Karras in William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist is truly my original work. It does not incorporate to any materials previously written or published by another person, except those in quotations bibliography. Due to the fact, I am the only person who is responsible for the thesis if there are any objections or claims from others. Malang, November 11, 2015 The writer Imam Setyojati Sedyo Laksono APPROVAL SHEET This is to certify that Imam Setyojati Sedyo Laksono’s thesis entitled Situational Archetype Analysis on Demian Karras in William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the Board of Examiners. Malang, November 11, 2015 Supervisor Head of English Language and Letters Department Muzakki Afifuddin, M.Pd Dr. Syamsudin, M.Hum NIP. 19761011 201101 1 005 NIP. 19691122 200604 1 001 Acknowledged by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang Dr. Hj. Istiadah, M.A NIP. 19670313 199203 2002 LEGITIMATION SHEET This is to certify that Imam Setyojati Sedyo Laksono’s thesis entitled Situational Archetype Analysis on Demian Karras in William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist has been approved by the Board of Examiners as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Language and Letters Department, Faculty of Humanities, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang. Malang, November 11, 2015 The Board of Examiners Signatures Dra. Andarwati, M.A. (Main Examiner) _____________ NIP.19650805 199903 2 02 Miftahul Huda, M.Pd. (Chair) _____________ NIP. 19840329 2011011 1 007 Muzakki Afifuddin, M.Pd (Supervisor) _____________ NIP. 19681231 199403 1 022 Approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang Dr. Hj. Istiadah, M.A NIP. 19670313 199203 2 002 MOTTO ًَ َع ْه أَبِ ْي ىُ َر ْي َرةَ، َر ِض َ يهللاُ َع ْنوُ، َّأن َر ُس ٌَل هللا َصلى َّ ّهللاُ َع َل ْي ِو ًَ َسلَّ َم، ق َ َال : ًَ َم ْه َسلَ َك َط ِر ْيقاً يَ ْلت َ ِم ُس ف ِ ْي ِو ِع ْلماً، َسيَّ َل ّهللاُ ل َوُ َط ِر ْيقاً إِلَى َالجنَّ ِة . ( َر ًَاه ُ ُم ْسلِ م ) Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “One who treads a path in search of knowledge has his path to Paradise made easy by God…” Muslim DEDICATION This thesis is proudly dedicated to my beloved parents, Bapak Sarwoko and Ibu Marinem. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for all this blessings and mercies so that the researcher can complete the thesis. Peace and salutation are always blessed upon our beloved prophet Muhammad. SAW, who has guided us to the right way of life. This thesis entitled Situational Archetype on Demian Karras in William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist is intended to fulfill the requirement for achieving the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S. S) in English Language and Letters Department, Faculty of Humanities at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang. Above all, I would like to thank to my family, especially to my parents, Pak Sarwoko and Ibu Marinem who have given me unequivocal support throughout, as always, for which my expression of thanks likewise does not suffice. This thesis would not have been possible without his advice, Mr. Muzakki Afifuddin, M.Pd. Then, I would like to thank to the entire lecturer in Humanities Faculty especially English and letter’s lectures who have influenced me throughout my academic career and taught me English language during my study in this university. The last, I would like to thank to my friends for their support when I was bad mood, frustrated even lazy to do this thesis, and for any errors or inadequacies that may remain in this work, of course, the responsibility is entirely my own. Alhamdulillahirabbil’Alamin Malang, November 11, 2015 Imam Setyojati Sedyo Laksono TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY ................................................ iii APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iv LEGITIMATION SHEET ............................................................................ v MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. viii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1 1.2 Research Problems ..................................................................................... 4 1.3 Objectives of the Study .............................................................................. 4 1.4 Significances of the Study .......................................................................... 5 1.5 Scope and Limitation ................................................................................. 5 1.6 Research Method ........................................................................................ 5 1.6.1 Research Design ...................................................................................... 6 1.6.2 Data Source ............................................................................................. 6 1.6.3 Data Collection........................................................................................ 6 1.6.4 Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 7 1.7 Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................ 7 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERARTURE 2.1 Archetype ................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 Primordial Characteristics ....................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Universal Characteristics ........................................................................ 10 2.1.3 Recurrent Characteristics ........................................................................ 11 2.2 Situational Archetype ................................................................................. 12 2.2.1 The Quest ................................................................................................ 12 2.2.2 The Task .................................................................................................. 13 2.2.3 The Initiation ........................................................................................... 13 2.2.4 The Journey ............................................................................................. 13 2.2.5 The Fall ................................................................................................... 13 2.2.6 Good versus Evil ..................................................................................... 14 2.2.7 The Unhealable Wound........................................................................... 14 2.2.8 The Ritual ................................................................................................ 15 2.3 Previous Studies ......................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS 3.1 Situational Archetype in The Exorcist ....................................................... 17 3.1.1 The Quest ................................................................................................ 17 3.1.2 The Task .................................................................................................. 20 3.1.3 The Initiation ........................................................................................... 21 3.1.4 The Journey ............................................................................................. 24 3.1.5 The Fall ................................................................................................... 26 3.1.6 Good versus Evil ..................................................................................... 27 3.1.7 Unhealable Wound .................................................................................. 28 3.1.8 The Ritual ................................................................................................ 29 3.2 Discussion .................................................................................................. 31 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 34 3.2 Discussion .................................................................................................. 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX ABSTRACT Laksono, Imam