The Anchor, Volume 87.04: September 27, 1974
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Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1974 The Anchor: 1970-1979 9-27-1974 The Anchor, Volume 87.04: September 27, 1974 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 87.04: September 27, 1974" (1974). The Anchor: 1974. Paper 15. Published in: The Anchor, Volume 87, Issue 4, September 27, 1974. Copyright © 1974 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1970-1979 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1974 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Frosh, sophs to meet today at 76th pull by Rob Pocock nate sides of the rope the weight would be more evenly distributed. •Today hundreds of persons will In 1913, the Pull rope brokt in make their yearly pilgrimage to the middle from the strain. Each the banks of the Black River. With side thought they had won and hours of planning and weeks of rejoiced as they hauled in their toilsome practice completed, the half of the rope. freshmen hope to accomplish the IN 1934 the rhythm system of task of pulling the sophomores pulling was introduced by the through the river. sophomores. Using this method, it SINCE THE TURN of the cen- took them only six minutes to tury this annual tug-of-war has pull the freshmen through the - developed into a unique sporting river. Yet, the shortest Pull on fc SHBH | I •308?' ^ IPkt event. While it is true that many record is the 1956 tug-of-war m jV- :: , colleges hold some form of annual which the sophomores won in two , tug-of-war, the Pull has been minutes and forty seconds. scientifically developed to the As nightfall approached, the | ^ T• *- point that it rivals more conven- 1962 Pull was about to be called a 1 tional athletics such as football draw. Seven minutes before the and basketball in attracting the gun was to sound signaling an end Sfc w ^ M ^ 'TOT 43&J. v, ^ r interest of the student body and to the deadlock, the sophomores ^ ^ / JBx A:. Jfj, t* local populace. were finally victorious after strain- The first Pull is believed to ing on the rope for over two-and- | have taken place in 1898. It began a-half hours. Since that time the as a simple tug-of-war across a rules have been changed and un- - creek outside Holland. Dr. John der no circumstances may a draw rt11 If' * ' f ' '• ^an Zoren, benefactor of Hope's be called. *Jir* library, remembered when he THE FRESHMEN have only pulled in 1907, "In my sopho- Won seven pulls since 1946. Earlier Volume 87-4 Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423 September 27,1974 more. ye,ar ev.e^' boy in the clas| years provided the frosh with an 8 w v ' ' was in it, but there were only 18 extra incentive to win-a victory f were lr\ct=*c r\ttirci ° f- outnumbered by would mean they didn.t have t0 I edmUUK iLJjfsb (J///LC the freshmen two to one. wear (jjgy. gj-een beanies for an # Milestonefk j§ * I g contusioC * n continuei_ s FLAGRANT skullduggery extra.rr.r..^rp week. S « John Tysse wrapped the rope 0Pj technical sport. The teams anc by John Scholten has to determine if the student around a tree. The 1935 tug-of- ^ave been limited to 18 members body really wants a yearbook." war met similar fate when Ekdal pius two alternates. Each member Ed Mackiewicz, last year's edi- RENNER ALSO EXPRESSED Buys, now an honorary member tor of the Milestone, stated, "On concern that no plan of finance of the Board of Trustees, tied the ^ the duty of these girls to tape September 30, 1,700 books are has been established for the Mile- rope to the axle of a nearby truck, the hands of the men to prevent scheduled to be shipped to Hope. stone. "Last year's Student Con- Eventually the Pull was moved blisters and to quench their thirst It will take approximately ten fj gress made a decision not to fi- to its present site along the banks with fruit or drink. The morale days for them to get here, and nance the yearbook. Now we have of the Black River. During the gjjis only recently gained a post of then they will be ready for imme- to determine an alternative meth- 1940s contestants began digging great importance as they are now diate distribution." od, if we want a yearbook." pits. Each man would brace his responsible for telling their puller To add to the confusion, the feet in the front of the pit with the coach's signals. MACKIEWICZ ALSO stated Milestone was recently removed .the rope placed under his arms. COACHES ARE former mem- that the books will be distributed - from its office in the basement of