Honours at Graduation, Deans' Lists of Academic Excellence and Prizes 2012

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Honours at Graduation, Deans' Lists of Academic Excellence and Prizes 2012 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY HONOURS AT GRADUATION, DEANS’ LISTS OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND PRIZES 2012 HONOURS AT GRADUATION, 2 DEANS’ LISTS OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND PRIZES 2012 INTRODUCING AUSTRALIA’S NEXT THOUGHT LEADERS For generations, graduates from the University of Sydney have gone on to create and lead change. And our story is ongoing. We congratulate the next generation, our 2012 honour roll students. UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Coorey CP Hall NK ACADEMIC MERIT PRIZE Cope H Hall SLAR Abalo CEA Corrigan ME Hallgath T Adermann E Cort MG Hanamshet A Alessi RM Cristina IZ Hanh J Alexander LS Dalal R Heath KE An V Dalby LF Henderson EL Anderson RG Danastas K Hepburn LR Arronis CM Dave A Hernandez J Arunasalam S Davies N Herron CA Austen CL De Souza C Hiddlestone SE Austen MC Dean JM Holliday H Badiola KA Dean SD Hons TA Bai H Debreceny GL Hoon QJ Baker A Della Marta N Horner SJ Baltaji J Deshpande V Hou J Barter R Dick IB Hsu YK Bath S Docker S Hu XX Behan M Doyle CSA Hui J Bensted HR Draca D Hulme KM Bergfield J Drinkwater HF Hungerford ZY Bermeister SI Edwards RJ Hurwitz FA Berry EK Elaro A Hwang L Black C Fan K Issa G Blau T Feiglin T Jabbour T Boey N Ferguson NA Jack HA Bonifacio JJ Ferraro GER James IR Brackenreg EP Fletcher DG Jarman CR Brand EK Foster S Jeganathan J Briggs A Fox J Jiang JY Burrowes E Freelander ID Jiang RL Cai YTT Freeth MJ Jiang Z Cansdale BJ Funai N Johnston SE Cao Y Fung RKF Jones EJ Carlton AN Gao Q Jones HM Caruso M Garden GS Jose J Chan NL Gardiner C Joseph A Chan SH Gareeva A Joseph JS Chandrabalan R Gavin M Juchau MR Chau J Gibson JA Karpenkov E Chen L Gidney PX Kataria N Chen PWY Glancey ME Keath J Cheung MMY Goss AS Keen MA Cheung PKF Gouffe R Kellner JA Cheung SC Graham EC Kempler EA Chew SX Granziera H Khong CJL Chin HL Gray DR Kim D Chow WW Griffin RL Kim EJH Chowdhury NS Guan Z Kim J Chubb CT Gunaratne PM Kirk H Cimenbicer S Gunn FL Kirkland OS Coleman LA Gupta S Kotlar ED Coleman OM Ha JTK Krishnan R Collins‑Craft NA Hagarty MC Kruszelnicki KA Confos NS Hale S Kwan TN 3 Lacy TC Neo EE Thai M Lam AY Newfield E Thai MT Lam S Ng LHT Thomas AN Lau MPY Nguyen PKD Thomas WP Lawendy S Nicholson MAS Thompson B Lee AH Noske EJ Thompson BP Lee JK Ooi SF Thornett CBG Lee JL Panayotopoulos C Tierney ME Lee PJ Pandey P Ting J Leitner PJF Paolino L Tobin MJ Leung C Papdi G Tofferi A Leung JCL Pasco Castillo RN Tonkin J Lewis DR Paterson RA Torii EH Li C Patrick EL Trajkov D Li I Peel E Tran CM Li N Pendlebury KJ Tran DTH Li YH Percival E Tran M Liang GYH Pfahl AJ Treu BK Liang KK Phan DK Troup M Lilley MG Phan K Truscott N Lim Fong Chien Priscilla Phung MV Tsui A Lindeman KIH Pini T Uddin I Lindsay‑Walker A Podzorova E Vale RC Ling JG Pui MCH Vasan N Little JS Puyat LA Verwey J Liu ZF Qian J Wakelin EA Lo VW Qian KY Walavalkar A Loi STC Rachmat KT Waldman B Looby HM Richardson TE Wallis ML Lothian PEM Rigby MA Walpole DJ Loui MK Rizzuto FJ Walpole KM Lovicu G Roberts S Walz AME Luo EN Roche C Wang L Luo L Roffey EF Wang M Lycett M Rose AJ Wang W Lyons HL Rouesnel L Wang Z Ma Y Ryba C Ward DA MacAlpine CJ Sadler CW Warner M Macpherson DS