
You have been chosen to complete the Project! To understand allusions to Greek Mythology in literature, it is extremely helpful to know about some gods, goddesses, and creatures, including myths and legends!

Here are the guidelines for you to follow: - Research a Greek god, goddess, hero, monster, or other creature using the books and/or websites listed on the back of this paper. It is important to use AT LEAST two sources for your information so you can get as much background as possible. (only ONE person per class for each subject- a sign up list will be provided) - Take notes concerning your research- gather the information in a manner that would be easily explainable to others. - Prepare a presentation for your class to explain the subject you chose as well as any myths associated with your subject. You are the expert here! Make sure the audience understands the importance of your subject! - Create a visual aid to represent your subject- this could be a power point, a poster, a three-dimensional object, or something else. Be creative! - Be ready to present on the day this is due!

What will you turn in? What is your grade based upon? - Your notes! These can be messy, neat, or whatever! I just want to see how you took notes! Staple these to the back of your works cited page. - A typed, printed works cited page in MLA format! Use your MLA notes to help you cite your sources correctly in MLA format. Remember, there are different ways to cite books and websites. Use your resources to help you do this correctly! Don’t forget about the OWL at Purdue website! - Your presentation! I expect you to find enough information to give a 2-3 minute presentation about your subject. Please time yourself and PRACTICE so you fit within the time frame. Points will be deducted for going under or over the time guidelines. - Your visual aid! Make sure your visual aid is representative of your subject and is mentioned DURING your presentation- not just at the end as an afterthought.

Assigned: Thursday, December 12, 2019 Due: Monday, January 6, 2020 * You will NOT have time in class to work on this!

Ideas for subject matter (this is just a list to be helpful, you can chose other GREEK subjects that you find): Arachne Pandora Gaea Achilles Icarus The Sirens Aries Daedalus Atalanta Narcissus Cerberus The Minotaur Jason and the Pegasus Theseus Argonauts Psyche King Midas Oedipus

Greek Mythology Rubric

_____/ 8 Notes - Enough notes to cover the material well - Teacher can see effort put into the note-taking

_____/ 10 Works Cited - Formatted in MLA (12 point, times new roman, double-spaced, proper heading in the top, left-hand corner) - Cited in MLA (ALl sources used are correctly typed in MLA format and listed alphabetically by the first letter of each source)

_____/ 20 Presentation - Relevant information covered (as well as visual aid referenced) - Time guidelines adhered to - Speaker was well rehearsed, serious, gave good eye contact, and had a proper volume - Minimal disruptions (filler words, pauses, etc.)

_____/ 12 Visual Aid - Creative, thoughtful - Professional appearance - Relevant to the subject matter

_____/ 50 TOTAL

Acceptable Books/Websites (you MUST use this list for your sources!) Edith Hamilton’s Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes Bernard Evslin’s Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths W.H.D. Rouse’s Gods, Heroes and Men of Ancient Greece