AROUND 1960 the idea to lie bers of the Pull, chosen by thepre- at a location to be announced the DeWitt Cultural Center. Since on the rope was introduced. The vious year's coaches. The fresh- later. the art department needed a dark- men would be able to place all men are coached by the juniors Tom Renner, advisor of the room, and the Milestone office their weight on the rope making it while the seniors coach the sopho- was Milestone maintained, "No de- |Hm^l hardly used first semester, the more difficult for the opposite mores. For three weeks the teams livery date has been set as yet for WMmfsm ' * art class will now use the office team to pull against the other practice developing leg, back and the delivery of the yearbooks. As ! and darkroom. If and when the team's strength. By Iving on alter- shoulder muscles. soon as they arrive, they will be ED MACKIEWICZ Milestone needs the space, they continued on page 6 column! distributed from the bookstore." will share the office with the art ^' department. f ^ <] o o THESE TWO CONFLICTING "I'm not going to sell the RENNER SAID, "The art de- ffAVTnI 111?^ reports characterize the confusion virtues of a yearbook to the stu- partment needed the room and I surrounding the Milestone. Cur- dent body," said Renner. "If the the Milestone didn't. It's as simple V rently, no editor has been ap- students do decide they want a as that. It went through the right pointed for the 1974-75 Mile- yearbook, then I'll be more than channels and is no problem on a Penrose on Russia P^ge 2 stone, but Mackiewicz is acting as happy to advise a staff and get semester to semester basis." u n nn for u/nm^n nao# 1 a self-appointed caretaker until one going for next year. But that Mackiewicz said, "It's a real macv/ueen speaKS up Tor women this situation is remedied. is the first step. Student Congress problem." Athletic recruiting—huh? page 5 Tasks outlined for year Campus Life Board moves toward active role In its first meeting last Tues- The SCC will also be given the will be considering changing the proved Kate Solms as a non-voting women on the board. All faculty day, the Campus Life Board set a taks of investigating the concept chapel schedule. member of the board. Solms's appointmentees and student- tentative agenda including over 20 of an international house and dis- other action CLB appointment is due to the lack of elected representatives are men. tasks to be dealt with by itself and cussing the establishment of a co- its four committees over the op program of maintenance in course of the 1974-75 school cottages. Such a program would year. make students in cottages respon- ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of sible for the upkeep of the houses, Political Science Dr. Robert Elder, thus eliminating the cost of col- who chairs the board, stated that lege maintenance. he would like to see the CLB A COMPARISON of upkeep "initiate tasks from above." He costs of male and female housing commented that the board in the is also included in the list of items past had been a "passive recipient to be considered by the SCC. board," adding that he would like Elder mentioned that he would to make it active. encourage the SCC to appoint ad To accomplish that, he, along hoc committees to deal with the with Associate Dean of Students overload. Michael Gerrie, Student Congress THE EXTRA Curricular Activ- President Jim Beran and Student ities Committee will be asked to Congress Vice President Tom look at utilization of the DeWitt O'Brien, has come up with a list Cultural Center and to revise pro- of tasks that will be delegated to cedures for registering and main- the various committees under the taining student organizations. CLB The CLB is also calling on the ' THE STUDENT Conduct Com- ECAC to look at the function of mittee will be the busiest of the. the public safety department in four, as the CLB has nine problem terms of money and time ex- areas for the SCC to consider. In- pended correlated with the effec- cluded among these will be a look tiveness of the department. at self-governance. The SCC will THE STUDENT Communica- be charged with examining self- tions and Media Committee will governance in terms of how it can be charged with determining the be implemented with presently future of the Milestone as well as standing limits on student life and looking at the possibility of in terms of the possibility of fu- awarding credit hours to students ture implementation without the who work for campus publica- present restrictions currently tions.