Saffrett M Watson EE Macpherson F Scheuer RA Wells JGB Mai J Schulz E Wenke BP Marafioti V Segula BJ Wessels OJ Marinozzi M Sejka M Williamson TS Martin H Sek J Wilson H Martinez B Sellahewa DA Wiseheart J McDermid JC Shahrestani S Wong JK McGill A Shen C Wong MK McGrath‑Cadell LC Shin J Wong NKP McIntyre GM Sim YW Wong SSC McManus AJ Simadas BJ Woolaston M McPhee MR Simmons B Wormell JP Meaney S Siu S Wu MC Merdith A Sketchley C Wu MH Miao JI Smith AJ Wu W Micallef M Smith GM Wu Y Micallef RK Smith NA Wyllie SE Miechels SF Snir AD Xing M Misra S Stachowski CL Xu D Mito R Stanojevic AM Xu M Moir M Steel HCB Stoyanov A Yang AS Monteith DJ Stretton JJS Yang J Moore LE Strong CEW Yeap IM Morrell BJ Sun M Yeow JCL Morrissey JW Sutton MI Yeung B Morse SA Suwama M Yi Y Moss JP Swain RA Yiannopoulos GA Mourad AP Szczesny B Younan L Muller E Tandjiria SM Zhao LF Munns GE Tang C Zhu D Muscat D Target GP Zovaro AM Mustapha S Templeton R Naughton FB Teo JCY HONOURS AT GRADUATION, 4 DEANS’ LISTS OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND PRIZES 2012 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Warren F Musgrave Prize in AND ENVIRONMENT Chan SH Resource Economics Jones EJ Hewett T HONOURS AT GRADUATION Percival E FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL PRIZES FOR FACULTY OF DESIGN AND PLANNING ECONOMICS AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Honours Class I and the University Medal AR Woodhill Prize in Entomology HONOURS AT GRADUATION Patrick EL (SHARED) Honours Class I Edwards JR BACHELOR OF DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE (HONOURS) Smith L Percival E Stump HKW Alan Randall Prize in Resource Economics Honours Class II, Division 1 Fife KA Honours Class II, Division 1 Hyde MR Kammer N Belmore Scholarship for First Year Setter LC Casey W FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BACHELOR OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE Belmore Scholarship for First Year Honours Class I Chemistry HONOURS AT GRADUATION Niall RL Rothwell CT Tubb EI Belmore Scholarship for Second Year BACHELOR OF ARTS (ADVANCED) (HONOURS) Honours Class II, Division 2 Hewett T Honours Class I and the University Medal Shillabeer JA Brian S Fisher Prize for Performance by a Non‑Metropolitan Student in the Philip IP BACHELOR OF LAND AND WATER SCIENCE First Year of the Bachelor of Agricultural Wang S Honours Class I Economics Degree Watson O Armstrong E Clifton LWJ Wells A Drysdale SA Russ HA Honours Class I Miechels SF Bruce Davidson Prize in Resource Bednall IR Busse J BACHELOR OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS Economics Debreceny GL Calgaro CHC Honours Class I Cook KA Brand EK Bruce R Davidson Memorial Prize in Digges AD Chen CH Resource Economics Haines WN Debreceny GL Casey W Heath LE Honours Class II, Division 1 Clifford Dawson Holliday Prize in Hill SA Cregan CS Agriculture Hughes EJ Livermore J Briggs A Kennedy Bates SJ Rogers AJK DL Jackson Memorial Prize Lam V Wilkins K Casey W Lazzarini B Honours Class II, Division 2 Golden Jubilee Scholarship in Leith J Jury A Agricultural Science Murchie CL Chan SH Mylchreest LJ BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Roberts NGU James M Vincent Prize in Agricultural or Honours Class I and the University Medal Rose SE Environmental Microbiology Jones EJ Southwood DH Brown JL Honours Class I Sukkar IM John and Beatrice Froggatt Prize in Brown S