Speaks U: Constitution

Preamble: We, the students of the Autism Speaks U University of Michigan Chapter, in order to increase Autism awareness on campus, to improve the relationships between the local Autism community and University of Michigan, and to advance Autism research and support through fundraising, do hereby adopt this Constitution establishing the for our chapter of Autism Speaks U at University of Michigan.

Article I: Name ​ The name of the organization will be Autism Speaks U, University of Michigan Chapter

Article II: Affiliation with other groups ​ National Organization: Autism Speaks

Article III: Purpose, vision, mission, aims, functions of the organization. ​ Section 1. Purpose: Autism Speaks U is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting solutions across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan. Autism Speaks University of Michigan Chapter is one of the many chapters located on campuses throughout the country. Our individual goal is to raise money and awareness on campus, through fundraising and programs with local centers.

Section 2. Mission: Our mission is to open dialog about disorder on campus, through creating a safe- community, promoting awareness and acceptance, as well as fundraising for a cause.

Section 3. Autism Speaks U University of Michigan Chapter understands and is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities of abiding by the University of Michigan policies and procedures.

Article IV: Membership ​ Section 1. Active membership shall include: Members must be officially affiliated with the University of Michigan. Dues include 10 dollars at the beginning of each semester (or upon joining). Members must attend 75% of meetings and 100% of events (unless reasonable excuse is provided). Autism Speaks University of Michigan Chapter is committed to a policy of equal ​ opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in its membership or activities unless permitted by university policy for gender specific organizations.

Section 2: Joining the organization: Interested individuals may join the organization by attending a meeting, requesting to be added to the listserv, contacting a member, and/or emailing the group. To be considered active, the individual must meet the requirements outlined in Article IV, Section 1.

Upon joining the organization, all members agree not to undermine the purpose or mission of Autism Speaks U University of Michigan Chapter. ​

Section 3: A member can withdraw from the chapter at anytime, but will not be refunded their membership dues.

Article V: Officers The club will be run by an executive board. The positions (which can be adjusted if 100% of outgoing board sees fit) are: President Vice President Tournament Chair (s) Fundraising/Outreach Char Recruitment Chair Treasurer Secretary Marketing Chair (s)

Article VI: Advisor If need be, an advisor can be called into action. The role and duties of the faculty/staff advisor can include attending meetings, providing counsel to the executive committee, and advising the organization on policies, decision making, and leadership development. This role will be up to the present executive board. A willing faculty or staff member can be asked to serve in the role by the executive board in consultation with the general body members. The advisor can vote on official organization business.

Article VII: Operations ​

Section 1. Voting Eligibility: Those members meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article IV, Section 1 will be granted voting privileges.

Section 2: a) All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the current executive board. This board must come to an agreement on each member for the board. b) The outgoing President has final say on which position each member on the board receives. c) All voting shall be done by secret ballot to be collected and tabulated by any outgoing Senior, appointed by the outgoing President.

Section 3: All executive board meetings will occur on a weekly basis at a time selected by the executive committee and will follow the procedure set forth below. i) Attendance ii) Report by the President iii) Committee Reports iv) Vote on all committee motions/decisions v) Any other business vi) Dismissal by the President All general meetings will occur once a month, with the dates given out in the beginning of the semester.

Article VIII: Finances ​ Autism Speaks University of Michigan Chapter will finance the activities it engages in by the following means: a) Applying to funding grants from Central Student Government. b) Membership dues c) Two large-scale Fundraisers (one per semester) d) Many small-scale fundraiser throughout the year (preferably one per month)

Article IX: Quorum ​ Ninety percent of the active eboard members and fifty percent of the active chapter members must be present to constitute quorum for elections and official business that requires a vote.

Article X: Removal of Members and Officers ​

Section 1: Removal of Officers Any officer in violation of the purpose, constitution, or who fails to fulfill their responsibilities as outlined in Article V (or any additional responsibilities agreed upon by 100% of the executive board), may be removed from office by the following process: a) A written request to the President by at least 2 members b) Written notification to the officer of the request, asking the officer to be present at the next meeting and prepared to speak. c) Ninety percent of the officers approval (must include President).

Section 2: Removal of Membership Any member who violates the club attendance agreement will be given one warning email. After the first warning email, if the violations continue there must be a unanimous decision by the executive committee members to remove the member from the organization.

Article XI: Ratification ​ This constitution must be ratified by 90% of the executive board and administered to the Autism Speaks U general club for commentary and critique once every three years.

Article XII: Statement of Compliance ​

Autism Speaks U University of Michigan Chapter has read and agrees to fully comply with the University's policies. We understand that the organization's registration is contingent on acceptance of these policies.