Weber ERI Entomology York K Honours Class II, Division 1 Leung PW Brown JL Yu T John Arthur Cran Prize in Agriculture Honours Class II, Division 1 Honours Class II, Division 2 Casey W Karabork D Arcus CG John Neil Downing Memorial Prize in Avina KA DEAN’S LIST OF EXCELLENCE IN Practical Agriculture Brown NL ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Brand EK Ishii N Joyce Winifred Rouse Prize in Lesmana B BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL Agricultural Chemistry Plowman D ECONOMICS Young BW Swinbanks L Briggs A Symons XJA Patrick EL NH White Memorial Prize Tubb EI Honours Class II, Division 2 BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS Professor WL Waterhouse Prize for Plant Katsikaros CN Deng LY Pathology and Agricultural Genetics BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS) Lockhart E Chan SH Loucos KE Honours Class I and the University Medal Sibella Macarthur Onslow Memorial Prize Walker RM Alagich R Freeth MJ Hariharan J BACHELOR OF LAND AND WATER SCIENCE Sir Robert Watt Memorial Prize for Jones MA Miechels SF Crop Sciences Knowles EE BACHELOR OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS Chan SH Lees AR Brand EK Theresa G Makinson Prize Murray ZML Casey W Tubb EI Pavlovic A Perlman LA Debreceny GL WW Froggatt Memorial Prize for Research Sidky SS Hewett T in Agricultural Entomology Stait CJ Hyde MR Leung PW Ubaldi NW Wicks Y 5 Honours Class I Marshall MC Wolsey AG Abadee DM Mathers A Wong AT Appel A McArdle KM Wright G Baghdadi F McElhone JA Wyatt‑Spratt SJ Balstrup SK McKinnon EG Yu CC Barratt TJ McLoughlin LK Honours Class II, Division 1 Barrow JD McMinn TA Abel AJ Barry MP McVey SK Acland RM Bedward AE Mitchell KI Aghazarian A Bendall SA Monteith SM Alexander LA Berehowyj L Morris L Azzopardi NK Bowes D Mulders‑Jones DP Cameron JA Bradshaw LMG Murphy C Cashman M Breen MV Mylonas NF Cavanough J Brock SAM Nanlohy OTD Cole J Brooks GA Nashar CE Conolly BH Bruce CE Neubronner C Corkhill MB Bubna‑Litic M Newham B Crealy IR Bull‑McMahon AL Nisbet LD Crewe‑Brown CM Bundey FE Nolan RLF Daly KA Burnett AK Oscroft LA Davidoff J Bur TCD Owen ML Diaz FJ Butterfield A Palmer S El‑Hage M Byrnes PC Pattison T Ferendinos A Carey PT Pearson TE Garami J Carfrae OCW Petrova I Garrick LS Castle LB Pinazza JA Gregory DJ Causbrook TW Potter DJ Guenette N Chan HD Putilin S Hamilton SN Chapple EP Raeburn JFG Hutton DA Chua DTC Redgrove A Kim KWT Church JA Reid BR Kong GKF Cole R Richards CL Laverty J Condie MD Ripley CLF Leathem SP Curtis HJ Ritchie CJW Leonarder KJ Daly CG Roberts G Mackinnell JH Daly PD Roberts KL Maheswaran S Davey MN Robuck SL Marsh C Day JF Saunders CMO Middlebrook LM Dixon F Schadel LJ Morgan S Dougherty JL Scott LA Morris LE Dunk JJ Seto JJK Morrow CJ Ewen M Seymour BK Moutafis C Fantini SJ Sijnja JH Naydenova PN Farrell KE Slavich S O’Regan AE Farthing MR Spate MA O’Sullivan A Fitzgerald DO Spillane JM Radford‑Sutton L Fitzgerald ZE Standen CA Ralph N Francis AL Steedman KP Reincastle CM Glass HSE Stojanovik AP Riordan P Gordon OMB Sudarshan S Robson MS Gorman JM Tan L Rottinger K Gorman ZKK Tavernari G Sims AE Gribble SJ Taylor AW Straker D Gunatillaka SC Thielemans RE Teoman D Guyot LGO Thirunavukkarasu H Tofighian N Hannan NP Timbs CE Tsikrikas BJ Hickson CEL Toll MGH Vierboom KA Hinder M Tomlinson JR Young HC Hudson A Toms GE Honours Class II, Division
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